R01 Rapture Warnings Sabrina Susan

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Rapture Warnings Everyone who refuses his mark and does not worship him will be

by Sabrina of Belgium and Susan of U.S.A. first denied the right to buy anything. Their money will be useless.
Their foreheads will be marked with the cross of our Lord and
great hardship will begin for them. Then they will be persecuted
Parts 1 to 45 without mercy and those who still refuse Satan’s mark will
http://end-times-prophecy.com eventually be killed, probably beheaded. But these will be raised
up as saints in Heaven. Those accepting Satan’s mark will be
with him forever and suffer his fate. (Rev 14-1, 11-13)

First a little explanation about the rapture: Some believe that those who do not pledge their lives to our Lord
before the Rapture will not be given a second chance. I believe
Questions About the Rapture that some people will indeed be given a second chance during
by George Hagen the Great Tribulation. That is if they pledge their lives to Christ,
ignore the lies of Satan promising everlasting life and if they
As the time draws nearer for the Rapture, questions seem to be refuse to follow the evil one, and do endure his tortures. (Rev
flying around with many different ideas about it. They range from 14:9-13; Rev 20:4-6, Rev 7)
outright denial that there will be a Rapture, to confusion between
its timing and that of the Great Tribulation. Some believe Then massive wars and destruction of the earth begins. One part
Tribulation will come first, and that Jesus will only take His faithful will take place in an area called Armageddon. The Anti-Christ will
ones to Heaven at His Second Coming after the Tribulation. muster armies from the east, likely China, to assemble and try to
There is also discussion on whether the rapture will be silent as destroy the Jews in Jerusalem. The battles will rage in the
depicted in the fictional series “Left Behind” where people Armageddon area next to Israel. The huge armies of the east will
suddenly disappear with no warning and those left are in shock be confronted with armies of God and soundly defeated. Millions
and wonderment. of these warriors will be killed. Also the Bible seems to point to
Russia as attacking Israel with their mighty air force intending to
Here is what will happen and the sequence, as given in the Bible, drop atomic bombs. God will destroy these planes before they
and revealed by Jesus to some of His faithful. Jesus has told can drop any bombs. All of this terrible turmoil and destruction will
those with whom He communicates that the Rapture will be very occur during the second half of the seven-year Great Tribulation.
soon. No one will know the exact day or hour until He arrives. (Rev 16:16, 20:9)
Jesus states that He will be coming in the clouds to take His
“Children” to Heaven. He will come with trumpets and loud Also during this time the earth will suffer further disaster almost
acclamation and everyone on earth will realize what is happening. too horrible to imagine. It will be far worse than depicted even in
(Revelation 1:7 & 1 Thessalonians 4:15-17) The first taken up will some science-fiction films. Whole cities will be destroyed.
be the spirits and souls of those who have already died but who Possibly some of this will be with atomic weapons. The major part
had accepted Jesus as their Lord and Savior. They will be given of the destruction of mankind will be the work of the Lord’s wrath
new bodies in the air. After these souls are raised up, He will call because of the horrible sins of the world. Over one-half of the
up those who are still alive that have accepted his wonderful offer world’s population will be killed, and much of the heavily
of salvation. They also will get new bodies. There will be great populated areas of the earth will be scrap heaps. Will those
concern, to put it mildly, among those left behind. (Luke 13:22-30) destroyed only be the unrepentant sinners? I do not know but it is
This is NOT His second coming as He will not touch the earth. His an interesting question. However sometime during the tribulation
second coming is after the Great Tribulation. all of the wicked will be killed or die of plagues. After the
millennium these will be raised to life for their final judgment,
Then the Great Tribulation begins. Some believe that the which will be Hades forever. (Rev 16:17-21)
calamities that have already been occurring are a part of the
tribulation or a fore-runner of it. This is probably true, but the After these terrible times are over, God will begin to rebuild the
Great Tribulation is promised to be terrible and nothing like it has earth and eventually locate a New Jerusalem where many of His
occurred before or will happen again. (Rev. 6, 16:16-20 & Mark saints and faithful ones will live. There will be a Millennium of
13:19) (see also Matthew 24, Luke 21 & 2 Peter 3). 1000 years during which Satan will be bound and Christ will rule.
The righteous will reign with Him. This New Jerusalem is already
In the first part of this Great Tribulation the world will witness what built in Heaven and simply will descend to earth. The earth will
seems to be the answer to its problems. A man who may already ultimately be restored to a state far better than it ever was.
be alive will come to the front as the world leader. He will promise Possibly the majority of saved people will live in a wonderful area
two main things -- world peace and one religion that all can in Heaven. It is large enough with enough housing to
accept. His program will sound so good that he will be acclaimed accommodate all who will ever go there. Does all of this sound
as the world leader. He will sign an agreement with the Jews to too good to be true? We need not doubt anything that God will do
allow them to build their long sought temple. This agreement will -- didn’t He create the earth and the universe and everyone and
later be broken. The Great Tribulation will last seven years and everything in it? (Rev 21:1-2,10-27)
the above will occur during the first half.
Heaven is ready for us and our wonderful Lord has already built
After this man who is really the Anti-Christ has consolidated his housing and developed a Heaven that is beautiful beyond
rule, he will display great miracles using the power Satan gives imagination. We will live there forever with God, unless He sends
him. He will even resurrect from the dead. This will convince us to help Him on earth or somewhere in the universe. Heaven is
many that he is really God and people will begin his worship. something that we should look forward to with great joy. We won’t
Then he will build a statue of himself and require everyone to be sitting around on a cloud strumming a harp, but working
worship it. Those who agree will be asked to accept his mark, the actively to make it better. There will be plenty to do and enjoy with
mark of Satan, on their arm or forehead, or perhaps have a recreation facilities far beyond anything on earth. We will relish
microchip implanted under their skin. His mark is the number new kinds of fruit and there will be gorgeous flowers and other
“666”. (Rev 2:10-12, 13:11-18, 14:9-13) beauty. Some of the food will be the kinds we enjoy on earth, but
also varieties we do not know. In short, it will be true Paradise. because I had posted some information about GOD online and I
(Isaiah65:17, 66:22). Our bodies will be new but will be received an email from her about it. I was involved in church
recognizable to those who knew us, but mature adults will look outreach at the time and she was having struggles in a very
younger. News about this and what Heaven is like can also be secular region of the world with outreach. I felt the LORD wanted
found in the wonderful book “Heaven Is So Real” by Choo me to support her as she and I both struggled with issues of
Thomas. This is really Jesus’ book as He guided its writing. outreach in our communities, thus began a wonderful friendship,
but we did not know that GOD had bigger plans for our lives.
Many mistakenly believe that they have to earn Heaven by doing Sabrina had the unique gift of being able to hear the voice of the
good deeds and living an exemplary life. This is false. We cannot LORD and I totally believed and supported her gift. Then recently
earn our way into Heaven; it is a free gift from God. We only have she let me know that the LORD had a gift for me, I soon found out
to pledge our lives to Jesus Christ and accept Him as our Lord that the gift was also hearing the voice of the LORD, I started to
and Savior. He will forgive all the sins that we confess to Him and write down letters HE gave me recently and I have been filling
make us into a “new person”. Then we will want to do good deeds many notebook pages. The messages are very, very serious, the
and live in the way Jesus desires for our lives. (John 14:6, 1 John LORD told us we needed to get these messages out without
1:9, Titus 3:3-8, Rev 3:3-6, 10-13) delay–so here are the letters I received, you can read more about
us at the bottom of this message. Please pass this message on to
Should you believe that the above sequence is how it will whomever you think needs to read this.
happen? The Bible deals with all of this. Sometimes sorting it out
is a challenge. I am only a servant of our precious Lord, but the Then I, Sabrina, asked the LORD what about your, Susan’s,
essence of this message came from God. On Sunday evening letters:
September 27th I was prompted by something just read. I
wondered about some of the sequence depicted in a little booklet. “I have spoken to her so she might learn to understand My Voice.
So I quickly went over these coming events in my mind. I then Send the word out about My soon coming. Don’t be shy about a
asked God if my understanding of them was correct. Three times thing. The world must get penetrated with My words. Everybody
He confirmed that the above is the sequence in which the must know that I am coming very soon. Many do know, but are
Rapture and the Tribulation will take place. The events have been not ready. Therefore send out My words! Send them out & don’t
described in the Bible (note the above references).The details be shy about a thing.”
have been written by others in more detail, but I believe this
message captures important things we need to know. Then the LORD said: “This refers also to you, me, Sabrina, My
daughter, don’t be shy about a thing any more. Do it soon!”

Recent Prophecies about the Rapture and Soon Words given to Susan: 2nd Letter. September 2010:
Return of Jesus:
The people should prepare. I am coming.
Note: Susan and Sabrina operate in the gift of prophecy. As
always, all prophecy needs to be tested against the bible. They need to be ready at all times. Waiting for me. Am I not worth
However, if the prophecy lines up with the bible then we are the wait? I died for them. I wait on them long suffering to change
expected to obey it. their hearts toward me. The day will come when I wait no more. It
will be too late for them. They will suffer. Now is the time to come
Just like in the Old Testament, God uses prophets in the New to me. It will happen soon. I cannot wait on their hearts. Am I not
Testament times of which we are currently in. The book of Acts worth it? I died a horrible death for them. They do not know what
mentions some of the prophets such as Judas and Silas (Acts torture I saw. Am I not worth it? I do everything for my children. I
15:32) and Agabus (Acts 21:21) and there were others. The spare no expense. I gave all. I gave them all of Me. I bled out. It
ministry of prophets is also mentioned in New Testament times in was for them. Tell them this. Soon I will come and they will miss
1 Corinthians 12:28, 14:29,32,37 as well as in Ephesians the greatest ride of their lives. My love for eternity. I gave all. I
2:20,3:5,4:11. Jesus chooses prophets to work for Him on earth. give all. I am a loving God. My heart never stops beating. It is love
Without prophets Jesus would not have any way of never ending. Sad it will be. I gave all. It was for my children.
communicating His desires to His children. The Bible itself was These are My words. Write this down My daughter my bride, days
written prophetically through the inspiration of the Holy Spirit. As it are getting darker. They need to turn now. I can’t wait forever on
says in 1 Thessalonians 5:19-21, "Do not put out the Spirit's fire; their hearts. It will be too late for many soon. It will be too late.
do not treat prophecies with contempt. Test everything. Hold on to Tell them to take this seriously. Soon it will be too late. These
the good." And the way to test the messages is to compare it's words are true.
content to what the Bible says. In all the prophecies below I have
tested these messages and they are all in agreement to what the Everything I did was worth it. I would die again for My children but
Bible says. But you must also test these messages to the Bible. they reject my love, My salvation, My Spirit and put ME to shame
And if they check out then God expects that you will take them to again. I won’t wait forever on them. They will be sad when they
heart and obey His instructions. realize they have been left. It will be the worst moment of their
PART 1. September 11th, 2010. 4th Letter. September 2010:
This is an urgent message from the LORD JESUS–We are but Time is short. The times are progressing, it can’t be stopped. I will
humble servants asked to do HIS work in these last days–Please deliver My people.
read and forward to whoever you can–God bless.
Write it down. Cling to ME, depend on ME. Nothing else will
Around 2007 or so, the LORD brought together two people from deliver you. I am coming soon. The world will see My wrath very
two different parts of the globe, one in the U.S. and the other in soon. Nothing will save the ones who disobey. They cannot be
Belgium. Sabrina, Belgium, and I, Susan, U.S. became friends saved if they turn from ME. The hour is short, so short you can
see the times changing rapidly. It will be dark, so dark for those hands. I will not wait forever on My people. This is serious. The
who refuse ME. I am their only hope. People must see I am their world will stop. The destiny of the world is death. If you stay you
only hope. Come to ME at this hour. There is little time left. will die. If you leave, you must leave with Me. You must choose
life or death. I come quickly. My hour is near, the hour I retrieve
Destruction, darkness is coming to the earth. This hour is bleak, my Bride. She is ready. All is ready. The hour is close at hand. Be
so bleak. So dark, people must run to ME. I will save them, I love ready. Look for ME. I cannot wait much longer for a doubting
them. They don’t listen. I am their only hope, salvation. I am their generation. Only the pure of heart will see My face, My beautiful
salvation. face. My heart is broken for those who will be lost.

Write it down daughter, sister, my bride. Come down now. Lay Save yourselves, turn and surrender. The hour is close at hand.
down your weapons of destruction; weapons of the tongue; evil All will be dark soon, but the Bride will be safely put away. Be the
thoughts. The world will never be the same. All will be black. They Bride: turn, repent, come to ME. I am gentle. I am kind. My words
will know, and they will see it is ME. My salvation is their only are soft and tender. I am a gentle God. My people see, My people
hope. I will break the tide. I will come for My people, those who know I am love. I spare no expense for My children. Love is my
truly love ME and repent of their evil ways. Justice will be served. moniker. This world is going to die out soon. Soon it will all be
over. Repent while you still can. Please come to ME, I am waiting.
You will know I am God. Time is short. Your King is coming on These are your last opportunities. You choose: life or death.
blinding white doves, beauty indescribable, heavenly beauty. The
dawn will break over the horizon. And My beauty is splendid, 5th Letter. Sept. 2010:
breathtaking for those who are ready. Today you choose. The
choice is yours. I lay it before you: life or death. The choice is I am coming soon. The world will never be the same. The people
easy but you make it hard. think they have forever. They do not. I will be here before they
realize. It is coming fast.
I love My children. My children know My voice. I am calling them
to come home. Come home to a safe Kingdom. Land of milk and These are My words, true and simple. Watch for it. The people
honey, honey that drips, wine that tastes sweet. It is theirs for the need to know I am coming soon, very soon. Very soon it will be
taking if they surrender their hearts to ME. I am a gentle loving over. People will choose. Will it be ME or the adversary? I am the
God, kind, a deliverer. I am strong, a strong tower supporting choice to make if you want life and peace. Choose ME, choose
them. life.

It will be time for ME to come and I won’t hesitate to move when it We have very little time left. The hour is closing in. Choices must
is time to get the bride. I won’t hesitate. My moniker is love. I love be made. Choose love or choose death. Why is this choice hard?
My bride. She is waiting. I know My bride. I know who waits. Only I offer life eternal. Please choose life. No one comes to the Father
those who wait will be ready and taken. I know My people’s but by ME. I am the way, the truth, and the life. Your choice is
hearts. Some make ME very sad. simple but you choose death if you don’t choose Me.

The hearts that they are ready, they will be the ones I deliver. We can run, we can fly, we can live together for all eternity. Make
This is not hard, for this is truth. Have I not said it in My word. My your mind up: the hour is now and time is closing in. The world
word is clear and uncomplicated. I would rather you be hot or cold will all end, all is ending. This is the final hour. Choose life or
but you are not and I must spit you out. These words are serious. choose death. I am life. The world is death. To live is to know ME,
It has been said by ME before nothing is new. The world drifts everything else is death. Everything else is temporal.
from ME.
6th Letter. Sept. 2010:
Time is short. The plagues will begin. My people have no idea
what it will be like. Life will never be the same. The hour is Write it down my dear. This is what I have to say today. Your
coming, choose life or death: simple choice. This is MY word to question about 2011, this is what I have to say. You will be gone
my people from My messenger. I use My messenger to give My by 2011. The world will become dark. And yes, you can know the
words. season., I had said to the LORD that you can’t know the day or
hour but you can know the season.
The beauty of My love cannot be measured or comprehended.
Men do not know what they are rejecting. This world offers them Write it down. I am coming soon, so very soon. The people do not
nothing but pain and suffering. see what is happening. They are blinded. We shall depart soon.
You will see. It will come quickly.
I am coming. Time is short. They will know I am God. Time is
short. When I deliver My people they will see that I am LORD. It I will work everything out. You will see. It will be glorious for my
will happen quickly. I come and then evil will rage. Soon the world people. Many will be left. It will be a sad time for them. I have
will need to choose life or death. they must choose ME if they been clear about My coming. It should not be a surprise. All is
want to live. I give all for them. Didn’t I die? They are disillusioned ready for the greatest banquet of all time. You are coming too My
by this world. How am I to reach them? I only have to plead. They love. This shall be a glorious time for heaven. All is ready and
think I am a GOD who won’t follow through with what I have to waiting.
say. But My word is true. It will happen. They will be amazed.
Only those who are ready will go, my precious ones who love ME. The angels are standing ready. Tell the people time is up. We
I love them and they will never see destruction. Warn them sister, shall be there soon. All is getting dark. The dark clouds are
my bride. forming. The darkness comes. These are dark days ahead. Warn
This is your LORD. Time is short. Time is running out. The clock
is ticking. I must come soon. Life will never be the same. Choose These words are true. I am waiting patiently on my people. I won’t
glory or destruction. You have the power to choose. Life is in your wait forever on them. Many will find out and it will be sad for them.
Some are preparing now and will be ready for ME.
The Lord’s answer: “The rapture is delayed. Trust on the hearing
I am an honest God. My truth stands. All is ready waiting for of My Voice. The intention was that I came for My bride just prior
them. Take this seriously, because when I come all will know. to the 7 years of tribulation. But My Father has decided otherwise.
Sad for those left. The rapture is delayed for a short time.”

Tell the people it is coming. Get ready, be prepared. I won’t wait. Letter from God received on Tuesday 7th September 2010:
These are My words.
For Susan & me, The Lord was talking in plural form, so when He
Write it down. The people need to be ready. These are My words. says ‘You’, He means you & me.
I am careful with My words. Time is up. It is ready. Be ready for
the greatest ride of your life. Spring beauty all year, that is what “Write it down, My daughter. You are not crazy, you hear My
heaven is like. The angels wait for the bride. All is ready. Standing Voice and I have given you Susan as support. Encourage each
ready the heavens are breathless for My word to come get the other in these days with My words. Let nothing distract you, you
bride, she is ready. I am ready. both hear My Voice. I shall use you as a mighty duo in My Hands.
Much I shall reveal to you. Only listen to the hearing of My Voice
We shall be together soon. It will be glorious, so glorious. The and don’t let yourselves be distracted by nothing. Don’t worry
hour is now. The season is now. about a thing or human. Only act out of My love, if you stay in My
Word & words & believe, you are walking in My love. Don’t let
I am coming very soon. We will run, we will fly. It will be grand a nothing distract you, do everything that I tell you. I have searched
sight, a spectacle for all time, when My people come home. The & I have found, My chosen people in these last days. Please obey
heavens await the greatest sight ever. All is ready. at the hearing of My Voice. People do not realize how late it is.
My Father longs to give the sign, all eyes are fixed on Him. Keep
My patience is up. I can wait no longer to receive My bride, My your eyes only fixed on Me, don’t look at the left, n’or the right,
glorious bride. She is a beautiful sight. All is ready. I am ready. It look at Me, I am Jesus, your leading man to life, the only leading
will come like a stream flowing from heaven, when the heavenlies man to life. Trust My daughter, trust. I have prepared you for this.
open up. When I came down from heaven, the Bridegroom on Don’t look at the earthly circumstances. Keep your eyes only fixed
wings of eagles, white horse, white doves, beauty unimaginable. on Me & let yourself be led by My Spirit. He is the one who
speaks. You hear His Voice, My Words. Me & My Spirit are one,
Write it down. The beauty will never stop. It will never end. The we are a team & we want to help you both in this time. Stay close
days of eternity are beginning for the bride. She is glorious. We to My Spirit, He is the most precious gift you own. If you don’t
will unite and be together. Forever these are my words. I am your have My Spirit, you also cannot have Me. Me & My Spirit are one.
Lord. I am your Lord, Maker, Keeper, God Everlasting, Truth, Be also you one with Us. Yes, I speak to both of you. Trust on the
Strong Tower, Love Everlasting, Power over the universe. I am hearing of My Voice. Don’t doubt! I have searched & I have found,
Maker, Lover, Father, Brother, Son. I am God. We shall run, we My chosen people in these last days. I am telling you, this is the
shall fly. You shall change. Your lives will change. It will be last hour. This is for both of you. Be strong & courageous.
glorious. You will be in My keep. I take care of My children. My Everything comes soon to an end. I love your both heart, keep
words are true, this is truth. Write it down. setting it apart for Me. It belongs to Me. You belong to Me. This is
The heavenlies open up, all will see. Few will go. It is sad, so few
are ready. But, I must come. It is My hour, My destiny to claim My Me: Concerning rapture 2010, what if the Father delays it again?
bride. I have waited for this hour. All is ready. My bride awaits. I
come for those who are waiting and ready. It will be soon. The The Lord: “So be it! My daughter. My Father has all might &
hour is now. Now is the hour. power. Everything lies into the Hands of My Father. Don’t worry
about the day, n’or the hour. The rapture is planned for this year
Many will be left. They will know it was ME. What a dark day for 2010. But the grace of My Father is big. But there comes a day
them. This is truth. I cannot wait forever on My people. Tell them and an hour. There comes a day and an hour. Do both not worry
this. My bride finds it worth waiting. She stands ready. I will come about this fact.”
to receive her unto Myself. It will be glorious for both her and ME.
We will fly as doves to their lattices. I will retrieve My bride and Later the Lord said: “Write it down My daughter. The rapture will
she will be ready for ME. happen before the great tribulation, this is in My Word and it
stands firm. I have all time under My control. I am God, I know
They will divide Israel. You will see and you will come with ME what I am doing.”
before I pour out My wrath on the world. Pray for your loved ones
like never before. The hour is closing in. I come to take my bride Letter 8. Sept. 2010.
and I will put her in a safe place.
Listen to the speaking of my voice. The days are getting darker.
Words given to Sabrina: Soon all will be dark. The people need to see what is coming and
hear My voice. We are getting close to the end of this age. All is
Tuesday 7th of September, I was already touched greatly in the growing dark. These will be hard times for those left. My love will
morning, so I knew the Lord would speak to me in a special way. sustain them, but it will be hard for them. All will be dark very
In the afternoon, I was reading in a book where the Lord has said
to a person that first the rapture would happen and then the 7 Each day will be added upon another. The dominoes are falling,
years of tribulation. everyday will be worse than the previous. Headlines will continue
to grow darker. Men’s hearts will fail them. Tribulation has begun.
I was like, Lord how is this possible, because You told me the last
year, 2010, that we are already in the tribulation? Write it down. Today we are much nearer to the end than a week
ago, each day we draw closer, it is coming. I am coming. Life and Lord of lords over all. This is my destiny to be fulfilled.
here is closing down. The people are leaving soon. It will come. It
will come fast. The end is near. Time is short. I will take back My Kingdom, the people have a
choice to make. My promises will be fulfilled, all will come to pass
Me, I had been asking if I am to release these words to the as it is in My Word. My promises are being fulfilled right now, I am
general public and email lists: true to My Word. The clock is ticking. The people must get ready,
the evil nation is forming, while they stand idly by.
Write it down. You have My permission to put those words out.
Now is the time. Do not delay. Time is short. Lives are at stake. Allow me to rescue them or be swept away in the flood of what is
We are nearing the end. All is getting dark. A perverse nation is coming. Please church wake up! This is the final hour. Why are
forming, the one world government. you so sleepy? The people are not being warned. Read My Word.
There is nothing happening that has not been foretold. I am
Write it down. Warn the people. Time is short. Darkness will coming soon and it will either be a great moment or the worst
prevail for a brief time in history and then I will come with My moment. Choose what moment you want to live in, with ME in My
saints to destroy the enemy and all he stands for, for a time a Kingdom or with the enemy in his eternal kingdom. The lines are
time and a half. Anyone who wants to escape this madness being drawn. You must decide. Love or hate, My ways are simple,
needs to turn right now to ME, your Savior. There is no other way surrender to ME or be left behind to face destruction. I love My
to the Father, but through Me. Don’t be deceived. There is no children, but they must choose. I gave Myself for them, I ask no
other way. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. less of them.

Deceptions are running amuck. The people are destroyed for lack Our personal background info:
of knowledge. They follow deception. The devil prowls like a lion
looking for who he can destroy. Choose life, not death. You have Hello. My name is Sabrina. Let me introduce myself a bit.
a brief time left to choose. Choose ME and find freedom. freedom
to fly to safety among my loved ones to peace and love I became a Christian in 1992.
everlasting, divine love, pure love.
God has done a huge job in me concerning emotional recovery. It
The people need to act now, turn before it is too late without ME. has been an intense, difficult, painful and long journey, but it has
They will be lost and there will be no escape from hell. I can keep led to an intense wonderful intimate friendship with God. God has
them from this destiny. destiny to destruction. My way is peace, been my perfect counselor. He has treated me with His tender
wholeness, forgiveness, truth, love. My way is righteous. With my care, wisdom and especially a lot of patience.
right hand I guide, guard, protect. I am a loving God. But to reject
ME is death, eternal demise, eternal loss. There is no turning God’s heart’s desire was and is intimacy with His children and this
back once you have made this choice. also became my heart’s desire. I learned to hunger and thirst for
everything from Him. I learned to worship Him in all my
Don’t be deceived by the world, the world is corrupt. It is an circumstances, no matter how I felt.
enmity to ME. I will spit it out and all it stands for. Time is short.
Choose life or death. I am life. Choose ME, choose beauty, I learned to have a personal relationship with the Holy Spirit and I
choose love, choose well. discovered that it was He who spoke to me in my mind. I created
a deep respect for Him and invited Him every day in my prayers
Letter 9. Sept. 11, 2010. to fill and lead me completely. I did everything not to hurt Him.

Write it down My love. You are My love. You are faithful and loyal. One day in 2006 God started talking to me about His soon
I know all. I am with you. I will never forsake you. Your love is coming. The Lord has also told me that the fact I always hear His
true. But you need to listen to what I have to say. These are My Voice, is His gift of grace for me. Later I understood that this gift
words. Write them down. would also be used in the prophetic and encouraging field for
other people. But the principal of this gift was, that He would use
I am coming soon. All is ready for ME to come. The time is me in this end-time to speak about His soon coming.
drawing near. It is closing in. We will fly away soon. All is
prepared. Life here is drawing to a close. The peace on earth will In April 2008 God told me it was important to spend much time
be lifted and exchanged for darkness, it will be utter darkness. with Him. This desire grew also in my heart more and more and
Souls will cry out for relief. They would not follow ME when I gave the Lord said to me that this was also His desire and His H.
them a chance. Over and over I have tried to warn them. They Spirit’s.
refuse to listen. Their worldly pursuits were more important to From then on I put a number of specific days for Him separately
them. You can’t have ME and the world both. My love will never during the week. I filled these days with prayer, Bible reading,
compare to this world. Their choice is a sad choice., I think HE reading books, listening to good Bible study’s on the internet,
means that they choose the world over HIM, worship, etc. but it also happened that the H. Spirit urged me to
go to evangelize to someone.
They need to run quickly to ME now, while there is time left. Soon
this door will shut and all will go black. I am making my pleas Heaven is too real for me, time too short and the exhortations of
through my humble servants, I am warning through disasters, I the Lord too strong for something else to do.
am putting up all the signs, and yet people will still not believe.
What must I do to get through to them? On January 6 2010, I had a prophetic rapture dream. Though I
was engaged much in these matters, I had not received many
They are making their choices now. I cannot help if there will be rapture dreams. This was my second. The Lord explained that His
regret later, I have given them ample opportunity to choose. The Coming will be sudden, with great power, followed by immediate
choice is theirs to make. I cannot plead forever. My Kingdom is panic and chaos.
coming and I am ready, ready to assume my role as King of kings
On May 25 2010, God gave me an important dream of the bride. God, 3but every spirit that does not acknowledge Jesus is not
The explanation was this: “It is important for my Bride to prepare from God. This is the spirit of the antichrist, which you have heard
herself. Behold, I come quickly and then there will be no more is coming and even now is already in the world.
time to make up. My Bride must prepare now. Be ready! I am
ready. “God spoke in a serious tone! Jeremiah 14-16. Then the LORD said to me, “The prophets are
prophesying lies in my name. I have not sent them or appointed
On July 9 2010, God gave me an encouraging word. Here is an them or spoken to them. They are prophesying to you false
excerpt from the letter: ‘My dear daughter, write it down. Know visions, divinations, idolatries [a] and the delusions of their own
that everything here is as good as ready. There is nothing minds. Therefore, this is what the LORD says about the prophets
stopping Me to come for My bride. Everything is ready. The table who are prophesying in my name: I did not send them, yet they
for the eternal marriage stands ready. The angels are on post. are saying, ‘No sword or famine will touch this land.’ Those same
Everyone is rejoiced & enthusiast! Oh what a joy it will be when I prophets will perish by sword and famine. And the people they
come for My bride! I want you to encourage each other with these are prophesying to will be thrown out into the streets of Jerusalem
words. It is only the grace of My Father who holds the sound of because of the famine and sword. There will be no one to bury
the trumpet. Millions of people are still lost.‘ them or their wives, their sons or their daughters. I will pour out
on them the calamity they deserve.
In all those years, I have received many confirmations whenever
the Holy Spirit talked to me, through the bible, books or other Jeremiah 23:16. This is what the LORD Almighty says: “Do not
people’s testimony, preaching, teaching’s. My only goal is to be listen to what the prophets are prophesying to you; they fill you
completely obedient to Him. My days are completely for Him, as I with false hopes. They speak visions from their own minds, not
don’t go to work. I keep praying for everyone I witness too, take from the mouth of the LORD.
daily communion, just spent all my time for & with the Lord. Thank
you for taking the time to read all this, so you know my walk with PART 2. September 14th, 2010.
Him is serious. May the Lord bless you all!
We recently posted amazing WORDS from the LORD which you
Sabrina De Muynck. jan.sabrina@pandora.be can read at this website as an Urgent Message from the Lord: I
AM COMING! http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/
You can find more information out about me, Susan Davis, and
my relationship with the LORD by checking out the following I have another urgent message from the LORD, but before I give
websites: you HIS letter, I have something I want to say. The fact that I am
now hearing from the LORD is surprising, but I was told back in
http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/ March of 2009 that I would be doing HIS end time work and to
prove this to ME the LORD gave me a miraculous prayer
http://sites.advancedministry.com/lovethewhirlwind language and a vision. So I knew that soon HE would be calling
on me to do something for HIM. Also my dear friend Sabrina, who
And my email is: lovethewhirlwind@sbcglobal.net lives in Belgium who the LORD brought us together was given the
same words.
IMPORTANT NOTE: I am very serious about these warnings from
the LORD and these testimonies so I wanted to include the About five years ago or so, the LORD began showing me that HE
following Bible verses that talk about those who speak falsely for was coming soon, at that time I was shocked because the only
the LORD, this is to let you know that we take this very seriously thing going on was the IRAQ war. I have since seen many things
and we understand the gravity of these messages. We know how come about that the Bible said would happen and I have been
the LORD feels about people who speak on HIS behalf falsely amazed that it is as the LORD showed me back then.
and I wanted to point out that these messages are not contrived
or made up and attributed to GOD falsely. These are very serious At the time the LORD showed me five years ago that HE was
messages from the LORD and not to be taken lightly, so here are coming soon, I was very busy with a family and career. Then the
the verses that we have read and we confirm that we understand LORD called me away from my career. I have since learned it
and know them well: was to clear the way for the work I would be doing for HIM in
these last days. This past year I went for a mammogram and was
Matthew 7:15-20. A Tree and Its Fruit. ″Watch out for false greatly dreading it because I had previously had a biopsy and a
prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they lumpectomy and I was anxious about the upcoming mammogram.
are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do When the report arrived, I let it sit for four days, and when I
people pick grapes from thorn bushes, or figs from thistles? gained the courage to open the letter it was a good report, I heard
Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears the voice of the LORD say: “I DON’T NEED YOU SICK NOW, I
bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot HAVE WORK FOR YOU TO DO.” I was amazed, because I
bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut would never call cancer being sick, I knew this was HIM. Later
down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will this year, we were also relieved of some financial burdens and
recognize them. the LORD once again told me HE was clearing the way for the
work HE has me doing and HE did not want me focusing on
Matthew 24:24-25. For false Christs and false prophets will worldly problems. I also want to add that the LORD sent many
appear and perform great signs and miracles to deceive even the other confirmations along the way–from other people so we
elect, if that were possible. See, I have told you ahead of time. cannot deny what is happening. The LORD sent a woman to me
who I had never met before who has a big heart for the LORD
1 John 4:1-3. Test the Spirits. Dear friends, do not believe every and she felt the LORD was wanting to use her and she is working
spirit, but test the spirits to see whether they are from God, with us on getting the word out through her End-Times website.
because many false prophets have gone out into the world. This The LORD has told us that HE would open many doors and HE
is how you can recognize the Spirit of God: Every spirit that has been true to HIS word.
acknowledges that Jesus Christ has come in the flesh is from
Now I have experienced the wrath of GOD first hand, so honestly
there isn’t enough criticism to keep me from speaking the words Proverbs 8:17. I love those who love me, and those who seek me
of the LORD. I fear God much more than I fear anything people find me.
have to say about these messages. The LORD knows what HE is
doing, my job is to follow HIM and not to worry about what people Matthew 7:8. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks
say, worry is a sin. *This is what the LORD spoke to me regarding finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.
the criticism of others when I am giving HIS message out:
Acts 17:27. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps
“My disciples were also forbidden to speak about My gospel. reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one
They were tortured and martyred, but they remained obedient to of us.
what I had told them to do. Therefore stay restful and calm My
daughter and you will understand the leading of My Holy Spirit. *Regardless as to whether you believe us or not–just do this for
He will guide you in everything, when to speak and with moments me: SURRENDER YOUR LIFE TO JESUS–GIVE IT ALL TO
also to be silent. This is My end-time work My daughter and I HIM–NOT JUST YOUR HEART–GIVE HIM EVERYTHING AND
have chosen you to do this work, together with many others of My DON’T DELAY.
daughters. Few are willing, but I see that you are willing to do My
will. Therefore don’t be surprised if many rise against you. It looks This is from Habakkuk 2:2-3, as it is plain that LORD tells people
like a mountain, but it is not. Speak to this mountain My daughter, to write things down, this is not a new thing that GOD is doing,
speak My words about My soon coming.” Remember Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever.

One of the things that the LORD has told both Sabrina and me is "Then the LORD replied: “Write down the revelation and make it
that near HIS coming she would be healed. Sabrina suffers plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it. For the revelation
immensely and has many physical ailments. She is nearly awaits an appointed time; it speaks of the end and will not prove
handicapped and is in CONSTANT PAIN. I do not know how she false. Though it linger, wait for it; it will certainly come and will not
is withstanding this pain. The LORD has promised her healing as delay."
a sign of HIS soon return. He speaks of it in this most recent letter
I have included below. When she is healed, I will be singing Letter 12. Words given to me–Susan–by the LORD to be shared.
praises for this work of the LORD because the doctors can do
nothing for her now and she suffers every day, every hour. Here Write it down My love. This is My voice you are hearing. Write
is the POWER behind this message: Sabrina has been telling me what you hear.
for over a year now that the LORD has promised to heal her just
prior to HIS return and she would have a short ministry regarding My coming is close at hand. I am near. All is ready. It will happen
her healing–well today–I heard HIS words myself that HE plans to soon. Many do not believe. They are wrong. I have been warning
heal her as I wrote HIS words down. I couldn’t keep from weeping them. They will find out. My words are true.
as I heard these amazing words knowing what this all means. We
have been instructed by the LORD to release HIS words because Write it down. There will be hard lessons for them to learn if this is
lives are at stake. what they have to go through to find Me. I would rather they come
now. But if they resist, they will be left. My words are true.
The idea that we are in the end times is not a new concept, it is
on a lot of people’s minds these days, the weather reflects it; the Now concerning you and Sabrina, write it down. These are My
world’s sin reflects it; and the politics reflects it. The fact that few words for you. You will find out soon what you are to do. I will
people want to believe the LORD is coming soon is completely reveal more in the coming days. The plan will be given to you
Biblical as the LORD gave me a word about how few will be ready step by step. You shall see. It will all come together. I will provide
when HE comes and sadly how many will later turn to HIM in the you direction. Life will change soon. Sister Sabrina will be healed.
great tribulation as reflected by John’s words in Revelations: She needs to prepare. I am making ready for this great miracle.
http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/?p=203 Finally, here is what I Tell her to make ready. All is ready., Susan’s words: Read the
have to say about these messages the LORD is telling us to description below of what she will be healed of,
These are my words, write it down My precious Bride. I thank you
Here is my position on this message, I AM Coming: I cannot for your help in this. Sabrina is your dear sister. She has fought
speak for Sabrina, but I think she would agree with me, there is hard. She is My loved one. Her healing is coming. What a great
no hope if a person cannot give their complete life to the LORD, day lies ahead to be lifted of this burden. She will rejoice, it will all
surrender all, follow HIM with all your heart, soul, mind, strength be worth it. Tell her it will be soon over. I will receive glory. Many
and to think you will only be met with deception or deceit from the will be saved. Tell the people to prepare. I am coming swiftly.
God you seek with all your heart, soul, and mind. No, this is not Nothing can stop Me. The dominoes are falling. The plans are laid
the GOD I have grown to know and love. His handbook, the Bible bare.
is clear about these matters as stated in the verses below. There
comes a time when GOD asks you to do something and you Write it down. Sabrina’s healing will come soon. Your ministry will
either worry about what people around you are going to think or be short. Let this be a sign of My soon coming. All is being made
you trust and obey. God knows our hearts and that is what ready. I will come and pull My bride out. Days are darkening.
counts. God bless, Susan Time is short. They say I am never coming, but I am. Soon all will
become dark. You must write these words down. I love you My
Jeremiah 29:13. You will seek me and find me when you seek me bride. Tell the people to make ready, prepare their hearts these
with all your heart. words are true. My servants speak truth. These are My words.

Deuteronomy 4:29. But if from there you seek the LORD your I am coming swiftly. The signs are passed. The event is coming.
God, you will find him if you look for him with all your heart and The greatest event of all time, My retrieving the Bride and My
with all your soul. great feast. The plans are laid out. My word is true. The earth will
grow dark. The people will know they have missed it. Turn your come to Me. I am in control. My plans will succeed. All is ready.
hearts to Me now. Escape with Me. Now is the time to surrender. You will see. We are prepared for this event to happen. You will
You must choose. If you think you have time, you don’t. My sheep be amazed. Many doors will open. I have prepared the way.
hear My voice. If you have My Spirit, you know this is truth. You People’s hearts will be stunned. The world will stand in awe. I
know My words are true. You see the times. I am your Father. My God can do anything. I can make the blind see. I can make the
Son died for you. He is coming. Did He not say He would? There deaf hear. I can make the lame walk. I can heal Sabrina.
will be no excuses, all has been said. The warnings are clear. My
words are strong and full of truth. Don’t be blind, open your eyes. My banner is Love. I am Salvation.
The truth is before you. If you refuse to see it, then you cannot be
helped. These are My words. Your lives will change. Pray for comfort, for
guidance, support, direction and I give it freely. Ask and you will
Write it down. These are my warnings. How long must I plead? I receive. I am mighty. I am great to deliver.
cannot plead much longer. I must come. My heart breaks over
those who will be lost, you will suffer at the hands of the enemy. It Write this down. We will be going home soon. The world will be
is not My choosing that you do it this way. I will not wait forever on astonished because they did not believe, but My bride will be at
this lost generation. You have but a little time left. Save yourself, My side forever more to reign and rule with Me for eternity. It will
turn to Me. Turn from the world. It is gross. it is evil. it is dying. it is be glorious. The world will be lost in their sin. In their disgust of
lost. I offer hope, wholeness, peace, love. I am your escape. Cling God, their plans will fail. All their well laid plans, gone to dust. I
to Me. The hour is closing. The door is closing. When I come for am the only hope for this lost world. The hour is near, all must
My bride, it will be wonderful. Won’t you join us? Come meet me choose: life or death. The hour is now: peace everlasting or
in the air. I am love, I will take you away to a glorious home, a death: a simple choice but a final choice.
heavenly home made with Holy Hands, My precious pierced
hands. I am a loving God. I will save you. Please turn now. Seek Give Me your allegiance and live. Live in peace, love, comfort.
My face, I am calling you to repent, turn, and save yourselves. Don’t delay, the door is closing fast. Time is running out: life or
These are My words. death. Today you must choose. I have been patient, but you
behave as if I will never come back. But I am coming and soon it
This is what Sabrina suffers from today as referenced above: A will be too late for many.
short summary: Pronounced Lumbar scoliosis of 20° with chronic
vertebral pressure due; Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and These are My final pleas. Soon I am coming and time will be up
Fibromyalgia with Spasmofilie ; Discopathy symptoms; The disc when the door closes it won’t open again. Don’t be so sure of
L1-L2 and L2-L3 are more pronounced narrowing ; Moderate yourself that you have all the time in the world. It will be a fatal
facet degeneration L4-L5 level and L5-S1 ; At the level C5-C6 choice. My love is great, but I can’t wait forever. Soon this world
there is a wide beam discus bulge, prominent on the left, reaching will grow dark, very dark. The time is closing, the hour is now. I
down to the C6 nerve root to the left = hernia ; Continuous won’t wait forever. Choose now, make your choice. Those who
paralysis ; Constant pain in left knee after surgery, again torn call on My name will be saved. I am JESUS, the only name that
miniscus ; Glaucoma in eyes ; Constant headaches / migraine ; saves.
total of + 66 % disability
PART 4. September 24th, 2010.
Matthew 12:25. Jesus knew their thoughts and said to them,
“Every kingdom divided against itself will be ruined, and every city Hebrews 6:4-6. It is impossible for those who have once been
or household divided against itself will not stand. enlightened, who have tasted the heavenly gift, who have shared
in the Holy Spirit, who have tasted the goodness of the word of
PART 3. September 21st, 2010. God and the powers of the coming age, if they fall away, to be
brought back to repentance, because to their loss they are
Dear Friends of Christ: crucifying the Son of God all over again and subjecting him to
public disgrace.
Sabrina and I recently posted and emailed important letters, and
words, we received from the LORD in a message titled I AM After reading Hebrews 6:4-6, I realized that it is impossible to
COMING, as seen on this blog: http://end-times- receive the gift of hearing the LORD’s voice as I write down HIS
prophecy.com/blog/. I continue to receive, almost daily, letters letters and then to turn around and to become disobedient in
from the LORD. some are very personal and some, like the one refusing to put them out for others to read–when this is what the
below, are for public viewing. These are serious warnings and we LORD has specifically told me to do–then to be able to continue
have been instructed by the LORD to send them out. I was told to in a close relationship with HIM if I am disobedient. especially
send this one out and I shared it with Sabrina first and she heard since this gift was given to me to support HIS end time work. So
this message from HIM about the letter: Sabrina heard this from in order to maintain my ongoing relationship with the LORD–I
the LORD regarding my, Susan, letter from HIM: The Lord tells MUST BE OBEDIENT AND POST THE LETTERS THAT HE
me to post this word and to not be worried about what GIVES ME FOR ALL TO READ–Seek God while HE can still be
people will think and their reactions and that the ones who found. HIS servant, Susan.
must receive it, will receive it. Here is the letter I copied down
as the LORD dictated it to me today 9-20-10: Letter 17. September 21, 2010.

Susan write it down. Write it down.

Susan We have work for you to do. This is what I have to say. I want you to write these things down. Time is short My dear. All
Very soon you will be telling the people what I have to say. You will know soon how very close the time is. I will give you direction.
will be taking your orders from ME. I will guide you with My eye, You will know what I require of you. All will happen soon.
you will see. All is prepared. All is planned. It will be glorious. The Everything is in the works. I have been patient with My people,
people will be amazed. This miracle will change hearts. They will but the time has come to soon make our departure. The world will
realize how soon it is coming. into English many times and so it is her secondary language and
that makes it sound a little different. But I have gotten used to the
Many things will change for those left behind. It will be their worst difference in her translation to my language.
nightmare. I am sad for those who will be left, but this is their
choice, not mine. My choice is for them to come with Me, but they The Lord tells me, Sabrina, to send this Word through also Susan
have freewill to come or stay. They are invited, but I will not force and not to doubt or delay, please correct if you see any type
them. The choice is theirs to make. Why choose death? This is faults,, have just typed this out as He spoke to me when I wanted
My question. My Spirit calls them. I cannot do this for them, they to answer you, I have nothing to add. Jesus is so sad.
must choose. I can wait long suffering; I can invite; I can plead; I
can encourage; I can argue my position, but I won’t force. No one The LORD’s Words as given to Sabrina regarding 5 the
is forced. They must decide. message/letter below that I, Susan, received today:

All is ready. The waiting is up. The clock is winding down. The “I am giving these letters because I want them sent out. You are
door is about to close. Many will be left. I am a patient God, I hearing My Voice, write it down. I am not a God of confusion.
have been patient with My children. I will lose many to the enemy. When I tell something, I will perform it. Therefore, do not take this
It will happen. My heart breaks for them, but this is their choice. word very lightly, as if they mean nothing to you or because you
think you know it all. You know nothing, I am the Father of all
They have a chance to choose. All know there is a God in their truth, I am Jesus, Your saving Master who reigns on earth and in
hearts. They know this, but they choose to look away. They heaven for all eternity. Don’t play games, My love is too strong for
pursue other gods. This is not My way. I offer more than wooden you to play games. Therefore I gave you all a free choice. But the
idols. I am Almighty God, Creator of the universe. I am gracious prize will be so great if you choose eternal life with Me. Don’t be
with My patience with men. I choose to be gracious. I am a loving fooling around any longer, the time is short and many are NOT
God. I would not turn anyone away who comes to Me. ready for My return. I am a God of patience indeed, but also of
wrath and the choice you make, has its consequences.
Please respond to My pleas. I am your Father. I love you with an
undying love. These are my final offerings. I cannot wait forever. Please I beg you, choose wisely. The prize is too big to be lost, to
There is an opportunity to choose life, don’t delay. The enemy is be thrown away. I have many special surprises for all My children
greedy. He wants to take many with him. He comes to kill and waiting in heaven, they will be so delighted. But I want ALL of
destroy. You can turn away from him and come to Me. Come and you, I want your soul, your heart, your mind, your body, your
be safe. I will care for you eternally. What must I do to wake you spirit, I want EVERYTHING. If you do, give Me everything, you
up? Time is short. You must wake up to the truth. I will only wait will receive everything. If you give Me only a part of yourself, you
so long, then I must go with those who will come with Me and will lose everything and suffer greatly for eternity. Take this Word
leave behind the rest. very seriously, many of you do not know yet how to live a life
completely separated for Me. Did I not suffer enough for you at
Do not delay in your decision making. I wait, but soon I cannot. the cross, so you can play around with your salvation? I am telling
This world is dissolving, it is dying out. It groans and wastes away you, My people, please listen to My Voice, I suffered greatly,
in sin and darkness. Soon it will be consumed by evil. Evil will more then anyone of you can ever know, but know also, the prize
roam the earth freely unabated, unattended. My bride will be for refusing My eternal offer of salvation will be horrible. I loved
removed and evil will consume the globe. you at Golgotha, I still love you now. I will love you for eternity.
Please, I beg you, choose wisely! Do not play around, time is up.
I am a gracious God waiting patiently, waiting quietly. I am My grace is forever, but time is up. This is your Lord God Jehovah
sending warnings, but you do not heed them. What would you speaking from heaven. Wake up earth!”
have me do to draw you close?
I, Sabrina tell the Lord He sounds so severe, He tells me this:
Write it down.
“My heart is broken because many, very many will be left behind.”
I long to draw you close, but you refuse. How long must I wait? I
cannot wait on you forever. Soon, very soon it will end: My Oh the love of our Lord, the Lord is crying people, literally crying
patience, My waiting. I will move to retrieve the bride. You are and so am I. Please I beg you too, He suffered so greatly, choose
hearing My pleas, My warnings. Please take this seriously. Many wisely as He said, give Him your all, get down on your face and
will have regrets. I am sad for the lost. It is devastating when they cry out and weep before His Face, this is not a game! Yours,
see the result of their choice: eternal separation from a loving Sabrina
God in exchange for eternal doom. Make a choice. Choose
wisely, choose safety or choose disaster, death, destruction. Now the Letter I, Susan, received from the LORD confirmed by
Sabrina to get it out to the people:
Some info about seeking & finding GOD:
http://sites.advancedministry.com/index.cfm?i=11265&mid=3 Letter 19. Saturday, September 25, 2010.
A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:
http://seekgod.org/ Write it down Susan. These are My words for you. Thank you for
coming to write.
PART 5. September 26th, 2010.
Soon I will be approaching earth to remove the bride. It is coming
The 1st message here is from the LORD and was received by soon. The people disbelieve just as I predicted so many years
Sabrina, of Belgium, in regards to the letter, below, that I, Susan before. This generation disbelieves. I am sad for them. They are a
of the U.S., received from the LORD and HIS response given to disbelieving generation. They will know the truth soon. All is
her as to whether I should put my letter out to people., I also want closing. This time is closing. The hour is closing. My patience is
to add here that Sabrina’s primary language is not English and closing. The clock is winding down.
she has to translate her messages spoken to her by the LORD
These are My words. Write them down. Did I not say I was coming back to receive My bride? I will do
what I say. Don’t doubt.
This world is hopeless without Me. There is no hope for them if
they do not turn to ME, cling to me. You do not believe, but My word is true. They hour is at hand. All
is ready. The plans are in place. Men cannot stop these plans. I
They seek and search for answers everywhere, but to Me. I am am God. I will fulfill My destiny to retrieve My beautiful bride. She
God, I have all the answers. I can solve their problems. I can save is the one who waits on Me. She is the one who longs for Me.
them. They refuse to follow Me. She desires to be with Me. She puts no other gods before Me.
She is the one I died for. I died for all, but My bride receives Me
These are My words. I am a strong God. I am strong for My without hesitation. She waits and watches. I know her and My
people. Tell them to look to Me. I will care for them. They seek bride knows and loves Me. She obeys Me. She adores Me and I
answers everywhere but from Me. They are a lost generation adore her. My bride is surrendered and follows Me. She knows
looking for answers everywhere but the Source of life. that I have answers. All others will be left.

These are My words. Write it down. Peace is My moniker. I am Be part of My wedding party and come to live with Me. Soon I am
peace. I can save the people. If they just turn to Me, let Me be leaving with My bride. You can be among these I take with Me.
their Savior. I will save them. There is no help for them anywhere Why choose death and destruction? Come to your senses and
else. Why do they look elsewhere for solutions that can only be live or be blinded and die. I am holding out My hand for just a little
found in Me? They need to run to Me now. Now is the time. bit longer. But don’t think it will be forever.

I am pleading with them, but it falls on deaf ears. It falls on blind Soon all will be dark and I must pull away My hand and depart
eyes. They are not paying attention. Soon they will be blind sided with My bride. Choose now, the hour is waning. You have
and they will wonder what hit them. They will be left locked out. precious little time left. This is your Lord and Master Jesus
The door will be closed to them and it cannot be opened again. speaking.
They will have to come to Me the hard way and it will be
tremendously difficult. Some info about seeking & finding GOD:
The enemy is wicked and he spares no expense in his desire to
destroy and kill. He will lash out at the Christians left, those who A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:
have been lukewarm and they will die at his hand. Their torment http://seekgod.org/
will be great. They will face the worst. This is not My intent that
they should go through this and suffer so. But I am a patient God Previous letters from the LORD can be found at this link:
and I am warning them now, turn, repent, surrender all to Me now http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/
and be saved.
God bless and thank you to our webmaster who has also
The hour is approaching quickly and there is very little time left to received confirmations from the LORD for our messages and
make things right. I cannot continue to hold back what must wholeheartedly supports our efforts, God bless Cindy, God loves
happen. The plans are laid out. I am true to My words. I will come you!
to get My people. Those left will see how bad it will be when My
bride is removed. You cannot see it now because you are caught Thank you and God bless to all the wonderful emails and
up in the cares of this world, but I cannot hold back forever. The messages we have received from around the world, your support
plan is put in place, I am God and I will see it through. and prayers are absolutely appreciated and needed. The enemy
has challenged our lives because we choose to be obedient to
The time is dwindling away. You have precious little time left. You our LORD JESUS, but we are in good company with those who
must decide. Surrender to Me or face the worst. What is your go before us. Keep praying for Sabrina’s healing. She is one of
choice? These days are running out. We are coming down to the the kindest people I know and would not hurt a fly. God bless and
end of life as you know it. The world is evil but it is not as evil as it pass the WORD on to seek JESUS right now as your undisputed
will be when I pull away My hand of protection. LORD and Master!

My church is asleep, she sleeps, but My bride is alert. She is PART 6. October 1st, 2010.
awake. She sees the hour. She knows her place. She is awake
and ready. She will be moved to glory and fly into the skies just as I just received this letter from the LORD and I am getting it out
My word promises. The enemy wants you to think this is all a right away because I sense the great urgency in HIS words, God
fantasy. He is a liar, he is the father of lies. He comes to kill and bless you, Susan Davis.
steal. He is arrogant and ruthless.
Letter 21. Thursday, September 30, 2010.
The people are deceived. They must wake up. They must open
their eyes. They are being deceived. The deception is Write it down. These are My words. All is ready. I am coming so
everywhere. The time is short. Soon nothing will be the same for very soon.
those taken and for those left: horror for those left; splendor for
those taken. The times are speaking of My coming. All is evil. The world is
preoccupied with itself. I am bored with this world and its
I am a God of great love and patience, but I am ready to receive preoccupation with itself. This is your Lord and Master speaking.
My bride unto Myself and she is ready to be received. All is ready.
The world needs to take heed. I am a God of great patience, but I I know the writing is on the wall, the time is closing in. My people
am coming and the time is short. need to get ready. They need to surrender their lives to Me. I,
God am a powerful God. I will be sad for them. The time is
Write it down. These are My words. I am careful with My words. drawing near. All has been said before. The hour is late. I am
giving them only a little bit more time and then I must return for you see the time is short? Won’t you even consider My offer? I
the bride. am a loving God and I give greatly, I gave all as a demonstration
of My undying love for humanity. What more can God do?
What must I do to wake the people up? They sleep soundly.
When they finally wake it may be too late. Then the hour will be These are My words. These are My pleadings. I am ready to pull
upon them and they will be left. They cannot understand the the bride out to safety. Be among her and live. Accept My offer
gravity of My nearness. The season is now. They can know the and live, live well. Why wait? Soon it will be too late. Then you will
season. I am coming to bring them to My heavenly home have eternal regret and suffering at the hand of the enemy. He is
prepared especially for them, where they will lack for nothing. I ruthless and uncaring, he cares not for mankind. Don’t be
have bled out for them and they do not believe Me. They won’t deceived. He will leave you behind to die a horrible death. There
listen. is no way to the Father but through Me.

Write it down. These are My words. I am patient with these I am your only hope: turn, repent, surrender, and run with Me in
people, but I cannot wait forever. My coming is set. I will arrive the fields of bliss in heaven. I await to take you with Me. I invite,
soon. The hour is closing. My bride is ready. I am ready. you reject. Time is short. Your rejection will be your last action
soon, if you don’t accept My offer. I am God. I will not be mocked.
I have told you the truth, I am returning quickly to retrieve My I gave all. Do not trivialize My words, My offer. Soon time will be
bride. Why do the people doubt? I am telling them the truth. It will up and your chance to surrender will be too late. Consider this
be. seriously. I would rather you be hot or cold, as it is, I must spit you
out. Come to Me. Come quickly. I am pleading for you to wake
I come without delay. My time is at hand. The time is coming for up. I cannot wait forever. These are My final offerings.
Me to remove the bride. All is set. All is established. I am ready.
Soon they shall see. My coming is appointed and no man can I love you, but rejection will be your last action. Choose life,
stop Me from returning for the bride, My beautiful bride. We will choose now. This is your Lord Jesus speaking. Give Me your life
reign on heaven and earth forever. and we shall be together forever.

I will not wait on My people forever. Why do they think that I, God, I wanted to share this wonderful letter of encouragement I
am not true to My words? I will do as I say. I have said I am received from someone, across the globe from me, I had never
coming and I will come. met before but it meant so very much to me to receive this and
this is for everyone who is out there doing the work of the LORD
The hour is darkening. All is dark. This world is falling apart and and trying to warn the people and facing persecution, I couldn’t
all who seek after the things of this world. They seek base things. have said this better if I tried.
Their love of the world is a stench to Me. I hate their pursuit of
evil, when they could have My love. Their choice is sad and Hi My Sister,
ultimately they will learn too late a horrifying truth of being apart
from God for all eternity. I do not want to leave them, those who I am so happy that you answered me, Don’t worry, Sabrina knows
do not want Me. But they are choosing for the world and their me already, we are friends already.
choice is sad and fatal.
For this negativity you guys are receiving, please let me tell you
Wake ‘O earth, your Lord and Creator calls you to repent and find something;
your way home. It is not too late, but the hour is shortening.
Please come to your senses. I, God, am waiting on you. Turn to 1. We are living in last days, and the Bible said: there will be
Me. Repent of your sin. Open your eyes. Surrender yourselves many mockers, people will like to hear what pleases them, people
and I will save you. All is not lost. But soon it will be too late. will reject the TRUTH
Remove your blinders. Open your eyes and see the truth. I am
leaving soon with My bride. These are My last calls. I am patient 2. As servants of the Lord, you guys are not doing this end times
only for a little bit longer. And then the shock will set in that My works to please people, but God. Paul said, if I am pleasing
bride is gone and the world will go dark. people, I am not a servant of God

Write it down. These are My words. I am coming very soon. I, 3. Don’t expect that everybody will agree with you. If people did
Jesus, am coming. I will take My bride with Me. Many do not not agree with Jesus when he was on earth, so do you think all
believe. They are wrong. They are playing a dangerous game. will agree with you, never.
The hour is short. I am holding out My hand to them. It is My hour.
They must know that I am God and I will not be mocked. I will not And Jesus said; “If my wet wood they did like this to me, what
tolerate mocking, mocking of My Name and My message. My about your DRY WOOD?”
message is clear: turn, repent, surrender. Come to safety, all will
be well in My loving arms. Turn away, and die. These are My final 4. One the most important things people minimize you guys and
offerings. these messages, it is because people LOVE this world and things
of this world too much. So these messages are not welcome to
What must I do to reach you? I died a horrible, painful, humiliating them, because they are enjoying this evil world. They are the
death. There is much you will never know how I suffered. I cried image of Lot’s wife who looked back because she loved SODOM
out to My Father and He would not listen. And I was alone in My and GOMORAH.
pain and suffering. It was horrendous and it was My love, My
display of love. I gave all to save you: to give you hope; to give 5. Jesus said to the people: “HYPOCRITES, you know to discern
you health; happiness, and life. You make Me suffer again when the weather, climate,, how you cannot discern this time?” Those
you reject Me. I suffer over you, your loss. You will reject the Son who send you negative words, simply they don’t discern what is
of Man and be rejected by My Father and suffer great loss, going in this evil world, I am very sad for them.
eternal loss. How can I make you see? What can I do to make
6. The devil know that through you guys, many souls will be
saved and awaken for the soon coming of our Lord Jesus, so he a weak, little lily of the Valley in the Hands of the Water of Life
is try to discourage you. Please don’t give up, you guys don’t and a wild rose of Sharon grafted into the Vine by the
know how many souls are saved and awakened these days Husbandman who produces fruit on the little branch.
through what you guys are doing for the Lord Jesus. The devil is
a liar, he will not succeed, resist him. Jesus is Lord forever. Isaiah 40:29. He gives power to the weak, And to those who have
no might He increases strength.
7. Remember, Jesus said: “I know my sheep and my sheep know
me, and they know my VOICE.” The Lord’s sheep knows that all Zec. 4:6. Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is
those urgent messages from our Lord are TRUE. the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, Not by might, nor
by power, but by my spirit, saith the LORD of hosts.
Paul said: We have the same Spirit with our Lord Jesus. It means
those who are truly in Christ knows that these messages came Ephesians 6:10. Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and
from our MASTER, because we have the same Spirit. in the power of His might.

8. The Holy Spirit is preparing the true believers, the true church I surrender the circumstance or issue to Him and then He will use
for the coming of Christ and the esprit of the antichrist is also His strength through me. Be strong in the Greek is passive voice.
preparing the LAODICIAN church to deceive them through the He must do it all through me!
We are to take the first step of repentance and He takes over!
9. Finally, the last book of Revelations said that those who are
Justified, let be them more Justified, and those who are wicked,
let be them more wicked. 2 Corinthians 6:17. Wherefore come out from among them, and
be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing;
P.S, yours CROWNS are waiting you guys in Heaven. and I will receive you,

God bless you. Come out – active voice, I must take the first step in true
repentance, be ye separate – passive, it will be done by Him in, to
This is an important message from a very devoted follower of the
LORD who is a very good friend of mine–the LORD has led him WHAT A WONDERFUL LORD WE HAVE!
to put this important message out and I agreed to help get the

Dear, dear sister Susan, “Jesus answered and said unto him, If a man love me, HE WILL
KEEP MY WORDS: and my Father will love him, and we will
Take this before the Lord and see what He gives you about the come unto him, and make our abode with him.” John 14:23
attachment. It might just be for me only to use to reach Christians
who are in no way ready for His return. HOW CAN I NOT LOVE AND OBEY HIM WHEN JESUS.

There is so little time and the question that was placed in my mind . looked inside of my heart and saw what was absolutely
– How can a Christian be reached quickly? The attachment with abhorrent to His pure soul, my sin nature which was dead in
the new challenge at the bottom came to me today. trespasses and sins, Eph.2:1, – DEAD! DEAD! DEAD? These
dead things were spiritually decaying and putrid smelling! Only
Jesus said, “And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men God could handle that repugnant, eternal stench. Jesus saw all of
unto Me.” John 12:21 my filthy deadness in the cup He was offered by His Father in the
Garden of Gethsemane and wept. He willingly took that horrifying
Jesus said, “No man can come to Me, except the Father which cup and drank it up fully.
hath sent Me draw him: and I will raise him up at the last day.”

