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Short Reports

NOVEMBER  2011 – Vol. 31, No. 6 PDI

REFERENCES 15. Cozens RM, Tuomanen E, Tosch W, Zak O, Suter J, Tomasz A.

Evaluation of the bactericidal activity of beta-lactam anti-
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A, Holmes C, et al. Peritoneal dialysis-related infections stat. Antimicrob Agents Chemother 1986; 29:797–802.
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25:107–31. of killing of Escherichia coli by beta-lactam antibiotics is
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influences mortality in peritoneal dialysis patients. J Am Microbiol 1986; 132:1297–304.
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Hospitalization in peritoneal dialysis patients. Am J Kidney against methicillin-susceptible and methicillin-resistant
Dis 1999; 33:927–33. Staphylococcus aureus in peritoneal dialysate. Antimicrob
4. Pérez Fontán M, Rodríguez–Carmona A, García–Naveiro R, Agents Chemother 2007; 51:4521–4.
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tality in patients undergoing chronic peritoneal dialysis. Development of bacterial biofilms on Silastic catheter
Perit Dial Int 2005; 25:274–84. materials in peritoneal dialysis fluid. Am J Kidney Dis 1994;
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A Novel Technique to Treat Hydrothorax
8. Davies SJ, Bryan J, Phillips L, Russell GI. Longitudinal in Peritoneal Dialysis: Laparoscopic ­
changes in peritoneal kinetics: the effects of peritoneal Hepato-diaphragmatic Adhesion
dialysis and peritonitis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 1996;
11:498–506. KEY WORDS: Hydrothorax; complications; laparoscopy.
9. Bender FH, Bernardini J, Piraino B. Prevention of infec-
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One of the possible complications of continuous am-
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bulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD), although rare, is the
10. Vychytil A, Remón C, Michel C, Williams P, Rodríguez–
Carmona A, Marrón B, et al. Icodextrin does not impact development of hydrothorax, which has been reported in
infectious and culture-negative peritonitis rates in perito- 2% of all patients on peritoneal dialysis (PD) (1). Typi-
neal dialysis patients: a 2-year multicentre, comparative, cally, CAPD-related hydrothorax has an acute onset, with
prospective cohort study. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2008; respiratory distress. Chest radiography shows right-sided
23:3711–19. pleural effusion in about 90% of cases (2).
11. Montenegro J, Saracho R, Gallardo I, Martínez I, Mu- The presence of pleuroperitoneal communication has
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peritoneal dialysis fluid reduces the incidence of CAPD ers) explaining hydrothorax in PD. The management of
peritonitis. Nephrol Dial Transplant 2007; 22:1703–8. CAPD-related hydrothorax has been extensively reviewed
12. Szeto CC, Chow KM, Lam CW, Leung CB, Kwan BC, Chung (2,3). Conservative nonsurgical treatments based solely
KY, et al. Clinical biocompatibility of a neutral perito-
on PD interruption or interruption combined with chemi-
neal dialysis solution with minimal glucose-degradation
cal pleurodesis [pleural instillation, through a thoracic
products—a 1-year randomized control trial. Nephrol Dial
Transplant 2007; 22:552–9. drain, of various sclerosing agents such as talc, tetra-
13. Furkert J, Zeier M, Schwenger V. Effects of peritoneal cycline, autologous blood, fibrin glue, or a hemolytic
dialysis solutions low in GDPs on peritonitis and exit-site streptococcal preparation (OK-432)] have been advo-
infection rates. Perit Dial Int 2008; 28:637–40. cated (2). Surgical approaches range from an open repair,
14. McDonald WA, Watts J, Bowmer MI. Factors affecting through a thoracotomy, of the diaphragmatic defects, to
Staphylococcus epidermidis growth in peritoneal dialysis a minimally invasive video-assisted thoracoscopic surgi-
solutions. J Clin Microbiol 1986; 24:104–7. cal technique, with or without complementary chemical

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PDI november  2011 – Vol. 31, No. 6 Short Reports

or mechanical pleurodesis (2). Considering that the use major analgesics or opioids. Oral feeding was resumed
cause of fluid migration to the thorax is limited to a the evening of the surgery. Patients restarted PD 3 weeks
diaphragmatic defect, we proposed to close it using the after surgery. Of the 6 treated patients, 2 (33.3%) expe-
adhesive properties of surgical meshes placed through a rienced a recurrence of hydrothorax and were switched
minimally invasive laparoscopic approach, which allowed to hemodialysis. In the remaining 4 patients (66.6%),
for visualization and treatment of the defect from the PD was successfully resumed after 3 weeks, and the
abdominal side. postoperative course was uneventful.


