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Chapter Outline Learning Objectives 31. Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) 34.1.1 EDM Principle 31.1.2 EDM Applications 31.2 Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting (EDWC) 31.3 Small-Hole EDM Drilling 31.4 Electrochemical Machining (ECM) 31.0.1 Advantages of ECM 31.02 Disadvantages of ECM ‘After studying this chapter, you will be able to: ‘© Explain the advantages and disadvantages of the electromachining processes. Technical Terms dielectric fluid electrical discharge machining (EDM) electrical discharge wire cutting (EDWC) Describe electrical discharge machining, Explain electrical discharge wire cutting. Summarize the small-hole EDM drilling process. Describe electrochemical machining, electrochemical machining (ECM) electrode electromachining servomechanism smal-hole EDM drilling 534 mechanical forces have no influence on the processes. The tool is not in direct physical contact with the ‘material being removed, as in conventional machining tech- niques. Rather, electrical energy is applied to remove metal through erosion Electrical discharge machining and electrochemical machining are two electromachining processes that have made a great impact on the field of metalworking and machining, Notably, neither process produces chips as metal is removed. Instead, the particles are either vaporized ot reduced to microscopic particles. In order to be machined by either of these processes, the metals must be able to conduct electricity. T hhe most notable advantage of electromachining is that 31.1 Electrical Discharge Machining (EDM) Flectrical discharge machining (EDM) is @ process in ‘which material is eroded from a workpiece by an electvie are between the electrode and workpiece. This process can ‘work tough, hard, fragile, or heat sensitive metals, which are difficult to machine by conventional techniques, to elose tolerances. Die blanks, for example, can be worked after heat- treating, Figure 31-1. This eliminates the warping and dis- tortion that frequently occur when a finished die is heat- treated. Supethard metals can easly be worked to tolerances as close as 0.0002" (0,005 mm). Surface finishes can vary from very rough to almost mizror-smooth. “Washed-out" (orn) dies can also be reworked in the heat-treated state Machining Fundamentals Figure 31-1. Die blanks, like this extrusion die used to produce storm windaw frames, can be machined by EDM after being heat-treated. The job can be done quickly, with no possibilty of dle warping, and at a considerable cost savings over traditional ‘machining techniques. 31.1.1 EDM Principle Ina gasoline engine, sparking (or arcing) occurs atthe spark plug gap when the ignition coil fires to ignite the fuel mixe ture. The spark plugs electrodes are gradually eroded by the action of the electric arcs. This isthe basis of EDM. See Figure 31-2, ‘An electrical discharge machine, Figure 31-3, the following parts: ‘+ The power supply provides direct current and con- trols voltage and frequency. tudes OTe ae eS ‘@ aa Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurs are people who start and run their own business, Many people decide to become entrepre- neurs because they enjoy working for themselves and creating their own schedule, Starting a business can Provide a great sense of accomplishment and sizable income. Many people begin working from home and advertising on the Intemet before renting an office or workspace. These businesses begin with very little ‘overhead or costs, such as rent and employees. Products and completed jobs are easily illustrated online. Most businesses iso use social media and customer ratings to help grow their business, ‘Working for yourself is hard work and sometimes risky. In addition to the work you receive from clients, you must also manage advertising, accounting, and all the other areas associated with a business. Hiring marketing agents and accountants can be costly and not feasible when you first begin a business. It is impor- tant that you gain some basic knowledge in these areas before beginning a business venture. If you are tempted to open your own business, perform adequate research and create a business pian with both short- and long-term goals. Contact other small business owners to gain insight and advice on what you need to make your business successful. Chapter 31. Electromachining Processes 9 eee cd Z ‘Suspended erosion products: ‘Molten electrode material ® Work Figure 31-2. The EDM process. A spark (or arc) from an, electrode causes the work to erode. Servomechanism ) Power supply Controls Dielectric fuid reservoir Figure 31-3. Electrical discharge machine. ‘+ The electrode, Figure 31-4, can be compared to the cutting tool on a conventional machine tool. Graph. ite has become the material most commonly used for EDM electrodes. Because of the dust produced wl machining graphite electrodes, machine tools with 535 Figure 31-4. Graphite electrodes. A—This graphite electrode has thin cutting areas. It would be difficult to machine them by conventional means. B—A graphite electrode with @ more complex shape. A probe is being used to check whether the electrode's shape meets specifications enclosed cutting zones and powerful suction systems have been developed, Figure 31-5. + The servomechanismt (drive unit) is used to accurately control electrode movement and to maintain the cor- rect distance between the work and the electrode as machining progresses. *# The dielectric utd, usually alight