Ahmed Balach Iftikhar Business Project Management BTEC-3 Final Report

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28. Business Project Management

Ahmed Balach Iftikhar Muhammad Aqeel


Wednesday,4th December 2019 Monday,13 January 2020 Wednesday,15thJanuary 2020



PASS3 TASK2 PAGE 9-31,Presentation


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Table of Contents
Task One:.............................................................................................................................................4
P1,P3,D1 Project Life Cycle..................................................................................................................4
1. Project Identification (15 Weeks)............................................................................................................4
Receptor of Project Idea:............................................................................................................................................4
Business Objectives:....................................................................................................................................................4
Project Appraisal........................................................................................................................................................5
Feasibility Report.........................................................................................................................................7
Market Analysis...........................................................................................................................................................7
Market Segmentation.................................................................................................................................................9
Market Analysis (Pie Chart).......................................................................................................................................9
Target Market Segment Strategy................................................................................................................................9
Strategy and Implementation Summary.................................................................................................................10
Competitive Edge......................................................................................................................................................10
Financial aspect.........................................................................................................................................................11
Expected Cash flow forecast of The “The Brickson Construction”:..........................................................................12
Project Appraisal and Selection................................................................................................................................14
Stage 2: Project Planning (10 Weeks)........................................................................................................17
I) Scope of Project.....................................................................................................................................................17
Financial Risk.............................................................................................................................................18
Project Goals/ Features.............................................................................................................................18
Startup Cost...............................................................................................................................................20
Fixed Costs/Overhead...............................................................................................................................20
III) Scheduling............................................................................................................................................22
Gantt Chart................................................................................................................................................................22
Critical Path Analysis.................................................................................................................................................23
IV) Resources............................................................................................................................................23
Physical Resources...................................................................................................................................................23
Technological Resources..........................................................................................................................................23
Human Resources.....................................................................................................................................................24
Stage III: Implementation Stage (8 Weeks)...............................................................................................24
Organizing Resource.................................................................................................................................................24
Monitoring/Controlling the project team.................................................................................................................24
Corrections/ Controlling...........................................................................................................................................24
Stage IV: Project Closure and Audit (7 Weeks).........................................................................................25
Disbanding of Project Team......................................................................................................................................25
Handing over the project..........................................................................................................................................25
Accounting/Report Writing.......................................................................................................................................25
P2: Expectations and Needs for Stakeholders at ‘The Brickson Construction ’.................................26
Internal Stakeholder’s for “The “The Brickson Construction””................................................................26
Project Manager.......................................................................................................................................................26
Financial Analyst.......................................................................................................................................................27
Construction Workers...............................................................................................................................................27
External Stakeholder’s for “The “The Brickson Construction”.................................................................27
M1: Impact of Stages of The Project Life Cycle on The Brickson Construction...........................28
P4/M2/D2: Different Methods of Monitoring Projects..............................................................30

1). The Brickson Construction................................................................................................................30
Gantt Chart................................................................................................................................................................30
Critical Path Analysis...............................................................................................................................................31
“The Organic Coup”................................................................................................................................32
Gantt Chart................................................................................................................................................................33
Critical Path Analysis...............................................................................................................................................34
P5:  Reasons for Projects to Fail.....................................................................................................35
Poorly Defined Goals...............................................................................................................................35
Impossible Deadlines................................................................................................................................36
Lack of accountability..............................................................................................................................36
Resource Deprivation................................................................................................................................36
P6: Reporting Methods used at “The Brickson Construction”...........................................................37
M3: Importance of Achieving Project Outcomes within Agreed Timescales, Resources and
Text Books................................................................................................................................................40

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Pie Chart, (Source: Google)...................................................................................................9
Figure 2: Breakeven Analysis, (Source: Google).................................................................................13
Figure 3: Net Present Value Table, (Source: Author)........................................................................15
Figure 4 Payback Period Table, (Source: Author).............................................................................16
Figure 5: Table of Deadlines (Source: Author)..................................................................................21
Figure 6 Network Analysis (Source: Author)......................................................................................22
Figure 7 Gantt Chart (Source: Author)...............................................................................................22
Figure 8 Critical Path Analysis (Source: Author).................................................................................23
Figure 9: Gantt Chart, The Brickson Construction, (Source, Author)..............................................31
Figure 10: Critical Path Analysis , The Brickson Construction, (Source, Author)...........................32
Figure 11: Gantt Chart, The Organic Coup, (Source, Author)...........................................................33
Figure 12: : Critical Path Analysis , The Organic Coup, (Source, Author).......................................34

Task One:
P1,P3,D1 Project Life Cycle

Project Life cycle is a structure of phases starting from the beginning of a project and
ending at the termination of a project, the project life cycle has 4 stages including

1. S
election of project
2. S
election and Planning of project
3. P
4. P
roject completion and audit

(Apm.org.uk, 2020)

1. Project Identification (15 Weeks)

Receptor of Project Idea:

The idea for a construction of a house was conceived by the owners themselves,
Construction . Similarly The Brickson construction is a construction business which
aims to help build a house or any other building they tend to make sure that it is
made with the best quality appliances, they also aim to make sure that they help
their clients from the beginning to end in order to fully satisfy the customers
Brickson Construction is a construction business as less number of clients aim to
build houses in this day and age in UK as most people decide to rent a place for
themselves so it will have  a small market which can beneficial in the sense that the
management will not be over burdened by work so they can produce quality results
they can further establish themselves in the market before expanding their business
for an effective  launch in the construction industry, however the disadvantage is
that as  the Brickson construction a high maintenance business initially its revenue
and profit will be less which means that they will have to strive hard to reach the
breakeven point (Brickson.co.uk, 2020)

Business Objectives:

Following are a few Objectives of the “The “The Brickson Construction””

