Conditional Sentences Type1

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1- Write the correct form of the verbs

in brackets.

a) If I have enough money, I

_________(buy) a new pair of jeans.

b) They ________(win) if we support


c) We will leave early if we ________

(not /like) the party.

d) The police ________(arrest) him if he

Type I doesn’t obey.

e) She ________ (not/ go) if the weather

Form: isn’t good.

If + present simple  future will / f) I ________(take) you to the cinema if

modal + infinitive
you ________ (finish) your homework in

Use: time.

 possible situations in the future. g) If he ________ (not pass), he

________(be punished.
If you explain the situation, he’ll
understand. h) If you ________(make) the beds; I

________(wash) the floor.

 promises
i) I ________ (feed) the dogs if you
If you behave, you may have some
presents for Christmas. ________(want).

j) John ________ (not / come) to the

 Offers
party if we ________ (not / send) him
If you are in a hurry, I’ll give you a
lift. an invitation.

k) We ________(stay) at home if it
 threats / warnings
If you don’t study, I’ll tell your
parents. l) He ________(not / emigrate) if he (find)

a job.
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