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Name Date Period Group Conceptual Physics Chapter 17: ‘The Atomic Nature of Matter Lab 17-2: Building an Atom (PhET simulation) PART I: ATOM SCREEN 1, Goto the website: Click on HTMLS simulations on top right of screen and choose the Build an Atom simulation (htp://’en/simulation build-an-atom) 2. Explore the Build an Atom simulation with your group. As you explore, talk about what you find, List two things your group observed in the simulation, 2. Click on the + sign for each of the boxes (element name, net charge and mass number) to view changes as you change the ‘number of particles in the atom, 3. What particle(s) are found in the center ofthe atom? _ + Rbutronw cet 4. Play until you discover which particle(s) determine(s) the name of the element you build, —aftactene 5. ‘What i th name ofthe following atoms? E tach Win dees ed 4a! ~ — b. Anatom with2 protons and 4 neutrons: Abe dy ‘An atom with 4 protons and 4 neutrons: = bet 5 siulton discover whichis ase charge of 9 toon Pete eekiene bile inde Mais Ties Aaa Ro thaathee™ ae Poot: she same number of 1b. Positive ions have Moe protons than electrons Negative ions have feavir _ protons than electrons. 8, Develop a relationship ee the form of a single sentence or aie: that can predict che coe based on the number and types of particle, — clear don a wee cheige Gh. Lave alo 9. Play with the simulation to discover what affects the mass number of your stom or ion, PVN na ¥ weetriea a. What isa rule for determining the mass number of an atom or fon? Dre Wermbe! Q pretence + hiwhrma = Mndew H- 10. Practice applying your understanding by playing 1" and 2" levels on the game screen, PART II: SYMBOL SCREEN Using the Symbol readout box, figure out which particles affect each component of the atomic symbol and how the value of the numbers is determined. dsb a ¢ a ‘Term to describe this | Particle used to determine | How the value is abeestetoaht ering {information tis determined # ofp will identify the a Element symbol protons eae b a 7 2. Create a definition (using a complete sentence) for each of these items based on your labels from the atomic syinbol above, a. lmen Symbolie Lge vy LeMirs werkt peprectat the ‘name f 3. Practice applying your understanding by playing the 3"! and 4® game levels. Play until you can get all the questions correct on the 4" leyel. Fill in the information here for your last screen of the 4 game level: 3 eeu He seaons_—_| 2 ets 4, In addition to atomic symbol, we can represent atoms by name and mass number. Complete the table below: Name Carbon-12 a) Each presentation (Symbol and Name) in the table above provides information about the atom. Deseribe the simifpites and differences between the Syiol and Name representatc Pao Mane Ingo — Afrmia of, mass B+ a0 WA ao dynbel Yor Rams De ee Be PARI III: ISOTOPES 1. Play with the simulation to determine: a. Which particles affect the stability ofthe stom?“ ALByetama or Prttens 1b. Which particles do not affect the stability of the atom? —_-¢02ePr gna. 2, What are the names of the stable forms of oxygen? 1. Oysent6 b Oxyaen 17 e. Oxygen /B 3. List all of the,things that are the same about these atoms (ignore the electrons). HH prsters 4, Listall ofthe things that are different about these atoms (ignore the electrons). TThe atoms in the previous question are isotopes of each other, Based on this information, list the requirements for two atoms to be isotopes of each other. muset Le the dane detment (dome tp #) Aine different ta pretne 6, Test your understanding of isotopes by examining the relationships between the pairs of atoms listed below: Atom 1 Atom 2 tem Rtiatinintecn tom and tom ‘rotopes 2G CG 1D Same Atom, Not Isotopes of Each Other o. s (C Different Element - Isotopes Carbone? rel Same Atom, Not sotopes of Each Other - c Different Element | Z7sotopes Argon-40 Argon-41 Same Atom, Not Tsotopes of Each Other | & Ditterem Element ei) ii | 2 tsot0pes UB Boron-10 Fy Same Atom, Not Isotopes of Each Other 5 Different Element “An om with 13 1 Isotopes protonsand 13 | Anatom with 14 protons and. | same Atom, Not Isotopes of Each Other __neutrons Different Element PART IV: REVIEW EXERCISES L. The periodic table has a great deal of information about every atom. Using your periodic table, answer the following questions 2 What ithe atomic amberofchloine (CI? «, now many protons arte n any Cl ston? What i the atomic number of tungsten (Wy? 74 4. How many protons are therein any Te atom? Sed a 6 Can you tell from your own periodic table exactly how many neutrons are in an atom? Explain your answer: Raunde de. mare + to whol atomic # 8p) free Pe ae th aang OG \What do an stom, ion and isotope of an element have in common’, penn ly gictonen Howaretey ditferen) SOH@ chumint Aiye hifferent ee Lo a ] number number _|_“heuerng, | Hearne | CBB 1 2 L L o | 1 R ip } rit 22 i An +/ hee ee IZ 12 oO 2 25 3 gziO | ¢ + 22 4b 24 ay -2 eal 207 vo ¥7 4 ae 34 16 Jo_| =! cathon-12 Cc b 12 lo s 2 atm | Pe -b | 13 mI 2 Z cartons | © Uo ange eee 6 } et b a IZ & 1 -!/ rey Iz ii a 4/ ‘ite 2 | ¥¢ z Zz a L =i eer ep. 8 10 #-2 wpeaa | Oe ee ee 7 0 ua Ga 3 is eee 7D: 34 L a. Yulinw 1A vce” | 31 | 10 | 34 B | +3 ium —4 aes 4 9 s 2 +2 iPetpea FN a 1S 4 s__|_-1 To test your knowledge of isotopes, draw arrows between all pars of atoms in the table above that are isotopes of each other

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