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SBBU Guesthouse Online Reservation System


(An online Rooms booking application)

Submitted by
Wajid Ali Khan, Yasir Khan
Sayed Jawad

Supervised by
Mr. Mahmood Khan
Assistant Professor

Bachelor of Computer Science,

Shaheed Benazir Bhutto University Sheringal Dir Upper, KPK
Session 2015-2019

Project Approval
We hereby recommend that the project entitled SBBU Guesthouse Online Reservation System
has been accepted from the Department of Computer Science, Shaheed Benazir Bhutto
University Sheringal Main Campus as fulfilling the requirement for the degree of BS(Hons).

External Examiner

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Remarks: ___________________________________________________________

Internal Examiner

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Remarks: __________________________________________________________

Head OF Department

Name: _____________________________________________________________

Signature: __________________________________________________________

Remarks: __________________________________________________________

Dedicated to our most favorite and beloved personality our prophet Muhammad (PBUH), and
dedicated to our honorable parents, uncles, brother and respected teachers.


First and foremost, We would like to thank ALLAH Almighty, who gave us the courage and
ability to continue our education. We offer our countless salutation upon the holy prophet
Muhammad (Peace be upon Him) the entire source of guidance for the humanity as a whole

We would like to express our more sincere gratitude to our supervisor Mr. Mahmood Khan,
Assistant Professor for his support, encouragement and guidance through every step of this
project. Working with him has been a true privilege and a great experience for us. It has been a
real honor for us to work under his supervision.

We want to appreciate all the teachers of the Department of Computer Science, Shaheed Benazir
Bhutto University Sheringal. They taught us during our course work, by delivering their precious
and valuable thoughts, and built our concept.

We would like to thank my father, mother, uncles, brother and sisters whose efforts, support,
love, guidance and prayers made it possible for us to complete our graduation and this project.


The primary goal of the project is to create an application (Online reservation management
system) that allows users to book rooms online through this application in SBBU Guesthouses.
The main goal of this project is online booking of rooms in while sitting at home.

There exist some customized and general online hotel booking applications, and we want to
make a similar application for our university Guest house using XAMP server, HTML, CSS,
java script, PHP etc.

Online booking management is an online internet site where the customer can book rooms online
via an internet browser. The rooms are categorized based on their properties such as Basic,
Secondary and Luxury. This application divided into two portions front end for users booking
and the back end for the administrator to assign rooms to customers.

Table of Contents
1.2 Web application.................................................................................................................................1
1.3 Categories of web application............................................................................................................1
1.3.1 Document centric............................................................................................................................1
1.3.2 Interactive web application.............................................................................................................2
1.3.3 Transactional web application........................................................................................................2
1.3.4 Workflow web application..............................................................................................................2
1.3.5 Collaborative web application........................................................................................................2
1.3.6 Social web application....................................................................................................................2
1.3.7 Portal web application....................................................................................................................2
1.3.8 Ubiquitous web application............................................................................................................2
1.3.9 Semantic web application...............................................................................................................2
1.4 Existing system..................................................................................................................................3
1.4.1 Performance....................................................................................................................................3
1.4.2 Efficiency.......................................................................................................................................3
1.4.3 Control............................................................................................................................................3
1.4.4 Security...........................................................................................................................................3
1.4.5 Complex processing........................................................................................................................3
1.5 Proposed System................................................................................................................................3
1.5.1Advantages of the proposed system.................................................................................................4
1.6 Objectives..........................................................................................................................................4

TOOLS AND REQUIREMENT.............................................................................................................5
2.1 Requirements.....................................................................................................................................5
2.2 Functional requirements....................................................................................................................5
2.2.1 Registration.....................................................................................................................................5
2.2.2 Logging In......................................................................................................................................5

2.2.3 Room Reservation..........................................................................................................................5
2.2.4 Receptionist Access........................................................................................................................5
2.2.5 Manager Access..............................................................................................................................5
2.3 Non Functional Requirement.............................................................................................................6
2.3.1 Performance....................................................................................................................................6
2.3.2 Security Requirements....................................................................................................................6
2.3.3 Availability Requirements..............................................................................................................6
2.4 Software Attributes Accuracy............................................................................................................6
2.4.1 Efficiency.......................................................................................................................................6
2.4.2 Flexibility.......................................................................................................................................6
2.4.3 Integrity..........................................................................................................................................6
2.4.4 Portability.......................................................................................................................................6
2.4.5 Usability.........................................................................................................................................6
2.4.6 Testing............................................................................................................................................7
2.4.7 Changeable.....................................................................................................................................7
2.5 Tools used for Development............................................................................................................7
2.5.1 Client side technology....................................................................................................................7
2.5.2 Server Side Technology..................................................................................................................8
2.5.3 (HTML) Hypertext Markup Language...........................................................................................9
2.5.4 CSS.................................................................................................................................................9
2.5.5 MySQL Database...........................................................................................................................9
2.5.6 Connection of database with Laravel............................................................................................10
2.5.7 Apache..........................................................................................................................................10
2.5.8 XAMPP........................................................................................................................................11
2.5.9 PHP...............................................................................................................................................11
2.5.10 Adobe Photoshop........................................................................................................................11

