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Porwood bias ee gene ia oe a _=.{ 2. Ss Reyots® dian, PR ape FP siole 8 join with tve and ns with we. # The direction. of ey , applied petiol. i opposite to the bosccien potential * “Depletion doyes width decreases | # -Barviiet height clecrtense? - The effective bosediet height is (y-)- #- Ty V >No, then the P- chine i corclucting Aue te tee motion of mayor Corvin. |p TE prvocluce the : | Cuserent in the nA. | a # + PB joi Withe -ve ancl da with We & The glirection oy eppelied Potential is iq the Sowa oloeection to the bostien Porential. #- pepletion foyer widklh Wolar. fe Bertie’ height in V@rrse - Co+N) + # Minor by “Gaver, only he Yexporsitilly F Conduction - pork produel Me poownk in (MA), rr fen Forwoyl bias | rowel tie | Rovowe tins tT — 3 amen Ty the cwrvent eatterdls “Hh raked ext Ceads the Value. tre olidide de! seh exo stabed ae ) the dade geF clestroya, * Didole 2s Saol | -Dicole 44 te be conducting. | ot conducting - x Voxy Low «Ney high SUS) fo venistab ca. Ixword bios cyrviont pivsk to Ctenses- Vergy slowly almost negligibly, ti Bre the joole CUBES Corkain Nowe - Aytot the eparoctoxistte. anne. the cde, curane wma’ TA rephiolly, ae . collaol cpivealrntal Vol bege (~0-2V yer Ge, 70-19 $0°5) Fe, bio FE cust fo VOU Salk ard alnat consbant with Cheng) bias. De +s Called reverse Sofurabwabion cuen’. Ak very high vo Leog® (ortakclow" Voltage) Cwroten® } Tr Cte Sudelerly . dlynarede psi gkennte:- Soe ABE. A 1 2 3 660660 69eeo0ee 6eoeeo Seesceeo 6e6e8de (a) 1 Qwest) Mallicmmeter} (mal (a) @ VoltmeterfV) Microammeter| (HA) Poo ® i) Switch 1 (ma) 1004 80 co 40 20-4 100 80 60 40 20 Vt — a a (huws- XU) cea Chia - Sem conductor cloviees Recki gitation.- The. procs of Lorve®) on From AC yo Veage oni Proclas oy weckiplCation 4 colle! yectizier. | pen junction diode wel os a veckipeT. The forward bjow vesthand RM dpw Coevpored. Fm Thre venerse bie syesisbance. Tes | spropotly in used yor, wecAigicaben-| Holy won Mecki}ior- Ty an alternate voltage ds ap plied QLMOSS & oliocke. in seues with O Loae| Tes Sbov, a pulsating Nolbase Wilk appe” : y Transformer cr ‘ 1 1 ' ‘ ‘ 1 1 u ) a. ( INPUT ac V 1 oFeHOA "y ssosse aBeI1OA yr | avtess the ALeool only cloning phe hal cls of He ac sapuk during which the chiede is Forwood biod. Such eohihe Chreuik 1 Collecl holy -wove vedtifier For positive. halt woke 4 Aer ¥- Pw ve ord B® VE w-Diede 2 in foruood Blow | 4. Diode 18 vondnchig Foy ragative als ofc Of Fe ~ ye. A AS Wve ard Bis tre. y Diede i in yevour bes. » Diode ja mor corn # Uo ewvenk and output HF Fy. | Thus The output Vol Fea’, thowgh “suila vanging 13, ~rontricted t ong “one clarection ard ae be vectijiel fd Fu wae vectizion- ‘The ciyeit Ving —twe cliedy Hives oukpud vectyied voltage torres pareling fo both positive OS welt 2b Fine ac eycl. as negabive Oy holy bhe at Y Hence, 36 % Known as pull wove weckit: 07. i Out pul js bebven the Common bexminals and. tht Contre tap of the branagorre”- For +e hialy cycles Als Rf is WE ard Oe : ep, we in FB ard P41” 7B i doncluclig ¥.D, 4 Concluckig D> ~ not * Oukpuk Cason ard Nol rage actwss the Ri. Foy ve holy egelesPe- x Aw Ne art B is ve. aD, » in RB ord Dz i inf B. HD, 4s nor cordutk ark Dz as conducb. PB. Oubpue coved anol Voltage ws token goss R,. -Tap Centre Transformer Diode 1(D,) 4 ' ————— 1 Centre y ye ULIOJaAeM q ye uIojoARM + (27 ssoroe) ULIOJOARM JNdjNO r | Thowgh tre ow pul upicliverti onal St olbes nok hove @& Shady Value. To gor a sbeadly Value, Gb Capa utor Connected Goss the Oulpul poral to the Leak Ry. | Thoe additions Coy eut eS | ap pen ie filer out he ac vipphs, land give O put AC Vo ltag& So they ot oadltel Fiber . ole of tapacitor in pidkening + | when the Volbage acies’ tha. copactby | 1S YISng ib gets chageot. | When the Volkage acres he | Gpacitoy cleouase, ib gob olschoge, Tn the react half cycle 0 the -yeotiyiel oubpuk, fe again gers Chorge. tb peak vote - Rate oy jo vol bage . hex | acwss the Capactbor CR, Time constan€ = ER, . Oukpot vplbage is ritorcar\ de the Porkvolege fe copacitor yiltow Thy ype a fi lees j |used in power supplion. e—_] x de component © a . S R, de 3 g e- © Y fa) output with capacitor ac input input filter 3 opto © olectvoric _ _Seunchion © olwiegs Tn the Section. we Leer About Semiconductor