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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Division of Tanauan City
Trapiche 1, Tanauan City



At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) identify the theme of the poem,
b) respond on the different questions through cooperating in the class; and
c) value and appreciate the theme of the literary piece by relating bravery to them as a

At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
a) recognize the functions of modals,
b) give example of sentences with modals from the poem,
c) select the appropriate modals in a sentence; and
d) justify their idea on the idea presented through interpreting a quotation by Stephen


 LITERATURE: “Man of Earth” by Amador T. Daguio
 GRAMMAR: Modals
B. MATERIALS: Powerpoint Presentation, Laptop, Speaker, Chalk and Visual Aids
C. REFERENCES: English of the New Generation English-American Literature,
D. SKILLS: Critical analysis, Reading, and Poetry Appreciation
E. VALUING: Poetry, Flexibility, and Bravery



 Daily Routines
Let us start today’s session with a short (Bea will lead the prayer.)
prayer for guidance. Kindly lead the prayer Bea.
Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning Class!

Before you seat, kindly check the alignment

of your chairs and kindly pick up the pieces of
paper on the floor. If you are done, you may be
seated. None, Ma’am.

Class monitor, do we have any absentees

for today?

Thank you! I hope that you’ll maintain the Yesterday, we’ve discussed about modifiers.
perfect attendance. Well then, let us start the ball
rolling. A word or phrase that describes
B. REVIEW another word or group of words.

Who can recall or recap the lesson we had The two kinds of modifiers are the
yesterday? Yes Kenshee? misplaced and dangling modifier.

Thank you, Kenshee. Again, what a

modifier is?

So, a modifier can be an adjective or

adverb that modifies a noun or pronoun. And what (Students answers may vary.)
are the two kinds of modifier? Yes, Marian.

That’s right. Thank you, Marian. Yes, Ma’am.


(Students will watch the video.)
 Video Presentation
(Students answer may vary.)
As a student, what are the problems, trials
Ma’am the video is about being brave.
or hardships you’ve gone through or you’ve

Thank you for your sharing. All of us have

different problems and we faced it and solved it in
different ways, right? (Student answer may vary.)

So, for this morning let us watch this

motivational video clip entitled “Overcoming
Adversity”. Listen and watch it carefully. Is it clear,

Based from the video clip, what lines can
you recall or the lines that instill in your mind?
Thank you. Now, what is the video all
about? Yes, Ma’am.

A while ago, you’ve said that you faced

problems such as family, friends, financial and
even love problems and also you resolve it by
praying, crying and facing your fears. Based from
that experience, how will you define bravery?

Thank you for your answers. It’s a good

thing to have courage and bravery. We stand for
what we believe is right and elevate ourselves to
prove to someone that you can and you can do
that even others don’t believe in you. That’s why
we have the saying, “Try and try until you

 Unlocking of Difficulties
Now, take a look at the board, class. I
have here set of words with their corresponding
definition. What you are going to do is break the
code by finding the equivalent letter of the
alphabet that the numbers written inside the box
corresponds here on the given list. Just raise your
hands and I will call your name. Is it clear class?
Let’s proceed.
25 1 26 5 19 12

- able to move freely

Example: A pliant branch bent low with the weight

of ripe fruit.
The speaker of the poem is a novelist
6 20 26 10 16
and well-known fiction writer that depicts the
life of Filipinos.
- deep sadness

Example: Grief made him cry. The poem is addressed for the Filipinos
or to every one of us.
8 12 3 3 25
He want us to have the courage to face
- to bend down or over our problems. Even others push or tries to lower
us, we still stand. Bravery is a weapon we can
Example: She stooped to pick it. use to defend ourselves.

16 1 10 22 26 24 1 10 Ma’am the poem is about bravery.

- willing to change Ma’am because based from Mr. Daguio
lines that every time the wind blows the
Example: Flexible branches swaying in the breeze.
bamboo will just bend or stoop down, and from
this line we can conclude that a bamboo tree is
8 26 19
the best description of Filipinos.
- to commit an offense or fault

Example: Her sin cannot be forgive by the


(The example sentences on each number will be

given one by one upon breaking the code.) (Students do as told.)
(List of numbers with the corresponding letters are
at the separate paper.)

 Presentation of the Poem

We are going to encounter this words on

the poem by Amador T. Daguio entitled “Man of
(Student answer may vary.)
 Reading of the Poem
Let us have the poem of Mr. Daguio. I will (Student answer may vary.)
read first it and then it will be your turn.
Modals are special verbs that express
(Teacher will read the poem first and on special meanings. They are used to express
the second reading is the students.) conceived actions or events like possibilities,
potentialities, necessities, wishes or anything
So class, who is the speaker of the poem? that may or may not happen in the future.
Yes, Archelyn.

