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Past Simple Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Perfect

action which action in progress at a past action which emphasis on the
happened at a stated stated time in the past - occurred before duration of an
past time - действия, действие, которое another past action action which
произошедшие в происходило (было в процессе or before a specific started and
прошлом с указанием развития) в определенное time in the past - finished in the past
точного времени. время в прошлом. действие, которое before another past
She went to the gym at 7 He was playing tennis at 4:30 pm произошло action or a stated
o’clock. (Когда? В 7 часов) yesterday. (завершилось) перед time in the past -
другим прошедшим подчеркивается
past action in progress действием или до длительность
past actions which interrupted by another указанного времени. действия, которое
happened past action - действие, He had left by the time I началось и
immediately one after которое происходило в got there (or by 8:15 закончилось в
the other - прошлом и было прервано pm). прошлом перед
последовательные (одно другим действием (Past другим действием в
за другим) действия в Continuous - длительное прошлом (обычно с
прошлом. действие в развитии/процессе, since или for, how
She woke up, put some а Past Simple - краткое complete past long)
clothes on and ran out of действие, прервавшее action which had She had been working
the house. длительное действие). visible results in as a clerk for 10 years
While I was getting dressed the the past - before she resigned.
bell rang. при описании
past habits or states - результата действия,
повторяющиеся two or more simultaneous которое завершилось past action of
действия/привычки в past actions - два и более в прошлом. certain duration
прошлом (но не одновременных She was sad because which had visible
повторяются сейчас). (параллельных) действия в she had failed the test. results in the past -
We often travelled to прошлом (выполняются действие, которое
London when we were разными людьми). началось и
students. While I was sunbathing, Tim was закончилось в
swimming. прошлом и косвенные
background description результаты которого
to events in a story - очевидны в прошлом.
фоновые ситуации в рассказах They were wet because
и повествованиях they had been walking
She was flying to Paris. The sun in the rain.
was shining ...
+ Sub. + had + + Sub. + had been
+ Sub. + V(ed)2 + Sub. + was/ were + Ving V(ed)3 + Ving

? Did + sub. + V1 ? ? Was/ Were + Sub. + Ving? ? Had + sub. + ? Had + sub. +
V(ed)3 ? been + Ving ?
- Sub. + did not + V1 - Sub. + was/were not +
Ving - Sub. + had not + - Sub. + had not
V(ed)3 been + Ving
Time markers:
Time markers:
yesterday, yesterday Time markers:
before, after,
morning/evening, 2 before, till/until, for,
Time markers: already, just,
weeks/ a month ago, since, all
while, when, as till/until, when, by,
last week/month, then, morning/all day,
by the time, never,
just now, when, in how long
for, since, yet
1992...How long ago?

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