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Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.


The impact of E-commerce on Business Strategy: A Literature Review Approach

Amir Abou Elnaga1 and Frahan Hassan Al Shammari2
Assistant Professor, Director of Graduate Studies, College of Business Administration, Dar Al Uloom University,
Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Master of Business Administration, College of Business Administration, Dar Al Uloom University, Riyadh,
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
Abstract: E-commerce is a new business model in the world as it is prompted a major change in the mode of
production and services of the whole world. That with the rapid development of Internet technology, e-commerce
has become a key means of modern enterprise competition. This study is descriptive based on the collection and
analysis of results of studies, reports, periodicals and books related to the topic of study in order to investigate the
relationships between E-commerce on Business Strategy. The main purpose of this study is to describes the
influence of e-commerce on the business strategy in order to understand electronic commerce, models and types
Business-to-Consumer (B2C), Business-to-business (B2B), Consumer-to-consumer (C2C), Intra-organizational and
describing the difference between e-commerce and e-business in order to determine the impact of E-commerce on
Business Strategy also E-commerce characteristics from worldwide perspective like United State of America, Korea,
Kenai has been reviewed. Based on descriptive study, the researchers has found a positive relationship between E-
commerce and business Strategy through characteristics of E-commerce systems and benefits of adopting e-
commerce. also E-commerce does not change the business nature but it is a complementary tool that supplements
the overall strategy and enhances the business performance. An organization capability to manage technology-
enabled change is the core of successfully managing e-business. The step of change and the opportunities for new
communications approaches make e-business and e-commerce an exciting area of business to be involved in.
[Amir Abou Elnaga and Frahan Hassan Al Shammari. The impact of E-commerce on Business Strategy: A
Literature Review Approach. J Am Sci 2016;12(5):68-79]. ISSN 1545-1003 (print); ISSN 2375-7264 (online).
http://www.jofamericanscience.org. 8. doi:10.7537/marsjas12051608.

Keywords: E-commerce, Business Strategy, e-business, Business-to-consumer (B2C), Business-to-business (B2B),

Consumer-to-consumer (C2C), Intra-organizational, marketing mix.

Introduction percent a decade ago. On the other hand, There are

E-commerce has many advantages reflected in certain barriers and risks of implementing e-commerce
our life, as it makes convenient in daily life of the in the organization mentioned in the of this thesis such
people. as cost, training and information security factor. Based
As the increasing demands on organizations, it is on that, the study analyzes the impact of e-commerce
required to change the ways of dealing with on business strategy. As there are a number of
customers, suppliers, and partners by utilizing the e- advantages of adopting e-commerce that include cost
commerce approach. savings improved efficiency, customization and global
E-commerce and business strategy are important market places explored. There are a negative effects of
for business development and promoting economic E-Commerce to be counted and considered in building
restructuring and upgrading. of the in the strategic plan such as customer privacy
Chang, K, Jackson, J, Grover, V, (2002), regulations, information security matching with the
describe that the emergence of e-commerce is creating highest standers and price war from others seller.
fundamental changes to the way that business is Finally, e-commerce is beneficial to both
conducted. These changes are altering the way in businesses and consumers as saving time and space
which every enterprise acquires wealth and creates barriers. The most notable strategic effects at the
shareholder value. business-unit level: are value added, differentiation,
Levy, P, (2012) told that e-commerce sales cost leadership, focus, and business growth strategies.
climbed 16 percent during 2011, and analysts are
Research problem
forecasting continued strong growth in e-commerce
Researcher has found through pilot study that e-
sales over the next five years. 1 Javelin Strategy and
commerce and business strategy has different views.
Research recently predicted that online retail
many of managers does not recognize about the real
purchases in the U.S. will total $429 billion by 2015. 2
importance of e-commerce and its effect on business
Online transactions now account for nearly 6 percent
strategy, some other managers adapting with rapid
of total retail sales in the United States, up from just 1

