Praxis Core Exam Analysis: Veronique Vashon EDU 220 DR - Isbell

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Veronique Vashon

EDU 220

Praxis Core Exam Analysis

Exam Requirements

The Praxis Core Exam is an exam required by the state of Nevada before I can continue
to my bachelor's degree in Education at UNLV. A passing score in Nevada varies based on
content. Reading is 156, Writing is 162, and Math is 160.
I was confident in my reading and writing skills, so I did not prepare for those two tests.
However, I barely prepared for math also. I purchased a Praxis study textbook and would
sometimes study the math section it contained. However, I always felt unmotivated to prepare
or that I lacked anyways so I very seldomly looked at it. As time passed, I began to worry about
what I was doing and if it was too late. So, I asked my friend who is a Math Major to tutor me.
We studied for one day and it went very well everything was starting to make sense. However,
it was only the one day. I also very recently studied on Khan Academy but only for one day and
one section so that did not work. I lacked motivation, discipline, and self-confidence to study.
Exam Results

Needless to say, with how I little I studied and how awful I felt in a cycle of destruction
with it I would do subpar on the test. On reading I obtained a 54%, on writing I received a 58%,
finally with math I got a 44%. These scores are all below average and most likely that I would
fail the Praxis. What I thought would only be hard only in the math department was a wakeup
call that all sections of this test are actually very difficult and complex. It will take a lot of work
to raise these scores.
Future Exam Preparation
My plan is to take a semester off from school and apply to the district to start substitute
teaching. Since I won't need to worry about a fulltime load of classes and time restraints on
everything between all classes it will give more time for study. It will also allow me to keep
affording tutoring from my friend. Were already planning to look at the practice test I took and
do a review. I am also going to dedicate time to the Khan Academy Praxis practice courses. And
not just for math now but for all three subjects. I am not the first to overestimate myself,
underprepare, and fail. And I will for sure not be the last to do it. I know I can turn this into a
success story and one that I can always use with future students to show them it's okay to fail.
That you can get back up, reflect on your mistakes, and prepare for the next time. And it's not a
race to reach your goal as fast as possible. It's about all the learning we do on the way.

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