And the Father was drawing that crowd in John 6 by focusing all . saw my sin nature and said I will be judged and punished for this
of them on the true BREAD OF LIFE – His Son!!! cesspool? This polluted ocean was filled with things lurking to be
fulfilled even though I had not acted on all of them. He saw all of
Jesus said of the Holy Spirit, “And when He is come, He will the following swirling around in my heart tempting me, waiting for
reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment.” me to say “yes” to: negative thoughts and desires, critical spirit,
John 16:8 unforgiveness, disobedience, hypocrisy, gossip, cursing, strife,
slander, bitterness, intolerance, unbelief, resentment, sexual
The attachment begins with Jesus’ own words- If you love me you impurity, vanity, uncaring, pouting, manipulation, faultfinding,
will. of obedience; judging, spite, selfishness, addictions, stubbornness, immorality,
malice, coldness and so much more, Rom.2:28-32,! “BEHOLD
What would cause us to truly repent – to see the glories of what WHAT MANNER OF LOVE THE FATHER HAS BESTOWED ON
our Lord has done for us? Then at the end is the WARNING TO US, THAT WE SHOULD BE CALLED CHILDREN OF GOD!”,
REPENT. 1John 3:1,

In His love and for His praise, Esher, HOW CAN I NOT LOVE AND OBEY HIM WHEN HE.
. actually became my sin and my curse, Gal.3:13; 2Cor.5:21,? THEN TURN!
Jesus not only took the above cesspool but BECAME IT! He felt
inside of Him all that was in that cesspool! Dear God, that Esher’s website: http://www.songofsolomondevotional.com/
overwhelms my heart that on the cross You were completely
flooded by what You hated. Your Word declares that You Some info about seeking & finding GOD:
DESPISED THE SHAME of the cross, Heb.12:2,! http://sites.advancedministry.com

The old hymn says it all, THE LOVE OF GOD IS GREATER FAR
THAN TONGUE OR PEN CAN EVER TELL. ! A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:
Previous letters from the LORD can be found at this link:
. was blamed for what I was and had done? Jesus, was punished http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/
for the guilty me in His spirit and soul, as well as His body, as if
HE WAS THE GUILTY ONE! He said, “. I HAVE LOVED YOU PART 7. October 7th, 2010.
Dear Friends–Once again, I received a letter from the LORD
HOW CAN I NOT LOVE AND OBEY HIM WHEN HE. JESUS Tuesday night and I was amazed about the topic HE
discusses–about our homes in the world to come–this truly
. said, “My God, My God why have You forsaken Me?” He knew amazes me, because I never know what direction HIS letters will
that the judgment for all those who die not desiring or accepting go in until the moment He dictates it to me. This letter is truly
His sacrifice would be separated from Him forever. They would be inspiring and also has an important dire message as well! God
made to repeat their own words, “I DID IT MY WAY!” “I didn’t bless, Susan Davis
need You or Your sacrifice.” The words came back for Jesus, “IT
WAS NOT ENOUGH!” Jesus was totally forsaken so that I would Letter 22. Tuesday, October 05, 2010.
not be forever forsaken in a place where God does not exist. “IN
THIS IS LOVE, NOT THAT WE LOVED GOD, BUT THAT HE Write it down. I am coming soon. The world is not ready, but I am
LOVED US AND SENT HIS SON [TO BE] THE PROPITIATION coming anyway. They think I am not coming but I will do as I say.
FOR OUR SINS.”, 1John 4:10,
These words are true. My words are true. I do as I say I will.
Daughter, write it down. Soon the day will come and it is coming
. made the offer of His salvation a completely free gift to me so fast when I touch down and pick up My bride to deliver her home
He alone would receive all the glory, Rom. 6:23; Eph.2:8,9,? safely. She will fly with Me home safely and I will bring her home
“BUT WHEN THE KINDNESS AND THE LOVE OF GOD OUR to pamper her, to care for her, to love her, to be with her. We will
SAVIOR TOWARD MAN APPEARED, NOT BY WORKS OF be together and it will be so glorious. All is prepared for her. She
RIGHTEOUSNESS WHICH WE HAVE DONE, BUT will be received by an army of angels in the air and flown to
ACCORDING TO HIS MERCY HE SAVED US. ”, Titus 3:4,5, safety. It will be a wonderful sight. I am anxious for this moment to
greet her in the air. It will be a glorious sight. Many will be amazed
HOW CAN I NOT LOVE AND OBEY HIM WHEN HE. and startled at this sight. She will be so beautiful. Angels will
marvel at her beauty.
. lives to watch over me, Heb.7:25,? He loves me so much that
He came to live inside of me and will never leave me, Gal.2:20; I am anxious for her to fly with me to heaven. The preparations
Deut.31:6,8. He actually feels all the pain that I will go through have been made to receive her. As we fly to heaven together she
because He lives in me, Isa.63:9. He gives meaning to the will arrive to a beautiful Kingdom and she will see beautiful things.
troubles I will go through, 2Cor.1:3-5, so that I can help others. He There will be much for her to do and see upon her arrival. She will
gives His promise to limit the temptations, 1Cor.10:13. “WE LOVE be amazed at the sight. My people have no idea what wonders
BECAUSE HE FIRST LOVED US.”, 1John 4:19, await them in their new homes. They will be startled at the sight. It
will be a moment of awe and magnitude. I, Jesus will bring her
HOW CAN I NOT LOVE AND OBEY HIM WHEN HE. into her new home across the threshold. Together we will explore
her new habitation and she will see the wonder awaiting her.
. loves me so much that He will discipline me in the right way to
live which will give me peace, Phil.4:6,7; Heb.12:6,? He All will be amazed at the sight. My bride will be made ready by
experiences everything I would go through to sympathize and be her countenance and her jewels given to her by Me, her King. I
deeply touched in all my weaknesses, Heb.4:14,15. “AND WALK will capture her heart into Mine. She will see the wonderful homes
IN LOVE, JUST AS CHRIST ALSO LOVED YOU, AND GAVE prepared for her. The scenery will be dazzling. I will sweep her off
HIMSELF UP FOR US. ”, Eph.5:2, her feet. Her mansions will put anything earth has to shame.

WARNING: WORLD EVENTS, PROPHETIC WARNINGS, ONE The mansions are all ready for her arrival. Everything is ready.
WORLD GOVERNMENT ON THE RISE, RFID CHIPS BEING We have her home ready. She will be amazed at the beauty.
PLACE INTO PEOPLE AROUND THE WORLD. CHRISTIAN DO There is so much to say. This heavenly home will be like nothing
YOU SEE THE SIGNS? ARE YOU REALLY READY FOR HIS she has seen before. These homes are spectacular. I have made
COMING? AFTER YOU HAVE READ THE ABOVE HOW CAN I sure that every detail is in place. There is a life waiting for the
Write it down. The home prepared for My bride in heaven is so
IF NOT, PLEAD FOR HOLY SPIRIT GODLY SORROW AND amazing. We have many wonderful things made ready for the
bride. She will be astounded. There will be wonderful activities to how you plan to spend eternity. I am GOD, I allow you to choose,
do. There will be all kinds of family to meet. but the time is short and your life is in your hands to decide.
Choose well. This is your moment to decide.
My bride will be in complete bliss. I, Jesus have made her a
wonderful home that is destined to amaze. It is hard to describe Sabrina received this message from the LORD on Wednesday
the indescribable. Earth lacks the experiences to describe such Oct. 6, regarding this letter:
beauty. My city will be pure and clean. Nothing dirty will enter in,
only those pure of heart. I, Jesus am ready to show these homes “Write it down. These are My words. Anyone who does not take
to the children. I am ready to let them see their homes. All is My Words seriously, will suffer greatly for all eternity. Don’t make
ready. it hard for yourself, choose now. I AM is coming to rapture My
bride, My beautiful bride. I AM is coming to take her home, her
My winged forces are ready to receive the bride and bring her eternal home, where she will be astonished by the beauty of it. All
home. It will happen soon. The time is short, brief. All need to get is ready, all is done, come My children, look towards heaven, I
ready. We must depart soon and leave this world behind. She is AM is ready. I will always love you with an everlasting love. My
coming home to the home she belongs to. Keep watching for Me. love is so different than yours, My love is perfect, My love is
I am always with you. beautiful, My love is perfect. Therefore, take heed of these
warnings, written in love for you My people. I AM is coming and
These are My words. Write it down. We have much to discuss. the time is closing in. Those who have ears will listen.”

These homes for the children are ready and waiting. I, Jesus Some info about seeking & finding GOD:
have made sure they lack no good thing. Each home is made with http://sites.advancedministry.com
loving hands to match the interests of My children. I made sure
these homes accommodate their unique interests. My children A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:
are all different and have unique likes and interests. They will find http://seekgod.org/
these homes greatly to their liking. They will enjoy exploring their
homes. All is made ready. I know My children. I know who they Previous letters from the LORD can be found at this link:
are. I know the homes they are going to will astound and amaze http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/
Dear Friends in Christ,
Write it down.
We have received many emails about people who are concerned
I am ready to bring My children home. It will happen soon. My for their lost friends and loved ones. So if you have many around
children will be so happy in their new homes. The days are you who are lost and you are concerned for their eternal welfare,
growing darker on earth. I am ready to depart and receive My we recommend the following: pray for them to be covered with the
bride. Life in heaven will be beautiful. There will be much to do. It precious blood of Christ; pray for them to have a hedge of
will be a place of wonder and beauty. The children will love their protection around them; pray for the LORD to send angels to
new homes and the spectacular scenery. This is an eternal home guard them; pray for the HOLY SPIRIT to open the eyes of their
unmarred by human hands. This is a home of grace and beauty. hearts and to fill them with the truth. And never stop praying or
These homes will leave My people breathless in awe. I spare no fighting for your loved ones, God hears your prayers, and your
expense for My children. All is ready and waiting for their arrival. prayers count! God is especially tender to the prayers of a mother
They will truly be astounded. for her children.

The time is closing in. The hour is closing in. Soon, we will fly We have received many emails about people who are concerned
away to our homes and reside together in bliss. My loved ones, I for their own salvation. We have provided a couple links with
want you to see how lovely this world is and how you will be so details and verses that would be very helpful from the Bible here
happy. All is ready. Surrender your lives to Me in this hour so that above. Matthew 7:21-23 says: ″Not everyone who says to me,
I might take you with Me to your new homes, heavenly homes, to ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who
beauty unimaginable, where there is no mar or imperfection. You does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me
can see it. on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in
your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I
You can be there too, it is yours if you surrender your life to Me will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you
now. I am your Lord. Make no mistake, I will not be mocked. I will evildoers!’
not be trifled with by men who do not truly understand God and
My ways. If you knew Me, truly knew Me, you would not mock My The key words in this section are the words “I NEVER KNEW
words; My desire to warn you; My desire to bring you to Myself in YOU”, in the Bible the word know means to be intimate with and
this waning hour. But you mock Me and refuse to listen. I have a this is what Jesus is saying here, these people were engaging in
wonderful heavenly home prepared for My children, My loved works, but Jesus is saying you never actually knew Me intimately.
ones. But make no mistake, choose against Me, reject My offer How do we know anyone intimately?, well we get to know them
and you will miss all this. You will not see the Son of Man in all through their likes, dislikes and spending time with them. With
His Glory. You will miss the most wonderful experience for Jesus, that means reading your Bible, spending time talking to
eternity. Jesus and getting to know Christ. So if someone doesn’t know
Jesus very well, they may be more of a casual acquaintance
I am sorry for your loss, but the choice is clearly yours. I cannot instead of an intimate friend or follower of Christ. Jesus wants
choose for you. You must choose. Choose life or death. The more than a casual acquaintance relationship, HE wants it all:
choice is yours to make: beauty or ugliness; eternal life or eternal your heart, soul, and mind. Surrender everything to HIM and allow
death. The choice is yours to make. Do not underestimate the the Holy Spirit to come into your life to change your heart and
shortness of this hour. I will not wait forever on you to choose for renew your mind, it can’t be accomplished without the Holy Spirit
Me. No choice is a choice. Think this through clearly and decide working in a fully surrendered follower. May you find Jesus in a
new way today. God bless you. are left. What a sad time for them. All I can do is plead if they will
not listen, what can be done? They refuse to listen and they will
PART 8. October 11th, 2010. be left to fend for themselves. I cannot save those who turn their
backs to Me. They must know their rejection of Me will be fatal
The LORD JESUS dictated this letter to me and I am sending it and final. Their demise will be dismal. I cannot do more than I am
out because the message is urgent. I have also included below it doing. They must choose. The choice is theirs to make: a life of
another letter given to a Sally Richter from the LORD that we love or of destruction.
received recently. The message and voice are the same, so we
are including it with this latest letter, God is trying to warn HIS Write it down. The world does not know what it is doing by
children about the late hour–God bless you, Susan Davis. rejecting the Son of Man. It will soon find out how sad it will be to
reject Me. I am prepared to save whomever surrenders to Me, but
Letter 23. October 10, 2010. reject Me and all is lost for eternity.

Write it down daughter, this is your Lord Jesus. Susan the hour is I hold out My hand and give all, but the world rejects. It chooses
waning. Soon I will be coming. Many do not believe. They will be second best. It rejects the best, the Son of Man in all His glory,
surprised. I cannot help them if they do not believe. They choose beauty, and love spectacular. What incredible loss, and for what?
not to believe on their own because I have given them plenty of Worldly compromise, the things of this world are shallow and trite
warnings. Why do they wait to find Me when I have given them compared to My unconditional love. I love with so much beauty
warnings? I have so much for them in heaven when I take My and grace, the human mind cannot comprehend the
bride. incomprehensible love I offer. There is no comparison. Life is
empty without My love; without My power; without My Spirit. The
All is ready. I am coming soon. This is the season of My coming. world is shallow, empty, lost, and confused. There is no good
Many are not aware of how close it is. They will be caught off place to turn for truth without the One who is Truth.
guard when I come to get My bride.
There is no other truth to be found. The beauty of My truth is all
Write it down. The time is near, even at hand. The majority will be encompassing and life is empty without it. I can only offer My
left to face the worst. I love them, but their hearts are far from Me. hand to those who will take it and be saved. If the people will not
I have a wonderful place in heaven waiting for them, but they take My hand, My love, and believe My words that I am coming,
choose this life over Me. Even this life here would be good if they then they will awaken very soon and find themselves left without a
were with Me. Savior and rejected to the life that they have chosen instead of
My love and warmth.
ME, Susan: Why are the people around me not seeing this?
I don’t want anyone to be left in this last moment, but I cannot
They are not seeing it because they choose not to. I have given save someone who does not turn to Me and repent of sin and
them many signs to see the truth, truth right before them, but they follow Me with complete surrender. This world offers nothing and
refuse to believe that they are the generation. this truth will win out in the end: sad for many and beauty for few.

The people will know I am God after My people are taken and Write it down.
they are left. They will know that I can’t be trifled with and their
hypocrisy is a stench to Me. I desire for them to follow Me and be These words are for those who will listen. I, Jesus, Son of Man
sold out, but they refuse to listen and so many will be left. The have a plan. I will take My bride away to safety: to bliss, to life
Son of Man is coming in the air. There will be much regret for not everlasting, and love never ending. I am a God of Truth. I wait on
following Me. you, I warn, I wait and you reject. You see the world and it looks
so inviting, but it offers you emptiness. So many step off into
This is what I have to say: stay close to Me, if you want to eternity: to nothingness and emptiness, suffering, and destruction.
surrender. Satan is a roaring lion looking for whomever to devour. I offer more than these things. My love is a fount, a road, a way. It
leads, it guides, and spreads out beauty in front of you, a feast of
Susan write it down. Thank you for meeting Me here. I am your love, peace, satisfaction, and you will miss this because you do
Divine Lord Jesus, beauty spectacular. Eyes have not seen the not seek answers and truth. You do not seek God. You love the
beauty of the Lord God. Soon the bride will behold the beauty of world and you find emptiness and pathways to hell. Hell that is
her Groom and Maker. I am Jesus, her Love. She is Mine. I love unending.
her with a never-ending love. All will see the way I adore her. She
is My love for eternity. The bride is spectacular and I, Jesus hold I, God am true to My word. If you turn your back to Me, I will lose
a special place for her in My heart. She will rule and reign with me you for all eternity and the sadness and horror will never end, the
forever. Her tenderness will be known throughout eternity. What worm that never dies. I cannot retrieve you out of hell once you
love she has for Me and what love I have for her. I am forever are there. It will be eternal loss and eternal suffering. Do not go
hers. Our eyes are one; our hearts are one; our love is one. We this direction. Think hard and choose life. Choose Me: I am the
are united in love and Spirit. She walks beside Me. My love Life, the Way, the Truth. You will not get to the Father except
knows no bounds toward her. Surrender to Me and become My through Me.
love and bride. I will take you with Me when I come to get My
bride. We will rule and reign together forever. All is ready for the I cannot retrieve you out of hell once you are there. It is an
bride to flee away skyward. unending choice that cannot be undone. Please see the truth. I do
not want to see you in hell. This was not My intent for your life.
My love is awaiting her. I am ready to begin. I am ready for her to But you must choose. If you don’t choose for Me, you will die and
come to Me. The time is now and I am ready. There is so much suffer. I died and suffered so you can avoid this end, but you
for the bride to do in heaven when she arrives. These closing reject My gift. I suffered greatly so that you would not have to.
days bring us nearer to the hour of My arrival. The hour is urgent. What do I, God, need to do to wake you to this truth? Please
The people do not wake. They sleep. Sad they will be when they believe the simple truth. It is a choice. Surrender your life to Me
and follow or find yourself on the path to destruction: beauty them like how they do to Me. I love them but they are full of sins,
untold or horrors unending. no humbleness in their hearts, no spirit of fear that I AM GOD.

This is it. You must choose. I am a patient God, but my patience Do not believe the love that you hear in this world, believe only in
is wearing thin on this evil generation who blasphemes her Lord Me for I have loved you more than ever and more than anyone.
and Savior and rejects truth openly in exchange for gross evil. Do not contaminate yourself of the sins of men and believe in lies.
What can I do to wake you up? Come to Me now. Wait not, you Seek always the truth and the glow of love in men’s hearts will
will wait too long and then the door will shut and it won’t open prevail. The bread I gave you will strengthen you. The enemy is
again and you will suffer greatly at the hand of My enemy. He is after you, but I covered you with My Holy Blood and Holy Spirit.
ruthless and savage. He hates humanity and will kill and destroy They cannot harm you. Go on spreading the mark of the beast,
without abandon. fast. that they cannot blame Me and have an excuse on the day
of My judgment. I love you, My daughter. It will be over soon and
Wake up now. This is your Lord and Savior speaking. Run to Me. you will rest in My Kingdom together with many of My beautiful
I am swift. I will take you to safety. You will be covered under My and obedient children around the world.
wings of glory. All will be safe. I am giving you final warnings.
Please wake up. Do not slumber. The evil world is forming. All is This I published now, with the Lord’s confirmation to me in His
growing dark. There will be no place to run and hide, let Me free words, The third Epistle of John.
you from the coming nightmare. It will be the darkest hour man
has ever known. Let Me free you of this hour, spend this hour with Yesterday, September 23, 2010, “Do not harden your heart to my
Me in peace and security in a beautiful heavenly home. Choose voice.”
against Me and suffer the consequences of your choosing.
Why are so many not wanting to see that the LORD is coming so
I hold out My hand, latch on. I will never let you go if you reach for soon? I believe that 2 Timothy 4:8 is key to why people can’t see
it and hold on tight, I will never let you go. These words are true. what is plainly before them:
In your heart you know the lateness of the hour. Don’t be
deceived by those around you who are blind. I, Jesus am for you. 2 Timothy 4:8. Now there is in store for me the crown of
Who can be against you? righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to
me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have
We recently received this letter from Sally Richter, I believe she is longed for his appearing.
from Germany, and we were amazed at the similarity of the voice
and message to the letters that Sabrina and I have received from According to the Bible, there is a crown of righteousness awaiting
the LORD so I wanted to include also this letter received from the those who long for the appearing of Christ. God awards those
LORD by Sally Richter, please note: this letter has been who long for Jesus’ return with a crown. So this is a key point
translated to English: because I believe if you are not longing for his appearance then
something else has displaced that longing.
17 September 2010 at 06:00am, German time.
What could replace the longing for Christ’s appearance in a
Write My child. My glorious Spirit is upon the earth. It will be over Christian’s life? Could it be other worldly interests and pursuits
soon. Many things would come fast and hard for many people. that have filled the place of that longing as top priority? If so, then
This is Jesus, Your Lord and Father. I am sounding the trumpets there is definitely not room for the longing for Christ’s
now. Do not harden your heart to my voice, tell all people. It will appearance.
come in a split second and those who did not repent will perish
and for those who believe and had prepared, a glorious day, If you are not longing for Christ’s appearance because something
banquet and all that I have prepared. The evil is lurking else has usurped your time and interest then any mention of the
everywhere now strong and powerful at these days. They will possibility of Christ’s return being at hand is not going to be of
devour anyone and many. My little children will suffer a while but interest to you. This is because you have no longing for his
it is only their bodies, their soul I am taking care of. appearance. If you did, then you would not be resistant,
disinterested, or disengaged from the idea that Jesus’ return
Unto my spirit I commend men to be cleansed by My Holy Blood could be so soon.
but many of them do not take heed of My warning. Many will
suffer at the hands of the enemy. Many will cry and wail at the People who long for anything are not disengaged from the things
end but I cannot deliver them for I called them hard, but they do related to what they long for. Hence, those who long for the return
not like. The serpents are roaming around now much stronger. of JESUS, as mentioned in 2 Timothy 4:8, will not be put off,
They are taking many people, many souls because of their own disinterested, or even hostile to the things that suggest that the
desires. They are eating fruits of this earth and this fruits bear return of the LORD is near, but rather they would embrace such
sins never dirtiest as before. It is rotten and full of sins. It is information.
coming to their deepest and eating their souls.
So if the “longing for His appearing” holds no sway in your life
Sally, My child, prepare yourself. I am stirring your spirit for you to then you might want to ask yourself what does? James 4:4 says:
love Me, you obey and you came from me. I know your sufferings You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the
and pains. You cried for many souls, but I cried harder for them world is hatred toward God? Anyone who chooses to be a friend
and on the cross I bled for them. I gave them mercy, but they do of the world becomes an enemy of God. If your friendship with the
not have mercy on Me, My Spirit is rejecting them. I knew how world is replacing your longing for the appearance of Christ then
they laughed and shunned you and it hurts me deeply for it is I, you probably don’t like the suggestion that Jesus’ return could be
they reject, not you, and their soul I cannot save. so soon.

It will be over soon my child, the hour of vengeance is at hand. You may say to me as in 2 Peter 3:4 “Where is this ‘coming’ he
On that day they will cry on Me but I will not listen nor give ear to promised? Ever since our fathers died, everything goes on as it
has since the beginning of creation.” But God says for the true they are each coming just a couple days apart. So we
Christian you are to long for Christ’s appearance and that it can’t encouraged him to write out all of his visions that the LORD has
be less important to you than a friendship with the world. Jesus given him and to provide his email address to tell others about
says to surrender all to Him and the lukewarm church wants to what he is experiencing and how this amazing testimony is yet
give Him just a portion because they are sharing their longings another sign of the nearness of the coming of the LORD. I pray
with the world. If you aren’t longing for the appearance of the you are blessed, encouraged, and can see the seriousness of
LORD in your heart than your eyes aren’t going to be open to the these messages we must put out from the LORD. I implore you to
idea that the LORD’s return could be so soon. seek the LORD while HE can still be found, Susan Davis

The word “longing” also means a persistent and strong or Letter 24. 10-15-2010. dictated to Susan by the LORD JESUS.
yearning desire. David and Isaiah used the word “longs” to
describe their feelings toward the LORD in these terms: Write it down. The days are coming. I am at the door. It is coming
fast. My words are swift. The hour is near. It is closing in. We will
Psalm 63:1. A psalm of David. When he was in the Desert of leave soon. take off. This is all prepared for My retrieval of the
Judah. O God, you are my God, earnestly I seek you; my soul bride into the air. We will go off together. The world will be
thirsts for you, my body longs for you, in a dry and weary land amazed. They will not know what happened to them. Suddenly it
where there is no water. will be worldwide calamity and chaos. The people will not know
what hit them. Nothing will be the same again. It will be
Isaiah 26:9. My soul yearns for you in the night; in the morning my devastating. The people will not know what hit them. Many will be
spirit longs for you. When your judgments come upon the earth, in shock. My people who call themselves “Christians” will realize
the people of the world learn righteousness. they’ve been left and they will know then they were lukewarm.

I also want to mention that 2 Timothy 4:8 is not a date-sensitive Life is going to change. All is ready. The hour is now. We must
command. God makes no statement in this verse to “long for leave together. The time is set. I have My plans. I work My plans.
Christ’s appearance” after a certain date or time in history has I bring about these things. You will be loved. The world will see
passed. Isn’t that interesting? So who could possibly long for what changes are being made. The hour is nearing.
Christ’s appearance and simultaneously be disinterested in things
related to watching for Christ? Susan write it down. 10-16-2010.

If in my heart, I think Christ is not coming back for many years The times are closing in. I am coming swiftly with My mighty angel
into the future despite all of the signs having come to pass, I army. Everyone will see soon as I make my entry to earth. The
doubt very much that longing for His appearance will be of any hour is waning. Soon I will depart with My bride. It will be just as
great interest to me. This is something you need to ask yourself the days of Noah: eating, drinking, and making merry. Then I will
as a Christian, are you following the mandate of God to long for come and all will go dark. The world will go dark. The hour is
the appearing of Christ or are you just totally disinterested? How closing in.
do you discount the signs He has given that are coming to pass
before our very eyes and yet maintain to be a surrendered I am coming before they turn around. The world will be
Christian? Without a longing for HIS appearing and without astounded. It will be incredible. They will be in shock, those who
studying and acknowledging that the signs in the Bible point to are left. The darkness will be immense.
the very soon return of Christ–you cannot be a surrendered
Christian–the two are disconnected. This leaves you in the These are My words. Write them down.
category of lukewarm–a very dangerous place to be.
The people must get ready. I have much to do in a short time.
Some info about seeking & finding GOD: The people will see it is I, Jesus, that has come to take My people
http://sites.advancedministry.com home. Many will know they have been left. Great sadness will
consume them.
A very encouraging helpful website for seeking GOD:
http://seekgod.org/ It is not My way or desire that they be left to face the cruelty they
will encounter. But, they have chosen against me if they cling to
Previous letters from the LORD can be found at this link: the world and do not turn to Me in this very hour. This is the
http://end-times-prophecy.com/blog/ deciding hour. I am looking for decisions to be made now. No
decision is a decision. Choose Me and be saved. Choose against
Facebook: I Am Coming. Me or make no decision and your loss will be great.

PART 9. October 18th, 2010. I am not looking for those who choose against Me, but for those
who want to come with Me to their new homes in heaven. If you
I just received this letter over a two-day period and it is a very turn your back to Me, I cannot help you. These are My words. I
serious letter given to me by our Lord JESUS. The Lord am looking for those who want to be saved. who are seeking Me
addresses the seriousness of the hour and also HIS anger for the with all their hearts, souls, minds, and strength. Those are the
lukewarm church. I am not hesitating in getting this word out to ones I am seeking out now. Seek Me and be found. Reject Me
you. I have also added to it a letter given to Sally Richter from the and be lost. A simple choice is before you. Time is wasting. Soon
Lord on 10-13-10 that also speaks volumes about the urgency in it will be too late to be found. The door is shutting soon.
His voice. Also with these letters at the bottom we are including a
testimony from a friend of ours, Sabrina & Susan, Buddy Baker Write it down.
who has been reporting to us about having visions which started
the beginning of this past summer 2010 and have been The hour is closing in. The people are asleep. They are not
happening right up until the last couple days. The incredible thing watching. They will be lost. I am sad for them. It is going to
about his visions are that they began about a week apart and now happen soon. The world is growing dark. Evil is closing in. There
is very little time left. I promise and My promises are true. I speak Give Me your heart. Give Me your life. Let Me take you home to
truth. These are My words. I, Jesus, am true to My words. The safety. You will be safe and unharmed to a happy home of peace
people doubt but when I come and they are left, they will know I everlasting. Please let Me protect you and keep you from this
am true to My words. They will then learn the sad truth that My coming trouble.
words can be trusted by all.
I am the only door to safety. You will not find help anywhere else.
We are nearing the end of this age. It is coming swiftly. The time Choose wisely, give Me everything and I will give you freedom,
is at hand and I am ready to retrieve My bride: those who are and a life, a beautiful world, an everlasting Kingdom where we will
ready; waiting; watching; looking to Me; and surrendered to Me. If rule and reign together forever. It will be glorious. The choice is
they are of the world, they are lost and the world will be theirs. But yours. I do not force. I am standing in front of you. You have this
My surrendered ones will know Me. It will be utter bliss for them: choice to make, I ask nothing less than complete surrender.
ecstasy, life never-ending surrounded by love ever-lasting,
beauty, splendor. I am true to My words. Letter dictated to Sally Richter, Germany, by the LORD:

My people who look to Me now will never be disappointed. I am THERE IS NO TIME!!!

their Savior and I come to rescue them from the horrors to come,
to retrieve them from man’s worst hour. Make no mistake, My 13 October 2010 05:00am, German Time.
word won’t be trifled with, I will not tolerate rejection. The result
will be devastating, I am sorry for their loss, but they have been I woke up exactly 05:00am, I am in great pain. then the voice of
warned and I have been true about these warnings. Please the Lord came to me.
believe Me, I am not to be trifled with, I am the Lord who loves,
but reject Me and know the consequences of your choices. Write my child. The covenant I made for you, is binding until the
These are My warnings. Soon all will know that I am God. My
word is everlasting. My power is everlasting. My might is You will rest in my kingdom. You will hear the trumpet sound.
everlasting. I am God. Men cannot know the gravity of their
choice if they choose against Me, their loss will be devastating, BUT, Many will come to me. but it will be too late. I am calling
absolute. Look to Me: it is life or death. life everlasting. death them with deep sounds.
everlasting. So much is at stake. Don’t falter in your choice. It will
be your final choice to make. Many are still sleeping, they do not take heed. Many will go to the
Turn from your evil ways and turn to Me. I will pull you out of this
evil world. I can save you. I am Jesus, the only name that saves. Lay down your life for me or they will perish in time.
No other name saves, no other name. This is your hour to
choose. Come to Me. I will save you. My love is like a saving Write my child. THERE IS NO TIME!!! Anymore. Oh YOU!!!
balm. I calm, I comfort, I am peace, I am love, I am yours if you FOOLISH PEOPLE. THIS WORLD IS PASSING!!!
turn to Me. You will be relieved from this hour of grief, this great
hour of grief and sadness, devastation. I am pleading with you to I am giving you authority to command men to change. When you
turn to Me. Now is the hour. speak it is the voice of the Lord speaking unto you. Write my
I am waiting a little longer but only for a short time. It will be over GODS ARE MUTE: THERE IS NO LIFE IN THEM: THEY
soon and then it will be too late. Turn to love. Turn to My love. I CANNOT ANSWER THEM. I, JESUS, YOUR LORD IS THE
long to bring you home with Me. I long for you to come to My ONLY GOD WHO LIVED AND WILL COME FOR THE WORLD.
open arms. Please believe My words and My warnings. I love My
children. Don’t make it hard on yourselves, heed My warnings. I WILL JUDGE THEM according to their works. REPENT Oh!
The hour is short. Foolish men. REPENT! FOR MANY OF YOU CANNOT ENDURE
The lukewarm church will be lost. It will be left. I have no time for GRIEVING!!!! YOU DONT KNOW WHAT IS COMING. MEN ARE
the lukewarm. They have one foot in this world and one foot in My BOUND FOR HELL, SINS ARE EVERYWHERE. COME TO ME
world. I will spit them out. I will not tolerate a church that has a AND CLEAN YOURSELF.
halfhearted love toward Me. They trifle with My love. They play
games with Me. They want Me and the world both. I do not want I HAVE WARNED YOU. but many of you do not listen. People of
their love. They want Me on their terms. They want Me only when perdition, YOU CANNOT ENDURE WHAT IS COMING. I HAVE
it suits them. I have no time for their halfway love and PREPARED GREAT THINGS FOR YOU IN HEAVEN:
commitment. I want a sold out church. I want a bride who only EVERYTHING IS THERE. COMPLETE AND BEAUTIFUL
has eyes for Me. I am a jealous God and I will have no other gods BEYOND YOUR IMAGINATION: HOUSES OF GOLD: WATERS
before Me. Their halfhearted interest in Me is abominable. It is ARE CLEAN GIVING LIFE; JOY TO THE FULLEST: DIAMONDS,
I do not want their relationship. If they cannot choose for Me with
complete abandon to Me, they are not fit for My Kingdom. I am Turn your ways to me people of this world. I cannot save you if
seeking a church who is only in love with Me. Very few walk this YOU cannot hear the trumpet sound for your stubbornness.
path. Very few will be ready to go. I am sorry for the rest, but
these are My terms. I am clear about what I ask of My people: all Cleanse your heart. COME TO ME AND LET ME FILL YOU
or nothing. I want your all, complete surrender. If you still have WITH MY GRACE.
time and eyes for this world, I cannot help you. The end is
coming. Soon you must choose: all or nothing. Give Me your all. I I AM YOUR LORD WHO LOVES YOU! NO ONE CAN SAVE
gave all. I ask nothing less of you. This is your hour to decide. YOU BUT ME.
HE. There is no other. Look though they may; they will never find
I GAVE YOU MY LIFE. COME TO ME. I LOVE YOU! the answer through anyone or anything but Me. I am the one true
Shepherd to the flock. I can lead them out. I can save them from
EVERYONE OF YOU!!! I AM IN PAIN FOR YOU. GRIEF AND the horrors to come in this late hour. No other Savior exists who
SORROW IS INTENSE: can rescue the people but Me. Look no further. Don’t look to
money, people, things, culture, I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. I
YOU WILL CALL TO ME!!! YOU FOOLISH PEOPLE LISTEN TO am the One who saves. Why do they seek after other gods,
ME. THERE IS NO TIME!!! YOU CANNOT ENDURE. MANY OF wooden idols that don’t speak?
They are a sad generation lost in their sin, in their devastation.
Children, I WANT YOU TO REST. REST IN MY KINGDOM! Time is running out and I am ready to bring My bride out to safety
away from this tragic generation of lost people. These people are
THIS WORLD IS NOTHING. THIS IS PASSING. THERE IS NO far from Me, groping in the dark, looking for answers to life
TIME!!!! through all sorts of vile means and gross activities.

BY: JESUS, YOUR LORD, I, God have seen enough. Time is running out. I am about to
leave this world to its own devices to linger in its own sin. I cannot
The Lord is waking me up almost everyday now. giving me stomach this sin much longer. The world has turned its back to
messages in urgency. Me and gross darkness is setting in all around.

PLEASE !!! take heed as He said, we do not have time. The people die from lack of knowledge. They do not shed a single
tear over their evil ways. They look away from goodness as if it is
14 October 2010 05:45am. vile to them. They are wretched and lost, a foul stench to Me.
Holiness is far from their minds. They completely have lost
I am publishing it now with our Lords confirmation in 1 Corinthians themselves in evil and have forgotten how to blush.
14: “Follow after charity and desire spiritual gifts but rather that
you may prophesy” I, God cannot take their ways anymore. I am about to leave these
people to their own devices and give them up to their evil and
1 Corinthians 14 deals with the prophecy, allow them to be completely consumed by the evil they engage in.
How much more do they expect a Holy God to tolerate?
PART 10. October 23rd, 2010.
If they turn from their evil, I would receive them. I would take them
The Lord told me He had more words to share and so I took down back and clean them up with My Word. There is but a little time
this letter as I heard Him speak to me, Susan. These are serious left to turn, repent, and to come clean and surrender to a Holy,
words from our LORD JESUS. I want to share with you that as I Pure God.
heard and wrote His words it was a different experience for me
than before. Although I had seen the movie “The Passion” before, I love My children, but I can’t allow the world to continue forever in
my son and I had just watched it again and we sat stunned the stench of evil unabated. It must come to its end. I will remove
knowing that our beloved LORD JESUS had suffered so greatly My people, My bride and carefully place her in a safe place away
for our sins. Also knowing that the portrayal of this film was from all terror and darkness. Then the world will change and I will
probably not even as harsh as the actual event has made this lift My hand of protection away and the darkness will consume the
task of putting out this letter much more sobering for me world and all in the world will know the evil that engulfs it. It will be
personally. Please consider the significance of the LORD’s words man’s worst hour unrivaled by any other time in man’s history.
in this letter and please share with your friends and family.
Sabrina has also received serious words from the LORD that HE I am sending out My warnings and pleas to mankind. Please
dictated to her in a second letter here below. We are clearly not surrender your all to Me and escape this horror to come. I am
the only ones in helping the LORD send out warnings in this final pleading with you as only a loving Father would do before he
hour. sees his children depart into utter darkness. These are My
pleadings. I am Love and I want to rescue you and I will, but you
Your sisters in Christ, must come to Me and lay down your life before Me and give Me
everything, so I can save you this hour.
Sabrina of Belgium and Susan of the U.S.
Oh, you foolish people wake up from your deep sleep and
Letter 27. October 21, 2010. recognize the lateness of the hour. A vile nation is forming under
your noses, a dark and evil force is coming together to plan for
Susan, write it down. your destruction and demise. There is no hope in the ways of the
world. The world offers you emptiness and hopelessness.
I, Jesus am your Lord, I have a letter for you. These are My
words. I, God am true to My Word. I have outlined this in My Word. You
are in the dark because you refuse to see, but it is all there and it
This generation is lost. It is not looking to Me. It seeks life through is coming to pass as I said it would. There are no deep secrets. It
everything but Me. I implore it to seek Me. Why can it not see is written and I am true to My Word. You can choose evil or you
Me? Why can it not see that I am its Savior. only Hope. only Love. can choose Me. I bring goodness, wholeness, peace, comfort,
only Life? love. The enemy brings death, destruction, lies, and
hopelessness, eternal hopelessness, unending loss. This is what
These are My words. Write it down. you will face if you turn your back to Me.

I, Jesus am the One and Only True Savior for all mankind. I am I, Jesus am extending My hand a little bit longer and then I will
have to pull it away, shut the door, remove My bride, and scurry way? You have no life without Me. You cannot even breathe for
to safety while darkness floods the earth. This is truth. I will one second without Me. Do you realize that? I gave you life and I
return, but for a time the world will experience My wrath. And I offer you eternal life with Me in Mine and My Father’s Kingdom.
want you to believe that My truth cannot be toyed with and I will Why throw it away?
do exactly what I say I will do. Love Me and live, reject Me and
die, extreme beauty or extreme ugliness. Hell is a real place. Many of you do not realize that. You will soon
find out if you die without Me. So don’t be a foolish one. Be wise. I
You must choose. Not choosing is choosing against Me. Choose have given you enough intelligence to be able to choose wisely.
Me and live, live well in a heavenly home that is indescribable. Let The choice is yours. The door is about to be closed. Turn from
Me take you into My arms, hold, and comfort you. Let Me save your sins and repent while you still can. The devil will overtake
you. I am waiting, but not for long. you if you don’t. He is waiting and wanting to destroy you and for
many of you, he is about this close.
This world is growing darker and soon it will be very dark and foul.
Step out of harm’s way and come away with Me. Put all your trust Repent My people. I died for you. I rose out of the grave for you,
on Me. I am your Deliverer. I can keep you safe. Now is a so you can have everlasting life with Me: a life that is truly unseen
deciding moment. The tide is turning. Men will quake at what is here on earth. a life that is unheard of here on earth. Please, one
forming. Be relieved of this consuming, engulfing coming evil. more time, choose wisely, choose life, choose Me. My Name is I
Turn toward Me, I, Jesus can save you. I love you dearly. I died a AM. I AM has always been and I AM will always be. End of My
horrible death so you can be safe. Let this be. words.

Please turn to Me your Savior. The hour of change is closing in. Ecclesiastes 12:13-14. Let us hear the conclusion of the whole
Let Me save you. matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the
whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment,
I love you, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil.
Awhile back, Sabrina had inquired of the LORD for me about who
the bride is and I decided that it might be a good thing to share
Letter dictated to Sabrina on October 22, 2010. those words with you too because so many are seeing these
messages. These were the words the LORD gave to Sabrina for
My heart is breaking for you, My people. My heart is longing for my question about how Jesus describes His bride:
you. My heart is bursting with love for all of you. I died My death
for all of you. I suffered horrible for all of you. My bride is the one without stain, nor spot, nor wrinkle.
My bride is the one who is worth it to sit together with Me at My
Heaven has a place for all of you. But many places will not be wedding table.
taken, as hell is becoming larger every day. Don’t you see that? My bride is the one who loves Me with her whole heart, soul, and
Don’t you know that? How many warnings do I have to give to all mind.
of you? Let it be enough. My bride is the one who does not live for herself anymore, but for
Me and for others.
My love is enough to save all of you, but you have been given a My bride is the one who gives up everything and follows Me.
free will. Choose My love, use your will in a wise way. Choose Me My bride is the one whose hearts are 100 percent well pleasing to
and not the lusts of your own heart and your oh so dear fleshly Me.
desires! What good are your fleshly desires? Do they satisfy you
that much? I don’t think so. Not one of you is truly satisfied Ephesians 5:25-27. Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ
without Me. I am the only peacemaker. I am the only One Who loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy,
saves. I am the only way to satisfy your hearts. cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to
present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle
I understand your grief and pain in this life. For some it is a hard or any other blemish, but holy and blameless.
life. But I am the door to come in. Come, the door is still open
now, but only for a very short time. The door is about to close and Mark 12:30. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with
many of you will realize then what a treasure you have missed. I all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
will be away with My bride. I will celebrate her victory in Me. She
will be amazed by her beauty in Me. I will be in her and she will Exodus 20:3. You shall have no other gods before me.
be in Me. But, oh how sad for the ones who didn’t see this truth in
the first place. Our friend Buddy Baker started having a series of rapture dreams
in 2007 through 2009 as you can see here listed below. Then at
Please, I am begging you one more time. come to Me NOW! the beginning of summer 2010, he had his first end time vision.
NOW is the time. Time is about to end. This age of grace is about His visions came about every week or so at the beginning of
to end. Now it is easy to come to Me. So come NOW. If you only summer. Then his visions started coming closer together as time
knew the treasures laid away for you in heaven. If you only knew progressed. We published this list of visions below in our last
the bright future laid away for you in heaven. Would you come letter and he has since had two more visions and we are including
then? all his visions plus his two latest visions, not in the previous letter,
below. You can contact Buddy at:
I want you to come now. I proved My love for you. for all of you. I Buddy_baker23@zoomtown.com
didn’t need to do it, still I chose to. Therefore, I am asking you:
come to Me, My people and make My heart happy for you. I am My, Buddy Baker, first rapture dream happened in 2007. I was in
happy when you come to Me. Peru on a mission trip and in my dream there were angels
surrounding me. They were very tall wearing white robes and in
Why you choose the world before your God, your Creator, by the the dream they were telling me to be ready, rapture, and I woke
Ninth Rapture dream, 05 October 2010. I had a short dream in
Second rapture dream in 2008. I was on a short mission trip in the morning before I woke up – I was in a house with Choo
Owsley County, Kentucky, U.S., in my dream I was standing Thomas, a friend of mine, and other people, not sure who they
outside in an open field and there was a big city to my right and were. We were getting up to leave and Choo came to me and
there was a man standing in front of me not sure who he was but gave me a piece of paper from the Lord and when I looked at it, it
he looked nervous and all the sudden I heard a loud sound like said I’M COMING, that’s all it said.
graves popping open and I knew what was happening and I told
the man that the rapture was happening and that the dead would PART 11. October 29th, 2010.
rise first and I heard a very loud voice say THE DEAD SHALL
RISE FIRST and I woke up. Dear Followers of Christ:

Third rapture dream in 2008. I was outside and people were Each letter we receive from the LORD seems to be more intense
panicking running all over the place and didn’t know what to do than the previous one, as the letter HE dictated to me Oct. 27
but I knew what was happening and I shouted and told the people here below. So many people are dismissing the idea that the
to hurry and repent because the rapture was getting ready to LORD could be coming soon because I think we have become so
happen and all the sudden my body was changing like it was accustom to the world around us that we have lost sight of the
transparent and I was starting to go up and people that were standard of God’s holiness and of how we could be over stepping
saved were going up too very fast! There is a picture that I found our limits of rejecting a holy God.
that looks just like this dream and the sky in this dream was even
blue, amazing! I woke up. With this first letter from the LORD, we are also including a letter
posted by Charlotte Virginia Hill with yet another important
Fourth rapture dream 2009. I was outside working on my truck message from the LORD with the identical message both Sabrina
and people everywhere were in a panic and cars were crashing and I have received from HIM most recently. All of it is very
everywhere and there was something strange in the airwaves and serious. We would gladly talk with anyone about our testimony
I went into my house and this TV repair man was trying to fix my and regarding the importance of knowing the LORD JESUS as
TV but couldn’t and he didn’t know what was going on and I told the center focus of your life.
him that it’s the Lord God almighty and all the sudden I heard a
very loud trumpet sound and then I woke up. God bless, stay strong, Maranatha!

Fifth rapture dream 2009. I was outside in the streets and all the Sabrina: jan.sabrina@pandora.be and Susan:
sudden people everywhere were in a panic and scared running all kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
over and while this was happening I was being lifted up and I
knew it was the rapture then I woke up. Letter 29. October 27, 2010.

Sixth rapture dream 2010. I just had my rapture dream and I’m Susan Write it down.
trying to hurry and write this while it is still fresh in my mind
because it just literally happen minutes ago! It is now 9 pm and This is your Lord speaking.
when I woke up and looked at my clock it was 8:57 pm. Well
anyway here’s what happened, I was in a house with my brothers I am the great I AM.
and sisters and a friend and I were on the phone and my friend’s
son was there also a Christian man was there. We all were talking I always will be and I always have been. No man knows Me and I
about the rapture and I was trying to tell my friend that something am the great I AM who will be forever.
was happening and I could feel something was about to happen
and all the sudden I was being lifted up and the moment I was This letter is important. Time is short. Time is of the essence. We
going up I was wondering if I was going to go through the ceiling are nearing the end of this age swiftly. There is precious little time
and at that instant I went through the ceiling and at the same time left before all becomes dark. There is a shift in the forces. The
I’m trying to tell you what’s happening and I’m shouting GLORY world grows darker each day. Evil crowds in around the earth.
HALLELUJAH and as this is happening I can feel it and hearing
myself shouting as I’m waking up from this dream! Men are oblivious to what is happening, but My bride sees it. She
is not in the dark. My bride’s eyes are open to truth. We are one,
Seventh rapture dream 15 September 2010. I was in Heaven and she and I. Soon she will join with Me for eternity. Evil man has
in this big room. I was not sure what room it was, but there were joined forces with dark rulers of the air to create a new kingdom
people everywhere and we were so excited because we couldn’t which is forming to rule over mankind. It is a dark hour for
wait to see the Father and Jesus and all. Then they came in! I mankind. Men cannot truly see how dark this hour will be.
don’t how to explain it but they were one even though it was both
of them they were one. I’ll just say Lord God Jesus, well they Soon men will plummet into darkness and sorrow. It is coming
came in to personally greet each person and they looked directly swiftly. I am greatly saddened by the hour at hand. I cannot keep
at me with so much love and I could feel their love all over me this from happening. The people have chosen the master they
and after each person was personally greeted and hugged by the wish to serve.
Lord it was my turn and – boy was I excited! So I got ready to
walk up to the Lord, but more people got in front of me – so even Time is short. If My people wish to come with Me when I rescue
though it was my turn I waited patiently and the Lord never took the bride, they may come. Total surrender is what I want.
His eyes off of me. He just kept smiling and then we finally Anything less and I will not be pleased. I do not want their
embraced and it was well, words can’t describe, the feeling it was lukewarm efforts.
“AWESOME”! And the best part was the Lord grabbed my hands
and swung me around in circles like a child and that was so much All or nothing, the hour is at hand to decide. What will it be: Me,
fun! the Savior of the world or the enemy of mankind? He is a cruel
master, he kills and destroys. He knows no limits. He lusts after you. I want you to come to Me now while the choice is easier to
death. His hatred is complete. He has no limitations on evil. He make.
reigns in darkness and rules in death. He is the prince of the air
and his evil is uncontrollable. He hates mankind and deceives at How much do you love Me? If your love is lukewarm, I cannot use
every turn. The people follow blindly his deception. Their way is you in My Kingdom. You are not fit for it. There is no regret in My
cruel when they fall for his trickery. He is the ruler of deception Kingdom. The rewards are great for those who choose well in this
and lies, the father of lies. life. Choose Me now. Surrender all and experience everlasting
love and beauty that you will never see anywhere else.
Sadness will overtake those who wake up to what they have
given themselves over to, when people realize that they have You think you have all the time in the world. You do not. I am
given themselves to the wrong ruler, to the ruler of the air and coming soon. I will receive those who are watching for Me. those
darkness. Their agony will be unquenched. It will be the worm who are waiting on Me. those who recognize the lateness of the
that never dies and My people will have to die to escape the hour. those who are troubled by the evil in the world. My bride
madness. They will have to die for truth. Then they will see the waits, watches, sees what is going on. She is not in the dark. She
value of My Word, My truth, My beauty. Then they will know that I, is ready. She is fit for My Kingdom. My bride knows Me and I
Jesus am the one true Savior that they rejected and they will be know her. We are one and we will fly away together to our
forlorn, lost, and there will be unquenchable sadness, glorious nest in the sky. It will be beauty, sheer beauty and I am
overwhelming sadness. ready for this moment, this great and grand moment.

Face the truth now and avoid the horrors to come. This world is I, Jesus stand at the precipice and I am about to take My flight to
closing down. It will not be the same, soon it will not be the same retrieve My loved ones. I love you. I will not disappoint you.
again. My church sleeps, blinded, and cannot see around it what
is forming. The enemy has them captivated by worldly pursuits Think this through carefully. This is your deciding moment.
and they are lulled into a daze. They think all is well. They think
everything is fine and that life will proceed as normal but it will Ecclesiastes 8:16-17: When I applied my mind to know wisdom
soon change and the complexion of everything will be dark. Truth, and to observe man’s labor on earth, his eyes not seeing sleep
love, hope, beauty, peace, and My Word will fall to the wayside as day or night- then I saw all that God has done. No one can
evil schemes will grow and pick up steam. The people will not comprehend what goes on under the sun. Despite all his efforts to
know how the complexion of life could have changed overnight. search it out, man cannot discover its meaning. Even if a wise
One day life is normal, the next day life is consumed in darkness. man claims he knows, he cannot really comprehend it.
It will be.
Ephesians 2:1-2: As for you, you were dead in your
My wrath will come upon the earth. I cannot tolerate man’s transgressions and sins, in which you used to live when you
rejection of GOD. Man chooses to reject its GOD. It chooses to followed the ways of this world and of the ruler of the kingdom of
reject Me and I will let the earth have its choice. Choose against the air, the spirit who is now at work in those who are disobedient.
Me and find out just what life is like without a just and long
suffering GOD. I bring the rain down on evil and good alike. I love HALLOWEEN.
all, but reject Me and know the wrath of My anger. I will not
tolerate rejection from this evil generation that believes I am not by Charlotte Virginia Hill on Monday, October 25, 2010 at 2:21pm.
worth following, not worth knowing.
Dearly Beloved,
I died for all a gross, heinous death. I was attacked and mutilated
by evil men like sport and I did it to rescue mankind. This is what I was praying to the Lord today to see if He had any words to give
a HOLY GOD did for His creation who He loves. Do you not see to His children, so that I will share His heart to them in this hour
O’ earth, I am worth knowing? I am worth choosing? For have I
not shown you the level of My affections and love? Can you not I prayed first and asked God to speak through Me and this is what
see that I, Jesus came down from My beautiful Kingdom and died I received.
a gross death to save you? Am I, Jesus not worth any of your
time? My people, listen to Me. I will NOT tolerate this sin any longer.
What you are doing is an abomination to Me.
I took time for men. I wait for My creation and patiently I watch to
see who turns to Me. I ask so little: even a mustard seed of faith. Either choose Me and have life, OR choose satan and lose your
A tiny effort and I meet you where you are in all your sins and life. If you continue to live in darkness, I will have no choice but to
sadness and I come and pick you up and hold you as only a spit you out of My mouth.
Father can do. No other god, no other love, knows you the way I
do. But, I will not tolerate rejection or competition for My Can’t you see that is I who gave you life? Can’t you see that
affections. I am a jealous GOD. satan wants to destroy you? He HATES your life. REPENT and
turn away from these lies. Run to Me while you still have time.
I will have a bride who is single-minded and who is fully The door is about to close.
committed to Me. These are My demands. But, I will not force My
love on anyone, so you must choose. Love Me and come with Me My children seek Me while you still can. What you are doing is not
to a beautiful Kingdom where love never ends or reject your for fun. Satan has a firm grip on your souls. REPENT, REPENT,
Creator and leave behind the only One who really knows and truly REPENT. come to Me and I WILL save you. If you refuse, then I
loves you. Everything else is empty. My Words are true, I am will have no choice but to let satan have his way with you. It is
giving final pleas. NOT My intention for you to be destroyed. I love you. That is why
I am giving you this final warning!
Very soon easy choices will be hard and difficult. Many will
choose me, but it will be hard and painful. I do not want this for The world is growing darker because of sin. If you believe in Me,
if you love Me, then turn away from these evil practices. It is I who This letter dictated by the Lord Jesus to me is very, very serious. I
can help you. It is ONLY I who can forgive you. REPENT and turn encourage you to read this and pass it along.
to Me for forgiveness My children. If you Love Me as I love you,
you will know that what I say is for your own good. Your friends in Christ,

WRITE THIS MY CHILD: Susan kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net

& Sabrina : jan.sabrina@pandora.be
I am using this vessel to speak MY words. My words are holy. I
will no longer tolerate this lukewarmness from My children. Letter 30. October 31, 2010.

Soon I will come for My Bride. Only those who are ready, only Susan write this down. I am your Lord Jesus. Susan I have a
those who have extra oil with them. I will NOT tolerate lukewarm letter to give you. Please write as I speak. Listen to what I say
unrepentive Christians any longer. RETURN to Me, for I AM your and write it down.
holy God.
Susan I have much to tell. This letter will give you new
No sin will enter My sight. No sin will I allow into My heavenly information. So listen closely as I explain.
Kingdom. So many of you are so deceived. You are choosing
destruction over life. The world is going to see a great shift in darkness now. The end
is growing closer. I am about to proceed with My plans. The
Your life has worth. I made you because I love you. You are darkness is closing in. The times are drawing to a close swiftly. All
important to Me. Come out of your lukewarmness, when you still is growing dark.
have time. Soon I will come. If anyone who does not heed to My
words I will have no choice but to leave you behind. People don’t see it because they refuse to look. The hour is
closing in of My promised delivery of truth, I am true to My word. I
This is my FINAL warning. My trumpets are ready to be blown by will do as I say. All will see soon.
My angels.
The world thinks there is no retribution for their behavior. The
Get ready. REPENT and return to Me with ALL your hearts and world thinks there is no consequence for turning their backs to
souls. Don’t give into temptation. It is I who have called you. It is I God, a Holy God. They are wrong. There will be a price to pay for
who have set you apart. Please choose life, NOT death My openly rejecting a Holy God. I am God. I will not be mocked. They
children. Go and shine My light into this dark and lost world. mock Me at every turn. They humiliate Me at every turn. I suffered
and died for them. I laid My life down for them. I am a Holy God. I
ALL IS READY! I am coming, remain in Me and I SHALL remain cannot look upon evil. I cannot see this evil and allow it to
in you. continue. I know the people think I do not exist and that they can
carry on however they want, but this I cannot continue to tolerate.
This is My warning!!
Everywhere you turn there is evil. The evil has taken over the
This is only a few times I have done this, so bare with Me. land. It runs unchecked. It has no limits. It runs unabated. It flees
and it takes control so that the people have completely lost
Please pray over this, as it is best to see that this is a direct word themselves in it. They are overtaken by it. I, God, I, Jesus have
from our Lord. Especially when I am learning to journal. When two seen enough. I cannot allow this to carry on.
or more are gathered Jesus is in our midst.
The people are in the dark. The evil does not seem bad enough
I love you My brothers and sisters. God loves ALL of you and so to them. They die from lack of knowledge and so they cannot see
do I. for themselves the wretchedness of their ways and those around
Love your sister in Christ Jesus, Charlotte Virginia Hill.
They are so consumed by evil and overtaken by it they dismiss it
PART 12. November 2nd, 2010. and say to themselves: “Things aren’t so bad, surely God will not
come so soon. Life will go on. I can do as I please.” This world will
Dear Friends in Christ, soon find out what it means to toy with a Holy God unchecked. I
did it before during Noah’s time and I will do it again. My people
2 Timothy 4:8 says: Now there is in store for me the crown of had better find themselves and prepare. They can come with Me
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to to safety or be left to face the consequences of their choices.
me on that day, and not only to me, but also to all who have
longed for his appearing. The people think I am playing. They think My Book is good for
nothing. They think My Words are empty. I, God am not to be
Do you long for Jesus’ appearing? Well if you do, you have a tried. I am not to be tempted. I am God and what I say, I will do.
crown of righteousness in store for you. People everywhere all When I say I will do something, I, God will do it.
the time think it is weird to talk about the LORD’s coming as being
so soon. Well God says it is so important to “long” for Christ’s Even My people who call themselves Christians mock Me with
appearing that HE awards a crown of righteousness to those who their disregardful attitudes toward My Word, My Holy Words. I
do just that. How much more should we be “longing for His have laid out My plans in advance to this generation so that there
appearing” then when the signs given in the Bible are for right can be no doubt about what I will do, so that no one will be in the
now? We are living in the last days and this verse should be for dark when it is time for Me to make My move. I am not untruthful
us more than any other generation. What does this verse mean to like the enemy of mankind. I have been up front, open, truthful
you? about My plans. The truth is plain for those who seek Me for
those who read and study My Words. I am Truth and when I say I
am doing something, I will do it. I am a God of truth. No one rivals
Me in truth. I give My Word and I see it through to completion. You have but a little time left. Don’t live in denial any longer. Face
the truth. Humble yourselves before a Holy God and I will open
There will never be a Truth like mine. No one carries out truth like your eyes. I will show you truth. I will show you the way to safety.
I do. I am a force to be reckoned with. I am a God of complete I will give you relief from the madness to come. I will bring you to
and total follow through. When I say I will do it, I will do it. I will a beautiful home in the sky prepared for those who call Me their
carry out My plans, make no mistake. Only a fool says there is no God. This is My truth. There is no other truth. Do not dismiss or
God. gloss over these words lightly. Soon you will long to hear these
words and soon the door will be shut. You will have to do the hard
There is precious little time left. My people need to prepare. I am things to come to Me.
ready to take My flight very soon. It is coming. I am a God of utter,
impeccable, unquestionable truth. I cannot be questioned. When I I cannot change this hour. It is set. You think you have all the time
speak, I speak absolute truth. My Word is clear for all who bother in the world. This is man’s thinking. If you humble yourself, truly
to read it. I have laid out My terms of what I plan to do and what I humble yourself before Me, I will lead you to God’s truth, My truth.
expect from My people. It is all set out and absolutely clear. There Now you are in a cloud believing every fuzzy doctrine under the
is no question that now is the hour. Yet you choose to disbelieve sun. The enemy is wreaking havoc over the people. The people
Me. I am your God. I would not deceive you. I gave you signs of are in cloud of delusion and cannot see that the Words in My
My coming and you know that I have made them clear. Book match up with the signs of the time and My coming is so
near, even at the door.
The people don’t believe because they choose not to. They are
enthralled with this world. They knew that that there would be a Wake up O’ earth. The hour is late. The hour is at hand. I am
time that I would come again. They knew that I had told them that waiting, but not for long. You have precious little time left. Take
a day would come when I would pull My people out to safety. My hand. It is extended out to you. But soon, I will take My bride
They refuse to believe that it is now because they do not want to and we will fly away. Join with us. It is not too late. Don’t wait too
see it. “It is as it has always been,” they say to themselves. Yet long though, many will be left as described in Revelations. Do not
the signs I told them to watch for are happening right before them be so sure of yourself. Turn to Me now before it is too late. I,
and they refuse to see. They refuse to believe. They are a sad, Jesus speak truth. Come now before it is too late.
doubting, lost generation and evil has overtaken them. They find
comfort in their possessions, in their pursuits, in their love of PART 13. November 7th, 2010.
money, everywhere but with Me, their Lord and Maker. Do they
think they can be so utterly satisfied with these temporal things Dear Friends of Christ:
that they can’t even hear the one calling them to safety, to
prepare for the plan I have laid out before them. Even the I, Susan, received a new letter from JESUS on November 5 and
Christians are woefully unprepared and they will be shocked we are getting it out right away. Sabrina also received a letter on
when they find themselves left. I am sorry for their loss, but I have November 6 from the LORD right after I received the letter below
warned them and I have outlined My plans and My terms for them so that they would be both included here in this message. Both
to be saved. these letters contain very, very serious messages for you from the
They must turn to Me and surrender everything; give Me their
lives; repent of their evil and sins, and turn toward Me and I will I am including the verses from Ezekiel 3:16 through 21 because I
heal them of their infirmities, and their illnesses, and their sin want to stress to you the seriousness of the task in front of us.
sickness. I am the only answer for mankind. There are no other When you read this passage you will see that Ezekiel is told to
answers although they try to find them in so many ways. Their take the LORD’s Words and give the people HIS warnings. More
wholeness will never be found in anyone or anything but Me, the specifically this section shows that if Ezekiel refuses to warn the
one true God. people he has blood on his hands because the people are not
warned. So if we want to stay in the close relationship that we
My people need to lay down their lives before Me and repent. Let enjoy with the LORD, we must put out these words. If we want to
go of the world. The hour is late. Release your grip from a world see people saved before it is too late, we must put out these
that is crumbling, falling apart, and doomed to destruction. I, God words. So when Sabrina and I surrendered our lives to the LORD
can save you for just a bit longer, then you will face the worst, a we agreed to the terms to obey our LORD and this is what HE
world that is coming undone. This world will soon never be the has asked us to do and we have no choice but to make these
same again. I am crying out to you. Please listen, the time is letters available to you.
short. I am telling you because I love you. You have precious little
time left to prepare, to repent, to surrender. Please hear My We continue to appreciate the kind notes and letters we receive,
pleadings. I am trying to warn you to wake up and see what is they bless us immensely.
coming. I cannot allow the dark forces to go unchecked. The
world will soon know My wrath, My wrath against evil gone Your friends in Christ,
amuck: evil that has consumed every area of life. It is pervasive
and it has consumed every part of human existence. How can I Susan kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
allow this to go on? I cannot. & Sabrina jan.sabrina@pandora.be

You think I will continue to look away and man can carry on in his Ezekiel 3:16-21. And it came to pass at the end of seven days,
hopelessness. It cannot be. Soon the world will know that I, God, that the word of the LORD came unto me, saying, Son of man, I
I, Jesus will whisk My people away to safety, who is My loyal have made thee a watchman unto the house of Israel: therefore
bride and I will turn away to allow the world to experience My hear the word at my mouth, and give them warning from me.
wrath. What happens when a Holy God releases protection over When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou
the world? This world is harsh, but nothing like it will be without givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his
my bride and with My hand of protection pulled away. wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his
iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand. Yet if thou warn GOD will never come back. These are fables: they pat each other
the wicked, and he turn not from his wickedness, nor from his on the back and laugh at My Words as if it is all make believe.
wicked way, he shall die in his iniquity; but thou hast delivered thy Soon the stories will come to life and My Words will come to pass
soul. Again, When a righteous man doth turn from his and those who mock My Words will learn that I am a GOD of
righteousness, and commit iniquity, and I lay a stumbling-block great reliability and when I say I am going to do something, I,
before him, he shall die: because thou hast not given him GOD will see it through.
warning, he shall die in his sin, and his righteousness which he
hath done shall not be remembered; but his blood will I require at This world thinks GOD is not real or greatly underestimates who
thine hand. Nevertheless if thou warn the righteous man, that the they think I am. I am God of truth and this hour is coming and the
righteous sin not, and he doth not sin, he shall surely live, people need to prepare themselves. They can surrender, repent,
because he is warned; also thou hast delivered thy soul. and come with Me, their GOD to safety and beauty or be left to
face the consequences of their choices.
Letter 31. Friday, November 05, 2010.
My message is here for a short time. This world is coming to a
Dear Susan, write these words down. stop. It is changing rapidly. Soon the people will find out about life
without GOD. I am ready to do this thing to pull My people out, to
This is your Lord and Master JESUS. see this through. I want you to seek your GOD, humble yourself
before Me, and be sorrowful over your sinfulness. Weep over
I come to you today with new words. There is much to say. These your wrongs and iniquities.
words are for all who will hear them.
You think you are not that bad, but you are wicked to the core.
I am GOD. I am JESUS. Make no mistake these are My words. You blaspheme Me with every other word spoken. You take My
Name in vain. You use My Holy Name in casual conversation in
The hour is closing in. I am coming soon. crass ways as if I am not looking on, as if I don’t exist and see all
this. Who do you think you are? I created you. I brought you into
Susan, write it down. this world. I set you into this place. I give you breath. You come,
you go, and I know everything about you. I can no longer tolerate
Soon the world will know My fury: the fury of an angry GOD; the your evil perpetrated against Me and all the little innocent ones.
fury of a rejected GOD. These words are to this lost generation. Oh, you think I don’t see what you do behind closed doors. What
These words are for whoever had ears to listen. I watch the world. you whisper in your heart. How you plot. how you scheme against
I know all. Nothing gets by Me. I am GOD, all-knowing GOD. I am each other. against Me, a Holy GOD who is omnipotent and
JESUS, Savior of all. omnipresent.