CHAPTER- 3.........................................................................................................13
METHODOLOGIES AND DESIGN....................................................................................................13
3.1 Agile process...................................................................................................................................13
3.1.1 Agile software development principles.........................................................................................13
3.1.2 Agile model process.....................................................................................................................14
3.2 Flow Chart.......................................................................................................................................15

3.2.1 Types of flow charts.....................................................................................................................15
3.3 Data flow diagram (DFD)................................................................................................................16
3.3.1 The advantages of data flow diagram...........................................................................................17
3.3.2 Types of data flow diagram..........................................................................................................17
3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)................................................................................................19
3.5 Key..................................................................................................................................................20
3.5.1 Types of key.................................................................................................................................20
3.6 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of SBBU-GORS.....................................................................21

RESULT AND DISCUSSION..............................................................................................................24
4.2 Use-case Scenarios..........................................................................................................................25
4.2.1 User Authentication Module.........................................................................................................25
4.2.2 Front office module......................................................................................................................25
4.3 Web Application Testing.................................................................................................................26
4.3.1 Unit testing...................................................................................................................................26
4.3.2 Integration testing.........................................................................................................................26
4.3.3 User interface or System testing...................................................................................................26
4.3.4 Acceptance testing........................................................................................................................27

USER INTERFACE SYSTEM..............................................................................................................28
5.1 SBBU-GORS User Interface...........................................................................................................28
5.2 Front end..........................................................................................................................................28
5.2.1 Front page.....................................................................................................................................28
5.2.2 Room type page............................................................................................................................29
5.2.3 About page....................................................................................................................................30
5.2.4 Our services page..........................................................................................................................30
5.2.5 Footer page...................................................................................................................................31
5.3 Back end..........................................................................................................................................32
5.3.1 Admin Login page........................................................................................................................32
5.3.2 Dashboard statistic page...............................................................................................................33
5.3.3 Monthly reservation page.............................................................................................................34
5.3.4 Create room page..........................................................................................................................34
5.3.5 Guest houses page.........................................................................................................................35

SUMMARY AND CONCLUSION.......................................................................................................36
6.1 Summary.........................................................................................................................................36
6.2 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................36
6.3 Achievements..................................................................................................................................37
6.4 Future Works...................................................................................................................................37
6.5 Summary of chapters.......................................................................................................................38



1.1 Introduction
The time is most important factor for the business people, but in this busy life people also
want to visit different and beautiful places and enjoying their lives, so Guest houses are generally
considered the ideal places for guest to stay. They have the privacy as well as the basics, and
spend as much time as they want in these Guest houses. Now a day’s online booking in hotels on
internet is common, people are booking the room in hotels online while sitting at their homes,
online booking save their precious time. Therefore we developed a SBBU Guesthouse Online
Reservation System (SBBU-GORS) for the business people. SBBU-GORS provides us to
reserve rooms in a guesthouse/hotel also allows to check whether the rooms are filled or not by
using online browsing. SBBU-GORS reduces both delay time and faults in bills of the customer
expenses. In this application we also include the amenities for customers. SBBU-GORS provides
high level of reliability and security. SBBU-GORS’s reservation module first anticipates the
demand and then manages how to meet the demand when it occurs. The reservation module
ensures whether the space is available or not during booking.

1.2 Web application

Web application is software which is based on the technologies and standards of the w3c
that delivers web specific resources and contents through user interface display on the web
browser. We categorize the web application on the basis of their development history and the
degree of their complexity.

1.3 Categories of web application

1.3.1 Document centric

Web site is the forerunner to web application. Web pages are stored on the server that is
static html page. When client makes a request to server pages, the server sends these html pages

in response of the client’s request. These pages are updated manually using some respective
tools, which are very time consuming and difficult to maintain.

1.3.2 Interactive web application

It is the application which offers simple form of interactivity. Components like Radio
button and selection are used for interaction. Web pages are linked with one another and are
generated dynamically to the user input.

1.3.3 Transactional web application

Transaction web applications offer more interactivity. They provide the user with an
ability of both read and update the contents of the web application.

1.3.4 Workflow web application

This type of application handles the workflow within or between various companies,
organizations, public authorities and private user.