Patients developing a CAPD-related hydrothorax were Hemodialysis and PD for the treatment of end-stage
identified from a prospective database created in Febru- renal disease are equivalent in terms of long-term out-
ary 1991 and perpetuated from that time forward at the comes and life expectancy (5), but PD carries a number
Nephrology department. Diagnosis was confirmed by of advantages for the patient’s quality of life and implies
the typical clinical course and chest radiography. These a substantial cost savings (5). The most frequent CAPD-
patients were referred to the Digestive Surgery depart- related complications, such as peritonitis or catheter
ment [usually involved in the implantation and surgical exit-site infections and abdominal hernia, can be serious

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follow-up of the CAPD catheters (4)]. Once informed and even life-threatening (6). Hydrothorax during PD
consent was given, the patients were treated using the appears uncommon. Our reported rate of 1.14% (6/523)
laparoscopic approach. over a 20-year period is comparable to rates reported
elsewhere in the literature (1). We have advocated the
Surgical Procedure:  Antibiotic prophylaxis was ad- use of laparoscopy to manage complications of CAPD
ministered at the time of the anesthetic induction (1 g catheters since 1992 (4). Consequently, we considered
cephalosporin). Patients were placed in a Trendelenburg a laparoscopic approach from the abdominal side for the
position. Insufflation was performed directly through treatment of the diaphragmatic defect causing hydrotho-
the PD catheter. A 10-mm trocar was inserted above the rax in these patients. That approach is less painful than
umbilicus into the abdomen. A 3CCD high-quality camera an approach using thoracoscopy or thoracotomy (7).
[or, more recently, a high-definition (HD) camera (Karl Thanks to the high-quality vision offered by 3CCD
Storz Endoskope, Tüttlingen, Germany)], combined with cameras (and, more recently, HD cameras), identifica-
a 10-mm optic, was introduced to guide the positioning tion of the diaphragmatic defect was always possible.
of two further 5-mm trocars on the right and left sides, In regard to the position of the gap at the reflection
5 cm below the rib arch. Exploration of the diaphragm was line of the triangular ligament over the liver, we imag-
then carefully performed to identify the diaphragmatic ined that a dense adhesion between the liver and the
defect. A 10×15-cm mesh of knitted polypropylene fila- diaphragm could solve the problem. Because fibrin
ments (Ethicon, Cornelia, GA, USA) was cut to precisely glue does not offer sufficient adhesive properties, we
overlap the hepato-diaphragmatic area. The mesh was used the adhesive effect of a surgical mesh commonly
introduced through the 10-mm trocar, placed over the used to treat abdominal wall hernia (8). Experimental
defect, and fixed to the diaphragm using helical fasteners data show that, compared with other commercially
(ProTack: Covidien, Élancourt, France). available prosthetic mesh grafts, polypropylene meshes
may produce more intense adhesion (9). We used this
RESULTS drawback to our advantage to close the hole from
the “right” side.
Of 523 patients (315 men, 208 women) who under- Possible severe, but rare, complications related to the
went PD for renal failure between February 1991 and placement of a surgical mesh include bacterial contami-
September 2010, 6 (3 men, 3 women) were referred to nation, with consequent peritonitis and hollow viscus
the surgical unit for management of right-sided CAPD- erosions. The management of mesh infections remains a
related hydrothorax. Mean time on PD before the onset of major challenge (10) and often requires surgical excision
hydrothorax was 20.3 ± 16.4 (standard deviation) weeks. if conservative antibiotic treatment fails. In our tech-
A diaphragmatic defect was identified in all patients. The nique, the risk of infection is presumably reduced given
mean operating time was 35 ±  8.36 minutes. Postop- that the mesh is totally covered and becomes encapsu-
erative pain was mild, with a low analgesic requirement lated by a fibrotic reaction in approximately 3  weeks,
(paracetamol 1 g three times daily), and no patient had to thus avoiding any contact with the bowel.

