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Manage Workforce


Aleksandar Zaceski


Diploma of Business

Section A– Workforce Plan

Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

1. Overview
Innovia call center is a generic call center that caters for different companies for their
customer’s needs. The daily tasks for the main staff consisting of customer service
representatives includes but not limited to are; helping calling customers with their queries.
Carrying out a variety of tasks that can include changing personal details or resolving a
dispute that the customer may have. The call center prides themselves in addressing
customer’s needs in a timely efficient manner as so not to make them wait more than they
should. Although the call center has a IVR (interactive voice recognition) system, it still isn’t
enough to address most issues that concern customers and therefore, the company is always
in pursuit of improving and developing their services and standards. The call center
employees consist of 5 full-time customer service representatives along with 2 casual
customer service representatives that are used as required depending on how busy the call
center is. Furthermore, there is a human resource/OHS manager, general manager and
operations manager.

2. Background:
Workforce planning provides managers with a framework that will assist them in making
informed decisions in alignment with the organization’s mission, strategic plan and resources.
Workforce planning is a way in which meaning and integration of that meaning can be given
to the organizations strategies.
3. Workforce planning: Including its importance to best practice and the organization.
 Reviewing business objectives and strategies
 Analyzing and forecasting the labour market
 Identifying the gap between current and future need
 Developing strategies
 Creating a Workforce Plan – Monitoring and developing

4. Purpose: The reason why the organization needs a workforce plan.

 Improve its efficiency,
Effectiveness and productivity by putting the right employee into the right job
 Have an open system that is responsive to the change needs of the environment
 Identify staff needs
 Strengthen their business outputs now and in the future
 Assist in identification and management of staff with knowledge of the organizations
culture and corporate memory
 Have the mechanism to monitor costs and directly linking personnel expenditure
against business outputs and outcomes

5. Goals and objectives: Ensuring that the workforce is managed and goals and
objectives are put in place for the development of strategies and actions.
 Getting the right number of people with the right skills in the right jobs at the right time
 Determining and shaping the capacity of the workforce that is needed to achieve an
organisation’s goals and directions
 Reviewing business objectives and strategies
 Developing business strategies

6. The strategies workforce planning process:

 Consultation with key stakeholders i.e. internally & externally

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

 Internal stakeholders
1. Employees
2. Manager
3. Owner
 External stakeholders
1. Suppliers
2. Customers
3. Creditors

7. Strategies Development:
Key findings to develop strategies and activities to address key findings and gaps, and
suggest best methods to source skilled labor.

Own Business Key Findings and Gap Own Business Specific strategies and
Analysis activities

Identify of own business organisations plan For call center answer calls within 2 minutes for
min of 90%customers
Current level of answered calls in 2 minutes is
Determining own business current level 50%. What's the best way to get this information?
supply & demand By using brainstorming workshops, Through one-
to-one interviews, By reviewing documents.
The future levels required is set out through
Determining the future levels required for objectives which is answering 90% of incoming
own business calls in 2 minutes.

Determining own business gap Determining the gap is done through comparing
between current situation and future situation. So
current situation is answering incoming calls 50%
within 2 minutes. And future expected situation is
answering 90% calls in 2 mins. So gap is 40% of
remaining calls are not answered in 20 mins.
To fill in the gap a series of steps or actions need
Filling own business gap to be taken. in this case more staff needs to be
working through peak periods. Develop a call
volume reporting/queue modeling system to
ensure that there are enough staff during busy
periods. and also offer call back service for
callers that cannot be answered within 2 mins.
Suggested best methods to source skilled labour may include:

 Method to sources skilled labour internally:

Give the job to the appropriate staff with the experience and knowledge required.

 Method to sources skilled labour externally:

Create a good network service of client.

8. Implementation: Who is responsible for implementing specific strategies in the workforce

plan and who they are required to report progress to and when.

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A


For call center answer calls General manager Operations Manager Meetings, seminars
within 2 minutes for min of unless urgent

Current level of answered Team General Manager As soon as possible

calls in 2 minutes is 50%. Manager/Leader
What's the best way to get
this information? By using
brainstorming workshops,
Through one-to-one
interviews, By reviewing

The future levels required is Team Analyst General Manager Meetings, seminars
set out through objectives
which is answering 90% of
incoming calls in 2 minutes.