1.To reach breakeven point within one year
2.Profit maximization
3.To be able to fulfil corporate social responsibility
4.To increase market share  
5.To be able to grow and expand the business
6.Customer satisfaction
7.Profit satisfying
8. To make high quality construction projects
The Brickson Construction will set SMART objectives:
Specific — they will set out exactly what the company is trying to do (such as
increase sales or profits by a certain percentage).
•Measurable — it will make it possible to measure whether the objective has been
•Agreed - there is no point simply telling someone that they have to achieve
something. The other person has to be involved in setting the objective so that they
feel part of the process for example the company will decide on a set time they
want to spend on each of their construction project
•Realistic — the target set by Brickson will be achievable. If it set an objective which
is not attainable employees will be less likely to work towards it.
•Time specific — it will be important for Brickson to specify how long people have
to complete their task as dragging tasks can result in inefficiency which can affect
business performance for example they plan to finish the given house construction
project in 40 weeks or less time

Project Appraisal

Market Appraisal

Market Appraisal is an analysis which takes place to make sure that products or
services being sold by a project are valuable and are able to be sold it is usually done
at the beginning of a new project to determine whether the project will be
successful or not for example the project manager for the “Brickson Construction ”
will have to determine whether the house is competentand has the ability to
satisfy its owners , along with that distribution routes for suppliers will also be
finalized in this appraisal and lastly Potential market and marketing strategies will
also be looked upon in this appraisal for “The Brickson Construction ”
Technical Appraisal

Technical Appraisal is a comprehensive study of the technicalities done in order to

ensure that the project is technically feasible i.e. all the required items necessary in
order to build a selected project for example a house Its project manager in its
technical appraisal needs to make sure that the exterior layout of the project
matches the standards set by the local law governing body, the house should be
equipped with an emergency exit, a fire hydrant moreover in technical appraisal the
manager should also make sure that the equipment’s, plants and machineries are
appropriately engineered to make a house in order to avoid future inconveniences

Financial Appraisal

Financial Appraisal analysis illustrates different methods to evaluate the financial

health which could include payback period, profitability ratios and liquidity Ratios of
a selected projects by assessing and evaluating these financial aspects the project
manager for “The Brickson Construction” can have an idea in mind of where does
the house owners stand financially and then he or she will be able to approximately
estimate the financial position of the project including potential risks and returns of
the project later on the manager decides whether to advance funds in the project or
not depending on the results of the analysis

Economic Appraisal

Economic Appraisal provides a systematic and just way to make sure that the
project has justified the amount of money spent on it and rather minimize and
maximize the positive and negative impacts of at overdoing it in the project in other
words it is done to make sure that the amount of money spent is economical for the
house owners along with that the manager should make sure that better decisions
financially and strategically should be made in order to reach optimum level of
success for in the construction of the house at Brickson Construction

(Baker and Baker, 2000)

Feasibility Report


Construction Industry is one of the cannonading industries of today that has a great
impact on the economy of any nation. Any piece of infrastructure or real estate
erected around us is undertaken by segments under Construction Industry. The
scope of Construction Industry is too broad and HHI Lifting is making its valuable
contribution for expanding it further. 

Construction is an important sector that contributes greatly in the economic growth

of a nation. The Construction Industry is an investment-led sector where
government shows high interest. Government contracts with Construction Industry
to develop infrastructure related to health, transport as well as education sector.
For prosperity of any nation, Construction Industry is quintessential.The Brickson
Construction is diversified. It involves numerous clients like property builders,
property developers, material suppliers and contractors. The Construction Industry
brings cost-effective building solutions where in all these clients play an active role
to make the contract a success. Also, attractive construction of the infrastructure
attracts many inward investors for business deals. Well-constructed infrastructure
creates a healthy environment to work in, thereby increasing productivity and
flexibility of the labor force.

Market Analysis

Industry Description and outlook:

Brickson Construction Company is one of the cannonading industries of today that

has a great impact on the economy of any nation. Any piece of infrastructure or real
estate erected around us is undertaken by segments under Construction Industry.
The scope of Brickson Construction is too broad and HHI Lifting is making its
valuable contribution for expanding it further.

Brickson Construction is a service-based industry they provide construction services
to its clients their project portfolio varies ranging from building houses to building
multiples malls, offices , hospitals etc. along with construction services Brickson
construction also provides consultation services to clients such as architectural
consultations, Electricity consultations and plumbing consultations etc.


The Brickson Construction will be comparatively expensive because they aim to give high quality
construction services therefore the cost of Brickson construction services is high however
Brickson will adapt two pricing strategies one for customers with high financial status and the other
for people who have financial constraints so that customers with less income can also get high
quality services in a cheaper price this scheme for people with less finances is usually run with the
help of donations from rich clients in the initial phase of operation The Brickson Construction will
adapt to the penetration pricing strategy, Penetration pricing is an act of initially setting a low price
for one's goods or services, with the intent of increasing market share in this strategy the prices are
low when the product or service has initially penetrated into the market this is to get most of the
people familiarize with the service before raising the price through this strategy profit will be low
initially but many customers will be attracted who will then come once prices go up due to
customer satisfaction therefore the lost profit will be made the budget for the given project (house)
is £20000000
 The Brickson Construction will have one office initially in which they will conduct
meeting with clients, sign contracts etc. as there are many construction companies
in the area but not even one conducts consultation with its customers, along with
that they will also make sure that the whole team meets the owners before entering
into a contract along with that all the paperwork is done at the office moreover the
office is open to cater their services in private, professional or commercial settings
lastly after analyzing initial response of customers more offices of the country will
start to open across the UK

As The Brickson Construction is part of construction service industry therefore it
does not need commercial advertisement through TV Radio or Print Media however
effective methods of promotion for company can be through word of mouth
because of worth of mouth people who like the restaurant will tell about the
restaurant to their friends and this cycle will continue which would attract many
customers another method of promotion which Brickson can adapt is to give shot
commercials with celebrities and request them to promote the company as
celebrities are home conscience so if they promote the brand their followers will be
attracted to Brickson  lastly the management of the company can give sponsor
To the family food festival like the Coke Fest people