1.3.5 Collaborative web application

Collaborative web applications support shared information and workflow.

1.3.6 Social web application

Social web application allows people to provide their identity to other communities of
similar interest.

1.3.7 Portal web application

Portal web application offers a single point of access to various sources of information
and services.

1.3.8 Ubiquitous web application

Ubiquitous web application provides customized services globally round the clock and
ideally for every device.

1.3.9 Semantic web application
The goal of semantic web is to represent the information both in human readable form
and in machine readable form.

1.4 Existing system

Currently there is no computerized/online system to uphold information about the
Guesthouse/hotel rooms, food service, billing etc. All these information are being stored
manually which is both time consuming and expensive. We found these and many other
problems/shortcomings in the existing system. Some of the problems/shortcomings are the

1.4.1 Performance
Existing system maintains all the data record in a manual fashion which is both time
consuming and prone to errors.

1.4.2 Efficiency
Efficiency is one of the basic characteristics of a website. When a new user submits
his/her details to the website it should be update automatically. This record should be useful for
the user on need basis.

1.4.3 Control
In the existing manual system everyone has access to the information, hence no provides
no control over the use of data.

1.4.4 Security
Security is the most important need for every organization. In the existing manual system
the security of information is too weak, therefore chances of losing information are too high.

1.4.5 Complex processing

To find a single specific record in the existing manual system we need to check all the
records for that specific user. Therefore it is difficult and time consuming process.

1.5 Proposed System
As we already know that online booking in Guesthouses/hotels is very common now a
day’s, and therefore we thoroughly studied some online booking hotels systems of different
countries and decide to develop SBBU-GORS system. Our SBBU-GORS system will mainly
provide the online booking of rooms for the guesthouse of the Shaheed Benazir Bhutto
University, Sheringal (SBBU). The front end of the proposed SBBU-GORS system is design
using HTML and CSS, while the back end is design using PHP and PHP my Admin The user
accessibility has been restricted to two zones that is the administrative and normal zone.

1.5.1Advantages of the proposed system

 Control
Only the authorized person can get the access control where the information integrity is
being maintained. Authorized is the one who has a registered username and password.
This much needed quality of information integrity was missing in the manual system.
 Authorization
Only the authorized person of SBBU-GORS can access/modify the information being
display to the users. This means an authorized person has given the username and
password to access the information. SBBU-GORS prevent an unauthorized user for
accessing the internal architecture of the system. The existing system was clearly missing
this facility.
 Security
Security is the most important key feature for an online system, and our proposed SBBU-
GORS provide high security.
 Easy Access
Using SBBU-GORS the user can easily book a room online while sitting at home.

1.6 Objectives
1. The Objective of the planned project is to create, improve and recommend a solution to
the problems in the manual system. To apply various technique and technologies to
solve these problems and achieve better results.

2. The project aims to present such system that is more user friendly in the various events
such as record updating, and maintenance.
3. The complete user information is stored in the database, not everyone can access these
information/data and only the authorized user can access to these information.
4. The main objective of the proposed SBBU-GORS is to automate the daily routine
processes of guesthouse/hotel, such as room activities, admission of a new user, billing
and booking etc.



2.1 Requirements
This chapter discusses the basic requirement of the SBBU-GORS. The proposed system
converts the existing manual system into computerized system. The proposed system is web
based system that is use especially by the Guesthouse/Hotel members and customers.

2.2 Functional requirements

2.2.1 Registration
The user must be able to register and store their information.

This web application must be able to register and store user information’s in database.

2.2.2 Logging In
System must have the ability to identify user based on the username and password who is
the member of the database.

2.2.3 Room Reservation

The application must be able to provide the ability to the customers to check if there is a
room available or not. The proposed system must have the ability to display the rates of all
rooms. The application should store the booking details in database.

2.2.4 Receptionist Access

The system must be able to provide the facilities to the receptionist to add or delete
booking details.

2.2.5 Manager Access

The application must have the ability for managers to change customer details and room

2.3 Non Functional Requirement

2.3.1 Performance
Changes made to the database must take less time.

Login validation must be performed in 3 seconds.

2.3.2 Security Requirements

Communication between data server and customer must be encrypted.

2.3.3 Availability Requirements

For manager, reports must be generated on daily basis and any time upon request.

2.4 Software Attributes Accuracy

The web application must perform the basics of the Guesthouse/Hotel to fulfill objectives
of the customers.

