What Is Communication

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1. What is communication?

According to SkillsYouNeed (2017), communication is simply the act of

transferring information from one place, person or group to another. Every
communication involves (at least) one sender, a message and a recipient. Of
course, there may be more than one recipient as well, and the complexity of
communication means that each one may receive a slightly different
message. Two people may read very different things into the choice of words
and/or body language. It is also possible that neither of them will have quite
the same understanding as the sender.

2. Why there is a need for communication?

In my opinion, we humans, communicate for various reasons. Usually
we communicate to each other for our own survival. As time goes by, the
mode of communications also evolved because our needs became more
complex. We also use communication to express ourselves to others, in this
way we can understand and help one another to have a good quality of life.

3. What are the Parts of a communications system?

Information Source
As we know that the communication system establishes the
communication bridge between the sender (transmitter) and receiver. To
establish this communication bridge between the sender and receiver, first,
we need a message to send. This information originates in the information
The information generated by the source may be in the form of sound
(human speech), picture (image source), words (plain text in some particular
language such as English, French, German, etc.)

Input Transducer
If you want to talk (communicate) with your friend who is sitting beside
you, then you can directly talk with him by using voice signals (sound signals).
But if the same friend is farther away from you, then you can’t directly
communicate with him by using voice signals (sound signals) because sound
signals cannot travel larger distances. So in order to overcome this problem
and transmit information to larger distances, first we need to convert this
sound signal into another form of signal (electrical signal or light signal) which
travel larger distances. The device which is used to convert this sound signal
into another form of signal is called transducer.
The transmitter is a device which converts the signal produced by the
source into a form that is suitable for transmission over a given channel or
medium. Transmitters use a technique called modulation to convert the
electrical signal into a form that is suitable for transmission over a given
channel or medium. Modulation is the main function of a transmitter.

Communication Channel
The communication channel is a medium through which the signal

Noise is an unwanted signal that enters the communication system via
the communication channel and interferes with the transmitted signal. The
noise signal (unwanted signal) degrades the transmitted signal (signal
containing information).

The receiver is a device that receives the signal (electrical signal) from
the channel and converts the signal (electrical signal) back to its original form
(light and sound) which is understandable by humans at the destination. TV
set is a good example of a receiver. TV set receives the signals sent by the
TV transmitting stations and converts the signal into a form which is easily
understandable by the humans who are watching TV.

Output Transducer
The transducer that is present at the output side of the communication
system is called output transducer. Generally, the output transducer converts
the electrical signal into a non-electrical signal (sound signal, light signal, or
both sound and light signal). The best example of an output transducer is the
loudspeaker which is placed between the receiver section and the destination.
The loudspeaker converts the electrical signals into sound signals which are
easily understandable by the humans at the destination. 

The destination is the final stage in the communication system.
Generally, humans at some place are considered as the destination. A
destination is a place where humans consume the information. For example, if
you are watching TV, you are considered as the destination.

4. What is electronic communication system?

Electronic communication can be defined as, the communication which
uses electronic media to transmit the information or message using
computers, e-mail, telephone, video calling, FAX machine, etc. This type of
communication can be developed by sharing data like images, graphics,
sound, pictures, maps, software, and many things.
5. What are the types of a communications system?
Depending on Signal specification or technology, the communication
system is classified as follows:

Analog technology communicates data as electronic signals of varying
frequency or amplitude. Broadcast and telephone transmission are common
examples of Analog technology.
In digital technology, the data are generated and processed in two
states: High (represented as 1) and Low (represented as 0). Digital
technology stores and transmits data in the form of 1s and 0s.

Depending on the communication channel, the communication system

is categorized as follows:
1. Wired (Line communication)

 Parallel wire communication

 Twisted wire communication
 Coaxial cable communication
 Optical fibre communication
2. Wireless (Space communication)

 Ground wave communication

 Skywave communication
 Space wave communication
 Satellite communication

6. What is an electromagnetic spectrum?

According to David J. Schneider, the electromagnetic spectrum is a
continuum of all electromagnetic waves arranged according to frequency and
wavelength. The sun, earth, and other bodies radiate electromagnetic energy
of varying wavelengths. Electromagnetic energy passes through space at the
speed of light in the form of sinusoidal waves. The wavelength is the distance
from wavecrest to wavecrest.

7. What is a signal?
In communication, a signal is the information converted into an
electrical form suitable for transmission. There are two types of
signals; Analog and Digital. Analog signals are continuous variations of
current and voltage whereas digital signals are those that have discrete
stepwise value (0 = Low, 1 = High).
Mathematically the signal is represented as a function of time (t). Time
is an independent variable. Now let’s try to understand how dependency on
time results many types of signals in data communication.