Market Segmentation
Brickson Construction is targeting towards all kinds of audience but their main focus
is to give construction services to the people with the budget to make a house . for
example People who have retired and immediately require a house or people who
want to start real estate building and thus earn from selling the house
lastlyBrickson Construction will also cater to government tenders which come their
way and require them to make official buildings for the government Brickson
Construction will open its doors for people with financial restrictions as well .
Research shows that in UK that there are merely any construction firms who cater
such needs therefore The Brickson Constructionwill turn around a lot of heads
because of which the prof it levels of the restaurants will be high.  
Market Analysis (Pie Chart)

Figure 1: Pie Chart, (Source: Google)

Target Market Segment Strategy

Brickson Construction is targeting towards all kinds of audience but their main focus is to give
construction services to the people with the budget to make a house . for example People who have
retired and immediately require a house or people who want to start real estate building and thus
earn from selling the house lastly Brickson Construction will also cater to government tenders
which come their way and require them to make official buildings for the government Brickson
Construction will open its doors for people with financial restrictions as well . Research shows that
in UK that there are merely any construction firms who cater such needs therefore The Brickson
Construction will turn around a lot of heads because of which the prof it levels of the restaurants
will be high. Competition and Buying Pattern
The Brickson Constructions direct competitors will be other healthy food providers
like Skanska UK and ISG located in UK Skanska will definitely be one of the major
competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and
operational practices. However, despite of Skanska’s entrenched market position,
many customers prefer smaller, independent construction companies that offer
high quality services According to an estimate Skanska holds approximately 25%
market share in that neighborhood, ISG is liked by   15 % of customers, the pure
health cafe caters to another 15 % of individuals, with the remaining market share
split among other establishments. Brickson Constructions will especially cater to
people with high quality demands as wellas the ones with financial constraints ,
however the above-mentionedcompanies do not specifically cater to this class of
people therefore many people will be attracted to Brickson Constructions which will
increase the profitability of the company .

Strategy and Implementation Summary
Brickson Construction is targeting towards all kinds of audience but their main focus
is to give construction services to the people with the budget to make a house . for
example People who have retired and immediately require a house or people who
want to start real estate building and thus earn from selling the house lastly
Brickson Construction will also cater to government tenders which come their way
and require them to make official buildings for the government Brickson
Construction will open its doors for people with financial restrictions as well .
Research shows that in UK that there are merely any construction firms who cater
such needs therefore The Brickson Construction will turn around a lot of heads
because of which the prof it levels of the restaurants will be high.  

Competitive Edge
The Brickson Constructions direct competitors will be other healthy food providers
like Skanska UK and ISG located in UK Skanska will definitely be one of the major
competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and
operational practices. However, despite of Skanska’s entrenched market position,
many customers prefer smaller, independent construction companies that offer
high quality services According to an estimate Skanska holds approximately 25%
market share in that neighborhood, ISG is liked by   15 % of customers, the pure
health cafe caters to another 15 % of individuals, with the remaining market share
split among other establishments. Brickson Constructions will especially cater to
people with high quality demands as well as the ones with financial constraints ,
however the above-mentioned companies do not specifically cater to this class of
people therefore many people will be attracted to Brickson Constructions which will
increase the profitability of the company .

Financial aspect

Startup cost
Startup cost  is the amount of money a business needs to start a business it can vary
from business to business for Brickson Construction the startup cost will be a little
on the high side as it is an high quality services so the raw products have to be high
quality and those are a little expensive it is okay to have a high startup cost but then
Brickson should aim to reach their breakeven point as soon as possible after the
launch of the company .
Cost of Premises
Owners of Brickson Construction need to be very careful while selecting a place for
their office they need to make sure that if they are renting the premises the rent is
not too high and the facility of parking is available near the office this would attract
even customers to sit back and enjoy services at Brickson  the management also
should look at the neighborhoods of the premises in the case of BRICKSON it will be
situated in central London where there are many schools and other restaurants but
more people will expected to come to Brickson because of its USP but cost of
premises is a bit high there.
Pricing Strategy
 The Brickson Construction will be comparatively expensive because they aim to give high quality
construction services therefore the cost of Brickson construction services is high however
Brickson will adapt two pricing strategies one for customers with high financial status and the other
for people who have financial constraints so that customers with less income can also get high
quality services in a cheaper price this scheme for people with less finances is usually run with the
help of donations from rich clients in the initial phase of operation The Brickson Construction will
adapt to the penetration pricing strategy, Penetration pricing is an act of initially setting a low price
for one's goods or services, with the intent of increasing market share in this strategy the prices are
low when the product or service has initially penetrated into the market this is to get most of the
people familiarize with the service before raising the price through this strategy profit will be low
initially but many customers will be attracted who will then come once prices go up due to
customer satisfaction therefore the lost profit will be made the budget for the given project (house)
is £20000000
 (Baker and Baker, 2000)

Cost of equipment and supply

Business of any sort before has to invest in equipment and supply of products
before the launch of the business any item bought in this regard will be a substantial
financial expense and has to be settled down before an income forecast is made as
far as The project is concerned there are numerous cost of equipment and supply
for example decoration utensils, cooking equipment, IT equipment etc.

Expected Cash flow forecast of the“The Brickson Construction”:

Cash Flow statement is an Accounting statement where all the Cash Inflows and
Cash Outflows of a business for a certain period of time are recorded to know the
Cash Position of a Business for that time period. As it can be seen from above, in
first two months cash balance is positive but it gets negative from June because of
summers and other external factors that can affect the business.


Figure 2: Breakeven Analysis, (Source: Google)

Breakeven point is a point on the accounting graphs of a business in which the cost
paid to open the business and the revenue (amount of money earned from the
business are equal) meaning that the business has not lost any money nor gained

Profit and Loss Account

The Income Statement/ Profit and Loss account tells us the income the business has
received from its trading activities over the last 12 months, and all the money it has
spent paying for these business expenses over the same 12 months. The P&L
account records the Revenue, Cost & Profit of a Business. The profit forecast is
10,000 which is good for a startup business.