This world is about to descend into evil, unstoppable, untamable Do you actually think I am not aware of your comings and goings
evil, evil unleashed, unbridled, evil that can’t be conquered by in the dark? I GOD see all. I know it all. I hear it all. Nothing slips
men. Only GOD will be able to stop it. But until that day, men will by Me. Without My salvation, the sins you commit will find you
endure the worst. I will take My people to safety and the evil world out. No evil thing committed will be hidden from the light without
will come into the open. No one will ever have seen or will see My forgiveness, without My precious blood covering your sin.
again this much evil.
You have a short time to come clean. Wash yourself in My blood.
The time is drawing near. The hour is closing in and I am about to Accept My salvation as the one true Savior of the world.
make this happen. I, GOD have seen enough. Men are helpless Surrender your life to Me completely. Repent to Me of your evil
to stop what is about to happen. The world is about to see what and find peace with GOD, for no one can come to the Father
happens when I, God step aside and allow the people to have the except through Me, JESUS. I am the only way. You must lay your
kingdom they have chosen. They have chosen a kingdom without life down before Me. Follow Me without question and find peace,
a just and righteous GOD. without a Holy, merciful, loving GOD. everlasting love, and beauty eternal.

This world has never known the likes of living without My ever- This is your hour of decision. I am making My pleadings and
present hand of protection hovering over the lands. But this is stretching forth My hand for all to grasp, cling to, and receive My
what the world wants. It has chosen a world without a Holy GOD. love and then I must shut the door. Then you will wait too long
The world wants to remove holiness from its midst to do as it and the door will be closed. Death will be the answer to your
pleases and so it shall have its way. I shall step aside, excuse escape from a world gone mad. This evil is taking over the world,
Myself, depart with My chosen bride and leave for a heavenly evil without bounds, without compassion, without remorse. It will
home prepared for My beautiful bride, the one who loves Me and be shocking and horrifying for those left. Few will survive the
who I love as well. rigors of such evil. My protection will be removed and My wrath
will be poured out.
We shall sing songs and join together in the sky. We shall love,
laugh, and sing it will be sheer beauty. It will be so beautiful. Earth I am not a fable. I am not a tale. I live among you. I live in My
cannot comprehend such beauty. bride. My Spirit dwells within My bride, but soon My bride will be
removed and the protection I have provided her will be lifted from
The people on earth shall have their wish. They shall see life the earth. I protect My bride and keep her safe, but soon she will
without GOD looking on and keeping them from unbridled evil. It not be among you. She will have left you to go to safety. Life will
will be a dark hour. change without the bride among you and My Spirit that lives
within her. The change will be obvious and painful for all those left
The people laugh at My warnings. They jeer at the idea that this behind.
will happen to them. In their hearts, they think My Words are
stories that will never come true. They believe each other, but not Why do you cling to this life so? Your hope is false. You put your
their GOD who made them. They console each other and say faith in a world that has grown cold, unfeeling, and cares only for
greed and evil ambitions. Good works done apart from My Everything is seen, everything is marked, everything will be
blessing are empty ramblings of a world trying to make a case of revealed. Many of My children think it is okay to not take My Word
living without a Holy, loving GOD. Men’s good works are shallow so very precisely. I am telling you that it certainly matters! My
and empty without GOD. They strategize and plan without Word stands firm. My Word is written. My Word will not change. I
seeking My face and their end will be empty. Don’t they see that God do not change. Therefore, My people listen to Me. Live after
without GOD, all their planning is empty and temporal? My Word. Every commandment is important.

Men’s empty plans will lead to their destruction without Me, their I have given My commandments to My servant Moses, so it would
Holy God. Soon men will be lost without Me in a world gone mad. go well with you. Why are you living then under your own
a world given over to evil. a world without the protection of a Holy commandments? You are making yourself a god by these
GOD. ‘commandments.’ I do not tolerate this. I am an all-consuming
God. And also the violation of My Word I will not tolerate. I love
O’ My people, I am trying to reach you. You resist Me. you resist you My children, My love is infinite. But sin is sin.
My pleading. One day soon, you will find out it is too late and that
you have been left to face the worst and it will be the worst time in Study My Word and live after My commandments. Or do you think
mankind’s history unrivaled by any other time in the history of the I am a God that lies and does not honor His word? I tell you, I,
earth. It will be a sad, lost, dark world left to its won evil devices. God, do honor My Word and I am loyal to My Word. I don’t lie. My
Truth will be hard to find. Love, peace, kindness, the things you Word stands firm. Keep the commandments so it will go well with
have rejected in your hearts, you will long for and not find. you. Oh sure, I died for your righteousness and I am risen so you
would have eternal life with Me, but I did not die so My Law, My
The descent into madness is already happening. Relief through Word would be ignored. My commandments reflects My all, I AM.
peace, love, kindness, will not be found. It will be a dark period for And I AM changes not.
all of mankind. Repent, surrender now and I will receive you into
My peaceful, safe, and beautiful Kingdom where I am a GOD of Wake up Christians! My commandments are etched on stone with
kindness and protection. You must choose. My own Hand. Why do you throw these in the water! I know what
is good for you and if you live within the boundaries of My Word, it
Scoff not at My Words. I am sad for scoffers and naysayers. They will go well with you. Study My Word and act by it, so your
will have great regret at their doubt and be disappointed over their blessings cannot be counted any more. This is My Word.”
losses. It will be a sad day on earth when the world realizes the
truth that everyone is left to face the coming dark hour. 2 Corinthians 12:19-21. Again, think ye that we excuse
ourselves unto you? We speak before God in Christ: but we do all
Turn to Me, your beautiful Savior now. Look upon My nail pierced things, dearly beloved, for your edifying. For I fear, lest, when I
hands. See My outstretched arms toward you. I am calling you to come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be
come to My safety and security. There is no other way. Soon I found unto you such as ye would not: lest there be debates,
must leave. Decide now. Choose now. These are the final envyings, wraths, strifes, backbitings, whisperings, swellings,
moments. tumults: And lest, when I come again, my God will humble me
among you, and that I shall bewail many which have sinned
I love you. My love is pure and tender. Call Me your God and I will already, and have not repented of the uncleanness and
call you mine before My Father and His Holy angels. I will give fornication and lasciviousness which they have committed.
you a new home. I will bring you to a new beautiful home. All this
will be yours. Ezekiel 1:27-28. And I saw as the colour of amber, as the
appearance of fire round about within it, from the appearance of
I, JESUS love you. his loins even upward, and from the appearance of his loins even
downward, I saw as it were the appearance of fire, and it had
Sabrina writes this: This is a very serious letter again, regarding brightness round about. As the appearance of the bow that is in
the letter I received from the LORD above,, wow. While reading it, the cloud in the day of rain, so was the appearance of the
the Lord told me He had a letter to add and I knew it would be brightness round about. This was the appearance of the likeness
serious too, so I first prayed, read my Bible and now here I am to of the glory of the LORD. And when I saw it, I fell upon my face,
listen what He has to say. The Lord also led me to the Bible and I heard a voice of one that spake.
verses below after this word, Please note the letter was originally
given by the LORD to Sabrina in her language Dutch and she 1 John 5:2-3. By this we know that we love the children of God,
translated to English here below: when we love God, and keep his commandments. For this is the
love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his
Letter dictated to Sabrina in Dutch by the LORD and later commandments are not grievous.
translated to English here, Saturday, November 06, 2010:
PART 14. November 11th, 2010.
“My dear daughter, write it down. Hear what I have to say to you. I
speak to you to warn My children. Many still live in sin and do not Dear Friends of Christ:
live after My word. They think I am an all-encompassing God that
overlooks everything through the fingers. My word however says I have received yet another very urgent letter from our LORD &
that I do after My word. This includes the blessings, the SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST. This is very urgent as the LORD told
prophecies, but also my wrath. I am a God that is not amenable to Sabrina to put the letter out right away.
even be consumed by something.
Your friends in Christ,
I am a God of love; a greater God of love will not exist in eternity.
Therefore, I cannot bear sin. I am a God of purity and cleanliness Sabrina jan.sabrina@pandora.be
and a blazing fire. Live after My Word My children! Don’t think it & Susan kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
doesn’t matter. Every action has a consequence for eternity.
Letter 35. November 10, 2010. precious, hard-to-find commodity in a world gone mad over evil
and lies.
Susan I will give you words. Susan, write it down.
I am warning you now. Get your life in order. Clean yourself up in
I am your LORD JESUS. Here are My Words: My blood, My precious blood. Repent, surrender all to Me. I will
save you from utter despair. This is My desperate plea. Quit
Susan, I am coming. following men. Turn to GOD. Turn to Me, JESUS. I am the Way,
the Truth, the Life. You must turn now. Please turn to Me now. I
The world stands in disbelief that I am coming. They trifle with can’t wait much longer. I love you so much, but I must leave with
Me. Their disbelief is incredible. I AM true to My Words. If ever My bride very, very soon.
there was someone true to their words, it would be Me, I AM
GOD! Don’t be left to face the worst because you think all is well and
everything is fine. You know in your heart that things are not fine.
Do they think they can toy with Me? The people carry on in their You feel in your spirit that evil runs around you unchecked. You
sin as always. They look up from their sinful activities, notice know that the world is hanging by a thread to stay together and
something different, they notice different tribulation in the earth. It that the world is teetering on a thin line and that destruction is at
doesn’t trouble them a bit. They explain it away. There is always the door. You see prophecies given in My Book long ago coming
an explanation. They call it all sorts of things, but to admit there is to pass.
a GOD Who is angry with their sin is too much truth for them to
grasp. That would hit home too much. Then they would be guilty Please pull the covers back from over your head, and pull your
of the lifestyles they lead in front of a HOLY GOD, too much for head out of the sand, and see truth. I AM TRUTH. There is no
them to admit to. Then there would be a need to repent and other truth. All the evil delusions that you spend your time on that
surrender to ME, a HOLY GOD. They can’t have it. They want to keeps you from seeing things the way they truly are will not save
carry on in their sinfulness too much. you in this late hour. It is not yet too late. Wake up now.

My lukewarm church lives in denial as well. They are also blind to Men cannot save you. money cannot save you. your possessions
truth. They need to wake up before it is too late, shake off the cannot save you. false teachings cannot save you. pagan
earth they have grown too comfortable with. They want to cling to religions cannot save you. I, JESUS can save you. I am the only
it and its evil ways. It is their great pacifier. It sickens Me the way way. I am the narrow path. Get to the narrow path, come to ME!
they cling and grasp the world and all its iniquities. They hold on
with both hands tightly. Soon the earth will crumble and fall apart Come away with ME to safety, beauty, love, peace, salvation,
between their tight grasp and they will be standing there holding truth, holiness, life everlasting. Do not delay. These are My
nothing and they will reach out for Me in their nothingness and warnings. Do not trivialize My warnings. Put down your idols and
find that I have already left them with My bride in My arms away turn to Me. Your wooden idols will not save you. I am alive. I can
to safety. They will have clung too tightly to the world and only to save you. I am desperately pleading with you. Let My love
discover the world can’t save them and the only One who can has consume you. Find safety and peace. These are My offerings O’
stepped over the threshold with HIS bride and closed the door lost men. Come to your senses. These words are true.
permanently behind HIM.
Your only LORD and SAVIOR,
They will then turn and face the horrors of what they are left to JESUS.
live with. The only escape will be death. Many think My message
is too harsh. Many think I am too frightening with My harsh The LORD said to add this Scripture with the letter above:
warnings. Soon the reality will set in and the warnings that should
have been heeded will do no good. The harshness of My warning Psalm 28,.
will only be a memory as reality sets in as to what the world has
become. 1Unto thee will I cry, O LORD my rock; be not silent to me: lest, if
thou be silent to me, I become like them that go down into the pit.
Sin will flow. Evil will run like a rushing river over everyone in its
path consuming and terrorizing everyone. Life will be so harsh, 2Hear the voice of my supplications, when I cry unto thee, when I
answers won’t be easy. Peace and serenity will be gone. Life will lift up my hands toward thy holy oracle.
be difficult. No one will be unaffected. It will encompass
everything and everyone. The earth will be demonized and the 3Draw me not away with the wicked, and with the workers of
enemy will blanket the earth. I am telling you the truth. iniquity, which speak peace to their neighbours, but mischief is in
their hearts.
My little flock, come to Me. Come to safety. I cannot tolerate this
earth anymore. All are affected by evil. You cannot escape it. If 4Give them according to their deeds, and according to the
you are My follower, you see sin and evil at every turn, wickedness of their endeavours: give them after the work of their
everywhere you go. hands; render to them their desert.

Come to Me now. The hour is closing. Evil man wants to control 5Because they regard not the works of the LORD, nor the
the earth and whoever stands in their way. Dark clouds are rolling operation of his hands, he shall destroy them, and not build them
in. The world is crumbling. Even those who call themselves up.
Christians believe My Words in My Book are empty phrases.
empty promises. They enjoy My Book as if it is lovely fables to 6Blessed be the LORD, because he hath heard the voice of my
teach with and forget that My Word stands the test of time. My supplications.
Word will outlast any who blaspheme against it. My Word stands.
My Word is the standard. Turn back to it. Don’t revile it. Embrace 7The LORD is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in
it. Soon My Word will be hidden from men and truth will be a him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and
with my song will I praise him.
Letter given to Susan, of the U.S.
8The LORD is their strength, and he is the saving strength of his
anointed. Letter 36. November 12, 2010.

9Save thy people, and bless thine inheritance: feed them also, Susan I have words for you. Susan these are MY words. I speak
and lift them up for ever. with care. Write it down. My words are different than your words. I
am GOD. Susan the hour is closing in. There is precious little time
Letters from the LORD JESUS to be ready: left. The hour is short: little time left.

PART 15. November 14th, 2010. I am your LORD and SAVIOR. These days are the final days.
There are only a few days more and then many things are going
Letter dictated to Sabrina, of Belgium, and translated from to change. The world is about to change dramatically. Why do
Dutch into English: you question My Words? Why do you doubt I am GOD? These
are MY Words.
November 13, 2010:
Nothing I am saying here has not been said in MY Book, if you
“Write it down My daughter. It looks like nothing is going to care to read it. I gave it to you as a guide book, a book to
happen. People are not ready for My coming. I am very sad for understand the things of GOD: the expectations I have for living
this fact. I have done everything to warn My people. Yet they righteously; for bringing up children; for getting along with
choose to harden their hearts. Good. With freewill I have created neighbors; for managing money; for understanding GOD; for
you, with a freewill you shall also go. The destination you choose living the way I want you to live; for being intimate with ME. I have
yourself. The gospel is clearly written in My Word. If you choose provided these guidelines, yet you do not follow them. You follow
to obey this Word, you have eternal life, if not, eternal death in the every other book written by men about living, but the one given to
scorching heat of hell. you by your CREATOR. Why is this?

Hell is a real place. From this also I have written in My gospel. Yet You are sidetracked into all types of thinking of men and you go in
some of you live as if this is a fable. Oh really? Come to your all directions, but to the ONE Who has all your answers. You are
senses My people. NOW is the time of conversion. Share these reviled by the Word of GOD, the Sacred Words of GOD. You are
words with everybody you know. Share My gospel. Share the disgusted with righteousness. You make fun of it like it is a
reality of heaven and hell. Make people alert they have to choose disgusting, foul way of life. Anyone who remotely engages in
NOW. righteousness is freakish in your minds. You have departed from
the right path so far, that right, clean living seems strange to you.
Oh, My people, My heart bleeds for you. I am coming soon for My People who embrace holiness make no sense to you.
bride and then it is every man for himself. These words will
resound bitterly for some, for others disappear forever. The taste Have it your way. You disdain holiness so much, than you may
will not be sweet, but pure horror. The reality of hell that is coming drown in your evil. You may have a large dose of it. You will drink
is indescribable. Are these words too hard? Too frightening? I tell a cup of evil very soon and reject the ways of GOD. I cannot stop
you, they are more realistic then the chair you sit on now. what is set in place. The evil has begun. It will not stop until I
come back to end the madness. It will be so bad for those left,
I God am an almighty God and I do after My Word. I am a they will want to die to escape it.
merciful God. I am a loving God. But I am also a holy God. I alone
can save you from what is coming. I am willing. My grace is still I want you to know that I love you, but I cannot tolerate your
here. But the horror of hell is coming. She will not be long in complete and total disregard of MY Word, MY instructions to you.
coming any more. So how long My people before you give MY Word is sacred, holy, pure, with practical instruction and you
attention to these words? Not many are willing to enter the narrow follow after every other man-made school of thought under the
road. Not many are willing to live holy. Not many of My children sun seeking answers. I have ALL the answers you are seeking,
are willing. but you won’t look. You are an ill-advised, sad people. You are
dying from lack of knowledge. You are wasting away from lack of
I am coming for a bride without stain, spot, and wrinkle. This truth. You are disintegrating from a lack of holiness. You lack ME.
means no compromises with the world or My Word! No I am the center of all things right and holy.
compromises! Oh, My Word is holy. Live after My Word My
people! Do you still think it does not really matter? I have told you Words given to me 11/13/2010.
before it certainly does matter. Fine, you live after your own rules
then. I have my rules set forth in My Word. Take it all or lose it all. Susan Write it down.
No compromises. If only you were willing to set your heart on this.
I work out everything in someone’s heart. The heart is unreliable. The world is coming to an hour of change. Change is upon it. The
Therefore I have told in My Word to give your whole heart, soul, change will be big. An evil nation is forming. Evil that will be
and mind to Me. All these things are unreliable. Live in My Spirit! unstoppable. This is the defining moment. Will you stay because
Live in My Spirit and it will go well with you. Live in My Spirit, My you reject MY truth and MY offer to come away to safety or will
people. I have sent Him to this earth to inhabit My people. Shall you leave with ME when I come to retrieve My bride, my beautiful
you not give attention to Him? He is the most precious bride?
possession that you can have in this life. Do not throw Him away,
do not grieve My Spirit! I beg you, do not grieve My Spirit! This is Here is what you need to do if you choose to come. You need to
the worst that you can do. Yet many of you are doing it. Live after surrender all, repent and wash your robes in MY blood, yes My
My Word and be led by My Spirit every day. Only this way you precious blood. I alone can make this change in your life. There is
can serve a Holy God. I am holy. You also be holy. The time is no other way, search though you may for answers to your life.
up.” You may find answers, but they will not lead you to life. They will
only lead you to your demise, to your eternal death, torment in The LORD said to add this verse:
Psalm 82:1-8. God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he
MY Words are harsh but they are loving, truthful Words. If I did judgeth among the gods. How long will ye judge unjustly, and
not warn you, MY Words would not be loving. I am trying to reach accept the persons of the wicked? Selah. Defend the poor and
you in this late hour. I, JESUS am trying to get through to you. I fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy. Deliver the poor
am extending MY hand out to you. I want you to know how much I and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked. They know
love you. How much I care for you. Do not separate yourself from not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the
ME for eternity. It will be a fatal, everlasting choice that cannot be foundations of the earth are out of course. I have said, Ye are
undone once it is final. Separation from GOD for eternity is hell gods; and all of you are children of the most High. But ye shall die
unending. This is not what I want for MY children, for MY creation. like men, and fall like one of the princes. Arise, O God, judge the
Please choose wisely. earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations.

I have given you this choice to make. You must choose. The PART 16. November 18th, 2010.
world is tantalizing. Everything seems so attractive to you. You
want to touch and experience it all. It is death and it masquerades We submit these letters to you which we each received.
as life. But reach for it and die. Embrace it and fall into its deadly
trap. Follow the path of the world you long after and you will never Letter 39. November 17, 2010. dictated to Susan from the
escape it. Then you will know you have chased after the wrong LORD JESUS.
Susan, these are the last days.
Come with ME your LORD JESUS and I will bring you down the
right path to truth, righteousness, purity, holiness, love, and life Time is winding down, closing in. The world is in trouble. If the
everlasting. These words are true. The world is rejecting ME and people don’t see it, they are not looking. They have their eyes
soon I must step back and allow the worst to happen. I must let closed. They need to wake up. Their lack of discernment is
the world embrace the lord it chooses, the evil lord it chooses to deeply troubling to ME. I love them, but they are lost and far from
reign over it. Then the world will understand the way of evil it has ME.
embraced. It will find the true meaning of the choices it has made.
Soon the world will see what it means to embrace the wrong god I give them MY heart, but they trample on it at every turn. They
and reject the one true GOD. want nothing to do with ME. They choose sin. It is more
tantalizing, more appealing. SO BE IT. This is what they choose.
Evil will reign and rule the earth. Truth will be forgotten and the Then sin is what they may have. I GOD will give them a big dose
prince of the air will be the one true god of their choice and it will of the medicine they prescribe for themselves.
be a one-way ticket to death. MY people can come to ME then,
but it will be through fire, they will have to walk through fire to get I am a loving GOD, but turn your back to ME and learn the
to ME. And I am sorry that it must be this way, but I am being consequences. This generation has turned away completely and
clear about MY warnings and very few will heed them in time. loves ME not. It does not love MY ways, MY Holiness. I am a
pure, perfect, loving GOD to be feared. I love deeply, but I punish
I God, I JESUS, am telling you truth. The days are growing darker deeply. Turn from ME and learn the seriousness of your decision.
now. The evil is increasing. The people have become too Decide against ME and I decide against you. Reject ME and I
accustom to evil. They cannot see what is coming. They lack must reject you. I cannot help you if you walk away from MY
understanding. They lack discernment about holiness and they salvation and go it alone.
are being entrapped into the hands of the enemy.
These are MY terms: surrender, repent, and turn back to ME.
I am sad for them but they must choose who they want to serve. Confess your commitment to ME, JESUS, to others and it will go
Do they want to serve an evil, ruthless master or a loving, truthful well for you. I am looking for sold-out, 100-percent solid
Master, the ONE, Who created them? The people need to decide commitment. I do not want your half-way commitments. This is
whether they want to serve the CREATOR or the creation. They not what I want. Your non-commitment and half-commitment will
will serve someone. Who will it be: the one who kills and destroys be rejected. I will not receive it. I do not want it. It is an
or the ONE, Who loves and saves? Wake up O’ earth. Your abomination to ME. I gave you all of ME. I laid down MY life. I,
SAVIOR is calling out to you. Turn to your SAVIOR. Let ME save GOD, I JESUS did this for you and your weak commitment means
you. Make peace with GOD and live in eternal bliss. Come as you nothing to ME.
are now. I do not expect you to be perfect before you surrender to
ME. I am the only ONE Who can clean you up. I can clean you in You come to church once a week and then I don’t hear from you
MY blood. I can set you right before MY FATHER. again all week. This is not a relationship with ME. I don’t want
your half-hearted attempts to reach ME. I would rather you be hot
There is no other way. Do not be deceived. All other ways lead to or cold, but as it is I must spit you out. Don’t insult ME with your
death. I am the Way, the Truth, the Life. Come to ME now. I am lukewarm affection. I won’t have it. It makes ME sick. You love
waiting for just a little longer. Don’t wait too long. Your regrets will everything else more than ME. You spend hours with your other
be great if you wait too long. wooden idols and with ME you spend almost no time. This is no
relationship. Don’t think you will stand before ME and be saved. I
I love you, but you must make ME your LORD and MASTER and will say, “I never knew you” and I never lie. I am GOD and I am a
surrender all to ME. Repent of your sins in front of a HOLY GOD. force to be reckoned with. It would be better for you to have never
Accept MY terms, and I will rescue you at this late hour. The time been born then to reject ME, the ONE WHO created you.
is disappearing. Wait no longer. Soon it will be too late.
I am giving out final warnings. Quit embracing these wooden
I, JESUS have spoken. idols. They can’t return your affection. They are cold, lifeless.
They are cruel mistresses. They will lead you to paths of
destruction. You know of the idols I speak of. you know what I am My principles and commandments are so important. They always
talking about. It is your first love. I was your first love, but you have been. They always will be. My Word will never fade away.
have walked away and now you spend your time with other gods. So come to your senses. Which you think they are so good and
beautiful. Come to Me NOW. Now is the time. Time is up My
I will have no other god before ME. Choose these gods and die. people.
They offer you pleasure for a time, for a moment. then it will be
hell eternal. a very long moment. a very big price to pay for a brief If I would not love you, I would not give you these warning letters.
love affair with a wooden idol. Embrace your idols and see how it If the Father’s grace would not be so big, you would not even
goes for you. You know what idols I speak of, it is anything you receive these end-time warnings. I love My daughter Susan, as I
find more worthy to devote your precious time to than ME. Even have seen she is a willing and very obedient vessel in these last
your families you put above ME. Do this and you will lose ME and days. She knows what it is to surrender everything to Me. Watch
your families you cherish so deeply over ME. I am a jealous GOD. for these letters and take them very seriously. As I have spoken
I will not share MY love with other idols, other lesser gods. through My servants Moses, David, and Elijah, I am speaking
now through My chosen vessels.
Be warned. I am coming soon for a devoted wife. One who puts
ME above all other gods and idols. She will have ME and I love My love is so deep for all of you. Don’t you see that? Don’t you
her. I cherish MY bride and will love and protect her forever. It is understand that? Why then, My people do you reject them? Why
not too late for you. But don’t waste valuable time on your lesser do you reject My end-time prophets? Be careful and repent for
gods or you will find yourself in the soon-coming darkness. Then this. These are My words. Everybody who is rejecting My Words,
you will not find relief from your idols you so cherish. They will are rejecting Me. If you reject Me, I will have no choice but to
look back at you with a blank stare and you will weep over your reject you in the end. Choosing Me means TOTAL surrender.
loss. I am warning you now. Scoff if you like, but the day will Many of you still do not choose to do this. Your own flesh is in the
come and your sadness will be great because you have rejected way. Crucify it! Crucify it! Crucify it! Live HOLY before your Lord
life and love, purity, wholeness, and all that a Holy GOD offers. God Almighty.

You decide. I cannot make this decision for you. You have this Who do you think you are? I died a horrible death at Golgotha for
choice to make: life or death. I put it before you. Time is at hand. you, for all of you, My loved ones. Please do not deny My Words.
The hour is at hand. Please think carefully. I, JESUS am here Do not treat them like some cheap toy. I am not a God to be
waiting, but soon the door will close. Get your lamp full of MY toyed with. This you will all discover in the end. Everybody has to
refining oil. I cannot help you once the door closes. You will have stand before My Throne of Judgment, everybody. Will you be
to go through the fire of the enemy. ashamed and put your head down or will you be able to look Me
in the eyes with the knowledge you’ve surrendered everything
Please make this choice. Choose well. Save yourself. Warn with an open and honest heart towards your God? If this is the
others. I will wait only a little longer, than I must leave with MY case, you will enter into the beauty of My Kingdom. Oh, so much
faithful wife. beauty I have prepared for you, for all of you. It is waiting for all of
you. But there is a price. Give Me your life, heart, soul, and mind
These are MY Words. I, JESUS have spoken. COMPLETELY. No compromises with the world or with My Word.
not at all. You take My word and surrender to it wholly. There is
Letter Sabrina received from the LORD JESUS. November 17, no other way. Listen to My prophets. They are everywhere. I
2010. appointed them to help you in these dark days. Do not think
’small’ things do not matter before your God. They do matter.
“Why do you believe prophets do not matter anymore? If they do
not matter now, they didn’t matter in the past, because I always Read My word, from Genesis to Revelation and get to know Me.
have been sending My prophets to speak to My people. I am Get to know your God and stop listening and reasoning for
talking seriously through My servants here. Anybody who has yourself. Your reasonings will get you nowhere. Salvation comes
ears LISTEN! Listen to My prophets My people. They are My only through Me. I died for all of you at that cross. Nobody can
chosen ones. They do not seek honor for themselves. They only ever understand My suffering for you. Oh you will, when you enter
choose to serve and obey Me. before My throne. Please, don’t spent eternity in hell for
disobeying My Word. Don’t think it doesn’t matter. Your eternity
If you neglect their warnings through My Voice, you are very depends on it. You are thinking about grace now? Where is the
misled. Listen to My prophets and open your ears to My words, grace, I hear you say? This very word IS My grace. Ask me for
not to your own reasoning. There is a good reason I am sending understanding and revelation and I will show it to you. I will show
out all these warning words. The reason is I want to save you you the condition of your heart. Ask Me to search your hearts and
from final destruction. Hell is the final destiny forever. You do not to reveal the truth to you all.
want to be there. Many pastors and their followers are spending
eternity there. Why? Because, they did not attend to My words, Oh yes, I have many servants. They are hidden in the secret
they did not listen to My prophets. They choose to rely and places, waiting for their time to be sent out. Now, come to Me
depend on their own wisdom. NOW people. I am returning soon and I cannot take you with
spots or wrinkles. Wash and clean yourselves with My blood. It’s
All human reasoning is no wisdom of Mine. I am the source of all the only way. I provided the way and the source. You apply it.
wisdom. Come to Me NOW. Now is the time. I told you before, That’s something I cannot do for you. That’s your job and your
time is up. Why then do you read these letters and then just freewill. Oh, My Father is about to give the sign. I ask Him for one
continue and go on with your lives as if nothing has to change? more moment of grace, My children. But soon it will be over.
Something serious has to change in your way of thinking. Listen to these words of warning and love and grace.”

Now listen to Me. Keep My Word. Keep my commandments. Your JESUS.

Listen to My prophets. Read My Gospel and read what I said to
the unbelievers at that time. Read the whole Bible and see why The LORD wanted this Scripture added to these letters:
you will not hear any truth. Soon the world will become completely
Psalm 22. black with darkness. It will grow dark and cold uninhabitable,
unreliable people at every turn. Truth will disappear.
1My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? why art thou so
far from helping me, and from the words of my roaring? 2O my My people who preserve truth will be gone up into the heavens
God, I cry in the day time, but thou hearest not; and in the night with ME to their glorious homes, homes I have prepared for them
season, and am not silent. 3But thou art holy, O thou that to be taken to for safety away from the maddening rush on earth.
inhabitest the praises of Israel. 4Our fathers trusted in thee: they Evil will ensue, strongholds of evil unrivaled to any other time in
trusted, and thou didst deliver them. 5They cried unto thee, and history. People will cry out for justice, but it will be replaced with
were delivered: they trusted in thee, and were not confounded. treachery and the divine will be replaced with gross evil.
6But I am a worm, and no man; a reproach of men, and despised
of the people. 7All they that see me laugh me to scorn: they shoot Where are your heads, MY people? Where do you hide your
out the lip, they shake the head, saying, 8He trusted on the LORD heads, in the sand? Can you not see what is right before you?
that he would deliver him: let him deliver him, seeing he delighted You are afraid to look up and see because you think all is well.
in him. 9But thou art he that took me out of the womb: thou didst My life is untouched. Things are fine. The world goes on as it
make me hope when I was upon my mother’s breasts. 10I was always does. My church does not tell me any different. All is well.
cast upon thee from the womb: thou art my God from my mother’s
belly. 11Be not far from me; for trouble is near; for there is none Susan, write it down.
to help. 12Many bulls have compassed me: strong bulls of
Bashan have beset me round. 13They gaped upon me with their The people are mesmerized and taken over by their own
mouths, as a ravening and a roaring lion. 14I am poured out like maligned beliefs. They see not because they choose not to look.
water, and all my bones are out of joint: my heart is like wax; it is It is there. Those who bother to look see it and they warn others
melted in the midst of my bowels. 15My strength is dried up like a to save them from the coming storm and are met with opposition
potsherd; and my tongue cleaveth to my jaws; and thou hast at every turn. MY people wake up. The truth is there before you.
brought me into the dust of death. 16For dogs have compassed The hour is closing in. Listen to reason.
me: the assembly of the wicked have enclosed me: they pierced
my hands and my feet. 17I may tell all my bones: they look and You think these words are empty. You think I, GOD am not
stare upon me. 18They part my garments among them, and cast speaking. You think I, GOD do not exist. Let me tell you, I am a
lots upon my vesture. 19But be not thou far from me, O LORD: O force to be reckoned with. I will avenge MY enemies: those who
my strength, haste thee to help me. 20Deliver my soul from the choose to reject ME; those who choose to harm MY children;
sword; my darling from the power of the dog. 21Save me from the those who choose to hate GOD. Will you choose to be against
lion’s mouth: for thou hast heard me from the horns of the ME or will you choose to receive MY salvation, MY blood-bought
unicorns. 22I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst salvation.
of the congregation will I praise thee. 23Ye that fear the LORD,
praise him; all ye the seed of Jacob, glorify him; and fear him, all Get on your knees before ME. Repent! Turn your hearts back to
ye the seed of Israel. 24For he hath not despised nor abhorred ME before it is too late. Show regret for your adoration of the
the affliction of the afflicted; neither hath he hid his face from him; world in front of a HOLY GOD who hates evil and protects the
but when he cried unto him, he heard. 25My praise shall be of widows and orphans. Show ME your repentance. Show ME your
thee in the great congregation: I will pay my vows before them sorrow over your lust for the things of this world and I will heal
that fear him. 26The meek shall eat and be satisfied: they shall your hearts and bring you back to MYSELF. You will be found
praise the LORD that seek him: your heart shall live for ever. worthy to fly away with ME to safe hiding to MY Kingdom far
27All the ends of the world shall remember and turn unto the away. I will hold you and love you. I will protect and keep you.
LORD: and all the kindreds of the nations shall worship before You will be MY possession and I will love you forever.
thee. 28For the kingdom is the LORD’s: and he is the governor
among the nations. 29All they that be fat upon earth shall eat and Reject ME in this hour and I must leave without you. I am sorry,
worship: all they that go down to the dust shall bow before him: but I cannot take you if you do not surrender all to ME. Half-
and none can keep alive his own soul. 30A seed shall serve him; hearted commitments cannot be accepted. I love completely.
it shall be accounted to the Lord for a generation. 31They shall Love ME completely and be saved, be spared from gross
come, and shall declare his righteousness unto a people that disaster.
shall be born, that he hath done this.
You are listening to men if you do not see this coming. You have
PART 17. November 20th, 2010. folded in with the wayward sheep who have left MY pasture. You
are following blindly the sheep headed away from their lovely
I received a very serious letter from the LORD and was told by Shepherd into the darkness. The wolves are waiting in the wings
HIM to get it out right away. With this letter is another letter from to capture you when I take MY faithful flock to safety. You will be
Mary of Texas, U.S. She had approached me about the letters devoured. This is not a parable or story. It is truth. You are blind if
that she too had been receiving from the LORD herself. We were you cannot see it.
told by the LORD to add her letter to ours and send it out too. I
pray you seek the LORD JESUS for salvation and to be the I am before you pleading. Open your Bibles. Read the truth. Stop
MOST important part of your life. listening to men. Seek ME, your LORD JESUS. Pray to ME. Read
about ME. Ask MY Spirit for truth. Ask ME to open your eyes to
Letter 40 November 19, 2010, dictated to Susan from the truth and I will help you see. I have the answers, not men. You
LORD JESUS. are blind leading blind. Take off your blindfolds. The hour is short.
Seek ME. I will give you truth. There is no other truth. I am the
Susan these are MY words. I am ready to give you words. AUTHOR of truth.

I am in front of you My people pleading. Listen to ME. The hour is Oh, listen to ME, MY people. These are not empty words. Get on
short. The evil is forming. You must hear ME. I speak truth. Soon your hands and knees before ME and pray for your very souls to
be saved. I will do it. I will see your humble hearts and I will lead My breastplate of righteousness will keep you standing. Your
you out. Give ME your all and I will save you from gross, endless shield of faith is strong. Your belt of truth takes pleasure in
evil that only I, GOD will stop. MEN will not be able to stop the evil exposing other’s wrong doing. Stop doing that. That is not what
forming, try though they might. it’s for. Stand yourself for truth. Work on your own words,
kindness. These are My words. Your helmet is lop-sided and
They are not fighting flesh and blood, they are fighting confused. I Am straightening it. This will gird your mind and ease
principalities of the air. Only I have the armor to fight this enemy. your soul of unwanted despair. Guard your eyes and ears in this
Come to ME and I give it freely. Be wise. Be discerning. Know the dark world. Take “cover” in My Word.
times. Read MY Book. Seek MY Face. Do not waste what little
time is left on worldly pursuits. Seek My Face. Humble yourself My hope is yours. My salvation is yours. Take cover. Take out the
before ME. Show ME your adoration for the GOD who breathes trash and take cover. I Am trying to tell you once and for all that
life into you everyday. Without ME you would not be here. you are Mine, that you are to be a soldier. This is a battle we are
in. I Am your commander. You listen well or you would not be
You cannot accept a GOD who rejects HIS children, you say. MY writing this down. Your boots are worn out. I will restore them.
Word explains this clearly. Salvation is through a relationship with You have been in battle without full protection. This is why you
ME and MY blood covers you. There is no other way to the suffer. You are awake now in this battle. Your eyes and ears now
FATHER but through ME. I AM THE ONLY WAY. tell you the truth. Feelings are without reproach. Take them. Use
them lightly. don’t disregard them, but don’t use them all.
Count the minutes ticking away: like mist through your fingers.
You are wasting precious time on pursuits that don’t matter. Your Now walk in My spirit. This armor is not heavy as metal is heavy.
idol worship will not save you. Release your grip from death. This armor is light – like my yoke is light and not a heavy burden.
Continue in this way and you will surely die without ME and I am I Am working. I Am the One giving the orders while you are ready
mankind’s only hope despite what the enemy may whisper in your for battle in My spirit – or you are not going to hear My orders
ear. If you cohabitate with the enemy in your thinking and because the dark world is very LOUD. All My people line up now!
schemes, you will lie down with death and I cannot help you. Hold your shields tightly. Make your swords ready. Hold on. Gird
your thoughts and stand firm. Tighten your belt. Be in your
You say, “HE rambles on with these empty warnings, I do not see breastplate at all times. My shout is at the door. I Am waiting for
it.” Open your eyes, you lost generation. You are caught up in the My Father’s hand. I keep His commands. The retrieval time is
world and cannot recognize truth. The world calls, invites, here. Gird up! Stand and wait with Me. You have nothing to fear.
appears so normal. It deals in death. It is a snare; a trap awaiting All is well.
to take you under. So many have already fallen in her eternal
trap: never to be seen again. So many more will fall into the My Kingdom is ready for you now. All the rooms are complete. I
eternal trap of outer darkness and hell. There are many paths to have made beautiful rooms for My beautiful Bride. She is worth it.
lies and only one narrow way to truth. I AM THE WAY. Joy comes in the morning. In My Kingdom – joy IS – and IS
forever. Oh how I love My Bride!
EVERLASTING. PRINCE OF PEACE. GLORY UNENDING. Get ready to depart. I need you to be ready now. Don’t delay.
POWER FOREVER. KING OF KINGS. LORD OF LORDS. Detach from the sights and sounds of the dark world and be
EXCELLENCE. MAJESTY. LION OF JUDAH. BEAUTY UNTOLD. ready at all times. Stand and be ready. Yes, look up. I see you. I
I AM see My Bride waiting, yearning, even despairing. I am ready to
take you into My arms, into My Kingdom. We will live together
You are about to miss glory everlasting traded in for a fallen forever. All of My words are true. I love you. My love is deep. My
world. Wake up O’ earth! Grab for MY hand. See the piercing. love is everlasting. My love wants you. My love sees you and
This is what GOD did. I stepped down from MY Kingdom and died nurtures you. My love is everlasting. It does not waiver. It cannot
a horrible death because I did not want to lose you for eternity. waiver. It doesn’t know how. My love IS, and is forever.
Why do you refuse ME? If you are not watching, you will miss it.
MY faithful who watch will be taken. This is your LORD speaking. Overwhelmed children follow me. I have rest for you. Let me
Consider these words carefully. nourish you. Don’t turn from Me in your tears. I am holding you
and you will make it. I know all of your tears. I know all of your
I, JESUS have spoken. turns while you search. But, I am with you. Just turn to Me. I am
here. Gird up. Breathe deep. Gird up and stand. Now compose
Letter dictated to “Mary of Texas” by JESUS. November 16, 2010. yourself in My Spirit, my direction. We will all be together soon.
The world is Mine. The Universe is Mine. Everything that IS – is
The enemy is blaspheming My Name. This is why you have Mine.
heard, “You have been tried and found guilty of treason by the
Most High God.” There is no time to delay. Take up your cross You have made the right choice to follow Me. The world will burn
and Follow Me, Yeshua. All your sins are forgiven you. When a and bleed and cry and scream. It will be strong horror. Many will
thought comes to mind, evaluate it, discern it, check it with your suffer. Many will fall.
soul. Take out the trash – remember it no more. I know you are
deeply hurting about these thoughts and it’s My purpose that you Keep writing. All my territories you see will be destroyed, looking
experience this. I am making you a soldier and teaching you My at maps inside my Bible. All of that is Mine and will be restored,
armor. You are in the army of the Most High God. All of My looking at Israel. It will be beautiful – no longer desolate – no
people are in My army. Now you must fight. longer barren. All will be taken and restored. All will know My
Name. The battle is Mine. I know who is in it. Some of My people
The evil one is strong and wants to destroy My Kingdom. My will suffer. I know this full well as I wait for My Father’s hand.
soldiers are ready for battle. Wait for the battle cry. I will send you
out. You will know what to do. No harm will come to you. Shout There is little time left before it all becomes dark. Woe is this time.
for My people. Get their attention. Offer My Word as your sword. I am serious about My instructions to My people – who aren’t
listening. They will be caught by surprise – as by a thief. The who keep God’s commands and hold fast their testimony about
roof’s of your houses won’t save you. Many will perish in fear. Jesus.
This is a time of woe, intense woe. All My words are true and
absolute. These people who will not turn but remain in the Letter 41. November 21, 2010. letter dictated by Jesus Christ
stubbornness of their hearts will melt like wax as they burn. My to Susan.
warning is strong. You must share this. Even if it only saves and
warns a few, it would be better than if no one hears it and is not Susan, write it down. These are MY words your LORD JESUS.
warned. Woe is this time! The manner in which they refer to ME,
is detestable and it must stop and it will. Their houses are Today is a new day. Tomorrow will be another day. Day after day,
covered with hyssop and barley and will burn with a mighty burn. the days go by. People think nothing new is going on. “Same
today as yesterday, each day folds into the next,” they say. But,
I am the Most High God. Even their children are detestable to Me. let ME tell you the time is running out. The hour is waning,
I Am angry about this. They have no reason to live any longer and precious moments disappearing. Time is dwindling away. The
I want them out of My sight! These are harsh, but true words. hour is closing in. Each moment is precious is now. These
Their rejection of Me runs deep for many generations. I will cause moments are precious.
them great fear and they will still reject Me. Because I know this, I
will blow My fire on them as a torch as they are an abomination to Please consider what I am about to say. Your life here is in the
Me. balance, hanging in the balance. Your hour is dwindling away.
You are running out of time to decide whether you are going to
I am a jealous God. I know whom I have created. Man’s armor will choose ME your LORD JESUS or to go with the enemy. He is
do them NO good. They are like toy soldiers – these unbelievers, waiting to see what you will do. The hour is closing in. There is a
these apostates that pretend, on purpose, to know Me and are battle ensuing for your soul, your very soul. You have no idea
using Me as a device for the enemy. I will not stand for such what is going on around you. The enemy is a raging force, a
trickery. This battle is not finished. I call all My soldiers to battle. raging lion waiting to devour you.
Stay girded. I will pull you out of the trenches before the great
explosion. You will be with Me long before the earth and the ones It is true, the hour is at hand. Men are asleep. They cannot see
left behind start total destruction and annihilating themselves. the condition of their hearts. They are far from their CREATOR.
This is the final war. Gird yourself and be ever ready. When you They are miserably far. They are far from reason. They have lost
hear My command – look up- then leave ALL behind. their minds. They are losing their souls.

End of His words. November 16, 2010. My pleas are desperate. The hour is waning. closing in. Time is
short and you think you have all the time in the world, but sadly
I had to look up the word reproach, referring to feelings, to see you do not. The clock is ticking away. What choices will you
why they would be “without” reproach. I’ve always been told not to make? Are you ready to walk away from this world into MY wide
trust feelings, however, He tells me they are without outstretched arms and to leave with ME? I will be leaving with the
disappointment., “now” being the operative word in this case, church soon. She is ready. I am ready. I, LORD JESUS am
ready. We are ready. Will you join us?
I looked up hyssop and barley. I’m not an herb person really, but
it said barley was used in beer and hyssop was referred to as a Evil is closing in. You are blind if you can’t see it. You have left
“holy” herb and used to brush the blood of the lamb on doorposts the path of light if you can’t see the darkness closing in. Where is
during Passover. My impression is that these people have your head? Have you lost your senses? The time is short and you
offensive items as well as holy items, mixed up or lukewarm, not are enamored with the world and all its iniquities. It is a disease, a
serious about Him, in their households. plague. You cannot have ME and love the world.

Overall, my impression while writing was that He wants us ready My children back away. Look at what lies ahead. Come to your
as an army would be ready to obey any command while we wait senses. See the evil brewing. All segments of life are touched by
for His return, and is about to happen – that many are getting evil. It is pervasive, controlling, relentless, futile. Life is over as
weak and becoming vulnerable to attack, which is the need for you have known it. The end as you have known it is here. You
our “armor.” may escape with ME or stay and experience a new way of life. It
will be most unpleasant for anyone who craves peace, love,
PART 18. November 23rd, 2010. happiness, purity, wholeness, GOD’s peace. These moments you
crave, will be a thing of the past, a distant memory.
This message has three parts. First a letter I received from the
LORD JESUS, then second a letter Sabrina received from the You think all is well now. The hour is short. Normal will be no
LORD JESUS, and finally a word from a young 10-year-old girl more very soon. Nothing will be normal soon. Sin will be
who heard from JESUS and had communicated first with Sabrina. exponentially greater. Evil will abound. The love of many will grow
Although we are involved in the distribution of these letters, we cold, stone cold. Harsh sounding? Honesty. I am giving you truth.
want to stress that these are the LORD JESUS’ Words and all The winds are changing.
glory and honor always and foremost goes to the LORD JESUS.
I am leaving with MY people soon, MY beloved people. Be among
These messages from the LORD JESUS are stressing the them and you will escape all this to come. Why stay and be
importance of following the commandments of GOD. The subjected to torture and death? Why? I offer you a beautiful home
commandments are not obsolete for this era. It is even clear in in heaven. The difference between the two is stark. You have two
this verse found in Revelation 12:17, a New Testament verse, choices. Choose ME and live in beauty, eternal peace, and bliss.
that GOD’s commandments are not obsolete for this generation: Reject MY offer and die in squalor. Die a sad death.

Revelation 12:17. Then the dragon was enraged at the woman I AM GOD. I know the future. I see what’s coming. I am trying to
and went off to wage war against the rest of her offspring, those warn you. Be with ME and you will never regret your choice. Stay
and regret will be your constant thought. Let ME be your Word. No compromises with My Word. Read the commandments
FATHER, PROTECTOR, COMFORTER, SAVIOR, LOVER. I AM and ask Me how to live them. Not how you think you should live
ALL. When people put themselves in outer darkness apart from them.
their all-knowing, all-loving CREATOR for eternity, they abandon
all hope. There is endless hopelessness. It is the worm that Keep My Sabbath Holy. I see many of you walking around on
doesn’t die. The loss is far greater than the human mind can Sunday from one place to another. This can never happen! My
comprehend. Walk through that door and be lost forever more. Day is a Holy Day, set apart for Me. Why do you run to worldly
places then? You cannot be out of church soon enough to go and
I am the source of goodness, all things good, sweet, pure, do your own things. I am telling you My people, and this should
beautiful. This is who I am. Shut yourself off from ME, reject MY not come as a surprise, as I have given warnings. Keep My Day
proposal and never-ending emptiness, darkness, torment, as a Holy Day! Go to church, honor Me, worship Me, listen to My
hopelessness: hell is real. Many, many are going there. The Words. This day is not a day to go out and shop. Woe to them.
regret is eternal. Your mind has trouble grasping eternity. They are in great danger! Listen to My prophets.

Choose against ME and discover that you have made a move Read the testimony’s of why good Christians end up in hell. Why,
that has eternal consequences. You will never see ME again. You because they ignored My Commandments. I cannot tolerate this.
will never hear MY voice. You will never experience MY ways: I Haven’t you read that I GOD never change? Haven’t your read
am LOVE. I am HOPE. I am KINDNESS. I am PEACE. I am that I GOD have given you these guidelines so it would go well
WISDOM. I am KNOWLEDGE. I am STRENGTH. I am SAFETY. with you? Read My Word from Genesis until Revelation and you
I am BLISS. I am JOY. I am TRUTH. I am GREATNESS. I am shall find it.
LIFE. I am ADORATION. I am all the good things you enjoy in this
world. Hell does not have these things. It will be never-ending sad Ask Me to open your eyes and you shall see it. Listen to Me My
futility. people, I beg you. Take My Word seriously. Do not go by your
own reasonings. This is a great deception and you are in great
My children who are in hell have no hope. They will not find hope danger when you do this. Your own reasonings cannot be trusted.
or love again. They are experiencing the worst things. Some of Oh the ones who search Me earnestly, shall found Me! They shall
MY children have witnessed hell and speak of it. Many have been see the truth, because they long for only Me, pleasing and loving
there for short times and experienced its anguish. But there is Me, not their own flesh.
nothing worse than an eternity apart from ME, your MAKER. I am
sorry for their loss, but MY Word is clear and the people are Crucify your flesh daily My children! Everybody who reads this,
without excuse if they choose against ME and find themselves in take this very seriously, because I do not see a lot of changes yet
hell. in My people. I do not want to condemn you. I only want to save
you. I provided the tools: My death and resurrection. You do the
Now I am putting forth MY final pleas and I am warning you about rest. I cannot choose in your place. I created you with freewill.
the horror to come. This world wants horror instead of GOD. This Now choose and search Me earnestly. If you would only have a
world cherishes horror over GOD, so this world will have its horror glimpse of heaven and hell, you would know what to choose. Still,
and I shall not bother it. MY people left will have to go through the I send many and they are not believed. Listen to MY prophets!
worst imaginable things. I want them to know that the choice they These are the last warnings.”
are making now has severe consequences if they choose against
ME. Come with ME and be saved, stay and suffer. Nehemiah 13:15-18. In those days saw I in Judah some treading
wine presses on the sabbath, and bringing in sheaves, and lading
Let ME tell you something. Your choice now will have long term asses; as also wine, grapes, and figs, and all manner of burdens,
ramifications. It will be very hard for those who want to turn back which they brought into Jerusalem on the sabbath day: and I
to ME. The choice now is easy. Later it will be very difficult. testified against them in the day wherein they sold victuals. There
Choosing for ME will be very hard after I take MY people home. dwelt men of Tyre also therein, which brought fish, and all manner
Come with ME now. Follow ME now. Save yourself. Time is of ware, and sold on the sabbath unto the children of Judah, and
running out. Don’t waste precious moments. Turn, turn, turn in Jerusalem. Then I contended with the nobles of Judah, and
NOW. Repent! Lay your life down before ME. Give ME said unto them, What evil thing is this that ye do, and profane the
everything. I will save you. Now is the deciding hour. Time is sabbath day? Did not your fathers thus, and did not our God bring
running out. all this evil upon us, and upon this city? yet ye bring more wrath
upon Israel by profaning the sabbath.
I, GOD, I, JESUS am waiting for your answer.
Isaiah 56:1-5. Thus saith the LORD, Keep ye judgment, and do
Letter dictated to Sabrina by the LORD JESUS November 22, justice: for my salvation is near to come, and my righteousness to
2010: be revealed. Blessed is the man that doeth this, and the son of
man that layeth hold on it; that keepeth the sabbath from polluting
“My dear daughter, write it down. Where are the people seeking it, and keepeth his hand from doing any evil. Neither let the son of
Me earnestly because of all this? I have sent out many warning the stranger, that hath joined himself to the LORD, speak, saying,
letters by now through a lot of My sons and daughters. They read The LORD hath utterly separated me from his people: neither let
it like some secular magazine. the eunuch say, Behold, I am a dry tree. For thus saith the LORD
unto the eunuchs that keep my sabbaths, and choose the things
I am asking you: Where are the people searching Me earnestly? that please me, and take hold of my covenant; Even unto them
How many faces do I see on the ground? Many of you think this is will I give in mine house and within my walls a place and a name
just for the ones outside, but everybody should search their better than of sons and of daughters: I will give them an
hearts constantly in order to be saved. I came to die for you, but everlasting name, that shall not be cut off.
you must work out your salvation daily. Live HOLY before My
Face. Lay down before My Face. Cry out before My Face. Long Isaiah 58:13-14. If thou turn away thy foot from the sabbath, from
for Me with all that is in you. I am your GOD. Do as I tell you in My doing thy pleasure on my holy day; and call the sabbath a delight,
the holy of the LORD, honourable; and shalt honour him, not you take a minute to read this message, you will see the urgency
doing thine own ways, nor finding thine own pleasure, nor in the tone and the great sadness of the times we live in and the
speaking thine own words: Then shalt thou delight thyself in the incredible way the world has turned its back to its LORD and
LORD; and I will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the MAKER, JESUS.
earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy father: for the
mouth of the LORD hath spoken it. If each person who reads this message felt so compelled to
forward it to just one person then the warning would go out to
Proverbs 28:9. He that turneth away his ear from hearing the law, alert the people everywhere. I hope the Christians will start paying
even his prayer shall be abomination. attention to the lateness of the hour and seek the LORD. If they
do not, they are putting out the wrong message to those around
FRESH REVELATIONS TO A 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL: them that all is well and therefore putting people into a dangerous
condition of unpreparedness. GOD bless and love to you all.
A few days ago, November 19, a young girl contacted me,
Sabrina, through email. Her name is Philipa and she is 10-year- Letter 43. November 24, 2010. Dictated by the LORD JESUS
old and though she is still young, she is very smart and loves to Susan.
Jesus so much. Philipa said she was open for any advice/words. I
wrote her back that same day and to my surprise the Lord had a Yes, Susan, I am ready to give you words.
beautiful word for her. I will share the last sentence: “I long to
hear your voice My beautiful child, so come, come! I will surprise The season is changing. Swiftly comes the change. The people
you with My presence and you will hear My Voice. I love you sleep. Soon they will wake, but not in time to be taken. Many,
deeply, Your Father and friend forever, Jesus.” many will be left behind. What a sorrowful moment. I truly regret
that so many do not seek ME. I am sorry for their loss. I cannot
November 21. I, Sabrina, received this mail from Philipa: change their minds if they refuse to pay attention to MY warnings
in MY Book and the warnings of the times. Everything
LAST NIGHT, I HEARD THE LORD TELLING ME THAT HE coordinates. Just as I said it would.
CHURCH GOD SHOWED ME A CLOCK AND TOLD ME THAT I foretold these events as they are coming to pass, yet the people
IT IS LEFT WITH ONE MINUTE MORE FOR HIM TO COME. refuse to pay attention. They are not looking, watching. Their
AND HE SAID THAT MY CHILDREN REPENT, REPENT. AND eyes are captivated by the things of the world and not on ME. I
HE SAID THAT DARKNESS WOULD SOON TAKE OVER THE have warned them to keep their eyes fixed on ME and to be
WORLD AND THAT HE CAN NOT BARE THE SIN OF MAN ANY watching for ME. But things are as they have always been just as
LONGER. SO I SHOULD SPREAD AND TELL THIS WORD TO their fathers before them they say and they care not to pursue
CHILDREN CHANGE. FOR ONE MINUTE IS NOT ANY LONG the forefront of their minds. They have given heed to the
TIME. HELL IS BEYOND ANY HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. HUMAN wanderings of their human minds and the teachings of demons.
KNOWLEDGE IS NOT ANY GOOD KNOWLEDGE. HELL IS This is the direction they move in. GOD is not even on their radar.
NOT ANY GOOD PLACE. MY CHILDREN CHANGE, CHANGE! I do not hold a place in their hearts. I am far away from their
MY CHILDREN WHY HAVE FORSAKEN ME? GET OUT OF minds, their thoughts. Anything but GOD they make time for,
THE DARKNESS.” anything but ME their CREATOR.