8. What are the types of signal?

1. Continuous Time Signal
According to continuous-time signal definition, if a signal y(t) varies
continuously with respect to time, this is called continuous time signal. In
other words a continuous time signal can take any value within a specified
time interval (a,b). Interval can be from – ∞ to + ∞. Another name of this
signal is analogue signal.
2. Discrete Time Signal
If the signal is not continuous, means its values exist on discrete time
intervals. Then it is a discrete time signal. 
3. Deterministic Signal
Deterministic signals are those signals which can be represented in the
form of precise mathematical equation or function of time. In other words
we can find the values of the signal using that equation at any instant of
time. Some examples are Sinusoidal wave with some period, Cosine wave,
Square wave.
4. Random Signal
These are signals which are not deterministic in nature. They can take
any value at any moment of time. They cannot be packed in the form of
precise mathematical equations because they are random in nature. Their
amplitude and frequency can change at any instant. We can only predict
their values. Using some probabilistic model but cannot find exact values at
any time.
5. Even Signal
If a signal is reversed in time such that the new signal is just a mirror
image of the original signal. The amplitude remains the same. This is called
an even signal.
6. Odd Signal
Even and Odd signals are almost same except in odd signal the time
as well as the amplitude is also reversed.
7. Periodic Signal
The word periodic explains the periodic signal definition. A signal which
repeats its pattern or wave shape in equal intervals of time is the periodic
signal. In one complete cycle or time period (T) only one pattern or wave
8. Non Periodic or Aperiodic Signal
If a continuous time or discrete time signal which is not periodic is
known as aperiodic signal. Non periodic signal does not follow any definite
sequence in equal intervals of time.
9. Real and Complex Signals
A signal is a real signal is it has real number values. Similarly complex
signal is that which has complex values.
10. Energy Signal
A signal is said to be an energy signal if its energy (E) is always finite
i.e 0 < E < ∞. Remember the power of energy signal is always zero. 
11. Power Signal
If a signal has finite power then it is a power signal i.e 0 < P < ∞. Here
also remember that the energy of the power signal is infinite.

9. Indicate the careers in the communications industry.

a. Public Relations – Professionals in public relations are focused on

managing the public image of a person or organization. Therefore, they
must possess excellent oral and written communications skills and the
theories of persuasion.

b. Marketing/Advertising – Advertising and marketing serve as channels

of communications for informing, persuading, and reminding
consumers about products, services, and brands. Therefore,
communications in marketing and advertising is used to reinforce
experiences, remind consumers about their needs, and convince them
to make specific decisions.
c. Journalism/Electronic Media/Broadcasting – Clear and accurate
communication and superb writing skills are at the heart of media and
broadcasting fields.

d. Government/Politics – Communications serves as the basis for

careers in government/politics, as professionals in this field must be
able to articulate issues that challenge our systems of government and
develop a rapport with the public.

e. Education – Communicating with students of any age is the core of

the education profession. Without strong oral and written
communications skills, the educational process fails.

f. Social and Human Services – Professionals in social and human

services, including social workers, counselors, and similar
professionals, must be effective communicators and possess a clear
understanding of the social process as to inspire change.

g. Business – Clear and effective communications plays a vital role in the

functioning of any organization, government, or business. Our
increasingly connected world requires professionals who can
communicate ideas, concepts, and philosophies to others through
virtually any format.

h. International Relations and Negotiations – Professionals in

international relations and negotiations understand that globalization
interacting across multiple cultures relies on effective and efficient

1. SkillsYouNeed. (2017). What is Communication? Retrieved October 08, 2020,

from https://www.skillsyouneed.com/ips/what-is-communication.html

2. Shaik, A. (2018, March 28). Elements of a Communication System. Retrieved

October 08, 2020, from https://www.physics-and-radio-

3. Elprocus. (2019, August 26). What is an Electronic Communication and Its

Types. Retrieved October 08, 2020, from

4. Byjus. (2020, May 27). Communication Systems - Block Diagram, Types,

Elements, Definitions. Retrieved October 08, 2020, from

5. Schneider, D. J. (n.d.). The Electromagnetic Spectrum. Retrieved October 08,

2020, from http://www.geo.mtu.edu/rs/back/spectrum/

6. Byjus. (2020, June 23). Electronic Communication- What is Signal, Types of

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7. Signal in Communication: Definition, Types and Characteristics. (2019,

September 07). Retrieved October 08, 2020, from

8. Communications Careers. (n.d.). Retrieved October 08, 2020, from


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