mineral oil, is used to form a nonconduetive barrier between the elec- trode and the work atthe arc gap. 536 Lot Main cine a Cn Figure 31-5. Machines for milling graphite electrodes must bbe environmentally clean. This CNC graphite mill has a totally enclosed cutting zone and a powerful suction system that contains, captures, and removes dust. ‘The setvomechanism maintains a thin gap of about 0.001” (0.025 mm) between the electrode and the work. The electrode and the work re submerged in the dielectric fl Figure 31-6. When the voltage across the gap becomes suf- ficient to cause the dielectric fluid to break dawn, a spark occurs. Each spark erodes only a tiny particle of metal, but since the sparking occurs 20,000 to 30,000 times per second, appreciable quantities of metal are removed In addition to providing a nonconductive barrier, the dielectric fluid also flushes particles from the gap, keeps the Diolectic fluid bath Workpiece Electrode holder AMT Acton or auton cray Figure 31-6. A thin gap separates the electrode and the work The dielectric fluid fils the gap and insulates the workpiece from the electrode Machining Fundamentals electrode and the work cool, and prevents fusion of the elee- trode with the workpiece. A filter removes particles from the fluid as it is recirculated through the machine. Roughing cuts are made at low voltage and low fre- quency, with high amperage and high capacitance providing opposition to any change in voltage. Finishing cuts require high voltage and high frequency, with low amperage and low capacitance. Hard metals erode ata much slower ratethan soft metals Since the electrode is also consumed, but at a much slower rate than the work, considerable savings can be achieved by making interchangeable electrodes for roughing, sizing, and finishing, Long runs may require several sets f electrodes. 31.1.2 EDM Applications The EDM process is used fora variety of tasks: ‘= Shaping carbide tools and dies ‘+ Machining complex shapes in hard, tough metals. ‘+ Machine applications in which the physical charae- teristics of the metal or its use make it impractical or very expensive to machine by conventional methods. + Eliminating tedious and expensive handwork in die making, The cavity produced in the metal isa mirror image ofthe electrode, Figure 31-7 * Drilling holes ranging in size from 0.0012" to 0.120" (0.3 mm to 3 mm) in diameter. They can be squat, rectangular, triangular, or round. Multiple holes can bbe the same time. Hardness isnot a factor as long as the material can conduct electricity 31.2 Electrical Discharge Wire Cutting (EDWC) Electrical discharge wire cutting (EDWC) isa cutting process similar to band machining, but it uses a small-diameter wire electrode instead of a saw. Like EDM, this process removes ‘material by spark erosion as the wire electrode is fed through the workpiece, Figure 31-8. The wire electrode is fed from a ‘spool over sapphire or diamond guides. A starter or thread- ing hole is required. Some machines start their own holes and thread the wire electrode automatically. A steady stream of dielectric fluid cools the electrode and the work. The wire electrode is used only once because it becomes warped or distorted after just one pass through the work. EDWC is well-suited for CNC applications and can pro- ‘duce dies, shaped carbide cutting tools, and punches in less than one-third of the time required by conventional meth- ‘ods. With EDWC, layers of sheet metal stacked up to 15” G81 mm) thick can be gang-cut to produce a number of parts in one pass. EDWC is also useful for cutting intricate shapes that would be difficult to machine by conventional methods, Figure 31-9, ‘Chapter 31. Electromachining Processes ‘eset Paar Figure 31-7. An EDM electrode must be an exact reversal or ‘mirror image of the cut to be made. Moving wite electrode Nozzles for dielectric fluid Work ‘Workpiece Sapphire movement or diamond ‘guide ata Pit Figure 31-8. Electrical discharge wire cutting (EDWWC) differs from EDM in that cuts are made with a fine, moving wire electrode instead of a solid electrode. This technique is ideal for CNC operations. 837 endures Pier Figure 31-9. Examples of work produced using EDWC. 31.3 Small-Hole EDM Drilling ‘The small-hole EDM drilling process operates on the same basic principle as the EDM and EDWC processes. In this process, a spinning, hollow electrode is brought close to the workpiece. High-pressure dielectri fluid is pumped through the center of the electrode and floods the small gap between the workpiece and the electrode. When sufficient voltage is built up, an arc jumps the gap, eroding metal from the work- piece. In addition to the high-pressure dielectric fluid pro- Vided through the electrode, nozzles can spray additional dielectric fluid on the cut. The additional fluid helps to clear and cool the cut area. See Figure 31-10. Small-hole EDM Arilling i often used to create the starter hole for EDWC. ‘Small-hole EDM drilling has certain advantages over other drilling processes. ‘+ It can drill holes in hardened metals. # It can be used to accurately drill holes on highly curved or angled surfaces that would be difficult to drill by mechanical means, Figure 31-11, because the electrode never comes into physical contact with the workpiece. + Itcan produce deep holes without the drift associated with mechanical drilling. *# There is no risk of breaking off a hardened drill bit, inside the hole. # The holes created by the EDM drilling process do not, require deburring, ‘The small-hole EDM