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Desde 1982 dedicados en exclusiva

a Oposiciones de Enseñanza.

Put the words in brackets as appropriate.

1. (Mary, pimples) depress her.
2. (Celia, eyes) sparkled with joy.
3. (my hat, the brim) is dirty.
4. (the video, the romote control) is broken.
5. (Denis, watch) is water-resitant.
6. These are (Mr Evans, pliers).
7. This photo was taken in (my half-brother, heyday). He became very popular in the ‘70s.
8. (this house, the walls) are very old.
9. (this book, the cover) is really exquisite.
10. (the trunk, the lid) dates back to the 17th century.
11. He finds (Euripides, plays) quite boring.
12. (John, half-sister)is as meek as a lamb.
13. (cigarettes, this packet) is American.
14. We need five (these flowers, stems).
15. Don’t soak (the dress, the lining).
16. (her pupils, homework) was excellent.
17. (his dog, tail) was badly hurt in the accident.
18. He will sabotage (your warriors, weapons).
19. (Miss Curtis, lipstick) was stolen from her clutch bag last night.
20. (the Browns, house) was built in the 18th century.
21. You’ve scorched (Billy, clothes)!
22. I would like to read a little of (Sophocles, poetry).
23. (bread, these slices) are too thin.
24. (my chair, the back) is very uncomfortable.
25. (his house, the walls) are paper thin.
26. (my sister, goddaughter) is so predictable!

1. (my brother-in-law, toupee) is ridiculous.
2. (the day before yesterday, reception) was off.
3. I was put off by (Nicholas, manners).
4. (the palace, the furniture) dates from the 17th century.
5. She loves (Catalonia, way of life).
6. She wants to open (a carpenter, workshop).
7. (my dog and cat, food) costs very little.
8. Were (Jesus, miracles) true?
9. ‘What’s (Charles, occupation)?’ I’m not sure, but I think he’s an opera composer.’
10. (my pals, bikes) are better than mine.
11. These are (my housekeeper, keys).
12. (her partner, words) came straight from his heart.
13. We shall have to erase that bad experience from (our daughter, memory).
14. (Tess, stepchildren) are a picture of health.
15. They always won their matches thanks to (their manager, secret weapons).
16. This rucksack isn’t yours. It’s (Eve).
17. If my memory serves me correctly, it’s (Elmer, birthday).
18. (my uncle vineyards) are the best spot to be on (one, own).
19. (the settee, the legs) were made by me.
20. (the rocking chair, the wood) comes from Brazil.
21. (the day after tomorrow, dancing contest) will take place in the afternoon.
22. (my hometown, second museum) was built on this side of the river.
23. (Liz, alibi) isn’t convincing.
24. They like (Aristophanes humorous plays).
25. He says that he touched (the mermaid, tail) in his dream.
26. (that guy, pekinese) is stone-blind.
Desde 1982 dedicados en exclusiva
a Oposiciones de Enseñanza.


1. He likes (Marilyn Monroe, sex appeal).

2. For (our children, sake), please don’t do it.
3. (the president, speech) did not convince anybody.
4. (my sister, wedding) didn’t last long.
5. This book deals with (Portugal, culture).
6. He considers (Socrates, thoughts) very interesting.
7. (Mrs Brooks, shopping list) is too long.
8. Is Mexico (the world, largest city)?
9. Now we are going to talk about (a tadpole, gills).
10. (Peter, rancour) won’t do him any good.
11. (Bess, eggs) are always fresh.
12. If you ask me, (John Lennon, songs) are the best.
13. (these brogues, the sole) is very good.
14. (the crocodile, mouth) is immense.
15. (his ex-wife, wristband) was made in Beijing.
16. (yesterday, showers) were beneficial to the land.
17. I spent the night looking at (the room, the ceiling).
18. I don’t know (this word, the meaning).
19. He ruined (his ex, career path).
20. Someone nicked (our neighbours, hose) last night.
21. This is (the people [who live] next door, the pet).
22. I didn’t approve of (the multinational, security measures).
23. (the kids, survival) was due to the fact that they found a stream.
24. (the company, enterprising attitude) will set a precedent in this sector.
25. (this coffin, the material) will never perish.
26. I’d like to buy some (traveller, cheques).

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