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Short Reports NOVEMBER  2011 – Vol. 31, No. 6 PDI

In addition, to reduce the risk of prosthesis slippage hydrothorax complicating peritoneal dialysis. Curr Opin
and possible bowel erosions, the mesh was trimmed Pulm Med 2004; 10:315–19.
to fit along the peritoneal reflection on the trian- 2. Lew SQ. Hydrothorax: pleural effusion associated with
gular ligament so as to be smaller than the liver and peritoneal dialysis. Perit Dial Int 2010; 30:13–18.
was then secured to the diaphragmatic surface using 3. Chow KM, Szeto CC, Li PK. Management options for hy-
drothorax complicating peritoneal dialysis. Semin Dial
tack-like fasteners.
2003; 16:389–94.
The problem with left-side hydrothorax (a rare occur- 4. Mutter D, Marichal JF, Heibel F, Marescaux J, Hannedouche
rence, accounting for fewer than 10% of cases) is that the T. Laparoscopy: an alternative to surgery in patients
mesh would inevitably come into contact with the stom- treated with continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis.
ach or the colon, hampering the use of a non-absorbable Nephron 1994; 68:334–7.
mesh. A valid option to extend our technique to a left- 5. Mehrotra R, Chiu YW, Kalantar–Zadeh K, Bargman J,
side hydrothorax would be the use of an absorbable mesh. Vonesh E. Similar outcomes with hemodialysis and peri-
But such considerations may be debatable because of the toneal dialysis in patients with end-stage renal disease.
small number of cases to be managed. Arch Intern Med 2011; 171:110–18.
Two patients had early recurrence of hydrothorax after 6. Wanten GJ, Koolen MI, van Liebergen FJ, Jansen JL, Wever
resumption of PD. Because of their poor condition, they J. Outcome and complications in patients treated with con-
were not proposed for thoracoscopic exploration and tinuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) at a single

Downloaded from by guest on November 14, 2015

centre during 11 years. Neth J Med 1996; 49:4–12.
were switched to hemodialysis treatment. These failures
7. Bagnato VJ. Surgical thoracoscopy: a preliminary report.
might be explained by the presence of an accompanying J Laparoendosc Surg 1992; 2:131–6.
missed defect or by insufficient adhesion between the 8. Tanaka K, Mutter D, Inoue H, Lindner V, Bouras G, Forgione
mesh and the liver. A, et al. In vivo evaluation of a new composite mesh (10%
polypropylene/90% poly-l-lactic acid) for hernia repair.
CONCLUSIONS J Mater Sci Mater Med 2007; 18:991–9.
9. Kayaoglu HA, Ozkan N, Hazinedaroglu SM, Ersoy OF, Erkek
This new and original technique to treat CAPD AB, Koseoglu RD. Comparison of adhesive properties of
hydrothorax was successful in 66.6% of cases and al- five different prosthetic materials used in hernioplasty.
lowed for the reintroduction of PD after 3 weeks. It is J Invest Surg 2005; 18:89–95.
feasible and less invasive than a thoracic approach. It 10. Aguilar B, Chapital AB, Madura JA 2nd, Harold KL. Con-
also does not hamper the possibility of a thoracoscopic servative management of mesh-site infection in hernia
repair. J Laparoendosc Adv Surg Tech A 2010; 20:249–52.
secondary approach. doi:10.3747/pdi.2010.00297


The authors declare that they have no conflicts of Peritoneal Fixation Prevents Dislocation
interest to disclose. of Tenckhoff Catheter
Didier Mutter1*
Cosimo Callari1 The prevalence of end-stage renal disease is now
Michele Diana1 increasing globally. Most of these patients receive di-
Larbi Bencheikh2 alysis therapies, and peritoneal dialysis is an effective
Françoise Heibel2 management approach, with both a low cost and a high
Jacques Marescaux1 quality of life for the patient (1). However, peritoneal
dialysis is not free of problems, and dislocation of the
Department of Digestive Surgery1 Tenckhoff catheter is one of the most frequent and ag-
Department of Nephrology and Haemodialysis2 gravating complications (2,3), often requiring surgical
University Hospital of Strasbourg intervention (4). Thus far, several papers have reported
Strasbourg, France a procedure to prevent dislocation in which the catheter
is fixed to the recto-uterine or rectovesical pouch under
*email: direct vision (5–7). However, the benefits of fixation
techniques have not been adequately evaluated in terms
REFERENCES of catheter survival. We retrospectively analyzed our
cases to determine whether fixation of the catheter to
1. Szeto CC, Chow KM. Pathogenesis and management of the visceral peritoneum may reduce dislocation.

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