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Weekly reflection:

Week 1
The first day we met our teacher Ms. Afra and she had given us the instructors about our micro teaching
and how many times we should teach and what we should do. The second day we start our teaching
sessions by introduce our self and plan who will teach and when, we create WhatsApp group to be
contacting with each other every day and this build a good relationship.
On the next days we start teaching and practice with each other and tell each other our feedbacks and
what we should to do to improve our lessons and our self and teaching strategy. Our feedbacks to each
other was good idea to develop the relationship and help each other with the lessons and teaching
Week 2
The second week was a busy week. We tried to teach every day and we did it with great effort and
exhaustion, and each of us had time to teach and each of us taught a different stage of study. We
learned from some good study methods and we used to help each other and give notes in every respect
and accept these notes. The lessons were fun, and we used sites Various classes for teaching, such as
Kahoot, Quizzes, and Padlet, and we ran our lessons on PowerPoint. We used our rules, and we try hard
to finish all the lessons on time, and we do a different activity.
Week 3
This week was our last week we planned to finish all our lessons and help each other with the tasks and
collect our information and evidence for our Weebly website. All of the girls were with me finish their
lessons and activities and they were happy of the achievements we did together. I did my last lesson in
this week with my colleagues and I build a self confidence during those days by teach and lesson to the
feedbacks and any comment about my teaching.
It was good experience using online teaching and it was fun and educational at the same time.

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