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2013-12-12 8.

2 Grammar Test No 2 Name: ________________________________

1. The Infinitive Perfect after modal auxiliaries

Complete the short dialogues by filling in the verbs in brackets in the infinitive perfect.
Ex.: A: I have had a bad toothache for two days.
B: You should __________ (go) to the dentist when it started.
B: You should have gone to the dentist when it started.

1.1. A: Paul had a severe (1) accident at the crossing last evening.
B: Paul ought to ______________________ (wait) until the lights were
green before crossing the street. ( __ / 1)
1.2. A: Did you hear that Taylor got the main role in the drama project?
B. Oh no! They cannot ____________________ (take) him! He's so stupid! ( __ / 1)
1.2. A: Amy, you are two hours late! You should ___________________ (call) me.
B: Sorry for that. I couldn't find my mobile. I must ___________________
(lose) it on my way home. (___/ 2)
1.3. A: Look at this beautiful painting! Only a very good artist can ______________
________________ (paint) such a picture.
B: Nonsense! A child of five could ______________________ (make)
it with his or her eyes shut. (___/ 2)
1.4. A: Oh no! We have run out of (2) gas (gasoline)!
B: You should________________________ (tell) me earlier. We might
_______________________ (get) gas at the last village. (___/ 2)

2. The passive infinitive (e. g. for expressing rules)

Reshape the sentences using the passive infinitive. Omit the by-agent.
Ex.: Tidy up the classrooms before leaving. - Classrooms should be tidied up before leaving.
2.1. You ought to water (3) cacti (4) once a week. ( ___ / 2)
2.2. You must not smoke cigarettes here. ( ___ / 2)
2.3. You should do all your homework as soon as possible. ( ___ / 2)
2.4. Do not throw balls inside the school building. ( ___ / 2)
2.5. Students may use mobiles near the school office. ( ___ / 2)

3. The passive infinitive after modal verbs (must, might....) and full verbs (expect, seem,
Fill in the passive infinitive of the verbs given in brackets.
After modal verbs : infinitive without to / After full verbs: infinitive with to
Ex.: Everybody who would like _________________ (give) the opportunity to take
part in the coming drama production can come to the audition next Thursday at 5 p. m.
Everybody who would like to be given the opportunity to take part in the coming drama
production can come to the audition next Thursday at 5 p. m.
3.1. Many students hope ____________________________________ (accept) to the crew. (__/ 1)
3.2. The accepted students expect ______________________________ (annouce) on the
information board next to the school office. (__/ 1)
3.3. Taylor hopes _______________________________ (not / refuse) (5) by the audition team. (__/ 1)
3.4. The scripts will ________________________________ (hand out) to all accepted
students in December. (__/ 1)
3.5. Mrs Hill would like _____________________________ (help) backstage by about
ten students. (__/ 1)

4. The gerund
Form sentences using the gerund with the help of the words given. Mind the tense given!
Sometimes the gerund is the subject, sometimes the object, depending on the verb given.
Attention: The order of the words is mixed up!

Ex.: Study English vocabulary - be fun Studying English vocabulary is fun.

4.1. play volleyball - my friend - be good at -
4.2. be fun - lose a game - never -
4.3. at the weekend - watch a film - we are looking forward to
4.4. be good - cycle (6) - for your health
4.5. watch TV - Peter - in the evening - be used to (7)
___________________________________________________________________ (__ / 10)

5. The gerund
Write 8 sentences. Combine one across verb or phrase with one down verb or phrase.
Use as many verbs and gerunds as possible. Use the across verbs as gerund forms.
Be careful: In some sentences the gerund is the subject, in some other sentences it is the object!

be tired of

be good at

be boring
be fun
be bad at

be great

expert atbe an

play the guitar

listen to music
tidy up one's / his / her room
bake cakes
write letters
talk English
fill in worksheets
go by bus
travel to other countries
study for tests

Ex.: We are tired of filling in work sheets.

(___ / 16)

6. Verb + object + present participle

Translate the sentences using the present participle and the verbs given in the brackets. Do
not use subordinate clauses (15)! Mind the tenses given in the brackets!
Ex.: Die Frau entschuldigte sich dafür, dass ihr Sohn das Fenster zerbrochen hatte.
(to apologize for) (past simple / present perfect)
The woman apologized for her son breaking (having broken) the window.
6.1 Die Lehrerin besteht darauf, dass die Schüler höflich zueinander sind (8). (to insist on) (present
6.2 Mrs Miller träumt (9) seit vielen Jahren (10) davon, dass ihre Schwester aus Amerika nach
Deutschland kommt. (to dream of) (present perfect progressive)
6.3 Unsere Nachbarn beschwerten sich gestern darüber (11), dass unser Hund eine Stunde lang (12)
gebellt hat. (to complain about) (past simple )
6.4 Tim hat es satt (13), dass seine große Schwester immer laute Musik in ihrem Zimmer hört.
(to be fed up with) (present simple)
(___ / 8)

7. The passive progressive

Change the following sentences into the passive. Mind the progressive forms and the tenses!
Please omit the by-agent.
Ex.: We were talking about Francis. - Francis was being talked about.
7.1 He was cleaning up the kitchen.
7.2 They are baking a cake.
7.3 Dad was writing letters.
7.4 They were not eating lunch.
7.5 Tom is feeding the guinea pigs (14).
(___ / 10)

