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Your Free Energy Report

Number 9
by Marie Diamond

Published and copyright by Marie Diamond 2019


Welcome to your Free Energy Report. I wrote this Free Report to

support your process of TRANSFORMATION.
It gives you tools to change your Law of Attraction results. It will not only
change your cash flow, your success, the way you will live your life,
connect with God/the Universe, but also what kind of health practices
that you will use. It will support you in the direction of your career. The
Law of Attraction is a personal experience and this Energy report will
help you to manifest faster and more effortless your dreams. This report
uses Diamond Feng Shui knowledge to activate 33.3% of your Law of
Attraction that you have been missing. By using your Home as a three
dimensional vision board, you will support your Mindset and manifest
your dreams with more ease.



Your Energy Archetype connected with Energy number 9 is called The

Healer. The essence of the Healer is: “You are open to new ideas and
new possibilities and perspectives. Money can create stress for your
health so make sure your accounts are in order. Do not become a hermit.
Enjoy the people around you. Music and dance will inspire your spiritual


Your personal Success Direction is EAST.
Your Transformation Experience
You love to work with other family members in your job and the people
you work with are like family to you. Having time with your family is your
ultimate purpose. You can be successful inventing new instruments and

new tools for body, mind, and soul. You enjoy working in historical
buildings or with ancient traditions. You are here to bridge the past with
the future. Just make sure you take time to enjoy nature and to avoid
working all the time. Your real passions need to become visible.

Connect with your Success Direction

When you are awake, face your Success direction, East. It is from the
East that your strongest Success energy flows. Your ability to attract
success increases greatly when you face towards the East direction while
you are working, sitting at your desk, and looking at your computer screen
and when meeting with people, negotiating, and signing contracts. It
would be even better if you could also sleep with the top of your head
towards the East Direction.

It is best if you have a compass and carry it with you to be sure, you are
facing the proper direction. You will realize opportunities faster when you
are looking towards the East, towards your greatest source of Success
energy. East is between 67.5 and 112.5 degrees on the compass.

Stand in the center of the room you wish to activate and find out with your
compass where your success direction is. Hold the compass in your hand
on heart level. Do not put it on the ground and too close to other electrical
items like a computer.

Activate your Success Direction

For great success, you need to activate the East area in 3 places:

- Professional success is focused in the East area of your office.

- Personal success is focused in the East area of your living room or
family room.
- Romantic success is focused in the East area of your bedroom.

Next, examine the East area of your office, living room, or bedroom. Do
the items, furniture, paintings, and colors. Example, if you have a vase
with dead flowers, is this representative of an exceptional career?
Make sure there are no garbage cans or clutter in the East because these
block the flow of energy or symbolically put your success in the garbage.
Use objects, images and items that represent Success in your work and
place them in your workspace.
Use objects, images and items that represent Success in your family and
place them in your living room/family room.
Use objects, images and items that represent Success in your personal
romantic life and place them in your bedroom.
Extra Tip: Place a ROYAL BLUE and GOLDEN item your Success

Your Personal Health Direction: SOUTHEAST

Your Transformation Experience
Your health is your great fortune. Always take special care of your
skeletal structure. Visit your osteopath or chiropractor regularly. Your
health is challenged by too much stress about finances. Playing golf is
great for your health because being in nature and handling the long golf
clubs are stimulating to you. Walking in nature is also great for you.

Connect with your Health Direction

Sleep or rest with the top of your head towards your health direction,
Southeast, or when you are awake, sitting in your office or in your dining
room face your health direction. Your energy level will increase when you
sleep with the crown of your head towards this direction; arrange your
bed so you can do so. If you lie on your couch when you are ill, also make
sure the top of your head faces the Southeast. When you sit up, face this
direction. Southeast is between 112.5 and 157.5 degrees. Hold the
compass at the foot end of your bed or couch to determine which direction
your head will point towards.

Activate your Health Direction

To create the highest level of health you need to activate the Southeast
in 3 places:

- To stimulate energy for your health when you are working, place
Feng Shui activations in the Southeast area of your office. A healthy
person creates a healthy business.
- Place Feng Shui activations in the Southeast of your living or family
room so that during the daytime you are creating good energy.
- Place Feng Shui activations in the Southeast of your personal
bedroom to stimulate your health while sleeping.

Use your compass to determine the Southeast area in a room. You can
imagine the room is divided in eight pieces of a pie and you are looking
for the Southeast piece, between 112.5 and 157.5 degrees.
Next, examine the Southeast corner of your office, living room, or
bedroom. Do the items, furniture, paintings, and colors represent what
you wish to attract for health? For example, an image of a cactus could
attract a poor immune system, so it may not reflect the message you want
to send to the universe. Remove any clutter or garbage cans from the
Southeast, because they block the flow of energy, putting your health
symbolically in the garbage.

Use objects, images and items that represent Health in your work and
place them in the Southeast of your workspace.
Use objects, images and items that represent Health in your family and
place them in the Southeast of your living room/family room.
Use objects, images and items that represent Health in your personal
romantic life and place them in the Southeast of your bedroom.
Extra Tip: Place an EMERALD GREEN item in your Health Direction.

Your Personal Relationships Direction is NORTH

Your Transformation Experience
Certain loneliness may be a part of who you are. Even in a relationship,
you may still find yourself feeling alone, as though people do not
understand you. Walking with your partner and friends at the beach will
help you communicate. Enjoy days at the spa together with your partner
to relax and feel romantic. You also need to have a romantic partner who
can understand your professional ambition and who walks the ambitious
road with you.