I, Sabrina, wrote Philipa back that same day and the Lord had Why is there such a large gap between us? I did not do this. MY
another personal word for her to encourage her to share these Arms are opened wide. The people have chosen to separate
words with her parents, church, friends, and family. I had themselves from ME. They put space between us. They choose
communicated with her mother before and she shared that they to be far away. I am not on their minds. So be it. These people
are preparing for the rapture and are missionaries in the French- want ME away. They create all sorts of excuses for themselves to
speaking country Guinea with 92% muslims. stand apart from ME. They embrace all forms of evil and I am not
included in their daily lives. Not a thought comes to mind as they
Philipa has asked me to pray for her, so that God will use her for traverse through their days. I don’t enter their minds at all. GOD is
His work as He has started. May I ask all of you to pray for this a distant memory to most. The people think I am a fable, a great
little girl and her family, who is so open and willing for the Lord made up tale.
and truly an example for me.
Soon, the world will know MY Name. Soon the world will
November 22: Another vision given to Philipa: remember I exist. I have a place in the world. I made the world. I
am Divine. I am GOD. Who are these people fooling? MY Name
I HAD ANOTHER VISION ALSO TODAY. I SAW A MAN ON A enters their mouths as a curse word. This is how I am
HILL HOLDING A STAFF,WITH HIS HANDS AND THE STAFF remembered. I give them life and I am nothing more to them than
UP WHILE THE PEOPLE WERE DOWN THE HILL. AND THE merely a word to use in vain to curse someone. Well I, GOD, am
MAN WAS SAYING, “REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS sickened by their hostility toward ME.
Stand before ME and repent for your foul treatment of MY HOLY
Acts 2:17: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I NAME. I did not create you to take MY Name in vain, to trample
will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your on it with your ugly, disrespectful use of it.
daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams: This generation is lost. It is profane, abusive, foul, a stench under
MY HOLY Nostrils. I cannot take it any longer. I bless and bless
PART 19. November 25th, 2010. the people with life, with wholeness. I died. I suffered. I gave all. I
bled out. I gave MY back to scourging. Oh the torture I endured.
These messages were dictated to us and other people as well. If oh the suffering. the beatings. the foul language. the spitting. the
horror of it all. This was MY gift to mankind, to save a peoples lost punish those who trifle with MY Name, these who use it so
in sin and degradation. I did this from MY heart. MY love poured commonly as if it is any other word in the language. What a sad,
out on the ground and now the people turn their backs and put disrespectful generation that has completely abandoned holiness
ME to shame all over again. They have no respect, no awe, no and GOD’s beauty embracing every foul thing the enemy puts
adoration for who I am, for what I have done, for the sacrifice I out. The people have abandoned themselves to the gross and
made. MY Name is down-trodden in the mud, foul language. MY profane. Humanity has lost itself. Soon the world will find out what
Name is used in crass ways, for crass purposes. happens when you get what you want and it is hell and horror.
Horror glamorized will soon be horror reality. It won’t be pretend
I am an angry, powerful GOD and I will stand for this no more. horror. It will be real life horror. GOD will be tending to HIS
You have trampled on MY good Name too much and MY patience beautiful bride as the world engages in its brand of evil.
is about to end. Your disrespect sickens ME. You are a foul
people run amok in your sin and degradation, your evil, and MY These are MY warnings. Those who have ears hear and those
Name has been defiled and defamed enough. Do you really who have eyes see. All looks well on the surface. But underneath
believe I will allow this to carry on much longer? I cannot. It is a dwells an enemy that is so ruthless and blood-thirsty, if I, GOD
full-scale attack on MY HOLINESS, MY BEAUTY. Disrespect has did not come back to end the madness no one would be left
risen to MY throne, MY very throne. And, I, GOD cannot tolerate standing.
any longer. You lack discernment MY people. You look around and see what
your neighbors do and you make no changes. Quit running with
I am a humble, loving GOD Who stepped down from beauty to the crowd. I told you the path is narrow and few find it. Broad is
ugliness at its height and gave all there was to give. My sacrifice the road to hell. Heed MY Holy Words. I spoke them. I change
was complete. I had nothing else to give that day on the cross. not. The road is narrow. I am the only ONE Who can get you to
But MY patience is ending with this generation of foul-mouthed that road. Seek MY SPIRIT. Seek MY FACE. Start by getting
evil and sinful, disregardful people. I have seen and heard down on your hands and knees and repenting for your evil mouth.
enough and if you think other wise, if you think this can continue I will have a pure bride. I cannot take you if you are spotted and
on, then you too have lost sight of what a HOLY GOD represents wrinkled. These are MY terms.
and what I have already endured.
Time is running out. Walk away from the crowd. Step out. Step
Your love of this world sickens ME. You don’t watch for MY away. I am seeking a bride set apart. Come away from the things
coming because your eyes are too tightly glued to your wooden of the world. Put down the unclean things. Stand back from the
idols. You can’t move away long enough to grope in the dark to unholy. Be different. Be unique. Stand out from the people. Be set
look for your CREATOR to find ME. You need ME, you need ME apart. Come and receive MY refining fire. I will create you new. I
desperately. But you are so lost in your lust for this life and this will make you ready. Only I can do this for you. I alone can purify
ugly, evil world that you cling to it and it is obscene to ME. your heart and bring you to this holiness. Get ready. I am taking
with ME a bride who is made ready. Time is short. The way is
I know how you feel toward ME. I know how little I enter your made clear. Walk in it, but a short time then the door closes.
mind. When things go awry you cry out to ME, but then when
things are normal again, you forget quickly who I am. Your I, JESUS of Nazareth have spoken.
lackluster commitment to ME is noted and when you stand before
ME unless you repent of your lukewarm commitment now, I will Last night, November 25, 2010, I, Sabrina, had a terrible dream.
not recognize you and your loss will be great. If you knew how GOD however told me that this dream was from HIM. I
great, you would stand up now and pay attention. understood that it was about the coming tribulation. Here is a brief
description of the dream:
Why do you think you were created? Do you think I created you to
worship wooden idols? Is that what you think? You were created I was with a lot of people in a small place in a home. A woman
to worship ME. You were created to get to know ME. I gave you used the toilet, and I was afraid that something scary would
MY Book and I gave you a brain to seek ME and to find ME. I happen. When someone opened the door, the woman had just
wanted relationship with MY creation. You scatter in all directions drowned herself in the cesspool of the toilet. It was a horrible
to all kinds of lesser gods, but to your one true LOVE. sight and when I woke up I was still disgusted. After prayer and
Bible reading, GOD gave me the following explanation:
I am waiting only briefly for you to come to your senses. Lay down
your life in front of ME. Repent for your evil. Seek MY FACE, MY “The darkness will strike in this world so hard after my bride
GLORIOUS FACE. Do this and I will save you in this evil hour is removed and many will take their life. Just like you
that is at hand. Reject MY offer and I will allow you to face the disgusted by this picture, I loathe the sin and the aversion
world you so embrace. It will not be pleasant. The enemy has all that many have for me. Their end will be terrible and despair
sorts of torment and torture planned for those who reject ME, their and suffering will be their eternal part in the lake of fire.”
GOD. He will not play fair. He will not be nice. He will destroy,
rape, pillage, plunder. No one will escape it. If you take his mark, GOD told me also that He was very sad.
you will be tortured and tormented forever.
Revelation 3:16. So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither
Think this through carefully. Escape this madness, avoid hell on cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth.
earth. I will be holding out MY Arms a little longer, but make no
mistake, the evil world is about to take hold and I will allow it. Ezekiel 20:43. And there shall ye remember your ways, and all
your doings, wherein ye have been defiled; and ye shall lothe
I am sad about the people, but MY patience has been pushed too yourselves in your own sight for all your evils that ye have
far and your disregard of ME, your GOD, is about to end. Why do committed.
these people, even MY people believe I can tolerate this much
longer? MY Name is Holy and I will avenge MY Name. I will Ezekiel 36:31. Then shall ye remember your own evil ways, and
your doings that were not good, and shall lothe yourselves in your the world. Stand apart from the world. Turn to ME now. Grab MY
own sight for your iniquities and for your abominations. hand. Surrender your all to ME. The hour is now. Cling to ME with
everything you have. There is nothing that can save you now.
PART 20. November 28th, 2010. Your money cannot save you. Your friends and family cannot
save you. Your government cannot save you. You have one way
This is a very serious word. First is a letter with words as told by to salvation. There is only one way. I am the Way.
the LORD JESUS to Susan. Second is a letter from the LORD
JESUS as told to Sabrina. Third we have included the story about I cannot hold back what is coming much longer. I will allow it to
Philipa, a young girl who is the daughter of Guinea missionaries, take place because this generation refuses to accept ME, its one
and the messages she has received from the LORD JESUS since and only true SAVIOR and GOD.
contacting Sabrina. We have included the story about how Philipa
came to hear the voice of the LORD and three very serious I love MY people but I cannot tolerate this rejection any longer. I
additional messages she has since received from the LORD. have given all and MY people run to the world panting after it like
a deer in heat. MY people make excuses to reject ME, their GOD,
It is quite interesting to note that Matthew 7:21 and Matthew to be like the world at every turn. The world will not satisfy them.
25:11-12 share the same theme although they are from two Seek it though they may, it will leave them empty every time.
different parables. But the message in both sections speak of Many are in hell because they chose the world over MY love. But
those who come expecting to be let into the Kingdom of heaven hell is nothing like the world. It is torture, torment, and it is
yet the LORD tells the people HE does not know them. The clear unending. There is no relief from the torment.
message is how the importance of knowing the LORD is directly
related to being received by HIM. What constitutes knowing the The people in hell are tormented night and day. There is no rest.
LORD? Well not the “works” of these people in the parable. The There never will be. They will never experience rest again. It is
word, “KNOW” in the Bible often also means “to be intimate with.” unstoppable and they will never see the light of day ever again.
So the question you might want to ask yourself is: just how No hope. Harsh you say? Hell is the opposite of the presence of
intimate are you with JESUS or is HE just a very casual or even GOD. Live in MY presence and know eternal beauty. Leave MY
distant acquaintance? This is an important question you may presence and understand eternal damnation, unrelenting horror.
want to ask yourself in this late hour. That is what you receive when you choose against ME. You put
yourself outside MY world and without ME there is hell, horror,
Matthew 7:21. Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall torment, torture, and there is zero opportunity for relief. Come to
enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my MY world with ME and discover endless peace, love, beauty,
Father which is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, hope, paradise, splendor, joy. It is so much more wonderful than
Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have the human mind can comprehend. Delight yourself in ME now
cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works? and your delight will be eternal.
And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from
me, ye that work iniquity. If you abhor ME now than you will receive the wages of your
decisions. I do not take well to those who reject ME. I created all.
Matthew 25:11-12. Afterward came also the other virgins, saying, When MY creation chooses to reject and deny ME as their
Lord, Lord, open to us. But he answered and said, Verily I say creator, I will put them in a place where they will receive their
unto you, I know you not. desire. Then they will understand the desires of their heart and
what it means to deny ME. I am an honest truthful GOD and I
Letter dictated by the LORD JESUS to Susan, November 26, make MYSELF very clear. You either choose ME or you choose
2010. against ME. If you only have a partial interest in ME, I will give
you the lukewarm destination you so desire.
These are my words for you Susan.
You want to play games with ME. You play ME like a cheating
These are the last days. All is coming to a conclusion, a close. mistress. You have one eye on ME and one eye on the world.
Soon the world will implode on itself. The evil will infiltrate and You go back and forth, what suits your purpose at the time. I am
men will go amok toward evil. Nothing will be sacred anymore. not good enough for you to surrender and devote all to. You must
Truth will be hard to find. The world will be caught up in the worst run into the arms of your other lover, the world. So be it. I am
possible sin and unimaginable evil. The people will be shocked by leaving with MY devoted wife, who only has eyes for ME. You
what is about to happen. There will be horror from all angles. may have your other mistress, the world. I don’t want any part in
Peace will not be available. your half-hearted love toward ME, your tepid affections, your
lackluster performance as MY follower.
The evil days are coming. Pleasant living will be over. Clean,
peaceable living will be over. The world will know no peace. It will You wear MY Name on your shoulder like you belong to ME. You
be each man for himself survival. Those who come to me after I use ME when it suits your purposes then when you are done
remove MY bride will know the worst kind of persecution. It will be using ME, you go back to your mistress, the world, and indulge
unrelenting. The evil will have an unquenchable appetite. It will be yourself in its evil. You worship idols and spend time with your
an all-out war on the true Christians. If you know ME and want to lover. You pull ME out of the closet for show or when you think
be saved by ME death will be the way to ME. The enemy will hunt you need GOD. Then when you are done, I go back in the closet
you down and kill you. This has happened before in history, but until you pull ME out again. I can’t take you. You will have no
never on the scale it will be, soon. It will be worldwide assault on place in MY beautiful home prepared for MY lovely bride. You
anyone who claims to be a Christian and rejects the mark of the think ME cruel? I am GOD. I created you. I died for you and I am
beast. willing to save you and care for you for eternity. But you want no
part with ME.
I am standing here waiting for MY children to turn to ME now and
to avoid the terror to come. Avoid it. Turn to ME NOW. I will save You may have your way. I give you this choice, but I want to be
you. I, JESUS, will take you with ME to safety. Back away from clear about what this choice is so you can understand what your
decision is about. Reject ME and your loss is eternal and there and take them seriously. I am getting tired of this. I am getting
will be no looking back. Your decision will be final. You take the tired of your reasonings and self-made answers. All the answers
mark of MY enemy and your torment will be unending. These are in My Word, My Holy Word. Study it and you will find the right
words are true. answers. Ask My Spirit for wisdom when you go through My
Word. He will reveal the truth to you. Time is running out. Don’t be
I am trying to give you final warnings, before the world takes its late!”
plunge into darkness. Reach for ME NOW. Don’t be fooled by the
appearances of the world now. All looks well. Everything looks 1 Corinthians 2:13-14. Which things also we speak, not in the
normal, but soon all is changing. Very soon everything will not be words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost
the same. teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. But the natural
man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are
Susan, write it down. foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they
are spiritually discerned.
We are at a great turning point. Life is changing swiftly and the
world will soon not look the same. You sense it. Others see it FRESH REVELATIONS TO A 10-YEAR-OLD GIRL:
clearly. The blind are leading the blind. You only have a little time
left to take your blinders off and see what is coming. I cannot help A few days ago, November 19, a young girl contacted me,
you if you refuse to see. Soon your refusal to see the obvious will Sabrina, through email. Her name is Philipa and she is 10-years-
leave you in a state of disaster, because you would not take the old and though she is still young, she is very smart and loves
safe route, the safe exit I offer. JESUS so much. Philipa said she was open for any advice/words.
I wrote her back that same day and to my surprise the Lord had a
Turn to ME now. I love you. Can’t you see that I am trying to beautiful word for her. I will share the last sentence: “I long to
reach you? I want the best for you as any loving parent wants for hear your voice My beautiful child, so come, come! I will surprise
their child. I want MY children to run into MY safe, open Arms to you with My presence and you will hear My Voice. I love you
receive MY affection and to be saved from the madness to come. deeply, Your Father and friend forever, Jesus.”
I will bring you to a place that your mind cannot fathom.
November 21. I, Sabrina, received this mail from Philipa,
You have no idea how wonderful your home in heaven is and translated to English:
what awaits you. But first, you must surrender. Repent! Turn your
life over to ME completely. I want it all, not a partial commitment. I LAST NIGHT, I HEARD THE LORD TELLING ME THAT HE
want a full surrender. Let ME wash you in MY blood and clean WOULD USE ME FOR HIS WORK. SO WHEN I WENT TO
you up. This is something that only I can do. Come to ME with CHURCH GOD SHOWED ME A CLOCK AND TOLD ME THAT
sorrow and remorse for this sin in your life and I will receive you IT IS LEFT WITH ONE MINUTE MORE FOR HIM TO COME.
and bring you to MY beautiful everlasting Kingdom. We will eat AND HE SAID THAT MY CHILDREN REPENT, REPENT. AND
together at the marriage supper. This life is empty. Come quickly. HE SAID THAT DARKNESS WOULD SOON TAKE OVER THE
Turn to ME NOW. Your days are numbered. Time is swiftly WORLD AND THAT HE CAN NOT BARE THE SIN OF MAN ANY
running out. Choose what direction you will take. Come to your LONGER. SO I SHOULD SPREAD AND TELL THIS WORD TO
I, JESUS long to save you and bring you home. TIME. HELL IS BEYOND ANY HUMAN KNOWLEDGE. HUMAN
November 28, 2010:
I, Sabrina, wrote Philipa back that same day and the Lord had
“Everybody, listen to My Voice! These are My last pleas. another personal word for her to encourage her to share these
Everybody who does not listen to My Words are in danger for hell. words with her parents, church, friends, and family. I had
If I did not warn you, I would not be a loving God. So listen to My communicated with her mother before and she shared that they
Words through My prophets that I have assigned for this task, in are preparing for the rapture and are missionaries in the French-
this hour. speaking country Guinea with 92% muslims.

Many will be left behind. Will you be one of them? I have given Philipa has asked me to pray for her, so that God will use her for
you all many words by now, I suggest you re-read them all and His work as He has started. May I ask all of you to pray for this
take them seriously and ask Me to examine your heart and little girl and her family, who is so open and willing for the Lord
motives in everything you do. Your own heart can be very and truly an example for me?
deceptive. I am a HOLY God and without holiness, no one can
enter My Kingdom. November 22: Another vision given to Philipa:

I have prepared the wedding feast. All is done. I hope you are I HAD ANOTHER VISION ALSO TODAY. I SAW A MAN ON A
also entering. I cannot and will not tolerate sin. Don’t think it HILL HOLDING A STAFF WITH HIS HANDS AND THE STAFF
doesn’t matter because you think I am a God of love and grace. I UP WHILE THE PEOPLE WERE DOWN THE HILL. AND THE
explained to you before. Everybody who searches Me earnestly MAN WAS SAYING, “REPENT FOR THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS
has to go through the purifying fire. Have you been there? If not, NEAR.” BUT, THE PEOPLE STARTED LAUGHING. –PHILIPA
you are not ready to enter My Kingdom.
New messages received by Philipa from the LORD JESUS:
Many of My people think they know a lot, because they have
been around for a long time. Don’t be deceived! Read My Words HI SIS, SABRINA,, November 25, 2010,
JESUS.” Acts 2:17: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I
will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your
DEAR SIS, SABRINA,, November 26, 2010, daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions,
and your old men shall dream dreams:
LORD TELLING ME: This message contains two letters from the LORD. The first was
given to Susan about the lateness of the hour and the second
“MY CHILDREN THE TIME IS UP. COME! COME! DO NOT letter contains a message specifically for the bride of CHRIST as
WORK, BUT IT WILL NOT BE FOR LONG BEFORE I COME. Letter 46. November 30, 2010.
WAIT JUST FOR A LITTLE TIME MORE, FOR I AM COMING Yes MY daughter I have words for you.
Susan these are my final offerings. I am a patient GOD. I am a
TAKE MY WORD OR LEAVE IT, FOR MY BRIDE IS READY humble, patient GOD. I wait on MY children to come to ME. Many
AND THOSE WHO WILL LEAVE ME, WILL FACE ETERNAL are coming, not enough, so many will be left behind. MY sorrow is
DEATH, ETERNAL TORTURE. great for them because of their stiff-necked behavior. I must leave
them. This is truly not MY way. I do not want this for them. I have
THESE ARE MY WORDS TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. THERE ARE made MY offerings. I have put forth MY Words. I have focused
TWO OPTIONS: GO TO HEAVEN OR GO TO HELL. IF YOU MY attention on the people through MY SPIRIT, the HOLY
DISRESPECT ME AND GO TO HELL, YOU WILL HAVE NO SPIRIT. I have given everything to bring MY children to the end of
OTHER OPTION THAN TO FACE TORTURE. themselves so that they may be prepared to return homeward
with ME in their heavenly home. This is a home of safety and
ME? ISN’T MY WORD ENOUGH FOR YOU? HOW MANY Tell them I will not wait long. They underestimate ME and MY
TIMES SHOULD I WARN YOU! GO ON AND MAKE THE devil plans. The people act as if they know all about ME and MY plans,
your new god. IF MY WORD IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU, as if they know when I am coming and in their minds it is not now.
CONTINUE TO DEPART FROM MY WORD. THEN YOU WILL Well they are wrong. They are misguided and they are blinded by
HAVE NO OTHER OPTION THAN TO PERISH FOR GOOD, their own thinking which is clouded by the world around them.
ARE MY WORDS. JESUS.” They think they know exactly what I will do and they all have it
worked out in their minds, in their small minds they know what
DEAR SIS, SABRINA,, November 28, 2010, GOD will do. They believe they have all the time in the world and
that the future looks bright. They see themselves going to and fro,
PLEASE, TODAY BEFORE I WENT TO CHURCH THE LORD here and there, off to make a profit in a far-away land and back
GAVE ME HIS WORDS ENTITLED “THE GREAT STORM” again. This is evil. Doesn’t MY book describe this as evil? They
do not even know what the next minute of their life holds, yet they
HE TOLD ME: “BEFORE I COME, THERE WILL BE A GREAT plan the future out in their minds, a future that GOD is not part of,
STORM. NOBODY KNOWS WHAT KIND OF STORM. I AM A a future that their minds have conceived. I am not consulted.
MIGHTY GOD. I CAN DO ANYTHING. JUST TAKE THESE These are the ramblings of men. No regard for the ALMIGHTY.
WORDS. LET THEM BE YOUR ADVISOR. LEAVE YOUR This couldn’t be more further from the truth. Even MY own people
ADVISOR OR TAKE IT, OR ELSE YOU WILL FACE YOUR OWN make their plans oblivious of ME.
COMING AND HOW IT WILL BE. I TELL YOU I WILL NOT I am coming sooner than most people think and their plans will be
SHOW ANYONE HOW IT WILL BE, FOR MY WORD IS for naught because they were not watching for ME. They were not
recognizing the lateness of the hour. MY Book has been clear. sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the
Many of MY faithful ones recognize the lateness of the hour and morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth
will be prepared. But if you are not watching and ready, MY for a little time, and then vanisheth away. For that ye ought to say,
coming will catch you off guard and your loss will be great. If the Lord will, we shall live, and do this, or that. But now ye
rejoice in your boastings: all such rejoicing is evil.
Stop planning into the distant future. Your world is about to come
to a screeching halt. You are either going to prepare yourself for A letter for the bride from her BRIDEGROOM, JESUS as told to
ME and be MY humble repentant bride washed in MY precious Sabrina. December 1, 2010.
blood or you will be caught off guard and left to live in a new world
order: a world of no order that will be the world left to those who Write it down My daughter.
reject ME now. I cannot account for your poor decision making. If
you are not watching as MY Word outlines, than you will miss it I have given so many warnings by now and still people do not
and your regret will be great. know the hour. They plan and act as if these Words of Mine are
just a fable, a simple cheap fable, just another story. I tell you
I want MY people to stop building, stop planning, get MY Word many will be left behind. Only My pure bride who stands with Me
out and read and study. See the lateness of the hour. Put down in this last hour will be saved and enter My Kingdom.
your building tools, pick up MY Book and go warn the people. Tell
them now to get their house in order. Turn, repent, and humble I see many planning now for the next year: their future, their
yourself before ME. Surrender your all to ME. But stop the career. What future is there if they don’t consult Me first in their
madness. Stop planning for a future that only exists in your mind. planning? The end of the year is coming for all of you, I know.
Your disregards for MY Words are a stench to ME. You go about And many have been waiting and longing for My return, I know.
your business as if I am not here, as if MY Words are lame, as if My precious bride is ready. Please hear these words My bride:
you are deaf and dumb. Wake up MY people. The hour is nigh. the time is near. Your longing to see Me will soon be satisfied. All
The signs are all around you. Turn off your wooden idols and pay is ready for you in heaven. You will be astonished.
attention to MY Words. Seek MY Face, MY Glorious Face.
Prepare the way. Follow ME. Tell your neighbors, your friends, Let Me tell you a bit about the beauty of heaven. Your mansions
your family. Tell them YAHWEH is coming to retrieve HIS are pure gold. There is nothing in heaven that is not woven with
beautiful bride and I will take all who want to go: all who are my purity. Everything breathes My purity. So will you. Even the
considered worthy to go; all who have made themselves ready to gardens speak. The animals speak. They all proclaim My Glory.
go. They are all filled with My Glory. Nothing is holding back in
heaven to speak My Glory. You will be astonished, My bride. You
MY people who shepherd MY flocks and who ignore MY warnings will be amazed. There is no word on earth to describe the purity
and who are not preparing their flocks will be left and their loss and holiness in heaven. It is all “beauty on beauty” and you will
will be great. What a sad day when whole churches are left never be finished with your search for Me. You will think this is
because they did not heed MY Words of warning. Regret and ‘heaven’ and then I will surprise you with something new. You will
sorrow will be immense. Once I come and collect MY bride the never stop being amazed by what you will find in heaven. It will be
door will be shut. And if you remain the door will be shut to you one big journey for eternity. It will never stop. The longing for Me
and you must turn to face your enemy. He will be a raging bull. will never stop. You will all be so satisfied. if you could only see a
He will destroy all he comes in contact with. There will be few left glimpse of it.
standing after the enemy takes over. It will be many sad days: the
saddest days of all. I am longing to take you there My bride. My longing is so strong.
So please hold on and wait for Me. I AM coming. Rejoice yourself
Don’t do this. Don’t make this choice for yourself. I have so much in this. In the meanwhile, keep showing your glory here on earth
better for you in heaven. I have a beautiful home for you, I long to to those who don’t know Me. Give them a taste of what is coming.
bring you to. Come and let ME gather you under MY wings. Come Let them feel My Love through you. This is why you are still here,
under MY wing of safety. I will rescue you. I have planned this My bride, to shine from My Glory around you. Don’t be afraid and
from the start to bring MY people out to see them to safety. MY never be ashamed. I will present you before My Father in heaven
plans do not change. I am the LORD GOD ALMIGHTY. when it is all done for you here on earth. I long for you My
precious bride. Watch and be awake, for near is the day.
I do not falter in MY ways and MY plans. Men do not see it
because they choose not to. Other words, other things entice Your Bridegroom, JESUS.
people from GOD’s Truth. MY Truth stands. MY Truth is more
important than anyone or anything. 1 Corinthians 2:9,. But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear
heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things
Be at peace with GOD. Make your peace with ME. I hold out MY which God hath prepared for them that love him.
hand. Reach for it. I am repeating MY Words for you. Surrender,
repent, turn to ME NOW. Let ME save you. Please, let ME save PART 22. December 4th, 2010.
you. I love you. I created you. Don’t let an eternity of hell come
between us. I don’t want to lose you, but MY Word stands and if The letter below was told by the LORD JESUS to Susan.
you choose against ME, MY Word cannot be altered for you. You
will have to depart from MY presence and than woe to you. We are putting out these letters, out of absolute obedience to the
Please choose wisely. I cannot wait much longer. The dark world LORD, to whoever will receive them. HE dictates the letters to us
is rising. Let ME bring you into the light. and we see to it that they go out to warn the people. Many people
wonder why there are so many letters and how many more will
I, GOD, I, JESUS have spoken. there be? We do not know. We are just being obedient to our
LORD, well quite honestly because we simply love and adore
James 4:13-16,. Go to now, ye that say, To day or to morrow we HIM and want to be in HIS will for our lives. This is what HE has
will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and asked of us. As a parent, myself, Susan,, I have to imagine that
you would want to do everything in your power to warn your MY coming is far off in the future. Who told you this? It was not
children of impending disaster and you would do anything to keep ME, your GOD. I have made MY signs clear for all to see and
them from being separated from you for eternity. This is what I study. But most don’t care to learn about such things. It is a
hear in the LORD’s voice, LOVE and a longing to save HIS child’s story they think: I am greater than these old stories. I do
children before it is too late. I hear HIS great disappointment in not need this GOD. I have a life to lead. I can run my own show.
the way the people have rejected HIM outright. This should make But MY bride is ready and she will see ME in all MY GLORY and
us all sad and give us a desire to share HIS heart with our lost we will rise up, join together, and leave. The world will never be
friends and family all around us. We are not the only ones the same again as the bride will have left the planet. This will be a
receiving the messages from the LORD that the hour is short and sad, but true reality for those who are left.
who also see the Bible coming to life before our very eyes. It is
most encouraging to hear that people’s lives are being changed I am waiting on you MY people. It will be soon. I cannot placate
by the LORD’s amazing Words. Praise the LORD! you any further. The event will take place and the world will know
the truth in MY Book. Many will seek to read then. Read NOW!
Letter 47. December 2, 2010. Letter dictated by LORD JESUS See what I have for you now. All the information is there. Why
to Susan. must you put yourself through this? MY Words are stronger than
a two-edged blade and these Words will stand. These are MY
Yes Susan, I have these Words for you. Words. MY people heed them.

Yes the hour is waning. I am coming soon. The people would be Susan, write it down.
amazed if they knew how close it all is. I, the LORD have spoken.
MY servants take down MY Words. The time is drawing near. I am providing MY people with an
opportunity to think through very carefully the choice they need to
Soon the world will know I am GOD. I am saddened by the make. I want them to have every opportunity to make the right
world’s disregard for ME, their CREATOR. It is incredible the way choice. The world knows who the SAVIOR is but they run still to
the people look the other way when something about ME is every made up religion that mankind can conjure up. They believe
presented. This hurts ME to the core. They cannot imagine the every strange fire that blows smoke their way. They are duped by
pain I experience from their rejection. I took special care to create every crazy thought that can be conceived by men and demons. It
each person. I select their hair color and eye color. I know each is repugnant to ME, a foul repugnant smell. I can’t take it. MY
person individually in detail. I know their characteristics. I know all people worship every strange god and belief under the sun. They
about them. I know what makes them laugh or cry. I know their worship all sorts of nonsense and throw themselves at all kinds of
goals, dreams, sadness’, and frustrations. hair-brained beliefs. But they refuse to pick up the one true Book
that has all the answers they could or would ever need. The
I am such a remote far off GOD to them. All other things take creature follows the creature about looking for answers to their
precedence in their lives. The people have put objects and each lives that I have outlined with great care if they would take time to
other before their CREATOR. They do not even care to get to study and read. MY Book would prevent the people from so much
know ME, to read MY Words. I am such a willing CREATOR to hardship and sadness. But now the hour is closing in and the time
engage in the lives of MY creation. is running out and the people need to seek ME and seek answers
to make their final escape. I offer one solution and one escape
I wanted fellowship and to get to know MY people. I want to share route and now is the deciding moment. Soon the time will be up
in their lives, their daily comings and goings, but they will have no and the people will all know that they have to face the worst and
part of ME. They put ME away, out of their minds. I am nothing the answers then won’t be easy. To be sure, they can pray and
more to them than a foul word. I do not exist. seek ME, but I will have to leave them to the decisions they made
in this final hour. The fire is what the people will have to endure if
Even those who call themselves Christians are distant to ME. I they want to come to MY Kingdom. The enemy will be a tyrant
am not an object of their affections. They hope MY name will not and the people will be in shock when they discover the evil they
come up in their conversations because I embarrass them. Do are forced to face.
they know I was not too embarrassed to hang on a cross for
them? I was in front of a maddening crowd and was disfigured Their lives of luxury and worry-free living will fade away. All their
before their taunting to save MY lost people. I was not wooden idols will stare back blankly and offer them no relief. If
embarrassed, I was determined to save them. This I did for MY they plan to refuse the enemy’s plan and mark, they will die.
own lost creation. I assumed the role of the creation and I bared Hiding will not be an option. There will be no where to hide. Come
MY soul to MY people. They did not even realize who I really was to ME NOW and you can be saved from the coming madness. I
when they beat ME and crucified ME. I was their GOD and their had hoped you would find ME by now, but you grope in the dark
CREATOR and yet I suffered immeasurably that day. It was and your loss will be devastating. I am GOD. I do not take
humiliating and humbling, but MY Love is so great for MY lost pleasure in your rejection of ME. I have saved you with MY blood
people. I would have done it again, but MY sacrifice is complete before and I plan to save you again by taking you out to safety.
and now you can come to ME and MY FATHER and be part of But you don’t think you need to be saved. You can’t see the
our Kingdom when I come to retrieve MY bride. lateness of the hour. The clock is winding down. I cannot replace
the time you are losing.
I have all these wonderful things for you in store. There is a world
of beauty awaiting you, one that makes this world pale by Friends and dear ones, there are many in hell who would pay any
comparison. Soon I must leave and take MY children. You know it amount of money or do anything to undo the disaster they are
is close if you are watching. You know. I cannot be swayed in this facing of eternal hell. Oh the regret, oh the loss, oh the shear
deciding hour. MY FATHER will give the word and I will come to sadness. Nothing can pull them out of unending torment. There is
collect the bride. She is ready also. I can keep her at arm’s length nothing that can be done. It is final. Their loss is final and eternal.
no longer. I am ready for this hour. What they wouldn’t do to turn back the clock and rethink their
choices. Many have regrets about their un-forgiveness and anger
The world has you under its spell. You think all is well. You think toward others. Now is the time to think carefully how the very
choices and decisions you make now will decide the outcomes of you turn ME down. I have come to the earth to live among you,
where you will be next. Will you be enjoying wedded bliss with ME yet most of my people throw ME away like filth, like a stench. My
in MY Glorious Kingdom or will you be facing the worst the enemy love for you will never diminish, no matter how much you reject
has to offer? ME.

I know this seems highly unlikely to you, but if you read MY Book, However, time will not exist forever. And I tell you, time is running
you would come to see that I am telling you the truth. And one out. I have given you many, many warnings through many of My
way or the other, your future is going to change: bright light or children. They are faithful to ME and are giving you My words.
horrible darkness. Please warn your families to read and to They are My Mouth. Why do you not listen to them? This is not a
believe these words. Soon your lack of choice will lead you to sad funny game. This is not just another word. This is the very
circumstances I know you do not want to be in. heartbeat of YOUR CREATOR calling out for His children. Please
do not ignore ME.
I am coming swiftly to retrieve MY bride. You may come. Get right
with ME NOW. I am waiting only for a short time more. I know your every heart, motive, and desire. I know all of your
plans. Many do not fit with My plans for you. Many are not walking
Your Messiah, according to My perfect will in your life. You would rather make
JESUS. your own plans and then see where I can still fit in with all of that.
This is not My will and if you are walking out of My will, you
Proverbs 29:1. He, that being often reproved hardeneth his neck, cannot enter the beauty I have in store for you.
shall suddenly be destroyed, and that without remedy.
If you listen to My Voice, you will walk in My perfect will. If you
Jeremiah 5:3. O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? thou search ME earnestly day after day, you will get to know My will for
hast stricken them, but they have not grieved; thou hast your life. If you absorb yourself with My Word, My Holy Word, you
consumed them, but they have refused to receive correction: they will walk in wisdom and in My joy for your life. Many disasters can
have made their faces harder than a rock; they have refused to be prevented if you would only do that.
Where is the passion? Where is the fire? Where are the praises?
PART 23. December 7th, 2010. They don’t reach My Throne as they are hindered by worldly
interventions. Don’t let satan blind you any longer My people! I
The first letter below was told by the LORD JESUS to Sabrina came to defeat him, and I did forever. All you do is give him the
and the second letter likewise to Susan. room to enter and rule your lives. Stop doing that and prepare to
meet your GOD in heaven. The time is over. It’s almost past
Now, I, Susan, want to share a testimony about the 2nd letter midnight. So prepare to meet your GOD.
here below that I received from the LORD on Dec. 5. In this
LETTER, our LORD JESUS makes mention of the “leaders over I, JESUS have spoken.
HIS flocks” and of the “false prophets of old” in the same section.
After the LORD had finished reciting the letter to me, I asked HIM Exodus 32:33,. And the LORD said unto Moses, Whosoever hath
for a Scripture verse. He told me right away, “Jeremiah 23” which sinned against me, him will I blot out of my book.
I immediately looked up and to my amazement this section of
Scripture is all about the very same topic HE mentions in the Letter 48. December 5, 2010. Letter dictated by LORD JESUS to
letter regarding the “leaders over HIS flocks” and the “false Susan.
prophets of old.” It was an amazing confirmation because
although I knew this was mentioned in the Old Testament, I sure Yes, Susan I can give you words. I, JESUS, am willing to give you
did not know the location was Jeremiah 23 as the LORD gave words, copy down these words.
me. I hope this blesses you the way it does me. Also, please pray
for us. I am running out of patience for this world. I have tolerated
enough. The time is coming to a close. And I am ready to bring
John 3:36, He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life: and MY bride home as she is ready to receive ME. I am her KING.
he that believeth not the Son shall not see life; but the wrath of She is MY bride. We are about to embark on our nuptial
God abideth on him. celebration. There will be much celebration as we come together,
unite in love, and I bring her to MY Glorious Kingdom. MY bride
Letter as told to Sabrina, of Belgium, by the LORD JESUS. will be so amazed by the beauty, pure beauty and electrified by
December 6, 2010: the love she will feel.

“My dear children, I am ready to make MY descent to earth to retrieve the bride. All
is ready. The Kingdom is prepared. The hour is at hand. The
This is your GOD from heaven speaking. I have created you beauty is about to begin for the bride, unimaginable beauty. Life
before the foundations of the world. I knew all about you. I have will never be the same for her. It will be a wonderful moment as I
created you with every detail, so I would enjoy all of My children. gaze into each of the eyes of MY lovely children and show them
Still, many do not want to acknowledge there is a GOD in heaven. all MY heart toward them. They will never be the same.
I am telling you, there is. HIS Name is JESUS, GOD THE
FATHER, and the mighty HOLY SPIRIT. Do you have a Soon the earth will change. I have mixed emotions as I enter this
relationship with HIM? Do you know HIM? Do you know THE phase with MY creation. I am most excited for MY bride and I am
FATHER, SON, and HOLY SPIRIT? If you don’t, get to your also most saddened for those who choose against ME as they will
bibles and get to know HIM. Now is the time. face the worst in their rejection of ME. Many will be lost for
eternity because of their wrong choices. I cannot choose for them.
Isn’t it a pity, I have to beg my children to come to their They each must choose for themselves the outcome of their
CREATOR? I have created you all in My perfect will. Yet many of eternal existence.
themselves Christians, cannot see the lateness of the hour and
So what will you choose? Come with ME to eternal beauty or stay cannot recognize the evil that is already running amok. Do they
to face horrible adversity? I have outlined MY plans now in believe that I, a HOLY GOD, can stand for this much longer? I
several letters as given to MY chosen vessels. What do you plan gave out MY warnings in the Bible, MY Book and I clearly outlined
to do with this information? Are you going to act on it and make the signs and events to watch for, but the people have met them
your life changing decision to follow ME or are you going to reject with absolute disregard. They refuse to see it. They refuse to
MY offer because you either don’t believe it or you don’t want to even look, watch, and study MY Word. What more can a HOLY
believe it? GOD do?

Deep down in your inner being you know I exist. You know there I must follow through on MY Plan. MY Words stand the test of
is a CREATOR. You know you came from a higher intelligence time. These plans were made before the foundation of the earth. I
because MY creation is too complex to have just come out of will see them through despite the disbelief of the creature, MY
nowhere. But to admit there is a GOD, a higher power, would put creation. I am GOD, MY Word stands.
you in trouble. Then you have to own up to MY Book and MY
Rules for your life and you just don’t want to do that. It is easier to Leaders of MY flocks who do not study, watch, and prepare MY
abolish the notion that there is a GOD than to admit I exist and people: woe to you. You have been warned. Stop preaching
seek after ME and MY Ways. I know how you dodge and avoid “good news” like the false prophets of old, as if everything is fine
MY Ways because you don’t want to follow after right living and and the future looks bright. There is only one way to brightness
get right with GOD, your MAKER. and that is not through the door marked, “world.” I am the WAY,
the TRUTH, the LIFE. There is only one way to the FATHER and
Susan, write it down. that is by ME, JESUS, SON of GOD who died a humbling death
by hanging on a cross for your sins against a HOLY PURE GOD.
I have laid MY plans in front of you. Your hour of decision is here.
What will you choose? What direction will you move in? Come Surrender, Repent, Turn to ME NOW. Accept MY offer. The door
with ME to eternal bliss or stay behind and go it alone? These are is marked, “SAVIOR, JESUS, MESSIAH, LORD of LORDS, KING
the choices, only two choices. There are no third alternatives. You of KINGS,” I am HE.
think this is a dream. You think this is not reality. Life will go on
like usual. You make your plans as always. This year will be Humble yourself before ME and I will save you. All knees will bow
different. The times are changing rapidly. before ME. Do it now and avoid eternal damnation, never-ending
hell, and a world gone mad, a world rejecting its CREATOR.
The world is entering into a new phase. The world is rejecting
GOD on a grand scale. GOD will not exist in the plans man is I have spoken.
making. GOD will not even enter into the thinking of mankind as
they devise their evil plans. These plans include a world that runs MY NAME IS JESUS.
exclusively by the creature with no regard for the HIGHER
POWER, its CREATOR. The world will embark on a new phase The LORD also gave me these Scriptures to go with HIS letter:
that includes everything but GOD. GOD will be deleted off the
pages, out of the writings, out of the books, out of the minds. Jeremiah 23:1-4.
GOD will not exist to this new world order. Men will make 1Woe be unto the pastors that destroy and scatter the sheep of
themselves god and the creature will exalt itself as god. This evil my pasture! saith the LORD.
will happen and the worst evil will take hold of the minds of 2Therefore thus saith the LORD God of Israel against the pastors
humans that have no rules, no thoughts of GOD. Men will run the that feed my people; Ye have scattered my flock, and driven them
world with no regard for their CREATOR. MY Rules, MY Book will away, and have not visited them: behold, I will visit upon you the
be non-existent. MY ways will not enter their minds. It will be a evil of your doings, saith the LORD.
world of complete disorder and evil. It will be a disgusting, foul 3And I will gather the remnant of my flock out of all countries
stench and humans will dive to the depths of depravity as they whither I have driven them, and will bring them again to their
unleash the evil world they embrace, a world without a HOLY folds; and they shall be fruitful and increase.
GOD. This is something humans have never really witnessed 4And I will set up shepherds over them which shall feed them:
before on the level it will about to be. It will be unimaginable and and they shall fear no more, nor be dismayed, neither shall they
shocking. This is the world you are about to inherit if you stay be lacking, saith the LORD.
Jeremiah 23:16-32,
MY heart breaks over MY lukewarm Christians who are 16Thus saith the LORD of hosts, Hearken not unto the words of
slumbering in their lukewarm churches as the world drifts toward the prophets that prophesy unto you: they make you vain: they
evil that will never be the same again. The lukewarm church is speak a vision of their own heart, and not out of the mouth of the
about to receive the outcome of its lackluster desire for its GOD. I LORD.
cannot rescue those who have such little regard for ME and MY 17They say still unto them that despise me, The LORD hath said,
HOLY Ways as long as the lukewarm church plays GOD one day Ye shall have peace; and they say unto every one that walketh
a week and then engages with the world all week. This is the way after the imagination of his own heart, No evil shall come upon
they have chosen. I do not want this half-hearted church. It can you.
depart from ME into this crumbling world. I will not save it. I will 18For who hath stood in the counsel of the LORD, and hath
turn MY back as it falls prey to MY enemy. This is the choice of perceived and heard his word? who hath marked his word, and
the lukewarm to face the enemy and to consider the error of its heard it?
lukewarm ways. The half-hearted church will struggle in the new 19Behold, a whirlwind of the LORD is gone forth in fury, even a
phase of the world. grievous whirlwind: it shall fall grievously upon the head of the
The world is changing into a dark evil place. Many changes are 20The anger of the LORD shall not return, until he have
coming about. It is sad to ME that MY children, who call executed, and till he have performed the thoughts of his heart: in
the latter days ye shall consider it perfectly. up to look out the opening in the wall and they were wondering
21I have not sent these prophets, yet they ran: I have not spoken what they were seeing and hearing. My wife got curious also and
to them, yet they prophesied. got up. Then all of a sudden, the children started to disappear,
22But if they had stood in my counsel, and had caused my people and the instant they vanished it would make that soft popping
to hear my words, then they should have turned them from their sound. Then the people and even my wife started to panic. While
evil way, and from the evil of their doings. all this was happening, I believe the Lord showed this to me to
23Am I a God at hand, saith the LORD, and not a God afar off? see what people that are left behind will experience the moment
24Can any hide himself in secret places that I shall not see him? the rapture happens. Then I woke up, thanked, and praised the
saith the LORD. Do not I fill heaven and earth? saith the LORD. Lord Hallelujah, we’re going home!!! Thank you Jesus!!!
25I have heard what the prophets said, that prophesy lies in my
name, saying, I have dreamed, I have dreamed. I had a vision this past Sunday. I asked the Lord if I could see
26How long shall this be in the heart of the prophets that Heaven and when I closed my eyes I was standing on Jesus’ left
prophesy lies? yea, they are prophets of the deceit of their own side. He had His left arm over my shoulder and He waved His
heart; right hand to show me countless beautiful white mansions. Many
27Which think to cause my people to forget my name by their of the mansions I saw had round domes on them and they were
dreams which they tell every man to his neighbour, as their so shiny and beautiful. I opened my eyes and thanked the Lord.
fathers have forgotten my name for Baal.
28The prophet that hath a dream, let him tell a dream; and he that Write to Buddy Baker at Buddy_baker23@zoomtown.com
hath my word, let him speak my word faithfully. What is the chaff
to the wheat? saith the LORD. PART 24. December 9th, 2010.
29Is not my word like as a fire? saith the LORD; and like a
hammer that breaketh the rock in pieces? This time we are including an urgent letter dictated by JESUS to
30Therefore, behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, Susan.
that steal my words every one from his neighbour.
This morning, I, Susan, was thinking about the concept of “two
31Behold, I am against the prophets, saith the LORD, that use witnesses” in the Bible. Then amazingly, and randomly, during the
their tongues, and say, He saith. same morning, I came across references in the Bible and also
32Behold, I am against them that prophesy false dreams, saith another book I was reading of how GOD often uses “two
the LORD, and do tell them, and cause my people to err by their witnesses” to confirm a testimony or message. This is why I
lies, and by their lightness; yet I sent them not, nor commanded believe that Sabrina and I were brought together by the LORD for
them: therefore they shall not profit this people at all, saith the this work, to be “two witnesses” in putting out the LORD’s letters.
LORD. Here are some verses from the Bible that speak of the importance
of using “two witnesses” for confirming a message or a testimony:
Acts 2:17.
And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour Deuteronomy 17:6: At the mouth of two witnesses, or three
out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at
shall prophesy, and your young men shall see visions, and your the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death.
old men shall dream dreams:
Deuteronomy 19:15: One witness shall not rise up against a man
We have included in this message our friend Buddy Baker’s for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the
rapture dream and vision given to him just this past week, see mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall
past messages for Buddy Baker’s recent previous dreams & the matter be established.
John 8:16-17: And yet if I judge, my judgment is true: for I am not
Here’s the rapture dream this week and the vision I had last alone, but I and the Father that sent me. It is also written in your
Sunday. law, that the testimony of two men is true.

I had an amazing Rapture dream this past week. Although it’s Luke 10:1-2: After this the Lord appointed seventy-two others and
been a while since I had a rapture dream, the Lord did say He sent them two by two ahead of him to every town and place
would give me more visions and dreams before He comes and I where he was about to go. He told them, “The harvest is plentiful,
give Him all the praise, honor, and glory. Halleluiah! Well here’s but the workers are few.
what happened:
Letter 49. Dictated by JESUS to Susan on December 7, 2010.
In my dream, my wife and I were at this huge cafeteria, like you
would see in a shopping mall, and we were in a buffet line getting Susan, I do have words for you. Yes, I am ready for you to take
food and then we sat down at a table to eat. I looked to my left to down words:
see a huge opening in a wall, like the wall was missing. Next, I
see streaks of light in the sky, like you would see when you see a Susan this is your LORD speaking.
shooting star streaking across the sky, and how it vanishes within
a second. It was day light outside and while I was seeing this, I I have many words today. This will be a long letter. Susan, write it
would hear what sounded like a popping sound that reminded me down.
of what you hear when popcorn is popping, but the popping
sound was like a very soft pop. While I was seeing and hearing MY coming is so soon, so near. MY people had better get ready. I
this, I knew somehow that it was the rapture! know what you are thinking. MY people, I know about your
disregard of ME. I know what your plans are. I know you do not
So then, there were a lot of people with their children there and plan to turn to ME. I could not be further from your mind right now.
the people were wondering what was going on. At first they just I know what you think. I am GOD. I know everything.
kind of ignored it, but they became more curious and casually got
I am not to be misunderstood. I am telling you the truth. The world toward ME, you will not see what MY bride sees. You will not
will be changing very soon. The world is taking a dramatic shift believe MY Book and MY warnings. You will continue in your
toward evil, toward the elimination of all that is good, all that I, ways as if nothing is wrong, nothing is going on. Everything is
GOD stand for. It is coming to a close, the former things of GOD: fine, as it has always been. And soon you will experience shock
purity, humility, peace, love, kindness, longsuffering, hope. The as the dark world will grip you and the release you desire will not
world is shifting to the dark side. come because you disregarded it when it was available.

MY people need to realize what is taking place behind the I, JESUS want to save you. I want to love you, hold you, and keep
scenes. Since your lives go on as usual, it doesn’t seem possible you safe from the coming hour but you refuse to see it. Soon I will
what I am telling you. But I am GOD. I know these things. I am have to leave without you. You will leave ME no choice. I am
warning you. The world is going dark. Evil is creeping in all coming for a pure bride, one who loves ME exclusively with all her
around you. Why do you say you cannot see it? You can. You heart. This is total surrender. Your heart toward ME cannot be
refuse to admit it is there. You are clinging to the past with pure without the help of the HOLY SPIRIT who comes to you
everything you’ve got. But you can’t keep living in the past. You through total surrender.
must wake up. You are trying to plan your future with your past
and MY children, the past is past. Your game playing relationship of on again, off again lukewarm
will not get the job done. I will be forced to leave you behind. My
The future is coming on this earth and it is dark, very dark. Soon bride sees the lateness of the hour. She recognizes the times and
the light will be pushed out and the darkness will consume the change in the air. The lukewarm have blinders on and refuse
everything. You can see it coming. But you are afraid to admit to to see. It does not suit their own selfish purposes to see. They
it. You want to hold on to life as it has been, but it cannot be. If regard their plans for the future higher than GOD’s truth. I have
you continue to fool yourself with this thinking, you will miss the outlined the warnings in MY Book that are coming to pass now.
one escape that I, GOD am offering you. You are caught up in the You are idolizing your future plans. You put them in front of you
world and the things of the world and I am telling you to take your and worship them before your GOD. Humble yourself before ME
eyes off the world and put them on ME, JESUS. If you don’t make and repent of this evil.
this vital correction, you will be lost. You will be left to face the
worst. I am sending out MY warnings, MY pleas. You say: “I know what the future holds and it cannot be what the
Bible is showing me. I want my way. I will disregard what GOD
Please come to ME in this late hour. I do not know what more I has outlined in HIS Book and worship my way, my plans, my
can do. Evil man is moving on the earth to vanquish all beliefs.” So be it. Have the god of your desire. Make your plans.
remembrance of GOD. Yes, there are many coming to ME, but so Worship your ways or surrender to ME, JESUS. Repent, and turn,
many more are lost in sin. They are following after pagan religions so that I can show you the lateness of the hour.
and pagan doctrines. The world is following after all kinds of
greed and idol worship. You can see it everywhere. MY HOLY SPIRIT can show you this truth. Don’t be caught off
guard. Don’t be blindsided by the enemy. Come to safety. Yes the
MY bride is ready. I am ready to retrieve her and move her to path is narrow. But humble yourself before ME, JESUS, and I can
safety away from the darkness that is about burst on the scene. get you to that road.
She will not be touched by the evil that is coming. I have spoken
about this in MY Word yet you have taken MY Word and changed I will not leave or forsake you if you are completely mine. If your
it to suit your own warped thinking. There are so many schools of commitment to ME is partial, I cannot save you. You must release
thought floating around. Don’t you know that MY thought is the things to make this commitment. You must be willing to let go of
only thought that counts? How can you know MY thought if you your future planning. You must let go of your lust for this world
don’t have MY HOLY SPIRIT? The only way you can possess MY and the things of this world. They are an enmity to ME. You
SPIRIT is if you come to ME and surrender everything to ME. cannot have both ME and the world. I am a jealous GOD. I do not
Humble yourself before ME, repent to ME of your sins, and give change. I am jealous for MY creation.
ME everything. I want it all. I want your life, your heart, your mind,
and your spirit. I want your future. I want your worship. If you think You have seconds left on the clock to choose ME your SAVIOR.
I will settle for less, than you don’t know ME. If you humble yourself before ME, I will save you. I will allow you
to come into MY Kingdom and live with ME for eternity.
I gave you everything on the cross, I bled, I died, and you will
never know the abuse, horror, and terror I experienced. I was Search MY Words, MY Words and Truth. Soon truth will not exist
surrounded by callous hungry dogs who wanted to tear me from and if you stay behind because you refuse to get right with ME,
limb to limb. I endured such torment and heart break from MY your CREATOR, you will long to find truth and there will be none.
own people and MY own creation. But I paid the price required by Do not let the creature and the enemy lead you astray in this final
MY FATHER for the sin committed by the creation toward a hour. Do not allow lies to comfort you. Hard decisions must be
HOLY GOD. This was the penalty and I, JESUS paid it in full. made, but the end result if you choose for ME will be eternal
victory and you will win big. And the rewards in heaven will be
Now if you come to ME in full surrender, MY SPIRIT will take great if you choose for ME NOW.
control and MY words will have true meaning to you and you will
read and understand the thoughts of GOD behind the Words with Surrender, repent, and turn to ME NOW.
the guidance of the HOLY SPIRIT. I, JESUS will give you this
knowledge, this renewing of the mind My Book speaks of so you Your LORD, SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST is waiting only for a brief
can understand fully the lateness of the hour and the darkness moment.
that is coming around you. The veil over your eyes will come off
and you can step into the light, MY Light. Make your decision quickly.

I can bring you to this understanding. But if you continue in your After receiving this letter from the LORD, the LORD also led me
lukewarm worldly ways and your lackluster tepid commitment to read Psalm 22 where I discovered this verse I am including
here: 2010. Please be aware that Sabrina is Belgian and English is
not her first language.
Psalm 22:16,. For dogs have compassed me: the assembly of the
wicked have enclosed me: they pierced my hands and my feet. My dear children, how I love you all. I have created you for My
Glory, to enjoy you and you ME, to have an everlasting intimate
1 Corinthians 2:10-14,. But God hath revealed them unto us by bond for eternity. I have prepared so much beauty for you, so
his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things many delicious things you will enjoy forever if you enter My
of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit Kingdom.
of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no
man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of The problem is many are still holding on to their lusts, to their own
the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the desires, to their own affairs. Is it really worth it to lose your
things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we eternity with Me for that? For what is only temporarily available to
speak, not in the words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which you will eventually lead into total destruction. This is the enemy’s
the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. plan. He loves it when you enjoy the affairs of the world, the
But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: more, the better. And one day, he comes to strike you with death
for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, and there is nothing I can do for you any more. You will suffer
because they are spiritually discerned. greatly for eternity in that place they call hell. I am telling you, it is
a real place, a real existence.
PART 25. December 11th, 2010.
Oh My dear people, why do I have to plead with you so much?
First a letter from the LORD JESUS told to and written down by Why are the affairs of this world so much more attractive to you
Sabrina and a second letter dictated to Susan. In Sabrina’s letter than a Holy life with ME? A Holy Life with Me begins here on
the LORD makes reference to the occult and I have included a earth and lasts until eternity. There is no end.
link to an article about GOD’s views on the occult.
Another thing I see is adultery. Many ways are being presented
A good friend of ours said the LORD specifically gave her the now to heaven. The sun comes up, she goes down again. The
verse “Jeremiah 1:17” to give to Sabrina and me and she had birds sing their song. The fields give their fruit in their time. You
no idea of the content when HE gave it to her for our benefit. Here say, “This is nice, let’s live happily and enjoy life while we still
is the content: can.” Don’t you know that I, GOD hold everything together? Don’t
you know that the birds sing their morning song for ME? And
Jeremiah 1:17,. Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and don’t you know that the sun, which I have created, will lose her
speak unto them all that I command thee: be not dismayed at gloss very soon? All the beauty of heaven will disappear together
their faces, lest I confound thee before them. with My bride. You will have nothing then to all your other ways to
heaven, as there is only one way.
I was amazed. The message was clear. I hear GOD saying to us
just don’t worry about what people think, OBEY ME. So then I ran I AM THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE, besides ME there
across this Scripture in my Bible study this week John 12:42-43 is no GOD. I AM is a jealous GOD and I will, and do, not tolerate
and another friend also sent me Isaiah 30:8-14 to consider. other gods to replace ME. Is that clear? Is that clear My children?
Do not follow after other gods that in fact, are no gods. They are a
John 12:42-43,. Nevertheless among the chief rulers also many false illusion, created by satan to mislead many. So don’t go into
believed on him; but because of the Pharisees they did not his game. Follow only ME. If you follow now your false gods, you
confess him, lest they should be put out of the synagogue: For will serve them for eternity. They will have you for eternity. They
they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God. all exist in hell, where they are created.

Isaiah 30:8-14,. Now go, write it before them in a table, and note Don’t be fooled My children, please don’t be fooled. Lay aside
it in a book, that it may be for the time to come for ever and ever: and repent from every form of witchcraft, astrology, every way
That this is a rebellious people, lying children, children that will presented to heaven that has not the only name JESUS. There is
not hear the law of the LORD: Which say to the seers, See not; only ONE way and that way is ME. I came to provide the way for
and to the prophets, Prophesy not unto us right things, speak you to heaven. I died for you the most horrible death and suffered
unto us smooth things, prophesy deceits: Get you out of the way, for you in the most horrible pain. All, so you can be free.
turn aside out of the path, cause the Holy One of Israel to cease
from before us. Wherefore thus saith the Holy One of Israel, But it’s a choice. You must clothe yourself with this freedom and
Because ye despise this word, and trust in oppression and not with the other false ways that are only leading more to death.
perverseness, and stay thereon: Therefore this iniquity shall be to They did not die for you, did they? So why do you even consider
you as a breach ready to fall, swelling out in a high wall, whose their beliefs, their teachings, their masking temptations?
breaking cometh suddenly at an instant. And he shall break it as
the breaking of the potters’ vessel that is broken in pieces; he I am telling you people, if you want to be part of the bride, you
shall not spare: so that there shall not be found in the bursting of must turn now. My love is big, but there is an appointed time for
it a sherd to take fire from the hearth, or to take water withal out of everything, also for the homecoming of My bride, called the
the pit. rapture of My bride.

If it were not Sabrina and myself putting out these WORDS of the Open your ears now and listen. Listen and obey My Voice, as it is
LORD, it would surely be someone else of course and if not the only Voice that will lead you to eternal LIFE. Life in overflow,
anyone else: Luke 19:40. And he answered and said unto them, I where the waters will run in perfect beauty, where the fruit will
tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would never exist to produce, where you will never thirst again. Behold
immediately cry out. Your Lord, Your King is coming for His bride! Be ready, as I am
Letter dictated by JESUS our LORD to Sabrina December 11,
Hosea 4:14,. I will not punish your daughters when they commit
whoredom, nor your spouses when they commit adultery: for I will give you some words. Let us proceed. Susan, the hour is
themselves are separated with whores, and they sacrifice with late. The people are not watching. The news is raging on and the
harlots: therefore the people that doth not understand shall fall. headlines shout that we are in the end times. The people are just
digging their heels down and refusing to listen. The time has
Revelation 2:22,. Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that come for the people to sit up and pay attention. I cannot make
commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent them regard MY Words if they refuse.
of their deeds.
The truth can be heard if the people would humble themselves,
John 14:6,. Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the open their eyes, block the voices around them, and focus on ME,
life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. JESUS. If only they would keep their eyes fixed on ME, if they
would seek ME, seek MY Face, seek MY ways, seek MY Truth.
2 Corinthians 5:3,. If so be that being clothed we shall not be Their love of this world has overtaken them. They love the
found naked. approval of men. It is not popular to follow GOD. This is nothing
new. Time and time again this repeats itself. The people are
Letter 51. Given by JESUS on December 9 & 10, 2010. following after each other not what GOD says. If men don’t
approve then they won’t listen to the leadings of GOD. This is as
Write MY words down Susan, This is your LORD JESUS. if men know what GOD knows. Men following after men, men
leading each other astray, the world goes on as it always has,
I am coming very soon. The people don’t seem to grasp this truth. they say. These men will lead each other off a cliff.
They have all sorts of things worked out in their minds, but the
truth that I could be coming so soon. The hour is at hand and soon the world will be run by men only.
GOD will step away and allow men to rule and the result will be
Susan, write this down. catastrophic, dismal, man’s most desperate hour. I, GOD will let
this happen. The world is coming to the end of itself soon. This
I am a patient GOD, very patient. I wait and wait on MY people. I world will not seem like the same world at all. Very soon, all will
see the works of men. I know the hearts of men. I see their change. I am approaching earth and the people better make
comings and goings. I know all about men, their inner most ready. The clock is ticking. Time is marching on. Very few are
thoughts. I know where men think they are going next. I know really taking heed. What do you need MY people to wake up to
what they think they are doing, but I, GOD, I, JESUS will tell you the truth? What is the message? Do you have something GOD
that men do not really know what their plans will be in the next should do to get your attention?
hour. They do not even know in the next minute. Their lives are
up in the air. They think they have it all worked out, but their I have been clear in MY Word. I have been straight forward and
future is unknown to them. Only, I, GOD, know the future of all up front about MY warnings. You know the time is here, but you
men, every man. I know what will happen next. I know what is listen to the words of the ill-informed and ill-advised around you
going to happen. and that seems like truth. The only truth is MY Truth and it is all
outlined in MY Book. You don’t need any other book to see MY
Very soon I am coming to retrieve MY bride and the plans of Truth.
humanity will change in a moment. The bride will be removed in a
moment and she will come into a new existence with ME, her The times are here. I suggest you make time to read MY Book
BRIDEGROOM. Those left on earth will face a different reality. All and approach ME with a humble heart and repentant spirit. Why
plans will come to a screeching halt. is this so hard to see? The hour is at hand. I have chosen this as
MY time to rescue MY people. MY people, follow ME and come to
Nothing planned before will come to pass. The world will be ME. I will receive you. You can find relief from the storm to come.
turned upside down. Still men make their plans and are confident The sand in the hourglass is shifting down. If you only knew how
in their planning. They say I am in their planning. I tell you the close the hour was, you would kneel down to ME to show you
only thing I am telling MY people is to get ready and to be ready truth to save you from the coming evil.
for MY move on the earth to rescue MY bride. All other plans are
not MY plans. MY people need to stop worrying about their I do not know what you need to respond to MY offer. Take this
planning and seek MY Face, find out if they are prepared to be time to evaluate your position toward ME, your GOD. Where do
worthy to be taken out when I call MY people home. They need to you stand toward ME? Are you ready to be taken or are you
do some inner searching and find out if their hearts are right unprepared? Wash your robe in MY Blood quickly. Receive MY
toward ME. Repent, surrender, and come to ME in this late hour. Grace, MY Blessings, MY Love. Take MY Hand and run away
with ME to the heavenlies, where we will all soon fly to. We will fly
Have I not been clear in all MY Words? Have I not been clear in off together homeward to your new home in a beautiful Kingdom
all MY Scripture? I have outlined the things to look for in these prepared for you to spend with ME in eternal bliss.
last days. MY Book is very clear. I know you MY people. I know it
does not suit your purposes to face up to the change. Many will I only want the pure-hearted followers. What is this you ask?
be left as a result of your lack of preparation. Your lamps are low Those who have humbled themselves, surrendered fully, and
on oil, HOLY SPIRIT oil to understand the times. Quickly get your come to know ME as their ALL in ALL, LORD and MASTER. I
lamp filled. Make your way to MY Heart. Be filled with MY SPIRIT. have no other kind of follower. This is who may enter MY
Surrender , repent, and turn to ME and I will give you the HOLY Kingdom, the meek and tender-hearted toward ME and those
SPIRIT. around them. These qualities can only be found by surrendering
to a HOLY GOD who will guide you by SPIRIT through the aid of
I want you to see the lateness of the hour. MY SPIRIT will reveal the SON of GOD and blessed by the love of the FATHER, called
truth. Prepare to meet your MAKER. I am coming to take out a out, chosen, sanctified, and made ready as a beautiful pure bride
pure bride who knows the lateness of the hour. What is your for her worthy GROOM, JESUS.
plan? Do you plan to come before ME and listen to MY plans?
The wedding party is about to take place and the location of this to include and HE simply said LEVITICUS 19 which starts out
event is ready to receive the guests. The hour is set and the time with this verse to my amazement: 1 The LORD said to Moses, 2
appointed. The guests are made ready. Be among them. Lay “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be
down your pride, sinful lusts, and worldly love affair. Set aside holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’, I have included
your personal desires and give them back to your MAKER. Let the entire section of Leviticus 19 at the LORD’s request below
your CREATOR take back your life and make beauty of it, fill your HIS letter.
being with light from above. Dance in the skies with the one true
LOVE of your life, the GOD Who brought you into the world, Who Letter 52, December 12, 2010, JESUS’ Words given to Susan
will take you out to safety. Play among the stars with the ONE to send on to you.
Who created you, who knows the details of your inner most being
and loves everything about you, knows the number of hairs on Susan I will give you words. This is JESUS. I am going to give
your head. you words.