Determining the gap is done Human resource General Manager As soon as possible
through comparing between manager
current situation and future
situation. So current
situation is answering
incoming calls 50% within 2
minutes. And future
expected situation is
answering 90% calls in 2
mins. So gap is 40% of
remaining calls are not
answered in 20 mins.

To fill in the gap a series of Human General Manager Meetings, seminars

steps or actions need to be Resource
taken. in this case more Manager
staff needs to be working
through peak periods.
Develop a call volume
reporting/queue modeling
system to ensure that there
are enough staff during
busy periods. and also offer
call back service for callers
that cannot be answered
within 2 mins.

9. Project Governance: Usually provided as on organization chart, all senior management and
project managers are displayed so key personnel can identify who they report to:

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A


Manager Project Manager
Volkan Karakoc Andrew Jackson

Staff Staff Staff Staff

Steve Cavin Anna Bethany
Martin Archer Sayler Sparrow

10. Monitoring and Evaluation:

Monitoring and Evaluation will be accomplished through the use of subsequent chart:

Understanding the
strategic direction

Analysing the
Evaluating the current workforce
success of
needs and
workforce planning

Analysing the
Implement future workforce
strategies needs and

strategies to
address the gap

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

11. Implementation Policy: How will this workforce plan be implemented?

The workforce plan will be implemented as demonstrated in the flow chart below:

Start researching markets and compile a report based on different

methods and processes

Organize a OHS and possibly human resource manager to lead the

implementation of relevant work policies such as safety, regulations
and work processes

The work regulations and policies will be implemented on site with all
staff by holding meetings and training sessions

Section B – Report

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

1. Based on your research of your profession, predict growth and downsizing of

labor requirements within your field of work.

The growth prediction for call center will be dependent on the success of the auto answering
machine (international voice recognition) and the success of the operators to address
customer queries. This can be increased through relevant training and development
strategies and feedback surveys from customers after their calls are made.

Daily average call intakes at different periods

Time Period

9-11am 11am-2pm 2-5pm

2. What diversity legislation should you be aware of? Complete a sample of

diversity plan with your answer in consideration.

Diversity legislation that Innovia Call center should be aware of:

• The Australian human rights commission act

• The age discrimination act
• The sex discrimination act
• The racial discrimination act
• The racial hatred act
• The disability discrimination act
• The workplace gender equality act 2014
• The fair work act and National Employment Standards (NES)
• State-based anti-discrimination and OHS laws

Complete sample of diversity workplace plan

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

The workplace diversity policy is a commitment by our organization to create a fair and
inclusive workforce reflects the diversity of our staff, internal and external customers.

Our staff is our assets. Our aim is to

attract and retain the best staff to
support our high quality product
and service.
Develpomnet of plans, programs
and initatives for fair, felxible
Diversity is embraced and is used to
create a strategic advantage against
our competitors
Retain the best staff to support our
high quality product and service
Development flexible workplace
practices to meet employees
differing needs

3. What is the predicted forecast for business growth in your industry? Let that
prediction be a true forecast of business growth for the rest of this project.

Chart Title

Series 3
The predicted forecast for the customer service representative (call centre) industry is
a positive one. This is because providing pre and post-sales support is far cheaper than face

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

to face contact as well as more convenient and takes less time as there is no travel time
involved. Also call center growth is driven by lower transaction costs and is supported by the
ever increasing developments in technology such as interactive voice recognition.

4. What effects will labor trends have on demand for labor in your industry? How
would you refine your procedures to take into account these changes? Why?

In general forecasted effects of labour trends that will impact on demands for labour
in our hospitality industry are:

 Innovia call center will be impacted by the call volume each day and how long such high
volume will continue. In this case the demand for labour will increase. However, with the
development of IVR, it can most likely have a major impact on labour demand as it will come
to a point where it will suffice for most calls.

 It will be useful to carry out one year, two year and three year forecasts. Similarly five and 10
years forecasts are useful.

Refining our business procedures to take into account these changes can be
accomplished through:-

 Alternative labour sources

 Development and training


Because as we know in the call center industry is somewhat unpredictable as to the call
volume. So therefore, it is necessary to always have reserved staff and IVR constantly being

5. Complete a snap shot of the current market. Design a matrix of the skills the
staff should demonstrate to assist the organization and help it to grow.