2.4.1 Efficiency
Different resources are used to perform proposed task efficiently.

2.4.2 Flexibility
System must have the ability for adding some extra features.

2.4.3 Integrity
The system must be able to secure customer information.

2.4.4 Portability
The system is adoptable with any operating environment such as window XP, 7, 8, 10

2.4.5 Usability
The system must provide ease of use to any type of users.

2.4.6 Testing
This application must be testable for work satisfaction.

2.4.7 Changeable
The application must be ensures flexibility.

2.5 Tools used for Development

Today many development languages and tools are available, client and server side
languages for development of web application. In this section we are discussing different client
and server side language use for development of the proposed SBBU-GORS.

2.5.1 Client side technology

The client side technologies are those technologies or languages which run on client and
no connection is required to connect the server.

The client side languages or technologies used for development of proposed application are the

a) Markup languages

Markup languages are those languages which are used to mark Web pages, text and
images etc. For development of web application HTML (hypertext markup language) is the best
choice. This language is made of two words hypertext and markup; hypertext mean a text that
provides a link to the other page, through these links a user can navigates inside and outside the,
while markup means to format text, images and web pages.

b) Client side script languages

The java script language is both server-side and client-side language. However, this
language is mainly used for client side. This language is easy to learn and understandable. Java
script is encoded with other various languages such as java, C/C++. We will use java script as
client side scripting language.

c) Style Languages

For adding colors, font styles, spacing, merging to web document we use CSS (cascading
style sheet) language. This means CSS makes our web pages, web application so attractive and
beautiful. CSS provides the base to separate the document contents from document presentation,
and add features like the colors, layout, and font styles.

2.5.2 Server Side Technology

Server side technologies runs on server side instead of client side, technologies used for
the development of the proposed SBBU-GORS are the following:

a) Web Server

The web server is a program that runs on server and provides resources to the client.
When the client request for such a resources, the request is made first on the URL and the
response is send to the client. This creates a dialogue between client and server.

One such open sources software is the apache server. Many web servers are available which are
provided as free by the apache company, many versions are now developed which can be easily
used with PHP and MYSQL. While the server used WAMP and XAMPP which are widely used
web server and easy to learn.

b) Server Side Scrip languages

Different server technologies are designed which can be used for development of web
application, PHP, JavaScript are used widely.

The PHP language is used widely because it is powerful language which is runs on server, PHP
is also called pre-processor hypertext. Million websites are built using PHP. PHP is manly used
to allow dynamic behavior to the web page. For PHP we must use web server because the PHP
language does not run on client side. Therefore we will use WAMP server.

c) Database Solution

Database is needed for storing data. We will need DBMS software like ORACLE,
MYSQL, MSSQL, MSACCESS, or DB2. In this project we will use MYSQL together with

2.5.3 (HTML) Hypertext Markup Language

It is standard markup language using to develop Web pages. It is used to create digital
files (referred to as pages) and these pages are displayed in web browsers or on the world-wide
web. Using html a developer can develop his/her own website. Html language is very easy to
learn. Every web page on the internet is written using one or the other version of HTML. There
is the starting tag and the closing tag in HTML. In html code the <html> is used as opening tags
and </html > is used as closing tag. Closing tags have the same text as opening tags, but closing
tag has only one additional forward-slash (/). <Img> tags are use to show images in an examples,
each html files must have these essential tags for it to be valid, thus the web browser will
understand these tags and will display to users. Html file contain as a little or as many tags as
you want to display your content.

This language is basically applied for development of a page having static behavior. It is also
uses tags which provide specification for the browser of how a given contents are represented.

2.5.4 CSS
Cascading Style Sheets, formally known as CSS. It is a document layout language
intended to simplify the procedure of creating internet pages.CSS handles the look and feel part
of an internet page. With CSS one can control the whole format of text, columns resizing and
laid out, background styles, web page responsiveness.CSS is very straightforward to analyze and
apprehend however it affords effective manipulation over the presentation of an HTML record.
More specifically CSS is blended with the markup languages like HTML.

2.5.5 MySQL Database

MySQL is an open source back end database management system. MySQL is easy to use
and we can store data securely. In this project, MySql has been used for database. MySQL is

mostly used as a second world wide RDBMS. It is a large subset of ANSI SQL 99 and also
called as its extensions. MySQL is a relational database management system. These tables are
connected to each other to easily access the data of the database tables.

MySQL database is connected to LARAVEL through Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)

driver. ODBC is used as a translation layer between the application and the DBMS. This
application is linked with a driver and in similar way it uses the ODBC. The function call is
processed through ODBC, submits the desire input to the MySQL server and similarly the
application gets the desire result. The result may also be modified if necessary which support the
syntax of MySQL.

2.5.6 Connection of database with Laravel

When the project is created using Laravel, the commands are written in the Laravel
composer (Laravel create project “project name”). To start the project, the database must be
created for the project. Then database connection is established to the project to save the data
securely. When project is created in Laravel, there already exists a file with extension .env. By
opening the .env file we just change the database name and keep the user name “root ” and
password remains as null value. Below is the .env file sample code to which is used to connect
the database. It provides the functionality to connect to the database and do other configuration
settings with the name of .env.

