What Is Sustainable Development?: Tweet With Us !!

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UNCSD Major Group of Children and Youth
In collaboration with Earth Charter International and EOTO World
Welcome to the first webinar!
This webinar will cover the following materials:
• What is sustainable development
• Why does it matter for young people?
• What is my role in it?
• How to create your own message and talk about sustainable

After the webinar:

• You will be equipped with knowledge of what sustainable
development is
• Be confident enough about the topic to do your own research
• Be able to talk about it with other people and spread the
Before we start…

One person can make a difference…

…and everyone should try

J F Kennedy
Will you?
Youth are the most important actors in
sustainable development.
It’s about our future.
What is sustainable development?
The term “sustainable development” has
become commonplace in mainstream politics.
However, not everyone is aware what
sustainable development truly means because
there is no fixed definition and politicians
have used the term in various ways.

What do YOU think sustainable

development is?
The Brundtland Definition (1987)

“Sustainable development is
development that meets the needs of
the present without compromising the
ability of future generations to meet
their own needs.”
A brief history of sustainable development
1972: Stockholm UN
Conference on Human 1987: Brundtland
1962: Rachel Carson’s Development, first bringing Commission: “Our
book “Silent Spring” together heads of state on Common Future”
becomes the catalyst for a massive scale to address
modern environmentalism the question of environment
and development

1992: Earth Summit

• Rio Declaration
2000: Millennium 1997: Kyoto • Agenda 21
Development Goals Protocol • CSD

2002: Johannesburg
Conference on 2009: COP15 Copenhagen
Sustainable Development 2010: COP16 Cancun And now…
• Johannesburg Plan of 2011: COP17 Durban Rio+20…
Sustainable development is more
Society than just caring about the
environment, or generating money
through economic growth.

Economy develop-

It is the intersection of three pillars:

nt Environment, Economy, and Society.
Systems approach
When we think of sustainable
development we must think of
a system where the decisions
taken ensure that every
component of the system –
man, trees, environment,
society, wealth, is capable of
flourishing without hindering
the capacity of the other
component to do so, whether
in the present or in the future

The approach towards sustainable development should

encompass all aspects and take into consideration the
fact that everything is connected: across generations
and across countries (and communities etc)
How do we keep track of everything?
This may seem daunting – how do we keep track of

But if we all understand the principles behind sustainable

development: principles such as equality, green living,
social progress, responsible consumption and so on, it is
easy to reach agreement about what sustainable
development truly is, and what conditions are necessary
to achieve it.

Can you list some principles for sustainable

To put it in context…
Imagine what would happen if, for example, all the forests
were to be destroyed for the sake of building an industry.
Imagine if there were no trees at all on earth: would life be
possible? …
Imagine, on the other hand, if we based an economy which
tried to protect those forests, make good use of them but keep
them in good condition for the next generations, as well as
dividing the profits equally among everyone involved. Thus,
the wealth would grow, the people would have a fair share not
only of the wealth, but also the access to those resources.
That’s sustainable development.
Check out this video called “Tragedy of the Commons,”
A look at the three pillars of SD:

economic social environmental

• opportunities for growth • Participation and inclusion of • Protection of ecosystems and
• increased GDP and benefits biosphere
everyone • increased quality of air, land, water
• system stability and security
• Green jobs and eradication of
• eradication of poverty and • better management of waste and
unemployment exclusion pollution
• Prevention of practices which misuse • food security • respect and protection for all
resources • equitable distribution of species - flora, fauna, marine
• Regulation of over-exploitation and species
harmful externalities • measures to ensure resource
• better life chances and sustainability and harmony
opportunities • Protection of marine resources
• protection from exploitative
Sustainable development – the economic dimension

The economic pillar is often made to be the strongest or even the

only pillar in “development”. To ensure economic
development and sustainability at the same time, we need to
look at issues such as:
• Fair trade
• Debt eradication
• Putting in place mechanisms which ensure that everyone gets
their due reward
• That corporations, industries and governments or Industries do
not use up resources and put a strain on the environment

We need mechanisms to “measure” sustainable development. This is why indicators are used. One
of the current issues is that the indicator used, GDP (Gross Domestic Product) is not appropriate
for measuring sustainable development. Firstly, it is based on money. Secondly, using GDP as
measure does not reflect social inequality or resource overexploitation.


Sustainable development – the social dimension

• Health: everyone having access to healthcare and leading healthy lifestyles, and
diseases (such as HIV) being eradicated
• Education: everyone, esp. girls and people from poor background having access to
• Equality: everyone should be equal, and not be discriminated against because they
do not have the same resources or wealth as others, or because they are a girl or
belong to a specific community etc.
• Peace: many of us may take peace for granted;
however, last year, over 30 conflicts
and wars around the world were
taking place and lack of security
is a very real issue for a lot of youth.
• Food security, technology
and communication,
equal opportunities etc
Sustainable development – the environmental dimension

The environment pillar of sustainable development is crucial; once we understand that the resources that the planet offers are finite it becomes
clear that current methods of consumption are using up more resources than the planet can afford.
Examples of how human activities have altered the planet are:
• Climate change and global warming
Human activities and choices (esp use of fossil fuels!) have released huge amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2) into the atmosphere, which are
naturally trapped by our ozone layer – thus contributing to the “greenhouse effect” and global warming. This has in turn led to changes in
weather patterns, more dramatic and destructive natural occurrences, drying up of water resources and melting of polar icecaps –
themselves contributing to the rise in sea levels.
• Deforestation
Humans have destroyed huge amounts of trees to make place for agriculture, construction, industry, and to use as resources eg for making
paper or houses. This has had a
huge impact on the planet as trees are not only a huge sink of
the planet’s CO2, but they also provide “ecosystem
services” such as preventing erosion, harbouring countless
species and so on.