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

development on Internet and new technologies will and profitability goals you set for your e-commerce
lead to organizational success on the other hand many channel.
managers has misunderstanding of the relationship Positive relationship.
between both variables. The researchers has found a We concluded that the e-commerce market space
chance to investigate the determinants and is seen as promising and that it could generate positive
consequences of e-commerce and its effect on performance implications if it is reflected in corporate
business strategy. strategy. This conclusion is interesting in light of the
Research Questions: recent numerous dot-com failures and suggests that e-
Based on research problems, the following questions commerce must be given priority in corporate
have been formulated. strategy. (Chang, K, Jackson, J, Grover, V.2003)
1. What is E-commerce and its parameters? found positive relationship between e- commerce and
2. Explore the new approach of marketing mix Business Strategy.
4P+7C and how it related to e-commerce? Adopting of e-commerce:
3. Is e-commerce and e-business are same concept? Advantages of e-commerce are cost savings,
4. Describe the Business Strategic and its tasks and increased efficiency, and customization. In order to
plan? understand electronic commerce it is important to
5. How far is the impact of E- commerce on Business identify the different terms that are used, and to assess
Strategy? their origin and usage. These include information
Research Objectives: overload, reliability and security issues, and cost of
The main objectives: access, social divisions and difficulties in policing the
1. Explore e-commerce and its parameters. Internet. Successful e-commerce involves
2. Define marketing mix 4P+7C. understanding the limitations and minimizing the
3. Critically State the difference between E- negative impact. (Shahrzad. S, Mohammadreza. S,
commerce and E-business. Saeid. G, 2015) here coming up with the advantages
4. Defined the Business Strategy and its tasks and and negative effects that to be consider in the adopting
plan. of e-commerce into the organization.
5. Explore the impact of e-commerce on business Revolution in business
Strategy positively or negatively. Electronic commerce is a revolution in business
Research Methodology: practices. If organizations are going to take advantage
This study is descriptive based on the collection of new Internet technologies, then they must take a
and analysis of results of studies, reports, periodicals strategic perspective. That is, care must be taken to
and books related to the topic of study in order to make a close link between corporate strategy and
investigate the impact of e- commerce on Business electronic commerce strategy (Richard T, Pierre B,
Strategy. Leyland F, and George M. 2008).
Research limitation: Process variables (PVs)
This research has driven theoretically to PVs are the key variables (or other equivalent
investigate the relationships between E-commerce and terms in the case of other fields) in the process domain
Business Strategy. based on the collection and that characterizes the process that can generate the
analysis of studies, reports, periodicals and books in specified DPs.
order to identify E-commerce characteristics and how
it effect on Business Strategy. However, the
researchers is looking for conducting analytical study
to evaluate Business Strategy elements and e-
commerce by using statistical methods.
Literature Review:
E-commerce and organization strategic plan
Levy, P, (2012) mentioned that e-commerce
concept that must be considered in the organization
strategic plan: Although traditional business-building Figure-.1: Domains of the Design World
strategies can be effective in improving online
revenues, the Internet marketplace also offers its own The customer domain is characterized by
unique challenges and opportunities for attracting customer needs (or the attributes) the customer is
customers and building customer loyalty. In particular, looking for in a product, process or system. In the
the online payment process plays a significant—and functional domain, the customer needs are specified in
sometimes overlooked—role in achieving the growth terms of functional requirements (FRs) and constraints
(Cs). In order to satisfy the specified FRs, we

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

conceive a design described by design parameters (1) When the access to new resources, core
(DPs) in the physical domain. Finally, to produce the competence or distribution channels can use type
design product specified in terms of DPs, we develop stock of innovative ways to supply similar
a process that is characterized by process variables products or services in the past.
(PVs) in the process domain. (MARTIN, B & Kerim, (2) In some ways lag of the enterprise, can use the
A. 2001). incremental approach to innovation, adding new
E-commerce growth elements in the current business model in order to
The different characteristics of each enterprise strengthen the competitive advantage, such as the
choose e-commerce applications for business model value chain is the key part of the change.
innovation mode is also different. Through the case (3) With new technology, and can grasp the
study, can be divided into stock of the innovative opportunity of enterprise can be in the process of
ways of innovation, incremental innovation and whole new markets for business model innovation.
new three categories: (Yaqi. G, HU. J, 2014).

Figur-2: percentage of the E-commerce growth

Barriers for the small companies Firstly, an e-commerce enterprise should

The most important barriers for the small concentrate on the core competencies. Since E-
companies are the lack of innovation culture and commerce is a kind of new business mode by virtue
knowledge. Even if some companies still consider the of computer network, an e-commerce enterprise
cost factor as most important this is because of should emphasize the operation and management.
insufficient understanding for e-commerce and the An e-commerce enterprise should focus on the
positive effect of it. This in turn leads to non- innovation of business mode and operation mode
consistency or stopping the process of innovation. since they are the critical factors for an enterprise’s
Other important barrier is the lack of customers success (Danping W, 2013).
demand (Diyan. I, 2012).

(B2B) e-commerce in Korea and U.S growth

Figure 3: E-commerce market outlook for Korea 2005

Many countries are developing e-commerce those of other countries, in order to promote success
strategies and plans, and analyzing and benchmarking in this new competitive economic environment.