(1) severe = schwer, schlimm (2) to run out of sth = etwas nicht mehr haben
(3) to water = wässern, gießen (4) cacti = Kakteen (5) to refuse = ablehnen
(6) to cycle = Radfahren (7) to be used to - gewöhnt sein an
(8) höflich zueinander sein - to be polite to each other / to treat each other politely
(9) träumen von - to dream of (10) seit vielen Jahren = for many years)
(11) sich beschweren über - to complain about
(12) eine Stunde lang - for one hour (13) etwas satt haben - to be fed up with
(14) guinea pig - Meerschweinchen (15) subordinate clause = Nebensatz

Point: _____ / 67

Grade: ___________ 2013-12-16 _______


62 - 67 56 - 61 44 - 55 31 - 43 15 - 30 0 - 14
1 2 3 4 5 6

1. The Infinitive Perfect after modal auxiliaries
Complete the short dialogues by filling in the verbs in brackets in the infinitive perfect.
1.1. A: Paul had a severe accident at the crossing last evening.
B: Paul ought to have waited until the lights were green before
crossing the street.
1.2. A: Did you hear that Taylor got the main role in the drama project?
B. Oh no! They cannot have taken him! He's so stupid!
1.2. A: Amy, you are two hours late! You should have called me.
B: Sorry for that. I couldn't find my mobile. I must have lost it on my way home.
1.3. A: Look at this beautiful painting! Only a very good artist can have painted such a picture.
B: Nonsense! A child of five could have made it with his or her eyes shut.
1.4. A: Oh no! We have run out of gas (gasoline)!
B: You should have told me earlier. We might have got gas at the last village.

2. The passive infinitive (e. g. for expressing rules)

Reshape the sentences using the passive infinitive. Omit the by-agent.
2.1. You ought to water (3) cacti (4) once a week. Cacti should be watered once a week.
2.2. You must not smoke cigarettes here. Cigarettes must not be smoked here.
2.3. You should do all your homework as soon as possible.
Your homework should be done as soon as possible.
2.4. Do not throw balls inside the school building. Balls must not be thrown inside the school building.
2.5. Students may use mobiles near the school office. Mobiles can/may be used near the school office.

3. The passive infinitive after modal verbs (must, might....) and full verbs (expect, seem,
Fill in the passive infinitive of the verbs given in brackets.
After modal verbs : infinitive without to / after full verbs: infinitive with to
3.1. Many students hope to be accepted to the crew.
3.2. The accepted students expect to be announced on the information board next to the school office.
3.3. Taylor hopes not to be refused by the audition team.
3.4. The scripts will be handed out to all accepted students in December.
3.5. Mrs Hill would like to be helped backstage by about ten students.

4. The gerund
Form sentences using the gerund with the help of the words given. Mind the tense given!
Sometimes the gerund is the subject, sometimes the object, depending on the verb given.
Sometimes the order of the words can be mixed up!
4.1. play volleyball - my friend - be good at - My friend is good at playing volleyball.
4.2. be fun - lose a game - never - Losing a game is never fun.
4.3. at the weekend - watch a film - we are looking forward to
We are looking forward to watching a film at the weekend.
4.4. be good - cycle (6) - for your health Cycling is good for your health.
4.5. watch TV - Peter - in the evening - be used to (7)
Peter is used to watching TV in the evening.

5. The gerund - possible solutions

Tom is an expert at playing the guitar. We love listening to music. Baking cakes is fun.
Going by bus is boring. Sam is good at talking English. Timmy hates tidying up his room.
My father is good at writing letters. Listening to music is great. We are tired of studying for tests.
travel(l)ing to other countries is great.

6. Verb + object + present participle

Translate the sentences using the present participle and the verbs given in the brackets. Do
not use subordinate clauses ! Mind the tenses given in the brackets!
6.1 Die Lehrerin besteht darauf, dass die Schüler höflich zueinander sind (8). (to insist on) (present
simple) The teacher insisted on the students being polite to each other / treating each other
6.2 Mrs Miller träumt (9) seit vielen Jahren (10) davon, dass ihre amerikanische Schwester nach
Deutschland kommt. (to dream of) (present perfect progressive)
Mrs Miller has been dreaming of her American sister coming to Germany.
6.3 Unsere Nachbarn beschwerten sich gestern darüber (11), dass unser Hund eine Stunde lang (12)
gebellt hat. (to complain about) (past simple )
Our neighbo(u)rs complained about our dog barking / having barked for one hour.
6.4 Tim hat es satt (13), dass seine große Schwester immer laute Musik in ihrem Zimmer hört.
(to be fed up with) (present simple)
Tim is fed up with his sister always listening to loud music in her room.

7. The passive progressive

Change the following sentences into the passive. Mind the progressive forms and the tenses!
Please omit the by-agent.
7.1 He was cleaning up the kitchen. The kitchen was being cleaned up.
7.2 They are baking a cake. A cake is being baked.
7.3 Dad was writing letters. Letters were being written.
7.4 They were not eating lunch. Lunch was not being eaten.
7.5 Tom is feeding the guinea pigs (14). The guinea pigs are being fed.

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