Be at eternal peace with the ONE Who brought you into being. The world is slowly, but surely coming to a close. All is winding
Return to your MAKER and live in bliss and indescribable beauty. down. Soon the world will reach a point of no return. The climax
Why miss this invitation? Now is the time to consider your choice. of the end is approaching. I am about to make MY move. The
The enemy has made his offer: death. I make MINE: LIFE. Who world will be amazed at the events that are culminating.
will you choose? You alone can choose. I put life before you.
These are MY pleas, MY warnings. Heed them. I adore you. Don’t I have been clear about MY plans. This world is reaching the end
leave ME for eternity. of what GOD will tolerate. It is funny that so many believe that I,
GOD, will continue to tolerate so much evil. The people, even MY
Love your BRIDEGROOM, own people, have slid so far away from MY standards of Holiness
JESUS. that all seems fine and normal. It seems perfectly fine to them.
They think that what they see going on in the world is no problem.
Matthew 24:42. Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour The people come and go as they always have. The people have
your Lord doth come. lost sight of what is fine and good and acceptable to a HOLY
GOD. The world has degenerated to a point where even the
Matthew 25. Christians walk amongst the world and partake of the same
1Then shall the kingdom of heaven be likened unto ten virgins, activities and blend so easily. There is no discerning the people of
which took their lamps, and went forth to meet the bridegroom. GOD with the heathens. MY people participate in the same vile
2And five of them were wise, and five were foolish. 3They that activities and language and then come to ME one day a week and
were foolish took their lamps, and took no oil with them: 4But the expect to find ME waiting for them with open arms as if all is well.
wise took oil in their vessels with their lamps. 5While the
bridegroom tarried, they all slumbered and slept. 6And at MY people engage in the same daily events and then turn to ME
midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; and assume I will accept their visit with ME as fruitful. Then they
go ye out to meet him. 7Then all those virgins arose, and trimmed turn back to the world and play with its evil as if all is well. Well, all
their lamps. is not well. I will not call these MY people when I see them
participating in worldly games and activities. Why do the people
8And the foolish said unto the wise, Give us of your oil; for our believe that MY standards as outlined in MY book have fallen so
lamps are gone out. 9But the wise answered, saying, Not so; lest low to accommodate a world that does not respect or revere a
there be not enough for us and you: but go ye rather to them that HOLY GOD? Why do MY people regard MY Rules and Standards
sell, and buy for yourselves. 10And while they went to buy, the so little?
bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to
the marriage: and the door was shut. 11Afterward came also the MY people who call themselves by MY Holy Name: why do you
other virgins, saying, Lord, Lord, open to us. 12But he answered go into the world and look so much like the world? I cannot see
and said, Verily I say unto you, I know you not. any difference between you and the world. You walk among those
of the world and you seek to be like them in every way. You want
13Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour all the good things you think I, GOD offer, but you also want to
wherein the Son of man cometh. play and engage with the ways and things of the world. It cannot
PART 26. December 14th, 2010.
The things of GOD that you so desire are not to be given out to
Along with the letter below from the LORD is a word from the those who treat them commonly and with such disrespect. I am a
LORD to our little 10-year-old friend Philipa, whose parents are HOLY GOD and MY Kingdom is pure and HOLY, untouched by
missionaries for the LORD in Guinea. Philipa began to hear from evil. MY people need to walk away from the world. Come out. be
the LORD and receive visions after she communicated with separate. come away from the world. Stop engaging with the
Sabrina about these letters from the LORD. She expressed world: and believing that you will inherit the pure and HOLY things
enthusiasm for hearing from JESUS to Sabrina and then it was of GOD in the life to come. The road is narrow. Few find the
right after that she did in fact hear from the LORD. narrow path. Those who find it have come away from the lusts
and love interests of the world and all it offers. MY people, you
The letter below was told to Susan by JESUS along with a cannot handle the unclean and see the impure and also walk the
Scripture confirmation. The last three letters Susan copied down path to MY Kingdom with ME.
at the dictation of JESUS, HE followed each letter with a single
Scripture verse. Each time the Scripture that was given, You must come to ME now in this late hour and surrender, repent,
amazingly it coordinated with some of the content HE had and turn to ME now so that I can wash your garments white and
dictated in each letter. This letter is the same. JESUS dictated prepare you to come into MY beautiful, pure Kingdom. All is
these words in this letter to me, Susan: Be HOLY as I am HOLY. ready, but now is the deciding hour for ME to receive a pure,
Then at the end of the letter, I asked if HE had a Scripture verse untouched, clean bride for MYSELF.
has now arrived? Could it be that MY coming is spoiling your
You cannot come with ME if you persist in following the wide path plans? Could it be that you are so busy lusting after the world that
of the unclean things of the worldly. You may have your way with MY coming is wrecking your plans to engage with the world?
the world, yes, this is your choice, but I cannot bring you with ME
into MY pure, white precious home I have prepared for MY sweet Don’t you know that this world is an enmity to ME? Then why are
bride. I must leave you and the hour is closing in. you so displeased when you hear MY coming is now? You evil
generation, you disgust ME. I am a jealous GOD. Choose for ME
If you wait too long, I have no choice but to leave you behind. Sad or choose against ME, but I won’t have you as MINE as long as
though it may be, you will give ME no choice. I love you and I you have a roving eye that lusts for the evil of this world. I offer
want you to come to ME, receive MY SPIRIT and be made ready. you a Kingdom that is so superior to this evil world and yet you
But you must receive ME as your LORD and Savior. Repent of must have this world as if it reigns supreme in your heart.
your eagerness to be part of the evil world and turn back to MY
HOLY Ways. You have put ME way down on your list, way toward the bottom.
I, GOD, your MAKER, your CREATOR, comes down below your
The things of this world are leading you astray. I cannot have you children, your work, your hobbies. I am second fiddle in a long list
in MY World with MY people if you persist in following after your of worldly pursuits. You make time with everything but ME. You
lusts for the unclean things of the world. I am a HOLY GOD and I have many gods before ME. You worship your church programs
ask no less than the same of MY children. Be HOLY as I am and your riches. Do you not believe I had anything to do with the
HOLY. Did I not say this in MY Book? I can bring you to this place things in your life that you put before ME? Do you not know that I,
MY dear children only if you surrender and repent of your sin to GOD have given you these blessings, yet you have no regard for
ME, JESUS your SAVIOR. Then I can give you MY SPIRIT, the ME, for if you did I would not be so distant from your heart. You
HOLY SPIRIT. He will then show you the narrow path and lead need eye salve only I can give. You need ME.
you into righteousness. This is the only way to enter MY
Kingdom, to leave this planet, and be saved in these last minutes I ask you again plainly: will you surrender, repent, and turn to
when I come for MY bride. ME? You have precious little time left. If you accept MY offer, I
will keep you from the coming hour of destruction. But soon the
You are down on the wire and now you must choose. Do you stay offer will not be there any more. Waste no time, the hour is at
in the world and follow after the pattern of evil or will you turn to hand. I am being generous even now with MY warnings to the
ME and take MY safe route out and come home to the Kingdom? earth. MY compassion is great and MY longsuffering and
I have many mansions for you. They are planned out with you in tolerance for this evil generation has been great, but there is a
mind. I have spared nothing to bring you great pleasure in this limit to MY patience as I am about to make MY pick up of the
life, life abundant, life eternal. What must I do to pull your grip off bride and delivery to her new home above.
of a dying, fading, crumbling sin-ridden world to MY LIFE of
unexpected, uncalculated intense beauty? Your mind cannot I am waiting briefly. Stop stalling. Make a choice. The hour is
comprehend the incomprehensible. You cannot dream dreams winding down.
that your mind cannot conceive of the world that is prepared for
those who love ME. Please choose for ME. You will never be disappointed. MY Love
is great.
Now you can stay and choose for the world, but it will be a sad
ending for you. You will face the worst. The world is changing I am JESUS. the one true WAY to life everlasting.
rapidly. The enemy will consume the world and his ways will reign
supreme. You will either, fold into his ways, and ultimately Leviticus 19.
separate yourself from ME your LORD and MAKER for eternity
OR you will have to reject the system of the enemy and then you Various Laws.
will be at his mercy. It will not be an easy choice for MY lukewarm
church on the earth. The enemy is savage and he will make it 1 The LORD said to Moses,
difficult to choose against him. Death will be the only escape from 2 “Speak to the entire assembly of Israel and say to them: ‘Be
his grip. Death would be an easy escape, but he won’t make it so holy because I, the LORD your God, am holy.’
easy for the ones who choose for ME after the bride is removed 3 “‘Each of you must respect your mother and father, and you
from the earth. I, GOD am trying to outline the options you have in must observe my Sabbaths. I am the LORD your God.
this closing hour. I want you to know the consequences of your 4 “‘Do not turn to idols or make metal gods for yourselves. I am
choices. the LORD your God.
5 “‘When you sacrifice a fellowship offering to the LORD, sacrifice
Soon, very soon this world will go dark. You won’t see it because it in such a way that it will be accepted on your behalf.
you refuse to look, but the truth remains: I am coming to get MY 6 It shall be eaten on the day you sacrifice it or on the next day;
bride. She will be safe, but the world will come undone. I bring anything left over until the third day must be burned up.
truth. This truth is hard to find anywhere else. The enemy does 7 If any of it is eaten on the third day, it is impure and will not be
not want you to have the truth. Even those who call themselves accepted.
Christians are afraid to tell or believe the truth. 8 Whoever eats it will be held responsible because they have
desecrated what is holy to the LORD; they must be cut off from
I am trying to warn you in this late hour. MY Book has been clear their people.
that a day would come for ME to remove MY bride. I have stated 9 “‘When you reap the harvest of your land, do not reap to the
the things to look for when the hour approached. I have been very edges of your field or gather the gleanings of your harvest.
exceeding upfront that you should watch, be vigilant, and not 10 Do not go over your vineyard a second time or pick up the
slumbering when the time was close for those events to take grapes that have fallen. Leave them for the poor and the
place. Yet most are sleeping, most are occupied, most are even foreigner. I am the LORD your God.
angry at the thought that MY return could be so near. Why are
you so angry? Why are you so sad at the idea that MY coming 11 “‘Do not steal.
“‘Do not lie. I wrote her back that same day and to my surprise the Lord had a
“‘Do not deceive one another. beautiful word for her. I will share the last sentence: “I long to
12 “‘Do not swear falsely by my name and so profane the name of hear your voice My beautiful child, so come, come! I will surprise
your God. I am the LORD. you with My presence and you will hear My Voice. I love you
13 “‘Do not defraud or rob your neighbor. deeply, Your Father and friend forever, Jesus.” After this word
“‘Do not hold back the wages of a hired worker overnight. from the LORD Philipa began to have visions and hear from the
14 “‘Do not curse the deaf or put a stumbling block in front of the LORD herself. Philipa’s parents are missionaries for the LORD in
blind, but fear your God. I am the LORD. Guinea.
15 “‘Do not pervert justice; do not show partiality to the poor or
favoritism to the great, but judge your neighbor fairly. Philipa, our 10-year-old friend from Guinea, received 2 more
16 “‘Do not go about spreading slander among your people. visions from the Lord, Dec. 12, 2010:
“‘Do not do anything that endangers your neighbor’s life. I am the
LORD. Vision 1:
17 “‘Do not hate a fellow Israelite in your heart. Rebuke your
neighbor frankly so you will not share in their guilt. ON THE 10th OF DECEMBER 2010, WHILST PRAYING WITH
18 “‘Do not seek revenge or bear a grudge against anyone MY PARENTS, THE LORD SHOWED ME ANOTHER CLOCK
among your people, but love your neighbor as yourself. I am the REVEALING ONE SECOND MORE FOR JESUS TO COME.
“‘Do not mate different kinds of animals. LIKE MOSES, NOAH, etc. WERE WAITING AT WHERE THE
“‘Do not plant your field with two kinds of seed. CLOCK WAS.
“‘Do not wear clothing woven of two kinds of material.
20 “‘If a man sleeps with a female slave who is promised to THEN, AFTER THAT I SAW A MAN OPENING THE GATE FOR
another man but who has not been ransomed or given her THE BRIDE.
freedom, there must be due punishment.[a] Yet they are not to be
put to death, because she had not been freed. 21 The man, THEN LATER ON, I SAW MYSELF IN THE MIDST OF SO MANY
however, must bring a ram to the entrance to the tent of meeting WORSHIPING PEOPLE, THEN I JUMPED INTO THEM.
for a guilt offering to the LORD. 22 With the ram of the guilt
offering the priest is to make atonement for him before the LORD PHILIPA.
for the sin he has committed, and his sin will be forgiven.
23 “‘When you enter the land and plant any kind of fruit tree, Vision 2, Philipa sent Sabrina this on December 12:
regard its fruit as forbidden.[b] For three years you are to consider
it forbidden[c]; it must not be eaten. 24 In the fourth year all its Please THE LORD gave me another message and please here
fruit will be holy, an offering of praise to the LORD. 25 But in the they go:
fifth year you may eat its fruit. In this way your harvest will be
increased. I am the LORD your God. “Do not waste this good time MY children, I am coming very,
26 “‘Do not eat any meat with the blood still in it. very soon it is almost 12:00, Midnight. I am giving you very
“‘Do not practice divination or seek omens. short warnings now! that I shall not give out again for I am
27 “‘Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the coming. I am almost there MY foot is about to move for MY
edges of your beard. bride. These are MY last warnings.
28 “‘Do not cut your bodies for the dead or put tattoo marks on
yourselves. I am the LORD. YOUR BRIDEGROOM,
29 “‘Do not degrade your daughter by making her a prostitute, or
the land will turn to prostitution and be filled with wickedness. SAVIOUR,
30 “‘Observe my Sabbaths and have reverence for my sanctuary.
I am the LORD. YESHUA.
31 “‘Do not turn to mediums or seek out spiritists, for you will be
defiled by them. I am the LORD your God. More information about Philipa:
32 “‘Stand up in the presence of the aged, show respect for the
elderly and revere your God. I am the LORD. November 21 I, Sabrina, received this mail from Philipa,
33 “‘When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not translated to English:
mistreat them. 34 The foreigner residing among you must be
treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were LAST NIGHT, I HEARD THE LORD TELLING ME THAT HE
foreigners in Egypt. I am the LORD your God. WOULD USE ME FOR HIS WORK. SO WHEN I WENT TO
35 “‘Do not use dishonest standards when measuring length, CHURCH GOD SHOWED ME A CLOCK AND TOLD ME THAT
weight or quantity. 36 Use honest scales and honest weights, an IT IS LEFT WITH ONE MINUTE MORE FOR HIM TO COME.
honest ephah[d] and an honest hin.[e] I am the LORD your God, AND HE SAID THAT MY CHILDREN REPENT, REPENT. AND
37 “‘Keep all my decrees and all my laws and follow them. I am WORLD AND THAT HE CAN NOT BARE THE SIN OF MAN ANY
A few days ago, November 19, a young girl contacted me, NOT A GOOD PLACE. MY CHILDREN CHANGE, CHANGE!
Sabrina, through email. Her name is Philipa and she is 10-years- MY CHILDREN WHY HAVE FORSAKEN ME? GET OUT OF
old and though she is still young, she is very smart and loves THE DARKNESS.”
JESUS so much. Philipa said she was open for any advice/words.
I, Sabrina, wrote Philipa back that same day and the Lord had WHY HAVE YOU TAKEN THE PATH OF STAIN MY
another personal word for her to encourage her to share these CHILDREN? WHY? WHY? WHY? WHY HAVE YOU
words with her parents, church, friends, and family. I had FORSAKEN ME? ISN’T MY WORD ENOUGH FOR YOU? HOW
communicated with her mother before and she shared that they MANY TIMES SHOULD I WARN YOU! GO ON AND MAKE THE
are preparing for the rapture and are missionaries in the French- devil your new god. IF MY WORD IS NOT ENOUGH FOR YOU,
speaking country Guinea with 92% muslims. CONTINUE TO DEPART FROM MY WORD. THEN YOU WILL
Philipa has asked me to pray for her, so that God will use her for FOR ETERNITY. FORGET ME, AND DIE AND SUFFER. THESE
His work as He has started. May I ask all of you to pray for this ARE MY WORDS. JESUS.”
little girl and her family, who is so open and willing for the
Lord and truly an example for me? DEAR SIS, SABRINA, November 28, 2010.

November 22: Another vision given to Philipa: PLEASE, TODAY BEFORE I WENT TO CHURCH THE LORD
New messages received by Philipa from the LORD JESUS: OWN STORM. I REPEAT: NO ONE KNOWS WHEN THE
Acts 2:17: And it shall come to pass in the last days, saith
DEAR SIS, SABRINA, November 26, 2010. God, I will pour out of my Spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and
your daughters shall prophesy, and your young men shall see
PLEASE, I ALWAYS GO WITH MY BOOK, JOURNAL, visions, and your old men shall dream dreams:
The series of messages were dictated to us, and other people as
“MY CHILDREN THE TIME IS UP. COME! COME! DO NOT well. First is a letter dictated to Sabrina by JESUS. Below it is a
LISTEN TO FALSE TEACHINGS, FOR TIME IS UP! I AM letter from the LORD as told to Susan for you.
AM COMING SOON. TAKE MY WORD OR LEAVE IT, FOR MY I, Susan, would like to share an amazing story about this letter I
WORD IS PERMANENT. MY BRIDE, CONTINUE WITH YOUR received below from JESUS. The same morning I received this
WORK, BUT IT WILL NOT BE FOR LONG BEFORE I COME. letter below, I woke in the early morning three different times and
JUST WORSHIP ME FOR IT IS JUST A LITTLE TIME LEFT. I heard very clearly the name “HEZEKIAH.” Well honestly, I knew
WAIT JUST FOR A LITTLE TIME MORE, FOR I AM COMING I had heard this name before and that it was probably from the
SOON! Bible, but I couldn’t place who it was or where I had heard of it.
Well later that morning, I had been praying and I asked the LORD
TAKE MY WORD OR LEAVE IT, FOR MY BRIDE IS READY for a Scripture to look up and HE simply said, “MICAH.” I had not
AND THOSE WHO WILL LEAVE ME, WILL FACE ETERNAL looked up the name HEZEKIAH in the Bible yet that day, but
DEATH, ETERNAL TORTURE. instead I turned to the book of Micah the LORD suggested and I
was amazed to discover that “Hezekiah” was actually the King
THESE ARE MY WORDS TAKE IT OR LEAVE IT. THERE ARE reigning during the era that Micah was a prophet. Well that same
TWO OPTIONS: GO TO HEAVEN OR GO TO HELL. IF YOU morning, the LORD had dictated this letter below to me, I was
DISRESPECT ME AND GO TO HELL, YOU WILL HAVE NO stunned to discover that Micah addressed the rise of religious
OTHER OPTION THAN TO FACE TORTURE. infidelity and idol worship as this letter also addresses and this
confirmation suggests that the people still turn their backs to GOD
now, just like they did during Micah’s era. Here is more info about eternity. She will have a special place with ME in heaven. She will
Micah and King Hezekiah: have a special access to ME in heaven. Her reward will be ME,
http://www.lovethelord.com/books/micah/01.html JESUS. Are you ready My precious bride? I AM is ready. Be
ready! Your GOD is coming! The angels sing Alleluia, Alleluia,
How many more letters will we put out you may wonder? Well we Alleluia, for the KING has come to collect His bride! This says, the
do not know. All we know is that as long as the LORD continues I AM and the AMEN!”
to give us these letters to send out, we will do it. We’ve gotten lots
of mail because of these letters. Thank you for all your wonderful Hebrews 4:16. Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of
notes and prayers. I think I speak for Sabrina also when I say this: grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of
if I thought we could see one person saved by the LORD JESUS need.
who would avoid an eternity in hell, it would all be worth it to us,
whatever people think or say. If we saw just one person in heaven Song of Solomon 1:4. Draw me, we will run after thee: the King
who would have gone to hell saved, it’s worth it. Are you that one hath brought me into his chambers: we will be glad and rejoice in
person? We hope so. thee, we will remember thy love more than wine: the upright love
Letter Dictated to Sabrina of Belgium by JESUS, December
16, 2010: Matthew 25:6. And, at midnight there was a cry made, Behold,
the Bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet him.
“I want My people to come to ME before My Throne of Grace.
Take the time to come to ME and to seek ME in your prayer Revelation 19:6. And I heard as it were the voice of a great
times. If you have to do it in a rush, it means nothing to ME. Get multitude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of
up in time and seek MY Face. mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent
This age is about to end, the age of grace. If you seek ME now,
you can find favor with your GOD in heaven who has ears to A very encouraging & helpful website for seeking GOD:
listen and eyes to see. Don’t give ME your daily rushed prayers. http://seekgod.org/
Give ME your best quality prayers, prayers that involve your
complete heart, soul, spirit. Letter 54. December 15, 2010. A letter from JESUS as told to
Susan for you.
Give ME all. I want it all. Surrender all to your Holy GOD in
heaven. Being too busy is just an excuse. I created you to Yes, Susan I have words. Susan This is your LORD & MAKER
worship ME. This should be the most important task of your day. I JESUS.
can only have your heart if you give it to ME. Seek ME now in the
private hours, come to ME now to dine with ME. Create a deep These words are for all who will hear them. I have many words.
intimacy with Your GOD in heaven who hears the cries of His
people on earth. I, JESUS, am ready to speak to the people. MY people who call
yourselves by MY Name, MY Holy Name, I have given you this
Come to Me now, now is the time. There has never been such a gift of MY Love. I have given you MYSELF. Now, MY people who
time as this. A time where I am collecting My bride into the secret I love and call MY own, we are entering into a new phase, a new
chambers of MY love and safety. Come My bride, the time has hour. Soon I will bring MY bride home. Soon she will come home.
come. Lay aside your worldly affairs and seek ME, only ME. The I will carry her across the threshold and show her, her new home
time has come to take you up in heaven, where you will dine with of beauty and love everlasting. This is MY promise to MY people I
ME forever. am about to fulfill that promise.

Make sure your household is in order and ready to meet ME in I, GOD, I JESUS am true to MY Word. When I say I will do
the air. Warn the ones close to you, so they will know what has something, I do it. Even MY people doubt this about ME. They
happened. Still many are coming to ME in this late hour, for the have doubts. I know your doubts. You see the signs as defined in
hour is very late. I am telling you, the clock does not stand still, MY Book, yet you do not believe. You think the hour is much
and it is moving to midnight. When it strikes midnight, you will be later, perhaps for future generations even. I tell you the truth, this
with ME in heaven. So warn your loved ones and your generation will not withstand the evil coming on the earth and
neighbours. there will not be forthcoming future generations that would survive
the ever-growing evil that encompasses the earth. I am a HOLY
I am running out of time, but I will not be too late. I, GOD am GOD and I cannot continue to look upon such a grand-scale of
always in time, so make sure you will be too. My heart is running evil that has permeated the earth much longer. I must rescue MY
over with patience to this dying world, this sick world full of awful bride and release MY grip of the earth, depart, and allow the evil
sin that hurts My eyes and My BEING. I died for this, My bride, to abound apart from MY protection. This is what is coming on the
still many do not want to accept MY offer. The time is about to earth shortly.
end. The time of grace has been long.
MY people you have lost sight of what a HOLY GOD stands for
The people will know what has happened, but they will try to deny and what I represent. You have become jaded by your engaging
it. Much grief is coming to this dying world and if I, GOD would not in the dealings of evil men. You cannot see the evil around you.
stop it, nobody would be left. So still, MY grace will come in You have become so accustom to the evil abounding that you
action, but woe to the men and woman who die in their sins cannot discern for yourself anymore. You watch what heathens
during this time. Woe to the men and woman who refuse to listen see and you fold into the same activities and it looks all so normal
to MY Words now and keep their blinders on. to you. You have forgotten about your GOD’s Holiness and Holy
Ways. You are filthy and covered in filth. What must I do, for you
My heart goes out to MY bride, she is so beautiful. She is My to see that your robes are dirtied from your love and lust of the
special reward. She and I will have a unique bond in heaven for world?
hands and knees and repent for worshipping a GOD you don’t
MY people, I cannot bring you into safe passage because you care to really know. I don’t know you. When did we meet? When
choose against ME. You ask, “How is that?” I know your hearts. I have we spoken?
see within. I know your inner most thoughts. I know how you lust
and engage with the world following closely after its heels. When You play church with each other, but you are far from ME, your
you chase after the world and the things of the world you also run GOD, your CREATOR. I won’t have it. I will leave without you
from ME. You have run so far from ME, I will lose you if you don’t soon, O’ church of the lukewarm worshippers. I am a HOLY GOD
turn and run back into MY arms, surrender, repent, and turn back and I hold no place, no time, no reverence in your heart.
to ME.
Your display of worship is for each other, not ME! If it were for
The enemy is clever. He awaits you at every turn to entrap you, to ME, I would know you. I would hear from you often. You would
entice you, to ensnare you. Your foothold is loosening and soon seek MY Face. But you seek the world and all it offers. You even
you will fall and there will be no recovery. He wants this participate in the world and use MY Holy Name to do it. You bring
desperately and so many have fallen into his cleverly sprung trap the world into MY Holy Sanctuary to appease the heathens and
and they will never return to ME. I will never see them again. Hell you care nothing for your LORD JESUS. I DIED FOR YOU! Who
is eternal. else will love you and care for you as I do?

Come to your senses, MY people. See the sin you are engaging The time is almost up, O’ church of the lukewarm. Soon you will
in, see the lukewarm danger you are captivated into. See that you see you have been left behind when MY bride is removed and
are standing at the brink of eternity about to plunge over the you will be in shock. Then you will seek MY Face, but the door
edge. Please turn back. Come to ME in this late hour. Wake and will be shut. It is written. This is not a new word. Open MY Book, I
see what is forming around you. do not change. I am TRUTH. TRUTH is about to come for HIS
beloved. You have precious moments remaining to seek TRUTH.
I want to speak of hell. It is a never-ending nightmare of Come to ME, JESUS. I am the only TRUTH. I will save you with
oppression. I cannot be near you in hell. You will be without a MY Blood Covering.
Holy, Just GOD in this place of terror and torment. You will long to
cry out for love, justice, beauty, hope, and it will never appear to I am the ALPHA and OMEGA.
you again. I am the I AM.

So many go to hell from this life because they choose to fill the MIGHTY GOD EVERLASTING.
hours in this life with the things that distract them from seeking a PRINCE OF PEACE.
relationship with ME and to understand and read MY Book. This LORD OF LORDS.
time you waste with these worldly pursuits you are drawn to will KING OF KINGS.
lead you to hell. I am sorry to tell you this, but I must tell you the GOD OF THE UNIVERSE.
Most people will go to hell because I require a full commitment of
complete and total surrender and so very few do this. Their daily Micah 6:8. He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what
hours are consumed with worldly pursuits and there is no time left doth the LORD require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy,
for their CREATOR. This lackluster commitment and and to walk humbly with thy God?
lukewarmness will lead you to hell. This eternal choice is
unending and there can be no turning back. The separation from PART 28. December 20th, 2010.
GOD is final along with love, tenderness, kindness, beauty. These
things will never be experienced again. Below it is a letter from the LORD as told to Susan for you. We
have included this time also words given to a good friend of ours,
MY Words and MY Book are clear on these matters. You choose Edmond Ergut, by the LORD, below this letter. God bless you
not to see, but your refusal to look is not an excuse when you Edmond!
face MY judgment. Mark MY Word, you will face ME and if you
make no choice or choose against ME, we will meet face to face I asked for a Scripture to go with this letter below and amazingly
and you will know the sorrow of your choices. It will then be the the LORD gave me Joshua 3:16 and this is what I discovered:
beginning as you make your first step to eternal hell, a very long
existence apart from a HOLY GOD of peace and salvation, love Joshua 3:16. That the waters which came down from above stood
and beauty. and rose up upon an heap very far from the city Adam, that is
beside Zaretan: and those that came down toward the sea of the
You do not like these words but the truth must be told. Mankind plain, even the salt sea, failed, and were cut off: and the people
now has a moment of decision. Come with ME, your LORD passed over right against Jericho.
JESUS to safekeeping or stay apart from ME and face the
unknown of the enemy. I am looking for hearts turned completely Interesting the LORD chose a “rescue mission scenario” from the
to ME. I want your surrender and to humble yourself before ME Old Testament for this letter below. One writer likens the Joshua
with true remorse over your lust and affection for evil. 3:16 Scripture to a kind of rapture describing it this way:

I do not want your ritual cold worship of ME anymore. You come Joshua, Jesus, led Israel, man child, over Jordan to the Promised
to ME and worship in a cold, rote way. You do not even know ME. Land, heaven. The Israelites entered the Promised Land without
You look around and see others worshipping and you follow being touched by the waters of Jordan, death, and then the
along. But who are you worshipping? We have never met. You waters returned and all those entering the Promised Land after
have never even taken time to know ME, to discover ME, and MY them would have to ford the river.
Ways. You follow blind sheep and you call this worship. This is a
stench, it is an outrage. Stop this empty worship. Get on your Letter 55. December 18-19, 2010.
Tomorrow is coming fast.
Yes Susan I have words. Copy this down.
My world is one of everlasting untold beauty. Marvelous and
I want to tell you about this new phase the world is going into. The lovely is the world I have prepared for those who truly love and
world is approaching a time of evil that is unrivaled by any other seek ME in this world. MY sheep, this is not your world. You are
time known to mankind. The people slumber, they are snoozing. made for another life, a better eternal life. I am coming soon to
The world is falling into complete disaster while the world around put you in safe keeping apart from the evil of this world. You must
sleeps. Leaders have no idea how to cope. They see it coming, wash yourself clean in MY Blood and through MY Word in MY
but they keep their thoughts silent while their people are dying Book. Surrender and turn your life over to ME. Repent of your
from not having the truth. I am sad for their loss. sins. I am waiting MY people, MY sheep, the hour is closing in.

The day is closing in and the people will be amazed at the Very soon, I am coming to get the people. I will bring them out. I
nearness of MY coming. I am very near. MY people who are have planned this for a very long time and the hour is
watching now, MY sheep hear MY voice. They know I am close. approaching. I am coming to that point and I will snatch the
They see the signs. They are watching. These are the children people out of the grasp of MY enemy. I know who is coming.
who will be taken. If you are not watching, your lamp is not full.
You will be left to face the worst. I cannot save you if you cannot You must choose. The choice is yours. I cannot do this choosing
be interested enough to watch for MY coming. for you. I am clear about the choices. I have made it very clear.
The masses will refuse MY offer of escape. They will remain to
I am looking for those who are anxiously awaiting MY return. If face an evil that is beyond anything man has witnessed or
the cares of this world captivate you so and you cannot see the encountered before. I want MY people to avoid the terror coming,
signs of MY coming and watch for ME even, I cannot bring you but they cannot imagine how bad it will be. The suffering will be
out to safety. I have made MYSELF clear in MY Book to watch for immense for the ones who choose against MY enemy. He will
MY coming and to be vigilant in being ready when the signs that punish those who choose against him and the choosing for ME
have been foretold unfold before you. The hour is now. You are will be a difficult one. Now is the time to choose for ME. Come to
either not watching or you see it, but want to deny what is ME now and be part of MY bride and I will make you ready to be
happening around you. You think if you can deny what you see received into MY beautiful Kingdom. If you choose for ME after I
then perhaps this will all go away. You watch all the people remove MY bride your choices will be most difficult. The world will
around you who are also not watching or not caring and you go on, but if you want to choose for ME you won’t be able to join
follow suit. You are looking in the wrong direction for your back into the world. The alternative will be suffering and death. It
salvation. Your family, friends, neighbors cannot save you. I am will be hard to face. If you join in the world system, you will see
your only SAVIOR. Keep your eyes fixed on ME. eternal suffering. Many will lose their lives after I come for MY
How can you keep your eyes fixed on ME when you are caught
up in all your worldly planning and programs? I am not in your I am coming for a pure bride. One who loves ME before anything
thoughts. You are going to miss it. I am your safe passage. If you else, above all others, above all things. I am sorry, but these are
do not find ME in your daily activities. if I do not come up in your MY stipulations. I have made this clear in MY Word, MY Holy
mind, you will not know what is coming and the future will Word. I do not deviate from MY Word. MY Word is clear and
blindside you as the unexpected is about to happen. uncomplicated. Love ME above all else. I did not create you to put
ME in second or third position in your heart. If you believe this,
MY people will know and not be surprised because I am close you are mistaken. You have heard this from someone other than
and they are watching. They are ready and so their escape is ME. I am a jealous GOD. I do not create MY people to follow after
assured. I am that narrow escape. I am the WAY, I am the other gods, other lowly, worthless gods.
TRUTH, I am the LIFE. I am pulling MY people out of the line of
fire very soon and taking them to safe keeping while the world If you want to be with ME in MY Holy Home in Heaven, you must
sinks to an all-time low and the enemy takes over the planet. count the cost in this life. You must evaluate your position and
Avoid disaster MY people. I am your SAVIOR, RESCUER. I will decide for yourself what direction you want to move in. You either
keep you safe. come with ME and understand that I, GOD want nothing but first
place in your heart or choose to put ME in an inferior place in your
You do not have to go this alone. I will bring you into MY safe heart and I will allow you to live out the consequences of your
secure arms, cover you with MY loving wings and we will fly away choice for eternity and without a loving, divine GOD. It will be a
to everlasting safety. I am the RESCUER. I am the One who will bleak eternity. You decide.
bring the salvation. I will bring you to MY home and put you in a
secure eternal place. You put all your life interests before ME your GOD. You spend no
time communing with your GOD. I long for relationship with you. I
Choose for ME and avoid pain and suffering. I long to rescue and long to share conversations with you, to hear your heartfelt words
keep you safe. I have a beautiful life planned for you. You cannot toward ME, your GOD. I am remote to you. You seek ME when
comprehend it. It is great spectacular beauty. This vocabulary you are in dire circumstances. Suddenly you remember MY Name
lacks the words to describe your home. MY FATHER waits to and call out to ME. After your crisis is over, I go to the bottom
greet the bride and the banquet is prepared, a large banquet set shelf of your heart. You remember ME not, as if I don’t exist. Why
and ready for your presence. I have brought together a do you suppose I will want you in MY eternal home when you
magnificent offering of food and place settings for MY children have no regard for ME at all? I will spit you out. What, this shocks
and to share together at this lovely table. We will celebrate our you? Read MY Word. Your love for ME is lukewarm and when
marriage and our everlasting life together. It will be the greatest you come to ME in the next hour, if you do not embrace ME now,
celebration ever held. I will not know you or acknowledge you to MY FATHER and HIS
Holy Angels.
Susan, yes I have words.
What has MY sacrifice at Calvary meant to you? Do you not care
what I, GOD did to save you from eternal hell? I, GOD, I, JESUS my Father has left for them. He has done all that He can. He has
was humbled in a violent way to bring you life eternal and you sent them His only Son, to serve, to serve them, to save them, to
reject MY work on the cross to save you. I do not take this bring them to the truth, to bring them to the life, but they would
rejection lightly. This is a serious matter. Your lack of regard for rather choose darkness.
MY sacrifice is belittling of MY Holy Name and MY Work on the
cross. I endured evil men to save all men, but I will not force this I am the light, I am the way, I am the truth! No man comes to the
salvation. I only make it available to all who want it. If you do not Father but through me. I am the Son of God and only through me
care for MY sacrifice, MY ransom than you can reject ME, but can they see the Father; I am the Son of god, I lay down my life
know this. MY FATHER will reject you. You will stand before MY for them, and if they reject me there is no other way; I am the
FATHER and HE will not accept your explanation for this sinful way, I am the truth, I am the light; my Father sent me to save the
way you have led your life and you will receive eternal world, and those who receive me I will receive, I will accept, I will
punishment. You will have nothing to say apart from MY sacrifice. tell of them to my Father, and they shall be in heaven with me and
There is no atonement for your evil works. You will be sent to hell they shall be in paradise, their name shall be written in the Book
for the evil you have done against a HOLY GOD. of Life and they shall have everlasting life.

Accept MY free gift of salvation. Surrender all and repent to your But those who reject me there is no way but hell, there is no other
GOD and live. way, for I am the way, I am the truth, I am the light; I was sent to
save sinners, I was sent to save them.”
Your time is running out. You have moments left on the clock.
Choose salvation through ME or lose your life to the enemy who INDICTMENT AGAINST GOD’S PEOPLE.
is ruthless.
“My people are estranged, they have left me; I ask you to share
Follow ME, LORD JESUS. JESUS CHRIST. my burden, for I am grieved and I am heavy hearted, and the time
is come, the time is come for me to bring forth my judgment for
“I am the Son of the Living God, and no man comes to the Father they have not turned their heads towards me.”
but through me, and all those who reject me, Jesus Christ, they
are condemned! There is no way out for them! Their sin is that “Religion today is like leprosy; the people are indwelling in this
they reject me, they reject me, the Son of God, they deny me, and false religion. It is like a leprosy that has grown on them and is
those who deny me I shall deny to the Father. ready to kill them and break them; and they are dying, they are
dying and they do not know it. They are in the pit and they do not
They deny my crucifixion. They deny that I died for their sins and know it, they are blind and they do not know it. Religion is killing
that they can live with me in paradise as long as they come to me them, it is suffocating them and it has blinded them to the truth,
and believe in me. They deny that I can give them everlasting life; the truth of My Word and of my vision for them.”
they deny me, this is their sin, that they deny the Living God, the
Son of the Living God, and that they are wicked, they choose evil, “The institutions of righteousness are corrupt, full of extortion, full
and they choose wickedness. of filth, full of strife.”

This is their sin, they deny the Living God. They deny the Son of “For my axe is laid bare to every tree that bears not fruit; it shall
the Living God. They deny Jesus Christ, for I am all truth, I am all be hewn down and cast into the fire; not one of those will be left
righteousness, and without me there is no way, they shall perish, for they bear not fruit, for they shine forth not my light, they are
this is the truth, that if they come to me, the Son of the Living but a hindrance. They shall be hewn and cast down to make way
God, I shall give them everlasting life. for those who bear fruit and who shine forth my light; who bear
fruit and water and feed the rest, those they shall make a way for.
It is me that shall save them, I am the Savior of the world, I am The rest shall be cut down for they are wicked and they thrive on
the Redeemer, I am Everlasting Life, I am green pastures, I am their own juice that that juice will kill them.”
everlasting, and I shall give them everlasting waters so that they
will never thirst and they shall never hunger. “From the most grievous sinner to the most righteous of God’s
children, I have all given them a chance, I have all at one point
For my Father so loved the world that He sent me on earth to called them; I have called them and asked them to come out and
walk the earth and to set sinners free, to set the down trodden to serve me.”
free, to give sight to the blind, to heal the wounded, to heal the
sick, to set free the captive. “I have called them; I have searched each one’s heart and I have
called them, from the most grievous, from the most terrible sinner,
I came to save sinners; I came to save sinners from the fires of to the most righteous.”
everlasting hell; I came to set them free; I came to give them
everlasting life; that they might have life abundantly, that they “But I tell you! I have gone to each one of them. I have searched
may live with me and my Father in my Father’s mansion. I came each one of their hearts and they have known that I have called
for all. And for those who accept me and for those who serve me, them and I have tried to woo them to me and talk to them. But yet
they shall be given abundantly; they shall be treated as sons of they turn not to me, yet they turn not to me.”
God and kings of heaven!
“I have given them a chance; I died on the cross for all sinners, I
But for those who reject me, for those who reject the Son who the died on the cross for all without respect of persons, that all may
Father has sent, there is only fire left. For I came, for I came to be saved, that not one should be perished except the one that
save them out of the pit, for I came to save them, for I came for betrayed me.”
them that they may live with me.
“They reject all that I have for them, so they shall see my
But if they reject me, if they reject me, woe! For I only can send judgment! For now they shall see what I have in store for them!
them to hell. For that is all that is left for them, for that is all that For they chose the world, they chose the world!”
even now seeking for someone to tell them the truth. But, my
“I came for them all, without respect of persons I died on the church bodies, selfishly, have turned inward to themselves and I
cross; I bled for them! I bled and I died and I was crucified for must pull them down and scatter the flocks for they are full of
them; and they know this! And they know this in their heart that I thistles and thorns not fit for my high purpose. Lay hold, Zion, lest
came to save them from the evil one, but yet they turn away, this happens to you. Cast away your bolted doors; prepare to
because they look at this world and they are choked by the cares move into the open fields on Zion’s hill. For even the building you
of this world.” are dwelling in will be gone. I tell you this, even if just two of my
beloved remain faithful to this Prophesy, I will unfold all of this
“Woe be unto them! For I came to them just as I came unto you. I around them, for my will be done. The very Glory of God is and
pleaded and I wooed them; I asked them to turn their hearts, I always has been the repentant heart, those seeking the truth and
asked them to turn their face, that I would take care of their salvation, and entering in. My ministry is the whole world and you
problems, that I would take care of their anguish and their grief who have faith are to gather the harvest of my hand. All the
and their troubles.” promises of my written word are available to you who believe. In
that time, when Zion gathers, and the weather is foul, just a
GOD ALWAYS WARNS HIS PEOPLE. mighty shout of praise, in my name, will part the clouds, stop the
winds and gales, and my light will burst forth and abundantly
Oh Zion, Zion, do not let your faith wander and be overshadowed refresh you; and when you hunger, the bread of life will feed your
by your own desires. For Zion is my body, my Church, my Spirit. It souls, and your faith and worship shall glorify the Living God. My
is I, your Lord Jesus, who has reached out and touched every servant, who now gives this Prophesy to you, is anointed by my
heart and every soul that enters through your doors of fellowship. hand and Spirit to warn all the churches and Christian meeting
For I have a special purpose and task awaiting all those who will places round, about. He will be abused, scoffed at, and ridiculed
stand firm and believe this message. It is not my pleasure that by those claiming to be mine, but my Holy Spirit will precede him,
you build walls, rules, and doctrine, other than what is written. I and my signs and wonders will follow him. I always warn my
know each and every heart that bears my name and longs for my people! Anoint him with oil, Zion, any of you who believe, and
coming. Won’t you open your spiritual ears and spiritual eyes to swiftly send him on his way. For before he can finish his task, all
see and hear of what a mighty thing I am about to do? I want you of what he has told you, this day, will come to pass. Amen.
to trust, fully, in me, for you look at the sky and predict tomorrow’s Behold, I come quickly, Amen. Yes, I come quickly, Amen.
weather and you table the tides, but you won’t look at the
warnings of the changing times. There is a cloud of judgment RESTORATION.
hanging over the United States, and, in fact, hovering over
California. In January 1980, the very ground you dwell on shook “The children of God shall be united under one Spirit, the Spirit of
by my hand. Then in May 1980, to your far north, a mountain truth, the Holy Spirit. The Spirit that reveals all truth from the
exploded and the ground shook all about. Then in June 1980, to throne of God, the Spirit that reveals the beginning from the end,
the direct east of you, the earth shook the strong high mountains the end from the beginning; this is my Spirit, the Holy Spirit, it will
of the Sierras. Within weeks, your southern borders shook. And unite all the true children of God.”
then, centered off the West Coast, the earth and seas were
shaken. Why are you sleeping Zion? “There will be many who are hungry for the Word of God. There
will be many who are hungry for the truth. There will be many who
Can you not see my anger? Can you not see all about you the will come to the truth, and there will be many who will come to
rebellious masses eagerly worshipping all their man-made idols? hear you preach the Word of God in all its purity; they are hungry
Sex-sin is rampant; lust for power and self-righteousness are the for the truth; they are hungry for their God; and they will come to
talk of the times. Above every nation of all history, America has the light.”
been blessed. But in the last 30 years she has walked away from
my covenant. Even the most wicked generation of Israel was not “They must become warriors for Christ; they must proclaim the
as evil as yours. Sodom and Gomorrah were small compared to name of God; the light must shine forth, and the Word of God
the evil ways of this Nation. Awaken to my calling Zion, lest I find must be proclaimed.”
you sleeping, not guarding what little faith you have. Catch hold!
For in less than two minutes of time the riches and man, made “The truth must go forth, the light must shine; the Word of God
idols will be swept away. Wake up, Zion, for the Glory of God is at must be proclaimed; the evil spirits must be smashed; the saints
hand. Listen carefully, open your hearts, plant your feet firmly must come out of their caves.”
where you stand. For I, your Lord, am going to shake my Church
and scatter my flocks and those with faith will hear your singing “I say, go forth! Go forth and be a light! Show them! Show them
and your worship and know I am with you. Yes, you, Zion will be that they can be healed, if they but come to my throne, if they but
my guide to my lost sheep; you will be the compassion of my shed this falseness, the lies, the hypocrisy. Just come to my
Spirit; you will be the rallying point after disaster strikes. Yes, I will throne and I shall heal them and they shall be with me and we
be with you and lead you, and the weak of heart, the broken shall live in my Father’s mansion as one, as one family.”
spirits, the torn flesh, and even the dead will hear your voices
lifted up to me, and my healing power, signs and wonders will “Only those that turn to me, and realize that I am supreme, and
abound to lead them back to me. There will be no dwelling large that only in me is there true reality, and that this world is not
enough to hold all the repentant hearts and, in fact, the green reality, that this world is just a stage; only those who turn to me
fields surrounding your place of worship on Zion’s hill will be and see me as their only hope, as their only salvation, as their
amassed with souls bearing my name. Lay hold of your faith, true reality, them I shall pluck from this earth and they shall be
Zion, for as surely as you hear this Prophesy, all of this and much with me in paradise.”
more is about to happen. Do not move from where you are, but
rather pray for the strength of my spirit: pray for your roots to be “I came that all may know me; I came that all may have the
deeply immersed in my word; prepare for the work I have for you. knowledge that you have; I came for all that I should reveal
Know this, since my ministry began, I have not come seeking the wisdom to all.”
righteous but rather the lost, those living in darkness; yes, those
You will be my light. You will be my beacon. You will be the light
in the world in these latter days. And you will show them that the I am grieved! I am very sad! But my justice I will mete out with my
Holy God is pure without blemish or spot, and that He wants them wrath and my judgment! I ask you to see this city! I ask you to see
to be pure without blemish or spot; that they should come to me their eyes! I ask you to see their hearts the way that I see them! I
as a pure bride, a bride that I am proud to show to my Father, that am grieved! You must see this city the way I see it. So that when
He will accept and say, “Yes, they are right, bring them into my you bring forth my judgment you will know it comes with all
mansion.” justice! I ask you to see this city the way I see it!

“The bride will know, the bride will see that you are pure and holy; Raise your arm and take my sword; you will be my instrument to
I ask that you be holy as I am holy, perfect yourselves, cleanse bring forth my vengeance, my wrath.
yourselves, make your paths straight, make sure that you are
holy.” This is the day, this is my day of fury, for I am very angry with the
wicked and my wrath shall come upon them.
“This is one of your missions, to bring about the Restoration; as
they come to you they will see the truth and they shall perfect When the sun shines brightest, that is your time, when the sun
themselves through your word and your admonitions and your shines brightest and is right over head, you shall enter the crowd
doctrine, they shall perfect themselves with spot or without and you shall stand in their midst, you shall proclaim my name,
blemish.” you shall uplift my standard and you shall call my fire, you shall
bring down my sword and they shall burn!
“And, when they hear your voice, they will know that this is the
voice of the Lord, this is the voice of their Shepherd. And my My fire shall come down and burn the wicked, they shall be as
sheep will come, my sheep will come out of their hiding, my stubble; they shall burn as tares but the righteous shall stand; you
sheep will come out of their sins, my sheep will come out of their shall tread the wicked and they shall not hurt you.
works, my sheep will come out of their vanity and frivolity and
their programs!” The wicked shall be stamped like pulp on the ground and my
wrath shall be manifest; the day is at hand and you shall manifest
SAN FRANCISCO. my wrath! The fire of the Lord shall burn bright!

“My heart is heavy, as I see all that goes on in this city my heart is As the Lord moves in with judgment and wrath, the demons shall
heavy for all the sins and all the abominations and all the move out with anger and fury, and there shall be fire and there
wickedness and evil that I see, I cannot bear, I cannot bear! I see shall be smoke and there shall be stench so strong that the
sins that you don’t even know about, that you cannot even righteous will have to turn their head because the stench will be
imagine, and my heart is weary; I ask you to look at this city the so bad; the judgment of the Lord will fall strong upon this city.
way I look at it.
This city is San Francisco, this “pretty”, this so-called “glorious”
This city is evil and wicked and my judgment is so right for this city of San Francisco shall be abased, shall be abased, shall
city; every citizen, every citizen hates God, they walk in their own become like cinders, they shall burn, this city shall burn, this city
ways, they walk in their own lust, they walk in their own depravity, shall be abased, because my Word will cut their lies, their
they are wretched and they are naked and they are hungry and hypocrisy, their sin, and their evil, shall cut them asunder, and this
they don’t even know it. Their face they turn towards themselves, city will be abased.
they try to glorify themselves, they try to adorn themselves, they
try to cover up, but I see their hearts, their heart is far from me, I have looked upon this city and it is wicked, it is wicked; and as
and my heart is heavy, I am very sad and I am very heavy you go forth in the gap, and as you confront the enemy, you will
hearted. tell them, you will tell them of the coming wrath and doom that this
city will experience, you shall tell them that not one stone will be
This city hates God and it hates me; the mention of my name and left unturned.
they turn their head and they harden their heart and their back
stiffens and they do not want to speak of me; my name itself is And they will look at you and they will think that you are mad; but
like a bad word in this city; this city hates God and this city hates you will tell them that the Living God has said that this city will be
me. destroyed, not one stone will be left unturned, because I have
visited this city and I have seen no good.”
The sins of this city cry out to me to avenge this city with my
wrath; this city is evil! The sins of this city are worse than Sodom AMERICA.
and Gomorrah! The wickedness that prevails! The wretchedness!
The emptiness! “As I have given you visions and messages of my judgment and
wrath, so will you go forth. And so will you proclaim in graphic
This is why I have brought you to this city as a light, that you will detail of my judgments, and of my fire, and of death all over this
show this city that the Living God sees their sins and He is ready land; and of waters that will rise, and of the stars that will darken,
to avenge them! and of the wind that will rush.”

I cannot speak of their sins, I cannot speak of their wickedness “You shall prophesy of this, and I will give you power over the
and evil; I am so heavy! I am so heavy hearted! But this city waters, I will give you power over the fire, I will give you power
grows in wickedness and evil every day and I am ready to lay my over the weather, I will give you power over the wind, and you
hand bare! I am ready to pierce my sword through their hearts! So shall prophesy of this judgment over this nation.”
they know that I am alive and that they are hurting me, and they
are hurting who gave them the very breath which they breath is “I have forsaken them now, my wrath shall come and you shall
from me, and they turn their heads away from me, they turn their prophesy in graphic detail of their judgment, of their death, of their
hearts away from me! sure doom, and of the dead that will be from one end of this
nation to the other.” faithful children who seek ME in all their ways. I am done with you
world. Go and have your way. GO ! This GOD who is in the back
“This whole nation shall see my fire, this whole nation shall be in of your mind has created you. He has given you the very breath
confusion, this whole nation will be under strong delusion, they you use now to read this letter, to do your daily things. Did you
will not know, I shall shake their very roots, I shall shake their very know that? I have made you so perfectly beautiful, so everything
roots and they will not know what has happened.” fits together nicely, so everything operates in your body in a most
wonderful way. Yet you take it all for granted. I thought it all out. I
“For the fire will sweep through this nation. And there will be thought about you and you were there. Everyone of MY people is
strong confusion and strong delusion. And there will be panic an unique creation and I had plans and ways for all of you.
everywhere, there will be panic everywhere, people running to
and fro, trying to hide with no place to hide; they will jump into the You will never see the beauty of heaven I have made for you, so
sea for they will not know where else to go; and they will drown you could enjoy ME for eternity. There is no greater joy then to
and they will kill themselves.” know your GOD in heaven. Did you know that? The love affaires
of this world are calling you, so go and enjoy your life on earth
“My fire will sweep through this nation. And there shall be turmoil; while you still can. I have called you over and over. I see sin all
and there shall be chaos; there will be no place to hide, no place over you. I don’t see a repented, surrendered heart to ME. You
to hide. For I will seek them out of their dark corners and I shall are filthy, MY people. You choose this yourself. You can be
pull them and I shall kill them; for those that reject me, there shall beautiful through ME, I, JESUS who bought you freedom from
be no place to hide, no place to hide.” this sinful bondage.

“They will look at you as a fool. They will look at you as a fool But the choice is yours. I created you with a freewill, so I cannot
masquerading in a fool’s paradise. For you speak of death; for do otherwise than to accept your choice. But I want you to know it
you speak of judgment; for you speak of darkness; for you speak breaks MY heart. Over and over again you have broken MY
of fire; for you speak of my wrath. And they, all they see is heart. And yet, you can always come to ME. I always forgive you.
sunshine, green trees, fair weather, and they frolic in their folly, But don’t play with ME. Even I have MY boundaries, although MY
and they have fun, and they enjoy, and they laugh, and they grace is big. If you continue to choose this sinful, playful lifestyle,
drink, and they become drunken, and they sleep.” you will give ME no other choice than to send you to hell. It’s
written in My Word.
“For all of a sudden my fire will come! For all of a sudden my
judgment will come! For all of a sudden when they are asleep and You can do nothing good out of yourself. Nobody can. The only
when they are drinking and when they are frolicking in their folly, good thing comes from and through ME, as I AM love and love
my judgment will come! And they will know that a prophet has has created you. This world is running to its end. So what will you
been among them, for he has spoken of it, of my judgment, and do? Will you continue and go on as every day? Thinking the sun
my wrath.” comes up every morning and I can enjoy my day? Nothing major
will happen? And tonight, I will sleep well? Don’t be mistaken.
These words above in bold were given to Edmond Ergut.
In one split of a second, this whole world will turn into a darkness
PART 29. December 23rd, 2010. you have never experienced in your whole life. There has never
been and will never be again such a darkness on earth. Demons
First is a letter from the LORD JESUS as dictated to Sabrina and are waiting to be loosed. They will have no mercy. Then, you will
also a special letter to the bride of Christ specifically from her know I have spoken the truth and you will remember how much I
GROOM JESUS. Below it is a letter from the LORD as told to warned you.
Susan. Below this letter is a Section written by the evangelist and
author Charles Spurgeon about the topic: “The Form of Godliness The time is not over yet, but it sure is striking almost midnight. MY
Without the Power.” I included this writing of Charles Spurgeon finger is about to move the clock. So, what will you do? Look at
since in the letter the LORD mentions this particular phrase. yourself and ask ME to reveal MYSELF to you. Ask ME to show
you the real you. Ask ME to come to you and fill you with MY love
God bless, we love hearing from you, kindest regards for your and grace. I can still save you. For some it is already too late,
prayers and love. they have made up their mind. For some, there is still hope. I,
GOD will judge your heart. So don’t delay any longer and come to
Letter dictated to Sabrina by the LORD JESUS on December ME. There has never been a more urgent time than this.”
22, 2010:
I, GOD have spoken
“These are My last pleas. I am done with this generation. I am
pleading to this lost world forever now. I am an all-consuming Hebrews 10:26-27. For if we sin willfully after that we have
GOD, a very patient GOD, but MY pleas have no effect. Only a received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more
few are repenting and turning to ME. This is so sad. Why do you sacrifice for sins, But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and
forsake ME, My people? Have I not suffered enough for your fiery indignation, which shall devour the adversaries.
(The Lord wanted Sabrina to write this letter for the bride in
In the way you reject ME now, you will suffer for eternity, if you white bold.
don’t turn your ways to ME. I died for all. I suffered for all. Yet you
live as if this never happened. ‘Oh we have one more day, than I “This is a special message for MY bride. I have bought you
will think about my ways. Let me first enjoy my life a bit longer, let with MY blood. MY precious blood runs through your veins. I
me first take care of all my plans in this world, then if there is any am so proud of you MY bride. I see you are ready. MY bride
time left, I will consider to think about my God.’ will have a special place with ME in heaven. You will never
regret all the longing and waiting for ME.
Whose God? Don’t call me your God. I am only the GOD of My
I am your BRIDEGROOM. Your BRIDEGROOM is waiting with almost up. They cannot see what is right before them because
the same longing, MY bride. Can you just hold on a little they are not watching. They are too captivated by the things of
longer? Don’t be disappointed. You are MY light in this the world, everything before ME, their GOD.
world. Those who truly love ME, spread MY word. They
cannot do otherwise than to speak and testify of MY love for I am a patient GOD. I wait patiently. I see evil at every turn. The
them. This is MY bride. I love her. I treasure her. She was MY earth has grown cold toward its GOD. What do the people expect
joy at the cross. The joy laid before ME. from ME their GOD? Do they expect endless tolerance of their
evil running amok? This evil has been building up for many years
MY precious bride, hold on, I am coming. I am doing a mighty and it is cresting to its peak. The enemy reigns in the hearts of the
work in this world and in people’s hearts and it’s worth the people supreme. They wish to serve a different master than I,
waiting. You won’t have to wait much longer now. I AM is their CREATOR. They have chosen to serve the creation: an
coming. I am on MY way. Just a few finishing touches here inferior choice to their one true GOD. I offer love and peace,
and there, and then you will see ME coming in the sky. It will security, salvation. I offer an escape route to beauty ever-lasting.
all happen very fast. It will be the most glorious moment for
you and ME when you enter MY Kingdom and settle yourself The world is coming to a halt. All is going black, complete
at the wedding table that I have prepared with so much care. darkness, a world without its MAKER, its GOD. You have
seconds on the clock. I am giving you these warnings, so that you
I have thought of every detail for you. It’s all so perfect. Can can know and prepare your heart for ME. I am taking only a pure
you feel the joy and love? I can. Encourage each other and bride with ME to MY Home in heaven. If you are unprepared, I
don’t give up. MY FATHER is about to give the sign. It won’t cannot remove you from the dark world ahead.
be much longer. Please be patient. Your rewards shall be
without measure. You are MY shining stars on earth. So keep Do you want this purity? Do you want this larger measure of oil?
shining! You are washed in MY blood. You are pure and You must be humble toward ME; surrender to ME; repent of your
clean. sin to ME; lay your life down before ME. I will accept these and
MY HOLY SPIRIT will come into your life and prepare you to
Keep yourself from this world. Distance yourself, so you come with ME, your BRIDEGROOM. I will embrace you, call you
won’t be polluted. Keep MY Words, worship ME and stay MY own, and care for you always.
close to ME. Never stop praying for MY coming. I love to hear
those prayers. They move MY heart. Be patient. The time is These are MY Terms. You refuse to believe MY Warnings. You
almost here. I, JESUS your BRIDEGROOM, am waiting and reject MY Truth. I am closing in on the hour of MY return. These
longing for you, so bless MY heart and stay close to ME in are precious moments. Open your eyes. Back away from your
this last hour.” worldly pursuits and love affair. You are hypnotized by evil. Your
passion for ME is lukewarm. Your passion for the world exceeds
Hebrews 12:2. Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our your needs for ME. You are lost. You are gravitating to outer
faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, darkness. You are moving away from ME. I cannot pull you back,
despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the if you never turn to ME.
throne of God.
The path to ME is narrow. Why do you refuse to believe this? You
Hebrews 12:22-24. But ye are come unto mount zion, and unto think otherwise, but this is not so. Many believe they are on the
the city of the living God, the heavenly Jerusalem, and to an correct path. They delude themselves. The enemy has deceived
innumerable company of angels, To the general assembly and them greatly. I am the ONE TRUE NARROW PATH. The
church of the firstborn, which are written in heaven, and to God deception about what I expect of MY followers is great. I ask for
the Judge of all, and to the spirits of just men made perfect, And complete surrender, so many do not grasp this. They believe to
to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of have a form of Godliness but deny the power thereof.
sprinkling, thats speaketh better things than that of Abel.
MY people if you choose to be part in the world, consumed by the
Hebrews 10:37-38. For yet a little while, and he that shall come cares of the world and partially following ME, we have no
will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if relationship at all. Halfway is no way. You are in a dangerous
any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. position. You want ME a little when MY Presence pleases you,
but this is no relationship. I cannot take you when I come. You will
Letter 56. given by the LORD JESUS to Susan. December 21, miss the narrow way, the narrow escape that is about to happen.
2010. It will come quickly and then you will realize you missed it. The
second I remove MY children to safety will be the beginning of a
I have words. new way of life on earth. Darkness will consume and the bride will
not be on earth.
I have a message for the world.
MY people, this brief moment is about to happen. In your heart
Soon, I will be coming to earth to get MY bride. The hour is you know this, but I am sorry you refuse to believe. You knew the
approaching quickly. The people remain in denial. This is not MY day would arrive. MY Book and the signs I have given have been
plan for them, but I cannot change their hearts. They must choose described and clear to you. Think about what keeps you from
ME over the enemy. If they turn to ME and I receive permission realizing this. What comes to mind first when you hear these
through their surrender to ME, I can send MY SPIRIT to them and warnings? Is it your future plans? Is it your pursuit of worldly
HE can prepare them to be ready for the escape from the evil possessions? Is it your ministry planning? What do you have as
coming to the earth. an idol that is blinding your ability to see truth? Your anger rises
up when people speak of MY soon coming to you. Why? Will you
I am a compassionate GOD. I want to save MY people. I long to be angry when you find out you have been left behind or will you
save MY people. I want MY people to come to ME in this late be sad and filled with great sorrow? What causes you to be so
hour. I know their hearts. They cannot believe that the hour is resistant to MY pleadings and how the signs in the world are
actually described in MY Book coming into reality? minds with horror!

Soon MY patience with you, MY people will be done. I cannot wait What will be the hell of the false professor! “Having a form of
on you MY people forever. I must remove MY bride to safety as godliness but denying its power.”
she waits patiently while you persist in handling the evil things of
the world and refuse to return to your first LOVE your LORD PART 30. December 26th, 2010.
JESUS. I am your first LOVE. I brought you into this world. I give
you life every second of the day. I preserve your life while you This Part 30 has one letter given by JESUS to Susan for all who
reject ME. I bring the rain down for all. I bring the sunlight down will receive it. This letter stands alone. The message is very
for all. MY Love is toward all peoples. But very soon I must leave serious. Please take time to read this message and even to
those who choose against ME to face the outcome of their get it out to others.
Please Note: with this message below are two links put together
This has happened before and has been described in MY Book to by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s letters in
happen again. I am a GOD of light. I am completely honest to MY brochure format for public distribution and also some of our
people and true to MY Word. What do you need to see truth? I linking partners and the LORD’s letters translated into other
am taking the remnant home who are clean and prepared for MY languages.
Letter 57. December 24, 2010. Words given by JESUS to
The hour is closing in. Susan.

