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ancestor (n) /ˈænsestə(r)/ ông cha, tổ tiên insignificant /ˌɪnsɪɡˈnɪfɪkənt/ không quan
(adj) trọng, không
I. ý nghĩa

basic (adj) /ˈbeɪsɪk/ cơ bản majority (n) /məˈdʒɒrəti/ đa số

complicated (adj) /ˈkɒmplɪkeɪtɪd tinh vi, phức minority (n) /maɪˈnɒrəti/ thiểu số
/ tạp

costume (n) /ˈkɒstjuːm/ trang phục multicultural /ˌmʌltiˈkʌltʃərəl đa văn hóa

(adj) /

curious (adj) /ˈkjʊəriəs/ tò mò, muốn recognise (v) /ˈrekəɡnaɪz/ công nhận,
tìm hiểu xác nhận
curiosity (n)

custom (n) /ˈkʌstəm/ tập quán, shawl (n) /ʃɔːl/ khăn quàng
phong tục

diverse (adj) /daɪˈvɜːs/ đa dạng speciality (n) /ˌspeʃiˈæləti/ đặc sản

diversity (n) /daɪˈvɜːsəti/ sự đa dạng, stilt house (n) /stɪlt haʊs/ nhà sàn
phong phú

ethnic (adj) /ˈeθnɪk/ (thuộc) dân tộc terraced fi eld /ˈterəst fi ːld/ ruộng bậc
(n) thang

ethnic group /ˈeθnɪk (nhóm) dân tộc tradition (n) /trəˈdɪʃn/ truyền thống
(n) ɡruːp/

ethnic /ˈeθnɪk maɪˈnɒrəti người dân tộc unique (adj) /juˈniːk/ độc nhất, độc
minority ˈpi ːpl/ thiểu số đáo
people (n)

gather (v) /ˈɡæðə(r)/ thu thập, hái waterwheel (n) /ˈwɔːtəwiːl/ cối xay nước

heritage (n) /ˈherɪtɪdʒ/ di sản hunt (v) /hʌnt/ săn bắt

Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others.
1. a. school b. skull c. scenery d. sky
2. a. visited b. recommended c. wanted d. hoped
3. a. important b. boring c. minor d. northern
4. a. community b. custom c. costume d. museum
5. a. ethnic b. gather c. though d. clothing
II. Complete the sentences with the suitable words.
1. Cong-Chieng, or ________, is a musical instrument made of bronze.

2. Five-coloured ________ ________ is an important dish of almost

allethnic minorities.

3. The Rong house of the Xo Dang is a big ________ ________ with a

high roof.

4. Hmong farmers have been growing rice on the ________ ________ for
hundreds of years.

5. The Xoe dance is one of the most popular ________ ________ of the
Thai ethnic group.

6. Black Thai women wear the ________ with colourful embroidery

called ‘khan pieu’.

7. My Son Sanctuary includes Cham ________ in a valley about 2 km in

diameter, surrounded by hills.

8. Hoa Ban ________ takes place on March, when orchids and peach
blossom everywhere in the north-western region.

III.Choose the best answer a, b, c or d to complete the sentence.