Connect with your Relationship Direction

Face or sleep towards your Relationship direction, North. Sleeping with
the crown of your head towards the North will help to attract good
relationships. Face North when you are in the office or attending business
meetings, dinners, or important conferences and you will be much more
successful with sales and marketing. Your clients will adore you. North is
between 337.5 and 22.5 degrees on the compass.
Activate your Relationship Direction
To create the best relationships, activate the North in 3 places:

- For excellent professional relationships: focus on the North area of
your office.
- For family relationships, it is best to focus on the North area of your
family or living room.
- To stimulate your personal relationship direction focus on the North
of your bedroom.

You can imagine the room is divided in eight pieces of a pie and you are
looking for the North area between 337.5 and 22.5 degrees on the
compass. Next, examine the North area of your office, living room, or
bedroom. Do the items, furniture, paintings, and colors represent what
you wish to attract in your relationships? For example, is an image of
someone dancing alone in the rain representative of passion in your
relationship? Remove any clutter or garbage cans from the North,
because they block the flow of energy, putting your relationship luck
symbolically in the garbage.
Use objects, images and items that represent Professional Relationships
in your work and place them in the North of your workspace.
Use objects, images and items that represent Personal and Family
Relationships and place them in the North of your living room/family
Use objects, images and items that represent Romantic Relationships in
your personal romantic life and place them in the North of your bedroom.
Extra Tip: Place a ROSE item in your Relationship Direction.
Your Personal Wisdom Direction is SOUTH
Your Transformation Experience
Your spiritual or religious life can best be expressed by singing and
dancing, Gratitude for life will be part of your spiritual journey. Self-

esteem seminars are great for you. Connecting with saints or masters is
part of your life. You need to learn that you don’t have to be so dependent
on sources outside of yourself, and that you can believe and accept your
inner voice and accept the power of the God/the Universe within.
Connect with your Wisdom Direction
When seeking knowledge or spiritual awareness, face your Wisdom
direction, South. Your strongest Wisdom energy flows from the South.
This is your direction to connect with God or the Universe. You will attract
greater wisdom and knowledge if you face, South while you are studying
at your desk and meditating or praying. South is between 157.5 and
202.5 degrees on the compass.
Activate your wisdom Direction
Stimulate your professional wisdom by placing Feng Shui activations in
the South area of your office.
Stimulate your social wisdom by placing Feng Shui activations in the
South of your living or family room.
Stimulate your nightly insights by placing Feng Shui activations in the
South of your bedroom.
Use your compass to determine the South area in a room. You can
imagine the room divided in eight pieces of a pie and you are looking for
the South area between 157.5 and 202.5 degrees on the compass. Next,
examine the South area of your office, living room, or bedroom. Do the
items, furniture, paintings, and colors represent what you wish to attract
for wisdom? For example, an image of a blocked road shows the universe
that you do not open yourself to new insights, so it may not reflect the
message you want to send to the universe. Remove any clutter or
garbage cans from the South, because they block the flow of energy,
putting your wisdom symbolically in the garbage.

Use objects, images and items that represent Wisdom in your work and
place them in the South of your workspace.
Use objects, images and items that represent Wisdom in your family and
place them in the South of your living room/family room.
Use objects, images and items that represent Wisdom in your personal
romantic life and place them in the South of your bedroom.
Extra Tip: Place a YELLOW item in your Wisdom Direction.

I hope that this Free Energy Report has inspired you to take action to
transform your Success, Health, Relations and Wisdom.
With Love, Marie Diamond


Find out more about the Energy Number System and learn:
- Colors for your Energy number
- Objects that you can use to activate your different good directions
- Famous people that have your Energy Number
- Practices to enhance your Success, Health, Relationships and
- How to make your Vision Board based on your Energy Number
Hard copy Book. Copy this link to your browser to purchase:

E-Book Version. Copy this link to your browser to purchase:


Learn about the 24 Transformation Principles for Success, Health,
Relationships and Wisdom. Each of the principles is supported by Inner
Transformation exercises and Feng Shui activations.
Hard copy Book. Copy this link to your browser to purchase:
E-Book Version. Copy this link to your browser to purchase:


Need some guidance? My Diamond Life Coaches can support you in
manifesting your goals and using the Law of Attraction in the best way.
Go to and sign up today!


Facebook: @mariediamondfans
Twitter: @mariediamond888
Instagram: Mariediamond8
YouTube: MarieDiamond
LinkedIn: MarieDiamond

Marie Diamond is one of the world’s top transformational leaders,
speakers, and internationally bestselling authors. A renowned voice on
Law of Attraction, Feng Shui, and Dowsing, Marie Diamond is the creator
of the Diamond Feng Shui, Diamond Dowsing, and Inner Diamond
Meditation Programs. A 'seer' in a modern context, Marie was the only
European star featured in the worldwide phenomenon The Secret.
Marie merges her profound intuitive knowledge of Energy and the Law of
Attraction, with her extensive studies of Quantum Physics, Meditation,
Feng Shui, and Dowsing to transform the success, financial situations,
relationships, motivations, and inspirations of individuals, organizations,
and corporations.
Marie is a Founding Member of the Global Transformational Leadership
Council and is both Founder and President of the Association of
Transformational Leaders of Europe. Marie has established a world-class
reputation for transforming the success, health, relationships, and
spiritual wisdom for millions of people. She is someone that thousands of
entrepreneurs, businesses, and corporations turn to for unique insights
and guidance with branding, marketing, and business decisions.
For more information, email to
This E-Book is copyrighted. No reproduction in whatever form without
permission. All rights reserved.


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