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Bailee Thompson

December 1, 2020

NURS 478

Personal Nursing Philosophy

Those that have a passion to enter the nursing profession all have a different reason or

why behind what brought them here. With this, we all have our own personal views on the

philosophy of nursing. Philosophy is defined as rationally searching into truths, principles of

being, conduct and knowledge. Using philosophy to further define nursing is fitting since there is

no one job description to explain the role of a nurse, since it changes based on the environment,

day and of course the patient. Personally, I strongly value strong patient outcomes. I entered this

field because of my drive to support patients at some of their worst times. It is a priority of mine

for a patient to never feel lonely or isolated, unsure or confused about their plan of care and most

importantly have their dignity and choices be respected at all times.

I use these values and philosophical mindset to drive my daily clinical practice. When

tasks build up and the day begins to feel overwhelming, I focus back in on my patients and their

immediate needs. This allows me to reset and decide what needs to be done first and foremost.

To emotionally support my patients and their families, I be sure to make my first introduction of

the day meaningful and allow it to begin the making of a therapeutic relationship. This first

encounter easily lays the pathway for the rest of the shift, and with genuine gestures come the

foundation for trust building.

While my outlook on nursing as a profession may differ from my co-worker next to me,

we all come together for one common cause and that is to make a difference. Nursing is so

powerful in that while we all receive similar trainings, we tailor or care as if it is crafted art and
mold it to our own, and this is how we each individually leave a mark and impact in the world of


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