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Our Beliefs

We as Puritans are upstanding members of

our colony. A strong colony advocates for
property, modesty, and decorum.
School? Not required, bit it exists if you
wish to attend. You get to make the choice.
Our faith is very important to us, therefore
out schools are ran by the church.
Connecticut Colony
“The foundation of authority Land selling for:
Who needs neighboring relations
is laid firstly in the free
Best prices on the
when we have international
relations? We ar the leading colony
consent of people.” market! Set yourself
of the Triangle Slave Trade with
great relations to Britain! - Thomas Hooker up for success.
Our Story
We are self-governed, but have
fundamental orders! They are:
Coming from Massachusetts - The Governor of Colonial In a scenic area, we have
Bay Colony, we were seeking Connecticut held the executive mountains, trees, and rivers.
new opportunities of a new life power in the colony
Our environment consists of
when we stumbled upon this representing the Crown
mild, short summers and
land. Starting off with only 100 long, cold winters
- The Governor’s Council of
inhabitants, our population
Colonial Connecticut was
began to grow.
composed of influential and
powerful men who advised We grow corn,
and supported the Governor
and had judicial and pumpkin, corn,
administrative powers
- An Assembly was elected by and squash!
and represented, the citizens
of the towns and counties of
Colonial Connecticut
- Town Meetings
Our Way of Life
As our colony is plentiful in fish, whale, and forests our life is centered around those three things. With great relations, we import
and trade for our other materials. We as a colony rely heavily on whale oil as it was in high demand. Industries and trade in the New
England colonies included fish, whale products, shipping, shipbuilding, timber products, furs, maple syrup, copper, livestock
products, horses, rum, whiskey and beer. Enslaved blacks worked on farms. But they also build barrels, shoe horses, roll casks across
wharves, dye cloth, and raise barns. The women made medicines, tend to children, cook, clean milked cows, and make clothes.

The Process
If interested, reply back to this ad!
We will set up an appointment to discuss the finer details. However, it
must be noted that we are highly exclusive. Why is that? Well, before
you officially move here we must wait over a one- to two-year
probationary period, during which he was closely observed to make sure
he is an upright Puritan.

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