Technological Analysis

In this day and age, it is vital for any and every organization to inculcate the use of
technology in their operations. The use of technology will definitely be inculcated in
“The “The Brickson Construction”” it will be quite beneficial for the restaurant since
the use of technology always fastens the pace of operations at restaurants
moreover technology also significantly makes it easier for the restaurant to manage
and keep track of their resources last but most important all the technology is also
used to enhance the quality of feed i.e. electric stoves, baking ovens dishwasher
plate warmer will be there to use in the kitchen of the restaurant.

Therefore “The “The Brickson Construction” “will initially buy and install pre loved
local technology from the second hand market in the restaurant since it is a small
startup restaurant therefore its financial resources are limited however once good
amount of profit is made then Toc will upgrade their machinery and equipment into
first hand imported products.

Social Cost Benefit Analysis

Social cost benefit analysis is an analysis between the social advantages of any
project along with any negative impacts of that same project for example “ The
“The Brickson Construction” “ will benefit the society as it will give employment to a
lot of people but on the other hand it can prove to be problematic as Toc focuses

on quality service therefore visiting this restaurant will be expensive hence it will
create an adverse effect on the finances of customers moreover “The “The Brickson
Construction”” will provide social benefit to the society in the form of giving clean
leftover food of the day to the people in need however the cost of opening toc to
the society can be the pollution that it has caused in the environment

(Baker and Baker, 2000)

Project Appraisal and Selection

Net Present Value

“Net present value (NPV) is the difference between the present value of cash
inflows and the present value of cash outflows over a period of time. NPV is used
in capital budgeting and investment planning to analyze the profitability of a

Figure 3: Net Present Value Table, (Source: Author)

projected investment or project”.

(Corporate Finance Institute, 2020)

Pay Back Period

“The payback period refers to the amount of time it takes to recover the cost of an
investment. Simply put, the payback period is the length of time an investment
reaches a breakeven point. The desirability of an investment is directly related to
its payback period. Shorter paybacks mean more attractive investments.”

(Bragg and Bragg, 2020)

Figure 4 Payback Period Table, (Source: Author)

Stage 2: Project Planning (10 Weeks)

I) Scope of Project


Investment is the initial amount of money spent to start a new business in the case
of “The “The Brickson Construction”” its initial investment is Rs. 2,000,0000 after
conducting payback period analysis on the investment it is evaluated that it will
approximately take 4 years for Brickson to reach breakeven point as it has made a
huge investment because its focus is always quality over quantity regarding serving
clients thus the restaurant will start earning profit after 4 years on the restaurant.

Expected Life

Construction businesses usually have a long lifespan in Pakistan as building houses

is a life time goal and investment therefore barring any unforeseen circumstances
like bankruptcy, a decline in the quality of the house or lack of capital , the house
is expected to last for a very long time around 20-30 years approximately especially
because this house has been made with high quality products

Profitability red

To calculate the margin, net profit will be divided, total revenue and sales
subtracted from the all-expenses by revenue.  Industry standards will be used as a
benchmark and perform an internal year-over-year comparison to assess the
performance of ‘The Brickson Construction ’.
Net profit margin will deduce whether the business is profitable or not. Another way
to check profitability is to calculate total gross profit which is calculated by sales
revenue minus cost of goods sold. It’s profit after deducting direct materials, direct
labor, and product overhead. To calculate gross profit margin, divide gross profit by
sales revenue. If gross profit margin is high, that means that it will get to keep a lot
of profit relative to the cost of product. If it will be less than 50 percent, that means
that costs comprise more than half of the sales revenue.
The Brickson Constructions direct competitors will be other healthy food providers
like Skanska UK and ISG located in UK Skanska will definitely be one of the major
competitors because of its strong financial position and established marketing and
operational practices. However, despite of Skanska’s entrenched market position,
many customers prefer smaller, independent construction companies that offer
high quality services According to an estimate Skanska holds approximately 25%
market share in that neighborhood, ISG is liked by   15 % of customers, the pure
health cafe caters to another 15 % of individuals, with the remaining market share
split among other establishments. Brickson Constructions will especially cater to
people with high quality demands as well as the ones with financial constraints ,
however the above-mentioned companies do not specifically cater to this class of
people therefore many people will be attracted to Brickson Constructions which will
increase the profitability of the company .

Compliance of rules and regulations risk
As Brickson Construction  has aimed to make high quality Projects will be importing
l products from abroad but importing of construction material from abroad is not a
walk in the park while importing those goods the owner can overlook some
important  trade regulations for example that cement material etc. is not welcome
in UK from any country so if the owner imports That he can be in for a big trouble
which can include a hefty fine and a ban on trade for a certain period of time which
will result in a great loss for the company as most of its business worked through
the business of trade.
Financial Risk  
Financial risk occurs in the business when the business is short on finances due to
certain reasons for example when Brickson would have been expecting a large
amount of investment from owners but that got delayed henceforth the house has
less cash due to which its operations start getting effected as in lack of resources
available or comprise on the quality of the construction which in the long run
creates dissatisfaction amongst stakeholders of Brickson Construction

Project Goals/ Features

Business Objectives/features Are Aims & Goals of a business, which business wants
to achieve in the short-run & long-run. And focus all of its activities & resources to
achieve them  

 Following are a few goals of the “The “The Brickson Construction””
1.To reach breakeven point within one year
2.Profit maximization
3.To be able to fulfil corporate social responsibility
4.To increase market share  
5.To be able to grow and expand the business
6.Customer satisfaction
7.Profit satisfying
8. To make high quality construction projects
The Brickson Construction will set SMART objectives:
Specific — they will set out exactly what the company is trying to do (such as
increase sales or profits by a certain percentage).
•Measurable — it will make it possible to measure whether the objective has been
•Agreed - there is no point simply telling someone that they have to achieve
something. The other person has to be involved in setting the objective so that they
feel part of the process for example the company will decide on a set time they
want to spend on each of their construction project
•Realistic — the target set by Brickson will be achievable. If it set an objective which
is not attainable employees will be less likely to work towards it.
•Time specific — it will be important for Brickson to specify how long people have
to complete their task as dragging tasks can result in inefficiency which can affect
business performance for example they plan to finish the given house construction
project in 40 weeks or less time