2.5.7 Apache
Apache is very popular and mostly used web server. It has played a crucial role in the
development of the World Wide Web. Apache came in use since 1995. Apache supports
different language interfaces like Python, Perl, Tcl, and PHP. Apache loads many dynamic
modules simultaneously and can also handle multiple requests at the same time. Apache is
scalable and can handle thousands of connections at one time. Request and response mechanism

is done through HTTP protocol in a secure manner. Apache differentiate the HTTP response on
the basis of file extension. If the file extension is .php then apache forward the request to the
PHP engine and if the extension of the file is blade.php then request is forwarded to the Laravel
engine.Apache Web server development is performed by a group of about 20 volunteer
programmers, called the Apache Group.

2.5.8 XAMPP
Xampp is software used for the PHP language. Without xampp, php will never work.
There are different software packages used for the PHP language. Wampp is one of them.”X” in
wampp stands for operating system, “A” for Apache, “M” for MySql, “P” for PHP and the other
“P” for PERL. Xampp is an open source platform. Xampp does not require internet connection
as it has its own local server called localhost. In order to access the database, Apache and
MYSQL must be started in xampp software. After that we write “http/localhostphpmyadmin”.in
the URL of the browser. In Xampp, Apache is used for HTTP server, MySql is for database.
PHP is used as scripting language and PERL is used for programming language.

2.5.9 PHP
PHP is sometime called to “Hypertext Preprocessor”. It is a server-side scripting
language. PHP is also HTML embedded scripting language and used to serve dynamic internet
pages for implementation of net application. PHP is an open source and freely available software
program. Open source mean code can be redistributed and modified. PHP has the advantage of
cross platform compatibility with all servers like Apache, IIS, etc and with different platforms
such as like windows, Linux and so on. .

2.5.10 Adobe Photoshop

Photoshop is the graphical editor and it is developed and published by the adobe system.
Thomas and johns knoll created Photoshop in 1988. Photoshop is compatible with all the
operating systems and is used for designing the websites. In Photoshop, all the Work is done in
the layers control. In this project, Photoshop has been used for different formatting of the images.
In this project, Photoshop have been used to resize most of the images with accurate placement.
Photoshop makes the design beautiful and gives refinement to the website.

2.5.11 Laravel
Laravel is a free, open-source PHP web framework, created by Taylor Otwell and
intended for the development of web applications. Larvel follows the model–view–controller
(MVC) design pattern. Modular packaging system with a dedicated dependency manager and
accessing relational databases in different ways are some of the features of Laravel. Laravel
provide ease for development and the code looks fairer. In Laravel we use model, view and
controller to write cod. In view file we write simple html for the user’s display, in controller we
write most of the business logic and model file is used to access the actual database model.

Laravel is easy to use and also secure. It has the following advantages.

 Laravel is compatible to the .net framework.

 Laravel framework is open source.

 Laravel is very easy to use because it is an object oriented language.

 Laravel provides high security.
 Laravel allow programmers to develop web applications.
 Laravel provides database linkage facility.
 Laravel is mostly command based, hence faster and code efficient.
 Laravel provides strong authentication.
 Laravel provides composer where we write code effectively.
 Using migration command in Laravel we can migrate two tables in the database.



3.1 Agile process

Agile process is an incremental development process, in which small and updated
increments of the proposed system are created and delivered to the customer within every two or
three weeks. The developer actively involves the customers during the development of software
to get feedback rapidly on any changing requirements. In agile process the developers use
informal communication instead of formal communication to minimize the documentation. Agile
process rely on incremental approach, therefore it is suited for those applications in which the
changes occurs rapidly during the development of the application.

3.1.1 Agile software development principles

i. Customer involvement: The customer must be involved during the entire development
process of the proposed application. The customer must provide requirements of new
ii. Incremental delivery: The software must be developed in incremental form according to
the customer requirements. New requirements of the customer must be included in each
incremented model.
iii. People not process: The skills of the development team should be re examined and all
members of the team should be kept free to design and develop their own methods of
working without using the old processes.
iv. Embrace change: The system must be able to accommodate changes as the requirements
are changed.
v. Maintain simplicity: The software development work and also the development process
itself should be simple for maintainability purpose.

