Final Technology Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan

Name of Lesson: Graph and Compare!

Grade Level Appropriateness: High School (9-12)

Technology Content Standard Addressed: ISTE Standard 5 COMPUTATIONAL

THINKER 5b: Students collect data or identify relevant data sets, use digital tools

to analyze them, and represent data in various ways to facilitate problem-solving and decision-


Other Content Standard Addressed: Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a

function (presented symbolically or as a table) over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of

change from a graph.

Objective: Students will use their knowledge of drawing tools and PowerPoint software to graph

two functions (using predetermined y values) and then compare the graphs to determine their rate

of change. Students will demonstrate how to solve functions, given y values, and graph them to

express their rate of change.

Materials needed to facilitate the lesson: Student will need a computer (or other mobile

device), PowerPoint software, notebook and/or scratch paper, and a pencil

Suggested group size: 2 students

Procedures: First, the students will be given a set of functions: y=x+1 and y=x-1. The Y-values

for the first function are 3 and 2, the Y-values for the second function are -4 and -3. The students

will use their notebook or scratch paper and solve for their X-values. After they have solved for x

on both functions, they will use the intercepts (x, y) to graph these two functions. Using
Microsoft PowerPoint or Google Slides, the students will draw two coordinate planes—labeling

x and y axes—and graph their functions. After they graph their functions, they will write the rate

of change (slope) of the functions. The students will write this information next to each graph.

Once they have recorded their data, they will compare the two functions, their graphs, and their

rates of change, and determine which function’s change is greater.

Assessment: I will be assessing the students on their ability to properly solve functions—given y

values, graph functions, find the slope (rate of change) of a function, and their usage of linear

presentation software to demonstrate their data.

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