Case 5

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Potential Benefits...........................................................................................................................1
Technological Advancement.........................................................................................................2
What’s in it for Me Situation........................................................................................................2
Case 5
Enterprise Architecture at Nation-state Insurance

The Nation Insurance Corporation is an internationally recognized agency. Although the
company has one of the best employees and good function processes, it also needs to invest in IT
to understand the advantages of this technology. Mrs. Janae Denton, who worked with different
firms, feels it's time for the company to invest in IT and move it to the next level. However, it
must persuade the Head of various business units of the company before integrating IT services
into the company why IT is vital to the architecture of the business. Ms. Denton thinks that IT
can be used to solve different drawbacks of a decentralized structure for businesses. By creating
a core system around IT, she thinks she will turn the business around.

Technology is particularly important for internationally renowned companies such as Nation-
state Insurance in modern competitive business environments. The technological advantages
such as IT cannot be ignored in business, since different organizations have used this technology.
This shows that technology is a crucial factor in the manufacturing process. Ms. Jane Denton is a
strategic person who believes that while Nation-state is a global company, it is now time for the
company to make intelligent investments in IT in the creation of a centralized structure that
serves the company more than just clients (Husted, 2019).

Potential Benefits
Jane Denton's ideas are a good idea for the company because they will probably draw on her
thoughts. There are, however, some drawbacks related to her company plan. Jane Denton
suggests that a business-wide architecture should be introduced in the State insurance industry
(McKeen & Smith, 2015).
Thus the company will save on the costs and costs of operating different business units in the
company, although the implementation of this strategy. More than five business divisions are
included in the case study, such as claims and operations with different structures, data and
processes managed by each department serving the same clients. Different cost centers mean that
different costs, such as the case of State insurance, are used by each cost center. This ensures that
various departments are given different budgets at the start of each financial year. Also, the
number of employees in each department is different. However, with a wide architecture system,
these costs are likely to lower as a result of running separate and different units serving the same
customer. According to Jane Denton's vision, implementation of her vision would help minimize
the data redundancy in more than five companies (McKeen & Smith, 2015).
Jane believes that a decentralized system involves doubling duties and responsibilities, data and
software programs from the case study. She still hopes that her new plans would help the
company make better use of these tools (McKeen & Smith, 2015).
As well as Jane Denton's ideas on paper may sound, her plans may not thrive as expected. Over
the years, the company has done well and was even listed as one of the largest companies in
Forbes Magazine. One of the dangers of moving forward with Mrs. Denton's ideas is that the
business will lose the benefits it has had over the years. This may help to explain why some
company members fear to implement their ideas (McKeen & Smith, 2015).

Technological Advancement
company should be prepared to incur the cost of carrying out all technological ideas. The above
case requires that Nation-state Insurance define a new office plan, new equipment and train staff
to the new idea. The delivery of these services will cost the company some wealth and is costly
(McKeen & Smith, 2015).
Some business units can work well separately, as is the case with the Nation-state Insurance,
whereby most business units perform well despite different costs, such as redundancy. It is
nevertheless difficult for the introduced unified structure to represent its business units
independently because each business unit needs different resources and priorities to work
together towards its objectives and goals (McKeen & Smith, 2015).

What’s in it for Me Situation

According to Jane Denton, the organization has to build a centralized structure to benefit from IT
implementation. The company's current business strategies allow capital and human work to be
duplicated. Furthermore, the ideas created in one department are not spread to other departments
and remain in the department. This has built a Jane-referred system for a silo (McKeen & Smith,
Mr. Seamus must concentrate on the optimistic side of the latest ideas of the company structure
to achieve the plans envisaged by Mrs. Denton. It is important to include all the managers of
business units to ensure that unnecessary disputes are avoided. To achieve this, it is important to
concentrate on the following points:
Combining efforts: Combining efforts. The company must function as one unit for full benefits
and the greater good of the company. Different divisions have different priorities that can vary
from the purpose of the business. However, if these goals are merged, the resources will work for
a common purpose. This will combine different efforts into a single, strong idea of the business
(McKeen & Smith, 2015).
Cost benefits: As Mrs. Jane has noted and described, it is the case that resources such as data
and software have been duplicated which leads to ineffective and wasteful use of resources.
Working with different departments means extra and costly costs for the business. By sharing
resources, the spirit of cooperation is not only taken up but also costs are minimized (McKeen &
Smith, 2015).
Competitiveness attainment: In the insurance sector, most businesses use innovations for the
better. Above all, this technology is used to enhance the business process in which the
organization will apply it (McKeen & Smith, 2015).
Act to accomplish a shared purpose: At the end of a particular era, each organization has its
objectives to be accomplished. It is important to concentrate on these objectives for business
continuity. However, it is also a matter of achieving different targets and purposes, as in the case
of various departments such as the State Insurance Case. With a common mission and aim, the
organization will work towards a common objective (McKeen & Smith, 2015).

For these people, the company is likely to increase its profits, thus restructuring the company's
performance incentives and benefiting each employee from the profits. Every department can
remain autonomous in its activities, but against a shared organization and goals, as much as is
necessary for a centralized structure. So the company performs well and every employee wants
to work with a profitable business (McKeen & Smith, 2015).

McKeen, J., & Smith, H. (2015). IT Strategy: Issues and Practices. Boston: Prentice-Hall.
Husted, B.W. and de Sousa-Filho, J.M., 2019. Board structure and environmental, social, and
governance disclosure in Latin America. Journal of Business Research, 102, pp.220-227.

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