1. The Dao in the Sapa area is famous ________ its “love market.”
a. for b. in c. with d. to
2. The Thai live ________ farming on their burnt-over land and wet-rice terraced fields.
a. in b. on c. out d. up
3. The ________ house is a place where villagers gather for festivals and rituals.
a. terraced b. splendid c. communal d. thatched
4. There were lots of interesting folk games, _______ Kenny stayed a little longer to join them.
a. but b. because c. however d. so
5. ‘________ dress in red and black costume?’ ‘The Dao’
a. What b. Which c. Who d. When
6. What colour is ________ symbol of good luck for the Hoa?
a. a b. an c. - d. some
7. ________ in terraced fields is the main economic activity of ethnic people in Sapa.
a. Fishing b.Rice cultivation c. Hunting d.Gathering
8. ________ ethnic Khmer live in ________ Mekong Delta of Vietnam.
a. The / - b.The / a c.A / the d. The / the
9. The Vietnam Museum of Ethnology ________ by the architect Ha Duc Linh, a memberof the Tay ethnic group.
a. designed b. has designed c. was designed d. was designing
10. ‘I have just taken an elephant ride in Buon Don.’ ‘________ How interesting!’
a. Certainly. b.Really? c.Terrible. d. Exactly.
IV. Choose the underlined word or phrase, A, B, C or D that needs correcting.
1. Most ethnicgroups live in rural areas, growing rice and practising slash-and-burn farm.
2. The Muong people are the ethnic minority who live in the mountainous regions of Vietnam.
3. We have recently visited some of the remote communities in the north highlands.
4. Youth Ngai women did not receive the inheritance after their parents died.
5. The Ta Oi managed preserving their proverbs, folk songs, and stories.
6. Another typical musical instrument of the Raglai is the flat gong called Ma La.
7. I want to visit the Vietnam Museum of Ethnology to learnfor 54 ethnic minority groups.
8. Xo Dang men are good at architecture, sculpting, and paint.
7. Fill in the blanks with a, an, the or 
1. Jason’s father bought him____________ bike that he wanted for his birthday
2. ______ Statue of Liberty was a gift of friendship from________ France to_________ United states.
3. Rita is studying___________ English and___________ Math this semester.
4. __________ judge asked___________ witness to tell____________ truth.
5. Please give me_________ cup of_________ coffee with _________ cream and___________ sugar.
6. __________ big books on___________ table are for my history class.
7. My____________ car is four years old, and it still runs well.
8. There are only___________ few seats for_____________ tonight’s musical.
9. ______________ chair that you are sitting in is broken.
10. _____________ Civil War was fought in ____________ United States between 1861 and 1865.
11. John and Marcy went to _______________ school yesterday.
12. ____________Lake Erie is one of the five great Lakes in North America.
13. On our trip to Spain, we crossed_______________ Atlantic Ocean.
14. What did you eat for_____________ breakfast this morning?
15. Louie played________ basketball and________ baseball at the boys’ Club
16. While we were in______________ Alaska, we saw an Eskimo village.
17. Phil can’t go to the movies because he has to write_____________ essay.
18. David attend______________ Princeton University.
19. Mel’s mother is in___________ hospital, so we went to visit her last night.
20. Last night there was _____________ bird singing outside
8. Fill in a, an, the or X if necessary
1. ...................... youngest boy has just started going ............ school.
a. the/ x b. a/ x c. x/ the d . an/ x
2........................ eldest boy is at ............... college.
a. The /the b .An/ the c. The /x d. a/ the
3. She lives in ................... top floor of an old house.
a. an b . any c. a d, the
4. She had .............. very bad night, she didn’t sleep .............. wish.
a. a/ a b, an/ a c. a / an d. an/ an
5. ............ person suffering from................... shock should not be given anything to drink.
a. An/ the b. A/ x c. A / the d. A/ any
6. You’ll get .,............ shock if you touch ............. live wire with that screwdriver.
a. a/ a b. an/ a c . an/ the d. the/ the
7. Mr Smith is .............. old customer and ............ honest man.
a. the/ an b. an / the c. an/ an d. the/ the
8. Do you go to ............... prison to visit him?
a. the b. x c. a d. an
9. On ................... Sundays my father stays in bed, reading................. Sunday papers.
a. the/ the b. a/ the c , x/the d. the/a
10. My mother goes to .................... church in ................. morning.
a. the/ x b. the/ the c. x/ the d. a church/ a.
11. And in .................... afternoon goes to visit .................. friends.
a. the/ any b. the/x c. an/ an d. the/ the
12. I have ............ little money left, let’s have dinner in ............ restaurant.
a. some/ the b. a / the c. the/ a d. a / a
13. ............... man is .............. reasoning animal.
a. x/ a b. the/ a c. x/ an d. a/ the
14. Like many women, she loves .............. tea parties and ............. gossip
a. some/ the b.x/x c . a lot of/ the d. x/ a
15. I am on night duty. When you go to ................ bed , I go to .............. work.
a. a/ the b. x/ x c. a/ x d. the/ x
VIII. Choose the word which best fits each gap.
There are nine sub-groups that are (1)_________ by the ethnic minority M’Nong, suchas Bru Dang, Preh, Ger, Nong,
Prang, PJam, Kuyenh, Chil Bu Nor, and M’Nong Bu Dang,with combined estimate of 105,300 populations. They are
concentrated (2)_________ southernparts of the provinces of Binh Phuoc and Dak Lak and in parts of Lam Dong. They
livein houses built on (3)_________ or level with the ground, in every village where they usuallyhave dozens of
households. (4)_________ is observed and the children take the family nameof their mother. The wife holds the key
position in (5)_________ household. This grouplikes to have many children, (6)_________ daughters and speak the
language traced tothe Mon-Khmer Group. The M’Nong use the slash-and-bum method of (7)_________.The M’Nong in
Ban Don are well known for their elephant hunting and domestication. Women handle the weaving of cotton cloth,
(8)_________ the men work on basketry.
1. a. ordered b. represented c. expressed d. symbolized
2. a. on b. at c. for d. in
3. a. bricks b. stilts c. slabs d. stones
4. a. Monarchy b. Patriarchy c. Matriarchy d. Democracy
5. a. a b. the c. every d. some
6. a. special b. specially c. especially d. especial
7. a. transport b. working c. researching d. farming
8. a. while b. when c. which d. where
IX. Read the text carefully, then answer the questions.
Duong Lam Village is located in Duong Lam commute at a 45 km distance from Hanoi. It is the
birthplace of two kings in the history of Vietnam, Phung Hung (or Bo Cai Dai Vuong) and Ngo Quyen,
who opened up the long-term self-control and independent period of Viet Nam after Bach Dang victory in
the year 938.
All houses, gates, village gates and wells are built of laterite creating an architectural complex, a unique
village that is typical for villages in the midlands in the North of Vietnam.
At present, there are still nearly 200 old houses and many other historical monuments such as Phung Hung
Temple, Ngo Quyen Royal Tomb, Mong Phu Communal House, Ho Gam Hill at which Phung Hung killed
tigers to rescue villagers and the temple at which the diplomat Giang Van Minh is worshiped.
1. Where is Duong Lam village?
2. Who were the two kings whose birthplace is Duong Lam Village?
3. What is Duong Lam typical for?
4. How many old houses as there in Duong Lam?
5. What are the famous historical monuments there?