Deliverables are the tangible goods generated from the project in the example of
“Brickson Construction“deliverables can be
1. P
rimary research data from existing Houses of same nature
1. S
ample Furniture Catalogue
2. R
eports of focused group sampling of food
3. W
ritten Design Concepts with detailed explanation of each item placed in each
4. H
ouse Layout
5. F
inancial Statements

(ProjectManager.com, 2020)


Costs are the amount of money spent on the project to make it operational There
are a number of types of costs which are spent on “The Brickson Construction ” for
example startup costs, fixed costs and variable costs, items which come under each
type of costs are as follows

Startup Cost

I initial investment
ii Cost of physical resources
iii Cost of Financial resources
iv labor cost for setting up the house
v other miscellaneous costs which can occur before the restaurants opens its doors
to customers.

Fixed Costs/Overhead

ï Rent
ïi Utility bills
ïii Phone bills/communication costs
ïv Accounting/bookkeeping
v Legal/insurance/licensing fees
vi Postage
vii Technology
viii Advertising & marketing
ix Salaries

Variable Costs

I. Cost of Goods Sold

ii. Materials and supplies
iv. Direct Labour Costs
v. Customer service
vi.Direct sales
vii. Direct marketing


Deadlines are very important to be given so that the project is ready efficiently
without delays as delays are always a nightmare for the project manager as it results
in excess financial costs, shortage of labor, dissatisfied clients etc. “Brickson
Construction is a construction company located in UK work on this project will start
in March 2021 and it last for only 40weeks since it’s a house construction project to
avoid delays the project manager for Brickson Construction has made deadlines for
each of the activity of the project from start to finish and he will monitor these
activities with the help of monitoring tools like Gantt Chary and Critical Path Analysis
to avoid causing delays in handing over of the house . Deadlines for each of the
activities being done are shown below in the form of a Table.

Figure 5: Table of Deadlines (Source: Author)


Figure 6 Network Analysis (Source: Author)

III) Scheduling
Gantt Chart

Figure 7 Gantt Chart (Source: Author)

Critical Path Analysis

Figure 8 Critical Path Analysis (Source: Author)

IV) Resources

Physical Resources

1. Wood
2. Metal
3. Glass
4. Bricks
5. Furniture

Technological Resources

1. Lifter
2. Excavator
3. AC/Heater’s
4. Electricity
5. Plumbing
Human Resources

1. Project Manager
2. Contractor(s)
3. Architect
4. Electrician
5. Carpenter
6. Surveyor
7. Construction workers

 Stage III: Implementation Stage (8 Weeks)

Organizing Resource

First of all in the implementation stage the project manager needs to make sure that
he has acquired the resources which were needed to run the project if he is unable
to find the particular resources he should look for other alternatives at his earliest
convince afterwards the project manager should make sure that the resources are
organized properly for the convenience the people who are operating the project
for example the project manager for Brickson Construction has to ensure that
resources to run the are available like kitchen equipment, dining tables decor,
human resource etc. if not then he needs to find a substitute for that resource as
soon as possible.

Monitoring/Controlling the project team

The project manager in this stage is also responsible to monitor the performance of
the team at the end of every working day whether they have completed the
planned work or not if they have them well and good but if not for example if the
project manager for the restaurant planned to prepare the site in 10 days and due
to shortage of human resource, they were unable too therefore they had to make
some adjustments in the work plan so that the project is completed on time. Project
managers can use tools like Gantt chart and critical path analysis to monitor the
performance of their employees on a day to day basis

Corrections/ Controlling

if the quality of the work of the team members is not up to the mark certain steps
should be taken by the project manager to improve the quality of the workers as it is
very important to do high quality work in the culinary industry as there is a lot of

competition, a lot of startup cost has been invested in the project etc. therefore
such corrections are very necessary by the project manager in this stage for the
betterment of the restaurant and if the project manager is not able to resolve the
issues he may have to change that resource or part of the project

Stage IV: Project Closure and Audit (7Weeks)

Disbanding of Project Team

In the final stage of the project life cycle one of the responsibilities of the project
manager is to disband the project team that includes informing them that they are
not binding to any contract anymore as the project has come to an end because it
prevents them from having any misunderstanding of any continuation of contract
moreover they will also be at ease knowing that if any problem arises in the problem
from here on forward they won’t be liable for it along with that the Project manager
is also supposed to clear their dues (if any).

Handing over the project

At the last stage of the project life cycle is to handle over the project to the
management that includes guiding the management on the way certain equipment
which have been installed operate along with that some very important information
is also briefed by the project manager for example the project manager for
“Brickson Construction has to inform owner of the house how the stoves, ovens,
point of sale software’s world along with that he also has to brief the owners about
the fire exit plan, location of the fire extinguisher, location of the electricity board

Accounting/Report Writing

The project manager in this stage of the project life cycle is supposed to generate
accounting statement like Cash Flow Statement, Profit and Loss Statement in order
to assess the amount of finances used versus the amount of finances which were
used it is recommended that the project manager tries to stick to the budget or
even try to use lower finances than planned in order to save money in the project
however it is strictly advised that the project manager doesn’t exceed the set
budget for the project furthermore in this last stage of the PLC the project manager
is also required to calculate the payback period of the project which is 4 years for
“The Brickson Construction . lastly the project manager is also supposed to write a
report detailing all the activities which were performed, resources which were used
in the project and also he has to mention how many resources are left idle along
with that he has to write about the strengths and weaknesses of the project also
giving recommendations on what he would do differently to better the whole
process of work on a project in the future again. this helps the management
evaluate his performance and decide if they want to hire the same project manager
for the next project.