The warnings are clear. Susan, this is your LORD speaking. Yes, Susan, I have words for
The path is narrow.
The hour is closing in. The people think not. Even those who are
My Hand is extended. Grasp it and I will lead you out to safety. I MY own do not believe ME. They have no faith. They read MY
want to do this for you, I long to do this. My sadness is great that Word. They see the times. They do not believe that the hour
you will not come with ME, MY people. approaches for ME to retrieve MY bride. I do not know what they
will need to see the truth. I have laid this out carefully for all to see
Your BRIDEGROOM waiteth. Only seconds to go. Seek MY and yet the majority, refuse to see and they refuse to look. They
beautiful Face. MY Love is pure and perfect. You will never know are so preoccupied with the world before them. They do not want
anything more satisfying than ME, JESUS. to look, see, believe for themselves.

Turn to ME quickly, There are a few who are watching. There are a few who have
noticed the times are lining up with MY Word, MY Words given so
JESUS. many years in advance by MY prophets. Yet they look the other
way. This does not coordinate with their earthly desires. They run
Charles Spurgeon writes about “The Form of Godliness Without toward the unclean. They are captivated by the things of the
the Power” world. I know you MY people. I know how you lust after the things
that all the heathens lust after.
“Having a form of godliness but denying its power.” A mere form
of godliness joined to an unholy heart is of no value to God. The You have drummed up every excuse in MY Book to make
swan, although its feathers are as white as snow, yet its skin is yourself justified to pursue the world and the unclean things
black. God will not accept that ‘external morality’ which conceals thereof. You use MY Book to give yourself license to pursue the
‘internal impurity’. There must be a pure heart as well as a clean world. You know what I speak of. You pursue wealth and
life. possessions and you say, GOD doesn’t want us poor. When did I
even speak to you? You are so busy proving that it is in MY will
The power of godliness must work within, or else God will not that you have everything the heathens’ possess, that you don’t
accept our offering. There is no value to man or to God in a even talk to ME anymore. You don’t know ME. You know the
religion which is a dead form. Sad is that man’s plight who wears world. You know wealth. You know the lusts of the world, but you
the name of Christian but has never been quickened by the Holy do not know ME. You are an enmity to ME along with the world. I
Spirit. cannot take you to MY Kingdom. Your lukewarmness will put you
outside MY Kingdom and I cannot take you with ME when I come
There is no use in a mere formal religion. If your religion is without to remove MY bride.
spiritual life, what is the use of it? Could you ride home on a dead
horse? Would you hunt with dead dogs? Is false religion any I am a GOD of TRUTH and LOVE. Do you find these words to
better? In the depth of winter, can you warm yourself before a hurt? Well sometimes the TRUTH must hurt. I want to save you.
‘painted fire’? Could you dine off the ‘picture of a feast’ when you Pull away from your lusting, clinging to the world around you. You
are hungry? accept MY offer of salvation and then turn back and blend
perfectly with those in the world. I cannot have you in MY World
There must be vitality and substantiality, or else the form is utterly as long as you continue to pursue your own agenda. If you
worthless; and worse than worthless, for it may flatter surrender and repent of your sins to ME and give ME your life,
you into deadly self conceit. your will, your all, then I can establish MY Will in your life and I
can work MY perfect plans in your life. Your justification of your
How shameful will such a fruitless, lifeless professor be in plans in your life using MY precious Word, yet never actually
eternity, when the secrets of all hearts shall be revealed! What surrendering your all to ME is putrid to ME.
shame and everlasting contempt will await him when his
falsehood shall be detected, and his baseness shall fill all holy Your working of good without consulting ME disgusts ME. If you
don’t surrender to ME completely and make ME the undisputable on your sleeve, but if you are not fully-surrendered to ME and
MASTER over your life, then someday when you stand before engaging fully in the ways of the world then you belong to MY
ME, all your so-called good works will burn up because these enemy and you are his slave. And when you stand before ME, I
were your plans and not MINE. You did not take time to become will know you are not MINE and you will join your master for
intimate with ME, to truly know MY Will for your life. You eternity.
proceeded in the direction you chose.
Choose quickly. I must leave soon with MY beloved. Join us. But
If you continue to pursue your own path and spend little or no choose now. No decision is also a choice against ME. I love you,
time with ME, getting to know ME, establishing intimacy with your but I am also always and eternally TRUTHFUL. Turn to ME. Make
GOD, then your chosen path will lead you straight to hell. This is ME your undisputed LORD and MASTER and I will bring you to
harsh you say. WAKE UP, MY people. This is TRUTH. I AM eternal safekeeping. Time is running out.
GOD. I created you. Quit working in the framework of your own
thinking and justifying your love affair and adultery with the world Let these Words stand.
by using MY Words. I want to spit you out. I, JESUS have spoken.

Come to ME in these closing moments. Turn from your After I took down the LORD’s letter, HE said to add this
unrepentant lusting after the things of the world. If you put down Scripture:
your lusts for the world and actually spent time with ME and MY
Word, you would see that these are roads that all lead to hell. Romans 1:19. since what may be known about God is plain
to them, because God has made it plain to them.
The world says there many paths that lead to GOD. This is an
outrageous lie of the enemy. The TRUTH in MY Word is that I added this Scripture:
there is only one narrow path, one narrow way to the FATHER
and it is I, JESUS CHRIST, the MESSIAH. You must make ME 2 Corinthians 11:14-15. And no marvel; for Satan himself is
your LORD and MASTER, and if you do not give ME everything, transformed into an angel of light. 15Therefore it is no great thing
including all your future planning, you serve another master. This if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of
master you serve tries to pose as light. His light is blinding you righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.
MY children, MY little ones. You are following him to hell.
Luke 13:22-27. And he went through the cities and villages,
The things of the world that you see others, who do not know ME teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem. Then said one unto
engaging in look so right. They look so normal. This is the way him, Lord, are there few that be saved? And he said unto them,
the enemy deceives you. Step away. Separate yourself unto ME. Strive to enter in at the strait gate: for many, I say unto you, will
MY Way leads you to freedom, peace, love, and satisfaction seek to enter in, and shall not be able. When once the master of
through ME, your ONE TRUE LOVE. The enemy wants to trip you the house is risen up, and hath shut to the door, and ye begin to
up and he is succeeding. The path is thin and few find it. *MY stand without, and to knock at the door, saying, Lord, Lord, open
Word is plain. The road to hell is wide. This TRUTH should be unto us; and he shall answer and say unto you, I know you not
sobering for you. If you knew something was rare, unique, than whence ye are: Then shall ye begin to say, We have eaten and
you would know you must look carefully for it. The wide road by drunk in thy presence, and thou hast taught in our streets. But he
contrast is easy to find. MY people, lay down your life before ME shall say, I tell you, I know you not whence ye are; depart from
now, the narrow path doorway is about to close and when I come me, all ye workers of iniquity.
to get MY beloved, it will close.
PART 31. December 29th, 2010.
This is the moment of decision. The world around you seems
normal, right. But you are falling into the enemy’s hands and you This Part 31 was dictated by JESUS to Susan for you. The time is
are resisting MY TRUTH. I have made it clear in MY Word that it only growing closer everyday to the LORD’s return as HE
will be as the days of Noah and Lot. Few will be found worthy to describes in HIS words and the letters are each more urgent. We
be saved when I come for MY bride. MY people this should be hope you find the courage to share these words with someone
sobering for you, but you fear ME not and cling to the world as if it you care about, and if not these words, tell your friends that the
holds your answers. time is now to make a commitment to the LORD.

The world is crumbling. It groans and creaks under the pressure Please Note: with this message below are five links put together
of consuming evil that is taking over. Can you not see this? What by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s letters in
do you not see about this TRUTH? The world is growing cold brochure format for public distribution and also some of our
toward its GOD, even indifferent. It seeks after every explanation linking partners and the LORD’s letters translated into other
to disbelieve ME. Why can you not see this? Soon MY TRUTH languages.
will win out and what side will you be standing on? Will you be
with ME in the end or will you be on the side of eternal regret, Letter 60. December 27, 2010. This letter was told by JESUS
sorrow, loss, torment, and fire, cast into the final destination, the CHRIST to Susan for you:
Lake of Fire.
Yes, Susan I do have words.
You are either MINE, fully-surrendered or you are not MINE.
There is no middle ground. Those who ride the fence and have a These are final pleas. I am trying to capture the attention of MY
little love for ME and indulge themselves, they believe justifiably children. MY children are so very caught up in the world. MY dear
using MY Word, with the world are already dead and lifeless to children, whom I created, what did you expect to see happen just
ME. You belong fully-surrendered to your master, satan. He does prior to MY return for MY bride? What did you think would need to
not mind that you say you are MINE, as long as you are not fully- happen before I come to retrieve MY bride that would signal you
surrendered to ME. You can call yourself anything you want, you to take these words seriously? What in your mind did you need to
can visit MY House as often as you like, you can wear MY Name see before you would decide to sit up and pay attention? What
can I provide you that I have not clearly outlined in MY Book? your LORD and SAVIOR. I will take you with ME when I come for
MY bride. MY people, MY children, if you do not do this you will
MY dear ones, you also must be watching and you also must be left to face MY enemy. It will be horror.
read MY Book, and seek ME through a surrendered relationship.
If you cannot meet this criteria, than no, you are not seeing and Think this over carefully,
all this talk of MY return to receive MY bride is absolute nonsense
to you. MY Book is nonsense to most of MY people. They do not I, JESUS have spoken.
believe most of what I have set out in MY Book. If you believed I, JESUS the Messiah have spoken.
MY Book and you received MY SPIRIT, you would know the
lateness of the hour and you would believe these warnings. As it After reading this letter, I can’t help but to think of this Scripture
is, you are blinded to truth and caught up in the deluge of daily from 1 Corinthians 2. and so I have included it:
living. Everything in this world is more important than seeking a
relationship with ME, your LORD and SAVIOR. 1 Corinthians 2.

I find it interesting that I made you, I created every part of you, I 1And I, brethren, when I came to you, came not with excellency of
breathed life into you, I gave you life and I keep you alive and yet, speech or of wisdom, declaring unto you the testimony of God.
you won’t look up from your paper once to find ME, your 2For I determined not to know any thing among you, save Jesus
CREATOR. I wait on you. I wait for you to even ponder about Christ, and him crucified. 3And I was with you in weakness, and
where you come from and where are you going? You have all in fear, and in much trembling. 4And my speech and my
kinds of thoughts about your human existence. You write me off preaching was not with enticing words of man’s wisdom, but in
as an explanation for why you exist. Why? I know why. Because if demonstration of the Spirit and of power: 5That your faith should
I exist, than you need to follow ME and MY Ways, and you are not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of God.
happy following your present master. You don’t think you follow
anyone but your own ways? You are either following ME, your 6Howbeit we speak wisdom among them that are perfect: yet not
GOD, or you follow MY enemy. You are following him over a cliff, the wisdom of this world, nor of the princes of this world, that
straight to hell. come to nought: 7But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery,
even the hidden wisdom, which God ordained before the world
You must surrender, repent, and turn back to ME, so I can save unto our glory: 8Which none of the princes of this world knew: for
you. The direction you move in is one that is cursed. You have had they known it, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.
been moving in this direction from the start. If you don’t change 9But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither
your course, repent to a HOLY GOD, and turn back, the direction have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath
you are following and the course you are on, will lead you to hell. prepared for them that love him.
All men must choose. They choose the direction they move in or
they will turn around and follow ME to the narrow path. Stay on 10But God hath revealed them unto us by his Spirit: for the Spirit
the course you are following, and I will lose you for eternity. searcheth all things, yea, the deep things of God. 11For what
Please change your course. Read MY Book and surrender to ME. man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit of man which is
I, GOD want you to believe MY Pleas, MY Truth. This is all written in him? even so the things of God knoweth no man, but the Spirit
in MY Book. Nothing has changed. of God.

I am JESUS, I am GOD. You can choose to follow ME. Open your 12Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the spirit
eyes or stay on the wide path, with MY enemy, to hell. which is of God; that we might know the things that are freely
given to us of God. 13Which things also we speak, not in the
You think you are good. Only MY Blood, which I shed on Calvary words which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost
for your sin crimes against GOD, can erase your guilt. I can wash teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. 14But the
your sin away if you only come to ME now. Admit your guilt to ME natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they
and surrender everything over to ME. Partial surrender is NO are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because
surrender. they are spiritually discerned.

Do not give ME your lukewarm commitment. I won’t have it. You 15But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is
will be sent to hell when you face ME if your relationship with ME judged of no man. 16For who hath known the mind of the Lord,
is cool, lukewarm. You can’t imagine this or believe that GOD that he may instruct him? but we have the mind of Christ.
could do this? Well, I, GOD can do it, I will do it, and I have done
it. Eternal damnation is the destination of the lukewarm. Wake up PART 32. December 31st, 2010.
O’ dead church, church of the living dead. You believe you are
alive in ME. You are lost and far from ME, far away. Your This Part 32 was dictated by JESUS to Susan in the first letter for
contentment with your lukewarm life is going to change soon you. Then Sabrina received a letter from the LORD also for you.
when you find you have been left.
The idea that the LORD is returning soon is about the furthest
MY children, I want you to wake up and turn back to ME. I will thing from many people’s minds. Yet, we receive many messages
save you. You are deceived. If you do not read MY Book, seek from people who read these letters and who are reporting seeing
MY SPIRIT, and watch for ME, than how do you expect to know visions and having dreams about end times topics. Many are
when I am returning? Are you relying on other men to guide you? hearing similar words from the LORD. Many of these are from
This is a mistake. You must surrender to ME, repent, and seek children who are sometimes the best witnesses the LORD uses.
answers from ME, your GOD and through MY precious Word. We also receive many emails about incredible things going on in
Only I have the answers to your questions. Seek ME. I am the the world. The theme of these messages is about turning to
WAY, the TRUTH, the LIFE. There is no alternative. JESUS, your only hope for being ready for what lies ahead.

The hour is almost up. Make the most of your time. Make ME Please Note: with this message below are different links put
together by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s ME. I will give you this freedom. You choose to go your own way,
letters in brochure format for public distribution and also some of follow after MY enemy who lures you to the wide road to hell. This
our linking partners and the LORD’s letters translated into other is your choice and you will have your choice. I will allow you to
languages. depart from ME and to have your decision to follow after MY
JESUS! If you move in that direction, let ME tell you what will happen
when you separate yourself from ME for eternity. All the things in
Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops! this life that you consider to be good, will evaporate from your
grasp. You will never know love, hope, peace, kindness, and MY
Your friends in Christ, Beauty. Instead you will receive terror, torment, and horror. This
is hell. It is where most people go. Few find the narrow way. I am
Sabrina jan.sabrina@pandora.be & the narrow way. I am the way to the narrow path that leads to MY
Kingdom of beauty, perfection, peace, love, hope.
Susan kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
My bride knows the narrow road. She follows only ME and
Letter 61. December 29, 2010. Jesus dictated this letter to worships only ME, her LORD and MASTER. She will come with
Susan. ME to safety. I will protect her, love her, and keep her safe for all
eternity. She will never know regret. She will be forever satisfied
Susan I will give you words. by ME, her HUSBAND. I, JESUS am her love and l will love her
always and forever. We will share in MY Kingdom for all time. It
Susan this is the final hour that I come before MY people and will be grand and wondrous. Very few come to this place, this
bring these words. I have tried to convince you. I have pleaded. I place of MY Heart. Few look to find ME and put ME at the center
have reasoned. I have given you reason after reason to believe of their worlds. Those who do, will never know disappointment.
what I am saying. MY Words are clear. I am a truthful GOD. I tell Their worldly loss is eternal Kingdom gain, MY Kingdom.
the truth. I have come before you and I have spoken truth. You do
not raise an eyebrow or bat an eye. You do not believe. You have You are being given the opportunity to choose for yourself the
your reasons: life seems so normal. everything runs smooth. outcome of your eternal existence. MY children, eternity never
there is no reason to be concerned. no reason to change our ends. Do not put yourself outside of MY World, MY Kingdom for
patterns of living. no reason to shed a tear over our bad behavior. all time. Surrender your all to ME NOW. The hour is swiftly
or humble ourselves before a HOLY GOD. repent of our worldly disappearing. Find ME and find yourself.
ways. no reason to think differently than we have always thought.
life goes on like always. we are just going along for the ride. MY Patience is wearing down. Soon the time will be up. I will
leave without you if you choose against ME. I am always true to
MY children, let ME tell you that I, GOD am fed up with this MY Word. I CHANGE NOT. MY Word is true.
generation. I cannot stomach you anymore. You are a stench
under MY Nose. Your preoccupation with every sin-ridden activity Love ME and live. Hate MY Ways and live apart from ME for all
makes ME nauseous. I cannot tolerate this anymore. I cannot time. You decide. I love you. Choose for ME. I am your MAKER
look on this world and its absolutely irrational evil doing any and I created you for MY eternal pleasure. But you must want to
further. be with ME.

You are nauseating. I cannot stomach this. What must I do to I AM has spoken.
reach you? How can I reach a lost, dying generation that rejects
GOD and loves evil so overwhelmingly? I do not want to hold up Words dictated to Sabrina of Belgium by JESUS on
MY bride for this adulterous generation much longer. The people December 30, 2010:
who have little or no part in their GOD are a stench to ME. I will
spit you out. MY Word is clear about this. I do not want you to “Listen to ME all MY people. I AM am speaking.
think that I, GOD do not stand by MY Word: I love, I bless, I
provide, I heal, I give, but I am consistent in truth and when I tell Why do you forsake ME? Why do you continue to live your
you, MY people, I have no time for your lukewarm commitment to lukewarm lifestyle? Why is it that I, GOD am not enough for you?
your CREATOR, I am truthful. You will depart from ME for eternity You were good enough for ME when I died on the cross for you.
when you finally come face to face with ME. I cannot take you You didn’t even know ME. You were in existence, but not from
with ME to MY beautiful Home in Heaven. You will not enter in or this world. You were created by ME already, everything is created
even be part of it. You will never witness the magnificence of the by ME. You did not know ME then. You got to know ME as soon
heavenlies. You will be in outer darkness, in torment, far, far away as I sent you to this world.
from a loving, caring GOD. These are hard words to speak, but it
is MY Truth and this is the way it will be. You were a pleasure in MY eyes. Everything on you was perfect. I
enjoyed every detail of each and every one of you. Yet, now, you
MY Path that leads to MY Kingdom is very narrow. Very few find turn your eyes to others. MY heart is hurt by this. Little by little
this path. Why, you ask? The path to MY Kingdom requires a full you were falling away from ME, your CREATOR. You were like a
surrender. You must repent and give ME all your life plans and love story for ME. The intention was to enjoy each other for
give ME everything. I must be the center-focus of your existence. eternity. Yet, I was losing you to this world and its attractions. You
This seems like an unreasonable request? I am GOD. I breathed were enjoying it so much and I was standing on the side to see
life into your flesh and you now have your being. You exist when you would turn your eyes on ME again, your CREATOR,
because I deemed it. I know you better than you know yourself. the ONE who breathed life into your nose.
So now, you believe MY request of a full surrender to your GOD
too much to ask? If you really think I, your LORD am asking more But you chose the pleasures of this world that was a way much
than you can give ME, you may certainly have your life apart from better odour for you. Yet, MY odour, MY ways, MY instructions,
MY plans, MY very Word, the Holy Word written by MY HOLY ashamed to take the ones when I appear in the clouds, who
SPIRIT, who should be your guide in this life are not found surrendered completely and gave their lives for MY NAME sake.
pleasant in your eyes. This is the worst choice you can make: However, I will turn MY FACE from the ones who have denied
choosing against your MAKER who breathed life in you, is not a ME, mocked ME, made ME a joke to go along with their so called
good thing to do. worldly friends, who abused MY HOLY NAME and who thought it
was not really necessary to live by MY Word, MY HOLY WORD,
Therefore, the Heavenly gates are closing in. The path is narrow so it would go well with you, so crime would not rule in this world.
indeed, like MY Word says, but the gate is closing in and those
who have followed ME all the way with total love and surrender to Oh yes, the enemy is pulling at you, but you give him permission
their LORD, will enter in. They will be rewarded greatly. Their to do so. I am a righteous GOD, I gave you freewill, also in this.
eternal life will be so overwhelmingly full of joy and peace and Every choice you make, is your own. So don’t come with excuses
love, that it can never be measured. MY Place is a beautiful one. I when you stand before MY HOLY THRONE one day, I will not
have created all kinds of things so you could enjoy this for eternity accept them. It’s all or nothing. Everything in between I cannot
together with ME your MAKER. I have thought out unique plans accept, neither does MY FATHER.
for every one of you. You would be so pleased, and the things
you are running after now in this temporary world, are falling into Now is the time of grace. I made this all possible for you. So
pieces compared to what I have in store for you. choose wisely. It’s a choice for eternity, MY people. If I would not
care for you, I would not have died for you. The way is open, the
So here is the deal: Surrender it all, like MY Word says, like it is choice is yours.
written, and live HOLY before your GOD in Heaven, or have your
way in this stinking world full of sin and idolatry, leading you to the I Am has spoken. Amen.
path of hell. Why do you think MY Words are so harsh and full of
warnings? Because I know what hell looks like. Many souls are Ephesians 1:4. According as he hath chosen us in him
crying out in there to have another chance. They would do before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy
anything to follow ME now. They realize they were misled by their and without blame before him in love:
worldly activities led by satan. Now, they are in agony and pain
forever, their torment knows no end. Isaiah 43:6-7. I will say to the north, Give up; and to the
south, Keep not back: bring my sons from far, and my
They realize the power of MY BLOOD now when they see ME, as daughters from the ends of the earth; Even every one that is
I visit hell often. MY BLOOD is only available for this world. If you called by my name: for I have created him for my glory, I
reject it now, you make your choice for eternity. MY BLOOD have formed him; yea, I have made him.
cannot save you once you are lost, once you have chosen your
destiny yourself. I gave you freewill. I died a horrible death for all Isaiah 45:12. I have made the earth, and created man upon it:
of you, to give you life in abundance. This is meant for eternity. I, even my hands, have stretched out the heavens, and all
Yet you seek this abundance in the world away from ME, your their host have I commanded.
GOD and CREATOR. This was never meant to be.
Genesis 2:7. And the LORD God formed man of the dust of
You know well enough MY people, when you wander away from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
ME. You know it in your spirit-being. That’s the righteousness of and man became a living soul.
GOD. I AM is a righteous GOD. So nobody would be lost. You still
have a chance, but once the door is closing for good, there is little 1 Thessalonians 4:7-8. For God hath not called us unto
hope for you. MY bride will be with ME in Heaven celebrating her uncleanness, but unto holiness. He therefore that despiseth,
CREATOR and her victory through ME. Do you really want to let it despiseth not man, but God, who hath also given unto us his
come this far? holy Spirit.

MY heart is broken, but I say, fine. What else can I do? You were Genesis 28:17. He was afraid and said, “How awesome is this
created with freewill. But it is not MY will that anybody is lost and place! This is none other than the house of God; this is the
spends eternity in hell. You think: I will not go to hell. I remember gate of heaven.”
my GOD on Sunday, I go to church, and I harm no person. You
violate MY Word and you harm no person? Love the Lord your Joshua 23:16. If you violate the covenant of the LORD your
GOD with all that is in you and your neighbour as yourself. Have God, which he commanded you, and go and serve other
you witnessed to your neighbours? Do they know and see in you gods and bow down to them, the LORD’s anger will burn
that you are special, a different kind of breed, one who loves his against you, and you will quickly perish from the good land
of her GOD above anything else in this world? Do they see this he has given you.”
kind of love flowing through you? Do they know? I have put you
there, so you could be MY witness. 1 Samuel 15:24. Then Saul said to Samuel, “I have sinned. I
violated the LORD’s command and your instructions. I was
Everybody you meet should know I AM is your GOD. Yet, many afraid of the men and so I gave in to them.”
of you are ashamed to even mention MY NAME. I tell you, I was
not ashamed to carry your load of sins on ME, naked on a cross. I Luke 9:26. For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my
was not ashamed to endure the beatings of the whip for you. I words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he
was not ashamed to let MYSELF be humiliated by the rulers of shall come in his own glory, and in his Father’s, and of the
that time, so they could mock ME and play a game with ME. holy angels.

Yet, all you have to do is mention MY NAME and you can not get Our friend Terry also sent us this note to add to this
it over your lips. That means I AM is not in your heart. That message:
means the pleasing of people is more important to you then
pleasing your GOD, the ONE who created you. I will not be In China, the Bible is limited and often expensive. Often
people have to rip out a chapter in the Bible and read just on
chapter. Each person is allowed one chapter and they read 3. I can guarantee you this: the promoters of this technology,
that 1 chapter for a whole week, and get a new chapter when RFID chip, are not going to put a “disclaimer” on it warning you
they exchange it every Sunday. This way, everyone is given a that this product could be hazardous to your eternal salvation. So
chance to read all the chapters within a year if it is 52 who in their right mind would decide that this chip is okay to take
chapters. If you print one chapter on an 11 by 8.5 paper on and think that probably it is not the mark of the beast? Do you
both sides, and fold it three times, you can put it in your want to do something so risky with your eternal salvation? Do you
wallet without damaging the word printed. Did you know that want to tell others around you something so risky based on
if you read the same chapter the whole week, it will last sink someone else’s sheer guess work?
deep into your heart because you have read it so much.
Please visit: www.john316tips.com 4. Just how do you speculate that GOD planned to notify the
people as to just exactly what is the mark of the beast and when it
PART 33. January 4th, 2011. should not be received? I ask this since so many currently believe
the RFID chip is not the actual mark of the beast. Well the only
This message has a two-part letter from the LORD JESUS. We two possible ways that GOD will notify the masses of just what
receive many wonderful notes and letters, but we wanted to exactly is the mark of the beast is first, through HIS Word, the
include a letter from Augusto Quiala Maquengo about the LORD’s Bible, and second by telling HIS people directly. Well, according
letters. Also, a big “THANK YOU” to Higashi Nobuo for taking to the Bible the mark will be used for buying and selling and also
time to translate five of the LORD’s letters to Japanese. If you installed in the right hand and the forehead. The RFID chip meets
would like the Japanese-translated letters, send us an email and these criteria now. And also, God has informed many of HIS
we will forward. followers the RFID chip IS the mark of the beast as well.

Next time you are warning someone about the soon return of the 5. Finally, if you read Revelation 13:16 carefully, it says: 16 It
LORD for HIS church and are met with opposition and the phrase: also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and
no man knows the day or the hour, be sure to remind them of the slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their
first part of the verse that frequently is left out: Matthew 25: 13: foreheads. If you notice, this copy does not read: the first,
Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour second, or third consecutively produced mark on their right hands
wherein the Son of man cometh. Most people dismiss watching or their foreheads, it says only mark, the first and only mark. So if
for the return of the LORD by this verse, but the accurate there is something that looks like what is being described here
meaning is BECAUSE YOU DO NOT KNOW THE DAY OR THE and it is going to be a tool that functions the way the Bible
HOUR YOU ARE TO WATCH. Also remind them that watching is describes it here, then without question there is only one mark
so important that the LORD rewards you with a crown of and the RFID chip fits this description with precision accuracy. So
righteousness for watching: 2 Timothy 4:8: Henceforth there is putting the word out that the RFID chip, is either not the mark of
laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the the beast or a questionable possibility is a dangerous assumption.
righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but Now is the time to accept the fact that it is the mark of the beast
unto all them also that love his appearing. and to warn everyone who now has immediate access to this
technology to not take this chip.
I would like to take this opportunity to speak on a serious subject.
It is about the Mark of the Beast which is also the RFID chip. My Note: The act of not taking the chip and/or being martyred to
feet are on the fire now to warn people because this chipping resist this technology by itself will not save you from hell, you still
business is no longer “science fiction”, it is “science nonfiction” must surrender and repent to the LORD JESUS for your salvation
and a dangerous situation is arising as many organizations, and profess your faith to another.
companies, and even night clubs are chipping people right now,
see info below. The LORD is confirming many that the RFID chip *A friend provided us with this information: TSA will begin
is, in fact, the Mark of the Beast spoken of in the Bible. Let’s take chipping both essential and non-essential employees – everyone
a look at this more seriously: from baggage handler to food court employees. Also, CNN ran a
report explaining how both military and domestic police personnel
1. The LORD spoke about the Mark of the Beast in the Bible: are being “marked”. If you do a “Google” search of the name
Revelation 13:16-18. 16 It also forced all people, great and Somark Industries, this company does an RFID “tattoo” or “mark”.
small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their Currently used nationwide on cattle and lab animals. The tattoo
right hands or on their foreheads, 17 so that they could not buy has the same capabilities as the chip except Is is a tattoo – also,
or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast the tattoo can be applied in red, blue, and clear ink.
or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the
person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is Please Note: with this message below are different links put
the number of a man. That number is 666. together by our friend Jude of the Philippines of the LORD’s
letters in brochure format for public distribution and also
And then this passage: Revelation 14:11. And the smoke of their some of our linking partners and the LORD’s letters
torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest translated into other languages.
day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and
whosoever receiveth the mark of his name. Letter 62. Part I January 1, 2011. Letter from JESUS for you.

2. Notice in this passage of Scripture above that the Bible says is Yes Susan I have words.
it will be on the right hand and foreheads, by the way, after
extensive research that is exactly where the creators of this I JESUS have words for this lost generation. I am serious about
technology plan to implant the RFID chip in people, what a MY Words. I have many Words, Susan.
coincidence that the Bible should speak of this so many years
ago. This truth should make you sit up and notice this prophecy- This generation views ME as a tyrant they want nothing to do
come-true alone. with. They see ME as a distant GOD, as a GOD who cares very
little for the people. They think I don’t exist. They pay ME no who are MY bride have come against opposition and rejection.
heed. I am nonexistent to them. They run to and fro and pay no They have been set apart and separated themselves from the
attention to ME. They are distant to ME. I don’t enter their minds world and they do not follow after the lusts of the world. They
at all. I am a distant memory to most. I don’t cross their minds. I operate and function in MY Will. They have laid down their lives
am absolutely not in their minds at all. They don’t want to think of before ME and have stepped aside from their worldly plans and
ME one minute. pursuits. They have chosen last place and they have chosen first
place in MY HEART.
I am saddened by this lack of respect for their CREATOR. This is
incredibly sad to ME. I know them all so well. I know everything I love MY bride. She is beautiful. I have given her MY Life to
about them, every detail of their lives and yet I am not in their replace the life she has chosen to die to. She sees MY Face and
minds at all. I am a distant memory. Well it is sad that they cannot places ME into the center of her being as her one true love. We
think of ME at all. This is sad that the creature cannot know the have a beautiful love story. She has eyes only for ME, her
CREATOR. MAKER and her CREATOR. She looks to ME for all her answers,
for her comfort, and for her fulfillment.
I am sad for MY people. MY people could have a relationship with
their MAKER. We could be close, share intimate relationship. I give her the power from MY SPIRIT to speak boldly for ME and
There could be such closeness. But this generation has thrown it to do the things others would never attempt. She is unique in the
all away. They choose to run from ME, turn their backs to ME. world. She loves others in a way that is different because she has
They do not see ME or believe in ME at all. I am not even in their MY HOLY SPIRIT and HE brings her compassion and caring that
minds. Their minds are filled with the most incredible trivial things, cannot be matched with mere flesh. Apart from ME, her LORD,
but ME their CREATOR never even comes up in their mind. I am she is nothing.
not even a thought. Time passes and I never enter their minds.
This beautiful creature, MY lovely bride, I have prepared to be MY
What can I do to wake the people up? What will it take? Will they eternal companion. Soon she will leave with ME to her heavenly
have to suffer in the worst imaginable ways before they notice home, where she will rule and reign with ME forever and be
that their CREATOR has left them to their own devices apart from satisfied for all eternity with our closeness. She will never know
a loving, protective GOD? Well this is what will soon be sadness or disappointment and she only will know love and
happening. The lukewarm followers will soon see what their contentment, peace, and tranquility.
lackluster care for ME has brought them as they struggle with the
reality that they have been left. Woe to this world, when I remove MY beautiful bride from the
presence of those around her. The world will realize her absence
I, GOD love MY children. I am not the remote, far off GOD they and she will be missed. Her presence will create a beautiful light
believe I am. I wait to be intimately involved in their daily lives, in in her new world, MY Light will shine through her in her heavenly
their life plans. This has been MY desire all along, but now the home.
time is up. The dark forces are gathering. They are moving into all
walks of life and all areas of life. Soon the people left will see that Those of you who are neither mine or completely of the world,
there will be no where to turn for light, love, hope, and their GOD. you walk on the fence. You are lukewarm, come down from your
It will be a world that denies GOD and a world run by GODLESS fence-sitting and choose your GOD. The hour is short. You may
men who have no care for the sanctity of life, purity, hope, peace, be among the bride and take your place with ME as MY eternal
and respect for the weaker persons. It will be a vicious, each- companion.
man-for-himself world, driven by the demonic. Just imagine an
entire world completely run by demonized men who have no self I seek you out. MY SPIRIT calls for you. Come to your FATHER.
control, no desire to seek after the attributes of GOD. Come to your LORD JESUS. Come take salvation and live, live
well. Avoid what is coming. Come now while the opportunity is
MY HOLY WAYS will be dismantled from society and thrown out there to come with ME. If you wait, the answers to your salvation
and the people will then start to miss the ways of holiness, love, will be very difficult. You will have struggles that you never
purity, because it won’t be found in the world coming, this world believed possible before.
after MY bride has been removed.
You cannot see ahead, but I do. I see the future. I know what’s
Letter 62. Part II January 2, 2011. Letter from JESUS. coming. The enemy is ruthless. Even now, he is pulling MY
people into eternal damnation. But these days ahead are going to
Susan I will give you more words. be dark and bitter pills to swallow. I offer the remedy to this
The world is facing the worst hour, the worst times that has ever
come on it in history past. The people think all is well, but the MY hand is extended. I am waiting on you MY people, to turn and
times are changing rapidly. Even as you read this letter, the evil is face your GOD. Reach out to ME, run to ME. I am waiting still for
in motion. And since the people continue to drift away from ME, you. MY Love is great. I do not want to leave you behind to face
their LORD and GOD, I have to allow this evil to ensue. this coming madness. Please don’t refuse MY pleadings. I cannot
decide for you. You must choose.
The people have known that the day was coming when the
people would finally turn away from GOD and worship the MY enemy wants you to choose death. He does not care how you
creation and that I would remove the true church, MY bride. The get there. He does not care if you play church in lukewarm
bride is MY followers who stay with ME through whatever temperament. He does not care if you reject ME completely. He
circumstance I call them. They seek MY Face despite the does not care if you pursue hollow wooden gods. He does not
difficulty and even the persecution. They are MY true love and care if you follow empty pagan beliefs. He only wants you to
they press on to the higher calling that I have set before them. follow him to hell. The result is terminal, it is eternal and once you
This bride, these unique peoples are MY loyal followers and the have seen this error of your way, your eternal torment begins and
light I have put in the world during these dark days. This people never ends. It is over and I cannot save you then.
As He spoke, I looked at him and he said: As of me, I will stay
I know the regret of MY children once they realize the decisions and face the Anti-Christ. These soldiers are weak for me. This is
they have made has led them into outer darkness apart from their why I want to face the real beast, but you go. So I set out to Go to
one true love. Please do not set yourself up for this outcome. It is the Village of ROCK OF AGES, As I was running I remembered
not too late to turn back, surrender, and repent from your evil and that it is written that JESUS CHRIST IS THE ROCK OF AGES. 2
receive MY Salvation and make ME your MASTER. I can lead Samuel 22:3 – my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my
you out. I want to save you. These are MY final warnings. You shield and the horn of my salvation. He is my stronghold, my
say, we have plenty of time, we can put this off until later. One refuge and my savior, from violent people you save me; O
day it will be too late and you will then know what you have come, let us sing to The Lord; let us make a joyful noise to
missed. the Rock of our salvation! ” Psalm 95:1 RSV. Then I woke up.

Why spend another minute apart from ME? Is the world so 2nd Dream, after the first Dream, I prayed again and as I closed
inviting? You are deceived. I offer more than this world and all its my eyes I saw the whole world again in desert form and no
trappings. I offer peace with your GOD. Let ME bring you to the houses at all, but CONCENTRATION CAMPS DIVIDED BY iron
center of MY BEING and you will know love like you have never and silver ropes. There were soldiers keeping those
experienced it before. I, GOD AM LOVE. Only I can demonstrate concentration camps, I was looking for relatives who were caught
love. Everything else is a poor substitute. The hour is waning. and put in those camps by the order of Anti-Christ. I found people
full of hunger and slim because of being ill-treated. Then I woke
Look to the LIGHT OF THE WORLD, I, JESUS am waiting only a up.
little longer
Brethren, this confirms that soon the world will be overtaken by
This is the section of Scripture the LORD led me to for this the Anti-Christ and it will be a chaos. THE RAPTURE IS INDEED
letter: AT HAND and the Bible says that those who are of the light will
know the time at which it will happen:
Matthew 18:1-4. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus,
saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus I Thessalonians 5:2-6. For you know very well that the day of
called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And the Lord will come like a thief in the night. While people are
said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become saying, ‘Peace and safety,’ destruction will come on them
as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. suddenly, as labor pains on a pregnant woman, and they will
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the not escape. But you, brothers and sisters, are not in
same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. darkness so that this day should surprise you like a thief.
You are all children of the light and children of the day. We
I am adding this Scripture: do not belong to the night or to the darkness. So then, let us
not be like others, who are asleep, but let us be awake and
Psalm 16:11. Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in thy presence sober.”
is fullness of joy; at thy right hand there are pleasures for
evermore. It is very clear that some of us will indeed know the moment of the
rapture revealed by the Lord Himself, like he did to Noah: God
Dear Sisters in the Lord, revealed in advance the exact day when judgment would come
upon the world in Noah’s day:
I am your brother also waiting for the rapture very eagerly.
“For yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth
Yesterday, 3rd of January 2011. forty days and forty nights; and every living substance that I
have made will I destroy from off the face of the earth.”
After I read the letters “I am Coming” by Sisters Susan and Genesis 7:4.
Sabrina on http://www.ghanaword.com/Prophetic-Warnings/; I set
out to pray before the Lord to tell me about these letters and the God also revealed in advance the exact day when Nineveh would
reality of His prophecies. For a long time I have been praying to be destroyed through judgment:
the Lord on direction about the rapture and His coming.
“And Jonah began to enter into the city a day’s journey, and
Then Immediately, I put my head on the cushion to sleep. I he cried, and said, Yet forty days, and Nineveh shall be
starting seeing the whole world in disarray, destroyed, and full of overthrown.” Jonah 3:4.
burnt desert around. Many, many people were buried hidden
under the earth where they had dug shelters covered with BRETHREN, LET US GET REALLY READY! THE LORD IS SO
branches of trees to take refuge from the soldiers of the Anti- CLOSE TO SHUT THE DOOR WHICH IS OPEN BY GRACE
Christ. Many Christians who were left behind were hidden in AND LIFT UP HIS BRIDE!
mountains, rocks, and many of the unbelievers who now wanted
to believe the Lord climbed the big trees and they had painted GOD BLESS YOU.
their bodies and faces with green colour of the leaves of the trees
to not be identified. I was running from the soldiers of the Anti- Your brother and Servant of the Lord,
Christ who were behind me and as I was running I saw chaos
around, and I also saw many other people realized and signaling Augusto Quiala Maquengo, PhD.
the acceptance of what was happening. I then arrived in a
particular village where I met a young boy who told me: Follow PART 34. January 10th, 2011.
the straight path to a City called the ROCK OF AGES where you
will find all Christians gathered to safety. I asked the young man, This message has two messages from CHRIST spoken to
Is there a rock indeed or a village? He said, No, this village is Sabrina for this letter. And included is a two-part letter from the
called Rock of Ages where Christians are in safety and secure. LORD JESUS dictated to Susan. Also, a big “THANK YOU” to
Higashi Nobuo for taking time to translate five of the LORD’s shown to Susan.
letters to Japanese, the new link is added below. Sabrina has
included a link to a “left behind” letter and a Word doc is also Sunday, January 9, 2011 Letter dictated to Sabrina by
available. Below there is a new link to a “Steps for Salvation” JESUS:
letter added. Our friend Jude from Philippines has added yet
three more brochures and links so that anyone can print off and “Write it down MY daughter, these are my words.
distribute to others in this format. Thank you and God bless Jude
for your hard work! MY beloved church, how I love you. I love anyone in particular
very much. I want to encourage those who donated their time and
Our friend Thom Hale created a youtube channel that includes life for ME. I appreciate this very much and know that I am a GOD
the LORD’s letters in video format! We are very excited about Who rewards to the extent to which he or she is seriously looking
this, as Thom has done an excellent work with some of the letters for ME. This is my justice. I will reward everyone for his or her
so far. They also include very nice songs. So a very special big loyalty to MY Heart and MY Word.
THANK YOU THOM for this awesome work! You can subscribe
here and then you will be notified when a video has been posted., May I ask you for a little more patience? I, GOD have left you
I, Susan would like to add that I received word from the LORD here on earth for still a very short time. The time is short. I know
that there would be new doors opening for HIS letters and you have heard this many times, but know that I, GOD see
amazingly after I received that word I received the email that everything here and work out everything. You see only the
Thom had created these youtube videos. outward appearance. I see the whole world and everyone in
particular. I see that many repent now and take MY words and
http://www.youtube.com/user/endtimevids?feature=mhsn warnings seriously. Hell is not a fantasy but a real, fair place for
those who reject ME JESUS, for those who despise and reject
Because of the seriousness of the matter regarding the mark of MY HOLY SPIRIT.
the beast, we want to include for everyone some words given by
the LORD that Sabrina received in answer to some questions Therefore, MY beloved church, MY beloved bride, be brave and
about the mark, I, Sabrina translated it from Dutch into English, so strong for the time still to come. Be MY Light in this world, as the
forgive me if the grammar is not perfect. Light will soon disappear. MY bride will always see MY Light and
radiate from ME, this is her mission in this world. She is MY
What about those who don’t want the chip, but, are forced to get testimony. Know that you always operate and are under MY
it? Babies, young children to teens whose parents make legal protective Blood. Nothing can harm or hurt you. The enemy can
decisions for them, what becomes of them if they are held against only threaten and cry murder.
their will? Will they go to hell or will they be spared?
Many of MY children are not loved on this earth. They are a threat
“MY Blood is more powerful then satan’s plan with the chip. to the society. This society is run by the enemy. He will do
If somebody is not able to refuse the chip on his own everything to disable the bride. However MY Blood is so much
voluntarily, and I see MY Blood in this person’s life, then MY stronger than the power and list of the enemy. Throw him out
Blood will wash away all of the chip’s effect. I still look at daily with your prayers MY people. Tell him that his power has
someone’s heart. I don’t send babies or young children to been broken by MY precious Blood. This is something everyone
hell who have no idea of the chip implant in their body. It is who knows ME has to do everyday, especially at this time.
the same as with conversion. From the moment the children
know about their HEAVENLY FATHER and they can make a Darkness will come upon this planet. A thick deep depressing
perfectly good choice for ME, then they are also able to make darkness that has never been known. Therefore, MY bride,
a choice for this chip. If the parents are responsible enough, protect yourself with MY precious Blood, it’s the only thing that
they shall not allow this to be given to their children. If these can safeguard you from the evil one and his plans. I have shed
children are still obligated and in the worst case bound, then MY Blood for all of you, it is up to you to use it, because MY
I shall still look at their heart and save them if they cry out to Blood will never lose its power. Be brave and strong and pray for
ME and basically refuse it. I still look at someone’s heart. open eyes and ears, so you will not be surprised by this world.
Every adult who takes this chip has knowledge of MY Book,
MY Holy Word, and for such people everything is lost. This society is working to get everyone and everything under its
Therefore it is important to be part of MY bride, to be ready control. This is a world system perfectly excogitated by the enemy
for the rapture, then they shall never have to make this and his troops. Many are under his influence. Many do not know
choice. The rapture is near, even she is delayed for a certain ME and are widely used to bring his system in this world. It is a
time. I look at someone’s heart and if someone surrenders to system of slavery. Pray for open eyes MY bride! Do not be
ME completely now, there is no problem. If these people wait surprised by this world and its influence. The number of the beast
until after the rapture, the chip implant will become a forced is now the order of the day.
case and very few shall surrender their hearts to ME in such
a way, so a forced chip loses it power because of MY Blood. I tell you, if someone takes this number, he or she cannot enter
Therefore it is important now to get ready for MY Coming. MY Kingdom. I have exceptions for the children, but if anyone
Behold, I am coming very soon, be ready. Your JESUS” knows of this number and ignores MY Word, there is no salvation
for him or her. Warn the people MY bride! You know MY Word!
Below, there is a link titled: Warning: Mark of the Beast The mark Warn the people! Print out, give out, there is enough information
is explained more in there + you can see scans, pictures, where it available. Everyday, people are lost by this devil’s system. If you
shows where the mark exactly is put in the hand. I, Sabrina, have would read MY Words, these warnings were not needed, but still
this in a Word document, so mail me if you would like to have this many ignore this part of MY Word, even those who know ME.
to print out and give away.
Therefore, MY beloved bride, notify the people. Notify your
Below that is another link: Serious Warning: Do Not Take the predecessors or pastors. Notify your neighbors, friends,
Chip where you can read what amazing info the LORD has acquaintances, relatives. For I tell you, this system will very soon
find acceptance into this world, as it is already used now on a
large-scale field for experimentation. The grace of MY FATHER is Susan, take down these words.
great. HE does not want even one person to be lost. Still,
thousands fall into hell everyday. It extends itself everyday. This I will bring a new change in the world. Changes are coming. The
was never meant to be MY children, never! I have accomplished world has great doubt in ME, its SAVIOR. I want the people to
the ultimate sacrifice for everyone in this world, for every person notice I am their LORD. I extend MY Hand to them. I wait
who is born into this world. Yet, most are living without their GOD, patiently. They are far away from ME.
without their CREATOR on this earth, while everyone is aware of
his or her CREATOR. I am going to raise up a new generation, a generation of MY
children who will rule and reign with ME in the next life. This is MY
I am a righteous GOD. I have shed MY Blood, all MY precious bride. These are the ones who choose to die to themselves in this
Blood. The only Blood that can give you free access to MY life and to reject the world, the ways of the world. They love
Kingdom, as everything is subject to ME. Call upon MY Blood! It holiness. They love purity. They crave wholeness. They are MY
is still in force. Once I come to fetch MY bride, the period of grace elect.
is over. However some of you are tempting ME and think they still
have all the time, then and meanwhile, they live their lives without I have this bride who I am taking home with ME to love and keep
their GOD. What if the enemy this night takes away your life? near ME always. She is being made ready, prepared for the next
What then? Do not be stupid, but be wise and live at MY Word life when she steps off into eternity. What a glorious moment for
that I have given you by MY HOLY SPIRIT. I have sent MY her, MY sweet bride. All are waiting for her to come to ME in
SPIRIT to be with you everyday on this earth, to give you Heaven. There will be great fanfare when MY bride returns with
guidance, insight, and instruction. Do not reject HIM when HE ME to Heaven. I long for this moment, to see MY bride and her
lovingly pulls you to HIS Heart. It is the worst sin you can commit happiness complete through ME, her loving, patient LORD. She is
and inexcusable. Now is still the time of grace, so come MY MINE and I am hers. What love there is between us. She is
children, come! devoted to ME, and I am cherishing her, I long to spend time with
her. She is wondrous.
I call you into MY Heavenly Kingdom to serve ME forever. If only
you even had some idea of the glory that I have prepared and I am fond of MY lovely bride. I move through her. I work through
that is waiting for you. Many have already tasted this pomp and her. The world knows ME through the lives of MY children. MY
splendor, yet also this is not decisive. Still people reject ME, while true church. MY bride. She is lovely, humble, obedient. She
all information about hell and heaven is available by MY Word in abhors the world and all its evil. She races to goodness,
the first place and the many extra testimonies. I am an awfully wholeness, purity, holiness, love. She is discerning. I adore MY
loving GOD, who died for all of you in your place, as a bride. I complete MY bride. Apart from ME, she is empty. She is
substitutionary sacrifice for your GOD in Heaven, so HE can allow only beautiful because of the work MY HOLY SPIRIT has done in
you into MY Kingdom by MY Blood. her life, setting her apart for ME, her PRINCE, her KING, her
ROYAL HUSBAND. I am hers and she is MINE. Our love is
MY FATHER is aghast by the rejection of MY Blood. Hell is then unending, matchless. We love with such grandeur. I have eyes for
the only place that remains for you. Know that it is an eternal her only, MY love for her keeps ME focused on her every need. I
place, full of horror, darkness, and suffering. Choose ME, I love am her PROTECTOR, COMFORTER, SAVIOR, RESTORER. I
you! I created you with all MY Love and inventiveness. Don’t am her LOVED ONE, her BELOVED.
reject your CREATOR! I AM JESUS, your sacrifice once and for
all. Who will receive it?” Ours is a love story from the foundation of the earth. I have
known MY bride. I set out to die for her, to save her, and to bless
Hebrews 11:6. But without faith it is impossible to please him: for and keep her for MYSELF for all eternity.
he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a
rewarder of them that diligently seek him. Be among MY children chosen for MY own. I will love you always.
You need ME and you know it. You know you cannot live this life
Deuteronomy 31:6. Be strong and of a good courage, fear not, apart from ME. Come now and receive all I have to offer, all I
nor be afraid of them: for the LORD thy God, he it is that doth go have to give. It is yours, MY Kingdom. Inherit beauty, love
with thee; he will not fail thee, nor forsake thee. everlasting, and access to MY FATHER; GOD WHO loves you
beyond your understanding.
Revelation 13:16-18. And he causeth all, both small and great,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, Letter 64. January 9, 2011. Part II. These words were dictated
or in their foreheads: 17And that no man might buy or sell, save by JESUS for you:
he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of
his name. 18Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding Yes Susan, I do have words.
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and
his number is Six hundred threescore and six. The world is about to fall apart. There are many changes coming.
People cannot see ahead, but I, the ALMIGHTY, know what is
Ephesians 1:7. In whom we have redemption through his blood, coming. I see ahead. I know this part of human history that is
the forgiveness of sins, according to the riches of his grace; coming.

Hebrews 9:14. How much more shall the blood of Christ, who Many will weep at the horrendous hour when it arrives. All will go
through the eternal Spirit offered himself without spot to God, black. Many sense there is change in the air. MY children know,
purge your conscience from dead works to serve the living God? they see, they understand. I keep MY children knowing the times
that are coming, so that they are never caught off guard. There
Letter 64. January 6, 2011 Part I These Words given by will be no surprises for MY bride. I am sorry for the world that will
JESUS are for you: be broadsided by the evil that is coming, but the world refuses to
see, to watch, to wait on ME, GOD, its LORD. The world seeks
answers in all directions, but ME, its GOD. I know the future. I am PART 35. January 13th, 2011.
the ONE WHO knows. And I am informing you now to be ready,
be on guard, be watching, as change is not distant, it is coming This letter below is from GOD the FATHER of CHRIST JESUS
fast. And MY people, do not get caught off guard because those and comes with an important warning. Please read and share
who watch will be ready, protected, and able to escape what is with many.
Letter 65. January 10, 2011. Words given by GOD the
The world is headed for grievous change, evil is coming at full FATHER of JESUS CHRIST dictated to Susan.
force, driving force ready to deluge you, like a giant wave washing
away all that protects and keeps you. You will sit up one day and Susan I am about tell you some information that I want you to put
the world will not look the same. Normal will be calamity and out.
chaos. People will be taken away to places they do not want to be
when they refuse to fold into the plan of the devil. It will be the Here are MY Words.
worst time to claim to be a “Christian.”
The hour is approaching and the world is changing. Listen
If you want to be prepared, I tell you, follow ME now. I am the Carefully. This is news for you.
DOOR, the DOOR of safety, salvation, rescue. I am the only
DOOR. You must tell your friends and neighbors to turn to ME MY SON approaches earth. HE is coming on white doves,
now to be saved. Turn to your GOD in complete, total surrender beautiful doves. HE rides the wind. HIS beauty is incomparable. I
and be saved. Repent of your sin, show sincere remorse for love HIM greatly. This is HIS FATHER. Susan, thank you for
sinning against a HOLY GOD and MY Blood spilled on Calvary taking these notes. Now write this down:
will save you. Do not seek answers elsewhere or you will be lost,
lost to MY enemy. Soon the world will endure shaking. There will be shaking in
diverse places. The people had better take heed. I am coming to
There is only a little time remaining. I am waiting on this shake the world with MY fury. I will shake it to its core. The people
generation, on lost souls. You seek your way, you seek pleasure, won’t be able to stand up to MY shakings. I will blast the earth
wealth, and knowledge. But you do not seek truth. You do not with the smoke from MY nostrils. I will bring down fire and rain
care for truth, do not value truth. You value all else, but truth. over the earth, hot and cold both. The world will be a desolate
place from all of the calamity coming to it.
If you wanted truth, you would look for ME like a deer pants for a
river when it is parched. I am the RIVER, the RIVER of LIFE, I am an angry GOD. I am furious over the people who disregard
love, truth everlasting, the RIVER that flows forever more. Come MY SON, MY PRECIOUS SON, WHO died for them and all their
to ME, MY Waters, MY Truth. Seek ME and be found, be saved, sorry sinfulness. The people think I am playing. They think I do
be oriented to truth and live well. Live with the correct direction for not exist. They think this is a game and that I am a joke. Soon the
your life, MY Will. joke will be on them and there will be no laughter, only crying,
pleading, and sorrow for the poor choices they have made.
I am weary of this generation that tries MY patience. I look past
so much foul evil to be patient in hopes MY creation will turn back I am sorry these people are so far from ME. They think I do not
to ME before it enters into separation from ME for eternity. even exist. I am more real than they are, they are dust, short lived
Imagine being carried farther and farther away from your GOD for flesh, and MY tolerance of them is about over. Their views of ME
eternity. This is hell, a place where I am not part of MY children’s and MY PRECIOUS SON and MY HOLY SPIRIT are putrid in MY
lives at all. I am permanently detached. You will be forever lost Sight.
from ME. Repent, weep over your sins, and I will faithfully forgive,
and we can live together for eternity. I am the GREAT I AM. I have given every opportunity for repentance to receive the Blood
Kindness and love is yours, truth is yours. The hour is closing in. MY BEAUTIFUL SON spilled out to the ground. HE gave all to a
Be ready, for when I make MY arrival, I am looking for MY dying, sinful peoples to save them. What an act of courage. What
children, who truly want to go with ME. an act of strength. What an act of compassion and pure love.
Such love cannot be understood by humans, a GOD who steps
JEHOVA RAPHA. down from greatness and humbles HIMSELF to this level is not
GOD WHO LOVES. understood by mere mortals. This cannot be truly fathomed. This
JESUS from CROSS to GLORY. is the shining hour of love, love that is incomprehensible. It is love
that cannot be fully understood. Only I the FATHER, can tell you I
The LORD asked me to add this verse: know what MY SON did. I know the depth that HE sunk to, to
save a lost people, people so depraved and lost, yet HE had such
Jeremiah 3:3. Therefore the showers have been withholden, and incredible compassion. This is love. Humans think they know
there hath been no latter rain; and thou hadst a whore’s forehead, love. They do not. What they know of love comes from above. It is
thou refusedst to be ashamed. a GOD-given understanding that is only given by the divine, pure
I added these:
I want you to know that I watch all men. I know each one’s
Psalm 42:1, NIV. As the deer pants for streams of water, so my comings and goings, all the little secrets held tight in men’s
soul pants for you, my God. hearts. I see all, all that goes on behind closed doors. Anything
hidden among men, I know it. I see it. I am GOD, JEHOVAH and
Revelation 22:1. And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, no one can hide from ME.
clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the
Lamb. I, GOD, the FATHER of JESUS am angry at the earth and
inhabitants who are so severely disrespectful of MY HOLY
NAME. I am furious that you so thoroughly disregard the sacrifice
of MY PURE and HOLY SON, WHO has gifted you with HIS very thine, the earth also is thine: as for the world and the fulness
Life and Blood. thereof, thou hast founded them. 12The north and the south thou
hast created them: Tabor and Hermon shall rejoice in thy name.
I am angry at the attempt to destroy MY people and Israel. MY 13Thou hast a mighty arm: strong is thy hand, and high is thy
Word is clear, if you touch MY people and the land I have given right hand. 14Justice and judgment are the habitation of thy
them: WOE TO YOU. I will destroy you for touching these people throne: mercy and truth shall go before thy face. 15Blessed is the
who I am in sacred covenant with. Anyone who touches the people that know the joyful sound: they shall walk, O LORD, in
sacred land of MY people who I am in covenant with will be the light of thy countenance. 16In thy name shall they rejoice all
destroyed. Am I not true to MY Word? I am GOD. I do not forget the day: and in thy righteousness shall they be exalted. 17For
MY covenants. I remember, even when humans have long thou art the glory of their strength: and in thy favour our horn shall
forgotten, I keep MY Covenants. be exalted. 18For the LORD is our defence; and the Holy One of
Israel is our king. 19Then thou spakest in vision to thy holy one,
Now I will unleash great sorrow, wrath, and fire to those who and saidst, I have laid help upon one that is mighty; I have
malign MY peoples and tear their land apart. This will be. I do not exalted one chosen out of the people.
destroy without a reason, but I am clear about MY warnings.
Touch MY covenant land and covenant people and you will see 20I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed
destruction. MY wrath will be upon you. It is written in MY Word. I him: 21With whom my hand shall be established: mine arm also
have written these Words and MY Holy Book has been clear. The shall strengthen him. 22The enemy shall not exact upon him; nor
world will regret this decision to tear apart MY covenant land from the son of wickedness afflict him. 23And I will beat down his foes
MY covenant peoples. Though humans forget their promises, I, before his face, and plague them that hate him. 24But my
GOD never forget. faithfulness and my mercy shall be with him: and in my name
shall his horn be exalted. 25I will set his hand also in the sea, and
Let this stand as a clear warning of what is coming. Death and his right hand in the rivers. 26He shall cry unto me, Thou art my
destruction; sadness and sorrow is coming because you choose father, my God, and the rock of my salvation. 27Also I will make
evil; because you choose against ME; because you reject MY him my firstborn, higher than the kings of the earth. 28My mercy
SON; because you refuse to receive MY SPIRIT. You choose will I keep for him for evermore, and my covenant shall stand fast
evil. You reject GOD. with him. 29His seed also will I make to endure for ever, and his
throne as the days of heaven.
You have been warned. MY Word is clear. It has been clearly
stated and set out before you, the end result of your madness. 30If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments;
MY people will stand. What you put asunder will be put asunder in 31If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments;
your own land. When you divide what is under Divine Covenant, 32Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their
you will experience division. IT WILL BE. iniquity with stripes. 33Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not
utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail.
I have no time for your evil. You know what you are doing and
your choice will be your undoing. 34My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out
of my lips. 35Once have I sworn by my holiness that I will not lie
I, GOD, I AM has spoken. unto David. 36His seed shall endure for ever, and his throne as
I am YAWEH. the sun before me. 37It shall be established for ever as the moon,
FIRE FROM HEAVEN. and as a faithful witness in heaven. Selah.
TREMBLE WITH FEAR. 38But thou hast cast off and abhorred, thou hast been wroth with
thine anointed. 39Thou hast made void the covenant of thy
Then GOD the FATHER gave this scripture verse to confirm servant: thou hast profaned his crown by casting it to the ground.
HIS Words. 40Thou hast broken down all his hedges; thou hast brought his
strong holds to ruin. 41All that pass by the way spoil him: he is a
Psalm 89. reproach to his neighbours. 42Thou hast set up the right hand of
his adversaries; thou hast made all his enemies to rejoice.
1I will sing of the mercies of the LORD for ever: with my mouth 43Thou hast also turned the edge of his sword, and hast not
will I make known thy faithfulness to all generations. 2For I have made him to stand in the battle. 44Thou hast made his glory to
said, Mercy shall be built up for ever: thy faithfulness shalt thou cease, and cast his throne down to the ground. 45The days of his
establish in the very heavens. 3I have made a covenant with my youth hast thou shortened: thou hast covered him with shame.
chosen, I have sworn unto David my servant, 4Thy seed will I Selah.
establish for ever, and build up thy throne to all generations.
Selah 46How long, LORD? wilt thou hide thyself for ever? shall thy
wrath burn like fire? 47Remember how short my time is:
5And the heavens shall praise thy wonders, O LORD: thy wherefore hast thou made all men in vain? 48What man is he that
faithfulness also in the congregation of the saints. 6For who in the liveth, and shall not see death? shall he deliver his soul from the
heaven can be compared unto the LORD? Who among the sons hand of the grave? Selah.
of the mighty can be likened unto the LORD? 7God is greatly to
be feared in the assembly of the saints, and to be had in 49Lord, where are thy former lovingkindnesses, which thou
reverence of all them that are about him. swarest unto David in thy truth? 50Remember, Lord, the reproach
of thy servants; how I do bear in my bosom the reproach of all the
8 O LORD God of hosts, who is a strong LORD like unto thee? or mighty people; 51Wherewith thine enemies have reproached, O
to thy faithfulness round about thee? 9Thou rulest the raging of LORD; wherewith they have reproached the footsteps of thine
the sea: when the waves thereof arise, thou stillest them. 10Thou anointed.
hast broken Rahab in pieces, as one that is slain; thou hast
scattered thine enemies with thy strong arm. 11The heavens are 52Blessed be the LORD for evermore. Amen, and Amen.
“Just write it down MY dear daughter. You hear MY voice.
PART 36. January 15th, 2011.
I want to address MYSELF in this letter to those who do not
Our LORD JESUS has spoken to Sabrina and myself, dictating to WITNESS. I have left MY children here on earth with the hope
us two letters, each containing important directions for these last that they would be a light in this world. Many of you MY children
days for you to read. I hope you will continue to read these letters are MY light. But to those who only withdraw themselves in their
from the LORD as each one contains insight on being ready for closet and have a ‘wait and see’ approach, I will speak to.
the LORD’s return and reaching others before it is too late. This is
truly a wonderful gift that the LORD is allowing us to share HIS Your prayers are needed in the first place to pull many from
Heart with people everywhere so that many will be saved. Please darkness into MY light. MY light must shine in this world.
search your own heart and find the courage to share these words Therefore, MY children, go out and WITNESS of your GOD! What
with others or at least to share with others the need to seek are you waiting for? I love you and I have commanded you to love
Christ. one another as yourself. If you do not WITNESS, you only have
self-love. This is love that is not in MY Word.
I would also like to send out a serious warning to people in the
ministry and all Christians alike. I hear many in the ministry I have commanded you, go and be MY WITNESSES throughout
speaking to their congregations of being here many years from the whole world. Yet I see many of my children not doing so. They
now, 10, 20, 30 years from now and planning way out into the only want to be filled with MY Love and this is self-love. I give you
future. Here is the problem behind this action. We are in the end MY Love to give away and to pull people out of the darkness, so I
times now and by allowing people to think that we have many can save them with MY precious BLOOD. If you do not talk about
years to come before the LORD’s return then you are putting the MY BLOOD, many will still be lost. Speak, WITNESS! Be brave
people at a serious disadvantage and leaving them in a position and do not think of your own shame or shortcomings. Your
of being dangerously unprepared in their relationship with the prayers are needed in the first place to prepare people’s hearts,
LORD. The other huge problem with this message to your so I give you all opportunities to speak about MY BLOOD and MY
congregation is that the Bible’s description of the Mark of the SALVATION for humanity.
Beast is the RFID chip exactly. The RFID Chip meets the exact
criteria of the Mark: used for buying and selling and placed in the Your actions are needed to WITNESS of MY LOVE that you have
right hand and forehead, there is even now an RFID tattoo got to know. Many of MY children are still too preoccupied with
“MARK” on the market. The Bible never indicates that there will their own plans, this I can not bless. The most important thing is
be a second or third version of this Mark that is to follow–there is to be in MY will. Otherwise you risk walking into the ways of the
only one Mark. The enemy will never warn you that the Mark he enemy, even though this seems good and pleasing and according
wants you to take could be a problem for you, so don’t count on to MY plan in your eyes.
that to happen. For this generation to live 10, 20, 30 years as
many ministers indicate then the people will have to take the Be very alert MY children! Pray, be vigilant and give ME every
RFID chip to survive in this changing culture. The chip is now minute of your day, so I can plan your day. Many plan first and
being voluntarily taken by people and soon will be a forced issue. then ask for MY Blessing. This method I cannot bless. I want for
The people need to be made aware right now that the RFID chip all MY children to WITNESS. Talk about MY BLOOD, MY
is the Mark of the Beast and by speaking of being here many SACRIFICE on the cross, and tell them the times we live in. I fill
years into the future, you are inadvertently endorsing the Mark of you with MY Word, so people may notice your wisdom. Be wise
the Beast as something safe to receive. We have already MY children, pray for wisdom, all wisdom comes from above.
encountered people who have taken the chip. Please do not Nothing is coincidence, I direct everything to those who ask ME
deceive your congregation into believing that there are many for everything. I love those who search ME in everything. I so love
years to come and that the chip is not a threat to them. Seek the MY children’s hearts who search ME in everything. WITNESS MY
LORD in this matter. bride!