3.1.2 Agile model process

1. Requirement analysis or planning: Every software development model begins with the
analysis in which a customer discusses the requirement of the product. The main goal of

this step is to define the requirement in details. Also the participant should clearly
understand their tasks and implement each requirement.
2. Designing: In this step the software developer actually design a simple architecture for
the proposed system. The team classification, tasks scheduling, choice of technology and
any limitations that may exist are all defined here.
3. Implementation: The programmers begin coding while remembering and keeping in
front all the previously defined requirements. Here the actual increment is built according
to customers collected requirements.
4. Review: In this step source code is examined, which is intend to find and fix the errors
occurred during the development of the system. It also enhances the quality of overall
5. Testing: In this step the developed product is compared with the requirements through
testing. Code is also inspected here that is if the system fails it will be passed back to the
programmer to fix it again. The process of testing continues until the system workflow is

Agile Process Model

Requirement +Increment


Design+ Increment Review


Release +Increment

Iterate Abort/Finish

3.2 Flow Chart
A flow chart is a diagram which represents the process or workflow of a specific

The flowcharts consist of various kinds of boxes, and these boxes are connected through arrows
in a specific order, simply the flow chart show the solution model for a specific problem. Every
kind of flow chart focuses on control.

3.2.1 Types of flow charts

1. Documented flowchart
It shows the flow of paper and electronic document between different units of business. It
also represents those tools that help the analyst to understand and improve the work
inside an organization. These kinds of flowcharts must be read from left to right to
represent the flow of documents.
2. Data flowcharts
These kinds of flowcharts are also called Data Flow Diagram, this kind of flowcharts
represent the flow of the data graphically inside an information system. It shows the
control over a data flow in a system.
3. System flowchart
System flowchart represents how data flows inside a system. These flowcharts use
connected symbol to explain that what is happening to different parts of data inside a
system. It also shows the control at a physical level in a system.
4. Program flowchart
Program flowchart is use to describe working inside of a modern system. Program
flowchart is using four basic symbols during the construction of a program flowchart,
includes start, processing, decision and end. It also shows the control over a program in a


Room checking

Is available
Yes No

Booking now No space


Basics Secondary Luxury

3.3 Data flow diagram (DFD)

The data flow diagram (DFD) shows data movement from inside and outside of the
system. DFD also shows the transaction from one to another between processes and logical

DFDs provide an outer look of the system which is easy to understand by the users – the flow of
information and the actions that manipulate this information.

Data flow diagram also describes a graphical representation of proposed system that aims to
equally be available both to computer specialists and non specialists (users). Data flow diagrams
facilitate all software developers, customers and users to work together throughout the
requirement specification and its analysis. Data flow modeling uses a limited set of constructs,
and the conventions practiced are designed to be straightforward and easy to follow.

The data flow diagram notation uses four major symbols:

 Processes: Those actions (transformation, manipulation) perform by the system

are called processes. Processes are use and manipulate information. These
Processes are represented with rectangles.
 External entities: The sources and destination of information are called external
entities. These Information flow into and out of the system from these entities.
 Data flow: Data flow is actually the data inputs to and outputs from the processes.
Data flow is represents by an arrow the arrowhead shows direction of flow.
 Data store: Data store are holding places for all information insides a system.

3.3.1 The advantages of data flow diagram

 The scope and boundaries of the system are simply indicates through this
 Data flow diagrams are easy to understand because it provided a detail and simple
representation of each components including in a system.
 A technique in which a high level and complex diagrams are decomposed to a set
of more comprehensive and simple diagrams that provides an overall perspective
of whole system,

3.3.2 Types of data flow diagram

There are three major types of DFD:

 Context Diagram: context diagrams or level 0 DFDs represent a top level view
of the proposed system.
 Level 1 DFDs: Level 1 DFDs represent more comprehensive vision of the system
than context diagrams, including sub-processes and data stores that structure the
overall system altogether.
 Level 2 DFDs: represents a decomposed level 1 DFD process. There can be a
level 2 DFD for every process that appears inside the level 1 DFD.

Context Diagram for SBBU-GORS

Context diagram for SBBU-GORS case study consists of two external entities, the Admin
and the Customer. Context diagram for SBBU-GORS case study is given below.

SBBU Guest


 In this case the external entities are admin and customers.

Level 1 DFD for SBBU-GORS

Level 1 DFD for the SBBU-GORS case study is shown below in the figure.


Check for Booking details

Existing booking
ENTER Booking availability

Access system User booking Booking Reserved


Booking Booking

Booking availability

Level 2 DFD for the proposed system (SBBU-GORS)

Booking External
Guest Reservatio
n System
Booking request Guest

Booking request
Booking Rooms Rooms
Booking Current time

Payment received Payment Request


3.4 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD)

Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) is used to represent/explore the entities and attributes
and their relationships. ERD is the graphical representation of the database system. The main and
important component of the ERD is the cardinality ratio among all or some of the entities which
is normally shown with help of numbers.


