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Ines Van Tigchelt, Geerard Adriaen, Léo Van Lieshout,

Flavio Dedecker, Mathieu Vanwalleghem

The Covid-pandemic has had an influence on literally all
our lives. So we have decided to make an infographic
about the impact it had on the lives of our fellow students
It is a well known fact that the younger you are,
the less susceptible you are of having major
health-issues when infected with Covid-19.
However, the precautions our governments have
taken to avoid more infections has had a major
impact on our mental health, especially those of

Lack of concentration is an issue STRUCTURE
a lot of students struggle with.
To improve your concentration, @ home
have a clear structured day, take
regular breaks and do something Covid has had a positive and negative
active outside. You can also impact on families. Children who never
start your days with some had quality time with their parents due
braintraining (Sudoku, chess, to work, now can see them daily. But
crossword,...). And make sure mentally for parents and children it
you get enough sleep! has been very challenging. For people
with bad housing situations
especially. Think of children with
Mental health abusive parents and such.
Suicide rates and depression amongst young
people have gone out the roof. Most young people
state that the coronavirus has had a significantly
negative impact on their social lives. Most of
them say that they haven't seen their friends for
a long time. Approximately 50% of young people
state that COVID-19 has decreased their mood
significantly; they sleep less, feel lonely, think

In Belgium, students from poorer backgrounds often have problems to keep up with classes,
because many of them don't have a computer or good internet connection. There are several
offline alternatives for online classes, which are already being used in other countries. One
possible alternative is to deliver educational materials, such as weekly reading kits and
worksheets, at the students home. Then, the students can submit their work in a letterbox at
their school. Another alternative is that volunteers teach to groups of 4-5 students. The
smallamount of students makes it possible organize this according to the lockdown rules.

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