Nutty Parsi Pattice by Zenobia Shroff - Bawi Bride - A To Z of Parsi Food

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8/11/2020 Nutty Parsi Pattice by Zenobia Shroff - Bawi Bride | A to Z of Parsi Food


Stuffed to the brim with crispy onions, raisins and fried nuts, this Nutty Pattice is the perfect
Parsi vegetarian treat for parties.

Prep Time: 20m Cook Time: 10m Total Time: 30m

Serves: 6 Category: Starters


1 onion, sliced finely

100 grams seedless raisins

100 grams cashew pieces

25 grams chironji seeds (optional)

4 big potatoes

Handful of coriander

Handful of mint

Salt to taste


1. Warm up some ghee in a pan. One after another, fry the onions, raisins, cashews and chironji seeds. Mix all
of these together along with the chopped mint.

2. Pressure cook the potatoes until they are soft. Peel and mash completely.

3. Mix in the salt, pepper and coriander into the mashed potatoes and form 12 balls.

4. Take one potato ball and flatten it to form a small cup. Stuff this with the onion & nut mixture. Flatten
another potato ball and put it over the cup to form a round closed pattice.

5. Repeat the above step to form six pattice. Coat each with semolina and set aside.

6. Heat up the oil. When the oil is hot, dip each pattice into the whisked egg and then deep fry until golden

7. Serve hot by itself with chappati or with a lentil dish of your choice such as a Dhansak or Masoor. 1/1

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