Thank you. And to whom he addressed the

poem? Yes Erika.

That’s right. Thank you, Erika. The author is  I will work hard for this project.
addressing his poem the Filipinos. And why do you  I thought I would be late.
think he is addressing it the Filipinos? For what
reason? Yes, Regine?
Ma’am will talks about future action and
would talks about the past.
Therefore, what is the highlights of our
poem? Yes, Hanna?
Very good , Hanna. So, why do you think Will – used for decisions of a person and
the author associates the word “bravery” to a to make promises.
bamboo tree instead of a narra tree?

Very well said. The author associates the But I will be a man.
word “bravery” to a bamboo tree because of the
characteristics of a bamboo. It will just bend but
never be broken.
Yes Ma’am.
 Modals
Thank you, Daniella. Again the poem is Can and Could – are used to express
about bravery. Now class, I want you to take a look ability, certainty, possibility and permission.
at sentences on the board. Altogether please read.
Bend me if you can.
 Sentences.
1. You must believe in yourself to finish it. Ma’am the speaker uses the function of
2. She can do that, I trust in her. ability.
3. Could you please set aside your fears?
4. We should be brave when times get tough.
5. Have courage, you will have that diploma as
long as you overcome everything. Example: If we don’t hurry we could be late.

Class, what have you noticed on the

underlined words? Anyone? Yes, Van.

Thank you. Any guess what is it? It is a

kind of verb. Yes, Jessa. Ma’am the attitude of the speaker in
both sentence are polite.
Thank you, Jessa. The underlined words
on the sentence are modals. They are special kinds Yes, Ma’am.
of verbs. Please read, Micko what modals is.
Shall and Should – to offer assistance
and polite suggestion.
Thank you, Micko. Therefore, modals
have no meaning by themselves, but they are used Example: Shall we begin.
to help other verbs to express meanings or
attitude to what we say. Modals have different
forms, which are: will and would, can and could, Ma’am the speaker is giving a polite
and shall and should and the only singular form suggestion.
Modals function in various ways. Let us
identify the function of our first modal which is
will and would by looking at the example in here.
Please read, Bianca.

Ma’am the two sentence are both

Thank you, Bianca. From the sentence, what expresses obligation.
have you observed or what is the attitude of the
speaker by using our modal will and would?
Anyone? Yes, Abegaila. Yes, Ma’am.

Very good. Would is the past tense of will Must – states necessity and high probability.
therefore would talks about the past. We use will
and would to express polite request/statement.
But, they have separate function though they are
partners. Please read the function of will,

Thank you, let us have example sentence

from the poem of Mr. Daguio. Anyone? Yes,

On that line from the poem, we can see that

the speaker is making a decision. Also, will
function is to offer something that he/she needs
to do. Now, would talks about hypothesis just like Yes, Ma’am.
in our first example. Is will and would functions Yes, Ma’am.
are clear?

Let us have the second paired modal can

and could. Kindly read, Regine.

Thank you. Now, find a sentence on the

poem where the modal can is used. Yes, Melissa.

That’s right. Can in the poem is used to

expressed what attitude or function? Anyone?
Yes, Carmela?

Very good. This line is expressing an ability.

Now, let us proceed to could which is the
counterpart of can. We use could to show that None, Ma’am.
something is possible in the future, but not
certain. Let us have an example of could. Please
read, Chyrel.
Thank you. In that sentence we can analyze
that the speaker is in the future action and not
sure about if they are going to be late. Now class,
take a look at this sentences.
Example: (Students will perform their task and will be
Can we go home now? graded based on a criteria.)
Could we go home now? (Students do as told.)
What have you observed on the attitude of
the speaker?

Now class, can you see the difference

between can and could when it is used in a
The author of the poem is Amador T. Daguio.
Now, let us proceed with shall and should.
Please read the function of it. Yes, Daphne. The poem is about bravery.

Thank you, Daphne. Here is an example of Modals are special verbs that express
shall. Please read, Betty. special meanings. They are used to express
conceived actions or events like possibilities,
Thank you, Betty. In this sentence the potentialities, necessities, wishes or anything
speaker is in future action and what do you think is that may or may not happen in the future.
the attitude of the speaker?
The modals that we’ve discussed are,
Thank you. Another example, like what can and could, will and would, shall and should,
McArthur says, “I shall return”, that suggest for and must.
upcoming action. Shall has its distinct function that
differs from should. Take a look at this sentences.
 The defendant shall pay a fine of 200 (Students do as told.)
 I should renew my driver’s license.
What have you noticed on the attitude of
the speaker? Yes, Marithel?

