WEEK 33: "Let's Reflect About Our Cultural Legacy"

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WEEK 33: “Let’s Reflect about our Cultural Legacy”


1. Ask an older relative about a tale, myth or legend from your locality
that he knows.
a. You can write it down in Spanish if you can.

2. Then, you have to write as a small book in English. Add a cover with the
title. Be creative: you can make a booklet, brochure, or simply a text
with images. Use materials you have at home: colored paper, cloth,
cardboard, etc. You can illustrate the story yourself or search for
appropriate images.

3. At the end of the finished English redaction, write “Reading

comprehension” as a title, and answer the following questions
according to your story:

a. What is the title of the story?

b. What are the name of the characters?
c. Where did it take place?
d. What is the main argument?
e. How did it end?
f. What is the story’s message?

4. Write a 4-line reflection of the story’s message.

5. Now, take a photo/PDF of your redaction in Spanish and the

translation on English along with the questions answered, and submit
it on the English group. Don’t forget to write your name, grade and
section, and week.

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