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he responsibilities of government at all levels, national, provincial and local in

preventing and responding to disasters (The President of the Republic of Indonesia,

2007). Since 2008, the Indonesian government has a mandated agency responsible for

disaster management, namely the Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana (National

Disaster Management Agency, BNPB). It is a permanent agency designed to replace

the previous institution which was called National Disaster Management Coordinating

Board (Badan Koordinasi Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana, Bakornas PB). A more

detailed analysis of this institution will be presented in Chapter Six.

Development should be inclusive and civil society is considered a crucial

element. This element, which was categorised as community by the Disaster

Management Law, needs to be involved in post-disaster relief under the coordination

of the BNPB. Therefore, CSOs, and particularly religious ones, provide an alternative

to government agencies as the key actors in disaster relief. CSOs have been recognised

as important agencies in disaster relief in the Indonesian context, particularly after the

2004 tsunami. Their importance was further stated in the global Disaster Risk

Reduction (DRR) frameworks of Hyogo and Sendai (UNISDR, 2005, 2015). The

following sections highlight the significant contribution of CSOs in phases of disaster


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