olicdt& | Chith covets 0 great 7 photons (phate e< oteAton) ; * Phofodlicde> * toed for dulecki ophiel sito Light Emitting ieoke (L* D> Coke convert ek ckriel enogy ~ oO ee vttaie olevied hich | comont opie stadliokion ire electricity Lsohr ell), Photo diede = photo cliode Jo a special puxpese pn junution dic fobsiatel wih & bars pawnt ufrdow Ss allo» Lighb- to jo on the olicok . eT ls poate undo prese bias. Reverse bias I,> I,> [,> I, (b) yf D0 ge | pe whon aphobo dice 8 j)minte. wor th dyh& (photons) with erogy (bo4) Greater than The energy dP CG) oy Fre Semiconductor, then Cleetyon hole pars ore genaored cue fe ee abtorption o%} photon, ae The genaration OF Eh pairs [yokes plee in ox rear fhe jupotion. | De fe tH electric Field of |pre jurcgion eleetror ovel holes \ae sepowted ond © Yelk 17 Siole (aes holes Yeach P Sidle .This wil Taise on Ems. | x whan catocral food cxpples | eurownt 4Lovrs. o the | TAR mragrstuse oF on the | Photo eumont * pplate Lier yer) Treaty ot taht lobe olicole c27 PE vod La splat dat | | are optiod signal eT | a= _“s Hight emibting chiode:- (FD) Te ua proavily lope PY juctt, under forward bios Orbs Speblareo Yadialnon - The cliede i ercapsulabed wish a byanapuenk covet So tect Cmittor Sight Cir tome Oub- Undet forworrel Lion C reves from np, arcl hols axe movig dyom P32) wroe Hey Coe rninority Cop hE . “Thoye 07 scoxembi nes usth the hole in. p Silt: eam ap On ve combination ar eB the energy 4 [Big bee seo NB form ©} photons. The Crergy of thre Ondibfed photon Js Gual or Leas yhoo 4re band gap. Forwards ewownk is Pa vecombiation % Uns go fess irbensity Qf Light and vie Vewk. The vir graph for LED »® Stiller to +H ~ Junot on ests, No Ber for Pal Thoeshold voltge “4 Much hyshor ancl aby Shighthy Li} {exon jor dipperrk Colowr . The vevewe Greatsdown voltage ah Leps cw Ver Low typically qoound SV. Tho Semicorductoy used for fobsication oF NVibibG@ LEDs rust at east have a borol Sp of 1-8eV (Spectral rarye OF visible Light w (Crom Obewt Ons eis ee. 0-7) jup Ae from Zev. dp |-8eV). The Compound Semicondutter CacLlium Ayseniole-Phosphiole (Ore As, ne P,) 2a vsstal for macking diypounk colows oe} LED. GraPsou%, 2 sed jor bee \ Ted Lep Gas (ey ~I-4eW ix wed for making IR LED. These Frere reel Leps aned uel in Verete controls lounig fan claw Sysboms. optical Commun ations, ef - Advantage Of LED: oven Convertjcrek incandesent how power rend operabional Volkoge Ork Loss pore. * ofl Seo? ano no aepa-up | time vejuired, | # The bandwidth oF eritted — light is ooh t Sood oy jn offer words iE is nec monochromatic Leng Lipe orel ruggookress * Cask on-off Switching capa Sodot CM Colt A Solar coll is basically Qa pn Junction. which geneoses ems when Solan spsiation (Light) Jos en Whe p-n jun etion . plete Ininie oe on the Principle a | excopr tak rf oxtent wee opplied and the junction a bs kepl- rach Logon for Solan solic! on to be Fneiolent, Pr P-Si woryfer OF Abork B0qnum & Taker even Which & thin Lyer(vo29 of n-Si fis grown on ene Side by Aiyposion PYOUess - The other Side pp ps Coated with a metal (back tontack)- On the fop on 1 ayer, mekal Finger eClockvedle sis cleposited This ack as pron contact . The relollie firger oceupies only a Srradd Srackion Pf the Coll aw. (215 9-) Be tak Light Gn be Tnciolenk on the aes eee top. j -Metallised finger electrode a “—_ Back contact (a) (b) FIGURE 14.24 (a) Typical p-n junction solar cell; (b) Cross-sectional view. { falls on, it is due to ation and collection— E,) nd on. — de; h v by s Depletion : region (a) V,, (open circuit voltage) Vv Short circuit current Three basic process Trvolved 917 Solay coll 4 ao Generation HS bor’, x Collectio” gonesasion > @-h palv® clue te Leht (nt) closed to WX junction Seporabron: seperation ay hele oun ® Dre depletion saggion & moves nside. ard roles meres & | Collection The elactrer veaching the | nh dole is collecled beg pert conkoct at al 70 caveat bf pack conbaet ot ghiw. carer uke gupplies the Soune Ab the food ° semivoeduchoo vith bard = sea.” Vinh vraboriod for stan at gabsrcain The Imporvort criteda Aer of rrakodal gor solar cal fabsrication one (i). wand gop (1-0 & 1-8 ev) UH) high opbitl absorption (~1o4an) (i) eloctrret conduckiv' "9. \\H) onoilobitity of Yow makowal (Vv) Lost. —

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