Read the passage, make questions for the underlined words of the following answers.
In 2006, the house of a local family in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province was chosen for the background of the
film “The Story of Pao”. From distance, the house looks beautiful as a painting. Bushes of wild but beautiful flowers in
blossom in the right and an old learning cherry blossom tree at the gate create a romantic scene for the house. The film is
about the life of a Hmong girl named Pao. She was raised by her stepmother because her real mother left her when she was
a little. One day, her stepmother died in an accident, and she began to look for her birth mother.
1. ……………………………………………………………………………?
The house was chosen for the background of the film in 2006.
2. ……….. .. . …………………………………………………………………?
The house is in Dong Van District, Ha Giang Province.
3. ……………………………………………………………………………..?
The film is about the life of a Hmong girl named Pao.
4. …………………………………………………………………………..?
She was raised by her stepmother because her real mother left her when she was little.
5. …………………………………………………………………………………………….?
She began to look for her birth mother when her stepmother died in an accident.
I. Make questions for the underlined words of these answers.
1. Mr. Pha goes cutting wood in the forest once a month.

2. Artists from the Central Highlands will give cong performance in the festival.

3. My father bought a costume of the Bahnar at an open-air market in Kon Tum.

4. The Hani people live in Lai Chau and Lao Cai.

5. The Coho celebrate their New Year holidays in December.

6. It is 2 kilometers from here to the communal house.

7. The Thaiwomen's shawls are the most beautiful of all.

8. The visitors got to Sila village on foot.

9. My uncle has been Quang Nam to write an article about the Sedang.

10. Pao spent three months to make this musical instrument.

5. Fill in each blank with one suitable WH word

1. …………is the weather like today? – It’s fine.
2. …………… it from here to your home? – Two kilometers.
3. Can your hear those people? …………..are they talking about? – About taxes.
4. …………car is it? – It is Mr. Brown’s.
5. ………….didn’t you go to work yesterday? – Because I was sick.
6. We have got two shirts of the same kind. …………one would you like? – I’d like the white one.
7. Do you remember…….…and ………Uncle Ho was born? – He was born in Nghe An in1890.
8. …….…………cats does she raise? – She raises twenty.
9. ……………..long are you going to study here? – For at least two courses.
10. Do you know…………….fast that plane is flying? – I am not sure.
11. ……………did the accident happen? – At 3 p.m.
12. ……………… you visit your grandparents? – Once a month.
13. I want two stamps and an envelope. ………………does it cost? – It is 50 p.
14. I go to school by bike. ……………….do you get there? – On foot.
15. ……………does Nam work? – In Hai Phong.
16. By………………was Hamlet written? – By Shakespeare.
17. ……………….does English belong to? – It belongs to those who use it.
18. ……………….is the river? – It is 2.5 meters deep.
19. ………………was Isaac Newton when he died? – He was 85.
20. ………………….water does an elephant drink a day? – Two liters.
X. Reorder the words to make sentences.
1. country/ with/ Vietnam/ 54/ is/ multiethnic/ a/ groups/ ethnic.
2. minorities/ make/ population/ Ethnic/ up/ 15 percent/ of/ the/ of/ about/ Vietnam 3
3. Most/ live/ of/ ethnic/ in/ minorities/ the/ the/ areas/ in/ north/ the/ mountainous.
4. Vietnam/ Tay/ second/ the/ largest/ are/ the/ ethnic/ in/ group.
5. are/ The/ known/ Nung/ including/ music and poetry/ for/ folk-art/ richness/ traditions/ their/ of.
6. people/ a/ The/ Dao/ language/ speak/ Hmong-Dao/ of/ language system.
7. not/ as/ The/ Nung/ costume/ is/ colourful/ of/ the/ as/ that/ of/ ethnic/ other/ groups.
8, The/ Ede/ built/ on/ live/ in/ stilts/ in/ wooden/ villages/ longhouses/ as/ buon/ known.

I. Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first sentence.

1. What is the price of a dish of five-colored sticky rice?

How much ……………………………………………………………………………….
2. Would do you mind carrying my basket for me, please?
Could …………………………………………………………………………………….
3. Why do some ethnic peoples build the communal house?
What …………………………………………………………………………………….

4. How long have you been an ethnologist?

When …………………………………………………………………………………….
5. Who do these beautiful ornaments belong to?
Whose ……………………..…………………………………………………………….

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