Personal Statementnew

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From the moment I was born, I was familiar with hospitals. I was born with Goldenhar
Syndrome for which I spent six weeks in the ICU as the doctors ran tests. For the next few years,
I had countless surgeries to repair my right kidney and my right ear, which I am deaf in. To this
day I have had 12 surgeries and have been hospitalized numerous times due to my kidney
difficulties. At 18 I spent 11 months studying to be an LPN but was forced to drop out a month
before graduation because of an emergency surgery that left me in the hospital for a week and
a half. During this time, I was grateful—I learned that a nurse was not what I wanted to be.
Later as I wracked my brain for a career to pursue, it hit me: a speech patholigist! Not only did I
have personal experience with being hearing disabled, but I also grew up having a speech
counselor. I wanted to pursue a career that, not only would I empathize with the patients, but I
would also be able to relate to them personally.
Currently, I am a student at State College of Florida: Manatee-Sarasota, pursuing a
degree in Communication Science and Disorders. After I receive my basic education
requirements at SCF I would like to transfer to another college nearby, so I can stay close to my
grandmother and my uncle. Outside of my "college life" I have a full-time job (Envera Security)
and a part-time job (Petco) to pay for my apartment. I spend a lot of time reading "self-help"
books to further my knowledge, and I spend time learning about animals in my spare time.
Because having a full and part time job is exhausting, I plan to take the Certified Nursing
Assistant exam to become a CNA because it pays more and I would be able to easily save up
money for a new, used vehicle. I plan to learn Spanish and sign language so I can communicate
further with the diverse culture of Florida. I would also like to take a Business and Economics
class so one day I may manage my own practice. I would specifically like to attend the Florida
State University of Sarasota because it is not that far from my family. Although I do not want to
set specific goals, I want to go as far as I can. I hope to become a speech pathologist at a
Master's level which is seven years of school. I will be the first of my immediate family to
graduate college, let alone with a Master's Degree!
After graduation, I will be working at a facility where I can become familiar with my new
career. When I am comfortable, I hope to test the waters with my own practice. I would like my
own practice because I am task oriented, dedicated, and organized and have been told I should
be my own boss. Especially when it comes to the care of others, I do not want to have
limitations of what I can do to help them. I truly look forward to being part of a different aspect
of the healthcare profession. Despite the difficulties I will surely encounter, the reward will be
much greater!

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