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Mackelti Smith
EDU 214
Professor Saladino
November 8, 2020


The Clash of Eras

Reporter: Mackelti Smith

“This is It’s that time of year again! Instagram has

taken over to produce Halloween content like
Halloween” never before and some people are not happy.
As we approach the ninth month revolving
around the global pandemic, COVID-19,
celebrities are running into hot water as a
specific secret birthday/Halloween bash
involved a crowd over 100 guests in the midst
of rising COVID cases. The attendance of
some of the most high profile celebrities and
recorded insensitive behaviors are also under
fire as they had previously "genuinely"
Johnny Depp Did It Again
advocated safety and mask usage during this
time. Specific behavior and costumes, such as
Reporter: Justin R. Dalton
oxygen masks accessories claim immature
and insensitive behavior by the one and only,
Mr. Depp decided to do a trip while
Kevin Loud. Here’s another twist, everyone
carrying a 'bucket of dirt'. This is a
dressed up as the birthday girl, Delilah Loud.
reference to a meme created by the 3rd
The public response as pictures were leaked
pirates of the Caribbean. In purgatory, he
late last night, includes a variety of reactions:
was singing "I got a bucket of dirt"
from concerned comments to internet
confusing everyone since it was not in the
cancelling to ensure the gravity of the
script. This made the director laugh so hard
situation is addressed. While some are
it was release inside. When watching the
laughing from the poor attendance rate of
scene, you can see the lack of fluidity in
Kendall Jenner’s similar gathering, Delilah
between shots to show how impromptu it
remains the talk of the town, in both good and
was. Now determined to be using the power
bad conversation. Talk about “clashing
of the meme, he is caring a bucket of dirt
colors” or should we say “eras”.
practically everywhere he goes. It is said he
carried it to a restroom, business meeting, a
lawsuit, private owned location with some
female friends, and a replica of the 'Black
Pearl'. Further information will be placed, if
you like this article please support us by

Merry Crime-mas?
Grinchmas is Coming

Reporter: Jennifer Huglin

Unanimated Mr. Grinch, from How the Grinch Stole Christmas, was spotted yesterday
entering the alternate festive dimension and animated world of Hollywood's newest The
Grinch film. He appeared to be under the influence of far too much eggnog and not enough
Who hash when he entered Whoville's tight-knit community. He steered an army of wild
reindeer to the front doors of the other “Mr. Grinch” superstar and demanded to fight for the
grounds of Whoville. Both Grinch's began to blast reams of holiday lights at each other and
fashioned smoke bombs out of old ornaments. It was a nasty sight. The crossing of these two
dimensions threw the whole town out of order until they experienced a power outage for as far
as the eye could see. Both Grinch’s were detained in ribbons and bows by local Who's in the
area. Neither will receive bail.

Who Dun nit, Santa baby?

Reporter: Angel Wolff

It's that time of year again, folks: the

HOLLA-DAZE! Let it snow with the latest
celebrity sightings! Let's begin with
America's new sweethearts Megan Fox and
Machine Gun Kelley! Can I just say, where
are your children? Is it too cliché to ask if
they will make it until bloody Valentine's
day? Pun intended! Another hottie on the
naughty list this year is Megan Fox's now ex-
husband, Mr. Green, seeing that his area code
is no longer 90210; no longer sharing an
address with his now ex-wife. Now let us
Unanimated Mr. Grinch seems to be feeling shine the spotlight on our focal story this
replaced! (Read all about it on pg. 2) evening being another re-offender on the
naughty list this year is none other than
Wynona Ryder herself; for you guessed it:
shoplifting! Instead, this time it wasn't for
high end merch, but rather “Stranger Things”
apparel from Walmart; sad part being, that the
head spokeswoman from Walmart said they
would have just given her the items for free.
Another celebrity caught on camera, this time
starring in the show COPS, was Perez Hilton
for "walking out" on his Botox bill after his
credit card declined. You cannot make this
stuff up people! Go ahead, Google reference
check! Until next week my devoted divas, we
have more Gossip coming to you right in the
heart of Vegas! YASS!

Stealing from Walmart? ”Stranger Things” have

happened! (Read all about it on pg. 3)

Marcia Brady has Gone Missing in Connection with ANTM

Reporter: Alicia Gutowski

America’s Next Top Model (ANTM) has returned for the twenty-fifth season with Tyra
Banks returning to host. Tyra Banks has been one of the most influential supermodels in the
fashion industry for years, so it is safe to say that she knows talent. When Tyra Banks
handpicked Marcia Brady for the next season of ANTM, this means Marcia must be destined
for success. Marcia Brady, the oldest daughter of a large, blended family of six children, was
happy to join the cast. The first couple episodes have already seemed to establish Marcia as
a fan favorite, as thousands of social media accounts have been created in support of the up-
and-coming model. Everything seemed to be going well for Marcia until the most recent
episode aired featuring the traditional required makeover episode. Typically, Tyra Banks
develops a plan for each model to help define their look which each contestant must accept.
For Marcia, Tyra decided that giving Marcia a sleek black bob haircut would bring out her
features. Before Tyra could even finish, Marcia exclaimed “Cut my Hair!” and proceeded to
flee from the set. Sources from the show have confirmed that Marcia Brady has not been
heard from since. Fans have displayed their support by creating the trending Twitter topic
“#LeaveHerHair”. Family and friends hope for Marcia to resurface once she can return to the
show without cutting her hair. In an interview with Marcia’s mother, Carol Brady, she voices
her support of her daughter by explaining “I raised my daughter to be confident in herself
and that she shouldn’t have to change for anybody. Once Tyra starts listening to the fans, my
daughter will return.” Tyra Banks has remained steadfast in her decision to not allow any
exceptions to the rule, but with the lowest television ratings seen in history, we are sure Tyra
will be forced to make this exception.

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