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after eight years of non-stop travel the

most common question i get

is how do you make money to travel the

world so in this video i'm gonna share

with you all of my best

tips and secrets

before we dive in i just want to give

you guys a little recap of my life and

how i got here today

so in 2013 when i graduated from college

i moved to a small village in south

korea to teach english for two years

and on day one in korea i started a

travel blog which i worked

really hard on and so by the time i left

korea in march of 2015

i was already making a little bit of

income which supported my travels

and i had a dream to go to every country

and then when i was in india

i got really big on snapchat in 2015 and

i kind of

was the first person before brands and

creators to get on it and to grow a


and so i was sponsored all over the

world to snapchat like go to the

olympics and work with airlines and


and that died out when instagram stories

came so i was posting on instagram for a

while and then i started making videos

in january 2017 when my lovely

girlfriend deanna just surprised me

with a video camera and right away i

started making content which

started to go viral and here i am three

and a half years later 191 countries


and 1.6 billion views later the point of

me telling you guys this and especially

if you want to be a creator

is to know that you always have to pivot

to the next thing

blogging to snapchat to instagram to

videos and who knows what's next maybe

it's virtual reality

i'm always staying on my toes and take

advantage of any new medium or platform

in the future nowadays almost all of my


is made through video editing about 50

of it is made through advertisements on

both facebook and youtube

and the other 50 is made through

sponsors like in this video

which is sponsored by epidemic sound

more on that very soon

in all honesty i'm really surprised that

more people out there

are not creating content online everyone

says the market is saturated but is not

at all especially in the travel space

there's so much opportunity for new

faces to be coming in and telling

stories and

making a profitable career just from a

video camera

until now i've never really done a

behind-the-scenes tutorial of how i make


so i'm gonna do it right now i'm gonna

share with you all my biggest tips

and we begin with equipment obviously if

you want to make videos you need to have

a camera yes an iphone does work but

you're probably going to want something

a little bit bigger a little bit nicer

and so my equipment is a panasonic lumix


a gopro hero 8 and a dji mavic pro 2

is my drone about 95 of all my footage

that you see in my videos are made on

this equipment but i also do use phone


if i need to perhaps even more important

than the camera itself

is audio because if you can't hear what

you're shooting then it becomes

useless and audio is a theme that you're

going to be seeing a lot in this video

because it's just that

important for my shotgun mic i use a

brand called shure and the product is

called lens hopper vp83

it's always attached to my camera it's

always great and i also have this little

lav mic that's clipped onto my shirt

sometimes it's really nice if you're

walking through markets or you're

outside somewhere and there's a lot of


the product is called tascam dr-10l

after you've got your equipment then you

will need to learn how to

edit the videos the fun part so i use

adobe premiere pro which is great but

there's also final cut

which you can use really one or the

other each video takes me 3 to 12 hours

to edit and i have the entire process

down to a science from importing each

video clip to doing my voice over and


the sound as i mentioned earlier audio

is the most important part of the video

and for music i use epidemic sound i've

been using them for

since day one they are so awesome they

have a library of

millions of songs to choose both


and full tracks with vocals from real


you get access to all of it and it's

super easy you just download it from the


drag it into the video and you're good

to go for a limited time i'm offering

you guys a free 30-day trial if you

click on the link below

so don't miss out i'm telling you guys

you can be shooting the best most

cinematic videos you've ever imagined

but if it doesn't have the right sound

then it's going to be useless and vice

versa you could have kind of shaky shots

are not the best ones

but if you have an awesome song to show

then that's it then you have an

incredible piece

and this has been true for all of my

videos across the board

personally i've been doing videos every

day i don't really recommend that

because i got really burned out and i

don't even think the algorithm is

favoring that anymore

but when you're making videos you really

have to focus on the script

on the narrative on the story just like

a book or a movie you want to have a


a middle and end i pre-write about half

of my scripts right here on

my phone notepad just like this video

but i always end up having some wiggle

room in case there's some spontaneous

things happening

or sometimes the whole adventure is

spontaneous and i don't really have a


but the most important part is to have a

plan or at least an

outline of what you're going to shoot so

in a nutshell that is how i make a


through travel videos things have moved

really fast

back in 2015 i was a budget backpacker

traveling around the world with shaggy

hair and barely spending any money

sleeping in hostels and my income has

essentially doubled every single year

since then

it's been really awesome but i do pour

my blood sweat and tears

into this and i want to say that making

videos is not really for everyone it

takes a lot of courage to be willing to

stand in front of a camera all day and

put yourself out there and not to


be consistent and have the discipline to

actually create

i see a lot of people out there that

start and then they stop because it's

just so

daunting so keep in mind that if you

want to do it for the long haul

you really have to put in the hours if

you're watching this right now and

you're like ugh i am not the person to

create videos i hate being on camera

it's just not for me

then don't worry there are plenty of

other jobs that you can work remotely

to essentially get paid to travel so i'm

going to give you guys a list

right now and i have many friends who

have done all these things

so they are totally possible to do here

we go

you can work on a cruise ship be a

receptionist in a hostel

start a blog about travel or anything

else trade in the stock market

teach english online take up bartending

become a local tour guide and rock

climbing or scuba diving or whatever you


be a graphic designer learn how to edit


be a ghost writer take on social media

marketing be a travel photographer learn

how to do drop shipping

start a business on amazon list your

place on airbnb

for rent work for an ngo be a consultant

of any kind or just find out if your

current employer will let you work

remotely from around the world

especially now with covid there's a huge

push for everyone to work remotely it is

the future

the future is now it's entirely possible

listen guys i made this video to give


inspiration to let you know that you can

do it i am just a regular kid from

arizona who

took advantage of the opportunities that

was presented to me aka youtube and the


and all of you guys out there listening

watching can do the same thing

please if you have any questions comment

them below or let me know i would

love to help you guys out in any way

possible as i've always said

the hardest part to all of this stuff is

the start

that's why i wear these two words on my

shirt just go i

always live by this motto because once

you start you will just

keep going and keep getting addicting

and it's just the best life possible

that's it guys for me today thank you so

much for watching i look forward to your


and i will see you guys tomorrow take


hey guys i have a really special offer

for you watching this video if you click

on the link in the description below

then you'll get a free 30-day trial to

epidemic sound

no gimmicks no commitments no extra fees

it's that awesome i know you will love


and use it to your benefits thank you so

much have a great day

see you later i'm druvinsky and if you

like my travel videos please click

subscribe and join me as i plan to visit

every country in the world

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