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1. What are your strengths?

 My strengths consist of encouragement and positivity. Being positive is a big factor in

my life. As much as possible I don’t want someone around me feel downhearted, I
always try to lift up their spirits and make them feel better about themselves.

2. What are your abilities?

 My abilities are being able to multi-task, being good with time management and a quick
learner. I enjoy challenging myself by learning new things.

3. How are you different from others of same age?

 I think what makes me different from others of the same age is that I am not really into
gadgets. I belong to the few teenagers who prefer going out, exploring new things and
going on some adventures, instead of locking myself at home watching television or
playing video games.

4. What do you wish to change in your traits?

 Something I would change about myself is to be able to control my emotions. Thoughts

of people about me affect me much. Even though it’s only a joke for them, I would take it

5. What do you want to achieve for yourself?

 There are many things I would love to achieve not only for myself but also for my family.
First thing, as a college student I would like to pass all the examination that I would come
across and graduate to make my parents proud. Then I would have a decent job, earn
enough to be able to repay the sacrifices that my parents did for us. And then buy them a
house and make them stop working as OFWs
Case Analysis

Regine is a legal assistant in a local law office. In her two months at work, the tasks she
was given were really easy for her because it was her forte, but then her supervisor gave her new
tasks that involved using Google Documents which she was not familiar with. Regine doesn’t
want anyone to assist her because she thinks she can figure out how to use it by herself. But a
week passed by and she still doesn’t know the procedures and instructions assigned to her using
the software. Disappointed at herself, thoughts of quitting her job and finding another one that
suits her skills came into her mind.
In my opinion, Regine views herself as someone superior than her colleagues, someone
who is capable of doing everything by herself, without the help of others. She is afraid to ask for
assistance because the thought of someone being better than her scares her. Regine should accept
help sometimes, especially if it’s about something that she is new to. And I personally think that
quitting your current job because of not knowing how to do a task given to you will not resolve
the problem. You might get another job that suits your skills well , but there will always be
something that you are not familiar with that will require you to ask for the help of others.

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