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DES220B – CayCay 77


A Game for 4 Players

Game Design by CayCay 77

Copyright © 2019 DigiPen Institute of Technology

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4 Character Figures
1 Game Board

1 Barrier Card

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6 Treasure Tokens
4 Health Tracker Tokens
2 Reference Cards
4 Character Sheets

4 Barrier 2Tracker Tokens

20-Sided Dice
Motherstone, a reservoir containing many Gems

14 Glamer Cards 11 Equipment Cards 7 Treasure Cards

1. Get into teams of 2 players per team.
2. The team containing the shortest individual player chooses one character sheet each from
among the 8 available.
a. Both characters on a team cannot be the same color (Red, Blue, Yellow, or
3. The other team chooses one character sheet each from among those remaining.
4. Give a Character Figure to each player that corresponds with the color of their character
5. Place a Health Tracking Token on each Character Sheet over the maximum health values,
and a Barrier Tracking Token over the “0” Barrier values.
6. Give each team a 20-Sided Die and a Reference Card.
7. Place the Game Board and the Barrier Card in the center of the play area, within reach of
8. Shuffle the decks of cards individually and place them face-down within reach of
9. Open Motherstone and place it within reach of everyone.

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10. Place a Gem on each gold star hex on the Game Board, and a Treasure Token on each
black star hex on the Game Board.
11. Place one team’s Figures on the hexes labeled “1” on the Game Board, and place the
other team’s Figures on the hexes labeled “2.”
12. The team that chose Characters second takes the first turn.

When you're done setting up, it should look something like this:

Every 77 years the royal fairy houses duel for ownership of Motherstone, the giant crystal that all
woodland creatures draw magic from. Only 4 houses remain, and you have teamed up with an
ally house to improve your chances of success. if your opponents gain control of Motherstone,
who knows what they will use her power for. You must defeat them.

In Battle for Motherstone, players take turns. The players on the starting team take their turns
first, followed by the players on the second team.
Determine turn order within your team by referencing the Initiative of your characters. The
character on your team with higher initiative takes their turn first.
Initiative Values of Characters:
 Sprite: 8
 Leprechaun: 7

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 Wisp: 6
 Imp: 5
 Selkie: 4
 Redcap: 3
 Brownie: 2
 Dwarf: 1
Example: Chely and Rodin are playing against Zak and Moon. Zak is the shortest individual
player, so Zak and Moon choose characters first. Chely and Rodin will take the first turns.
Chely and Rodin are playing as the Dwarf (initiative 1) and Sprite (initiative 8), respectively. On
their team, Rodin will take his turn before Chely because 8 is higher than 1.
Zak and Moon are playing as the Wisp (initiative 6) and Redcap (initiative 3) respectively. On
their team, Zak will take their turn before Moon.
In summation, turn order will be: Rodin, Chely, Zak, Moon.

At the start of each turn, you gain 1 Gem directly from Motherstone. Place your Gems next to
your Character Sheet. Gems can be used to purchase many things, detailed in the sections below.
You can gain additional Gems by moving onto a hex containing a Gem and taking the Gem for
yourself, or by starting your turn in a hex adjacent to Motherstone (see the Map section below for
more info).

Each character can move a number of hexes each turn equal to their speed, which can be found
on their Character Sheet.
 Movement can be split.
Example: A character can use some of their movement, perform an action, then use the
rest of their movement.

The Map:
There are several different types of terrain on the Map in Battle for Motherstone:
 Grass: The green spaces. Grass has no effect on gameplay.

 Mountain: The brown spaces. Mountains have 2 effects:

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o A player on a Mountain gains +5 Accuracy with their attacks against a player not
on a Mountain (Accuracy and attacking explained in the Combat section below).
o When a player ends their turn on a Mountain, they take 1 physical damage from
falling rocks (damage explained in the Combat section below).

 River: The blue spaces. It takes 2 moves to move into, through, and out of
river hexes.

 Motherstone: The light blue spaces in the center of the Map. Players cannot
move onto Motherstone. If a player starts their turn in a space adjacent to
Motherstone, they gain an additional Gem at the start of their turn.

 Ridges: The dashed lines bordering some Mountain hexes.

o Players cannot move from a Grass hex to a Mountain hex if there is a Ridge in
o Players can move from a Mountain hex to a Grass hex if there is a
Ridge in between, but if they do so they take 2 physical damage from the fall
(damage explained in the Combat section below).

You can make one attack per turn, as long as you are within suitable range of a target.
Each attack has a Range. In order to use the attack, your target must be a number of hexes away
from you equal to or less than the range of the attack you are using. Your ranged attacks can
follow any path, and are blocked by Motherstone in the center of the map. Your ranged attacks
can pass through Ridges freely going down, but if they go up a Ridge they get -5 Accuracy.
To attack, roll your Combat Die. If you roll your attack’s Miss Number or lower, the attack
misses. Otherwise, it hits, dealing its listed damage (your target’s health goes down equal to
damage taken).
If you roll the attack’s Crit Number or above your attack crits, dealing double damage.
You may discard a single Glamer card when you make an attack. If you do, add the Glamer’s
effects to the attack. Glamers are further explained in the “Cards” section below.

