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Name: Marish Angelica T.

Subject: UGE1 Reading Comprehension
Code: 10867


PART I (5 pts per item)

Instruction: Write the main idea of the given passages below using your own words.

Passage 1

Often, when it rains, a dreariness descends upon the earth. Most people hide out in
their houses sending forlorn glances out of the window. Animals scamper off to nooks
and crannies, poking their heads out to timidly sniff the air for signs of dry weather.
Despite the pallets of water cascading from the sky, an occasional brave soul will
venture out for a jog in the drizzle or a bird will chirp merrily in a mud puddle,
dismissing the downpour. Some people call these adventurers crazy, but others
celebrate the willingness of these individuals to embrace negativity and turn it into
something positive.

What is the main idea?

The main idea of this pa ssage, It's abnormal to venture out in the rain, but the
positive results can be well worth it
Passage 2

From adolescence, data show that males outperform females on math tests and tests
of math reasoning, despite differences in IQ. The current data with college students
and a simple test of arithmetic ability show that males still score higher than females
even when performance is measured using a third-grade arithmetic test. The cause
for the variance in numbers is questionable because the intelligence quotient in the
tested students ranged from below to above average in both sexes. The finding of a
sex difference in math performance from adolescence is a finding that arouses
curiosity as to the cause of the difference-- is nature or nurture involved or a
combination of both?

What is the main idea?

The main idea of this passage,Although the males outperform females on
math tests, the cause of the discrepancy is unknown.

Passage 3

Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in North America. It is on the Niagara
River halfway between Lake Ontario and Lake Erie. Niagara Falls is located on the
American and Canadian border. The American Falls is 167 feet high. On the
Canadian side, the Horseshoe Falls is 161 feet high.

What is the main idea?

The Niagara Falls is one of the most beautiful sights in the North America.
Part II (3 pts. per item)

Instruction: Identify where the topic sentence is located (first, middle, end) and
justify what makes it a topic sentence.

1. (1) There were three reasons why I did not enjoy the school trip. (2) Firstly, the
journey to our hotel was long, hot and boring. (3) Secondly, we spent all our time in
museums doing boring worksheets. (4) And thirdly, we had to go to bed really early.
Justification: (First) There were three reasons why I did not enjoy the school trip. 

2. (1) There are many things that ESL students can do to improve their English more
quickly. (2) They can join an after-school club which will give them the chance to
practice spoken English while doing an activity that they enjoy. (3) They can also
watch films, particularly DVDs with the English subtitles turned on. (4) Best of all,
however, is to do plenty of reading for pleasure. (5) Non-fiction is an excellent way of
acquiring a strong academic vocabulary.

Justification: (First) There are many things that ESL students can do to improve their
English more quickly.

3. (1) The school could do much more to protect the environment. (2) I don't
understand, for example, why we cannot use metal cutlery instead of plastic ones that
just get thrown away after the meal. (3) We could also have different trashcans to
recycle paper and cola cans. (4) We could also limit the number of copies that
teachers and students are allowed to make on the photocopier machine.

Justification: (First) The school could do much more to protect the environment. 

4. (1) Living in a city can be expensive and stressful, but there are compensations.
(2) You never have to travel very far to buy anything you could need. (3)
Entertainment such as discos, cinemas and theaters are not far away.  (4) And you
have a good choice of doctors and hospitals if you get sick. (5) A further advantage is
that you can live anonymously if you choose.

Justification: (End) A further advantage is that you can live anonymously if you

5. (1) The bird called "Liverbird" is the traditional mascot for the city of Liverpool. (2) It
is a symbol used by the ruler of the city in the 16th century. (3) When you visit the city
of Liverpool, Liverbird statues are found everywhere.

Justification: (Middle) It is a symbol used by the ruler of the city in the 16th century

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