Entity can be anything which forms a concrete structure and for which we store data in
the database like student, people, department, and location etc.


Attribute is the characteristics of an entity, each entity has many attributes such as student
is an entity and its attributes can be student id, student name, student roll number and student


Relationships are established between entities that occur in organizational data through
which the information of an entity can retrieve easily. Some or most of the common relationships
are as follows:

One to One Relationship

One to Many Relationship

Many to One Relationship

Many to Many Relationship

3.5 Key
Key is the collection of attributes that can be used to identify a special entity instance of
an entity type.

3.5.1 Types of key

i. Super key: An entity set super key is the collection of one or more attributes that allow
us to identify an entity in the entity set.
ii. Candidate key: when a super key has no subset then it is called a candidate key,
candidate key consist of single attribute, In short if we take out any attribute from super
key then the remaining part is called candidate key.
iii. Primary key: When the database designer use one of the candidate key that act as a
unique key that is called candidate key.
iv. Alternate key: when the database designer does not choose the candidate key as a
primary key than it is called alternate key.
v. Secondary key: Some time we access instances of an entity using the value of one or
more attributes other than primary key, such attribute through which we access the
instances of an entity may not return unique instance is called secondary key.

3.6 Entity Relationship Diagram (ERD) of SBBU-GORS
ERD for our application is consist of a number of tables. Most of the tables are
independent and serves the desired purpose, while other key dependant tables have been linked
together with the help of database keys.ERD for such tables are shows below:

Tables with relationships:

Independent tables with their attributes:

Independent tables with their attributes:



4.1 Discussion

Implementation is the most important activity in web application development, On the

basis of system requirements, analysis, and design, the web developer uses different tools and
techniques to develop the web application practically. The implementation phase involves,
programming language coding, testing and debugging, and checking the web application that run
on multiple platforms.

Tools that have been used for this project have already been discussed above in chapter-2
(Requirement). After worked with these selected tools and different language technologies our
project has already been shape out as a complete product/application.

This chapter is focusing on all those designs and development outcomes which have been carried
out on the course of its completion. Precisely this chapter discusses the data flow diagrams of the
SBBU-GORS, then different snapshots of user interfaces have been discussed and finally the
testing phase for SBBU-GORS is explained.

4.2 Use-case Scenarios

These scenarios are used to clearly define the condition where the system is used to grip
the problems in a system. SBBU-GORS offers very healthy profits to the users as compare to the
manual system. Here below we will discuss these use cases:

4.2.1 User Authentication Module

This module is used to register and authenticate the user of the SBBU-GORS. The user of
the SBBU-GORS is enabled to log-in and register to the system.

4.2.2 Front office module

The front office module shows Home page, which shows the entire details about our
SBBU-GORS, for example SBBU-GORS, address, phone number etc.

Some main features of the Guesthouse are given below;

 Home
Home contains SBBU-GORS name and SBBU-GORS address.
 Room
Room contains information about rooms of our SBBU-GORS such as categories of
rooms, floors, rates and other important information.
 About
About contains detail information about SBBU-GORS.
 Gallery
Gallery section contains pictures of the SBBU-GORS main parts and branches.
 Announcement
This portion contains Guesthouse announcement to users.
 Contact Us
This portion contains contact numbers, City name and email address of the SBBU-

4.3 Web Application Testing

Web application testing is particularly used to test the proposed web application in which
the interfaces, functionalities, compatibility, usability, and performance of the proposed
application are specially tested.

4.3.1 Unit testing

It is the method of testing through which each single unit of an application is checked. It
is done to decide whether these units are individually fit for use or not.

4.3.2 Integration testing

In an integration testing first we combine all the units of the application and then test
these units as a group. The purpose of integration testing is to detect the fault between the
interactive units.

4.3.3 User interface or System testing
In user interface testing the home page, menu, icons, buttons, and all other interactive
components of the proposed application are checked. In this testing method the user do not
consult with the code directly as only the interface of the system is visible to the users.

4.3.4 Acceptance testing

In this method the user verify the flow of the application. The user accepts the application
when the functionality of the proposed application and its features work properly. And it is also
the last phase of any application testing.

In our case we have checked and practically applied all the above testing methods for our SBBU-
GORS that which works according to the user actions. Finally we have checked the entire
SBBU-GORS which meets the user requirements. Following is the block diagram of the
mentioned testing methods:

Unit Testing

System Testing

Integration Testing

Acceptance Testing



5.1 SBBU-GORS User Interface

Different tools are used in this application have described in chapter-2; and finally we
developed a fully functional proposed application which is fully based on system’s requirements
and design. We implemented different features in our application and these features have been
described with relevant screenshots as below:

5.2 Front end

5.2.1 Front page

Front page of SBBU-GORS greets the user with a welcome message and provides the
main menu of the system. The main menu includes the tabs: Home, Room, About, Gallery,
Announcement, FAQ, and Contact Us and done Book Now Button. User can easily navigate
through all of them.

