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The Skill Called Love February 12, 2011

(Philippians. 1:9-10) KJV

And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all
That ye may approve things that are excellent; that ye may be sincere and without
offence till the day of Christ;

Love is the true test of a person’s maturity.

Love is the ability to progressively understand and express the most vital values that lead
to the highest good in the society. That ye may approve things that are excellent…
Love continually seeks out the best outcome, and the best means to that outcome; Love
confers a heart of excellence to the one who loves.
A person that consciously grows in Love has mastered the most vital tool for personal and
societal transformation. The transformation of a person is measured by how much Love
that a person expresses.
Teach a child foremost how to love and he will mature radically, becoming far wiser than
his years.
Teach a Church to love and She will make more progress than a much bigger Church with
more material resources, spiritual gifts, and membership but bankruptcy in Love.
This is because God designed Love as the embodiment of all the most vital values that lead
to the well-being and prosperity of mankind.
Therefore any leader who has not learnt to love cannot be an effective leader, no matter
which other set of skills he or she might have.
Books on leadership or personal development would make much more impact in lives if
they carefully focused on the issue of how an individual can grow in the master value, Love.
So how do you grow in Love?
The reason why Love is the most misunderstood truth in existence is because of the fact
that many people are seeking to understand Love with human minds.
Love is a revelation, not a human idea or inspiration.
We grow to understand and express Love as we relate with the Author and Source of Love,
God. This was why Paul prayed to God for the Philippians to grow in Love – Love is beyond
imperfect man’s ability and so comes directly from God.

(Rom 5:5) … for God's love has been poured out in our hearts through the Holy Spirit Who has
been given to us.

Love is a spirit that thrives on the Presence of God like a green plant depends on the sun.
Love matures as it is actively used; Love is mature to the degree it withstands tests or trials.
The standard of Love is the standard Jesus Christ set by coming as man and dying for the
sinful world; that is the standard by which we check our growth in Love. When our Love is
tested and endures at that level, then our Love is said to have been perfected.

Discuss with Holy Spirit now; tell Him about your need to grow in Love and ask Him to
help you. Ask Him for patience as you grow.

Streams of Essence©2011 for MVP ministries

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