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1. Online teaching method and academic performance of nursing students

2. Coping mechanisms of nursing students during covid-19 pandemic
3. Online teaching method and Related Learning Experience performance of nursing students
4. Mental health status of nursing students during covid-19 pandemic
5. Awareness and practices of private staff nurses on COVID-19 management
6. Cultural, environmental, behavioral and social determinants of health and well beings during covid-
19 pandemic
7. Culture sensitive approaches of Clinical Instructors to nursing students during online classes
8. Stigma and discrimination of COVID-19 screening among _____ of BHCI
9. Emotional responses and self-protective behavior among nursing students during covid-19
10. Awareness and Practices on Personal Protective Equipment among BHCI employees during the
covid-19 outbreak.
11. Social distancing and stigma: association between compliance with behavioral recommendations,
risk perception, and stigmatizing attitudes during the covid-19 outbreak
12. Adaptation of Online instruction during the pandemic among nursing students of Brent Hospital and
Colleges Incorporated
13. Teacher-student interaction and feedback processes during online classes
14. Application of assessment strategies (i.e., formative and summative assessments) of student
15. Socio-emotional development, mental health and well-being during the lock-down
16. Familial coping with changes to family life, work, and learning during the pandemic
17. Characteristics of children and families and how these relate to their ability to cope with the
sudden changes
18. Methodological challenges in researching learning and educational processes during the pandemic
19. Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Student Wellbeing at Brent Hospital and Colleges
20. Teachers' Emotion and Identity Work during a Pandemic
21. The impact of COVID-19 on student Related Learning Performance at Brent Hospital and Colleges
22. Chronic absenteeism and Online classes among nursing students of Brent Hospital and Colleges
23. Online instruction during the pandemic and teaching and learning approach

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