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The Luzon, Philippines earthquake was generated by left-lateral faulting in the central Luzon
Island. Ground breakage was observed along a linear trace extending 110 km. The aftershock
was probably caused by compression produced by block motion of the eastern block of the main

2. The 1990 Luzon earthquake struck the Philippines at 4:26 p.m. on July 16 (PDT). 3:26 p.m. (PST).
Theearthquake's epicenter was near the town of Rizal, Nueva Ecija, northeast of Cabanatuan
City.Theepicenter is estimated to be located about 13 km north-northeast of Cabanatuan. 

3. Total damage and losses (in USD) is $695,000 or about 35.3 million pesos (Php 35,279,187.82)

4. Was the cause of the disaster forecasted or predicted?

 Yes, the event was a result of strike-slip movements along the Philippine Fault and the Digdig
Fault within the Philippine Fault System as established by the Philippine Institute of Volcanology
and Seismology.

5. Where was the warnings issued?

 The media, broadcast and print played a very active role during the disaster period. Media men
were in the frontlines, documenting and reporting rescue-relief operations, attending to the
information needs have affected inhabitants as well gas disaster management units, pointing cut
areas that needed attention, generating sympathy and assistance for the victims and providing
alternative communication links when public facilities broke down.

 The President declared state of calamity in the hard hit areas and issued executive and
administrative orders to facilitate and govern disaster response activities. Among these
Presidential actions were: authorization of importation and donation of relief and rehabilitation
supplies to the victims of the July 16, 1990 earthquake; price control can prime and essential
commodities; authorization of the advance payment of one half of the Christmas bonus and the
additional cash gift to all government officials and employees residing in assigned or calamity
areas; review and update of the Medium Term Philippine Development Plan for 1990 to include
therein the reconstruction and development program for the regions, provinces, cities and
municipalities affected by the earthquake; and creation of a Presidential Task Force for the
Rehabilitation of the Areas Affected by the July 16 Earthquake.

6. How did the people react to the warning?

 Most were scarred and some have panicked but thankfully most of the ones who survived have
remembered the dos and don’ts in dealing with an earthquake. The 1990 earthquake left not
just massive damage and casualties, but also lessons about disaster readiness. Phivolcs Director
Renato Solidum said the 1990 earthquake left 4 valuable lessons:
i. The public needs to respond properly during earthquakes.
ii. Hazards and their effects should be simulated.
iii. Building codes should be implemented properly and land use should be carefully
iv. Trained search and rescue groups and medical responders are needed.

10. Preparation and background knowledge about what to do before, after, and during an earthquake
could prevented the loss of many lives.

11. The growth rate of the GNP in the year the earthquake happen was 3.7 percent, compared to the
planned 6.5 percent of the updated Medium-Term Philippine Development Plan (1988-1992).

12. Yes, because our country’s economic growth rate was decreased of about 2 percent years after the
earthquake happen.

13. How much did the country spend for the rescue, relief and rehabilitation?

UNDRO granted 30,000 USD for the purchasing of emergency relief items. Other organizations
and countries also donated for the rehabilitation of our country. The total cost of the reconstruction and
rehabilitation can be estimated to over five million US dollars.

14. What particular loss or damage cannot be recovered or repaired?

The most noticeable damage that was caused to the country by the earthquake was the death
of people. Their lives will never be recovered nor repaired. Hundreds of people died in the disaster
which caused great despair to the community.

15. How justified are pre-disaster measures and expenditures?

The pre-disaster measures and expenditures paid off well for the earthquake because the rescue
teams and other disaster-related organizations were able to act fast after the event. They all played
their roles in the rehabilitation and recovery of the country. The things that were done for the
preparedness of the country are justified enough.

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