 P2: Expectations and Needs for Stakeholders at ‘The Brickson Construction ’

Stakeholder is an individual or group with a direct or indirect interest in the

performance of a business there are two types of stakeholder internal and external.
Internal stakeholders are directly linked to the business whereas external
stakeholders are indirectly linked to the business. Stakeholders are affected by
business decisions and even can affect the business

Internal Stakeholder’s for “The “The Brickson Construction””

owners are the control center of any Project they  can make any sort of decision and
it will be executed such as decisions of the type of wood used in the house . the
expectations from the owners is quite high as the project is their brain child,
expectations from the owner include  that they would provide optimum level of
resources to the house for it to be high quality , also  the owner of the restaurant is
also expected to meet corporate social responsibility of the house like giving funds
on time and also giving holidays to employees when needed so that a positive
image of the restaurant is portrayed in the market  On the other hand there are
certain needs of the owner  to complete the project without meeting those needs it
will nearly impossible for the project to see the light of the day these needs can
include finances for the house without them the restaurant can set up also
availability of trust worthy at managerial level so that the operations of the
construction run smoothly on account of the owners absence 

Project Manager 

Project Manager is the person overall responsible for the planning and execution of
the whole project he or she is first of all expected to analyze the feasibility of the
project before commencing work on the house    along with that he is also supposed
to manage any sort of problems which come while completing a project however for
a project manager to do his job efficiently the owner should meet his needs which
can include adequate level of remunerations and fringe benefits as it is a lot of work
therefore in order to keep the project manager motivated he should be well taken
care off along with that  the project manager should get an effective team to work
with to increase the effectiveness of the work being done on the project 

Financial Analyst                                         

Financial Analyst analyze the micro and macro business environment based on that
they give recommendations to the construction of the house they are also expected
to be at ease with using technology as a financial analyst is expected to make
financial statement for the house electronically along with that as financial analyst
they are expected to have fluent communication skills as they have to communicate
fluently with the owners  on the other hand they need a sense of motivation from
the owner to work efficiently as a financial advisors job is very difficult to do lastly
financial analyst need accounting and computing softwires in order to generate
accounting statements for record keeping basis.

Construction Workers 

 The Construction Workers are the true assets of a project . They are the ones who
contribute effectively towards the successful functioning of a project they are
expected effectively finish the tasks assigned to them by their seniors so that the
house is smoothly constructed , also they are expected to be loyal to the “The
Brickson Construction and not reveal their business secrets to the industry
competitors i.e.Skanska UK, Mitie etc. whereas the owners  should meet
their  needs which can include adequate level of remunerations and fringe benefits
as it is a lot of work therefore in order to keep the workers motivated they should
be well taken care off this will also decrease the employee turnover rate of
employees because of which expenses will not have to be spend on recruitment and
training of new constructed workers . 

External Stakeholder’s for “The “The Brickson Construction”


Supplier is a person or business that provides a product or service to another

business, they are expected to provide the restaurants supply on time to avoid any
delays and customer dissatisfaction they are  also expected to give vital information
regarding trade to the owner of the house whereas to  utilize the suppliers

maximum potential their needs should be met which include timely payment of
dues and they also required  long contacts to develop good relations with the
business as job safety is a must for suppliers in today’s business world 


The government collects taxes from the project , so it benefits the company’s
profits. It may invest taxes back in society. As a construction company , it can affect
the community in positive or negative ways. A government may provide jobs, and it
may contribute funds to local schools and community organizations. The
government needs the house owners to give tax along with that they also need the
project manager to not involve in any illegal  activity however they also expect the
house owners to fulfil  their corporate social responsibility i.e.give taxes etc. lastly
government wants construction companies to keep in mind building regulations in
mind i.e. the height of the house should be of a limited measurement in the
cantonment area in Pakistan etc. and they should ensure that they do not breach
such rules
(Health Knowledge, 2020)

M1: Impact of Stages of The Project Life Cycle on The Brickson

Project Life cycle is a structure of phases starting from the beginning of a project and ending at the
termination of a project, the project life cycle has 4 stages including Selection of project
Planning of project,
Project implementation and
Project completion and audit

During the first phase of the project life cycle the aims and objectives of the project are assessed
as set for example in the case of the construction of the house Brickson will determine objectives
such as that it should be a 2 story house with 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms and 1 kitchen along with
that feasibility study will also be conducted at this stage determining whether the said project is
feasible to be conducted factors like profitability and durability of the project are analyzed
moreover later on justification study is also conducted in which reasons for working on a project
are justified such as the amount of profit, the increase in repute in the market due to getting the
project done lastly Brickson will also assess whether they are able to meet the requirements of
the project ? do they have enough resources to meet the needs of the project if the answer is
positive then the go ahead to do the project is given thus a project manager is also appointed at
this point if not done already

Moreover in the second phase of the project life cycle which is known as the planning stage
Individual tasks are planned for the project such as the resources needed to complete the projects
for example wood architect and a lifter moreover deadlines of the project are also set to ensure
efficiency in the work done on the project the timeline given to complete the house to Brickson
construction is 40 weeks along with that at this stage budget also needs to be set so that Brickson
doesn’t fluctuate from the set budget therefore the budget set for Brickson to make the given
house is £100000. moreover, at this stage risk management also takes place as proactive approach
is taken by the Brickson construction to minimize risks , risks which could occur in construction of
a house are strategic risks, financial risks i.e. shortage of money etc.
Thirdly the third stage of stage of project life cycle is the excavation stage in which after the
planning of the project the project plan needs to be executed meaning all the activities need to be
performed which were decided for example plumbing activities etc. all these activities also need to
be monitored using monitoring systems such as Gantt Charts and Critical Path analysis etc. and any
loopholes which are found need to be remedied at this point in time

Lastly in the last stage of project completion and audit it is assessed whether the objectives have
been met which were planned initially also the quality of the project is measured at this point
using different quality frameworks such as Six Sigma framework or total quality management
along with that the finances of the project i.e. a house is also monitored and it is rendered
whether the project had met their budgetary goals or not lastly recommendations on how to
improve the whole procedure of project management in the future

(Staff, 2020)

