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Internal Communication

Slide 2
Slide 3
Slide 4, Answer Key
 2b
 3a
 4c
 5a
 6d
 7b
 8b
Slide 5
Slide 6
Slide 7
Slide 8, Answer Key
 1d
 2b,c
 3b,c,d
 4a,b
 5c
 6c
 7d
Slide 9, Quiz Time!
Email can be both formal and informal!

 Yes

 No
Slide 10, Quiz Time!
Which of the following contains informal punctuation?

 Note

 Notice

 Memo
Slide 11, Quiz Time!
Salutation in an email is followed by__________

 A. After Subject

 B. Before Subject
Slide 12
Slide 13
Slide 14, Answer Key
 1. Reference 2. Further 3. Good, Input 4. Know 5. Note
 6. Answer 7. Advance 8. Details 9. Hearing
Slide 15
Slide 16
Slide 17, Answer Key
 Larry- G
 Magdi-D/H
 Marina-A
 Therese-B
Slide 18
Slide 19, Answer Key
 1. Overdo
 2. Knock off
 3. Barging into
 4. Query
 5. Courtesy
 6. Overworked
Slide 20
Slide 21
Slide 22,Speaking
Slide 23, Quiz Time!
CEO stands for______________

 Chief Executive Officer

 Chief External Officer

Slide 24, Quiz Time!
To express a decision, promise or offer, use__________

 Future Continuous

 Future Simple
Slide 25, Quiz Time!
One’s polite behavior can be termed as________.

 Courtesy

 Barge into

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