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Manage people performance

Diploma of business
Nora Gyenes 12826
Q1. Work plans in accordance with the organisational plans

Work plans in accordance with the operational plans

Work plans Operational plans
Increase productivity by 5% Change management attitude
Improve Team Performance Reduce the level of absenteeism and

Q2. Allocate work in a way that is efficient and cost effective, aimed at ensuring
outcomes are achieved as a manager when allocating work, it is important:

- to be aware of the skills and knowledge each employee has

- work should be allocated to employees based on their ability to prefer their task and
according to the organisations operational plans
- use the knowledge of job descriptions to delegate task effectively
- Communicate and consult with staff members, managers and any external

Q3. Confirm performance standards, a code of conduct, work outputs, develop at least
one individual work plan for the team.
To confirm performance standards managers need to:
- The task is that needs to be performed and the minimum standard to complete the task
- Know what the task is that need to be performed and the minimum standards to
complete the task
- Pay more attention to the important jobs first
- Determine which actions will be a minimum standard of acceptable performance
standards used should be achievable, clear, realistic, agreed to specific time-framed and
measurable understood etc.

To confirm code of conduct administrators required:

- Outline the responsibilities of or proper practices for an individual or organisational that
will reflect the organisation mission and vision statement
- Include benchmarking which is something that can be measured and judged, acceptable
levels of conduct to assist the organisation is assessing performance as well as
acceptable behaviours in the workplace of all staff, including presentation and legislative.
To verify work outputs supervisors should assess performance standards against the following
- cost/ budget
- customer satisfaction
- quantity
- revenue/ profit
Appendix One- Individual Work Plan

Goal: Increase productivity by 5%

Description for Year 1

Change management attitude in order to improve team performance and reduce level of
absenteeism and resignations

Measurable Activities for Impact for Year 1

Objective for Year 1 Year 1 Evaluation for Year 1

Achieve high level of Coaching, training, Improvement Feedback

internal/ external measuring Report customers
customer satisfaction

Develop KPI Compare to Training, Compare

previous year improvement

Conduct risk analysis Measure Reduce Measure, compare

Q4. Conduct a risk analysis and determine whether or not the goals are realistic
(Apppendix Two)
Quantifiable Risk Analysis

Task Task description Risk Level of Risk

Primary task Increase productivity Unidentified tasks High- medium

by 5% overload/ overlap of

Secondary task Change management Dispute resolution High


Other Reduce level of Unforeseen meetings Medium- low

absenteeism and Fixing mistakes
Q5. Develop a flow chart to reflect the communication process in the department (it must
be two way)

Owners Customer

Management Staff

Staff Management

Customer Owners

Q6. Develop at least two contingency plans

Contingency plan 1
Proposed ways to increase productivity by 5%/ Improve team performance
Contingency plan 2
Anticipated plan to change management attitude/ reduce levels of absenteeism and

Contingency plan1
-Communicating and collaborating plans with others to develop deadlines
- Allocating work in a way that is efficient effective and outcome focused
- Develop and agree performance indicators with relevant staff prior to commencement

Contingency plan2
Develop and agree KPI with relevant personnel prior to commencement of work
- Confirm performance standards, code of conduct and work out puts with relevant
personnel and individuals
- use of constructive communication techniques in the workplace
- Allocate work to people with the experience, skills and knowledge
- Know what your staff are doing including
Q7. Using individual work plan created in point 3, outline how you would measure

In relation to point 3 where the goal was to increase productivity by 5%, achieve high level of
internal/ external customer satisfaction, develop key performance.
Indicators an conduct risk analysis where an individual workplan was developed in order to
accomplish desired goal. Therefore measuring performance would be accomplished desired
goal. Therefore measuring performance would be accomplished through the subsequent:
a., Reviewing organisational goals associated with preferred results
b., Specifying and prioritising the goals and results required
c., Identifying SMART and specific measures
d., Classifying performance standards, key performance indicators and key result areas
e., Conducting performance planning meetings
f., Making sure that managers, employees and other people involved in the performance
management and review process know how to analyse results effectively in order to make
informed decisions.

Q8. Design a performance management system including a performance management

timeline (Appendix Three)

General At Sunny Side Pizzeria Westend Outlet all

involved will participate in a regular formal
and informal performance review and will
receive a written evaluation of their
performance at least twice a year that is in
June and December or whenever is needed.

Probationary staff All Probationary staff at Sunny Side Pizzeria

Westend Outlet should receive a formal,
written evaluation of their performance at
least once during the probationary period. As
well, a second performance evaluation will be
completed prior to confirming permanent
status for an employment contract.

