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ACTIVITY 6- Evaluation

1. Complete the Nursing Care Plan

2. Determine if outcomes are Achieved, Partially Achieved or Not Achieved in the Evaluation column

REFERENCES: NANDA, Fundamentals of Nursing

Assessment Nursing Diagnosis Scientific Explanation Planning Nursing Interventions Rationale Evaluation
Subjective: Diarrhea related to Scientific Explanation Long term Independent Give rationale for
bacterial infection as must be written this outcomes Nursing Actions each intervention. It State Evaluation by
“3 araw na siya evidenced by 3x way. should be evidenced stating if
dumudumi ng watery stool (always start based…then write 1. Achieved =
basa” Ingestion of bacteria with the your reference. actual
As verbalized by (you can write 1-2 cues (Etiology)through food statement Ex Rationale: manifestati
the client here and other cues can and water may cause below) 1.Assess patients 1. This will on or
be written In the infection that lead to bowel frequency, provide base behavior
Objective: assessment column) Diarrhea (Problem) After nursing consistency and color line data of 2. Partially
that manifest interventions, of stool every the patients achieved +
-3x Water stool NOTE: Passage of watery the client will passage of stool bowel behavior
-cramping pain stool of 3 or more 2. Monitor patient functioning. manifested
PES 2.
over abdomen P+E+S/S than number of vital signs and bowel Ref____ 3. NOT
-hyperactive frequency and frequency and 2. Monitoring achieved +
bowel sounds abdominal pain (S/S).Short Term consistency every 4 of vital signs behavior
-urgency to void Outcomes hours wiil manifestati
Problem-Diarrhea Reference:__________ 1. 3. determine on
(note you can Etiology-bacterial 2. 4 the progress
write all infection NOTE: 5. of the Ex.
related/relevan S/S-3x watery stool 1.Use EPS 6. patient 1.The outcomes
t cues to the Etiology+Problem+S/S 7. Ref_____ are achieved.
problem here. etc Patient manifest
Just classify the Look back to your normal bowel
Subjective and Nursing Diagnosis functioning as
objective cues) manifested by
Ex. Collaborative Nursing defecation once a
infection Actions day of formed
Problem-Diarrhea 1.Refer to dietician for stool.
S/S/-3x watery stool and meal planning Ex.
abdominal pain etc 2. 2.The outcomes
3. are partially
achieved. Patient
manifest watery to
semi formed stool
at least 2x a day.

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