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Chapter: 4

Non-verbal communication

Meaning of Non-Verbal Communication:

Non-verbal communication is another kind of communication. It is less deliberate than verbal communication but it is
important in oral communication. Non-verbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending
and receiving wordless messages (mostly visuals) between people. It is the interpersonal process of sending and receiving information,
both intentionally and unintentionally, without using written or spoken language. It is all communication that occurs without words
(body movement, touch, signs, symbols, colors etc). For example: Non-verbal communication includes smile, wink, wave etc. All of
these communicate something without the use of oral or written language.

Classification of Non-verbal Communication:

1) Kinesics –body language
2) Proxemics –personal space language
3) Time language
4) Paralanguage
5) Physical context

1) Kinesics:
Kinesics is the study of the body’s physical movements. In other words, it is the way that body communicates without words
i.e. through various movements of its parts. It is the study of inner states of emotions as expressed through different parts of the body
and their physical movements.

a) Face and Eyes:

The face –particularly the eyes –tells what is happening within us. Face is the primary site for expressing our emotions. It
reveals both the type and the intensity of our feelings. Eyes are effective for:
 Indicating attention and interest
 Influencing others
 Regulating interaction and interest
 Establishing dominance

b) Gestures:
Gestures are the physical movements of arms, legs, hands, torso and head. To be sure, we can conclude that gestures tell us
something about people’s internal emotional states. Gestures are made relationally i.e. they are used not individually but in relation to
another person. Speaking and gesturing are linked as well. The game of charades proves that gesturing really works.

c) Body shape and posture:

The physical shapes of our bodies communicate to others. While encountering an unfamiliar situation, we become more
aware of body shape and posture.
There are three types of body shape:
 Ectomorph –thin, youthful & tall
 Mesomorph –strong, athletic, muscular & bony
 Endomorph –fat, round & soft

We have different postures in different situations such as:

 While meeting a closest friend
 While giving a presentation in class
 While giving a presentation to our boss

d) Appearance:
Appearance includes style, clothes, hair, jewelry, cosmetics and such. People respond to others on the basis of their physical
appearance. Appearance tells others how we want to be seen. Appearance has effect on perception that how would others perceive us
during the dramatic change. If we wear dresses formal and informal –people perceive us differently.

2) Proxemics:
The study of how we communicate with the space around us is known as Proxemics. Proxemics creates meaning in our mind
and in other’s mind. It studies the space around us how we arrange it and what we arrange in it. It is also known as ‘personal space
language’ because we maintain the amount of space we need and the amount of space we perceive around us according to needful
circumstances. This type of communication is influenced by a number of factors including social norms, situational factors,
personality characteristics and level of familiarity.
Some space maintained in this communication is as follows:
 Intimate –physical contact to 18 inches
 Personal –18 inches to 4 feet
 Social –4 feet to 12 feet
 Public –12 feet to range of eyesight and hearing

3) Time language:
Time language involves the meaning we give to time. That means how we communicate to others what time means to us. In
order to give meaning to time, we must perceive it, filter it and symbolize about it. Culture teaches us meaning of time. Time is very
important for North Americans, Germans and Japanese. North American culture teaches that being on time is a virtue. Try being late
for an appointment and see how others respond. Generally, when someone is late, we react negatively and when someone arrives
early, we see him/her as eager or aggressive. Businesses generally pay employees more for working overtime, weekends and holidays.

4) Paralanguage:
It is also known as paralinguistic. Of all the non-verbal communication types, it is the closest to actual verbal communication.
Paralanguage means how a person says something. Paralanguage involves the ‘how’ of a speaker’s voice rather than the ‘what’ of the
words. In paralanguage, we examine the sound of someone’s speech. Is it fast or slow? Is it high pitched or deep? Is it loud and
forceful or barely audible? Is it smooth or disjointed?

5) Physical context:
Physical context means the physical environment which is also the part of von-verbal communication because we get
meaning from our surroundings. Physical context in non-verbal communication refers to how color and layout/design communicate.
We give different meanings to different colors and to the different layouts/designs of our physical environment.

a) Color:
We all people have a ‘color language’. The effects of colors conclude that different colors are associated with different
moods and behaviors. The right color combinations can project appropriate feelings. Colors can create meanings in our mind. Black
and Gray convey negative feelings whereas Blue and Yellow convey positive feelings.

b) Layout and Design:

Layout and Design of our surroundings also communicate. The space arrangements of an office, the presence or absence of
carpeting, the layout of the desks & chairs and office size all tell something to us. We should be aware of them so that we can use this
part of our surroundings to contribute effectively to the success of our communication efforts.

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