Figure 5.2.1 Front page of the SBBU-GORS

5.2.2 Room type page
Rooms are different which depends on the hotel, but in SBBU-GORS there are three
types of room (Secondary, Basics, and Luxury). Now it is depended on the customer to select
during his/her booking.

Figure 5.2.2 Room type page of the SBBU-GORS

5.2.3 About page
It provides basics and important information about the place and the SBBU-GORS.

Figure 5.2.3 Room type page of the SBBU-GORS

5.2.4 Our services page

In our services the users can easily examine that what are offers to them during stay in
SBBU-GORS and facilities of transport.

Figure 5.2.4 Our services page of the SBBU-GORS

5.2.5 Footer page
Footer includes the logo of SBBU-GORS and all menu tabs for user to navigate easily.

Figure 5.2.5 Footer page of the SBBU-GORS

5.3Back end

5.3.1 Admin Login page

Every time user logins the user or administrator, he/she must input both of the correct
username and password into the input-form. If the given username and password are match with
the username and password exist in the database, the software will show the dashboard page,
otherwise it will remains on the same admin login page.

Figure 5.3.1 Admin login page of the SBBU-GORS

5.3.2 Dashboard statistic page
The back end main page includes all the reservations of guests, the administrator conform
the booking and can make changes to the front end from here.

Figure 5.3.2 Dashboard page of the SBBU-GORS

5.3.3 Monthly reservation page

The following graph shows the reservations in each month.

Figure 5.3.3 Monthly Reservation page of the SBBU-GORS

5.3.4 Create room page
The following figure shows the numbers and categories of rooms to the administrator,
and the administrator can add and remove rooms from here.

Figure 5.3.4 Create room page of the SBBU-GORS

5.3.5 Guest houses page

This figure simply represented branches of SBBU-GORS and the administrator can add
new branch of SBBU-GORS here.

Figure 5.3.5 Guest houses page of the SBBU-GORS



6.1 Summary
Our basic aim was to build a web application/System that should be able to perform
online reservation.

In first chapter first the problems in existing system have been discussed. Then aims, objectives
and importance of the project have been described.

In the second chapter we described different requirements for the development of the application.
We struggled to investigate different quality requirements, user interface requirements and
environment requirements. We also identified and described different tools used for development
of this application. All the requirements being derived were mainly based upon the problems in
the existing application.

In the third Chapter we presented the analyses, design and graphical representation of the system.
Different diagrams were presented to show the system from different perspectives.

Chapter four included discussion and testing of the implemented system, and also describes use
case scenario.

Chapter five describes user interface including various screenshots of front end and back end of
the system.

Chapter six consists of summary and conclusion of the project.

6.2 Conclusion

I learned a lot during the course of this project.

 Languages used: PHP

 Servers Used: WAMP Server
 Framework used: Web
 Database used: MySQL Server
 Operating System used: Windows 8

During this project I learned most about the above technologies. Before this project, I had no
idea about making online web application. Although I had some knowledge of the PHP language
but now I learned a lot about PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. I acquired professional
knowledge of using PHP for developing online web application and MySQL Server for

If I talk about the project, SBBU-GORS can reduce a lot of manual work. It has made possible
by notifying every user very easily and with no time and place restrictions.

6.3 Achievements

The customer is now able to book rooms online from anywhere and anytime. While
SBBU-GORS is in place now, customer don not need to go to Guesthouse/Hotel physically.
Customer can pay bills online.

6.4 Future Works

The future scope of SBBU-GORS is quite far reaching that is, it can be used to add more
branches, rooms and facilities to the online booking Guesthouse/Hotel management. In future
this database is useful to add others activities such as selection of staff members for different
posts. With rapid changes in technology our work is not limited, we want to maintain this
application for making the system reliable and usable in every modern technology, in which we
can change the system based upon the user requirements in future. For the future the platform is
extended for the optimization of the community we can change the system which will work on
new platform.

In our opinion the project will give some advantages to its users very well for many years in

Technologies are changing rapidly day by day so we can add some other important things related
to Guesthouse/Hotel Such as branches, category of rooms, foods and prices that will bring
improvements and modification to the project that will go parallel with new technologies.

6.5 Summary of chapters

In this chapter we discussed about basic aim of the project development. What problems
have removed by development of this project is identified. We also discussed some of the
changes which are needed in future to this project to enhance the developed web application. A
lot of other functionalities should be investigated to add to this project but due to time limitation
it is impossible for us to add with this project.


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