Lesson Plan 7 Inspectie Def

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Lesson plan

Date: 28th of February 2019

Teacher: Drăgan Ionela Lia
School: Școala Gimnazială Dr. Ion Sîrbu Eftimie Murgu
Grade: 7th
Textbook: HighFlyer Intermediate Students’ Book, Ana Acevedo, Marisol Gower,
Topic: The Flood
Language skills: reading and writing
Classroom organization: T-Ss, Ss-Ss, groups
Aids: textbook, whiteboard, handouts, slips of paper
Aims: At the end of the lesson, students will be able :
- To use new vocabulary in writing;
- To answer the questions about the text;
- To generate their own opinions about the text;
- To recognize new words’ synonyms in the text.

Stages Activity Timing

1.Lead -in The teacher greets the students and ask them how 7 min.
they feel. She checks the absents and their
Teacher announces students that they will play
Slow Reveal game. Teacher starts drawing an
image with two flooded houses, water and a rowing
boat, but only one line of it. Teacher adds the next
line and encourages guesses, she doing this until
eventually a students guesses the lesson. Teacher
writes the title on the board and students in their

2.Pre-reading Teacher makes a list of words that appear in the 13 min.

text that students need to know in order to
understand the text. Teacher writes simple
definitions for the words and cuts them up on
individual slips of paper. Students are divided into
three groups. Teacher gives each group three
words they need to understand. She puts the nine
definitions around the classroom. One student from
each group has to go and find the correct
definition. The student brings it over to the group
and they all write it down. When the group has all
the definitions, the students make new groups and
write down all the definitions. Teacher checks that
all students understand all the words.
Teacher gives each group some paragraphs from
the text. Students have to order them so as they
have a meaning. Win the group that finishes first
and whose order is correct.

Reading and Students read the lesson and answer the following 23 min
practicing the sentences:
vocabulary 1. What did Lucy decide to do to save all her
mother’s data?
2. At first, why couldn’t she do this?
3. How did Tom help?
4. How bad is the flood now?
5. Why can’t Tom and Lucy leave the house?
6. Do you think Tom and Lucy will try to get
away, or will they spend all night in the
Wilsons’ house?
Teacher names a student to write on the board
each answer to these questions.
Students work on groups again. They have to write
two true and two false sentences about the text.
They give their sentences to another group who
has to decide which are true and which are false,
and correct the false one. Finally, they give their
answers to the original group to be corrected.

Extension/ Teacher gives students certain words which they 7 min.

Homework have to find their meaning in the text (synonyms or
definition). After finding their meaning, students
replace the words in the text with the synonyms
and make the necessary changes to the syntax
and grammar.
As homework, students have to write an ending (at
least 6 lines) to the story.
Text’s paragraphs :

Lucy has stayed behind in the flooded house to save her mother’s
computer data. How to you think she will manage to do this?
Lucy had gone straight to her mother’s computer. I’ll try to copy everything
onto a diskette, she thought. Then it won’t matter so much if the computer’s
ruined. She pressed the switch to turn the computer on. Nothing happened.

Oh, no! she thought. Dad has switched off the electricity and I don’t know
where to turn it on! Suddenly,she heard a splashing sound. Tom was bringing his
boat up to the door.

“Hello,” he said shyly.” I saw you in the house when I was getting into the
van. Why didn’t you go with the others?” “I’m trying to make Mum’s computer
work”, said Lucy. “All her customers’ details, the accounts, the address lists –
everything’s on it. If I don’t manage to save the data she’ll lose her whole
business. But I don’t know how to turn the electricity back on.”

“I do”, said Tom. “The switch in your house is in the same place as it is in
ours.” A few minutes later, the computer was working. “You’re a genius! Tom”,
said Lucy. “Now, let’s get started.”

Lucy worked as quickly as she could but it was no easy to find her way
around her mother’s computer. Tom watched anxiously. He could feel the water
rising up his legs. “There”, said Lucy at least. “I’ve done it.” “You’re a genius,
Lucy”, said Tom. “That was brilliant.”

“But I couldn’t have done it without you”, said Lucy. “Can you row us to the
school now? Our parents must be terribly worried about us.” Tom looked out of
the window. It was nearly dark. Every garden, road and path had disappeared
under the rising water. “I don’t think I can”, he said. “I’m worried we’ll get lost.
Everything looks so different. I think we’ll have to wait here till morning”.
List of unknow words:

Switch (noun)
– something like a button or a key that controls the electrical
supply to a light, piece of equipment.

Splashing (adj.)
– If a liquid splashes or if you splash a liquid, it fall on or hits something or

Anxiously (adv)
– in a worry and nervous manner

Rising up (verb)
– Come to the surface

Nearly (adv)
– very close to, almost, closely

Path (noun)
– a route or a track between one place and another, or the direction in which
something is moving.

Switch off (verb)

– to turn off (something) by pushing a button or moving a switch.

Shyly (adv)
– in a nervous or timid manner.

Data (noun)
– facts and statistics collected together for reference or analysis.

Find the meaning in text of the following words and replace the words from the
text with these ones: directly, the button, turn off, timidly, fast, almost, go to another
place (a wrong place).

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