Very good. Both sentence are giving

obligation but the distinction between the two is
that shall states an obligation and should shows an
obligation. Can you see the difference?

And the last one, the modal must. Please

read it, Dimple.

Thank you, Dimple. Here is the example.

Example: I must call my parents tonight.
From this example, must expresses the
necessity of the speaker. Must differs from can, (Students will answer the given seatwork.)
because can states the possibility or there is a
small chance while must states high possibility
where the speaker is so sure of what he/she is
saying. Let us see its difference using can and must
in a sentence.
 It can cost more than a dollar or
two. Yes, Ma’am.
 That looks very expensive! It must
have cost a fortune.
The modal can is used to express the Direction: Make your own dialogue using the
possibility or just a chance and must is used to modals. Use the situation below.
express the sureness of the speaker. Is the Situation: You and your friends are at your
difference clear? home. It is midnight and you hear a noise. You
Are modals clear to you, class? will discuss the noise. What
may/might/must/can be the cause? What
d) APPLICATION: should be done?
None Ma’am.
So, I have here five colorful envelopes. I
will divide you into five groups, this will be the
group 1, group 2, group 3, group 4 and group 5
(groupings are per row). Now, I will give each
group one envelope and inside of it is your
assigned task.
(Each group will read their given task upon
receiving the envelope.)

So, be guided by our criteria.

Goodbye, Ma’am.
Content/Use of Language – 12
Delivery – 8
Creativity – 5
Originality - 5
TOTAL : 30

Please form a circle with your groupmates

and begin working. You have 5 minutes to finish it
and another 5 minutes to perform it. Any

 Task:
 A tableau about the theme of the
 Make a poster about the theme of the
 Create a slogan about the theme using
the modals.
 Make a short advertisement about
bravery (the sentence should have
 Make a short telephone conversation
using modals in a sentence.

Okay class, please settle down and go back

to your proper seats.
(Teacher will announce their scores.)

Give yourselves a hooray clap for a job well


Again, to summarize our lesson for today,
who is the author of our poem? Yes, Nila.
Thank you, Nila. And the highlights of the
poem is? Yes, Daian.

Thank you, Daian. How about the modals,

what are modals again? Yes, Myca.

Thank you, Myca. What are the modals

we’ve discussed? Yes, Kenneth?

Thank you, Kenneth. Now, please get ½
crosswise of paper.

Answer the following sentences.

DIRECTION: Choose the BEST modals on each
1. Filipinos _______ (could, can) exhibit many
beautiful traits.
2. She looks pretty sick. I think she ________
(should, can) go to the doctor.
3. You’ve been driving all day. You _______ (must,
should) be exhausted!
4. Hey, I’m lost! _______ (should, can) you help
5. I _______ (could, shall) do that if I were you!
6. ______ (Will, Shall) we send the package by mail
or by express?
7. They ______ (must, may) be away for the
weekends but I’m not sure.
8. _______ (May, Can) you play the piano?
9. If I go to Laguna, I ______ (would, will) see her.
10. I think you ______ (should, can) take the train.

(Checking of papers.)

Now, for your assignment, I have here a
bamboo vase with sticks in it. You will pick one
stick where your assignment is pasted. What you
are going to do is write a dialogue using the
modals we’ve discussed in a one whole sheet of
paper. Is the instruction clear?
First row kindly get your sticks (the
process continuous until the last row).
Please read the situation, Shairene.

Thank you. Any questions about the



If there’s none, let me leave you a

quotation by Stephen King from his work On
writing: A Memoir of the Craft. Altogether, please

“You can, you should, and if you’re brave

enough to start, you will.” 

Saying that every one of us have the

capacity to start everything on our feet. We can
conquer our greatest fear by having a courage.
Goodbye, Gallileo!
Prepared by:

Practice Teacher, Grade 9

Checked by:

Cooperating Teacher, Grade 9

Noted by:

English Coordinator

Approved by:


Man of Earth
Amador T. Daguio

Pliant is the bamboo,

I am a man of earth;
They say that from the bamboo
We had our first birth.
Am I of the body,
or of the green leaf?
Do I have to whisper
my every grief sin and grief?

If the wind passes by

Must I stoop and try
To measures fully
My flexibility?

I might have been the bamboo,

But I will be a man.
Bend me then, O Lord,
Bend me if you can.
10-E7-J3-O12-T 18-D26-I19-N8-S 4-C23-H11-M20-R 24-B6-G1-L9-Q 5-A16-F21-K25-P

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