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Worksheet – 2020
Topic​: Digestive System STD : IX

Q1] ​State the significant function of the following:

1. Oesophagus 4. Stomach
2. Tongue 5. Duodenum
3. Epiglottis 6. Small intestine
7. Large intestine 11. Gallbladder

8. Pharynx
9. Liver
10. Pancreas

Q2​] ​Explain the following terms:​

1. Buccal cavity
2. Peristalsis
3. Digestive Enzymes
4. Assimilation of food
5. Chyme

Q3] ​Answer the following questions:

1. Where are the Islets of Langerhans situated? Why are they considered important ?

2. Where is bile secreted ? State 3 of its functions.

3. Define digestion of food. What are the end products of digestion?
4. Arrange in logical sequence:
i) Absorption, Digestion, Ingestion , Egestion, Assimilation
ii) Pancreas, oesophagus, stomach, anus, rectum, pharynx
5. State the functions of Hydrochloric acid .
6. Write a note on the assimilation of food.
7. State the characteristic features of the small intestine that makes for efficient
absorption of food.
8. Name all the organs and glands associated with the digestive system

9. State the functions of saliva.

Q4] ​Observe and answer:


i​) Name the structure seen in the adjoining diagram. Where is it located?

2) Name the collective name for the secretion found in the organ. Also name the digestive
enzymes present in it.

3) Redraw the diagram and label all its important parts.

1) State the main function of the gall bladder.

2) Pancreas is a dual gland. Justify.

3) Pancreas plays an important role in control of

diabetes. Explain.

Q5] ​Name one enzyme responsible for the following:​

1. Proteins Polypeptides
2. Lactose Glucose + Galactose
3. Starch Maltose
4. Fats Fatty acids + glycerol
5. Peptides Amino acids

EXPLORE:[ additional activity – but not for testing]

A few disorders of the digestive tract are Gastroenetritis, Gallstones, jaundice, cirrhosis,
irritable bowel syndrome . Pick up any three and find out the root causes for the same.
Further elaborate as to how they can be treated ?
Ennumerate steps you will take to make lifestyle changes and also in your daily diet so as to
protect yourself from any of the above diseases reoccurring.

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