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1000-A /4781 Purok Bigayan Brgy. Calios Sta. Cruz, Laguna

Summative Assessment
S.Y. 2020-2021

Subject & Grade: Organization and Management Quarter : 1st Qtr / 1st Sem
No. of Days Knowledge Process
TOPICS Total Items
Covered 60% 40%

Environmental Forces and

1 12 8 20
Environmental Scanning

Forms and Economic Roles of

1 12 8 20
Business Organization

Total 2 24 16 40

Prepared by:
____________________________ Checked By:
1000-A /4781 Purok Bigayan Brgy. Calios Sta. Cruz, Laguna

Organization and Management
S.Y. 2020-2021

1. It is the combination of internal and external factors that influence a company’s operating situation.
A. Business environment C. Business enterprise
B. Business operation D. Business permit
2. Which of the following is an example of external factor?
A. Plans & policies C. Government regulation
B. Financial Resource D. Human resource
3. Which is an example of internal factor?
A. Peso depreciation C. Suppliers
B. Competitors D. Management
4. The survival and success of the firm largely depends on its quality.
A. Demographic C. Financial resource
B. Plans & policies D. Human resource
5. It helps in increasing the morale of the employees and motivates them to put effort in the business.
A. Human resource C. Promoters vision
B. Corporate image D. Labor and management relation
6. These are unpredictable and beyond the control of the company
A. Internal factors C. External factors
B. Political factors D. Social factors
7. These are considered as the king of the market.
A. Promotion C. Consumer
B. Employees D. Competitors
8 . It is necessary to have reliable source of supplies for smooth working of the firm.
A. Costumers C. Suppliers
B. Investors D. Financers
9. Which of the following is NOT an example of a Macro factor?
A. Political C. Demographic
B. Economic D. Suppliers
10. It is a measurement tool which is used to assess markets for a particular product or a business at a
given time frame.
A. PEST Analysis C. SWOT Analysis
B. PWOT Analysis D. SWET Analysis
11. Which is NOT SWOT analysis stands for?
A. Strengths C. Weakness
B. Opportunities D. Tricks
12. In which PEST does NOT stand for?
A. Political C. Education
B. Social D. Technological
13. Which of the following is the importance of study of business environment?
A. To develop its broad strategies and long term policies
B. To analyze its competitors’ strategies and thereby formulate effective counter strategies
C. Enable the firm to foresee impact of socio-economic changes
D. All of the above
14. Poor leadership, incompetent manager, unskilled workers and disoriented employees are examples
or which SWOT component?
A. Strengths C. Weakness
B. Opportunities D. Threats
15. The Congress have signed up a bill imposing additional taxes on all the products and services
tendered by small and big business. This is an example of which PEST component?
A. Political C. Economic
B. Social D. Technological
16. The IATF and DOH have issued order of lockdown and quarantines the prohibits many businesses
to operate for months. This is an example of which PEST component?
A. Political C. Economic
B. Social D. Technological
17. Lockdowns and quarantines greatly affects the increase in the rate of unemployment in many
industries. This is an example of which PEST component?
A. Political C. Economic
B. Social D. Technological
18. Taiwan is the first country to offer free internet connection throughout the country that attracts
investors from other countries. This is an example of which PEST component?
A. Political C. Economic
B. Social D. Technological
19. The employees of ABC Company have an exceptionally high workload that made them
unproductive and create disagreement on many work issues.
This is an example of which SWOT component?
A. Strengths C. Weakness
B. Opportunities D. Threats
20. The COVID-19 pandemic requires people to sanitize, wear masks and face shields that impel to
many businesses to produce amounts of those products.
This is an example of which SWOT component?
A. Strengths C. Weakness
B. Opportunities D. Threats
21. It is an entity or enterprise that provides goods and services in exchange for some form of money
or another.
A. Organization C. Business
B. Government D. Supermarket
22. It is a type of business which provides intangible products. Service type firms offer professional
skills, expertise, advice, and other similar products.
A. Service Business C. Manufacturing Business
B. Merchandising Business D. Hybrid Business
23. It is a business which buys products at wholesale price and sells the same at retail price. They are