Special cases/ Interim reviews A surveyor might conduct an evaluation for all
managers and staff performance at anytime
whereas special case can be made to either
recognise unusually outstanding performance
or prevent unsatisfactory performance. As
well an employee may also request an
evaluation of his/ her performance at anytime
if she/ he believes it would be beneficial

Performance planning/ Review meetings At Sunny Side Pizzeria Western Outlet all
internal employees are entitled to a meeting
with the surveyor to discuss their
performance over the 12 month period. After
receiving a written performance evaluation an
employee must request a follow- up meeting
with the surveyor to discuss the performance
evaluation. This meeting will take place within
14 days of the request unless there are
exceptional circumstances.

Documentation At Sunny Side Pizzeria Western Outlet written

performance evaluations are to be kept in the
employee`s personnel file after the employee
is provided with the copy. If this not followed
the organisation performance management
system will not able to keep track of
employee`s performance problems in
performance are not can cause serious
problems for the organisation.

· Coaching Plan

Name: Sunny Side Pizzeria

Manager: Nora Gyenes

Date of meeting: 13/02/2015

Areas where excellent in performance has been demonstrated: -

- Teamwork
- Work ethic

Performance areas needing improvement

- Individual performance
- Punctuality

Additional items
- One-on-one training
- Off job training/ short course

Next steps
- Monitor trainee’s performance during working time
- Agree on the above coaching plan
- Set dates where the coaching activities will be conducted
- Monitor process
- Provide timely and constructive feedback.
Developed procedures for the following:
Handling poor performance Ongoing monitoring and
Terminations Following the law
Recruitment Develop up-to-date job
Recognition from feedback Periodic reviewing
Coaching plan Timely analysis of performance gaps

Q9. The team member in number 3 that you have developed an individual work plan for is
not performing to the KPIs. Explain how you would consult with the team member and
design a coaching plan (Perform a role play if this assists you).

Consulting with the relevant team member the proceeding steps will be followed to ensure
compliance with Fair Work Act guidelines and protocols and these are the subsequent:

1. Schedule a confidential meeting

2. Ask specific instrumental as to why not performing to required KPIs

3. Maintain positive attitude

4. Ensure emphases are not concentrated on weaknesses

5. Avoid being blunt

6. Be corporative

7. Remain professional

8. Staying focus

9. Make sure the consultation process is two ways

10. Use a balance approach

11. End on a positive note

12. Prepare a written summary

13. Ensure follow up

Q10. Seek assistance from Human Resource specialists. Consult with them on your plan
and write down any feedback the have provided you with:

Appendix Five: HR Professional Consultation Template

HR Professional Consulted:


Feedback Respond

Outstanding performance - Emphasis the future

- Communicate long term potential within the business as
rewards such as promotion, raises or bonus

2. Meeting expectations - Focusing on the positive

- Be objective, discuss the positive feedback as it will lift
performance considerably
- Emphasis specific outcomes of the review such potential
improvement, progress, etc…

3. Below standard - Discuss weaknesses without emphasizing the move away

from just giving negative feedback
- Accompany negative feedback with suggestions on how
they can perform their job better
- Do not emphasizes the two extremes of the negatives and
the positives
- Find a balance and use it
Q11. A member of your team’s attitude has become negative. Design a counseling
session outline that you would perform for the team member. (Appendix Six)

Appendix six: Counseling Plan “Sunny Side Pizzeria”

1. Schedule a confidential meeting with Design date, place, day and time should
the employee be confirmed with underperformance
staff members at the Pizzeria

2. Set and maintain a positive attitude The discussion should be primarily

focus and discuss the reasons causing
the poor performance and to help the
staff member(s) to identify ways to
overcome it

The discussion should focus on issues

of good performance and why it is
important for both staff member and the
Pizzeria outlet to overcome the negative

3. Be cooperative, professional and Fair, clear, understood, specific

It is indispensable to remain objective
and calm at all times. When counselling
session is performed we should not let
personal opinions or feeling enter the
discussion. An opportunity must be
given to staff member(s) to respond to
comments and listen to what they have
or want to say

4. Seek clarification At all times, counsellor must ask

relevant questions and stop every now
and again to get confirmation from the
staff member ensuring that he/she
understands performance problems and
required expectations
5. End on a positive note At the wrapping up of the counselling
session, the counsellor must emphasis
the positives that have come out of the
discussion, reinforce the fact that the
member of staff is valued by the
Pizzeria, and must highlight and
highlight the improving performance is
mutually beneficial goal.

6. Prepare a written summary The counsellor must prepare a written

summary of the discussion as its
beneficial for both parties, a copy for
counsellor and one for staff member.

This must be kept confidential from

other staff

7. Follow up with the employee In order to ensure consistency, it is

important to schedule a follow up
session to check on the member of staff

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