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———|_Robody_ _ in eee aaa em eenas seat EEE ETE ——_Part+_|: what happened ——1= Depression Rae cae — Moving from ci! MY Parents never Spo‘e +o me © Moving / never me * i Now Know i had situat al penomcthe Move ——_|__= Dooditing e core + \ leaned on drawing +o help ™ With Move trying +o escape - Mr. Schroeder + BN grade engiish opened vp ay World to writing and reading _ Parr 2: Whar it means - Meaning i + i+ shaped me +o the wriser |reader y aM +today - Meaning 2 +1 found somerning ro hele ease Ane +Tansistion easie™ when i was younger. Connusion. important for The teaders +6 Uhderstand hat we Fawways nave alight at ye @ ood of +he tunne\ We have 78 tind xrhing snat Mares US fee\ \i¥e an Scape, \uice runnin 442 ainting, ere. Miy Readiny | Scanned with CamScanner

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