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Lesson 8

1. What are the main reasons that may lead to failure of plans in tourism? And how can
you solve it?

2. Could you please give an example about Tourism planning in the perspective of Spatial
planning or Regional planning?
3. Which method is best to apply, individual travel cost method or zonal travel cost
method, in order measure recreational value of a tourist site?
4. Could you please share your motivation to inspire the students and how can you
achieve your career?
5. The challenges faced in implementing tourism indicator systems in tourism planning
and development, particularly at local level?
6. What methods do you use to success your tourism and hospitality project?
7. In developing sustainable tourism and hospitality what skill are enhanced in your

2. The 17 United Nations 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), launched in 2015, highlight
169 targets that aim to push forward the current standards of international development. The SDGs
focus around many topics including targets for protecting the planet, fighting inequality and
combatting the effects of climate change while involving all relevant stakeholders along the
implementation process.

Tourism has a great potential to contribute towards these goals, specifically the targets in goals 8, 12
and 14, which promote sustainable economic growth, ensure sustainable production and consumption
patterns, inclusivity, and the sustainable use of our oceans and marine resources, respectively. Here,
sustainable tourism is firmly positioned in the 2030 Agenda. The most crucial elements in achieving
this ambitious agenda are: a clear implementation outline, adequate financing, investment in
technology, infrastructure and human resources.
In the 2030 Agenda, tourism are totally grown because the major components of
sustainable tourism. If it happen tourism are really amazing and tourist attraction are
going to popular.
Tourism hotspot in the world are popularity and our economic are growth. We can
benefit if sustainable tourism are happen. We can easily communicate and reach our
markets in developing countries can largely benefit from increasing their human
potential by improving access to education as well as facilitating fair and equal
access for improved work opportunities for women and youths. Sustainable
tourism has the to potential urban infrastructure and universal accessibility,
promote regeneration of areas in decay and preserve cultural and natural
heritage, assets on which tourism depends.

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