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Business to business (B2B) e-commerce is transactions in Korea. This trend is also evident in the
increasing more rapidly than business-to consumer U.S. (Hong, M. 2000).

Business drivers for consolidation

Figure-.4: Business drivers for consolidation (Kenia, S.2010)

E‐commerce merchants must also have a Online merchants without strategies will soon be
strategy to succeed in the online marketplace. Many overwhelmed by such issues.
people start websites because they think it is a quick Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and e-
and easy way to make cash, but in fact it takes a commerce
much greater investment than most people expect. ERPs are often called “back‐office” systems.
• Therefore, before launching a site, businesses must ERP systems are management information systems
have strategies to handle issues large and small: that integrate and automate many of the business
 How consumers will place orders, practices associated with operations or production
 How deliveries will be made, aspects of a company. ERP software can aid in
 How customer service issues will be handled? control of many business activities such as sales,
 More broadly, how much do owners expect to delivery, production, billing, production, inventory,
earn over a certain period, how will consumers shipping, invoicing and accounting.
find the site, and how will success be judged.

Figure 5: Kenia, S.(2010).

Researchers analytical for literatures review commerce systems benefits of adopting e-commerce
Based on descriptive study, the researchers has and exploring the negative effects of E-Commerce.
found a positive relationship between E-commerce As many literatures conclude that Electronic
and business Strategy through characteristics of E- commerce is a revolution in business practices. If

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

organizations are going to take advantage of new aware that the e-commerce does not change the
Internet technologies, then organizations must take a business nature it is a complementary tool that
strategic perspective. That is, care must be taken to complements the overall strategy and enhances the
make a close link between corporate strategy and business performance. During e- commerce
electronic commerce strategy. A competitive implementation, organization my face different
advantage main impact of e-commerce on a business obstacles. Some of them are common, like lack of
strategy that by create the cost leadership, knowledge and skills, while others can appear due to
differentiation, focus, innovation, growth, and the character of the organizations lack of long-term
business alliances. It is important that a firm to be business strategy.

Figure 6: The Seven Dimensions of an E-commerce Strategy,

As Martin, B & Kerim, A. (2001) mentioned the organization. It is a wide range of online business
new marketing mix counting 4P+7C: activities for products and services relates to any
1. Content form of business transaction in which the parties
2. Customization interact electronically rather than by exchanges or
3. Convenience direct contact.
4. Connectivity A new marketing mix 4P+7C
5. Communication Companies have to rebuild the traditional
6. Community marketing strategies around the facts of the new
Customer care business environment and the Internet. In the
Should be considered. On the other hand to traditional economy, the marketing mix was could be
develop business strategies institutions need a deep explained with the 4P’s that are product, price, place
considerate of the driving forces of the new economy, and promotion In the new business environment and
and consider e-commerce solutions as integral. the network economy, a new marketing mix
Organizations are expanding their use of including 4P+7C (content, customization,
networked systems to improve internal business convenience, connectivity, communication,
processes as to coordinate product design, improve community and customer care) should be considered.
customer service, manage inventory and reduce The companies that desire to rank among the leading
administrative and managerial costs. ones in today’s competitive marketplace should adopt
E-commerce these factors successfully into their corporate goals
An E-commerce System is an information and implement the essential strategies efficiently
system that provides E-commerce capabilities for an (MARTIN, B & Kerim, A. 2001).

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Figure 7: Total and e-commerce sales of U.S. electronic shopping and mail order houses in 2014, by merchandise line (in
billion U.S. dollars)

Types of E-commerce


Intra- Types of
organizati B2B
onal e-commerce


Figure 8: Types of E-commerce

(1) Business-to-consumer (B2C): Involves a individual).

business selling its products or services 1. E-tailers: Called direct marketers
electronically to the consumer (usually an 2. Using others to sell their products: Called

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

indirect marketers 5. Filling orders from stock: Called electronic

3. Sell products electronically: Called full distributor
cyber-marketers 6. Send orders to manufacturers or wholesalers
4. Selling through traditional means as well as that fill the orders: Called electronic brokers
electronically: Called partial cyber- (2) Business-to-business (B2B): Three main types
marketers of B2B e-commerce:

Figure 9: B2B e-commerce volume in the United States from 2006 to 2013 (in billion U.S. dollars)

 Supplier-oriented marketplace: provides e- (3) Consumer-to-consumer (C2C): One

commerce capabilities for other businesses to consumer sells a product or service to another
order its products. consumer usually through an intermediary e-
 Buyer-oriented marketplace: requests commerce business
quotations or bids from other companies (4) Intra-organizational: Intra-business, or
electronically. organizational, e-commerce involves
 Intermediary-oriented marketplace: acts as transactions between departments, regions,
an intermediary between buyer and seller. subsidiaries, or other units of a business.

