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Behavior ADHD Brittany Johnson

1. Do you think that medications such as Ritalin are an effective solution for children with
ADHD? What other strategies might you use to address Matt’s behavior?

I am not a doctor, so I don’t think I have appropriate knowledge to answer this question.
Medication works for some children and doesn’t for others. Everybody is different and unique
and each uses different solutions for the same problems. Other strategies in the classroom that
I would use with Matt would be: creating worksheets with fewer problems, using a manipulative
such as a fidget spinner to assist Matt with focusing during lecture, frequent breaks and use of
technology. Since Matt struggles the most with english I would break it into smaller parts and
allow him to type his assignments if that was more helpful, he could even use speech to text on
the computer to complete his assignments. To address Matt’s behaviors I would find out what
Matt likes to do and come up with a plan with him on how to reward his efforts. Matt needs to
learn to self-regulate, I would work with him on that and have him go to the quiet area to calm
down. When Matt is having a behavior I would allow him to walk around the classroom or go
with a preferred adult on a walk within the school to calm down. Matt may also need time with a
counselor or social service worker to express feelings and work through the changes in his life
since his mother's death.

2. What is the best way to work with parents who deny the existence of a disability and/or the
need for medication?

Do not tell the parents that they have a disability and need to be on medication. Keep record of
his behaviors and work ethic. Express concern that Matt is struggling. Find ways to
accommodate the child. Keep data on everything so that this information can be provided to the
parent through a meeting.

3. Do you think that the team’s approach of sending Matt to the office when he became
disruptive was effective? Can you suggest other ways they could handle Matt’s disruptive

No, I do not think it was effective because his father yelled at him on the phone. It made Matt
feel disappointed for making his father mad, but I don’t think that is the best way to handle the
situation. It sounds as though Matt is in more trouble but because he has ADHD he doesn’t
realize enough to stop the behaviors. I think it would be best to send him to call home when he’s
having really good days as well, so he can receive some praise from his father as well. I think
Matt needs to focus on self-regulating and ways to help teach him how to do this. Matt could
receive extra break time in class when on task. Matt needs extra help in english, I would find
ways to make english better/easier for him. If we can get Matt to do better in english, he would
have less behaviors. When he is upset I would have him speak with a preferred adult or

4. Given Mr. Snyder’s reaction to Jill’s attempt to convince him that Matt needs more help
controlling his behavior, how should she proceed
Behavior ADHD Brittany Johnson

Jill should proceed by continuing to document Matt’s behaviors and work. Jill should keep
working on accommodations until they can find one’s that help Matt. Jill should use the data she
has collected along with Matt’s other teachers, to work together on accommodations and to
present to Mr. Snyder during a meeting.

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