Task Two

P4/M2/D2: Different Methods of Monitoring Projects

1). The Brickson Construction

It is essential for every project manager to control and monitor their projects
performance in order to meet the desired objectives however as project management
involves many facets which the project manager has to monitor therefore it can be
realistically impossible to monitor the performance of the team manually therefore
project managers for different projects like The Brickson Construction stick to
multiple tools to effectively manage the performance of the project, examples

Gantt Chart 

“A Gantt chart is a useful graphical tool which shows activities or tasks performed
against time. It is also known as visual presentation of a project where the activities
are broken down and displayed on a chart which makes it is easy to understand and

The Project manager for the house can use this tool to plan out his whole project
schedule in a more picturesque method in order to impress the investors moreover he
can hand over the chart to all the parties involved and make their schedules based on
that so it’s easier for them to figure out when their presence is needed 

As already mentioned the Gantt chart helps the project manager to evaluate whether
the team is deviating from their schedule or are they still on track above is an

Figure 9: Gantt Chart, The Brickson Construction, (Source, Author)

illustrative example of The Brickson Construction’s Gantt Chart;
The Gantt Chart is based on only 20 out of 40 Weeks since this analysis was made
almost halfway through the project. It illustrates that the houses project was on
schedule for the first two activities of the project in other words for the first 5 weeks
however the team lagged behind one week in completing activity C i.e. getting
approval of Map due to overanalyzing they facts which then created a ripple effect
on almost all the activities  in future they were each delayed by 3,4 weeks until
activity F i.e. obtaining advance payments it was a 3 week activity however due
combined efforts of the team it was completed in one week and other 2 weeks were
used to complete the left over work for activity E i.e. Resource Planning   therefore
with the help of a Gantt Chart the team responsible for The Brickson Construction
came back on track in terms of timescales in completing projects after a long

Critical Path Analysis 

“Critical path analysis (CPA) is a project management technique that requires

mapping out every key task that is necessary to complete a project. It includes
identifying the amount of time necessary to finish each activity and the dependencies
of each activity on any others.”

Critical Path Analysis proves to be a very useful tool for project managers for
instance the project manager for The Brickson Construction uses it to evaluate each
and every activity which needs to be done in order to make the project a success it
analyses how much time each activity requires to be completed but more so it also
evaluates the dependencies  (i.e. which activity needs a prerequisite activity to be
performed and which activity can be done independently) of each activities you  and
then plans the schedule accordingly for the work force. Following is the Critical Path
Analysis for The Brickson Construction

The diagram enlists the duration it will take to complete each activity more so it also
demonstrates that what activity needs to be done before or after another activity along
with that which activity can be done on its own.

Figure 10: Critical Path Analysis , The Brickson Construction, (Source, Author)

The diagram illustrates that activity A i.e. Visiting site of Project is an independent
activity however then Activity B through K  ( i.e. Drawing of Map to Fittings and
Fixtures ) are dependent activities each of them are dependent on their previous
activity but from activity L to O i.e. ( Plaster on Walls to Flooring ) are independent
activities lastly Activity P to Q i.e. ( Finishing to Disbanding)  are  dependent
activities on each other   

On a contrasting note performance of a startup business called “The Organic Coup” is

also monitored using the Gantt Chart and Critical Path Analysis and its evaluation is
as follows

“The Organic Coup”

It is essential for every project manager to control and monitor their projects
performance in order to meet the desired objectives however as project management
involves many facets which the project manager has to monitor therefore it can be
realistically impossible to monitor the performance of the team manually therefore
project managers for different projects like The Organic Coup stick to multiple tools
to effectively manage the performance of the project, examples include 

Gantt Chart 

The Project manager for the restaurant can use this tool to plan out his whole project
schedule in a more picturesque method in order to impress the investors moreover he
can hand over the chart to all the parties involved and make their schedules based on
that so it’s easier for them to figure out when their presence is needed 

As already mentioned the Gantt chart helps the project manager to evaluate whether
the team is deviating from their schedule or are they still on track below is an

illustrative example of The Organic Coup’s Gantt Chart;

  Figure 11: Gantt Chart, The Organic Coup, (Source, Author)
The Gantt Chart is based on only 20 out of 38 days since this analysis was made
almost halfway through the project. It illustrates that the restaurants project was on
schedule for the first two activities of the project in other words for the first 7 days
however the team lagged behind one day in completing activity C i.e. finalizing
Business ideas due to overanalyzing they facts which then created a ripple effect on
almost all the activities  in future they were each delayed by one day until activity F
i.e. Financing resources it was a 2 day activity however due combined efforts of the
team it was completed in one day and other day was used to complete the left over
one day’s work for activity E i.e. Budgeting  therefore with the help of a Gantt Chart
the team responsible for The Organic Coup came back on track in terms of timescales
in completing projects after a long deviation 

Critical Path Analysis 

Critical Path Analysis proves to be a very useful tool for project managers for
instance the project manager for The Organic Coup uses it to evaluate each and every
activity which needs to be done in order to make the project a success it analyses how
much time each activity requires to be completed but more so it also evaluates the
dependencies  (i.e. which activity needs a prerequisite activity to be performed and
which activity can be done independently) of each activities you  and then plans the
schedule accordingly for the work force. Following is the Critical Path Analysis for
The Organic Coup 

Figure 12: : Critical Path Analysis , The Organic Coup, (Source, Author)

The diagram enlists the duration it will take to complete each activity more so it also
demonstrates that what activity needs to be done before or after another activity along
with that which activity can be done on its own. 

The diagram illustrates that activity A i.e. Conducting Market Research is an

independent activity however then Activity B through G  ( i.e. Analysis of Market
Research to Arrangement of finances) are dependent activities each of them are
dependent on their previous activity but from activity H to K i.e. ( Purchasing of
Physical resources to Marketing and promotion ) are independent activities lastly
Activity L to N i.e. ( Getting feedback from stakeholders to
Disbanding)  are  dependent activities on each other   

Conclusively, Gantt Charts and critical path analysis enable the project managers of
contrasting projects i.e. The Organic Coup and The Brickson Construction to
efficiently and effectively complete the projects without wasting Time, Finances and
Resources of the investor thus making a good name for themselves in the market.