Table-1: K.-c. Chang et al. / Information & Management 40 (2003) 663–675

Is e-commerce the same as e-business? E-business strategy is composite, focused on internal

Some people use e-commerce and e-business processes, and aimed at cost savings and
interchangeably, they are dissimilar concepts. developments in efficiency, productivity and cost
E-business includes E-commerce in addition also, savings.
covers internal processes such as production, Characteristics of E-commerce Systems
inventory management, product development, risk 1. Product presentation: Electronic catalog
management, finance, knowledge management and 2. Order entry: Electronic shopping cart
human resources. 3. Payment: Electronic payment and Electronic
Funds Transfer (EFT)

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

4. Product distribution of organization business. If the plan is not in

5. Customer service accordance with the overall company mission, the
6. Product support result could be negative such as bad customer
7. Data acquisition experience and low return of investments. There are
Barriers for E-commerce adoption also many problems with security, ordering and
Organizations should carefully measure the risk delaying of orders. However, the barriers for
and potential benefits of realizing e-commerce their adoption of E-commerce are several but depends on
new strategy needs extensively changes in all aspect the organizations condition and preparations.

Table-2: Barriers for e-commerce adoption

Category Barriers
Management 1. Lack of awareness
2. Lack of long term business strategy
3. Lack of innovation culture Resistance of top management
Cost Lack of finance resources Long process of return on investments
Skills /training Lack of experience and knowledge
Supply chain Unsuitability for the type of business Lack of consumer demand
Technology High level of complexity Lack of time
Info. Security Business risk Security factors

Business Strategy position.

A business strategy is a business approach to a 2. Satisfying the customers
set of competitive moves that are designed to 3. Achieving performance targets
generate a successful outcome also defined as Plan Three questions involved in a strategy
that integrates organization’s goals, policies, and 1. Where are we now?
actions into integrated totally and as a track, 2. Where do we want to go?
organization takes in order to compete effectively and 3. How will we get there?
meet stakeholder expectations that requires vision 4. How do we know if we got there?
and mission and, intervening purpose.
Why we need business strategy: Strategic Management Tasks
1. Consolidation the organization’s competitive

Figure 10: Strategic Management Tasks

1. Defining business and stating a vision and 3. Crafting a strategy to achieve objectives
mission 4. Implementing a strategy plan.
2. Setting SMART objectives 5. Evaluating performance of the strategy, auditing

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

new developments and taking corrective action 2. Cost saving: Less personnel and time to
maintain customer operation; decreased
A strategic Business plan material expenses.
Where the organization is headed Short and 3. Improved customer service: Offering
long-term performance targets and actions of many new services and improve the quality,
management to achieve desired outcomes consists of: with decreasing the time.
1. Mission statement 4. Reaching large number of customers:
2. Strategic and financial performance objectives Organizations able to reach new markets in
3. Comprehensive strategy for achieving the other countries. organizations can broaden
objectives their marketplace or widen the supplier base
The Impact of E-commerce on Business Strategic 5. Increased sales: E-commerce leads to
plan increased sales, as it is easy to monitor and
E-commerce is assisting organizations to lower adjust the demand of the product or service.
costs dramatically through their supply and demand 6. Improved distribution channel:
chains, take their customer service into a different Organizations can broadened their supplier
league, enter new marketplaces, create additional bases through the use of e-marketplaces
revenue streams and redefine their business 7. Better customer satisfaction through
relationships. unique products: Tailor unique customer
Information systems that have a strategic impact products and services to individual’s leads to
on a business help create a competitive advantage better customer satisfaction
for the business as cost leadership, differentiation, 8. Enhancing the communication: E-
focusing, innovation, growth and business alliances. commerce possess new possibilities for
Benefits of adopting-commerce in business as communication between partners
reflecting by the impact: 9. Better access to information: Increased
1. Improving the efficiency: access to products ability to gain information about customers
and services from customers. and suppliers, increased information

Figure 11: Organizational changes reflecting on business benefits

Negative Effects of E-Commerce their homes or spend the day fighting queues at the
E-commerce can be a great way for a businesses shopping mall to pick up the best deals.
to increase the sales and widen the reach. It is also However, e-commerce also has negative effects
convenient for consumers, without having to leave on both consumers and organizations that must be
kept in mind before launching an online shop.