known as “buy and sell” businesses.
A. Service Business C. Manufacturing Business
B. Merchandising Business D. Hybrid Business
24. It is a company that may be classified in more than one type business.
A. Service Business C. Manufacturing Business
B. Merchandising Business D. Hybrid Business
25. It buys products with the intention of using them as materials in making a new product.
A. Service Business C. Manufacturing Business
B. Merchandising Business D. Hybrid Business
26. Business is owned and operated by only one person.
A. Sole Proprietorship C. Corporation
B. Partnership D. Cooperative
27. A business owned and operated by group of individuals for their mutual benefit
A. Sole Proprietorship C. Corporation
B. Partnership D. Cooperative
28. A business organization that has separate personality from its owners.
A. Sole Proprietorship C. Corporation
B. Partnership D. Cooperative
29. Which of the following is an example of a Corporation
A. Credit Unions C. Restaurants
B. Sari-sari store D. Medical Doctors Inc.
30. Which of the following is an example of a Single Proprietorship?
A. Law firm C. PLDT
B. Flower shop D. Cooperative banking
31. These are the three basic problems in economy being considered in establishing business
A. What to produce? C. For whom to produce?
B. How to produce? D. Why produce?
32. It is a type of Partnership where in equal shares are assumed unless there is a written agreement
that states differently.
A. General Partnership C. Limited Partnership
B. Joint Venture D. Add Venture
33. Why a restaurant can be considered as Hybrid Business?
A. It can be sole proprietorship, partnership or cooperative.
B. It combines features of other types of business
C. It requires different skills to operate
D. It could have many branches and franchise.
34. Which could be a disadvantage of a Sole proprietorship?
A. Have unlimited liability and are legally responsible for all debts against the business.
B. Complete control, and within the parameter of the law, may make decisions as they see fit.
C. Profit from the business flow-through directly to the owner’s personal tax return.
D. Some employee benefits are not deductible from the business income on tax returns
35. What could be a disadvantage of Cooperative?
A. Reduce costs and improve product and services
B. May suffer from slow cash flow since a member’s incentive to contribute depends on
how much they use the cooperative’s services and products.
C. Jointly and individually liable for the actions of other partners.
D. Perpetual existence, members can join or leave the business without causing dissolution.
36. Which is an advantage of Corporation?
A. The process of incorporation requires more time and money that other forms of organization.
B. Lack of membership and participation may cause risk of losing members.
C. The partnership may have a limited life; it may end upon the withdrawal o death of a partner.
D. Shareholders have limited liability for the corporation’s debts or judgements against
the corporation.
37. Why a Repair shop is considered as Service business?
A. It combines raw materials, labor, and factory overhead in its production process.
B. It combines features of other types of business
C. It provides intangible products such as professional skills, expertise, advice and labor
D. It make profit by selling the products at prices higher than their purchase costs.
38. What is the difference of Joint Venture to General and Limited Partnership?
A. It divides responsibility for management and liability as well as the shares of profit or loss
B. Equal shares are assumed unless there is a written agreement that states differently
C. It is for a limited period of time or a single project only
D. The partners have limited liability as well as limited input regarding management decision
39. How a Joint Venture will be considered as Ongoing Partnership?
A. If partners have unlimited liability and are legally responsible for all debts.
B. If partners in as joint venture repeat the activity
C. If partner’s benefits are not deductible from the business income on tax returns
D. If partners are jointly and individually liable for the actions of other partners
40. Why is it important to identify the type of business one wants to put up?
A. to have full understanding of the advantage and disadvantage of each type of business
B. to assess the resources available and the capacity to put up the desired business
C. to help identify the requirements needed in the desired business type
D. all of the above

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