P5: Reasons for Projects to Fail

It is unnatural  for a project manager to not face problems while managing complex

projects like “The Brickson Construction , however it is essential for the project
manager to find a way around the problem in order to efficiently finish a project on
time, some of the examples  of a problem which a project manager can face are 

Poorly Defined Goals 

One of the biggest obstacle between a project manager and accomplishing the goals
for the project is poorly defined goals meaning that the project manager is not
confident about the objectives and expectations of the project therefore this may lead
to a poor outcome from the end of the project manager for instance the lack of
knowledge about the kind of house construction is may lead  the project manager to
make wrong decisions which might affect the outcome of the project in order to avoid
that the project manager for the company needs to make sure he has regular meeting
with his supervisor as well as the teams working for him so that there is no lack of
communication and everybody is on the same page thus reducing the chances of error
by a large margin. 

Impossible Deadlines 

Sometimes instances occur where the project manager’s supervisor gives him very
tight deadline to finish a time consuming  task for instance the project manager is
supposed to finish site visit for the house in 4 days instead of 1 scheduled week
which is near to impossible because this tasks requires a lot of detailing like taking
Measurements and Marking and if the project manager rushes at this stage the
quality of work will be hindered greatly therefore to avoid that he needs to have
dialogue with his supervisor explaining the situation in detail and asking for
extension, later on trying to make up for lost time in tasks where it is possible to rush
and get favorable outcomes    
Lack of accountability 

it usually means to not monitor the performance or actions of teams generally and
through specific tools like Gantt Chart Lack of Accountability may result in
Tardiness, a sloppy outcome by the team members in their work or disloyalty to the
employer in order to avoid all these problems the  project manager for the project
must have meetings with the whole crew with regular intervals to monitor their
performance also he should reprimand the team if he sees a problem with the
outcome or behavior of the team but on the other end of the spectrum he should also
reward the team for doing a good job to keep their Morales high. 

Resource Deprivation 

Resource Deprivation is when the project manager is not given enough resources to
complete the project which for sure lands the continuity of the project in hot waters
that is extremely worrisome for all the parties involved as a lot of blood and sweat
has been put into making the project successful for example if the project manager
for the The  Brickson Construction   is short on the number of equipment needed to
finish lenders of the house , the house can for sure not be operational to avoid that
the manager should make sure that he has made a contract with suppliers stating that
they should provide the resources by hook or by crook while they are in an a
agreement, also he should have reasonable amount of inventory to avoid delays in
situations where supply of resources is lacking behind due to justified reasons etc.   
P6: Reporting Methods used at “The Brickson Construction”

Reporting the performance of the team and project to the project manager and other
stakeholders such as the owner of the house is a vital step in project management
there are multiple methods of reporting the progress of the project like through
conducting presentations, instant communication through WhatsApp groups or
passing on recommendations through recommendation forms

Presentations are an effective way to communicate regarding the progression of the
project to a larger audience details of the project may include resources used,
activities remaining budgets etc. the advantage of presentations is that they can be
helpful when reporting or briefing a larger audience since a big number of people will
be communicated with the updates instantly however when a lot of audience is
present during presentations the concentration level of the team will fall resulting in
miscommunication and ultimately a bad outcome furthermore a WhatsApp group
feature can be used to instantly communicate between the team responsible for
making the house informing them important last minute schedule changes due to rain
etc.WhatsApp communication can turn out to be advantageous forBrickson
construction because the team responsible for constructing the house can also be
contacted for make-up work on weekends and informing of such a plan will be much
easier with using the tool of WhatsApp for communication however disadvantage of
using WhatsApp is that as it is a source of communication which requires
technological knowledge and not all the team member involved in the given project at
Brickson Construction are technology literate so if major type of communication is
done through WhatsApp that facet of employees will be left behind lagging hence
affecting the quality of work done at Brickson Projects. Lastly Recommendation
forms can be used by the team working at the project at Brickson Construction to
give feedback to the managerial staff to improve the quality of services provided in
the next project the advantage of using recommendation forms to give report is that
the recommendations can be used to enhance the quality of the services provided in
the future thus increasing profitability however in this day and age when everything
is associated with technology along with the world being so fast paced no employee
of Brickson Construction will have the time to give and fill recommendation forms
and at the same time in today’s time no one from the management will have the time
to fulfil the recommended measures in the company

M3: Importance of Achieving Project Outcomes within Agreed

Timescales, Resources and Budgets.

It is very important to meet the deadlines which are set for the project for Brickson
Construction because it will keep the satisfaction levels of the customers high and
they will be motivated to come back to Brickson Construction for future projects
along with that if projects are delayed it would result in more financial expenses
which would cause plethora of problems for the parties involved in the construction
of the house therefore it is very important for project managers to complete the
projects given to them in the set time scale. Moreover it is essential for managers to
make the products in the resources which are assigned to the project they are
recommended not to waste their resources as it might cause financial losses for the
project and may result in the project production being halted moreover if resources
are ordered in excess storage of resources can be a big hurdle for the project as more
than necessary storage space will incur more expenses for the management of
Brickson Construction , the resources required to build a house range from physical
to technological to human resources i.e. lifters, AC/Heaters, architects etc. therefore
management of resources say Brickson Construction should be at optimum levels
lastly budget is the amount of finances set for the given project for the construction of
the house the given budget is £1000 budget should be managed efficiently as if the
budget for the project is not managed efficiently it may cause delays in the project
due to unavailability of funds moreover it may also effect the satisfaction levels of
the home owners adversely prompting them to not come to Brickson Construction for
future projects hence effecting the profitability of Brickson Construction negatively
therefore budgetary levels of the Brickson Construction should be managed
efficiently to avoid problems in the future for the company


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Carysforth, C., Rawlinson, M. and Chadwick, A. (2006). Business & administration. Oxford:


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