drilling process also has some draw- backs. The electrodes are consumed at nearly the same rate that the hole is drilled. For larger-diameter holes, the drilling rate is slower than can be achieved by mechanical drilling. ‘A new or freshly dressed electrode must be used at the bot- tom of blind hole, or the bottom of the hole will not be flat. 538 Dielectric fluid nozzle i Rotating hollow electrode Electrode guide Figure 31-10. Small-hole EDM drilling in progress, Electrode guide Electrode guide Electrode A B Figure 31-11. Because the electrode never comes into physical Contact with the workpiece, small-hole EDM dailing can be Used to drill holes in areas that would be problematic for mechanical drilling. A—Driling a hole through the outer extents of a sphere, B—Drilling a tole trough an angled surface. Machining Fundamentals 31.4 Electrochemical Machining (ECM) Electrochemical machining (ECM) might be classified as electroplating in reverse. Like electroplating, the process requires DC electricity and a suitable electrolyte (an elec- trically conductive fluid). However, with ECM, the metal {is removed from the work rather than deposited onto it, Figure 31-12. Inother ways, ECM is similar to EDM, but thereare some significant differences. Fist, the fluid between the electrode and the workpiece is a conductive electrolyte rather than a dielectric fluid. As a result, there is no spark between the ‘workpiece and the electrode. Metal is removed through elec- trolysis rather than through spark erosion ‘The electrolyte for ECM is usually common salt (NaCl) mixed with water A stream of electrolyte is pumped at high pressure through a gap between the positively (4) changed work and the negatively (-) charged tool (electrode). ‘The ‘current passing through the gap removes material from the ‘work by electrolysis, duplicating the shape of the electrode tool as it advances into the metal. In some applications, tol cerances as close as 0.0004” (0,010 mm) can be maintained. The work is not touched by the took therefore, no fri tion, heat, sparking, or tool wear occur. The machined surface is free of burrs and, in some inatances, is highly pol- ished. The operation of the machine is unique in that the only sound heard isthe rush of liquid. Figure 31-12. The electrochemical machining (ECM) process, Chapter 31 Electromachining Processes 31.4.1 Advantages of ECM ECM offers many advantages: Metal is removed rapidly—up to 1 cubic inch per min- ute for every 10,000 amps of machining current. The kind of metal or its hardness does not affect the speed of material removal, with the exception of cast iron, which is machined by other processes ECM is accurate. Difficult shapes can be machined easily ‘The machined metal is stress-free ancl will not warp or spring out of shape when removed from the machine, ‘There is no tool wear, 539 + Several operations (milling, grinding, deburring, and polishing) often can be eliminated with ECM. ‘Advances are being made continually in ECM. The ability to produce highly complex shapes with simple tooling widens, the range of application for this machining process. 31.4.2 Disadvantages of ECM ECM also has some significant disadvantages: ‘+ Equipment and tooling costs are high. + The electrolyte i corrosive, «Extremely high voltage must be applied to the workpiece ‘heat-sensitive metals to close tolerances. Inthe EDM process, a dielectric fluid fills the gap between the electrode and the workpiece. When voltage builds to a sufficient level, it creates an arc between the electrode and the workpiece. This are erodes some metal from the workpiece ‘+ In electrical discharge wire cutting (EDWC), a small- diameter wire electrode removes material by spark eo: sion as itis fed through the workpiece. ‘+ Insmall-hole EDM drilling, a spark is created between the end of a hollow, rotating electrode and the workpiece. As the electrode is fed into the workpiece, it bores.a hole. © Electrochemical machining is similar to electroplating, but in reverse. Unlike EDM processes, electrochemical machining removes material by electrolysis rather than spark erosion, Review Questions Answer the following questions using the information provided in this chapter. 1. Unlike conventional machining processes, EDM does not produce as metal is removed. 2, EDM stands for__, 3, EDM can be used to work _, A metals that are too hard to be machined by conventional means B. nonconductive metals . conductive and insulating materials D, All of the above. E, None of the above, 540 ‘The __of an EDM machine maintains avery thin ‘gap of about 0.001" (0.025 mm) between the electrode and the work. 5. Explain the functions of the dielectric fluid used in EDM, 6. EDWC stands for 7. How does EDWC differ from EDM? 8. Small-hole EDM drilling uses a rot electrode. A. noneonductive B. hollow flexible D. case-hardened 9. Which of the following statements regarding small-hole EDM drilling is true? ‘A.A highly conductive electrolyte is used in the process, B, The electrode is in direct physical contact with the workpiece, C. The hole is created by arc erosion of the workpiece. D. All of the above. E, None of the above. 10. ECM stands for LL. ECMis similar to___in reverse. 12. Metals to be machined by EDM and ECM must be able to conduct metal is removed by. AA. the work is not touched by the tool B, there is no friction o heat generated . there is no tool wear D. All of the above. E, None of the above. 15, What are five advantages that ECM offers?

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