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The definition of Facilities Planning determines how an activity’s tangible fixed

assets best support achieving the activity’s objectives. For example, in manufacturing,

the objective is to support the production where the facility planner creates a plan and

identifies the facility location, facility design with another objective to reduce cost by using

the least amount of resources but the facility is at a higher quality. But before any facility

plan can be generated some questions should be addressed like what is to be produced?

A product or service. If a product, how are the products produced? When the products be

produced? How much of each product to be produced? How long the products to be

produced? And where the products to be produced. If all the questions were addressed,

the facilities planner already had a bigger picture of the plan to make.

Facilities planning is the core of these three. The facilities planner is dependent on

what kind of product the product, the material composition, and the packaging that the

product designer gives. The facilities planner is also dependent on the types of process

for a product to be made, what are the required process identification, and what is the

required process sequence. The facilities planner is also dependent on the data given by

the production planner like production quantities and production equipment schedules.

The facilities planner is very dependent on the accurate information given by the product

designers, process designers, and production planner to work effectively and efficiently.

I quote the summary of chapter 2 “Product, process, and schedule design

decisions can have a significant impact on both the investment cost for a facility and the

cost-effective performance of the activities assigned to the facility. The decisions made

concerning product design, process planning, production schedules, and facilities


planning must be jointly determined to obtain an integrated production system that

achieves the firm’s business objectives.”

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