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1. What Is the human resource management in your perspective?

Any company, big or small, uses a wide range of capital to make a business work.
Capital involves money, valuables, or commodities used to produce business profits. No
matter what company or business it is, they have one thing in common which is they
must have the manpower to make their capital work for them.
Human resource management is the management of human manpower which
the company has. Human resource management is the one who processes employment
and selecting the best person fit for the job. Human resource management is the one
who compensates and also develops benefits and policies and strategies just to keep the
manpower working to the company.

2. Do you agree that HRM is one of the most complex and challenging fields of endeavor?
Why or Why not?
I strongly agree that Human Resource Management is one of the most complex
fields simply because they are dealing with people and knowing people have different
personalities and people have their differences. Dealing with people is not only their
work. Human resource management also creates different policies, benefits, and other
strategies to make the employee stays in the company. Human resource management
also balances the employee and employer since the main goal of the employer is to
generate profit from the assets also the employee expects from the company a fair
wage for his service, and also the benefits like 13th-month pay, bonuses, and other
incentives. In short, human resource management balances the needs of the employer
and also the needs of the employees.
3. Among the varied roles of the HR manager, which do you think is the most difficult and
crucial to play?
The most difficult role that human resource managers in hiring employees. Yes,
the human resource manager is given all the information needed about the employee
but the crucial part is the usage of strategic plans to ensure that the people you hired
and trained are right and fit for the job also at a given right time. The main reason why
hiring employees because it is costly. Why? Because you will pay for the advertisement
of the job vacancies, it will cost to print all the flyers only for the advertisement of the
job vacancy, it will cost time since you are interviewing many applicants and in the end,
you will just select one, and last is the ensuring that you will hire the people right for the
job because if not, it will take to high employee turnovers.

4. Why is it that the human resources or workforce is considered as the most valuable
asset in business organization?

Human resources or workforce is considered as the most valuable asset in a

business organization because of its function throughout the life of the organization. It is
through human resources that all businesses are carried out. They are the main
contributor to your business. When I say the main contributor, it means that they
directly contribute their knowledge and skills to the growth of the company. The human
resource makes the company operate. Human resource has a big part of the workforce
of the company not just the Research and development, marketing, and patent. But
remember without human resource research and development, marketing, and patent
are nothing. Because human resources use their skills and knowledge to do that, they
created that for the growth of the company. A company is nothing without human
resources. That is why it is also a difficult job for the human resource manager to keep
the employees stay in the company. Yes, it is very easy to hire employees. But abilities,
knowledge, expertise, and experience cannot be replaced because every employee is
unique. That is why the company must invest in human resources and give them the
best treatment they could expect so that they will stay in your company.

5. When can we say that an employee is an asset to the company?

We can say that an employee is an asset to the company when the employee is
not a liability. That is the common answer I heard which is also true. Let me expound
that. An asset according to Investopedia that it is any that has value or a resource value
that can be converted to cash or the company can benefit from owning or using the
asset. While liability is something a company owes meaning debt. So, we can say that an
employee is an asset to a company when he/she shows both quantity and quality
performance. A kind of employee that is proficient, well acquainted with his line of work
and needs less supervision. He/she must be able to efficiently and productively perform
tasks given to him/her. There must be less to no wastage of resources, time, and effort
upon carrying out tasks. Another important factor is having an ethical behavior expected
of an employee of a company, fewer chances of absenteeism with no record of
misconduct. He/she must be secured and satisfied with his job for him to have greater
morale thus, the more he will contribute to organizational success.

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