Snap shot of the current market:-

Industry Statistics & Market Size

Annual Growth
Revenue Annual Growth 13-18

Profit Employment Businesses

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A


Innovia call center is a company that owes its success to its discipline in serving customers to a
high standard. It has formed a reputation of integrity and success. For the customer service
representative (call center) industry is a positive one. This is because providing pre and post-sales
support is far cheaper than face to face contact as well as more convenient and takes less time as
there is no travel time involved. Also call center growth is driven by lower transaction costs and is
supported by the ever increasing developments in technology such as interactive voice recognition.

6. There has been a recent level of high turnover. Develop a tool that can be used to
assist in identifying the cause of the turnover. Make a recommendation on how to
minimize the possible reason for the turnover.

Conflict Complaints Solution

many staff leave They may feel discriminated Consider diversity in all
organizations because they against because an cases
cannot maintain a positive organization does not take
relationship with their into consideration the
immediate supervisor diversity of the workplace.

One way in which to identify the causes of high turnover is to develop an exit interview

Recommendations on how to minimize the possible reason for the turnover:-

When there is an overlap with cause and effect due to low morale, retention issues and unproductive
and unsupportive work environment, you need to find ways in which to ensure that your staff turnover.
The objectives you use should remain without the context of the organizations business goals and the
business culture.
To overcome the problems of an ineffective business environment, you must be able to identify the
situations that make the problem exist.
One way in which to identify the causes of high turnover is to develop an exit interview. It is important
to identify the causes.

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

7. What contingency plans should we make? Why?

A possible contingency plan is shown below in table form:

Event Likelihood Impact on Priority Solutions How Who When why

of event business (1-5) to deal
occurring 5- high with event
Staff being late Occasionally Loss of 3 Give warning Formal Manager On the day To stop
Productivity letter happening

Discrimination Rare Loss of 5 Final warning Formal Manager On the day Zero
in work place productivity or direct letter tolerance
Reputation of employee
staff being lazy Occasionally Loss of 3 Have notices Manager Depending To keep
productivity frequent mini on situation staff up to
breaks with standard
loss of money standing and
and walking
office. Have
little fun
activity time
to encourage
workers and
keep morale

Staff Resigns 2 – 3 Months Staff Shortage 5 Making Questi HR Before the Prevent
surveys to onnair employee’s staff loss
staff es last day

8. Draw up a basic succession planning procedure using previous research as a way to

planning the succession.

Job title Skill Training required Succession Start End

required actions date date
Customer Experience Hospitality course 1 week 1 week 1 week
service rep. with performance
customers review with
supervisor Experience in OHS/business Previous 6 mths 6 mths
managing management course management
staff experience and
Operations Business Degree/diploma in Current review 2-3yrs 2-3yrs
manager experience business of company

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

with call management performance

center’s and analysis

10. Review exit interview and refine for future workforce demand changes.

In today's internet epoch (era) organization should turn towards a centralized online exit
interview process, where as soon as on employee leaves the organization or in their last
week or day the following should occur.

HR is notified of the departing employee's name and last day of work.

HR will e-mail the link to a structured online exit interview survey for the
departing employee to complete within 1-2 weeks.

The survey form is pre-coded with the employee's name, their division, their
manager's name and their location so that HR can easily report and filter

As soon as the survey is completed HR will receive an email notification and the
survey results will be automatically entered into an online database where the
report and the charts will be produced.

HR then log online and run date defined reports to review cumulative exit
interview results spot trends and measure the change rating over the time for
the whole company or a specific department/location. By that the areas of
weakness will be spotted and an action plan to address related areas will be

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845
Manage Workforce Planning – BSBHRM513A

11. How can you gauge employer satisfaction? Design an example of the tool you
recommend to gauge employer satisfaction.

Gauging employee’s satisfaction can be attained through:

 Feedback Forms
 Focus Groups
 Interview

Sample of Recommended Tool to Gauge Employee Satisfaction

Propose Questionnaires Strongly Somewhat Neither To Strongly Comments
Disagree Disagree Agree or Some Agree
Disagree Extent
I feel encourage to come
up with new and better
way of doing things.
The bakery does an
excellent job of keeping
employees informed
about matters affecting
How satisfied are you
with the information you
receive form
management on what is
going on in your
How satisfied are you
with your involvement in
decisions that affect
your work?
I am rewarded for the
quality of my efforts,
work and performance.

Aleksandar Zaceski– 9845

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