• Loss of biodiversity
Human activities have disrupted ecosystems and also led to
the disappearance – extinction – of countless species
of plants and animals.
Many conflicting views of sustainable development believe that it is actually anti-growth
and anti-wealth. On the contrary, SD is about balance and a holistic approach to
development. This means that some things need to be preserved and sustained while
others should be given the incentive to be developed.

~What more could be added to this list?~

~What can be improved? What things need to be protected?~

What needs to be What needs to be

sustained developed.
• People and cultures • Quality of life
• Natural Resources • Justice and social equality
• Equal opportunity
• Biodiversity • Institutions
• Environment and • Culture of sustainability
Ecosystems • Fair income
• Dialogue and Communication
What is my role in sustainable development (SD)?

Sustainable development requires the active

involvement of all stakeholders: governments, NGOs,
private sector but also civil society. It is not just
politicians, or policy makers, who decide what SD
should be like. The most important stakeholder in SD is
You have to remind policy-makers to make decisions
which protect your future: you can remind them that you
want better jobs, cleaner cities, more equitable resource
distribution, and above all, a guarantee that your
future is secure, full of opportunities, a pleasant
world to live in and a healthy planet.
And for young people?

Sustainable development is
especially important for young
people! The implementation of
sustainable development policies
going into effect now will determine
the future which we will inherit
Because it is youth who will inherit this
planet, by advocating for sustainable
development, and adopting
sustainable practices, you are actively
participating in shaping your own
Making those decisions…

The challenge is to devise policies which balance economic

growth, environmental protection, and social equality and
which look at the long term, but as long as you stick to the
core principles, this is possible!

Established Indicators must be used to measure progress of

sustainable development policies, so you can evaluate if
more needs to be done! Thus, you need to think outside the
box, and think about others, and view your contribution as
part of a system, where you are helping SD policies
achieve goals that are beneficial to everyone including the
And now, the practical part of this webinar!

How to talk about

development and
Rio+20 –
develop your own message
Talking about sustainability can feel intimidating at first, but once you get the hang of it, it
becomes easier. Perhaps the best part about talking about sustainability is that you do not
have to be an expert to spread the word. After all, sustainability affects all of us, so relating
your cause to that of others is already easier than you think!

First, know some quick facts about sustainable

development and Rio+20!
1. People participate in Rio+20 through the 9 Major
Groups. Our group, the UNCSD Major Group of
Children and Youth (MGCY) focuses on engaging youth
in the Rio process.
2. Sustainability is not just about climate change, it
includes how to conserve and replenish in ways that are
helpful for future generations, in all that we do!
3. You can count on the MGCY as the official voice for
youth at the Rio+20 conference, so keep in touch so we
can work together!
4. There are seven critical issues that are
going to center discussions at the
conference. These are: Jobs, Oceans,
Energy, Water, Food,
Cities and Disasters.
(Note: we have a 7 issues explanation graphic which explains
the importance of each issue. You can even use it as a
handout! If you’re interested in receiving this graphic along
with other materials, please leave your email addresses here)
Next, know where to direct people for more
information. Everyone processes information
differently, and having a clear way to access
resources is always helpful. The best place to
direct people with Internet access is the Rio +20
official website for Children and Youth:
uncsdchildrenyouth.org. If Internet access is not
available, share the country overview drafted by
outreach team leaders about the issues instead.
Getting the message across: what you need to remember

· Do your homework—learn a bit more about the

topic so that you feel more confident
· Know WHO your audience is
· Know WHERE your audience is located (find out
their background)
· Know WHAT your audience already knows
· Make it interesting! Sustainability does not have to be
formal or boring!
Are you familiar with quick facts about sustainable
development and Rio+20? Do you know where to direct
people for further information? You can start to develop a
strategy for how to talk to people about sustainable
development and Rio+20. Key elements you should think
of are:

WHO is your audience?

WHERE is your audience located?
WHAT does your audience already know?
Where is your audience located?
• Eg it may not be necessary to talk about consuming less in a place where there
is not enough for people to consume
• Instead, it may be more appropriate to speak about how to deal with waste
or ways which are easier on the earth
• You decide the information you want to use to open up the dialogue; you know
best what makes the most sense in your area of the world

Who is your audience?

• Be ready to give more, or less information, depending on who you are talking
to! This is where knowing where to direct people for additional information
comes in handy!
• You do not have to be an expert. Just talk about what you know.
• People become interested in what you believe in. So speak about SD from
your own experience and perspective. This will make you more comfortable
speaking about it.

What does your audience already know?

• One way to open up a conversation is to start by talking about what
information you found interesting
• Talking about SD does not have to be discussed formally, just speak as you
would with friends, comfortably, in a language which you all understand
Questions? Thoughts? Comments?

The MGCY capacity building team: mgcy-capacity-building-team@googlegroups.com

UN CSD Major Group of Children and Youth: http://uncsdchildrenyouth.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/UNCSDYouthCaucus


Website: http://www.earthcharterinaction.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EarthCharter
Twitter: @earthcharter

Website: http://www.eotoworld.org/
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/EOTOWorld
Twitter: @EOTOWorld

Thank you for joining us! Now go and spread the word, youthful sustainability leaders!

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