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Physical and Magic damage only relate to Barrier, which is explained in the “Barrier” section
Accuracy modifies the effective result of your rolls by the listed amount. For example, if you
have +5 Accuracy and you roll a 6, your final result is 6 + 5, which is 11.

Combat Example:

Chely Attacks Moon with Magic Hammer.

It has a range of 4, which puts Moon
within suitable range. Chely can “curve” her
attack so that it connects after traveling through only 3 hexes.
Chely rolls an 8, but needs a 12 or better to hit. Luckily, she’s on a Mountain and Moon is not,
which gives her +5 Accuracy. This boosts her effective roll result to a 13, which is a hit! Moon
takes 3 Magic Damage.

Area of Effect:
Some attacks and abilities have an “Area of Effect” value. In addition to the target, these attacks
and abilities also effect all valid targets within a range of the targeted hex equal to the Area of
Effect value.
The Wisp targets
the hex marked by
the “X” with
Empathy Blast,
which has an Area
of Effect of 1. Both
the Dwarf and the
Sprite are within 1
Range of the targeted hex, so they are both affected by the attack if it hits (the attacking player
only rolls once for an Area of Effect attack).

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Each character has 3 abilities: a passive ability, an active ability, and an ultimate ability.
 Passive abilities are always in effect.
Example: The Wisp’s passive lets them gain an extra
Gem every turn.

 Active abilities cost a certain number of Gems to use, as

listed on your Character Sheet.
Example: The Redcap’s active boosts the damage of
his next attack.

 Ultimate abilities cost gems like active abilities, and have miss
numbers, crit numbers, and damage values like attacks.
o Using an ultimate ability doesn’t count as your attack for
the turn – you can still attack normally before or after
you use an ultimate ability.
o You may discard up to 3 Glamer cards with your
ultimate ability. Glamers are further explained in the
“Cards” section below.
Example: The Sprite’s ultimate draws enemies in and deals
damage to them.

 You can use abilities any number of times per turn, as long as you have enough Gems to
afford them.

At any point during your turn, you can purchase a card if you have enough Gems.

 Whenever you gain any card, look at the top 2 cards of the deck, choose one
to put into your hand, and put the other on the bottom of the deck.
Cost for Glamer: 2 Gems
Glamers are cards that can be used to modify your attacks. Whenever you make
an attack, you may discard a Glamer Card to add the Glamer’s effects to the
 You may only discard 1 Glamer with each attack.
 You must declare the use of a Glamer before rolling for the Attack.
 If the attack misses, the Glamer has no effect and is still discarded.

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 You may use up to 3 Glamers with Ultimate Abilities.

Example: Embiggen makes its attack deal more damage.

Cost for Equipment: 5 Gems
Equipment are cards that permanently make you stronger.
 When you buy an Equipment, look at the top 2 cards of the
Equipment Deck and choose 1 to keep. Put the other on the bottom of
the deck.
 When you gain an equipment, put it to the right of your Player sheet.
 There is no limit to the number of Equipment you can have.
Example: Hungry Gauntlets heal you when you deal Physical Damage.

Treasures can only be obtained by moving into the same space as a
Treasure Token. When you do, set the Treasure Token aside.
 There are all kinds of treasure cards with different effects. Some are
permanent, and some are one-time use. Refer to each individual
card for information on how it’s played.
 Once all the Treasures on the board have been obtained, no more
can be acquired for the rest of the game.
Example: Fireball is a Treasure that gives you a one-time powerful

When you’re adjacent to your ally, you can freely give and take cards and Gems to and from
them with their permission.

Cost for 1 Barrier: 2 Gems
When you gain Barrier, move your Barrier Tracker Token to represent the
amount of Barrier you gained.
Further Barrier gained adds to this number.

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When you would take Magic Damage, your Barrier blocks an amount of that damage equal
to your current Barrier value, then ticks down by 1.
 Barrier blocks Magic Damage from any source, including your own effects.
 Barrier does not block Physical Damage.

1) Chely has 20 Health and 2

2) Zak attacks and hits her with Tracer Shot,
dealing 1 Magic Damage. Chely’s 2 Barrier
blocks all of the damage, then ticks down by 1.

3) Zak attacks and hits her with Empathy Blast, dealing 2 Magic
Damage. Chely's 1 Barrier blocks 1 of this damage and ticks
down by 1, and she takes the remaining 1 damage to her health.

When a character dies (by reaching 0 Health), their killer may choose to gain one of the
1. All of the character’s Gems,
2. One piece of the character’s Equipment or Treasure, of the killer’s choice.
After that, the killed character’s surviving ally gets any leftover Gems, Equipment, and Treasure
they had.
Note: If a character dies to environmental damage or their own effects, there is no killer, and
their ally gets all of their gear.

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Your team wins the Battle for Motherstone when both of your opponents are dead.

Art Copyright Information:

 Cover art by Arthur Rackham
 Card and Map art by CayCay 77
 Dwarf art by Artur Fast
 Sprite art by Teal Newcomb
 Redcap art by JB Monge
 Wisp art by Billy Wimblett

Copyright © 2019 DigiPen Institute of Technology

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