Revelation 14:11. And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up If you still go after your own plans, you do not walk in MY Will. MY
for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who Will is the perfect and correct path in your life. So walk on this
worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the path. Don’t let yourself be misled and influenced by the media.
mark of his name. She is one of the largest misleading branches in this world. The
world has several branches which run to despair and loss, the
Revelation 13:16-18. And he causeth all, both small and great, loss of your soul. Therefore continue to walk on the main road,
rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, MY road that runs to eternal life.
or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he
that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his Can I count on you MY children? Will you speak and WITNESS of
name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the your GOD? Or do you remain in silence to just watch and wait?
number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his Those who truly love ME cannot do otherwise than to testify about
number is Six hundred threescore and six. their GOD. They talk about what is in their hearts. It has to come
out. If it does not come out by some of you, pray so that I can fill
Note: This Part 36 edition of the LORD’s Words has a couple you with MY LOVE and PASSION. True passion shows itself.
new brochures from Jude for printing and distribution. There is a
link to YouTube videos produced by Thom Hale of the LORD’s The people live in darkness and are blinded by the devil. They
Letters. Also below Mike Peralta was kind enough to produce live their worldly life in working, enjoyment, working, and dying.
MP3 audio files of the LORD’s Letters. The LORD asked us also What is left of their lives? Their soul is indeed lost. They have
to include a letter with a word from HIM through Choo Thomas. their own thoughts about the course of this world and they think
they need to have their own knowledge of what is happening in
Letter dictated to Sabrina by the LORD JESUS on January this world. But they don’t see MY HAND in this at all. They do not
14, 2010: BE MY WITNESSES! notice it and it does not come in their minds, as these are
controlled by the enemy and its evil system in this society. They
are hopelessly blinded. Can I count on MY children, MY bride to Yes, Susan, I have words for you.
give them hope, to show them the TRUE LIGHT, and to let it
shine in their lives? Because everyone needs this, no one can live I am willing to give you words.
without ME, even though they deny this vigorously.
This day is coming, the day of MY return. I will be coming from
Once they have tasted of MY LOVE, there is HOPE. I have the heavens. It will be glorious. The skies will open up. I will split
shown MY LOVE on the cross. I have left MY bride here to the sky and come forth, mighty angels with ME. I will be riding on
witness of MY LOVE in their lives, to pass on what they have wings of eagles, flying towards earth, MY countenance great, MY
received. Talk to them about eternal LIFE with ME. Talk to them beauty spectacular, a sight unseen before.
about MY precious BLOOD that is still alive. Tell them that their
sin cannot save them, but it leads them to an everlasting horror. What can I do to move MY people to prepare for this moment? I
need them to prepare. I cannot take them with ME to MY World in
Show them their sin, MY children! Show them MY WORD! MY the heavenlies if they are not pure of heart. They must wash
WORD is here on this earth, not so that dust comes on it, but to themselves in MY precious Blood, repent for their evil and turn
use as a living object in your hands. MY WORD is written by MY their lives over to ME willingly.
HOLY SPIRIT. HE is the author of it all. HE is the creative SPIRIT
behind it all. Give HIM all the honor and study and live MY The people hesitate to prepare to know ME in a relational way.
WORD, by bringing it out and sharing it with others. They do not want to enter into a relationship of deep intimacy with
ME and without this closeness, I will be far from them, eternally
Do not be silent any longer MY children, but be MY mouthpiece far. Their choice to be distant to ME and caught up in the things of
on this earth! This is not a request, but a COMMAND as it is this world will be a costly choice. They will buy into the world.
written in MY HOLY WORD. If you do not witness of ME, MY They will buy death everlasting, torment, torture, suffering
WORD, then MY Love is not in your heart. The heart overflows unending.
where it is full. Is it full of ME? Does it overflow of ME?
I am clear about this in MY Word, yet the people want to believe
I praise MY children with such a heart. For them the reward will whatever they are told that suits their fancy. MY people you
be very big in MY KINGDOM, even some of you here on earth engage in the things of the world and justify it in multiple ways.
have little or no reward. Still, you have the most important thing: You say that you cannot be effective for MY Kingdom if you
MY HEART. embrace it too heartily and separate yourself from the dealings of
the world. Well this couldn’t be furthest from the truth. This is a
I love you MY children. satanic lie, a deception. It is the enemy’s tactic to lure you into the
world away from MY Truth.
I, the HOLY GOD JEHOVAH YESHUA have spoken.”
MY Word says to be holy even as I am holy. How can you live
Acts 1:8. But ye shall receive power, after that the Holy Ghost is holy lives when you are engaging so thoroughly with the things of
come upon you: and ye shall be witnesses unto me both in the world, the unclean things? You know what I speak of, you
Jerusalem, and in all Judaea, and in Samaria, and unto the know exactly. You make excuses for watching, speaking, hearing
uttermost part of the earth. the things of the world as if a little contamination will not hurt your
soul. Do you not know that it only takes a little leaven to spoil the
Mark 16:15. And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and whole batch?
preach the gospel to every creature.
I do not know what I must do to show you that you are blinded by
1 Corinthians 9:16. For though I preach the gospel, I have the enemy, lost to truth, ruled by sin, and greatly deceived. You
nothing to glory of: for necessity is laid upon me; yea, woe is unto dabble with the world, its ways, and excuse this as being effective
me, if I preach not the gospel! for MY Kingdom as MY representative. You only bring evil on
yourself. MY Truth says: keep yourself separate, set apart. What,
James 4:13-14. Go to now, ye that say, Today or tomorrow we you don’t believe this? It is in MY Word and MY Word never lies.
will go into such a city, and continue there a year, and buy and In MY Word is truth. In the world is deception.
sell, and get gain: Whereas ye know not what shall be on the
morrow. For what is your life? It is even a vapour, that appeareth You must keep your eyes fixed on ME if you want to find and stay
for a little time, and then vanisheth away. on the narrow path. You must seek ME for truth and MY SPIRIT
will guide you. The world only brings confusion. If you go to the
James 1:5. If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that world for answers, you will receive many answers and you can
giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be choose the ones that suit your fancy and give you permission to
given him. continue on the pathway of destruction, the ways of the flesh and
lusting after the world. But truth is found only in ME, your LORD
James 3:17. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then JESUS and MY Book.
peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and
good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy. The hour is closing in. Man has chosen against ME, its MAKER,
CREATOR. I must take MY bride with ME to safe keeping and
Luke 6:45. A good man out of the good treasure of his heart allow the world to carry on into its path of chosen self destruction.
bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil When evil is followed so completely, it will lead to ultimate death
treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil: for of the and destruction. Man cannot function successfully without the
abundance of the heart his mouth speaketh. overseeing, love, protection of a HOLY GOD. So the world is on a
steady course of demise by rejecting the pure, love, and holiness
Letter 66. January 13, 2011. Letter Spoken by JESUS CHRIST of I, GOD, I, JESUS.
to Susan.
It is hard to notice the change coming. It seems so subtle. But this
is because the people engage so intently with the world that they
cannot see their distance from holy living. Holiness is a bizarre The Lord has asked us to include the following message written
concept to this dying, corrupt generation. Holiness does not make by Choo Thomas. Choo Thomas, author of the book ‘Heaven is
sense to the people. They reject what is holy, pure, lovely, and so real’ has written a word on Facebook, which we are to share
embrace evil, horror, foul things. You know what I speak of MY as an encouragement and because of the important message:
9 January 2011.
The truth is light that is hard to hide from. Come to ME, lay at MY
Feet, repent for your lust for evil and the world and I will receive The year 2010 was a year of testing for those who are Chosen for
you. I will wash you clean in MY precious Blood and you may the Rapture. Praise our Lord! The afternoon of 1 January 2011,
escape the coming wrath of MY FATHER toward a world that the Lord told me He tested many Christians in 2010 for the
rejects its GOD. Rapture. He also knew so many of those who were ready for the
Rapture were very disappointed because it did not happen in
Please consider this offer. The times are changing. Soon they will 2010, especially those who are anointed and can hear His voice.
change greatly and your desire to escape will be a thing of the
past if you do not turn to ME NOW. I am calling you out. Come Since the Rapture did not happen and so many were very
out of the world, come out of the lukewarm church, come out of disappointed, but some of those who were tested during that
the evil, come out of your walk with MY enemy. Embrace ME as year quickly overcame all the tests, but those who were weak
your LORD and I will give you eyes to see, spiritual eyes. You will turn back to their old sinful ways and are not happy with the
see truth. You will see the world and enemy for what it is, you will Lord and also now they do not even want to believe if there
see its deception and the trap you have fallen into. is a Rapture or how soon it will be. Those who truly believe
the Rapture is soon endured their hardships, they are still
Let ME save you from eternal damnation. These days are short. continually waiting for the soon coming of our Lord and are
Time is swift. You will choose. No choice is a choice against ME. still living holy lives.
Come with ME. I wait, but all too soon you will have tempted your
wait too long, grasping for the world too long, and than she will be I believe last year’s testing made the Lord know who can truly be
yours, but I will not. Don’t deceive yourself. I will not wait on MY His Bride and those who couldn’t endure the testing cannot really
people long. be the Bride of the Lord even if they are Raptured. I believe
special Chosen ones were tested by the Lord much intensely
Seek ME, save yourself. Run from the enemy. His design for you than the rest. I can imagine how holy our lives have to be in
is death. When you play with the world you are only playing into order for us to be the Bride of Christ. We take it so lightly, but it
the hands of your enemy. is really a scary thing to be really ready as the Bride of Christ.
This is the reason why God said anyone who comes to Him have
MAKE NO MISTAKE. I AM COMING. JESUS. to die from the world and live totally for Him. Read 1 John 2:15-
17. I pray for whoever reads this message no matter what
Philippians 4:8. Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, hardships we will go through we have to endure until the end and
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, never give up waiting for the Rapture. Jesus gave up everything
whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, for us and we also have to give up everything, the world and
whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if anything/anyone that interferes with our relationship with
there be any praise, think on these things. Him, to be HIS BRIDE TOO. May God’s favor be on you all as
we await His Son, our Lord and Savior, soon coming. -Choo
The significance of GOD choosing to use two witnesses is Thomas.
PART 37. January 18th, 2011.
Deuteronomy 17:6. At the mouth of two witnesses, or three
witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at This message begins with a letter from our FATHER of JESUS
the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. given to Sabrina and the second part of the same letter was
dictated to Susan by our LORD JESUS. There is an additional
Deuteronomy 19:15. One witness shall not rise up against a man letter dictated to Susan by our FATHER of JESUS. Please take
for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the time to read these letters and share your witness of JESUS’
mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall Salvation with others and the importance of staying in the WORD
the matter be established. of GOD, the HOLY BIBLE. Ask the HOLY SPIRIT to come into
your life and to reveal the meaning of the LORD’s Words to your
Matthew 18:16. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee heart.
one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses
every word may be established. January 17, 2011. Words given by JESUS and from
paragraph 5 by THE FATHER to Sabrina.
2 Corinthians 13:1. This is the third time I am coming to you. In
the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be ‘MY dear children, I love your heart. Those who really love ME
established. taste MY LOVE and MY PRESENCE in their lives. They hear MY
VOICE and experience MY DIRECTION. They know what it is to
worship their GOD in SPIRIT and in TRUTH. They never give up
1 Timothy 5:19. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but
and obey MY WORD in everything. They listen to MY VOICE and
before two or three witnesses.
are filled with the HOLY SPIRIT.
Luke 10:1. After these things the LORD appointed other seventy
HE is the one leading them in everything and they obey to HIS
also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city
WIND. As the wind blows from east to west, so are MY children
and place, whither he himself would come.
moving with MY SPIRIT. They don’t see HIM, but experience HIM
in everything they do. They are filled with MY JOY, MY JOY gives world. Even the people in JESUS’ time were like this. HE called
them strength. It is their passion to follow and obey HIM and ME them vipers, whitewashed tombs.
in everything.
Do not be naïve, MY SON is also not naïve. HE sees every heart
They realize that this is their freedom in this life because they and every motive. If you do not completely LOVE HIM, HE will not
know that I carry them in MY HANDS. I want to speak to these let you into HIS KINGDOM. In HIS KINGDOM is only total
children. I love your heart and appreciate that you set aside your surrender. Read MY WORD and see how it is to follow your GOD.
lives for ME. You are a light in this world. Keep shining from MY See what it is to be unfaithful to your GOD. See how it is to not
LIGHT in this dark world. I will soon come and take MY bride into obey HIM in everything and to live by HIS WORD. See how it is
MY heavenly places, where everything is ready to receive her. written where the unfaithful will be staying. I, GOD, have not
Many have been allowed already to cast a glance at these things. changed. MY SON has brought the ultimate sacrifice once and for
Many have already been allowed to taste MY heavenly glory. A all. Accept this sacrifice and follow HIM.
greater glory than this there is not. It is the finest of all things.
Very soon HE comes to fetch HIS bride. The world will decay into
So I’d like to encourage you MY children. Remain in ME, follow total darkness and chaos immediately after this event. These are
ME to the path that leads to eternal life with ME. Very soon you the last warnings to still rectify everything with your GOD. Come,
will receive reward for your works. Keep devoting yourself the invitation is still in force, come into MY KINGDOM. I cannot
working for MY Kingdom. You are fellow citizens of MY allow lukewarm or halfway followers. MY SON gave everything. I
KINGDOM and soon also heavenly residents. So hang on MY want everything. WE ask nothing less.;
children! Behold, I JESUS come soon!
Know that your GOD JEHOVAH RAPHA has spoken.
I will talk to the world. Do you belong to MY KINGDOM or to the The Alpha and Omega.
worldly kingdom? I love you MY people. I created you, anyone in The Beginning and the End.
particular. Have you not heard of JESUS? Have you not heard of
HIM who died for you? Have you not heard that HE, the SON OF These are MY Words, from JESUS to add to this letter read to
GOD came to this world to die in your place? Do you not know Susan, January 17, 2011:
how it tore MY heart to see HIM, MY SON hanging on that cross?
Do you not realize how much HE suffered for all of you in The days are drawing nigh. I am coming for MY bride. The world
particular? He not only carried your sins, but also all your refuses to believe. Soon they will know the loss of refusing to
burdens, diseases, sorrows, and grief. Do you realize how much it believe.
tore HIM apart? HE is not only physically torn apart, but also
mentally and emotionally. Do you realize that? HE went to the I died a horrible, painful death for this lost generation, for all
very limit for all of you. HE was GOD and yet HE lived as a man. mankind. The world will never understand what I went through.
HE came as a man, voluntarily, to save you from death. Death is The horror of MY attack. I was mutilated. I was ripped apart. I was
robbed of its power because MY SON conquered death. HE was not even human. What was left of ME was not even human. I was
the perfect sacrifice. All the sacrifices of bulls, rams, goats and emaciated. My Face was not even human. It did not even appear
pigeons cannot replace HIS sacrifice. HE was perfect, completely human. I was a spent man. I endured the horrendous, beating
clean, perfect in everything. after beating I took. This is what I received. It was a gross display
of humanity in its vilest form, men with evil intentions.
Yet, HE allowed HIMSELF to be abused as a robber. Nobody was
ever so deformed as MY SON on the cross. HE was not to see. I I was meant to be an example made for those who are against
looked through the blood and loose flesh and saw HIM, laden with the powers that be. I was on display as a warning for those to
sin. With your sin! HE cried out, but I could not answer HIM. MY beware of those in charge. I received a severe punishment. There
SPIRIT held HIM. HE is the one who resurrected HIM from the was nothing left of ME when it was over with. I held the sin of the
death a few days later. MY SON came into MY KINGDOM with world on MY Shoulders.
I was used for sport. I was used to warn others, but MY FATHER
Everything is surrendered and in HIS power. HE has power to put the sin of the world on ME all at once and MY Heart nearly
destroy you and power to save you. I tell you, MY people, if you broke under all the sadness that I endured. MY own creation
do not appeal to HIS eternal and perfect sacrifice, there is no rejecting ME in such a heinous way. I created men who did not
longer salvation possible for you. MY SON has the keys of hell exist and they were brought to life by ME only to turn on ME and
and once it is closed, it is permanently closed. to attack ME, their CREATOR, their LIFE BLOOD.

Everyone will come to stand before HIM and HE will judge you, This was MY Choice. This was MY Choosing to save this people
living and death. Terrible it is to fall into HIS HANDS! Just as HE who I created, who I loved. I chose this, men did not do this, I
suffered for all of you, will suffer those who reject HIS sacrifice. decided to lend MY Life to repair the rift between humankind and
With the same measure, they will suffer forever and ever. Terrible MY FATHER in Heaven. I chose to mend the bridge and close the
will it be. Many souls are now in hell with eternal sadness gap of a lost humankind. This was MY Doings, MY Work. Only I
because they have rejected the sacrifice of MY SON. They suffer can receive credit for saving all of the human race with MY own
with an everlasting horror. spilt Blood.

However, it is very simple. MY SON, MY JESUS, has brought the Men can receive this gift. They must just ask for it, believe, and
ultimate sacrifice for you imperfect and sinful humans. accept it. Proclaim it to others, repent, and surrender everything
to ME and MY HOLY SPIRIT will come into the life and change
If you accept HIS Sacrifice, and confess that HE, JESUS is LORD the heart, renewing the mind.
OF ALL, you can be saved from eternal horror. I ask nothing less
than complete surrender. I cannot accept half of your soul, mind, Soon I will be far from the lost people, as I leave with MY bride.
and body. Do not think it is enough to be religious to the outside Then the world will suffer greatly without a doting GOD. This time
of tribulation is at hand and there will be great sorrow for those your FATHER, your LORD JESUS, and the HOLY SPIRIT or stay
who remain to face it. Give ME your life, repent, surrender. I will and contend with the evil of an angry enemy to mankind. The
fill you with joy and everlasting peace from MY FATHER. These world he rules is a world of hatred, unforgiveness, and vile
are the deciding moments. Do not delay. I am putting out these behavior. Run with this enemy and die.
words because so many still remain far from ME. Even those who
claim to follow ME are far away, consumed by the cares of this I ask you to turn to MY SON JESUS and receive the gift of HIS
world. Blood, HIS Salvation. MY SON endured a living nightmare to
save you. HE took the weight of the sin of the world all on HIS
You do not want to be left to endure the horror soon coming. I am Shoulders.
giving you brief moments to come into MY Peace and
Safekeeping. Your delay could be your loss. Choose for ME soon, MY SON received the punishment that was yours to receive. HE
I cannot wait. I am wholeheartedly yours. endured a merciless beating. HIS Back was ripped to shreds. HIS
Face was ripped to shreds when the soldiers tore out HIS Beard.
I AM YESHUA. JESUS YOUR SAVIOR. HIS Face was smashed in. HE was beat brutally. HE bled and
I AM THE SAME YESTERDAY, TODAY, AND TOMORROW. was crowned with spikes of thorns upon HIS beautiful Head. I
saw the ugliness of ruthless men knowing they would spit on MY
John 4:23. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true sinless SON, spit in HIS Face and revile HIM with evil taunting.
worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the
Father seeketh such to worship him. HE was made to carry a heavy tree on HIS Back that was
bleeding from a scourging administered by the most ruthless
John 3:8. The wind bloweth where it listeth, and thou hearest the soldiers, evil men with no conscience. HIS Blood left a trail on HIS
sound thereof, but canst not tell whence it cometh, and whither it long walk up to where the nails, the cruel nails would tear through
goeth: so is every one that is born of the Spirit. HIS Hands. HIS nail pierced Hands and Feet would support HIM
upon a tree as HE pushed up against this to catch HIS Breath,
Isaiah 53:2b. he hath no form nor comeliness; and when we shall HE pushed up against the tree with HIS Back ripped to shreds.
see him, there is no beauty that we should desire him. The life Blood drained from HIM, leaving HIM ever weaker. HIS
Face crushed, HIS Heart crushed that HIS own creation could
Isaiah 53:7. He was oppressed, and he was afflicted, yet he revile HIM so. Then this LAMB offered up HIS Life for all mankind.
opened not his mouth: he is brought as a lamb to the slaughter,
and as a sheep before her shearers is dumb, so he openeth not HE was GOD perfect in Purity, Love, and Holiness, WHO loved
his mouth. so extremely to give life to so many. Who will receive this gift laid
before you? GOD gives, men reject. What a gift. I am sad for
2 Timothy 4:1. I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord mankind, to reject the ultimate gift given to humankind, only to be
Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his lost forevermore.
appearing and his kingdom;
How can you reject this great Love? Only MY SON could have
Hebrews 9:12. Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by filled your shoes. You refuse this Love, this gift, you use MY
his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having SON’s Name in common ways. HE is the KING OF KINGS,
obtained eternal redemption for us. LORD OF LORDS. HE is HIGH ABOVE ALL. HE is GLORIFIED.
Letter 68. January 16, 2011. given by the FATHER of JESUS
to Susan. This act on a tree was the ultimate gift of LOVE, that ONE so
high, so mighty should stoop so low to save so many, so
Susan this is your Father. These are MY Words. undeserving, and yet HE loved like no other. This is your KING,
worthy of your love, commitment, surrender, repentance. HE is
Soon there is change coming. The people refuse to believe but WORTHY.
that does not change the fact that it will happen. Their disbelief
does not matter. I will do this work and no one can stop ME. Reject MY SON and experience MY Wrath. There are precious
moments for you to lay your life down before HIM and receive HIS
I am GOD. Blood covering. The clock is ticking. Soon I will give the sign for
the bride to be received and then MY Wrath will be poured out.
There will be mighty waves roaring. There will be many things
coming on the earth. The people cannot grasp that I, GOD am in Understand your need for a SAVIOR, MY SON. HE died
control of the destinies of men. I control the future of mankind. abusively for you. I gave HIM up for you to be saved. This is no
Men have chosen against ME, so I must choose against them. I small act. Reject this offer and eternal sorrow will be yours.
cannot bless evil men. This cannot be. I do not bless the
unblessable. I do not reward the unrewardable. I am a loving GOD, but MY Love was great when I gave MY
beautiful SON to mankind to pay for their evil atrocities against
Mankind you have thrown up your barbs toward ME. You want ME. HE paid your debt. Do not reject this offer.
ME to disappear from your daily life. I will allow you to have your
way, you may find ME missing from your lives, then you will learn HE is coming!
what it means to have GOD, a HOLY GOD in charge. When you
are missing something is when you find you need it the most. Your LOVING FATHER. Above Heaven and Earth and All.
Silent I will be to your cries to ME. Seek ME and I will be quiet as
you must endure the tribulation apart from your loving, rejected The significance of GOD choosing to use two witnesses is
GOD. Biblical:

So prepare for the time coming. Come to Heaven to live with ME, Deuteronomy 17:6. At the mouth of two witnesses, or three
witnesses, shall he that is worthy of death be put to death; but at the earth will fall again into sin and total darkness. Once MY bride
the mouth of one witness he shall not be put to death. is removed, the darkness will overcome, since the true light will
be gone. I am the Light. MY bride is shining with MY Light. She is
Deuteronomy 19:15. One witness shall not rise up against a man MY Light on this earth. It is she that gives humanity still some
for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the hope in this decaying world, although people do not recognize it
mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall now. They will understand once MY Light is gone.
the matter be established.
I give numerous warnings and people choose to follow darkness
Matthew 18:16. But if he will not hear thee, then take with thee and their own state of decay. They still do not recognize after all
one or two more, that in the mouth of two or three witnesses these centuries, that I, GOD am their MAKER and CREATOR,
every word may be established. their only CREATOR. They think to be wise, and yet they do not
know who their CREATOR is. They point out everything as
2 Corinthians 13:1. This is the third time I am coming to you. In evolution. The earth rotates and people move along with the
the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be course of this world. Oh really?
Let me tell you something world:
1 Timothy 5:19. Against an elder receive not an accusation, but
before two or three witnesses. I GOD created you. I am the only one, the ALPHA and OMEGA,
The BEGINNING and the END. Besides ME there is no GOD. If
Luke 10:1. After these things the LORD appointed other seventy someone does not recognize MY SON JESUS CHRIST as MY
also, and sent them two and two before his face into every city only SON come into this lost world as the only SAVIOR WHO
and place, whither he himself would come. ever lived, you cannot enter MY KINGDOM. Know that everything
is submitted to MY SON. HE has all power over the living and the
PART 38. January 23rd, 2011. dead, HE will judge all. Know that each of you one day will stand
before HIM and THE KING, THE LION of JUDAH, will judge you,
Sabrina and I each received a letter this time from GOD the each according to his works and faith.
FATHER, both these letters are very serious. Please share
these words with others. If you are not found in HIS Book, the BOOK OF LIFE, you will be
thrown into the lake of fire where your eternal destiny will be
When you were a child, were you ever in the backyard playing, without your GOD. For those who do recognize ME and MY SON
and having a great time, only to have your parents calling you to JESUS CHRIST, for those is put away an eternal legacy. A bright
come inside and doing everything they could think of to get your future that is now very near.
attention? You ignored their pleas because you are having too
much fun in your backyard and don’t want to listen and come Those who truly love ME will go along with the rapture that is now
inside. Well how would you have reacted when you find out later at the door, only those who did not deny or have left ME, only
that your parents just wanted you to come in from the backyard to those who were not ashamed for MY NAME, MY Eternal NAME,
go to the amusement park instead? If only you had listened to GOD THE ALMIGHTY, CREATOR of heaven and earth.
them and not stuck to your own inferior plans of playing in your
backyard. Soon the world will again fall into complete darkness. I will not
again destroy the earth, this you do yourself through your
Isn’t this just how it is between us and GOD? We cling to our own choices. You have indeed decided to follow the enemy into this
plans and we just see the backyard and want to play in it. And corrupt world and not your ALMIGHTY GOD, WHO created you
GOD wants to take us to higher places in our life but we just keep too, because besides ME there is no life on this earth.
holding on to the backyard turf and resist HIS calling us to HIS
higher plan for our life which is always bigger than any of our own All the signs are now visible. Countless signs to indicate to you,
plans. MY creatures, to your GOD, your CREATOR. Why do you have
an explanation for everything? There is no other explanation than
Jeremiah 29:11. For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, this: your GOD, the ALMIGHTY, your CREATOR will soon, very
saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an soon pour out HIS wrath on this wicked world. Many will suffer,
expected end. everybody will feel, taste, and see it. Open your eyes and see
what GOD will do. It will be worse than in the days of Sodom and
Gomorrah that I’ve destroyed along with the other cities. Nobody
Letter dictated by our FATHER of JESUS CHRIST to Sabrina will be able to flee before ME now.
on January 21, 2011.
Great will be MY wrath! Wake up O’ earth!!! This is the final call.
Write it down, MY daughter. You hear MY voice. I am your GOD. I You mock MY Words and MY prophets. O’ woe to you! Woe to
will speak to this world: you O’ earth! MY bride will be safe, secure, hidden safe at that
time. MY wrath will be great and the darkness will be great.
In the beginning GOD created the heaven and the earth. The Mountains will not be able or willing to accommodate you. They
earth was without form and void. Then I, GOD created the light. I will falter before ME. The whole earth will groan under the sighing
brought correction in her shape and I gave the people the light. I of humanity. Great will be MY wrath O’ earth! Do you listen?
created the sun and the moon and the stars in all of their
splendor. I gave people companions in the form of animals, for For anyone who reads this, there is still hope. Convert NOW to
anyone at will. They were allowed to rule over MY creation. your GOD. Tomorrow may be too late, since MY HAND is ready
to release MY wrath. The birds and the animals are just a
I had made everything perfectly and the earth rejoiced in her premonition. They are already staggering under MY HAND. What
GOD, until man decided to rebel against GOD. Then the earth fell must I do to wake you people up before your GOD?
into sin and all its works in her. The day will now come soon that
Do not worry, tomorrow is a new day, so enjoy and seize the day. MY children do you not see that I am true to MY Word? Do you
O’ woe to you earth! What a diabolical plan! The enemy has you not see MY Word coming to pass? Are you so cold to truth that
completely in his power and soon you will stoop to his power, if you refuse to see? Do you love engaging with this world so
you do not come to ME now. I am your SALVATION. MY SON desperately that you choose to look the other direction when you
was and is your SALVATION. HE has redeemed you from the see MY Word coming to reality? What can I do to make you see?
power of the enemy. NOW is the time to accept this free offer. Let Step away from your idols, step away from the things of the world
go of your lusts and pleasures in this world. Let go of this sin that that consumes your time, and seek MY Face, look for MY Truth.
is master over you! Soon there will be no salvation possible See the world for what it is. it is crumbling and decaying.
anymore. For many it will be too late. Many will die in a very short
time and many will find their eternal destiny in the lake of fire. Evil men are taking charge. They plan and move with no regard
for GOD. There is no mention of ME in their planning. I do not
Wake up O’ earth!!! These are MY last warnings. MY wrath will be exist to those who are running the world now. MY people, do you
released and many will die and wish that it were yesterday. not see what this means? Do you not understand what this will
lead to? MY Name never crosses over their lips. I am a fantasy
Make the choice now. Great will be the decay. Great shall be the and MY Book is a book of tales to them.
weeping. Big will it be nostalgia for the old world. This is a
paradise compared to what is coming. So stop the damning, Woe to the earth when evil men run the world with no regard for
cursing, and testing of your GOD. For many there is already no their MAKER. They make plans for the people of the earth and I
way out anymore. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. I will create a new am not consulted, even pursued. MY people do you not see what
heaven and a new earth and everyone will bow to his GOD. the outcome of such things will be? Men who run apart from GOD
Everyone else will suffer in the lake of fire. I GOD have warned is destruction, death. You are on this course with the world if you
you. Read MY Sacred Word, the Bible. MY Book is available to do not release the grip you have on this world and turn your lives
anyone. over to ME wholeheartedly, complete surrender.

Stop analyzing these words and fall on your face and repent to The world is on a one way collision course and you will be caught
your GOD! There is only ONE GOD, there is only ONE up in this if you do not turn away from your love for and dealings
ALMIGHTY, the I AM. NOW is the time, later is too late. with this world. It can’t be MY people. You can’t have the world
and the things thereof and ME also. This cannot be.
I JEHOVAH, GOD have spoken.
You want it all, you think to yourself: I can enjoy the things of the
Deuteronomy 4:39. Know therefore this day, and consider it in world and have my relationship with MY Lord also. You are
thine heart, that the LORD he is God in heaven above, and upon grossly misunderstanding MY expectations for MY children. I ask
the earth beneath: there is none else. no less than total, complete surrender. I want everything. You
must turn away from your pursuit of the world and the things
Hosea 5:14. For I will be unto Ephraim as a lion, and as a young therein. Stop this, it can’t be!
lion to the house of Judah: I, even I, will tear and go away; I will
take away, and none shall rescue him. You can have the world if you wish, but you won’t have ME. I play
second fiddle to no one. I am yours only or not at all. Think this
Revelation 20:12. And I saw the dead, small and great, stand through carefully. What do I expect of MY children? I expect
before God; and the books were opened: and another book was obedience, humble and lowly respectfulness toward their GOD. If
opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of you cannot pay ME this homage, then I am not truly your GOD.
those things which were written in the books, according to their
works. What does this mean you ask? It means you cannot dirty your
fingers with the vile things of the world and then approach MY
Revelation 20:15. And whosoever was not found written in the Throne casually. You must realize I am a HOLY GOD and I am to
book of life was cast into the lake of fire. be respected. MY Name is to be revered and not misused, and I
am to be worshipped with a humble attitude.
Isaiah 26:20-21. Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers,
and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little I will receive you unto MYSELF when you come to ME in a
moment, until the indignation be overpast. For, behold, the LORD repentant, surrendered, child-like fashion. I am a forgiving GOD
cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for and I can forgive your sins with the Blood of MY SON, your
their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no SAVIOR, but if you persist in loving the world, engaging in the
more cover her slain. world, and the things of the world, I will not engage with you. It
cannot be.
Isaiah 65:17. For, behold, I create new heavens and a new earth:
and the former shall not be remembered, nor come into mind. You cannot play with the things of satan, the occult, perversions,
and evil lusts, and then spend time with ME. Does MY Word not
Letter 69. Words delivered by the FATHER to Susan January say this clearly? I will not receive you if you carry on with the
20, 2011. things of the world you prize so dearly. I will spit you out.

Yes Susan, I do have words for you. MY children read MY Word. You are engaging and entertaining
yourselves with the things of the enemy. You are engaging in the
These are the dark days I have spoken of in the days gone by, in love of witches, wizards, and the occult and MY Word is clear
MY Word. I have clearly outlined how these things would play out. about this abomination. You visit MY House on Sunday and you
If you are watching, MY children, you can see the troubles coming are lukewarm and there is great danger in this place. I do not take
on the world. I am holding back the flood. I am keeping it back for lightly to MY children who call themselves by MY Name engaging
just a short time yet. with the things of the devil. You know of what I speak. This is pure
evil and your eyes have been blinded to the Truth by the enemy.
He has lured you to this and if you don’t turn around quickly, warnings of the times coming ahead, please take the LORD’s
repent, and seek ME you will fall into his trap forever. You are Words seriously.
already falling.
I, Susan, want to testify that I have been part of Christian ministry
It is not too late, but do not delay. The hour is quickening to MY work before in which men made plans and then followed their
return to bring MY wrath upon the earth. What position will I find own plans, but I have never been part of something that was
you? Will you be ready to be received from darkness or will you exclusively planned and organized by GOD without the
be so lost in the ways of the world that I must leave you? You’re involvement of men, like these amazing Words from the LORD. I
choosing. Where do your allegiances lie? am in awe of the LORD’s Words and the response by the people
around the world. Words cannot describe how amazing I believe
I am soon to carry wrath to the earth for the evil she is engaging this all to be.
in. This is truth. The world has grown grossly cold. If you have MY
HOLY SPIRIT you can see the evil encompassing everything. Ask We received word that one of our Christian friends prayed for the
for MY SPIRIT, so I can reveal this to you. Let ME open your eyes LORD to send someone to translate the letters to German. And
to the truth. Repent, surrender, and turn to ME. without being asked to do it, Martina Thaler did it for her own
friends and is sharing her translations with us. For all our
Ask MY SPIRIT for understanding of MY Word and to see the German-speaking friends we will post these translated letters
truth about the world and the deceit of the enemy. Only MY soon. Thanks to Sara also and Sarah and Martina.
SPIRIT can bring you to this understanding. This is the hour for
discernment. Don’t be deceived. I am your GOD. I do not deceive. With this letter below are included several web links showing that
I am TRUTH. MY TRUTH is in MY Word. MY TRUTH is not in the the RFID chip is now being implanted into people and the various
evil ways of the world. ways the technology is surfacing. This is not just a future-tense
activity, it is very much present-tense. The Bible describes the
There are many paths to death, but one true narrow path to life. mark of the beast in terms that match the RFID chip exactly: a,
This path is through the precious Blood given by MY SON, MY used for buying/selling; b, taken on right hand/forehead; c, a
LAMB, MY JESUS. Get to know HIM. Read MY Book and learn manmade system. The Bible never says the mark of the beast will
about the price HE paid, the ransom HE paid for you. He died a be the second or third version of the mark, there is only one mark.
horrible death to save you from eternal loss. The hour is waning The RFID chip matches that description. The enemy will never
quickly. You know it is coming. provide you with a disclaimer reminding you that this technology
goes against GOD’s Word. See the links below about all the
Don’t allow cloudy thinking to deceive you. Open MY Book, spend people who are already taking this chip and also read the LORD’s
time in the pages. Find ME in them. Find MY SON. Find MY Words in HIS letter. We are in the last days and if your ministry
SPIRIT. Soon these same choices will be nearly impossible for people are not preaching this message, then seek the LORD in
those left to face the worst. this matter on your own, but do not ignore the signs. Go to the
LORD JESUS in prayer and go to the Bible, your most reliable
Do not take the mark of MY enemy. It is the mark of the system of sources of TRUTH.
men. It is MY enemy who is really behind this vile system. Don’t
be blinded. This mark will cast you straight into hell fire for Note: Thank you to our dear friend Jude of the Philippines for
everlasting torment. Heed this warning. The evil system is here. producing two more brochures for you to use! Also thank you to
Do not be overtaken by this. It looks so tempting to partake of the our webmaster Cindy for all she does.
fruit of this system, but MY children, it is oh so deadly. If you fold
into this system because you believe your survival counts through Letter 70. January 24, 2011. Letter told by JESUS to Susan.
it, you will never see the light of day again. You will never
experience the bounty and spoils of MY Kingdom. You will have Yes My Daughter, I will give you words.
made your decision of whom you plan to serve, your eternal
choice and it is irreversible. Even now, MY children are falling into MY patience is coming to the end. I have waited on MY children
this system, this evil trap. to repent to no avail, so many will be lost. Yet some heed MY
Words, MY precious Words. These Words do not come from
Wake up ‘O Earth! Read MY Book. Seek MY Truth. human minds, only the mind of GOD. I am sharing MY heart with
you all and even this is not enough to make you sit up and take
Lay your life down before the LAMB of GOD. notice.

I AM has spoken. Beginning and Ending. Love Forever More. What must I do MY children? Put yourself in MY shoes. Have you
ever wondered what GOD might do to capture the attention of
This is the Scripture Section the LORD told me to add to this many lost children right before the worst time in men’s history is
letter: about to ensue. What can you imagine it would take to wake up
an entire race of peoples on the planet earth, people whose
Matthew 18. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, hearts are far removed from their GOD?
saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? And Jesus
called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, And The hours and days are closing in. Soon there will be major
said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become changes in the world. Darkness is closing in and the evil is
as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. enclosing the world. Does your spirit sense it? If you do not sense
Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the it, you are not awake.
same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven.
Wake O’ earth! You have little time left to prepare to leave with
PART 39. January 27th, 2011. ME, or understand you will be left to face the darkest hour known
to mankind. I am looking at hearts, hearts turned toward ME their
The letter below was received by the LORD JESUS with further MAKER, ready to leave the world and all it stands for. If this letter
means nothing to you and you would just like to walk away, than MY bride. I know your dedication to ME. MY bride you are waiting
MY Truth is far from your heart. diligently, longing for MY return. It is coming, do not despair. If
you watch the headlines and world events, your spirit knows what
I am sorry to tell you that the world system is forming. Soon it will is happening. I will approach earth and MY return to remove you
take form. This system has no room for the concept of GOD. cannot be stopped. There is no stopping it. Each day we are
Already you can see it. GOD is not part of the schools or any closer to it. The world events are leading up to this hour, when I
explanation regarding MY creation. GOD is not needed in any bring the bride out of the world and save her from the coming
part of human entertainment or government. People are ashamed storm.
of MY Name, the very mention of MY Name. This is the choice of
the world, a life in which, I, GOD am removed from the MY bride, prepare yourself. Share MY Message with those
conversations of men. around. Tell them how I will save them if they will only surrender
all to ME. Let them know to never receive the mark of MY enemy
Soon men will discover the true meaning of life without GOD. which is already now being taken by the people of this world. I am
What will it be like? It will be sheer horror, people who feel sad for them, but the people need to be warned that to join the
nothing toward each other, people who are callous to the weaker system of man is to choose eternal death, torment, and
ones. There will be no compassion and men will be driven by lust separation from GOD.
for control and power.
This word is clear, it is straight forward. The enemy wants to take
People will lose their identity overnight as they fold into the MY Words and twist them into every direction so that people are
coming world system. For those who refuse, death awaits them confused, but the mark is a system made by man that brings
and they will suffer. Those who conform to the devil’s plans will be humans under the control of evil men who have no regard for
sent to hell for choosing against ME. I will not take kindly to the GOD and the outcome will be ultimate disaster for mankind. I will
rejection of those who choose the mark. Already many are not allow this system to succeed.
choosing the world system and they are damning themselves to
eternal hell. If you participate in MY enemy’s attempt to control men through
his mark, then you will all be banished to hell. It is that simple. I
Harsh you say? READ MY BOOK! My Words are clear. Take the will not be mocked or tried. MY Word has stated the
mark and you will be sent to eternal hell fires. How is this different consequences of your choices. You choose this evil system and
than when people fall into hell because they reject MY Salvation, you will live to regret it. I cannot undo your decision. You choose
MY precious Blood? If MY children read MY Book, they will know against GOD and you will regret it.
about MY Salvation and they will know about MY enemy and they
will know about the mark of the beast. MY people die from lack of Don’t be foolish. Choose wisely. Time is running out. The system
knowledge. MY people damn themselves because they view the of the mark is underfoot and underway. I am waiting briefly for
pursuit of the world more important than pursuing MY Word. men to come to ME and then I must grasp the few who really are
ready and leave to bring them to protection. Very few are paying
When you each stand before ME, very soon you will each be held attention and very few will be ready, just as in the days of Noah.
accountable for the choices you made in this life, for the way you The road is narrow and few find it. This should be a stark wake up
spend your time in this life, for the things you choose to know and call for you. I can’t wait much longer.
understand. If you choose to follow hard after the world and the
things of the world, then you will have a head full of worldly I have the door open. Soon I will take MY bride and close the
knowledge, but you will be sent to hell if that knowledge does not door. Get your lamp full, the hour is almost up.
point you to MY Salvation.
Your LORD has spoken. My Words are True. JESUS your LORD
There is great sacrifice in pursuing the narrow path and dying to is True.
yourself. The path is narrow because choices must be made.
Since your life on earth has time limitation, you have precious Revelation 19.
little time to read MY Book and find the narrow way. If the world
fills your time and consumes your days, then there will be little 1And after these things I heard a great voice of much people in
time to learn about ME. Life has consequences for the way you heaven, saying, Alleluia; Salvation, and glory, and honour, and
spend your time. power, unto the Lord our God:

If you want to fixate on the world in this life, then when you stand 2For true and righteous are his judgments: for he hath judged the
before ME and explain how you led your life before ME, I will great whore, which did corrupt the earth with her fornication, and
know your choice for ME or against ME. To know ME, there must hath avenged the blood of his servants at her hand.
be sacrifices. Only in this way can we truly become close. The
hour is approaching for the world system to take over. Will you be 3And again they said, Alleluia And her smoke rose up for ever
found worthy to escape the horror to come? Don’t let anything or and ever.
anyone stand between ME and your salvation.
4And the four and twenty elders and the four beasts fell down and
Each day the end draws closer. Be ready to come with ME when I worshipped God that sat on the throne, saying, Amen; Alleluia.
call for you.
5And a voice came out of the throne, saying, Praise our God, all
Part II. January 25, 2011. ye his servants, and ye that fear him, both small and great.

Susan, I do have words. 6And I heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and as the
voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty thunderings,
MY people, I, GOD am waiting patiently. The hour is waning as I saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God omnipotent reigneth.
have said before. You are watching and waiting on ME if you are
7Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the CHIP IS NOW IN “MARK” FORM, THIS SCRIPTURE NEVER
marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself SAYS THERE IS MORE THAN ONE VERSION OF THE MARK,
ready. IT ONLY REFERS TO ‘THE MARK’,, which is the name of the
beast or the number of its name. 18 This calls for wisdom. Let the
8And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is
clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints. the number of a man., IT IS A MANMADE SYSTEM, That number
is 666.
9And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they which are called
unto the marriage supper of the Lamb. And he saith unto me, Here is proof of its current widespread use by people and growing
These are the true sayings of God. daily.

10And I fell at his feet to worship him. And he said unto me, See U.S. Government Healthcare plan vision utilizing RFID
thou do it not: I am thy fellowservant, and of thy brethren that technology:
have the testimony of Jesus: worship God: for the testimony of
Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. http://www.federalnewsradio.com/pdfs/cisco_federal_healthcare.p
11And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he
that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in Cincinnati Company CityWatcher injected employees for security
righteousness he doth judge and make war. reasons.

12His eyes were as a flame of fire, and on his head were many SoMark Industries already developing a tattoo RFID mark.
crowns; and he had a name written, that no man knew, but he
himself. MEXICO CITY, Security has reached the subcutaneous level for
Mexico’s attorney general and at least 160 people in his office,
13And he was clothed with a vesture dipped in blood: and his they have been implanted with microchips that get them access to
name is called The Word of God. secure areas of their headquarters.

14And the armies which were in heaven followed him upon white Florida Healthcare System using the chip:
horses, clothed in fine linen, white and clean.
15And out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword, that with it he Corporation-Launches-HEALTH-LINK-SYSTEM-in-Florida-
should smite the nations: and he shall rule them with a rod of iron: Revolutionizing-Future-of-Emergency-Medicine/
and he treadeth the winepress of the fierceness and wrath of
Almighty God. Former Health and Human Services, HHS, Secretary Tommy
Thompson, who served in the Bush administration’s first term,
16And he hath on his vesture and on his thigh a name written, recently joined the board of directors of Florida-based Applied
KING OF KINGS, AND LORD OF LORDS. Digital. Applied Digital is the owner of VeriChip, the company that
specializes in making implantable radio frequency identification
17And I saw an angel standing in the sun; and he cried with a chips, RFID, for both people and pets. On July 31, London’s The
loud voice, saying to all the fowls that fly in the midst of heaven, Business reported that Thompson “is putting the final touches to a
Come and gather yourselves together unto the supper of the plan that could result in US citizens having [an RFID] chip
great God; inserted under their skin.” Scott Silverman, CEO of Applied
Digital, told WebMD Medical News on July 27 that “some 2,000
18That ye may eat the flesh of kings, and the flesh of captains, people worldwide are using” his company’s implants. “But,” the
and the flesh of mighty men, and the flesh of horses, and of them WebMD report noted, “soon he expects that millions of people will
that sit on them, and the flesh of all men, both free and bond, both get VeriChip implants every year.”
small and great.
19And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their research-institute-partner-glucose-monitoring-chip
armies, gathered together to make war against him that sat on the
horse, and against his army. http://www.positiveidcorp.com/glucose_sensing.html

20And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet that http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/microchips-be-implanted-
wrought miracles before him, with which he deceived them that dialysis-patients
had received the mark of the beast, and them that worshipped his
image. These both were cast alive into a lake of fire burning with PART 40. January 31st, 2011.
This message contains two letters from Jesus, each letter has its
21And the remnant were slain with the sword of him that sat upon own important message.
the horse, which sword proceeded out of his mouth: and all the
fowls were filled with their flesh. Why do people meet with the idea that we are in the last days
with such open resistance?
The Scripture: Revelation 13: 16 It also forced all people, great
and small, rich and poor, free and slave,(A SYSTEM THAT IS There is only one reason I believe that people are resistant and
FOR ALL PEOPLE, to receive a mark on their right hands or on even argumentative when you warn them about the nearness of
their foreheads, THE RFID CHIP IS TO BE USED IN SUCH A the LORD’s return: it is a focus on personal plans that are
WAY,, 17 so that they could not buy or sell, THE RFID CHIP HAS oriented to the things of the world. What else could possibly
TO DO WITH TRADE, unless they had the mark, THE RFID cause someone to be so unhappy to think that the LORD’s return
is so near? I can only speculate about this, but to be part of the Touch MY land and death comes and it comes in full force. No
bride of Christ I can imagine that you would not want to be one left will be spared from the evil consuming the world. Take
agitated at the idea that the LORD’s return is coming so soon. So heed these words. Humble yourself as a small child that knows it
what is your reaction to the idea that the LORD is coming soon? needs the love and protection of a loving parent. I will protect MY
How sad that people embrace the world and not the LORD of own. To be MINE, you must surrender your complete will to ME.
lords, the one who created and loves us. Death to self, death to your will, humble heart, repentant heart:
these are the ones who will be saved from the coming madness.

Letter 72. Dictated by JESUS Christ to Susan on January 28, The hour is swiftly coming. Soon the world that makes its plans
2011. against MY people will strike her like a wolf attacking the lamb.
But I will bring MY wrath to the earth in exchange for this evil.
Susan listen carefully. I am making MY approach to earth. Soon
many things will be happening in the earth. There are a great Prepare your hearts. Be ready to be found worthy to depart to
many things about to happen. MY people need to heed MY safety. It is coming quickly.
warnings. Soon Israel will be divided. It will come to pass. When
this happens, calamity will take over the earth. The people need I, THE LORD GOD JEHOVAH OF ISRAEL, HAVE SPOKEN.
to realize that I cannot be trifled with. MY covenant people are not
to be touched. I asked the LORD for any Scripture to go with HIS letter, HE
immediately gave me Isaiah 29:
The world believes this is the road to peace. It is the road to death
and destruction. I am clear with MY Words. I, GOD am always Isaiah 29.
clear. The people need to see the evil uprising against MY
chosen people, MY land, MY people. This cannot be, O’ the 1Woe to Ariel, to Ariel, the city where David dwelt! add ye year to
audacity, the outrage. The world is coming against MY people all year; let them kill sacrifices.
at once, rising up against her. The world is haughty and sees that
it can do what it thinks it wants with no consequence. This is 2Yet I will distress Ariel, and there shall be heaviness and sorrow:
sheer evil, sheer madness. The world had better lay its hands on and it shall be unto me as Ariel.
a hornet’s nest full of hornets than to lay its hands on MY
covenant land. 3And I will camp against thee round about, and will lay siege
against thee with a mount, and I will raise forts against thee.
I am a GOD of retribution. I will strike back. I will destroy those
who touch MY people, MY country I love, I preserve as MY own. 4And thou shalt be brought down, and shalt speak out of the
These people play with ME, toy with ME. This evil that says: there ground, and thy speech shall be low out of the dust, and thy voice
is not really any GOD, we can do what we want, these people are shall be, as of one that hath a familiar spirit, out of the ground,
clinging to false hope and empty promises concocted from days and thy speech shall whisper out of the dust.
past as a fable from long ago, this GOD is merely a great fable
passed down over the centuries, what do we know or care of this 5Moreover the multitude of thy strangers shall be like small dust,
GOD?, Who is HE?, This people clings to these old fables, these and the multitude of the terrible ones shall be as chaff that
old stories, Who do they think they are?, We will take this land passeth away: yea, it shall be at an instant suddenly.
and all will be well in the world, It must be, they say to
themselves. 6Thou shalt be visited of the LORD of hosts with thunder, and
with earthquake, and great noise, with storm and tempest, and
Haughty, sons of devils is who these men are. They trample on the flame of devouring fire.
MY Words and they rise up against the HOLY ONE who created
the heavens and the earth. I will not tolerate their disregard of 7And the multitude of all the nations that fight against Ariel, even
ME, MY Words, and MY covenant with the nation of Israel. When all that fight against her and her munition, and that distress her,
they come against her, they come against the MIGHTY ALPHA shall be as a dream of a night vision.
and OMEGA, the GREAT I AM. The cost will be great.
8It shall even be as when an hungry man dreameth, and, behold,
MY people, I will not sit idly by and allow this to go unpunished. O’ he eateth; but he awaketh, and his soul is empty: or as when a
they will do this thing and they will say in their hearts: who can thirsty man dreameth, and, behold, he drinketh; but he awaketh,
stop us now, we the peoples of the world don’t answer to any and, behold, he is faint, and his soul hath appetite: so shall the
GOD, we call the shots, we decide how to run this planet and all multitude of all the nations be, that fight against mount Zion.
those who reside on it, GOD who?, O’ that great story someone
told long ago?, we put that fable to rest. 9Stay yourselves, and wonder; cry ye out, and cry: they are
drunken, but not with wine; they stagger, but not with strong drink.
Make no mistake, I said in MY Word this would happen and it will.
I also promised destruction to the lands that touch MY covenant 10For the LORD hath poured out upon you the spirit of deep
land. I am a GOD who is true. All others will lie, but I am truth, I sleep, and hath closed your eyes: the prophets and your rulers,
am GOD, I am JESUS. the seers hath he covered.

The world will live to regret the choices it is about to make. Israel 11And the vision of all is become unto you as the words of a book
will be put asunder and the world will know MY wrath: the lifting of that is sealed, which men deliver to one that is learned, saying,
MY protection. I will raise up MY Strong Right Hand and darkness Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I cannot; for it is sealed:
will cover the earth. Even now the darkness is crowding in around
the earth to humble and bring low all its inhabitants. Those who 12And the book is delivered to him that is not learned, saying,
are not part of MY bride, who are left, will face the worst. It will be. Read this, I pray thee: and he saith, I am not learned.

13Wherefore the Lord said, Forasmuch as this people draw near in this world. I AM a righteous GOD and will judge you as The
me with their mouth, and with their lips do honour me, but have Just. But know that I can only act as MY Word says. Only those
removed their heart far from me, and their fear toward me is with a full complete surrender are of ME. Only they can draw near
taught by the precept of men: to MY GLORY and enter.

14Therefore, behold, I will proceed to do a marvelous work It is not out of your own works, but faith without works is dead, as
among this people, even a marvelous work and a wonder: for the MY Word also says. Many live by grace, a grace however, they
wisdom of their wise men shall perish, and the understanding of impose on themselves. It is one of the most misleading lies of the
their prudent men shall be hid. devil out of MY Word. He takes MY Word and conforms it as you
like to hear it and not anymore like MY HOLY SPIRIT has written.
15Woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the
LORD, and their works are in the dark, and they say, Who seeth Listen to the Voice of MY SPIRIT! HE speaks all truth. Once
us? and who knoweth us? many of you have taken MY Grace, you live on and I see little or
no difference. Those few hours in the church do not matter, if I do
16Surely your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as not have your heart. Hypocrisy it is. These are loving, warning
the potter’s clay: for shall the work say of him that made it, He words MY children. Please give heed to it.
made me not? or shall the thing framed say of him that framed it,
He had no understanding? Live according to MY Word and not to a word you appropriate
yourselves. This is not according to MY will. MY will is complete
17Is it not yet a very little while, and Lebanon shall be turned into surrender, soul, spirit, and body. MY will is complete healing in
a fruitful field, and the fruitful field shall be esteemed as a forest? soul, spirit, and body. MY will is complete liberation in spirit, soul,
and body. This can only happen if you give ME your soul, mind,
18And in that day shall the deaf hear the words of the book, and and body. Usually I only get half the share, half the members of
the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of the body. If I do not receive everything, I can not heal everything.
darkness. I came to restore everything, so you can live free in MY SPIRIT
within the limits of MY Word. MY Word is sacred. Also, be you
19The meek also shall increase their joy in the LORD, and the holy as MY Word prescribes. It is the best recipe that you could
poor among men shall rejoice in the Holy One of Israel. ever receive.

20For the terrible one is brought to nought, and the scorner is The enemy is out to destroy all of you and to drag you into his
consumed, and all that watch for iniquity are cut off: web of lies and destruction. Only a small lie, deception is
necessary for him so he has an impact on your soul. Know ye not
21That make a man an offender for a word, and lay a snare for that a little leaven, leaveneth the whole lump? Why then do you
him that reproveth in the gate, and turn aside the just for a thing make compromises with the world? Many are lost by this act.
of nought. Many do not come in MY Kingdom because of bad thoughts and
assumptions. Assumptions are not reliable. MY Word is.
22Therefore thus saith the LORD, who redeemed Abraham,
concerning the house of Jacob, Jacob shall not now be ashamed, Read MY Word, MY people! Read MY Word! Read MY Word!
neither shall his face now wax pale. Read MY Holy Word and get to know your GOD. Many know the
world better than they know ME. I do not accept compromises.
23But when he seeth his children, the work of mine hands, in the
midst of him, they shall sanctify my name, and sanctify the Holy I gave MYSELF fully to die for you and humiliate MYSELF on a
One of Jacob, and shall fear the God of Israel. cross. Oh that bitter cross. That bitter cross is your salvation. Do
not think it is enough just to believe it. The enemy also believes.
24They also that erred in spirit shall come to understanding, and He knows of MY salvation. He knows now what I did to save MY
they that murmured shall learn doctrine. people from the darkness, so that many would be saved.

January 30, 2001. Letter from JESUS spoken to Sabrina: MY salvation is for everyone. But it is not sufficient to only briefly
speak a prayer and then continue with your life, thinking that this
“Write it down MY daughter, these are MY Words. way you can draw near MY Kingdom and enter. I want a pure,
clean heart. This does not come easily. This comes only from
I have the rapture of MY bride postponed until a certain time. This chasing after your GOD with all that is in you. This is called
does not mean I do not come soon for her. She is MY beloved ‘surrender.’ Total surrender is what I want. I cannot do anything
and I see that the time approaches to take her with ME in MY with half a heart. Fix your eyes on ME. Come to ME!
Kingdom of Heaven. I long to take MY bride to ME. She is MY
beloved. I love her heart. She gives herself over completely and The darkness will soon cover this earth. NOW is the time to fix
totally, without compromises. your eyes on ME. To worship your God. Do you realize I give MY
blessings to all of this? From any act of surrender to ME, outflows
However, I want that many more of MY children go in the rapture. a blessing. This is MY Grace and love for you.
Not everyone belongs to this group now. Many are saved, but
cannot be part of MY Heavenly bride. She is a breed apart. She is Many would be appalled if they would see and know all of what I,
MY chosen. She is the one without stain, spot, and wrinkle. I do GOD have put away and which blessings I give to anyone who
not look at appearances and events, I look to the heart. I want a loves ME. I am a very righteous GOD and will also judge very fair.
heart that is clean, pure and clean without spot. So is MY bride. The time is here and now. Do not be afraid MY children to extend
She is like the morning sun that comes in all its glory and yourselves to ME. Do not be afraid to come to ME with all that is
splendor. She is MY light in this dark world. She is MY beloved. in you. COME, MY children! COME! NOW is the time.

I want all MY children to get ready as MY bride. Too many still live Come into your closet and have a deep communion with your
GOD. I desire a deep intimacy with all MY children. MY Heart the Bible through all sorts of media.  I tell you what thought comes
cries for your attention. MY Heart cries out to your heart. Come to mind: how bad will it be for those who are lost to face GOD and
and learn what it’s like to be touched by your GOD, to feel HIS to have trivialized the easy access they had to GOD’s Word.
Heart, to have a deep communion with MY SPIRIT.
NOW is the hour to get right with the LORD.
MY SPIRIT lives in you. Yet, many of you give HIM little attention.
Focus yourself on MY SPIRIT, MY HOLY SPIRIT. HE was and is If you would like to receive a document with many of the letters
the one that made your salvation possible. HE was the one who translated into German, please contact Susan at
empowered ME, JESUS with HIS resurrection power. Live in this kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net  , thanks to Martina; Sarah; and Sara for
same resurrection power! Live, MY children and be a light and their hard translating work.
testimony in this world. NOW is the time to witness of MY
Strength and Greatness. Give ME the chance to do this through February 3, 2011. Letter given to Sabrina.
Do you realize now why I demand total submission? Only those
can shine and witness from MY SPIRIT in their lives. Give MY My dear daughter, write it down.
SPIRIT this chance. Give your GOD this chance. HE lives in you.
I love all of you. Do you love ME too? Not only with the lips. I do I am a GOD of total control and fairness and righteousness. 
not like lip service, but I love a sincere heart, totally devoted. Therefore I will visit those who have not complied to MY Word
and ordinances.  They will know and feel and experience what it
Who is willing to go and testify of this Great GOD in your life?” is to live without their GOD, their MAKER and SAVIOR.  These
words may sound harsh, but MY Word also is not without
I am ready. harshness. Those who read MY Word, know their GOD.  They
know and learn how I am.  I have all this written down in MY Word
Your Big Awesome GOD, THE KING OF KINGS. so people would know their GOD, MY righteousness, MY
holiness, MY desire for a pure and clean people.  I AM is sacred. 
Ephesians 5:27. That he might present it to himself a glorious I cannot allow injustice in MY Kingdom.  Therefore, I will visit the
church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it evil one on earth.  They will face MY wrath.
should be holy and without blemish.
MY Word also says that I am love.  By Love, the world is created. 
James 2:26. For as the body without the spirit is dead, so faith By Love, I have sent MY SON to this soiled earth.  By Love, I
without works is dead also. have abandoned MY SON temporarily on the cross.  By Love, HE
has offered salvation to all humanity.  This was MY only eternal
1 Thessalonians 5:23. And the very God of peace sanctify you sacrifice. MY SON has sacrificed HIMSELF voluntarily as a
wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be substitute sacrifice for humanity.  HE has shed HIS precious
preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. BLOOD for this humanity.  HE left HIS Kingdom for this
humanity.  HE will also judge you now, based on your works and
Galatians 5:9. A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. faith.  These are truly MY last calls.