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Privacy commerce market at little gradationally. Therefore,

It is easy to gather a lot of personal information organizations must have inclusive information about
from a consumer using an e-commerce website, since the products and market participants, demands, and
all online transactions are recorded and use that to supplies in order to adapt e- commerce.
send targeted advertisements. Executing an electronic order prompts an action
However, many will agree that this is an in what is necessity be efficient, synchronized, and
intrusion on a consumer's right to privacy, and it is fast so that the electronic trade will not be slower.
something that is seriously regulated on many New opportunities and challenges
countries. This means organizations aiming to E-commerce is an exciting area to be involved
establish e-commerce essential to be aware of the with, since many new opportunities and challenges
legislation that applies, as of that, any mistakes can arise yearly, monthly and even daily. Innovation is a
be costly in terms of both fines and customer trust. given, with the continuous introduction of new
Security technologies, new business models and new
When the customer inputs the payment communications approaches
information, they risk a third party intercepting it if Managerial commitments for adopting the e-
the website doesn't comply with the adequate security commerce
measures, giving rise to credit card fraud and identity  Senior managers and directors seeking to apply
theft. the right e-business and e-commerce approaches
Organizations need to be aware of the risks to benefit their organization.
electronic transactions carry, and work towards  Information systems managers who are
securing the systems on the highest standards. developing and implementing e-business and e-
Price Wars commerce strategies.
This can affect the organizations negatively, as  Marketing managers responsible for defining an
they cannot sell as much as they expected to actually e-marketing strategy and implementing and
make a profit or the consumer's when online stores maintaining the company web site.
cut corners in order to become more competitive or  Supply chain, logistics and procurement
products are purchased from illegitimate retailers managers wanting to see examples of best
because they had the best price. practice in using e-commerce for supply chain
Returns and Complaints management.
Selling online means usually a higher return rate  Technical project managers or webmasters who
on products than when the purchase was conducted in may understand the technical details of building
person. Customers after receiving they have changed a site, but have a limited knowledge of business
their mind and make use of favorable return policies. or marketing fundamentals.
While big organizations would have no problem E-marketing plan guidelines
accommodating this, it may be highly troublesome A successful electronic marketing plan for the
for a small business with limited stock management. web presence of an enterprise should cover all the
issues as below:
In e-commerce Management, the managers can
use to evaluate the significance of different e-
commerce opportunities and then devise and
implement strategies to utilize these opportunities. In
addition, how to manage more practical risks such as
delivering a satisfactory service quality, maintaining
Figure 12:Returns and Complaints
customer privacy and managing security.
Retail e-commerce sales in the United States growth.
Researchers Comments In the USA statistic shown retail e-commerce
By reviewing studies, reports, periodicals and sales from 2013 up to 2019. As in 2014, retail e-
books related to the topic of study researcher has commerce sales amounted to $298.26 billion and are
develop practical Managerial Implications to enhance expected to grow to $481.94 billion in 2018.
Organizations to be adopted itself to enter the e-

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org

Figure 13: Issues in Electronic Marketing

Figure 14: Retail e-commerce sales in the United States from 2013 to 2019 (in billion U.S. dollars)

Conclusion technology that can grasp the opportunity of

This study focused on the impact the impact of organizations can be in the process of new markets
e-commerce on business strategic plan is benefits of for business model innovation.
improved internal efficiency and increased E-business seems to spawn new businesses and
information exchange. e-commerce improves business models every day. Some of these new
organizations ‘values, cost factor but also, to consider businesses will, in time, become established giants,
the lack of knowledge as a main barrier there are and some of them may dominate their particular
some negative effects of e-commerce to be counted sectors. The qualities they share are a
and considered during building of the in the strategic deep understanding of how technology can serve
plan such as customer privacy regulations, their business strategies, a proven flair for
information security that should be matching with the implementing those strategies, and unlimited
highest standers and price war from others seller. ambition. A new marketing mix including 4P+7C
The E-commerce does not change the business nature (content, customization, convenience, connectivity,
but it is a complementary tool that supplements the communication, community and customer care)
overall strategy and enhances the business should be considered in the new business network
performance. economy.
As organizations should be aware of the risks Finally, the business market affected by e-
and potential benefits of implementing e-commerce commerce, regardless of whether they are proactive
and dealing with the barriers such as cost, training, about adoption or not. An organization’s capability to
technology and security factors avoiding the failure manage technology-enabled change is the core of
of the business plan. As of fast changing business successfully managing e-business. The step of change
environment today's that requires changes in and the opportunities for new communications
assumptions, values, and the manner of achieving the approaches make e-business and e-commerce an
business. exciting area of business to be involved in.
Many organizations that adopt e-commerce
hope to achieve competitive advantage as with new

Journal of American Science 2016;12(5) http://www.jofamericanscience.org



Engageme gy
nt e-

Figure 15: Business Strategy elements and e-commerce.

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