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TASK -1 Report

Name: Deepak Kumar Saxena

Division: DS/AI
Date: 05.11.20

Assigned :
1. NUMPY : Creation of no.arrays, dtype parameter, Data Type Objects
(dtype), Shaping , reshaping , flags, adding -removing elements , indexing and
slicing, Iterating Over Array, mathematical function, sort , search counting
function, Byte swapping, Copying and viewing , matrix library, Linear Algebra

2. PANDAS : Dealt withdataframes (creating, modifying, altering, dropping,

sub dfs,extracting, indexing , sclicing , pivot table, etc. )

3. MATPLOTLIB: describe plot,count plot,pie plot,joint plot,kde joint

plot,facet grid,box plot,strip plot,violin plot,pair plot
heat map,swarm plot,histogram,* pandas.plotting , 3D plotting, working with
text , working with images, mathematical expressions etc.

4. OPENCV : Importing and Displaying image, extracting, slicing pixels ,

resizing , capture vedio from the camera, Drawing function , image processing,
image Thresholding, Geometric Transformations of Images, Smoothing Image,
vedio analysis , cam shift, etc.

- code-academy
- coursera
- tutorialpoint
- towards data science
- geek for geeks
- youtube

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