2 Timothy 2:22. Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, All HIS BLOOD shed on this soiled earth to give you salvation,
faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure even while you did not even know it.  HE knew everything.  HE
heart. saw everyone on that horrible wooden cross while HIS BLOOD
was flowing.  Nobody has ever suffered so as MY SON.  Why is
Matthew 6:6. But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet, HE then still rejected?  Why is this Sacrifice not good enough? 
and when thou hast shut thy door, pray to thy Father which is in Why is it not powerful enough?  Why do many of you deny this
secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee Sacrifice? I tell you, MY people, MY Will is that everyone has
openly. eternal life in MY Kingdom.  MY Will is that everyone enjoys his
GOD on this earth and serves HIM in complete trust and faith. 
Romans 1:4. And declared to be the Son of God with power, MY Will is that everyone of you be filled with MY joy.  HIS
according to the spirit of holiness, by the resurrection from the Sacrifice brought you joy.
This is a love that is not known here on earth.  This is a love that
is pure, unselfish, and complete.  The love that you call love here
Part 41. February 4, 2011.
on earth is self-love.  Nobody has ever loved as MY SON.  If
someone does not accept HIM as his or her SAVIOR, that person
Message from God The Father and Lord Jesus through
cannot enter MY Kingdom.  The hell, this awful place, will be their
Sabrina & Susan.
eternal destination.  MY Word is recorded and does not change.
4 February 2011.
I have sent MY SON, HE has paid the price for your salvation. 
HE has become to sin in your place.  HE has shed HIS BLOOD in
Contained in this message 41 are three letters from both GOD the
your place.  HE has carried everything, your troubles, burdens,
Father and JESUS.
grief, and sin.  It is done.  It is finished..
It recently came to our attention how the Chinese Christians
I stand ready to give MY SON the sign to get HIS bride, HIS
share a page each week from a Bible and keep it in their pockets
beautiful bride as HIS price. She will have the privilege to have an
to ready and study, and then exchange it every week for a new
intimacy with the Godhead forever and ever.  She will be so very
page.  This is how rare and precious the Bible is to them.  This
blessed.  For her, the reward is great.  Today is the time to
should be so sobering for the rest of us who have easy access to
prepare you as HIS bride.  Tomorrow may be too late.
Isaiah 53:4. Surely he hath borne our griefs, and carried our
MY SON looks at the heart.  HE sees those who have voluntarily sorrows: yet we did esteem him stricken, smitten of God, and
sacrificed themselves in this life for HIS Name.  They are the afflicted.
bride, those who have put off their lives, some even to death. 
They do not need words of supplication.  They know their GOD Romans 8:16. The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that
and HIS Love for them.  They know what it is to serve their GOD we are the children of God:
in this life.  They know HIS HOLY SPIRIT WHO is leading them
through and in everything in this life.  They are constantly filled Colossians 3:5.  Mortify therefore your members which are upon
with THE SPIRIT.  They do not live to this earth’s standards.  the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil
They live to the heavenly standards, as it should be and as I have concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
written in MY Word.  Now is the time.  Tomorrow may be too late.
Galatians 5:13. For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty;
Letter of the Lord JESUS as told to Sabrina: only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve
one another.
This is a word for the church.
Galatians 1:7. Which is not another; but there be some that
I have placed MY Church on this earth so she would be a light in trouble you, and would pervert the gospel of Christ.
this world, a pure brilliant white light.  Yet I see in many churches
no white light.  I only see sin: fornication, idolatry, sexual Letter 73.  As told by Jesus Christ to Susan on February 1-2,
immorality, impure thoughts and fantasies, sermons that have 2011.
nothing to do with MY pure Word, no more preaching of MY
BLOOD, twisted words of MY Word, their own interpretations. Do Yes, MY daughter, you may take these words down.
you think this can be rewarded?  On the contrary, woe to those
who bring MY Word and twist it in MY Name.  This I can not The world is changing rapidly.  All is changing.  Do you sense it
bless. Wake up church!  These are the last hours.  Preach about MY people?  The world is troubled, deeply troubled.  All is
the sin in your church, preach on MY BLOOD, preach on the last faltering.  It is going mad, sinking deeper and deeper.
days.  Dare to tell the truth and not homemade sermons to please
men and to keep the church full. Soon the world will fall to such low depths it will not be
recoverable.  Its moral standards are completely awry.  The world
I tell you this: Churches are run down because the truth is not has followed a path of madness.  This world rejects GOD, so only
preached.  People yearn for the whole truth, people are longing madness remains.  Apart from ME, there is only amoral chaos;
for passion, Divine passion, honest truth, confrontation.  Confront evil unbridled; men with no conscience; men who follow any line
them with their sin.  How can I set people free if there is no of thinking; no moral compass; no true direction; just haphazard
confrontation with the sin in their lives? Ask for MY SPIRIT, invite reasoning that leads to a decaying moral existence.  Do you not
MY SPIRIT in your meetings and preach THE BLOOD!  Preach see this MY people?
THE BLOOD!  Preach THE BLOOD!  MY BLOOD sets anybody
free, I bought you freedom. So be free and win people for MY Can you not see that your leaders, your world leaders follow a
Kingdom.  Do not play church, but be the church.  Put your self- path of darkness and are leading the world into complete moral
righteousness and selfishness aside and come in the full truth of degradation?  Do you not realize that the absence of ME in the
MY Word. This is true freedom. world is only leaving absolute evil.  What good can come of man
leading man without a GOD of truth at the helm?
MY Heart still bleeds because I still see MY Word twisted. 
Because, I do not hear the whole truth.  There is only one truth Can you not see the consequence of the world that has
and that's MY Word.  Now therefore, proclaim My Word!  Woe to completely and hopelessly rejected ME, its GOD?  What hope do
you pastors and leaders!  You drag thousands of souls to hell with you have without GOD?  You have none.  You grasp at straws,
you this way!  Be free!  MY Word sets you free! you think there is enough hope left to carry on with life as it is, but
soon all darkness will move in.  It is closing in right now.  The
Now is the time for conversion, for true conversion.  Ask ME for world wants to do as it pleases apart from ME.  MY Rules, MY
passion and truth. Proclaim MY truth.  This alone can save you.  Book, MY Truth, MY Way is rejected.
Thousands in the church are not saved because they do not
believe and act on MY Word, MY truth. There are few left who stand for holiness.  Only MY bride still
embraces holiness.  This word has little meaning in the world,
I AM a righteous GOD, so be brave and step out into this world as among the people.  It is scoffed at and mocked.  Even the people
MY light.  I AM The Light.  MY question here again is: Who is who call themselves by MY Name want to look and act like the
willing to go?  Ask ME for wisdom and I will give you MY Wisdom. world.  They are afraid to appear holy for fear of insulting the
Ask ME about MY Will and I will reveal MY Will to you. world around them.  This is an abomination to ME.  I expect
holiness from MY people.
Your loving GOD, JESUS CHRIST.
If you are embarrassed or you shrink back from embracing
1 Peter 1:16.  Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy. holiness and purity in this world, you are rejecting ME.  I am
seeking those who will choose to die from their self-life and look
1 Peter 2:21. For even hereunto were ye called: because Christ to MY Way of holiness, purity.  If you wish to engage in the ways
also suffered for us, leaving us an example, that ye should follow and behaviors of the world, then know this. you will not be part of
his steps: MY World in the age to come.  I am coming to bring MY bride
home to rule and reign together with ME for eternity.
Psalm 100:2. Serve the LORD with gladness: come before his
presence with singing. I am seeking a pure bride without spot or wrinkle.  Your dirty
hands handling the world and then coming to ME will not fly.  I
won’t have it.  It is all or nothing.  You either reject the world or exhausted by the daily woes coming to the planet.  Everyday new
you reject ME.  Do not think you can have us both.  I share MY trouble will come.  News of woes to the earth will be your daily
World with no other god.  I am the One True GOD.  There is no wake up call.  It will be new terror each day.  The people will
other.  If you worship anyone else, or anything else, but ME you begin to be weary of the darkness crowding in around them.
are hopelessly lost.
Don’t wait to make your decision.  I wait on this sad generation
Soon I will make MY entrance to the world and bring the bride clinging to empty worldly ways.  Sad will be the ending.  Come
out.  She is glorious, beautiful, and only has eyes for her LORD.  now and be saved.  I can bring you into peace and safety.  I am
Very soon, the world stage will see the calamity of what is the only WAY, TRUTH, LIFE.  By no other name can you be
coming.  Many will die in the wake of MY fierce anger on this evil saved.  The hour is at hand.  You know of what I am speaking.
world, for this evil generation.
These words are true. Your Precious LORD and SAVIOR,
Anyone who wants to come with ME may do so, but the world JESUS.
cannot possess you.  You cannot choose for ME and the world
and what it stands for.  We stand at the crossroads of decision as Scripture to add: Ezekiel 18.
the world further deteriorates and drowns in its self-love and
worldly pursuits.  You will need to decide: do you run with death 1The word of the LORD came unto me again, saying, 2What
and MY enemy or do you choose to be MY bride with ME for mean ye, that ye use this proverb concerning the land of Israel,
eternity?  Can you decide now?  The time is daily closer to this saying, The fathers have eaten sour grapes, and the children's
event, when the world reaches the end of itself.  And I come for teeth are set on edge?  3As I live, saith the Lord GOD, ye shall
MY bride to put her away to safety while the earth self destructs.  not have occasion any more to use this proverb in Israel. 
MY wrath will be poured out.  Who can withstand MY wrath? 4Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the
soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die.
The world will continue to tremble from earthquakes in diverse
places, the world’s economy will sink, and with it the people will 5But if a man be just, and do that which is lawful and right,  6And
sink to evil depths.  MY hand that brings about all good is being hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes
lifted.  Men pat themselves on their backs believing they can bring to the idols of the house of Israel, neither hath defiled his
success.  I am the ONE WHO brings success. neighbour's wife, neither hath come near to a menstruous
The world races ahead apart from ME, its MAKER.  The people
deny what is going on around them.  They have so thoroughly 7And hath not oppressed any, but hath restored to the debtor his
sunk down into the mire of their sin that they cannot see the kind pledge, hath spoiled none by violence, hath given his bread to the
of people they have become.  They are the kind of people I had to hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment;  8He that
destroy in Sodom and Gomorrah and the kind who surrounded hath not given forth upon usury, neither hath taken any increase,
MY friend Noah. that hath withdrawn his hand from iniquity, hath executed true
judgment between man and man,  9Hath walked in my statutes,
People wake up!  I cannot allow the world to carry on in corruption and hath kept my judgments, to deal truly; he is just, he shall
and planning apart from GOD.  There will be no end in sight on surely live, saith the Lord GOD.  10If he beget a son that is a
the calamity that will befall the earth and the people running apart robber, a shedder of blood, and that doeth the like to any one of
from its GOD, if I don’t intercede and bring this world to the end of these things,  11And that doeth not any of those duties, but even
the madness.  I must pour out MY wrath and allow the times to hath eaten upon the mountains, and defiled his neighbour's wife, 
take over.  Soon the people will realize that the world has made 12Hath oppressed the poor and needy, hath spoiled by violence,
the wrong decision to turn from its GOD, to embrace MY enemy, hath not restored the pledge, and hath lifted up his eyes to the
to love and embrace evil.    This will be its downfall. idols, hath committed abomination,  13Hath given forth upon
usury, and hath taken increase: shall he then live? he shall not
As before, the humans have stepped across the line and this calls live: he hath done all these abominations; he shall surely die; his
for ME to return with a swift judgment over mankind.  I have done blood shall be upon him. 
this before and I will do it again.  You can escape MY wrath, MY
judgment on the earth.  You can come with ME home to safety as 14Now, lo, if he beget a son, that seeth all his father's sins which
MY bride.  Surrender your being to ME, JESUS and embrace he hath done, and considereth, and doeth not such like,  15That
purity, holiness, and love.  This is the choice I give you right now. hath not eaten upon the mountains, neither hath lifted up his eyes
to the idols of the house of Israel, hath not defiled his neighbour's
You can see the end times unfolding even now, before your wife,  16Neither hath oppressed any, hath not withholden the
eyes.  I spoke of this in MY Book so long ago.  You may deny it is pledge, neither hath spoiled by violence, but hath given his bread
happening right up until I take MY bride with ME and leave you to the hungry, and hath covered the naked with a garment, 
behind.  After you have been left your denial of reality will hit and 17That hath taken off his hand from the poor, that hath not
your loss will be extraordinary.  You will feel the pain of missing received usury nor increase, hath executed my judgments, hath
the great event of MY Supper with MY true love, MY bride and to walked in my statutes; he shall not die for the iniquity of his father,
be taken to safety and remaining to face utter horror.  This will be he shall surely live.
your reality.  Will you deny it then when you face MY enemy and
his world?  It will be your punishment for clinging to the world and 18As for his father, because he cruelly oppressed, spoiled his
not seeking MY Face. brother by violence, and did that which is not good among his
people, lo, even he shall die in his iniquity.
I do not take kindly to rejection.  Read MY Book and know truth.  I
am a GOD that requires absolute commitment, no compromise.  19Yet say ye, Why? doth not the son bear the iniquity of the
You are being warned.  The events in the world are only the start father? When the son hath done that which is lawful and right,
of the trials ahead.  These are the birth pangs of what is coming.  and hath kept all my statutes, and hath done them, he shall surely
This madness on earth is only beginning.  The people will be live.  20The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear
the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him,
and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.  21But if the God bless!  Thank you to our dear friend Higashi Nobuo for
wicked will turn from all his sins that he hath committed, and keep translations!
all my statutes, and do that which is lawful and right, he shall
surely live, he shall not die.  22All his transgressions that he hath Letter 75.  Given by JESUS to Susan on February 5, 2011.
committed, they shall not be mentioned unto him: in his
righteousness that he hath done he shall live.  23Have I any Yes daughter, please write.
pleasure at all that the wicked should die? saith the Lord GOD:
and not that he should return from his ways, and live?  24But Susan the hour is at hand.  I am coming.  I am coming for MY
when the righteous turneth away from his righteousness, and bride.  She is ready.  She is beautiful.  I am ready.  The people
committeth iniquity, and doeth according to all the abominations need to be prepared.  I have much to do in a little time.  I want MY
that the wicked man doeth, shall he live? All his righteousness people to focus on ME.  The hour is coming for change.  There
that he hath done shall not be mentioned: in his trespass that he are big changes coming to the earth.  I know you can feel it, MY
hath trespassed, and in his sin that he hath sinned, in them shall people.  If you cannot see it, you are not looking.  You have
he die.  25Yet ye say, The way of the LORD is not equal. Hear allowed the world to consume your life.  I cannot help you, if you
now, O house of Israel; Is not my way equal? are not your ways do not seek help for what ails you: worldly consumption.  You are
unequal?  26When a righteous man turneth away from his consumed by the world, and I do not enter your thoughts.
righteousness, and committeth iniquity, and dieth in them; for his
iniquity that he hath done shall he die.  27Again, when the wicked I am coming for a pure, clean bride and you are wondering what
man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, that means?  She must be pure in her thoughts, motives, heart
and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul toward ME, her GOD.  I must be her center-focus.  She cannot
alive.  28Because he considereth, and turneth away from all his embrace the world and ME both.  If she clutches the world close
transgressions that he hath committed, he shall surely live, he to herself, then there is no room for ME.  This one cannot come
shall not die.  29Yet saith the house of Israel, The way of the with ME.  I will leave her to face the darkness looming over the
LORD is not equal. O house of Israel, are not my ways equal? are earth.
not your ways unequal?  30Therefore I will judge you, O house of
Israel, every one according to his ways, saith the Lord GOD. You think I repeat these words too much?  How can I not?  Soon I
Repent, and turn yourselves from all your transgressions; so must remove the bride and I am swiftly approaching.  Very few
iniquity shall not be your ruin.  31Cast away from you all your are ready.  Very few have laid their hearts at MY Feet in complete
transgressions, whereby ye have transgressed; and make you a surrender.  It is rare.  So many will be shocked to be left behind,
new heart and a new spirit: for why will ye die, O house of Israel?  to be remaining and not taken.  This will jolt the religious
32For I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the community.  Many pastors and entire congregations will remain
Lord GOD: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye. behind, left to face the worst.  Why will they be left?, because
they disregard ME as their One True LORD and MASTER.
PART 42. February 9, 2011.
The pastors and churches who really bring ME into their planning
Today’s letters, one dictated to Sabrina and one dictated to and seek MY Face and MY Will know the meaning of MY HOLY
Susan by JESUS, are very serious and much is addressed to SPIRIT Power.  They experience MY Touch, MY Power through
today’s churches.  We are in the last days, but the pastors are not healing, through wholeness, through contentment in life and
talking about end times to their churches.  They are not preparing peace and love.  I bring the prosperity of resources.  MY people
their people to be ready.  The churches are into pleasing men and are comforted and loved.  These churches understand about MY
not GOD, they are big on looking like the world to appeal to the Power and life-giving strength.  I am their center-focus.  They
world, but they are losing themselves in the process.  Over and won’t make a move without consulting ME.  I bring them into MY
over we receive messages from people who are shocked by the Will and they serve MY Will.  I bring them truth and success, not
LORD’s Words to prepare for the removal of the bride because worldly success, but success in their homes; success in dealing
they are not being warned by their churches of the hour we live with sin; and they have peace; and the world stresses do not
in.  Don’t wait for your church to warn you, go to the only source affect them because I cover them with MY Wings and they are
of truth, the Bible and surrender your life to the LORD.  Do it safe.
Churches that don’t operate in the Power of MY SPIRIT are open
2 Timothy 4:3-4. says: For the time will come when they will not to the ways of the enemy and they are in fact lukewarm.  I will spit
endure sound doctrine; but after their own lusts shall they heap to them out.  I will not receive them.  Their lackluster interest in ME
themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn will bring them to MY rejection.  I will not take these people with
away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables. ME when I take out MY bride.  These people are far from ME. 
They say we are wealthy, we are rich.  They believe I have
Please Note:  If you want several of the LORD's letters translated blessed them.  They need MY eye salve to see the truth that they
to German please email Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net  are far from ME and they are heading for hell.  I am sorry for you,
Thank you to Sara, Sarah, and Martina! MY people.  You are lost if you don’t come to ME in full
surrender.  I cannot be bought.  I cannot be disregarded.  Reject
Viele, noch nicht alle, Nachrichten vom HERRN JESUS wurden ME, reject MY Truth and be left, be lost.
bereits in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt.  Wenn Sie noch mehr
lesen möchten, schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an Susan: MY bride, MY wife is alert to the events of the world.  She knows
kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net  Vielen Dank an Martina und Sarah, the times.  She is aware of the times.  She watches ME.  She
Sara. looks for ME.  She knows what I am doing.  This is MY bride. 
Nothing shocks her about the times.  She knows because she
If anyone would like some of the LORD's letters that are now watches.
translated into Japanese emailed--please email your request to
Dear bride, do not become discouraged.  The hour approaches Meribah. Selah.
for MY return.  I am coming.  Do not be weary.  Pick up your 8 Hear, O my people, and I will testify unto thee: O Israel, if thou
armor.  Protect yourself and prepare those around you.  For the wilt hearken unto me;
event of the removal of the bride approaches and your garments 9There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship
cannot be soiled.  You must be pure.  You must have MY SPIRIT any strange god.
to survive the coming wave of events.  Only MY children who are 10 I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of
completely surrendered, with no reservation, will be saved. Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.
11 But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel
MY children, look to ME, your LORD and SAVIOR JESUS.  I am would none of me.
crying out to you in these closing hours.  Now is the time.  Now is 12 So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked
the hour of decision.  Why do you wait?  Why do you hesitate and in their own counsels.
stall?  Why do you think it is wise to wait for a better time to come 13 Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had
to ME in full surrender?  What does the world bring you that you walked in my ways!
think I cannot offer you? 14 I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my
hand against their adversaries.
I am LIFE, I am LIFE ABUNDANT.  There is no life apart from 15 The haters of the LORD should have submitted themselves
ME.  There is only death.  All paths of the world apart from a full unto him: but their time should have endured for ever.
surrender to ME lead to death.  Do you not see?  Do you not 16 He should have fed them also with the finest of the wheat: and
know?  You cling to the world, but she is a cruel mistress.  Many with honey out of the rock should I have satisfied thee.
will cling to her and die with her.  She will take them straight to
hell.  O’ so many are there now because they were too sure of Letter received from the LORD JESUS given to Sabrina on
their need for the world.  She draws, tempts, and pulls, but in the February 7, 2011:
end it is death, eternal separation from life with GOD, a loving
GOD. Write MY words down MY daughter.

Your love for the world will take you right to hell.  I know of what I Many think they are ready, but they are not.  Many think they are
speak.  I see MY lost children suffering for all eternity in this blessed in their church, but they are not.  Their blessings are not
place.  They will never be released from their torture.  It is an always MY blessings.
eternal choice.   Choose life now.  Come to MY abundant life
NOW.  Your waiting will be your undoing.  I do not take kindly to Listen pastors of MY church:
those who tempt ME.  I make MY precious offer of salvation clear,
but if you continue to reject it, you may find you have rejected it This is MY church.  These are MY children. These are MY sheep.
one too many times.  Too many who are in hell are stunned by On which way do you lead the sheep?, A road of prosperity, a
the reality of their resistance to get right with ME.  They are path of ease, a path of complacency, a path of lukewarmness?
forever lost. This is the way that pleases the flesh and that I spit out of MY
Mouth. This is the way to eternal destruction and death.  Her
Let these words stun you.  Let them stun you to the core.  Make place is hell, a terrible judgment.
no mistake, I am not a GOD to be trifled with.  I will not tolerate
rejection from MY people.  Be warned.  Time is running out for Listen to ME, MY children.  MY Word says if you remain in ME
you.  I am giving out final warnings, final pleas.  These are MY and follow, all MY Commandments with your whole heart, soul,
warnings.  If you trivialize them, I cannot help you if you wait too and mind, it will be well with you.  I am a GOD of blessings and
long.  You can never say you were not given warning. prosperity.  But if you do not first seek the Kingdom and MY
Roads and MY Regulations, then MY Blessings will not come.
Be careful in these choices you make.  The hour of decision is at
hand.  Choose wisely.  My hand is about to pull away from this Listen, MY children: MY Way is a path of prosperity, a path of
earth.  I will take with ME MY bride and I will leave the earth to abundance.  I have come to give you life in abundance.  The road
fend for itself amidst chaos and reigning evil.  Don’t be left behind. is free.  There is however one condition: live at MY Word.  Search
MY Kingdom first and everything else will be given to you.
You have been warned. I, JESUS have spoken.
I see however very many live with compromises, compromises
The LORD said to add Psalm 81 to this letter: with MY Word and the world.  Does not MY Word say: Convert
and repent of your sins?  This is daily conversion. I search for
Psalm 81. children who pour out and expose their whole heart, soul, and
spirit for their GOD.  I search for children with total surrender and
1 Sing aloud unto God our strength: make a joyful noise unto the devotion: hearts that bleed for ME; hearts moaning for ME; hearts
God of Jacob. only crying to ME.  This is the worship and devotion that I search
2 Take a psalm, and bring hither the timbrel, the pleasant harp for.
with the psaltery.
3 Blow up the trumpet in the new moon, in the time appointed, on MY children, many of you live with compromises.  ‘Everything is
our solemn feast day. grace’ I hear.  Only MY sacrifice was grace.  Your dispensation of
4 For this was a statute for Israel, and a law of the God of Jacob. the curse was grace.  This is an eternal sacrifice.  Why deprive
5 This he ordained in Joseph for a testimony, when he went out you than MY Word of power?  MY Word is complete and cannot
through the land of Egypt: where I heard a language that I be used in pieces and partially when it suits you.  MY Word is
understood not. complete and cannot be applied when it suits your flesh.
6 I removed his shoulder from the burden: his hands were
delivered from the pots. Many live carnally and not in the SPIRIT.  They concede to the
7 Thou calledst in trouble, and I delivered thee; I answered thee demands from their own fleshly thoughts and compress in this
in the secret place of thunder: I proved thee at the waters of way with the world.  Did I not say: You cannot serve two masters?
MY Word is correct and complete.  Know that every choice is an in prosperity, and their years in pleasures.
eternal choice and shall have eternal consequences, if you do not
repent. John 10:10. The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and
to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they
Get off the wide road that leads to destruction and death and might have it more abundantly.
come to the narrow road that leads to eternal life in MY Kingdom.
The road is narrow, this I have told you, but the reward for Acts 3:19. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins
following this path is very large.  I accept no compromises with may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall come from
the world, MY children. the presence of the Lord.

I am a loving GOD.  I have put out MY Life for all of you.  I have Matthew 6:24. No man can serve two masters: for either he will
gone into death for all of you.  I am risen so you would have free hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one,
access to MY Kingdom, a Kingdom that I would like to share with and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.
you.  O’ how MY Heart longs to rapture you into MY Kingdom, in
MY eternal Kingdom, where I have put away so much for MY Colossians 2:18. Let no man beguile you of your reward in a
children, blessing upon blessing, delight after delight. voluntary humility and worshipping of angels, intruding into those
things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly
I give you many warnings, MY children and I show you the way. mind,
The choice is yours. Choose the narrow path and come into
complete surrender to ME. Matthew 7:14. Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way,
which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.
Where are the worshippers?  Where are those who worship ME in
MY SPIRIT?  Where is the power of MY SPIRIT?  Where is the Proverbs 8:30. Then I was by him, as one brought up with him:
power of MY Word?  I see dead churches, empty, bereft of power. and I was daily his delight, rejoicing always before him;
I see no revival and power of MY HOLY SPIRIT.  I see many
people’s own works, own sermons, own interpretations, John 4:23. But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true
amusement.  This is what I see.  Where are the passionate worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the
churches?  Where is the HOLY SPIRIT?  Why do you not give Father seeketh such to worship him.
HIM the space?
Isaiah 61. The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me; because the
MY SPIRIT is so terribly limited in MY church.  This is a very LORD hath anointed me to preach good tidings unto the meek; he
serious matter.  Without HIM you cannot function.  Without HIM hath sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to
your church is dead and a dead church I cannot give MY the captives, and the opening of the prison to them that are
blessing.  I have come to give life, life in abundance.  LIVE bound;
Church!  LIVE!  Live in MY abundance, in the abundance of MY
Word!  Show the world WHO your GOD is.  Show MY Power. PART 43. February 14, 2011.
Witness of MY Power!
Two important letters from JESUS about the end times are below.
O’ how you restrict ME, O’ church!  I have MY Hands full of
blessings, I want to pour out MYSELF into your hearts and lives, Dear friends, we are at the juncture of the perfect storm of Bible
but you restrict ME by conforming to the world.  I cannot function prophecies converging all at once, a historical first, and last.
in a half-heart, in a half-soul, in a half-body. I, GOD, want it all: Largest ever and rarest ever natural disasters; worldwide
your whole soul, spirit, and body.  So I can fill you fully, heal, and economical crisis; political crisis; emergence and onset of the use
bless with MY Word. of the mark of the beast/RFID chip, as described exactly in the
Bible,; Israel on center stage; movement toward a one world
I have come to bind the brokenhearted, free the captives, heal the government; men’s hearts growing icy; and dreams and visions
sick. Why then do I see a limp church, a church that goes lame? abounding. The Bible does not say, when these signs all occur
Let it not be, MY children!  Learn to stand on MY Word.  Live to simultaneously the second, third, or fourth time, begin to look for
MY Word.  Read and study and learn to know MY Word.  MY the LORD JESUS to return. No!, it is described for one specific
Word is so rich. So rich. time period and we are entering that time period. These things
were predicted many years ago, and here it is, just as the Bible
If you would make an effort to get to know ME and the blessings described it. This alone should be sobering to so many, but it is
of MY Word, you would be able to function in MY full strength and not. This is also a Bible prophecy, that there would be scoffers
blessings and the world would be amazed at your strength.  Yet and naysayers. They too add fuel to the evidence that we are
many of you don’t dare want to step on this path.  You choose to seeing Bible prophecies coming together.
enter with one foot on the wide path and to walk with one foot on
the narrow path.  Let this not be!  MY Word says: You can not So many still profess to believe that we will be around 10, 20, 30
serve two lords. years into the future. Here are the reasons this would actually be
a troublesome scenario. The RFID chip, the exact match to the
Know that with every choice you make, you will also bear the description of the mark of the beast in the Bible, is now being
eternal consequences.  I, GOD, want total surrender, no injected voluntarily into people all over,
compromises, not with the world, not with MY Word. Read MY
Word, apply it without compromises.  Simple.  This is MY letter to http://www.federalnewsradio.com/pdfs/cisco_federal_healthcare.p
you today. df.

Your LORD and MASTER, JESUS. The other thing that troubles me the most, as it should you also, is
that it is currently an impossibility for any major country in the
Job 36:11. If they obey and serve him, they shall spend their days world to elect a leader who has a moral, Bible-adoring, GOD-
fearing character. The people on this earth now will not seemingly children, unborn babies will suddenly disappear. Panic, chaos,
tolerate putting into office anywhere someone who will boldly cursing, and cussing shall be the language of this earth. Demonic
speak out against the practices of homosexuality, abortion, and activity will be felt: visible and tangible everywhere.
also promote the truth that JESUS is the one and only true way to
GOD. GOD has been systemically, on a worldwide scale, So I tell you, NOW is the time to win people for MY Kingdom. O’
outmoded. This should trouble you deeply. What are the how blessed are the feet of those who bring MY Gospel! They will
prospects of this for long term? Now that the world’s leadership is receive the biggest reward in MY Kingdom. They are the ones
turning decisively against Israel, GOD’s covenant land and who really love ME with a pure love. They are the ones who
people, what then is the world’s fall back position to this move to spread MY Love like a sweet fragrance before MY Face. They are
get back into GOD’s good graces? Would it be the love and MY lovely bride. I love their hearts.
respect the world holds for GOD the FATHER and JESUS
CHRIST HIS SON? We’ve got nothing, but the hope that JESUS Be brave MY children and tell MY Gospel. This is why I have
does return SOON to save HIS bride. That is my hope! What come to this earth. This is why I left MY Kingdom. This is why I
about you? Are you ready? shed MY BLOOD. I want everyone to be MY witness. If you pray
to ME for this, I will anoint you with MY Glory and I will bless the
Please Note: If you want several of the LORD's letters translated work you do. Pray therefore and I will bless.
to German please email Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
Thank you to Sara, Sarah, and Martina! How much is worth one soul to you? To ME it was worth it all. I
would do it all again for just one person, because I know how
Viele, noch nicht alle, Nachrichten vom HERRN JESUS wurden horrible hell is and how glorious MY Kingdom. Therefore MY
bereits in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt. Wenn Sie noch mehr children, pray to ME and THE FATHER for courage, leadership,
lesen möchten, schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an Susan: and strength and I will bless you. Go into MY Blessing!
kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net Vielen Dank an Martina und Sarah,
Sara. Your FATHER and Loving GOD JESUS.

If anyone would like some of the LORD's letters that are now Genesis 1:26. And God said, Let us make man in our image,
translated into Japanese emailed--please email your request to after our likeness
Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net
Matthew 9:37-38. Then saith he unto his disciples, The harvest
God bless! Thank you to our dear friend Higashi Nobuo for truly is plenteous, but the labourers are few; Pray ye therefore the
translations! Lord of the harvest, that he will send forth labourers into his
Letter given to Sabrina by the LORD JESUS on February 12,
2011: Revelation 19:9. And he saith unto me, Write, Blessed are they
which are called unto the marriage supper of the Lamb.
MY dear children, I love your hearts. I AM JESUS. I AM THAT I
AM. I AM the ALMIGHTY CREATOR of heaven and earth. I have Ephesians 1:3. Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus
words to talk to you. Please heed what I am now about to say: Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly
places in Christ
MY heart is appalled within ME. I see many people come to ME in
these last days, but I see few workers. This is a call to all of you Letter 77. Given by JESUS to Susan on February 9, 2011.
to follow ME with your whole heart, soul, mind, and everything in
you. I have created you in MY Image, after OUR Likeness. Why Daughter, you may write MY Words down.
then do I see many of MY children not acting in MY Image?
This day, I am speaking on Truth, MY Truth. There is no other
I have left you an example when I walked on this earth, an Truth. I, GOD am Truth. Besides ME there is no other Truth. I am
example in MY Image. I had a heart for the weak and those who absolute Truth.
needed salvation. Follow MY example and walk in MY Image. Do
not sit in your closet waiting until I return. I have left MY bride I am here to discuss what MY Word says, MY blessed Word. The
here so she would reap MY harvest. world has its own version of what truth is. It is anything that goes
along with their misled philosophies, ideas that stem from
Wake up MY children and live according to MY Word and fantasies and beliefs that run the gamut of thoughts conceived in
Testimony. Bring out MY Words and testify of MY Love to this the minds of men and inspired by the perverted will of satan. This
world. NOW is the time to reap them into MY Kingdom. Who is is the truth of men who follow the ways of the world. If you follow
willing to go? the ways of the world, outside of MY HOLY SPIRIT-inspired
Truth, the Word of GOD WHO is JESUS CHRIST, and the
To lock yourself in your closet is not exactly a reaction to MY authority of GOD JEHOVAH the FATHER, then you are lost. You
Love. It is good that you wait for MY return, but NOW is the time are following down one of many paths of deceit conceived and
to reap MY harvest. Go MY children and tell the people of MY prepared in advance for you to follow by MY enemy to your
Love. Go and tell them of this end time. Go and warn the people eternal demise.
what is coming. A great time of confusion and total darkness is
coming. One of these many paths is the lie built on the belief that I am not
coming very soon and that I am not coming anytime soon. This lie
The rapture will be one big feast. for those who are raptured as is straight from the pit of hell and is fostered by those who are in
part of MY bride. For those who come and participate in MY love with the world, mesmerized by the world, and lusting after
wedding table that I have prepared for them, everything is ready her lies and mistakenly clamoring for a world that seemingly
for them. For those who stay behind and do not know and follow offers more than a life set apart with the CREATOR of the
ME, it will be pure horror. Mothers will be searching for their Universe. This is the lie that most people are pursuing and are
completely deceived by this warped idea.
Don’t be deceived by the world and what looks so normal. You
I, GOD am furious with a peoples who lusts after the world and will be lured into believing you have all the time in the world to
the evil coated lies that they so readily fall for. MY people, do you relax and enjoy many years ahead. It’s a trap of deception by the
not see the trap that has been carefully prepared for you? Do you enemy of mankind and the people will fall into this deception and
not see how this trap was built to entice you and lead you astray? their loss will be great. Seek MY Face, surrender wholly to ME,
Even the elect will be deceived in this final hour. and come after MY Truth. I will save you, I am willing. The hour is
close. I do not want to lose you. Consider these words. I wait yet
MY children, money will not save you; your work will not save a little bit longer. Do not wait too long. One day it will be too late.
you; your governments’ will not save you; your famed people will
not deliver you. You can follow after all forms of ideas and beliefs This is JESUS, your personal SAVIOR.
seeking truth, but it is all false and there is only one road to truth
and life everlasting. The narrow road is JESUS, your LORD and 2 Timothy 2:15. Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a
SAVIOR, I am that Truth. All other so called truth is deception. It workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the
looks so right and it seems so true, but unless you follow hard word of truth.
after ME, your LORD and SAVIOR, you will be forever lost.
1 Corinthians 2:10-14. But God hath revealed them unto us by
Soon I am coming to take MY bride to her wonderful home away his Spirit: for the Spirit searcheth all things, yea, the deep things
from the earth safe and sound. Very few are coming with ME of God. For what man knoweth the things of a man, save the spirit
because very few are seeking truth, pure truth. Very few are of man which is in him? even so the things of God knoweth no
embracing MY Ways, MY Holy Ways: Holiness; Purity; Love; man, but the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of
Humility; Patience; Joy; Kindness, and all the Ways that I, GOD the world, but the spirit which is of God; that we might know the
require to be prepared to come into MY Kingdom when I come for things that are freely given to us of God. Which things also we
this bride, a unique people who worship ME in love and truth. speak, not in the words which man's wisdom teacheth, but which
the Holy Ghost teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual.
These are MY terms: walk humbly and surrender to your GOD, But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God:
your SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST, I AM HE. for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them,
because they are spiritually discerned.
I am looking for sincere-hearted followers; kind and humble
worshippers; obedient followers of MY Word; lovers of GOD. This
is who will be exiting the planet with ME when I come to take MY PART 44. February 17, 2011
bride out to safety: lovers of truth; lovers of MY Word; lovers of
holiness; lovers of GOD and all those around. These are MY For ministry and Christians, it is important that we share these
bride, MY people who are prepared to depart with ME. key messages with others around us in these end times:

I am ready to come and get MY bride. Very few are ready. Very 1.) We are in the end times, so keep your eyes fixed on JESUS.
few are looking and watching. MY Book is clear in directions and Psalm 141:8 : But mine eyes are unto thee, O GOD the Lord: in
signs to look for when MY coming is near. You lovers of the thee is my trust; leave not my soul destitute.
world: you are angry that I am coming to take MY bride. You are
furious that this is truth. You argue, you debate, you reason, you 2.) The RFID Chip/Technology is the mark of the beast matching
preach, but all your false talk does not change anything! I AM its description in the Bible. Don’t wait for someone to come up to
COMING. I am coming very soon to pull MY bride out to safety. you and ask if it is okay that they had received the chip after they
You may cling to your false beliefs. You can argue your point all have already done it—warn those around you right now.
you care to. When I come and leave you behind, you can still Revelation 14:11 : And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up
argue that I never came, but that doesn’t change or alter MY for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who
Truth. I am GOD, JEHOVAH, and what I say is indisputable, worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the
undeniable Truth. mark of his name. Revelation 14:9-10 : A third angel followed
them and said in a loud voice: “If anyone worships the beast and
MY Word is clear. Study MY Word and show yourself approved. its image and receives its mark on their forehead or on their hand,
Don’t argue against MY Word if you have not studied it and if you 10 they, too, will drink the wine of God’s fury, which has been
don’t have MY HOLY SPIRIT to lead you to all Truth, to ME, poured full strength into the cup of his wrath. They will be
JESUS CHRIST. You may look for GOD through all sorts of tormented with burning sulfur in the presence of the holy angels
worldly ideas, but when you come face to face with MY Word in and of the Lamb.
the Bible after MY SPIRIT fills your life, you will recognize truth
and not before. Seek after the filling of MY HOLY SPIRIT so that 3.) JESUS does not want a “sort of” relationship with someone—
you will know truth and not be deceived by the evil deception and HE wants it 100 percent—anything less and you will be spit out.
all the mismarked trails and evil routes that lead to hell, ever- Revelation 3:16 : So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither
lasting torment. cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth. JESUS wants a full
Don’t follow MY enemy to hell. He wants to take you there, but
you will surely follow closely behind him if you don’t follow ME, 4.) Have you received the baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT as
your SAVIOR. I am the narrow road, the One Way to safety. Don’t spoken of in the Bible? It is a completely unique experience from
be deceived by the worldly talk around you that these aren’t the water baptism (which is also good to do). Pray for this gift from
last days, they are. You do not have the luxury of time, many the HOLY SPIRIT for yourself and others. Luke 3:16 : John
years into the future as the world wants you to believe. The world answered them all, “I baptize you with water. But one who is more
speaks of plans way into the distant future, these people are not powerful than I will come, the straps of whose sandals I am not
MY followers. They do not read MY Word. They do not possess worthy to untie. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire.
MY SPIRIT. They are not coming hard after ME and MY Truth. Acts 11:16 : Then remembered I the word of the Lord, how that
he said, John indeed baptized with water; but ye shall be baptized I will pour out MY wrath over this people who have become so
with the Holy Ghost. The HOLY SPIRIT will lead you to all truth: 1 wretched, writhing about in their sin. It is a putrid stench under
Corinthians 2:13 : Which things also we speak, not in the words MY Nostrils, MY Holy Nostrils. I will not tolerate this arrogant way
which man’s wisdom teacheth, but which the Holy Ghost of disregarding ME, their One True GOD. I love like no other. I am
teacheth; comparing spiritual things with spiritual. the One Who created it all. I created the world, the universe. I
placed the stars in the sky. I put them all in place, in perfect order.
5.) Remember—JESUS asks for a full surrender to HIM and MY perfection is stunning.
turning away completely from the things of the world. James 4:4 :
You adulterous people, don’t you know that friendship with the Men cannot fathom MY detailed perfection in all I do. It is a
world means enmity against God? Therefore, anyone who wonder beyond the mind of man. All creation was planned and
chooses to be a friend of the world becomes an enemy of God. willed by ME, GOD, JESUS. I am the Eternal CREATOR, the
Matthew 7:13-14 : “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the PERFECT PLANNER. I put up stars in the heavens and I layout
gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many microscopic universes. I plan, I organize, I create, I create
enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the road that effortlessly.
leads to life, and only a few find it.”
My thoughts are beyond the human capability. Humans who think
JESUS is the Guide and JESUS is the Goal. they understand MY Ways and MY Creation do so because I give
them knowledge. I give, I take, I create, I destroy. I can do what I
Please Note: Andrew Or made a chinese translation of the please, when I please.
letter An Urgent Message From The LORD JESUS: “I AM
Coming!”, PART I. Thank you very much Andrew, this is I take no pleasure in destroying MY Creation, but I cannot tolerate
awesome! evil, evil men and evil works. I will not allow this world to carry on
in its overwhelming evil any further. Soon MY wrath will be poured
http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-branch/article?mid=59. out on mankind that so rejects ME, its MAKER.

If you want several of the LORD’s letters translated to How do men go about their daily walks and never once consider
German please email Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net who made them? Why do they think they are beyond knowing
Thank you to Sara, Sarah, and Martina! their GOD, even imagining that I exist? They come up with all
Viele, noch nicht alle, Nachrichten vom HERRN JESUS sorts of explanations for my creation, MY brilliant planning. These
wurden bereits in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt. Wenn Sie men are evil. They want so desperately to escape answering to a
noch mehr lesen möchten, schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an HOLY GOD. They contrive all sorts of explanations for the
Susan: kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net Vielen Dank an Martina und unexplainable. MY handy work is so complete, beautiful, and
Sarah, Sara. detailed, only a GOD of unexplainable abilities could have
conceived such a universe and the life within it.
If anyone would like some of the LORD’s letters that are now
translated into Japanese emailed–please email your request I alone paint the skies with beauty and boldness, every single day
to Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net and night. Men want to explain all this away with their limited
human comprehension. MY work screams of MY existence, yet
God bless! Thank you to our dear friend Higashi Nobuo for the people reject ME outright. Soon I will reject these people who
translations! choose not to believe in ME, their LORD and a SAVIOR, they will
go to dust and will cease to exist. I on the other hand, will
Letter 78 Spoken by JESUS to Susan on February 14, 2011. continue to create beauty. MY creations will carry on. These men,
who discount the possibility of a great GOD, CREATOR will know
You may write these words down: what it means to come face to face with their CREATOR. They
will know I exist, but their theories that GOD does not exist will
MY daughter, I am coming sooner than most people think. They become dust as well. I am sorry for their loss, but this evil
refuse to believe that MY coming is so near. I am giving these deception will take many to hell and so many will suffer because
people a little more time before the evil consumes the world. the world is convincing itself I do not exist.

The world is about to enter into MY new phase. Evil is gaining The world is full of fools who doubt MY existence. Where were
power and growing all around. The people will be caught off these when I rolled out the foundation of the world, laid out the
guard as they continue to embrace evil. I will continue to pour plans and brought forth the mountains, the springs, the founts?
down MY wrath. I am a jealous GOD and MY people cling to their Where were these who disbelieve in GOD when I prepared the
other gods, their foul gods. I will not be usurped, unseated from oceans and great waves, the stars, and the heavens? Where
MY throne in their hearts. They place other lesser gods on the were these small-minded men, these evil thinkers, these who are
thrones of their hearts to rule over them. I am despising this and I deceived by their egos and lust for evil? I take no pleasure in
will rebuke their ways. these who disbelieve that I exist.

Why would I continue to bring down the rain and sunshine on

even these who disbelieve ME? I am a GOD of love, compassion,
purity, holiness. I have made all men and I care for them, but they
have all gone their own way and reject ME outright. They create
explanation after explanation; theory after theory about MY
creations. Each created thing has an explanation of how these
things exist apart from ME, a GOD of great magnitude. There is
no other like ME. Only I can accomplish such feats.

Why do the people so readily dismiss such obvious greatness The animals make their best song for ME. They worship ME day
and the unexplainable?, because they cannot tolerate MY Rules, and night in their creation. They dance for ME their best dance.
MY Book, MY Ways. They want to run amok and follow their own They sing to ME their best song. They love ME with their whole
evil and the two will never merge. So they have contrived such being. And I love them with MY Whole BEING.
plans of detail to explain the impossible. These men will surely
come face to face with ME, their MAKER and explain why they The nature is wonderful. She is created in all MY Glory and
chose to reject their CREATOR. I will not listen to their poor Creativity. She breathes out MY Purity and beauty in all her
explanations. They will know about MY other creation, hell and essence. She breathes out ME in all her beauty. The water flows
they will have an eternity to explain why they are there. This will also reflect MY Purity. Everyone who drinks this will have eternal
be their punishment for rejecting their CREATOR and leading so life: The Water of Life.
many astray.
Everything here is pure, MY children and I have prepared a place
Soon MY wrath will be poured out and MY punishment will be for all of you in MY Kingdom. Anything you desire, this will come
swift. I cannot allow evil to continue and the world will see the end about here. I am a good GOD and have everything sorted out for
result of its rejection of ME, its HOLY GOD. you with great care. MY angels make sure everything is ready.
Let me tell you that everything is ready. Everything is ready. MY
If you are MY follower, you will be spared. I will take you to safety. Kingdom is ready to receive you.
Repent, surrender, turn from your evil ways and come quickly to
ME. Time is winding down. These Words are true. Many are already here, many who have already fallen asleep in
ME. They are already enjoying MY miraculous creation. But all
This is your LORD, the GREAT CREATOR and MAKER of will only be completed if I can bring MY bride to ME. Just like
Humanity, everything here radiates MY purity, MY bride must also radiate
this purity. This is the only condition. They must shine as the pure
JESUS, SON of GOD. water in MY Kingdom. She must be cleansed by the WASHING
OF REGENERATION. She must be washed by MY WORD.
Genesis 1:10. And God called the dry land Earth; and the
gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw MY WORD must be permeated into her. I must be her being. I,
that it was good. JEHOVAH GOD must be her expression here on earth. This earth
must shine of MY bride, of MY beloved. She is MY beloved, I love
Psalm 53:1. The fool hath said in his heart, There is no God. her heart.
Corrupt are they, and have done abominable iniquity: there is
none that doeth good. MY bride is the one who overcomes unto the end, who abides in
ME until the end, who allows no compromises with this world,
Exodus 34:14. For thou shalt worship no other god: for the who purifies herself with MY precious shed BLOOD. MY BLOOD
LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God: is precious to her. She knows the value of MY BLOOD. She
knows that MY BLOOD has redeemed her. She lives by MY
2 Samuel 7:22. Wherefore thou art great, O LORD God: for there WORD and keeps MY Commandments. She does all this out of
is none like thee, neither is there any God beside thee, according love for ME.
to all that we have heard with our ears.
MY bride is precious, so precious, who can pluck her out MY
Letter dictated on February 16, 2011: Letter of heaven for the
bride, Words from the LORD JESUS given to Sabrina. Keep yourself for ME MY bride, because the time is up. The time
is near that I come to receive you unto MYSELF and to enjoy a
MY Dear Children, Royal Feast, ME and MY bride. A bride, who MY FATHER has
set apart for ME. She is set apart for ME. I love her heart. She is
I want to give you a letter about heaven, MY heaven, MY precious in MY Eyes.
Heavenly Kingdom.
MY dear loved ones, this is a love letter for MY bride. I love your
Everything here is pure, the earth, the flowers, the grass. heart. Keep it apart for ME because your BRIDEGROOM is
Everything breathes out ME. Everything worships ME. Everything coming.
greets ME. Everything breathes out worship and purity to ME.
Thus, I have created everything in MY Heavenly Kingdom. This has spoken. The Great I AM, your JESUS. Be ready!

The flowers rejoice in their singing. The birds sing to ME their 2 Timothy 4:18. And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil
best song. The grass breathes in and out MY worship. The grass work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom
is pure. Everything is pure. In purity and cleanliness I have be glory for ever and ever. Amen.
created everything. The melodies of their worship: the birds, the
grass, the flowers, and the earth rejoices over ME greatly. Proverbs 22:11. He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace
Everything here is pure and clean. Their purity rejoices MY Heart. of his lips the king shall be his friend.
Their purity is MY Worship.
Titus 3:5. Not by works of righteousness which we have done,
Let ME tell you about the animals. The animals are MY Worship. but according to his mercy he saved us, by the washing of
They reflect MY Glory and Creation. They are created in MY regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost;
Glory. Nothing here is like you think it is. Everything here is
different, so different. Purity is the reflection of MY creation. Revelation 2:26. And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works
unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations:

John 15:7. If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall Viele (noch nicht alle) Nachrichten vom HERRN JESUS wurden
ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. bereits in die deutsche Sprache übersetzt. Wenn Sie noch mehr
lesen möchten, schreiben Sie eine E-Mail an Susan:
John 10:28. And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net Vielen Dank an Martina und Sarah,
never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. Sara.

John 14:3. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come If anyone would like some of the LORD's letters that are now
again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye translated into Japanese emailed, please email your request to
may be also. Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net

Isaiah 43:4. Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been God bless! Thank you to our dear friend Higashi Nobuo for
honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for translations!
thee, and people for thy life.
Andrew Or made a Chinese translation of the letter An Urgent
Joel 2:16. Gather the people, sanctify the congregation, Message From The LORD JESUS: “I AM Coming!” (PART I).
assemble the elders, gather the children, and those that suck the Thank you very much Andrew, this is awesome!
breasts: let the bridegroom go forth of his chamber, and the bride
out of her closet. http://hk.myblog.yahoo.com/iam-branch/article?mid=59

Letter from the LORD JESUS given to Sabrina on February

20, 2011
Part 45. February 20, 2011
MY dear children, I am not economical with MY Words. For I want
There are two letters below from our precious LORD JESUS all to be saved. I want all to enter MY Kingdom. There is room
about the times we are in. provided for everyone.

People everywhere can sense there is something in the air, like a Come MY children, to your living GOD. Not to a god of wood and
darkness crowding in around everyone. Most people are living in metal. Not a god made with your own hands. Not the gods that
fear: fear of the unknown future; fear of finances; fear of world many of you worship in your daily life. If I am not in the first place
crisis; fear of personal safety, and on and on. in your life, I cannot count you to be MY bride.

1 John 4:18 : There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out I only will rapture the ones who belong to ME completely: only
fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made those whose hearts go out to ME totally and completely, every
perfect in love. moment of the day; only those who love and read MY Word and
include it in their hearts; only those whose heart’s cry reaches MY
If you are a completely surrendered follower of JESUS and have Throne of Grace; only those who make an effort to search and
committed wholeheartedly to HIM, then you are under HIS blood find ME.
covering and you belong to HIM. If you obey the LORD and follow
HIM daily, then you are HIS and not HIS enemy’s any longer and I let MYSELF be found says GOD, I let MYSELF be found. It is up
you are under CHRIST’s jurisdiction. This means HE will take to you to search. It is up to you to knock on the door of MY Heart.
care of you if you lean on HIM exclusively. I am the door says JESUS, I am the door and whoever enters
through ME, will have eternal life, only those who remain in ME
Psalm 37:23 : The steps of a good man are ordered by the and I in them.
LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
Come MY children, the time is here. The time is near for MY
Proverbs 16:3 : Commit thy works unto the LORD, and thy coming. Keep your hearts separated for ME. Keep your hearts
thoughts shall be established. filled with MY Word and Truth. Call to MY HOLY SPIRIT and HE
will fill you with MY Wisdom. HE will come with HIS Comfort. HE
Jeremiah 29:11 : For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, is your COMFORTER. Do not be afraid to call on HIM. HE lives in
saith the LORD, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you an you. HE loves you, MY SPIRIT.
expected end.
I want to please everyone’s heart, I want to win everyone’s heart.
You were made by the Divine and there is a divine plan for your I, JESUS loved you when I died on the cross. I still love you. I am
life, if you choose it. GOD’s divine plan for your life does not a living GOD and I AM am alive for ever and ever. I want to give
include fear, no matter what is going on around us. Turn to you eternal life in MY Kingdom. Come MY children, now is the
JESUS wholeheartedly NOW and relinquish your fear to HIM. HE time. The time for MY Coming is now very near. Do not be
will take this from you, even in the darkest hour, even in the times surprised, be ready.
we live. A committed relationship with JESUS will bring you out of
fear of the times we live and usher you into the next life to be with Continue to proclaim MY Word to those who do not know ME yet.
our LORD for eternity. Everyday is an extra day of grace. Keep proclaiming MY Word.
Remain in MY Love. Stay in MY Word, stay in MY Truth. I want to
Please Note: If you want several of the LORD's letters translated pull everyone to MY Heart. MY Love is for everyone, it flows for
to German please email Susan at kidsmktg@sbcglobal.net Thank everyone. My Heart is big enough for everyone. Are you coming
you to Sara, Sarah, and Martina! into MY Heart? Will you go into this Heart cry to ME?

Now is the time of grace that is very big. Once the day comes that
this time is over, once the day comes that all light has been Matthew 3:11 : I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance.
removed from this world, how difficult it will be to find light in the but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am
darkness. Therefore come now MY children. I have created you not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and
all. You are MY wondrous creatures. I love all of you. I, JESUS with fire:
have given you many warnings. These are MY Words. These are
MY letters, MY Love letters to you, for all of you. Acts 2:4 : And they were all filled with the Holy Ghost, and began
to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.
No, I am not economical with MY Words. I love you, I love
everyone’s heart. Come all into MY Kingdom. You know the Way. Letter 80 Dictated by the LORD JESUS to Susan on February
I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you enter by ME, you 19, 2011
have found the true Way, a way prepared with MY precious
BLOOD. Only by MY BLOOD is there eternal salvation. Call to Yes My daughter you may write these words down:
MY BLOOD! Come to MY BLOOD! MY BLOOD cleanses and
lives for ever and ever. Come to MY BLOOD! I JESUS have shed The hour is closing in. I believe the people can see with their own
MY BLOOD. eyes what is transpiring. I have been plain with MY people. I have
been very careful in MY Words. I, GOD speak truth.
Read MY Word. Believe MY Words of eternal life. Do not be like
the Pharisees and Sadducees who thought to enter by their own The world is beginning to show signs of coming apart. Even many
righteousness. Self-righteousness is impossible if you are born in who have doubted this are sitting up and taking notice. I am
sin. Since all are born in sin, there is only forgiveness and purposely trying to get people’s attention.
salvation through MY BLOOD. So come to MY BLOOD. Let MY
BLOOD purify and cleanse you from all unrighteousness and sin I am a GOD Who loves. I do not want to see people lost. The
which clings to you. Let ME wash you clean. people do not want to believe. They see the things going on in the
world and they reject the idea that I could be coming soon. Still
Come and be born again through MY SPIRIT, MY eternal SPIRIT. they reject ME and MY Message. This makes ME sad that MY
Let HIM fill you. Be baptized in MY SPIRIT. Be a new creation by own children could be so far from ME. I am sad for their loss. The
MY SPIRIT. Come and let yourself be filled by MY SPIRIT. world will not treat them kindly after I pull MY bride out to safety.

MY dear children, read MY Word. Be filled with MY Word. MY I will be sad for those left, but I have been clear about MY
Words have eternal life. The world brings you death. So be a light Message and the hour that the people are in. And the time is
in this world. Shine of MY SPIRIT and MY Truth to this lost closing in. Soon the people will see the darkness gathering in
generation. Come MY children and let yourself be filled with MY around them. The curtain is about to come down on this world. I
SPIRIT. cannot let this world continue on in its cesspool of evil.

A mighty outpouring I want to work in each one of you. Are you The people cannot see from MY vantage point. I see all. I know
willing? Nothing is more important now than to call to MY SPIRIT. all. I know men’s hearts. I know their thoughts, their every
HE will lead you into all truth. HE is your light. Be alert and keep thought. I know what lurks in the dark out of view and I am not
your eyes fixed on HIM. going to have this evil world carry on much longer with all the
injustices and the condition MY children have gotten themselves
These are the last days. I come soon. Be ready and be MY Light in.
in this world. I want all to enter MY Kingdom.
I am a pure GOD. I am a GOD of purity. I am a GOD of love,
Your loving FATHER, JESUS intentional love. I love like no other. Soon the world will witness
MY return. MY return will be dynamic. I am a GOD of greatness
John 10:9 : I am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be and when I burst on the scene, the world will know. It will be a
saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture. glad moment for MY children, MY bride. It will be a devastating
moment for those who thought they were ready, but were clinging
Psalm 119:160 : Thy word is true from the beginning: and every too tightly to the ways of this world. Their shock will be great.
one of thy righteous judgments endureth for ever.
I want the people to know something. I take no pleasure in
Ephesians 1:17 : That the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the leaving anyone behind to face what is coming. I want MY people
Father of glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and to come. I want to take you, MY people, out of the trouble that is
revelation in the knowledge of him: coming to the earth. It will be a great time of sadness, grief, and
devastation. Many will die and many will want to die. These days
John 15:26 : But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send are slipping away. The hour is closing in. Every day MY people,
unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, which you draw close to MY return and to the tribulation that lies in wait
proceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me: for this planet.

Psalm 84:2 : My soul longeth, yea, even fainteth for the courts of Soon I will make MY descent to retrieve MY beloved and to return
the LORD: my heart and my flesh crieth out for the living God. her to safekeeping. These people, they think I am a GOD Who is
far away from them. They do not seek ME. I am, in fact, very near
Revelation 1:18 : I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I each person. I am as close as they want ME to be. If they reject
am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of ME, I will trouble them not, but if they come near ME, I will be
death. very close to them. I long for closeness to MY children. This is
why you were created, MY children. You exist to be near your
John 6:56 : He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, CREATOR to share a close companionship with ME, your
dwelleth in me, and I in him. MAKER, JESUS.
I am a GOD of Truth. This is Truth. Come to ME, your one true
I am the reason you have existence. Without ME you would not eternal Love. I, JESUS have spoken, Truth and Love. Time is
be. Does that not mean anything to you? You breath, you walk, short, don’t delay. Your life is in the balance. What will you
you talk, because I allow you these graces. Without MY life giving choose?
touch, you would be dust. I breathe life into you. I sustain your
very being. I care for you. When I give life and take it, I, GOD I am your SAVIOR. MY Hands are pierced for your sin. Receive
know the reason for these actions. I have purpose in everything I MY gift.
Rejoice the hour is near.
You may not understand, but I am GOD and I choose when you
enter the world and when you leave. I control all life, I am I am your LORD and SAVIOR, JESUS CHRIST.
everywhere, all the time—I know all. Your life is beautiful to ME.
Even a life that is sin-filled has the beauty of MY Masterwork
upon it. I create life and give it freely. I also prompt people to turn
back to ME, all people turn away because they have the curse of
Adam until they receive MY Blood-bought gift of MY Salvation
and then turn to ME in full surrender and make ME their LORD
and MASTER. This gift is free. I paid it. I paid your price for the
sin you committed before a HOLY GOD. All humans come into
life as sinners, cursed sinners.

I long for MY creation to turn away and come to ME through MY

Salvation and complete work of MY HOLY SPIRIT by the washing
of MY HOLY Words. This is how you will be ready when I come to
take MY bride. There is no other way, MY children.

These letters will not go on forever MY loved ones. One day

soon, this chapter of life will close and the worst possible event
will happen: MY enemy will take over and MY wrath will be
poured out and all men remaining on earth will feel the blistering
sting of the evil and pain of life without a HOLY GOD’s protection,
for MY Protection will be lifted and the evil will be unchecked and
it will be a horrible time for the human race. No other time in
human history will match the coming horror. This is MY coming
punishment for a world that rejects GOD. Sad that it must be this
way, but the people leave ME no choice.

I will only allow people to carry on in their sin for so long. I am

putting out MY warnings. If MY people choose not to heed them, I
still have given them out. Men will be without excuse if they come
before ME apart from MY Blood covering. Without MY Blood
covering, I cannot save them and eternal hell and doom will be
their destination.

MY people, you need to think this through carefully, while there is

still precious little time remaining. Eternity is forever. It is a time
that your mind has a trouble grasping. Think this through very
carefully. Soon we will enter into the hour of MY return and if you
are not ready, then I will have to leave you behind. I do not want
this for you.

So repent, turn away from your worldly pursuits and surrender

while you still have this chance. MY patience is closing down. I
am a great patient GOD, but as MY Word demonstrates, I do run
out of patience for sinful men who engage in evil. MY Book is
clear that the day comes when I will not look away from sin any
further and MY destruction is complete when I choose to rid the
world of sin. MY return will signal the hour of destruction and
suffering for mankind. Come with ME. It is not too late to choose
for ME. I stand ready to receive you.

The world is imploding on itself. You can see it coming, great

sorrow and loss is at hand. Be wise and turn to ME. Be foolish
and you will suffer a great loss, your life for eternity.


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